Paving Dublin

AP Furniture Refinishing Basics For The Average Person

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Active Paving.

One of the most common means of furniture restoration is furniture refinishing. Refinishing furniture can breathe new life into pianos, tables, chairs, cabinets, bookcases, jewelry boxes and other items that have started to look a little bit worn. But, is furniture refinishing really a do-it-yourself job that you would want to tackle on your own?

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To find the best Paving Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
One of the most common means of furniture restoration is furniture refinishing. Refinishing furniture can breathe new life into pianos, tables, chairs, cabinets, bookcases, jewelry boxes and other items that have started to look a little bit worn.

With any furniture restoration project – and furniture refinishing is no exception – there are a few things to consider. First, you want to think about whether or not you can do it yourself. You may be thinking, “Why couldn’t I tackle furniture refinishing myself? All it takes is a few hours, some sandpaper and new stain.” While in many cases this is true, some furniture restoration should be left to the pros.

For example, piano refinishing isn’t the same as refinishing a jewelry box. Many large pieces – pianos, armoires – are far easier for professionals to restore and refinish. Another furniture restoration project that may be better suited for a professional is refinishing chairs. You may find that, for these projects, hiring a professional will cost less and take less time than if you were to do the projects yourself.

Another professional who you may want to consult before taking on a furniture restoration project is an antiques appraiser. While refinishing furniture you bought new can help give the piece more character or even help you to sell it for a profit at a yard sale, there are rare and collectible pieces of furniture that will lose value if they are refinished. When you’ve bought an antique dining room table, coffee table or cabinet, furniture refinishing could lower the value of the piece and you may want to look into a thorough professional cleaning instead.

If you are only looking at refinishing furniture that is newer or that has sentimental value, you may choose not to consult with a professional. In that case, it’s often best to get right into the project on your own.

To start your furniture-refinishing project, it’s often best to find a spot that won’t be noticed as a test site. In this spot – low on the back of the piece or on the bottom – you’ll want to start the furniture refinishing by removing a small portion of the current finish. Doing so will let you see what you’re up against and how hard will it be to remove the current finish from the furniture.

The answer to that question will vary some. Simple surfaces like a table will be easier to refinish than a cabinet with intricate corner work. Using a furniture stripper and a scraper will make it easier to remove a painted or varnished finish than merely using sandpaper. Once you’ve determined how to best remove the old finish from the furniture, the next step is to work outdoors (when possible) to remove the old varnish and paint.

Furniture refinishing, however, is not just about removing the old finish. Refinishing furniture requires stripping the old finish and then preparing the surface for a new finish by sanding the surface and wiping down the sawdust that sanding stirred up. Only after the surface has been prepared can you start the final step in this furniture restoration project: applying the new finish.

Refinishing the furniture, therefore, means knowing what the new finish will be. For some, the goal of refinishing furniture is to strip off color, get back to the natural wood and apply a clear finish that shows off the item’s natural beauty. For others, furniture refinishing is a matter of taking the wood to a darker shade – staining pine so that it takes on the color of cherry or mahogany wood.

Still others look at furniture refinishing as a chance to bring color to their table, desk, bookshelf or bureau. When refinishing furniture, many are likely to choose a colored stain followed with a topcoat of varnish for sheen. Another common choice people, who are looking for color, make is to select paint that matches the room or provides the contrast they are looking to achieve in their room.

Furniture restoration, after all, is a personal choice. Refinishing furniture gives you a chance to create a new look without going out and buying something new. For those inclined to take on little projects on their own, refinishing furniture can be a great way to spend a weekend – and have something to show for their time, for years to come.

Maths Tutor Ireland


DIVs vs. Tables

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In the end, the decisi
on is in your hand to decide what will it be for your web page: An ancient table or a modern DIV or CSS.

xhtml, css, html, coding, design

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DFor the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. IVs vs. Tables: What will you choose for your webpage?
Tables have always prompted eye-gouging hissy fits amongst different web designers and accessibility advocates of every stripe. Both the side saddle with myth and have debated in larger part from the conventional ideology.

Why Table layouts were preferred?
Most of us know that prior to the arrival of style sheets, layout tables worked fine with everyone. Experts felt that Data tables were hard and most users preferred layout tables, as they were simple. Most people preferred tables for two reasons over DIVs. Firstly, they were around for a longer period with the web designers. Secondly, they offer a faster method for creating page layouts that are grid-based.

Simple layouts have been amongst the few reasons that have made some users have gripes against DIVs. Again, DIVs have sketchy supports for numerous browsers too. Experts used to feel that it will always be a difficult task of replacing tabular layouts with DIVs. Tabular layouts have mostly similar layouts in numerous ancient browsers (graphical).

Advantages of DIVs
However recently, some of the web designers have felt that DIVs have numerous advantages over tabular layouts. They have found out that DIVs are:

– Having page size much smaller than tables and are quicker in loading on most browsers
– The flexibility of future with further development is there with DIVs
– The source file is much easier for reading
– DIVs are friendlier in terms of different search engines

Reason for which you should shift from layout tables
Layout tables were formulated for providing structures to a data, meaning all the data had a particular variable and they were systematically stored. This was the intended use of the tables. Wide deployed subsets are included in HTML 3.2. Its standard says that tables could be utilized for tabular markup or for layouts.

However, languages in draft indicate that semantic or structural uses are preferred. This matter has even been settled with the continuously growing DIVs support. Experts feel that separating the structural data reduces the cost of maintaining them for the webmasters. Mixing the information leads to increase in ownership cost and less portability in between media and applications. With the use of tables, semantic meaning of the web page is lost. Text-only or speech browsers do not enjoy such layouts. DIVs switching allows the formation of a simple and accessible decipher web page.

How can DIVs give better performance?
Some web designers feel that DIVs can never be a replacement for such table-based layouts. Still, they feel that if browsers can work their act properly, the former can create simple layouts with little hassle. It provides you with an easy and simple environment for changing layouts. There is no requirement for modifying each page in DIVs, which is the case with tables. Again supplementing the data with extra sections are also considered simpler than their counterpart.

The final decision is in your hand
It is sometimes difficult to decide on table layouts and DIVs as both of them have striking advantages and disadvantages. Table poses hard work and extra cost to web owners, whereas DIVs might not be compatible with different browsers. In the end, the decision is in your hand to decide what will it be for your web page: An ancient table or a modern DIV or CSS.

Driveways Cork

CC Can You Buy Good,Cheap “Adjustable Beds ? Why Not?

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For the best Driveways Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

Looking for an adjustable bed but find the prices a little too steep for your pocketbook? Do not worry. Help is on the way.

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To find the best Driveways Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Adjustable beds no doubt come in a wide assortment of models, styles, and a plethora of amazing features. Unfortunately, adjustable beds are also capable of causing severe bleeding of the average person’s bank account. If you love the advantages an adjustable bed can provide for you and your loved ones, there is an alternative to buying a brand new shiny product.

Cheap adjustable beds, or should I say, cheaper adjustable beds, are available from a number of different sources. In this article I will try to highlight a few sources where you can start your quest for the perfect adjustable bed at the perfect, or at least, affordable price.

I would definitely try looking in the classified ads of my local newspapers for used, second hand adjustable beds. I tried this myself in the local papers here in Toronto, and I must admit, the pickings were slim, but then again I only did this over a short time frame as research for this article. Hopefully, you will have more luck in your area. Adjustable beds come in two different types, either standard or heavy duty. For the average person or couple, the standard model is what you should be looking for.

One major advantage of finding a good cheap adjustable bed in your local area is that you will not have to worry about shipping costs. If you are a “tire kicker” like me, you will also have the opportunity to go and see, touch, lie in etc., your potential new adjustable bed before you buy. With a little luck, your search could end here.

If on the other hand you are unsuccessful with your local newspaper classifieds, there are always online websites like ebay that sell everything under the sun, including used adjustable beds. If you see an adjustable bed that catches your eye and fits your pocketbook, check out the packing and shipping costs. This is very important. Make sure the seller tells you exactly how much it will cost you to have the adjustable bed packed and shipped to your home. Ask the seller what kind of warranty or guarantee he is willing to give you, to make sure the frame and mechanical and or electrical gizmos work properly, to at least ease your mind. Last but not least, if for some reason you are unhappy with the adjustable bed when you receive it, ask the seller what will it cost you to ship the item back so you can recoup your money, Find out all this information before you even attempt to place a bid on any item.

One very important thing to keep in mind if you are looking for a cheap used adjustable bed. Do not even think of getting a second hand mattress. Ughh, the thought of lying on a mattress that was used, and possibly abused, by someone else conjures up thoughts in my mind that might keep me up tonight. So, now you have to factor in the cost of a new mattress. You cannot use a conventional mattress on an adjustable bed. It has to be an adjustable bed mattress because adjustable bed mattresses are specially designed to be flexible and contour to your body, fitting like a glove and easing stress of your spinal alignment. Just as in adjustable bed prices, adjustable bed mattresses come in a multitude of different materials, sizes and prices.

If you still have not been fortunate enough to find a cheap adjustable bed using the previous methods, you might have better luck looking for adjustable beds on sale or specials on discontinued models. For this you will have to do research on a site like mine. You will find ads that point to manufacturers of adjustable beds of every price range and variety. You are most welcome to come to ADJUSTABLE-BED-CENTER and check out my sponsors, leave a comment, or just say hello. If you are on my site already; lucky you.

Last but not least, “caveat emptor”, or, let the buyer beware. A cheap and good adjustable bed is a possibility, but it is ultimately up to you do the legwork, or fingerwork, if you are on the web, to get a good deal. Good luck.

Patios Wexford

DDWex London builders: Wall mounted bathroom equipment. Part one.

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For the best Patios Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

If you want to break away from traditional bathroom styles and add a fresh look of elegance to your new bathroom have a look at wall mounted bathroom units models.

Bathroom units, bathroom design, bathroom space, bathroom equipment, custom-made bathroom, small bathroom, wall mounted bathroom

To find the best Patios Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Wexford.
Not only ceiling can be suspended, and not only one of the seven wonders of the world such as hanging gardens of Babylon. At the beginning of 80’s history of development of the bathroom equipment was marked by an appearance of suspended, or wall hung, equipment, with closet basins as pioneers. “Suspended miracle” became an alternative to floor-standing bathroom equipment. Don’t think that this innovation emerged as a result of designers’ embellishment and oddity. This fashion was formed under the influence of concrete and totally prosaic needs of hygiene, comfort and economy.

The first examples of the type appeared in public water closets, where hygienic demands were extremely strict. In ten years, in 90’s wall hung bathroom suits such as closet basins, urinals, bidets, washbasins successfully moved to private bathroom units and increased number in bathroom upgrades including bathroom furniture and bathroom accessories and new bathroom suites. Buying a new house or remodeling your existing one, the bathroom is the place to start with since the bathroom is the most frequent room to use by every member of your family. But before starting your bathroom renovation adventure it is important to consider your bathroom units in terms of usability and place not mentioning the design. If you want to break away from traditional bathroom styles and add a fresh look of elegance to your new bathroom have a look at wall mounted bathroom units models.

Every housewife knows that the most hard-to-reach and difficult-to-clean places are the areas around and under the bathroom equipment. Wall mounted bathroom units allow to clean up the area more quickly and effectively.

Bathroom design becomes, owing to the wall hung equipment, more exquisite, refined and airy. You must have managed to look through the illustrations. Such bathrooms look quite unusual, they are distinguished by some airiness and lightness, “hovering” effect. Owing to lack of equipment on the floor, the place looks more spacious. The tile is distinguished, its pattern is clearly visible on the floor and the walls. You will not see any connections, corrodible pipes or lock valves. They are hidden behind the tile, at the same time forming additional useful bathroom space. Sink drainage siphon is covered by a half-column or a half-pedestal, concealing piping and water drain. In case siphon is uncovered, it does not look like itself, but becomes a “modern technologies alloy” created by designers. Light and refined, it is in fact a continuation of the sink. That is the example of totally coordinated design. Known manufacturers usually offer ready-made models within the collection: the sink is offered together with a siphon and a mixer tap.

In the offered collections it is often possible to observe wall hung closet basin model with a built-in flash tank and a model with an external tank. Flash tanks usually have two regimes of water drain. On pressing one button half tank volume is spent – 3 liters, thus saving large quantity of the consumed water. On pressing the other button the full tank volume is spent – 6 or 9 liters.

Tarmac Cork

CC Turning A Rental House Into A Home

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For the best Tarmac Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

Home renters never imagine staying in one place forever and usually don’t but that doesn’t mean they have to live with the basic, boring walls, carpets, windows and general style that rental houses come with. There are several simple, easy steps one can take that can turn that house for rent into a home.

* Furniture: When buying furniture stay away from matched sets, instead look for one of a kind pieces that will bring character and charm to a room. If you’re considering…

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To find the best Tarmac Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Home renters never imagine staying in one place forever and usually don’t but that doesn’t mean they have to live with the basic, boring walls, carpets, windows and general style that rental houses come with. There are several simple, easy steps one can take that can turn that house for rent into a home.

* Furniture: When buying furniture stay away from matched sets, instead look for one of a kind pieces that will bring character and charm to a room. If you’re considering a lamp then look for a lampshade this is unique, when searching for a bed, look for a funky headboard. Enhance your living room couch with a end table that has intricately carved legs or is made from wrought iron. These added pieces will bring a level of style and sophistication to your home helping rid the place of the blahs rentals suffer from.

* Carpet: Although you probably won’t be able to replace the carpet a great first step is to steam clean it. From there a cool area rug can liven any dull carpet. Don’t be afraid to use color and patterns here, especially if you’re dealing with the traditional brown or beige carpet scheme.

* Windows: The standard-issue blinds that come in most houses for rent don’t have to be a sore spot, try topping them with a valance. Simply place a rod (try to keep it decorative here) over the window and then take some unique fabric (again with the decorative here) and drape it over the rod. There are plenty of photos with examples of this technique online, do a Google image search for valance and you’ll understand the idea.

* Wall: It’s not uncommon for a landlord to allow a tenant to paint walls, providing they repaint them before leaving and if your landlord is of such an attitude then this is one area you can make a dramatic difference in transforming your rental house into a home that reflects your personality. If your landlord is not of such ilk there are alternatives including; covering the wall with fabric, again keeping color in mind, or using a folding screen or even an old funky door against the wall. These last two won’t change the color but can certainly bring personality into the room. Using bookshelves and stocking them with not only books but unique pottery, glassware and knick knacks (don’t go crazy here) is another alternative to dressing up a white wall.

Whether it’s a rental house or a home you are buying, taking the time to find pieces, colors and using some or all of the techniques above will turn your house for rent into your home to live in, no matter how long that is.

Patios Dublin

AP Low Flow Toilets… A Love, Hate Relationship

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Active Paving.

This will come as no surprise, but were you aware that most owners of new homes are unhappy with their low-flow toilets?

Since 1992, when the U.S. government mandated the low-flows, we Americans have been subjected to considerably less flushing power…about half the water per flush than the old fashioned type. The newer units use about one and a half gallons of water versus the older ones that use about three and a half. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what …

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To find the best Patios Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
This will come as no surprise, but were you aware that most owners of new homes are unhappy with their low-flow toilets?

Since 1992, when the U.S. government mandated the low-flows, we Americans have been subjected to considerably less flushing power…about half the water per flush than the old fashioned type. The newer units use about one and a half gallons of water versus the older ones that use about three and a half. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what will happen: half (or less)efficiency out of our new plumbing fixture.

To be sure, technology is working to solve the problem but the issue remains: we are simply not getting the service out of our “thrones” like we once did.

Among the issues are that multiple flushes are needed to dispense of the same amount of waste, clogging problems, and additional maintenance. Also, they have been reported to overflow more easily.

Some of the above issues completely work against the issue of saving water. After all, if you have to flush 2 or more times, how does that save water. Beyond that, though, clogging and overflow problems result in potentially catastrophic expenses when flooring needs to be replaced due to an overflowing toilet.

A recent survey of new home builders and remodelers has shown that they, like homeowners, are frustrated with this new plumbing restriction. They have reported huge increases on service calls from unhappy customers.

Water saving techniques and technologies are certainly a good thing. And, one thing is for sure: they are here to stay. In fact, a home with low-flow toilets and low-flow shower heads can save thousands of gallons per year. And, who would not appreciate the savings in water bills? Let’s just hope that the plumbing technology continues to get better.

After all, to be king of your household, you need an efficient and affordable throne!


RL Butcher Block Kitchens – Pros And Cons

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For the best Car Keys Wexford, Fire Exits Wexford, Padlocks Wexford, Smart Locks Wexford, Safes Wexford, call Rapid Locksmiths.

Butcher-block counter tops and tables give a beautiful effect to any modern kitchen. The woods used include Maple, beech and ash. If you are giving your kitchen a makeover then think about replacing laminate top work surfaces with butcher-block ones. Butcher block is made from strips of wood glued together to look like one solid piece.

The natural variation present in any wood gives interest and beauty to the surface. Work surfaces made from solid wood are never going to d…

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To find the best Car Keys Wexford, Fire Exits Wexford, Padlocks Wexford, Smart Locks Wexford, Safes Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Butcher-block counter tops and tables give a beautiful effect to any modern kitchen. The woods used include Maple, beech and ash. If you are giving your kitchen a makeover then think about replacing laminate top work surfaces with butcher-block ones. Butcher block is made from strips of wood glued together to look like one solid piece.

The natural variation present in any wood gives interest and beauty to the surface. Work surfaces made from solid wood are never going to date, they just ooze quality and you do away with aRL the disadvantages of laminates. No more scratches, no more scorch marks or stains.

Maintenance of butcher-block tables and surfaces is what concerns most people. More maintenance is required than for marble, granite or laminate. Wood is porous, so the surface should never be left wet. Bacteria from meat and other foodstuffs wiRL flourish if the surface is not cleaned adequately after each use.

Wash down with a dilute dishwashing solution after every use, then rinse this off and dry the wood thoroughly. After cutting meat or chicken on your butcher-block surface you should wash the surface with a 10% solution of a chlorine-based bleach. Leave the bleach on the surface for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and allow it to dry.

You wiRL need to oil the surface with clear paraffin oil occasionally, just wipe the surface with a little oil on a cloth, leave it for about an hour, then wipe off any excess oil.

It is not a good idea to cut on your surface because it wiRL soon be damaged, no matter what coating is applied. Buy a butcher block chopping board for this purpose, treat it in the same way, but the cutting board is easily replaced or sanded down and resealed if it is damaged.

Find out more at

Maths Tutor Ireland


New Orleans Schools Are On The Mend

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New Orleans Schools are, for the first time, reporting improvement since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. In fact, many of its numbers are actually better than those before the hurricane. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. New Orleans Schools have improved in many of the key benchmarks that students, parents, and community members look at when assessing the strength of a school system. Below is a list of some of the important areas in which New Orleans Schools are making important strides.

Teachers- …

New Orleans Schools , Patricia Hawke

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New Orleans Schools are, for the first time, reporting improvement since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city. In fact, many of its numbers are actually better than those before the hurricane. New Orleans Schools have improved in many of the key benchmarks that students, parents, and community members look at when assessing the strength of a school system. Below is a list of some of the important areas in which New Orleans Schools are making important strides.

Teachers- New Orleans Public Schools are going to retain 98% of its teachers into the 2007-2008 school year. This is well above the national average and a considerable achievement considering that many teachers were driven away after the storm by poor living conditions. More than 99% of those teachers are certified and a large number of those are considered “highly-qualified,” an important marker for No Child Left Behind directives.

School Size- New Orleans Schools have been able to keep school size appropriate. This is an achievement post-Katrina because larger schools would have been easier to build or repair instead of several smaller schools. Studies have shown that smaller schools or learning communities within schools are more conducive to student learning.

Low Teacher to Student Ratio- Perhaps most importantly, due to strong teacher recruitment and teacher retention, New Orleans Schools is managing a low student to teacher ratio in all of its schools. Several studies have shown that teacher to student ratio is one of the most important factors in student success and learning.

Recovery- The New Orleans Schools district has signed a number of important contracts to repair and rebuild schools lost during the storm and subsequent breaching of the levies. A master plan of school infrastructure should be on the table in early 2008.

Graduation Rates- New Orleans Schools have been able to improve its graduation rate post-Katrina. In the Parish-led schools the graduation rate is as high as 95%. It is somewhat lower in charter schools and recovery district schools, but is on the rise.

Attendance Rates- New Orleans Schools has set up a unique program to improve attendance. In conjunction with a board of advisors (comprised of local business leaders), New Orleans Schools are now offering incentives for perfect and near perfect attendance. The “President’s Club” awards students for going to school on time every day.

New Orleans Schools- A Long Way to Go

New Orleans Schools are in a position unique to American history. Never was a city and its infrastructure as devastated in peace time. New Orleans Schools have a tough battle cut out for them, but with improvements like the ones listed above, they are on track to a success brighter than that before the storm hit.

Tarmac Dublin

AP Types of disposable wipers sold in the current cleaning and health markets.

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Active Paving.

There are many types of disposable wipers sold in today’s janitorial and healthcare markets. Each type of wiper is suited for an individual use and treated with different chemicals

disposable wipers, disposable wiper, cleaning wipes, cleaning wipers, cleaning wipes

To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
There are many types of disposable wipers sold in the current janitorial and healthcare markets. Each type of wiper is suited for an individual use and treated with different chemicals. Center pull disposable wipers are great for anywhere you need disposable wipers in a hurry. These wipers are loaded into a dispenser and the wipers are dispensed through a central hole on the bottom of the dispenser. These wipers are economical and great for auto shops, work shops, classrooms and just about anywhere you would need to wipe something up in a hurry.

Microfiber cleaning cloths are designed for specific uses. The selection of microfiber cloths include bathroom fixtures cloth microfiber towels, glass and surface microfiber cloth towels , all purpose microfiber towels and super absorbent cleaning clothes.

Wiper roll dispensers are for the really big jobs. This disposable wiper dispenser holds wipers up to 16 inches wide and can hold the equivalent of 100 pounds of cleaning rags. These dispensers are great for school lunchrooms and cafeterias where quick and easy cleanup is needed.

All purpose disposable cleaning wipers – All purpose wipers are a great alternative to old fashioned towels and rags. A box of 176 wipers costs about 25 dollars and made especially for cleaning. If you don’t like the price or the hassle of cloth material towels this is a great alternative. Absorbency pockets on disposable cleaning cloths soak up more liquids and the retain the liquid better than cloth towels.

Automotive cleaning wipers (gas station windshield towels) – When your looking for car windshield towels price is usually the main concern.

Dusting disposable wipers are specially treated with oils and dust treatments to pick up more dust than conventional towels. Some dusters are treated with antimicrobial additives to prevent kill mold and bacteria.

Food Service wipers – Food service wipers is one of the largest sections in our wiper line. Food service wipers can come treated with antimicrobial solutions to prohibit growth of bacteria on food service counters. Some food service wipers can be used up to 2 days and then discarded.

Personal care wipers – Personal care wipers are ideal for camping or cleaning up the kids.

Rag replacement wipers – Rag disposable wipers are reinforced to give you the full strength of a traditional cloth towel. Replacement wiper towels absorb more liquids and have better liquid retention.

Specialty wipers – Our specialty wipers section has a large assortment of wipers to perform a variety of delicate tasks. These wipers include lens cleaning wipers, delicate materials cleaning and antistatic electronic cleaning wipers.

Utility wipers – Utility wipes are perfect for cleaning spray wipe and go tasks. Absorbent and strong.

Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW Oriental Rugs – History And Information

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For the best Patios Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Oriental rugs are handcrafted rugs woven in the Middle East and the Orient – mostly regions extending from China in the east, to Turkey in the west and the Caucasus in the north, to India in the south. Authentic oriental rugs are knotted with pile or woven without pile and exclusively handwoven, which makes them unique and more exquisite, precious, and expensive than the other types of rugs. Some of the most popular and best oriental rugs include the Turkish, Caucasian, Turko…

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To find the best Patios Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Oriental rugs are handcrafted rugs woven in the Middle East and the Orient – mostly regions extending from China in the east, to Turkey in the west and the Caucasus in the north, to India in the south. Authentic oriental rugs are knotted with pile or woven without pile and exclusively handwoven, which makes them unique and more exquisite, precious, and expensive than the other types of rugs. Some of the most popular and best oriental rugs include the Turkish, Caucasian, Turkoman, Afshan, Donkeybags, Prayer Rugs and Kilims rugs.

Short History:

The earliest known oriental pile rugs were those found in a Scythian burial site in Outer Mongolia dating back to the fifth century B.C. The second millennium B.C in Egypt and Central Asia had already seen the evolution of the art of rug weaving so by the fifth century B.C., rug weaving had become a fairly well-developed art. When the Silk Route came into being in the 17th century during the Safavid reign in Central Asia, oriental rugs started gaining immense popularity and Europe began to import them in large quantities. The rug making art and industry in the Orient also became a lucrative, highly skilled occupation. By the mid 19th century, not only the rich but the middle class citizens of Europe also began to value and afford these exquisite handwoven rugs.

Knots and Oriental Rug Weaving:

Oriental Rugs are handwoven on looms. The pattern of the rug is created by the knot (pile). Pile knots are of two types – symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetrical knots can be tied in such a way to give the pile a left or right inclination. Knot density is measured by counting the knots vertically and horizontally within the given area along the back of the rug. The size of warp (foundation threads wrapped around the loom), warp depression, weft (thread inserted along the width of the loom) and pile threads all determine the knot density. A cartoon (preliminary sketch similar in size to the work) may be created as a guide before weaving.

The loose warp threads along the ends are knotted, woven or braided into the fringe after the weaving. The Selvage is the edge formed after a single terminal warp or a cord made of various terminal warps is wrapped with the weft threads. The side cord may also be added only after the rug has been woven and removed from the loom, and a single cord is sewn on to the side of the rug. To create a rounded finish, an overcast (warps wrapped with a separate thread in circular fashion) may be used.

Type of Materials used for Weaving Oriental Rugs:

Wool, cotton, silk and rayon are commonly used in weaving oriental rugs. Wool and Silk are generally used in the pile. Wool is the most common fiber in the Oriental rug weaving industry and silk is the most expensive. Silk, which is also the most resilient, is used for creating the most elaborate and intricately knotted rugs because of the possibility of creating unique and exquisite texture unmatched by any other. Cotton is mostly used for weft and warp. Rugs made from rayon are cheaper and less durable though they almost resemble silk.