Paving Dublin

PDD1 Hardwood Floors For Healthy Living

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Paving Driveways Dublin.

Did you know hardwood flooring is better for you than almost any other type of floor covering out there? According to the Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality is one the biggest health threats people face on a daily basis. Installing a hardwood floor in your home will drastically improve the quality of the air you and your family breath everyday.

Hardwood flooring is healthier in your home because the hard surface does not trPDD1 dust and doesn’t provide an env…

wood flooring

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Did you know hardwood flooring is better for you than almost any other type of floor covering out there? According to the Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality is one the biggest health threats people face on a daily basis. Installing a hardwood floor in your home will drastically improve the quality of the air you and your family breath everyday.

Hardwood flooring is healthier in your home because the hard surface does not trPDD1 dust and doesn’t provide an environment for mold and mites to flourish, more at Breathing in mold can lead to asthma and chronic sickness in kids and adults. This is better for everyone who lives in your home but especially beneficial to those thirty five million individual who suffer from either seasonal or continuous allergies.

The Environmental Protection Agency also found that toxins like pesticides used in gardens and to clean your home can accumulate on surfaces within your home, most easily in carpeting. This kind of thing is not only unhealthy for you but very dangerous for your children and pets. Too high a concentration of these toxins can cause sickness and also leads to allergies in adults.

When you use natural wood flooring in your home you are also eliminating off-gassing. This is the release of toxins by synthetic materials that can be very dangerous to all in your home. Off-gassing has been known to make people and pets chronically sick.

Hardwood flooring is also a good environmental choice. Wood is a naturally renewable resource and part of the cycle of life. Overall hardwood floors are the best choice for your home, your family, and even the planet. They also add to the value of your home more than just about any other type of floor covering. You can’t go wrong with natural hardwood flooring for you and yours.


QD Water Purifiers And Activated Carbon: Adsorb Or Adsorb?

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Water has been purified with activated carbon for hundreds of years stretching back to ancient India. Most of us have seen activated carbon for sale in pet stores for cleaning water and have used a crude cousin, charcoal, to cook steaks in the backyard.

As a refined version of charcoal, activated carbon is made by super heating organic material like wood or coconut shells. This super heating drives out impurities and causes the surface area of the resulting material to bec…

water, purifiers, activated, carbon, filter, clean, cleaners, purifier

To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
Water has been purified with activated carbon for hundreds of years stretching back to ancient India. Most of us have seen activated carbon for sale in pet stores for cleaning water and have used a crude cousin, charcoal, to cook steaks in the backyard.

As a refined version of charcoal, activated carbon is made by super heating organic material like wood or coconut shells. This super heating drives out impurities and causes the surface area of the resulting material to become tremendous. It is this large surface area that allows this substance to be used to clean water.

For years the process of cleaning water with activated carbon in water purifiers was referred to as absorption. This term refers to what a sponge does with water and it is easy to visualize the activated carbon acting like a sponge, soaking up contaminants. However, this is not actually how the process works. The molecules inside the activated carbon are passive because they are connected to other molecules around their entire perimeter. The molecules on the surface are not as happy because they are exposed on one side without another carbon molecule as company. Therefore, these exposed carbon molecules are actively seeking something to hook to or bond with. As impurity in the water pass the activated carbon these exposed molecules bond with the impurities through a process of adsorption. When the entire surface area of the activated carbon is covered with impurities is quits adsorbing impurities.

Once the entire surface of the activated carbon is completely covered with impurities the water purifier quits working. At this point it is possible to re-activate the carbon by reheating it and thus driving off the impurities in the air. However, since this is a relatively tricky process and may result in some impurities being picked up from the oven it is probably best to leave this to the experts and simply replace the carbon in the water purifier.

Contact time is the primary attribute that determines the efficiency or effectiveness of water purifiers. Image a flow of water that is moving at a hundred miles per hour though a thin mat of activated carbon. In this scenario not much is going to happen because the water is not in contact with the activated carbon for a sufficient period of time. Therefore the higher the volume of water that the water purifiers is trying to clean the larger the filter should be. This is why a relatively small activated carbon water purifier works great on an ice maker in your home. Not much water is moving though the filter s quarter inch line. This contact time constraint also indicates that it is better to place several medium sized water purifiers around the house than to install a water purifier for the whole house unless you are will to install a very large filter that will have to handle showers and baths.

Now we know that the activated carbon adsorbs rather than absorbs impurities and that contact time is the most important component in the high quality water equation. These facts indicate that it is best to add several water purifiers where needed and to change the activated carbon filters on a regular basis.


QD Water Purifiers – How Safe is the Water You Drink?

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water, but water in its raw state is not suitable for drinking. It contains numerous contaminants, which can be dangerous to human health.

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To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
The Latin expression Aqua pura is Aqua vitae perhaps best expresses the value of pure water. Translated into English, it literally means pure water is the water of life .

Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water, but water in its raw state is not suitable for drinking. It contains numerous contaminants, which can be dangerous to human health.

But, thanks goes to Science that has invented devices to shield civilization against such aqua ailments. A water purifier is one of such devices that purify our drinking water. A water purifier is a wonderful device that converts raw water so that it tastes like nectar; therefore by this process it makes ordinary tap water perfectly suitable for drinking.

Health Benefits of a Water Purifier:

A water purifier is very beneficial for healthy living. Ordinary untreated water can contain numerous contaminants including bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals, and man-made chemical pollutants that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These contaminants are very pernicious for one s health.

A water purifier kills these organisms and filtrates the contaminants to make the water perfectly fit for drinking. Thus water purifiers save us from numerous dangerous bacterial and viral diseases that easily spread when water becomes contaminated.

Water Purification Techniques:

Different water purifiers use different techniques of purification. The common techniques used to purify water include boiling, carbon filtering, distilling, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electrode ionization, water conditioning and plumbo-solvency reduction.

Carbon filtering: This technique is commonly used in home water filters. Charcoal, a form of carbon with a high surface area due to its mode of preparation, adsorbs many compounds, including some toxic compounds. The water is passed through activated charcoal to remove such contaminants. Granular charcoal filtering and sub-micron solid block carbon filtering are the two types of carbon filtering systems.

Granular charcoal is not very effective for removing contaminants such as mercury, volatile organic chemicals, asbestos, pesticides, disinfections byproduct (trihalomethanes), mtbe, pcbs etc. The sub-micron solid block carbon filter is the better system that removes all of the contaminants.

Home water filters drinking water sometimes also contains silver. These small amounts of silver ions can have a bactericidal effect.

Reverse osmosis: The reverse osmosis water system is the technique in which mechanical pressure is applied to an impure solution to force pure water through a semi-permeable membrane. The process is called reverse osmosis, and is theoretically the most thorough method of large-scale water purification.

Ion exchange: Most common ion exchange systems use a zeolite resin bed and simply replace unwanted Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions with benign (soap friendly) Na+ or K+ ions. This is the common water softener. A more rigorous type of ion exchange swaps H+ ions for unwanted cations and hydroxide (OH-) ions for unwanted anions. The result is H+ + OH- → H2O. This system is recharged with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, respectively. The result is essentially deionized water.

Electrodeionization: It includes passing the water through a positive electrode and a negative electrode. Ion selective membranes allow the positive ions to separate from the water toward the negative electrode and the negative ions toward the positive electrode. It results in high purity de-ionized water. The water is usually passed through a reverse osmosis unit first to remove nonionic organic contaminants.

Water conditioning: This is a method of reducing the effects of hard water. Hardness salts are deposited in water systems subject to heating because the decomposition of bicarbonate ions creates carbonate ions that crystallize out of the saturated solution of calcium or magnesium carbonate. Water with high concentrations of hardness salts can be treated with soda ash (Sodium carbonate) that precipitates out the excess salts, through the common ion effect, as calcium carbonate of very high purity. The precipitated calcium carbonate is traditionally sold to the manufacturers of toothpaste.

Plumbo-solvency reduction: In areas with naturally acidic waters of low conductivity (i.e. surface rainfall in upland mountains of igneous rocks), the water is capable of dissolving lead from any lead pipes that it is carried in. The addition of small quantities of phosphate ion and increasing the pH slightly both assist in greatly reducing plumbo-solvency by creating insoluble lead salts on the inner surfaces of the pipes.

paving contractors dublin

Your Don’t Forget Bedroom Decorating

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Active Paving.

During the huge process of relocating into a new home or apartment, there are countless things to think about. Unfortunately, one of the things that often gets pushed to the bottom of the list is one of the most important things of all: bedroom decorating. Sure, it is important to landscape your yard and to have a lovely and inviting living room, but don’t let your focus on these things cause you to forget taking time for bedroom decorating.

Bedroom decorating is importan…

bedroom decorating

To find the best Contractors Dublin, click here for Active Paving.
During the huge process of relocating into a new home or apartment, there are countless things to think about. Unfortunately, one of the things that often gets pushed to the bottom of the list is one of the most important things of all: bedroom decorating. Sure, it is important to landscape your yard and to have a lovely and inviting living room, but don’t let your focus on these things cause you to forget taking time for bedroom decorating.

Bedroom decorating is important because there is really no place in your home that is more important to your well-being. Your bedroom is the place where you rest and sleep at the end of a long, tough day. Your bedroom is one of the only places of complete safety, rest and quiet in a world filled with hostility, rushing, and noise. Do not take the importance of bedroom decorating in this sacred space lightly.

Having a bedroom that you feel completely comfortable and at peace in will greatly effect the other areas of your life. When your bedroom feels like a refuge and a sanctuary you will be well prepared to enter the rest of your life with courage and right perspective. Taking the time for bedroom decorating is essential to making your bedroom more than just a room that your bed and clothes are in.

Because your bedroom should be all about you, the process of bedroom decorating should be about you as well. As you begin, think about the colors, fabrics, and kind of style you enjoy. Flip through magazines and catalogs to find ideas that you love. Take your time and only make decisions about bedroom decorating that you’re sure to love for a long time to come. Do not let yourself be rushed into choosing even the smallest item for your bedroom.

By taking the time for bedroom decorating you are making a statement about your worth and value. Creating a place that you can rest and enjoy time alone shows that you place a high priority on your own well-being. It may seem selfish, but think of how well you can love the people in your life when you are well rested and at peace. That is a great thing about taking time for bedroom decorating – everyone in your life will benefit from it.

When it comes time to move into that new home or apartment, put bedroom decorating at the top of your priority list. Spend time creating a room that you love. After you’ve had time to rest and relax in your favorite bedroom, then take time to be with the ones you love.

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ADFP Custom Flower Arrangements – Your Choice


Do you want to add beauty to your home or space but are not able to find anything that is “just right”? Have a custom silk flower arrangement made just for you. Whether you are looking for something small and subtle or big and bold, there are many benefits to ordering a custom silk flower arrangement. Custom arrangements enable you to have that perfect piece, no matter what your home’s decor may be. You get the style you want,
the size you need and your favorite flowers in the colors you love.

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Patios Dublin

PDD1 How to Modify Your Car Cheaply to RUN ON WATER

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Paving Driveways Dublin.

Do You Want To Know RIGHT NOW How You Can Easily
Convert Your Car To Burn WATER as FUEL And Stop
Wasting Money On Gas ? To get involved in knowing all there is to know and in learning how to POWER YOUR CAR WITH WATER, visit

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How to Modify Your Car Cheaply to RUN ON WATER

Foolish petrol prices, petrol battles, pollution and global climate change. You know what I’m referring to.

One likely way out, that you may have heard of, is water automobiles. As distinct from water hybrids, water powered automobiles are yet to be rolled out of the assembly plants. You could get a minimum of 10 strategies of water powered automobiles to try out. Regrettably those designs are too costly to put together, are very knotty, and absolutely unpredictable.

Widespread development and experimentation by numerous back yard engineers has proven one method FEASIBLE. With this method you can run your traditional automobiles PARTIALLY ON WATER (that’s a “Water Hybrid”?) with little or no modifications.
” You should be able to increase your gas efficiency by as much as 59 (Cadillac 99).
” You could drastically cut down discharges and help reduce Global Warming.
” You can improve efficient burning of fuel and consequently lessen wear and tear, engine clatter, high temperature in the engine, carbon deposits, etc.

You see, you have just hit upon a unique piece of information. As there is a small number of persons on the World Wide Web who will not sell you products, but rather when you become a member of a group or club, you will will gain knowledge of how to make these stuffs yourself at home. A number of them will even provide you a COMPLIMENTARY HYDROGEN BOOSTER SYSTEM, fully put together set to go into your vehicle, so you can authenticate its practicability and have a copy for replication. Again, this is a COMPLIMENTARY GIFT for you, for becoming a member and a researcher

You could make use of this mock system to switch nearly any vehicle into an trial, wholly functional WATER HYBRID in one slow day, with the aid of simple tools at home. Back in I knew nothing about automobiles, I had no garage and no special tools, yet I installed one un-aided within a quarter of an hour. This was in an era when all I had was half a page of instructions. Nowadays you can obtain complete informational products or ebooks, packed with guidelines and suggestions. There are also support groups to assist you with any mechanical, electrical or tuning trouble. These new groups have labored hard to make it SIMPLE FOR YOU. And it is the influence of the group that makes your path so much easier and smoother.

You will also be skilled in how to become a home manufacturer of numerous models of hydrogen generating system. Again, basic skills and easy tools is all that is need to replicate these systems for your friends, family or clients. PAY NO ROYALTIES OR LICENSE FEE – you keep all the cash!

When you get into one of these exceptional clubs or groups, you can discover answers to your questions:
1. Is this really practical? How come it’s so easy?
2. Why didn’t anyone tell me about it before?
3. could water technology do for me?
4. Why should I become a member of a group/club?

So you will start to realize why water hybrid (water car / watercar) secrets have been unknown until today.

About the author
To get involved in knowing all there is to know and in learning how to POWER YOUR CAR WITH WATER, visit

Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW Wooden window blinds as part of a home improvement project

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For the best Tarmac Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Wooden blinds can really bring a touch of luxury warmth to a room.

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To find the best Tarmac Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Wooden window blinds provide a great solution for a window treatment as part of a home improvement project. They offer a relatively inexpensive way of giving a room a real feel of luxury and warmth. They also bring a touch of nature to the inside of the home.

Wooden venetian blinds are probably the most popular and practical kind of wood blind available at the moment. They consist of a number of horizontal slats (or louvers) that are connected together using a ladder tape which allows the slats to be rotated through about 170 degrees, giving great control over the amount of light entering the room. This control over the slats is not only a good way of filtering the sunlight but means you can have as much or as little privacy at the window as you require.
They can also be raised or lowered as desired using the lift cord.

They are generally made from basswood which is an ideal wood for manufacturing blinds as it is a lightweight yet durable wood. It also lends itself very well to being stained in a number of attractive colours due to its natural grainy texture.

These blinds are available in a wide range of colours and sizes. The most common slat widths are 1″ (25mm), 1.5″ (35mm) and 2″ (50mm). Some of the more popular colours include pine, beech, tawny, honey, chestnut, auburn, hazel and white.

When deciding on which size of slat to choose, the obvious thing to bear in mind is that a blind with 1″ wide slats will have twice as many slats as a blind with 2″ slats, and it’s purely a matter of opinion as to which looks better.

The fitting of these blinds is a fairly easy job, particularly for someone with DIY experience. They should come with all the necessary instructions,mountings and matching valance.
The tools you will need are a drill, a pencil, a screwdriver, a saw to cut the valance to size and a spirit level.

Cleaning the blinds is again an easy process. The best thing to do is dust them on a regular basis, and then once every couple of weeks give them a wipe over with a damp cloth.

In conclusion wooden venetian blinds are a great way to enhance the d cor of any room and will give an elegant, luxurious look and feel to your home for many years to come.

Paving Dublin

PDD1 Hardwood floors – 7 secrets for selecting perfect flooring

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Paving Driveways Dublin.

To create great looking hardwood floors in your home requires several important functional and design considerations to get it right. Whether you are considering natural hardwood floors, bamboo, or even laminate flooing – pay close attention to these 7 tips.

hardwood flooring,hardwood floors

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To create great looking hardwood floors in your home requires several important functional and design considerations to get it right. Whether you are considering natural hardwood floors, bamboo, or even laminate flooing – pay close attention to these 7 tips.

With thousands of colors and styles to select from today it can seem like a daunting task to make the right flooring choice. To narrow the field down it is recommended that you select a flooring style that complements your overall interior design style. Nothing will look worse that a glaring clash of styles, so make sure your new flooring complements your existing (of planned) interior design. Look here for a quick summary of matching hardwood floors and their design styles.

Almost every install will have physical or functional requirements that will further narrow down the scope and selection of an appropriate hardwood or laminate flooring system. Here is a brief summary of factors to consider:

The quantity and type of traffic you expect on your floors will impact the flooring material you can choose. Laminates offer high durability, as well as wood species that have high “hardness rankings” on the Janka scale. Softer woods are generally not a good selection for high traffic areas.

The quality of any new hardwood flooring installation can only be as good as the subfloor underneath. For the best outcomes, the subfloor should be dry, stable, and level. Concrete subfloors generally are only acceptable for laminate installations, but you should be mindful of installing a quality underlayment the provides an appropriate moisture barrier as well as good sound installation. Poor laminate installations will sound very hollow when walking on it.

To prevent warping and cupping of floors make sure there is adequate ventilation and regulated temperatures thought the year. Laminates work best in areas that experience higher humidity levels.

The time and cost of installation is an often overlooked factor in floor selection decisions. Glueless click-style floating laminate floor systems can be a weekend project for experienced do-it-yourselfers, and can save a lot of installation labor. Other flooring installation methods are generally more complex and will require professional installation in most cases.

Making a successful claim under a flooring warranty often requires that you can demonstrate the product was installed exactly as per the manufactures recommendations and that the damage is not a product of wear and tear or poor workmanship. Hiring a professional installer and dealing with a large brand name product that has an established track record is your best protection.

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Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW Wooden Hot Tubs Review

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For the best Tarmac Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

The wood tubs are not a new concept; they were used for centuries all over the world. It was during the Second World War that the Americans noticed the wood soaking tubs in Japan. They converted the wooden wine vats into wooden hot tubs. So the Americans experienced the social bathing with wooden hot tubs. Today though acrylic spas are more prevalent, wooden tubs are also being purchased mostly on personal preference. However, there are many reasons for choosing a wooden tub over a plastic spa.

hot tub

To find the best Tarmac Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
The wood tubs are not a new concept; they were used for centuries all over the world. It was during the Second World War that the Americans noticed the wood soaking tubs in Japan. They converted the wooden wine vats into wooden hot tubs. So the Americans experienced the social bathing with wooden hot tubs. Today though acrylic spas are more prevalent, wooden tubs are also being purchased mostly on personal preference. However, there are many reasons for choosing a wooden tub over a plastic spa.

Features of wooden hot tub
1. Wooden tub are assembled on site and can be carried through any door way whether its wide or narrow. There is a greater effect of massaging and buoyancy for the bather as the tub is deep and the vertical walls are bit higher, also more water surrounds the bather. There is also greater leg space so tall bathers are comfortably stretching their legs. The wooden hot tub gives a rustic and traditional appearance to your bathroom.

2. Natural resistance to decay is a concern while choosing wood for wooden hot tubs. The wood used should be decay resistant and maintain that resistance in warm water. The woods that are mostly used are teak, cedar, cypress and jarrah.

3. The wooden tubs do not crack, chip or blister like the plastic spa. To clean the wooden tub, drain the water, rinse the tub and scrub using a soft brush. The out side of tub will turn gray if the natural wood is not varnished. So give a finish to the tub as you per direction of an expert.

4. There is a misconception that wooden tubs harbour bacteria and hazardous to health. Improperly sanitised, both wooden and plastic spas can represent health hazard. So regardless of the material proper sanitation is the key.

Wooden tubs and leakage
Wooden tubs do leak initially for few days after they are assembled. This is so because the wood may expand to its full saturation point. Even after few days the leak continues, it could be due to manufacturing defect or assembling defect. It could also be because of the overuse of water sanitizers like chlorine or bromine. You need to be careful while using these products as they can cause the individual wood cell to shed their lignin leaving only the husks of the cell. The visible sign is the white marks on the walls or the floor of the tub. This substance does build up in the normal course of time, but very slowly if the levels of sanitizers are correct. There are over-counter products that will mend the leaks. Do get the help of the professionals for maintenance or leak prevent tips.


QD Water Pumps All You Want To Know

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Water pumps are instruments, which help in movement of water from low pressure to high-pressure area. The movement could be due to pressure or suction.

Broader Categories
There are two broader categories, which provide the basis of classification. First is the positive displacement type. Here, the fluid moves from a section of reduced volume to the increased one. This ensures a regular flow in spite of the changes in pressure. However it contains a release valve to preven…

water pumps,pumps

To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
Water pumps are instruments, which help in movement of water from low pressure to high-pressure area. The movement could be due to pressure or suction.

Broader Categories
There are two broader categories, which provide the basis of classification. First is the positive displacement type. Here, the fluid moves from a section of reduced volume to the increased one. This ensures a regular flow in spite of the changes in pressure. However it contains a release valve to prevent severe fluctuation. The other is the dynamic one. Here, the movement of fluid relies upon its own momentum. The Dynamic water pumps can be divided into 2 parts depending upon the motion of the fluid.

Rotary Motion- Centrifugal Pump
This type of water pumps has a component called Impeller, which drives the fluid and converts its energy into pressure. The water is stored in a Pump Casing. It is essential to avoid leakage of fluid by using labyrinth seals, mechanical seals or gasket. The motor provides current for the pump to run. It is necessary to use oil to avoid friction and maintain the flow. The actual movement is caused due to the rotation of the fluid therein.

Linear Motion-Jet Pump
The jet water pumps are the most common example of the linear motion of the fluid. These do not possess any moving parts that drive the water inside it. These are also called Eductors or air ejectors. Such pumps works on the principle of creating low pressure. The movement completely relies on the changes in the fluid. But there efficiency decreases with increase in pressure. Hence, instead of pumping water they are commonly used to remove water. These make use of nozzles and a freeder stream. Although care must be given to ignite it properly otherwise it would star pumping water instead of drawing it.

In a nutshell, one can say that Water pumps work on the principle of compression or physical lifting both for pumping water and removing it. They are used in swimming pools for sanitizing the water. These also help in retaining the chlorine composition in the beach water by sucking the water vapor using these pumps.