Rapid Locksmiths

RL Spa Covers

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For the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, call Rapid Locksmiths.

Spa Covers are an economical solution to saving power and retaining the heat in the water.

By using a spa cover the heat that would normally dissipate from the water when left uncovered, is captured under the cover and due to this, there is a lot less power required to reheat the pool.

There is a big range of spa covers and also a big variance in their prices. The higher quality spa covers can cost quite a lot more than their cheaper alternatives, however they might wor…

spa covers, hot tub covers, spa pools, hot tubs

To find the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Spa Covers are an economical solution to saving power and retaining the heat in the water.

By using a spa cover the heat that would normally dissipate from the water when left uncovered, is captured under the cover and due to this, there is a lot less power required to reheat the pool.

There is a big range of spa covers and also a big variance in their prices. The higher quality spa covers can cost quite a lot more than their cheaper alternatives, however they might work out more economical over time as they are better at retaining heat and saving energy.

As weRL as the obvious power savings that can be gained by having a spa cover there are the additional benefits of cleanliness and safety.

By having a spa cover the water in your spa wiRL remain a lot cleaner when not in use and this wiRL save money on chemicals. Spa covers also add safety to your spa with most covers able to hold the weight of a smaRL child should they ever venture onto the cover.

Many authorities are now insisting that spas are either fenced or covered to help with child safety and a spa cover is often a cheaper and more appealing alternative than fencing off the area surrounding the spa.

There are many accessories that can be purchased for the premium model spa covers such as remote control systems that wiRL cover the spa at a touch of a button. These accessories can add considerably to the cost of the covers but make the use of them very simple and convenient.

Most spa covers are made from vinyl with added support from a steel or aluminum frame. The premium covers have additional heat saving insulation materials to help retain more heat in the water and reduce power costs.

When you are buying a spa cover it is wise to check the consumer comparison sites on the Internet to see what is available in the price range that you can afford. By shopping around you might be able to get a higher-grade spa cover for the same price as the budget models, particularly if you are buying direct from the manufacturer.

Paddy Health

Iron and Your Heart Health

A ranch house, a zip lock bag and some ordinary flour
Two experiments:
1)Some ordinary wheat flour such as can be found in most homes placed with some water in a zip-lock plastic bag. A magnet is passed over the bag and an extraordinary thing happens – Iron particles start popping out and attaching themselves to the side of the bag, forming clusters of what looked like iron filings.
2) The next experiment involves placing a well-known brand of cereal into a bowl of water. The magnet is again passed over the bowl this time and the flakes literally line up and follow the magnet round the bowl.
This is the first time I realized that there is so much added iron in the food that we eat and the effect it can have on our health.
We’ve all been told that heart attacks and heart bypass surgery are as a direct result of clogging or furring of our arteries by ‘bad cholesterol’. The arteries become so narrowed as to make the blood flow through the arteries very difficult thus placing enormous strains on the cardio-vascular system.
Why do we need chelators and what are they?
A few trace metals that we absorb are toxic, these include iron and lead
Click here for more information on 9 Best Cloud Hosting Providers and Services Dynomoon. Or click here if you’re looking for information on How to Delete Messages on iPhone for both people The Best Way 2022.Chelating substances attach to desirable trace metals and allow the body to properly utilize those metals they also attach to undesirable trace metals and allow the body to remove them.
Types of Chelator
Many chemicals can serve as chelators. Their effects will depend on the precise nature and concentration of that chelator.
There are some weak chelators present in common foods.
Stronger chelators are substances used medicinally to rid the body of excess toxic metals
Why is there potential for Iron Overload? Iron overload is possible because there is no normal mechanism for removing it from the body.
The body is iron-efficient, it retains its iron and recycles it over and over again.
The body’s iron level is controlled almost entirely by absorption and iron can build up progressively as dietary intake increases, especially in men because they do not have a monthly blood loss.
Over a period of months and years this will result in the accumulation of several grams of iron.
Iron and Heart Disease Risk
Iron can generate free radical pathology.
There is now good evidence that free radical pathology leads to changes in the blood vessels which sets the stage for atheroscelerosis.
Accumulation of excess iron in the body may increase the risk for heart disease and the connection doesn’t end there….
Health statistics have revealed that women have a lower risk of heart disease than men, until menopause, after which the risk is the same.
Pre-menopausal women have a monthly blood loss that rids the body of excess, potentially toxic iron, which may protect against heart disease.
Even pre-menopausal women with high blood cholesterol levels and high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which are considered to be strong risk factors for heart disease, have less heart disease than men.
The Lead connection
Lead is a toxic element that has many undesirable health effects.
Evidence links excess lead with cardiovascular disease, cancer and other disorders.
Researchers have found that cancer rates are higher amongst people living near heavily-traveled roads and it was suggested that this increased risk is due to the higher levels of lead in the air.
This led the researchers to test the effect of a lead-removing substance – EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid),a man-made amino acid and chelating agent – on cancer rates in people living near high-traffic roads.
After 18 years those treated with EDTA had one-tenth of the cancer rate of those not treated with EDTA.(1)
Chelation Therapy
This is the use of chelating agents, orally or by injection, in order to bind and remove harmful metals from the body.
The man-made chelating agent EDTA can remove most toxic metals.
Intravenous Chelation
This therapy has been used by doctors as an effective alternative to bypass surgery for atherosclerosis since the 1950s, giving hope that having hardening of the arteries need not lead to coronary bypass surgery, heart attack, stroke and numerous other related diseases.
Doctors noted reduced pain and blood cholesterol levels as well as other favorable changes. EDTA chelation therapy has been reported to help in many conditions now thought to be related to free radical pathology: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
Another effect of EDTA is that it changes the calcium/ magnesium ratio in the body.
EDTA removes calcium more efficiently than magnesium which reduces the ratio.
Lowering the ratio improves the flexibility of blood cells, reduces the tendency of blood to clot and reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
So the benefits of EDTA are not entirely due to the removal of toxic metals but also the calcium/magnesium balance.
In the case of intravenous chelation, EDTA is used as the chelating agent. It is carried in a glucose formulation together with synthetic B Vitamins. It takes several hours and requires 80-100 treatments.
Oral Chelation
Oral EDTA therapy can also be used. One or two oral doses of EDTA per day, over a period of months can have a long-term preventative effect.
But beware! – there are many so-called oral chelation supplements on the market containing few or no chelating substances!
For an oral chelation supplement that has been tested and certified to lower bad cholesterol by The University of Illinois, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition: Go to
1. Blumer,W, et al Environmental International 3: 1980, pages 465-471
New Answers to Old Questions, The Free Radical Story by Harry W Hersey

Dublin Driveway Cleaning

LL Four Easy Steps to Home Improvement Success

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For the best Driveway Cleaning in Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

With a few tips and tricks you can have a new home at the old address in a few weekends.

Four Easy Steps to Home Improvement Success

To find the best Driveway Cleaning Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
As the weather warms and brightens, it’s a great time to start working on home improvement projects. By following a few tips from Lou Manfredini, home improvement expert and Skil Power Tools Ambassador, tackling DIY projects is as easy as one-two-three.

Have the right tools to get the job done. A combination of power and hand tools will go a long way toward tackling projects all around the house. Having a cordless drill, circular saw, sander and jigsaw on hand, along with an array of nails, screws, a staple gun and a hammer, will make any project a cinch to begin. Keep your tools in one location, in the garage, basement or shed, so you can easily take an inventory before getting started. If you need additional tools or accessories, you can easily figure out what to purchase.

Use your resources. Sometimes beginning a home improvement project can be difficult if you are unsure of where to start. Reference magazines, home improvement television shows, the Internet and local hardware stores to find how-to help on such various plans as building a deck, creating the ideal swing set or pruning trees. Start with projects that match your skill level and move up from there

Play it safe. Whether you’re using power tools or hand tools, your personal safety should always be a primary concern. Wear safety glasses when using tools; read all instruction manuals; match accessories to the project, for instance use appropriately sized drill bits for the job at hand; and do not wear loose clothing, which can easily get in the way. Following these safety tips will help minimize any mishaps.

Confidence is half the battle. When working on home improvement projects it is important to have confidence in your abilities. If you are new to DIY projects, start slow and work on smaller projects that are less intimidating. As you gain confidence in your abilities, move on to more complex projects. In no time, your neighbors will catch wind that you’re a wiz in the workshop and you’ll be helping them build their kids’ Pinewood Derby Cars or providing an extra set of hands on their projects.

Driveways Dublin

AP Caring for Laminate Flooring

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For the best Driveways Dublin company, call Active Paving.

Laminate flooring gives your floor that overall look of wood that can be enjoyed for years to come. The best thing about laminate flooring is the ease in care that you have when you have it in your home.

Laminate flooring,home,floor,wood,wood floor,kitchen,rooms,remodeling

To find the best Driveways Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
Laminate flooring gives your floor that overall look of wood that can be enjoyed for years to come. The best thing about laminate flooring is the ease in care that you have when you have it in your home. Laminate flooring is one that will look like wood, and that will feel like wood but often times is a bi product of wood. Real wood will require waxing and cleaning every year to keep the floor shiny. Real wood flooring is going to be sanded down and varnished again as the shine is worn off the flooring. Laminate flooring is going to require no waxing, no sanding and the wear and tear on the flooring is something that is not going to happen in the manner that the coating on other wood flooring will have.

Laminate flooring can be cared for by using a dry dust mop on the floor for every day cleaning. During those times when you feel that you need a good deeper clean, you can use a wet mop, one that is not really all that wet, to clean up sticky messes or to clean up mud from the floor. You don t want to use that much water on the floor so you don t have the water seeping down into the laminate flooring and then the laminate flooring is going to warp over time.

Laminate floor care is going to be similar to wood or any other type of flooring when it comes to moving furniture across the flooring. Laminate flooring can be scratched, dented and can be marked up when you are not careful in moving those heaviest of furniture pieces in your home. To prevent and care for your flooring, you want to pick up the furniture and move it from location to location.

Don t drag the furniture across the flooring. Your laminate flooring that has marks and cuts in it will need a little extra care to get that mark out, and sometimes if the cut is all that deep you can t get it out no matter how much buffing you were to do on this area. The same goes for wood flooring, if the cut is too deep or the scratch is too deep, you are not going to be able to cover it up.

Laminate flooring is easy to care for because the seams in the flooring are actually very tight. You won t find all types of cracks in the flooring for food, for water, or for dirt to get trapped in. Laminate flooring is a type that will not allow things down between the rows, when you care for it daily. Sweeping and dusting your flooring with a broom, a swiffer or a vacuum that is not hard on the floor is what you need to care for the laminate flooring. You only want to mop your flooring when it is really sticky, when you spill something on the floor, but you don t even need to wax laminate flooring which is what makes it so popular!

Dublin Driveway Cleaning

LL Four Critical Tips for Cleaning Up after a Flood Strikes

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For the best Driveway Cleaning in Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

The value of knowing how to respond to an emergency has never been so clear, with one of the worst hurricane seasons ever behind us.

flood damage, home repair,disaster response

To find the best Driveway Cleaning Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
The value of knowing how to respond to an emergency has never been so clear, with one of the worst hurricane seasons ever behind us. Educating yourself on what to do in a flood, therefore, is one of the key disaster preparedness issues. Here are some valuable tips homeowners should be aware of when cleaning up damage left behind by a flood.

Don t Go Near the Water: Floodwaters can be some of the most contaminated water you will ever come in contact with. Seek medical attention right away if you or a family member has been exposed to flood waters for any length of time. Topical floodwater contact could lead to serious infections. If you believe you or anyone else has drunk floodwater, seek medical care at your local hospital or clinic as soon as possible, as the dangers of infection are even worse.

Tread Lightly: Stay out of any buildings or structures that still have floodwaters encircling them. Don t underestimate structural damage floodwaters can cause. A structure’s foundation can be significantly weakened by floodwaters in relatively short periods of time, especially in older structures. Foundations can sink and become unstable, causing cracks and gaps in the flooring, even a house total collapse without warning. An apparently sound structure may also have suffered gas leaks, electrical damage, or water line damage, so you should steer clear of such buildings until local officials have declared them safe .

Wait Until the All-Clear: Just because the rain has stopped and the floodwater seems to be withdrawing, doesn t mean its safe to go home and start cleaning up. Of course you ll be anxious to find out what damage if any has been done to your property, but sometimes, floodwater damage creates many a hazard that requires professional clean up before the area is cleared as safe to local area residents. Keep watching for information on the weather if you have access to local radio or television stations, which will inform you of any threat from incoming storms, or other floodwater-related dangers in your area.

Handle with Care: You should inspect flood-damaged buildings cautiously once local officials have judged the area safe. Start with examining your house carefully. Tread carefully; flood damage can weaken structures. Do not smoke inside the building. (gas leak hazard) Bring battery-operated flashlights or lanterns as electricity may be cut off. Study the floors, walls, doors, staircases, and windows closely to make sure the house is not in danger of collapsing, using the flashlight to look at the foundation for cracks or other signs of damage.

After you’ve examined the structural integrity of the building, check for damage to the utility systems. Find and note down damage to the building’s gas, electrical, and sewage system. Check for gas leaks by listening for a small hissing noise and smelling the gas in the air. If you suspect a gas leak, shut off the main valve immediately and contact the gas company.

Scrutinize the building’s electrical system. Any broken, frayed, or loose wires are spots for worry. If you see any sparks or smell any burning, immediately turn off the electricity at the circuit breaker or fuse box.

You will also need to check out your home s sewage system. Avoid using the toilet and call a plumber if you believe the sewage lines have been damaged. If fresh water pipes have also been damaged, call your water company and don t drink water from the tap.

Paddy Health

Intuitive Eating: An ‘Anti-Diet’ That Works

Stop hating your body, stop counting calories and stop using food for purposes other than to satisfy hunger, and you’ll be healthier and slimmer. That, in a nutshell, is the argument in favor of “intuitive eating,” or letting your body tell you when, what and how much to eat.
“The basic premise of intuitive eating is, rather than manipulate what we eat in terms of prescribed diets — how many calories a food has, how many grams of fat, specific food combinations or anything like that — we should take internal cues, try to recognize what our body wants and then regulate how much we eat based on hunger and satiety,” says professor of health science Steven Hawks, lead researcher of an intuitive-eating study at Brigham Young University.
The findings are reported in the American Journal of Health Education.
Hawks, who adopted an intuitive-eating lifestyle himself several years ago and lost 50 pounds as a result, says that “normal” dieting in the United States doesn’t result in long-term weight loss and contributes to food anxiety and unhealthy eating practices, and can even lead to eating disorders.
All Diets Work Against Human Biology
Hawks and colleagues Hala Madanat, Jaylyn Hawks and Ashley Harris identified a handful of college students who were naturally intuitive eaters and compared them with other students who were not. Participants then were tested to evaluate their health.
As measured by the Intuitive Eating Scale, developed by Hawks and others to measure the degree to which a person is an intuitive eater, the researchers found that intuitive eating correlated significantly with lower body mass index (BMI), lower triglyceride levels, higher levels of high density lipoproteins and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Approximately one-third of the variance in body mass index was accounted for by intuitive eating scores, while 17 to 19 percent of the variance in blood lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk was accounted for by intuitive eating.
Click here for more information on 9 Best Cloud Hosting Providers and Services Dynomoon. Or click here if you’re looking for information on How to Delete Messages on iPhone for both people The Best Way 2022.”In less developed countries in Asia, people are primarily intuitive eaters,” notes Hawks.
“They haven’t been conditioned to artificially structure their relationship with food like we have in the United States. They’ve been conditioned to believe that the purpose of food is to enjoy, to nurture. You eat when you’re hungry, you stop when you’re not hungry any more. They have a much healthier relationship with food, far fewer eating disorders, and interestingly, far less obesity,” he points out.
“What makes intuitive eating different from a diet, is that all diets work against human biology, whereas intuitive eating teaches people to work with their own biology, to work with their bodies, to understand their bodies,” Hawks explains.
“Rather than a prescriptive diet, it’s really about increasing awareness and understanding of your body. It’s a nurturing approach to nutrition, health and fitness as opposed to a regulated, coercive, restrictive approach. That’s why diets fail, and that’s why intuitive eating has a better chance of being successful in the long term,” he maintains.
Two Attitudes, Two Behaviors
To become an intuitive eater, a person has to adopt two attitudes and two behaviors. The first attitude is body acceptance.
“It’s an extremely difficult attitude adjustment for many people to make, but they have to come to a conscious decision that personal worth is not a function of body size,” says Hawks. “Rather than having an adversarial relationship with my body, where I have to control it, and force it to submit to my will so that I can make it thin, I’m going to value my body because it allows me to accomplish some higher good with my life.”
The second attitude is that dieting is harmful.
“Dieting does not lead to the results that people think it will lead to, and so I try to help people foster an anti-dieting attitude,” says Hawks. “You have to say to yourself, ‘I will not base my food intake on diet plans, food-based rules, good and bad foods, all of that kind of thing.’ For people who are deep into dietary restraint and dietary rules, again, that’s a very difficult attitude adjustment to make, to give up all those rules.”
The first behavior is learning how to not eat for emotional, environmental or social reasons.
“Socially we eat all the time in our culture. We go out to eat ice cream if we break up with our boyfriend, we eat to celebrate, we eat when we’re lonely, we eat when we’re sad, we eat when we’re stressed out,” says Hawks. “Being able to recognize all the emotional, environmental and cultural relationships we have with food and finding better ways to manage our emotions is part of the process.”
The second behavior is learning how to interpret body signals, cravings and hunger, and how to respond in a healthy, positive, nurturing way.
Learning the body’s signals can be difficult at first, but Hawks suggests thinking about hunger and satiety on a 10-point scale, where “10” is eating until one is sick and “1” is starving.
Intuitive eaters keep themselves at or around a “5.” If they feel they are getting hungry, they eat until they are back at a “5” or “6.” They stop eating when they’re satisfied, even if that means leaving food on the plate.
No Food Is Taboo
One part of intuitive eating that may be counterintuitive to people conditioned to restrictive dieting is the concept that with intuitive eating there is a place for every food. In other words, there is no food that’s ever taboo. There’s no food you can’t ever have.
“Part of adopting an anti-dieting attitude is the recognition that you have unconditional permission to eat any kind of food that you want,” says Hawks. “And that’s scary for people who say, ‘If I abandon my diet rules, then I’ll fill a pillowcase full of M&M’s, dive into it and never come up again. That’s what I crave, I know that’s what I crave, that’s all I will always crave.’ But that’s not the reality. The reality is that our bodies crave good nutrition.”
It is dieting that creates psychological and physiological urges to binge on taboo foods. While people may experience some binges when they first start eating intuitively, they eventually will learn to trust themselves and that behavior will disappear, Hawks maintains.
One technique he suggests is having an abundance of previously taboo foods on hand. Once the foods are no longer forbidden, a person quickly loses interest in them.
“If people are committed to recognizing what their bodies really want, the vast majority of people will say that they very quickly overcame cravings,” Hawks says, opening an office desk drawer filled with untouched junk food. “It certainly has worked for me.”
Copyright 2005 Daily News Central

Driveways Wexford

DDWex Canvas Awnings How To Care For Them And Keep Them Good As New

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For the best Driveways Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

Canvas awnings are a beautiful and functional way to beautify your home.

canvas awnings, canvas dome awnings, canvas awning material

To find the best Driveways Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Wexford.
Canvas awnings will last for many years if you take proper care of them. These awnings are made from the finest synthetic fabrics and you should only use water repellent and mildew resistant products when cleaning them. The material used in awnings, even the dome awnings, is mildew resistant, but that doesn t mean that you don t need to clean them. If dirt accumulates on canvas awnings, after a while it will become susceptible to mold and mildew.

Canvas awnings are custom made according to the measurements you provide to the retailer. Canvas dome awnings have a dome shape so that the water from the rain will run right off and not collect in the middle of the awning. The frame for dome awnings is made with powder coated aluminum tubing, which is what gives it the rounded shape. The hardware used for installation is galvanized steel making it rust and corrosion resistant.

You do have to wash the canvas awning material on a regular basis. You can use a mild soap on canvas awnings, but you do need to make sure that you rinse them off thoroughly. There are also special cleaners and disinfectants you can buy for canvas. The retailer from whom you purchase the canvas awning will be able to give you advice as to how to keep the awning clean and the best products to use. It is only easy to clean the underside of canvas dome awnings as well as conventional shaped awnings. Just use your broom to sweep off any bits of dust and dirt.

It is not advisable to install canvas awnings near trees and shrubs. This is because they may contain an acid that is harmful to the canvas awning material. If a defect occurs in the canvas because of your location, the warranty that comes with the awning will no longer be valid. You also have to check the condition of the awning frames. This is especially important with canvas dome awnings. These add to the grace and charm of your home, but if they become discoloured with rust, it can be very unsightly.

When you have canvas awnings, you have to be careful not to roll or unroll them in cold temperatures. This can cause cracks in the canvas. You also have to be careful not to drag the canvas awning material over rough surfaces, such as cement or rocks. Water pooling in pockets on the canvas can cause it to stretch, so after it rains you have to check the canvas awnings and get all the water off of them.

Paving Wexford

DDWex Fresh Air With An Air Freshener

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For the best Paving Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

Air fresheners are used to ward off bad odour in the room or the entire house. A pleasant smelling room is always more inviting. The variety of fragrances available in the market is mind-boggling. With newer scents and fragrances introduced in the market at regular interval, the consumer is spoilt for choice. Air fresheners are available without any fragrances also. They simply neutralize the odours.

Air fresheners operate in many ways. They cover up the bad odour, neutral…

air freshener ,air freshener dispenser,automatic air freshener,car air freshener,auto air freshener

To find the best Paving Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways.
Air fresheners are used to ward off bad odour in the room or the entire house. A pleasant smelling room is always more inviting. The variety of fragrances available in the market is mind-boggling. With newer scents and fragrances introduced in the market at regular interval, the consumer is spoilt for choice. Air fresheners are available without any fragrances also. They simply neutralize the odours.

Air fresheners operate in many ways. They cover up the bad odour, neutralize the offending smell or sanitize it. Many air fresheners eliminate the offending odour and leave a flowery fresh odour behind.

The fresheners are available in long standing tubes with gel air freshener, or nowadays they can be found in battery and electricity operated units. But the most common type available is the spray tubes. Nearly ninety percent of the manufacturers offer various spray tubes that can be used in any part of the house or room.

Spray tubes are handy, they can be packed and carried from one place to another. This way a favourite brand of air freshener is never out of reach. The consumer can decide how much fragrance he or she wants with each spray. There is a pressure adjustable mode that allows the required amount of fragrance to be sprayed.

There are many designs of fresheners and they work well in various nooks and corners of the house. Some can be used in cupboards, drawers and other such closed places. Stick air fresheners are used in vacuum cleaning. This serves a dual purpose of cleaning and freshening.

Fresheners are also used in cars. Car air fresheners are easy to use and easy on the pocket; they are effective in cleaning the bad odour of tobacco smoke and other pollutants. People who travel a lot in cars use fresheners regularly.

Air fresheners use a lot of chemicals. All the fragrances are synthetic and chemically prepared. Many people are allergic to one or more component of the freshener, they start sneezing or wheezing when it is sprayed. Some components are carcinogens.

Overuse of chemicals in the house can trigger health problems, it is a far better option to maintain the rooms or the home in a spick and span condition. Regular cleaning, dusting can eliminate the offending odours hanging around the house. There are natural air fresheners too. Flowers in the house cheer up the place no end with the additional benefit of giving a sweet fresh fragrance.

Roofing And Guttering Wicklow

ARW Throw cushions to make you feel cushy

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Throw cushions literally means just that — cushions that you can throw around in the drawing room. Cushions small in size, easy to handle and carry, either inside the house or in the car. Simply meaning, throw cushions can make you feel cushy.

throw cushions, home decor

To find the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Throw cushions literally means just that — cushions that you can throw around in the drawing room. Cushions small in size, easy to handle and carry, either inside the house or in the car. Simply meaning, throw cushions can make you feel cushy.

The first thing that strikes visitors whenever they enter a house is the elegant and brightly colored throw cushion.
For new house occupants, often home decorators or architects suggest the interiors, which also include throw cushions. It is up to the house owner to decide which throw cushion can synchronize with the interiors. If the house owner does not have a taste for colors and choice, it is best left to the house decorator to take a final call.

If you are somebody with great passion for colors and decoration, then the choice should be yours.
Throw cushions are available at any supermarket or home decor retail chain outlet. They come in various sizes and colors. Make sure you pick the best. They are available in multiple textile materials — silk, cotton, synthetic and polyester. The filling inside the cushion too comes in various materials — cotton, synthetic cotton, fiber and thermocol beads.

Choosing a throw cushion with cotton filling is good for all seasons. Cotton does not absorb heat and dissipate it. However, synthetic cotton generates heat. It may not be good for your health, particularly when you place your head on it for a long time. Cushions with synthetic cotton is not recommended for sleeping or use on mattress during nights. Cushions with synthetic cotton should be used for a shorter duration. However, the advantage with cushions of synthetic cotton is that they offer maximum comfort. Resting on such cushions can be a pleasurable experience.

Cushions with ordinary cotton does not give the same effect. These cushions are compared to those with synthetic cotton.

A majority of the home decorators, however, recommend cushions with synthetic cotton since they can be shaped perfectly. They look stylish and elegant in your drawing room.

The cushion cover come in various color combinations. Starting from bright colors to dull, cushions that offer designer looks, to embroidered upholstery, throw cushions are an attraction to anybody. Make sure, you choose the best of the colored cushions that match the color of the walls of the house. A stark contrast of colors can create a distasteful ambience.

Throw cushions are procured from various geographies — Italy, China and India — while the branding is done by the retailer. All of them are of the same quality more or less and offer the same level of comfort.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Traditional Wood Box Sash Windows

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Box sash windows are extremely popular in old and new houses in the UK and the United States. Originally sash windows were fitted to Victorian and Georgian properties. Box sash windows were traditionally made from hardwood or softwood but are now widely available in UPVC. Traditional sliding sash windows were single glazed units but nowadays are available in single glazing and as double glazed box sash windows. The term sash window refers to a type of window that has sliding …


To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Box sash windows are extremely popular in old and new houses in the UK and the United States. Originally sash windows were fitted to Victorian and Georgian properties. Box sash windows were traditionally made from hardwood or softwood but are now widely available in UPVC. Traditional sliding sash windows were single glazed units but nowadays are available in single glazing and as double glazed box sash windows. The term sash window refers to a type of window that has sliding panels usually with a weight and pulley system for opening the sliding window panes.

Box sash wooden windows are made with a hollow section within the window frame that holds the sash weights. The sash weights are attached to a sash cord that is in turn connected to the sliding window pane. Commonly the sash weights in the weight and pulley system are made from lead, although more recently some sash weights are made from steel. The sash cord is manufactured from braided cotton that has been pre-stretched and has a polished finish to prevent wear. Some of the newer sash cords are made from other materials and man made fibres such as polypropylene and nylon for increased abrasion resistance.

Box sash windows can be made from various different softwoods or hardwoods. Some woods used to manufacture box sashes are Mahogany, American white Oak, Pine and European Redwood. The timber used to manufacture sash windows should be vacuum pressure treated with preservatives and wax resins for maximum protection. It is also advisable to make sure wooden box sash windows have been treated with an insecticide and fungicide. This will prevent damage to the box sash windows from wood boring insects and protect against wood rotting fungus. Usually even box sash windows manufactured from pressure treated softwood will still have hardwood used for the window sills.

The traditional Georgian sash window would have six panes of glass in each section of the sliding sash window. Therefore ending up with a window containing a total of four panes of glass down by three panes of glass across. This configuration of the window panes is not compulsory for sash windows and sashes are available in many different styles and designs to suit the particular property. During the Victorian era many properties had bay windows fitted with sliding box sashes. Other Victorian style windows were Oriel windows and Queen Anne windows.

Windows are available in a variety of finishes from stained or varnished wood to gloss paint in a variety of colours. Hardwood and Softwood timber framed sash windows can be stained or varnished to enhance the natural grain and colour of the timber. Box sash windows requiring a painted finish should be treated with a quality primer or undercoat first before the top coat is applied.

New and replacement wooden framed box sash windows are now available with double glazing for maximum energy efficiency. While still made from traditional timber and manufactured in keeping with the original buildings facade the property owners can still benefit from double glazing. The double glazed box sash window can provide sound proofing and thermal insulation for the period home.