Maths Tutor Ireland


New Service Reduces Impact Of School E

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It’s a disturbing reality that some gunmen, criminals and sexual predators have been able to slip into U.S. schools. Consequently, parents, as well as school and community leaders, are demanding action to prevent further tragic results.

New For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Service Reduces Impact Of School Emergencies

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It’s a disturbing reality that some gunmen, criminals and sexual predators have been able to slip into U.S. schools. Consequently, parents, as well as school and community leaders, are demanding action to prevent further tragic results.

Schools, in concert with police and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, are focusing on communication as one of their top priorities. Knowing what is happening in routine and emergency situations, and understanding the best course of action to take, are deemed essential in keeping students, faculty and staff out of harm’s way.

Several school systems around the country are taking a proactive step by implementing a new, state-of-the-art alert service called the Immediate Response Information System. This high-speed notification and response service, also referred to as IRIS, sends emergency messages electronically to thousands of individuals in seconds.

A uniform message goes out from a single designated staff member using any phone or

Internet-connected computer. IRIS then transmits voice and text alerts to home or cell phones, e-mail accounts, digital pagers, PDAs, fax machines and other frequently used electronic methods. IRIS continues to redial busy lines or phones that don’t answer until it makes live contact.

Equally effective in non-emergency situations, IRIS can be used to send routine announcements, such as severe weather alerts and testing schedules.

IRIS can be implemented without adding hardware, software or costly outlays for system installation.

TechRadium Inc., the developer of IRIS, is introducing the service to school systems and commercial property owners in several states. For example, the Houston Independent School District, one of the nation’s largest school systems, placed IRIS into operation last year. And Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently instructed the state’s Office of Safe and Healthy Schools to recommend IRIS to school districts seeking to upgrade their communication systems.

Driveways Waterford

DDW 7 Tips For Your Hardwood Floor

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For the best Driveways Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Solid hardwood floors look great. They will last long and look magnificent throughout if you take the effort to look after them. It s not difficult, and the right kind of care will add years to your beautiful hardwood floor.

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To find the best Driveways Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
Solid hardwood floors look great. They have a tough chunky look that spells quality and long life. And they will last long and look magnificent throughout if you take the effort to look after them. It s not difficult, and the right kind of care will add years to your beautiful hardwood floor.

1. The worst enemies of your hardwood floor are grit, sand and dirt. These three act like sandpaper grinding, scraping and dulling the shiny surface until it becomes ugly. Use small mats near outside doors to prevent the dirt getting further into your house.

2. Water allowed to stand on any part of your hardwood floor can cause warping and discoloration. Be sure to wipe up any spills promptly.

3. Re-arranging the furniture is fine, but lift it rather than drag it. This will avoid scratches.

4. The sun can be strong and have much more power than you may think in mid summer. Direct sunlight can discolor a hardwood floor. Protect it with drapes, curtains or blinds.

5. Clean your hardwood floor by using a good broom, a canister vacuum with a special bare floor attachment, or a good dust mop.

6. If your floor does get a bad scratch in it, get a scratch filler kit of the right color at your local hardware store. Sand and smooth the affected area first, then mix the solution to get the exact right color. When it has dried, lightly smooth with a low grit sandpaper, then polish.

7. Pets are among your hardwood floor s biggest enemies. They have claws and nails that scratch surfaces. Keep your pet s nails well trimmed. Also, keep pet food containers off the floor surface. Pets always spill food around the containers, which will damage the floor over time. Use newspaper or something more durable to protect the floor.

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Treading Carefully: Choose The Right Wood For Stair Treads

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

You ve been going up and down those stairs in your house for years, so it s tempting to think they re just the same as they always were. But nothing lasts forever, not even the things we most take for granted. If you re starting to hear creaks, or seeing cracks in the wood or discoloration, it might be time to change out the treads.

Not to be confused with tire treads, stair treads are the boards across the top of the stair that your feet steps on as you walk up or down. T…

stair treads, stairs, walnut stair treads, wooden stairs,

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
You ve been going up and down those stairs in your house for years, so it s tempting to think they re just the same as they always were. But nothing lasts forever, not even the things we most take for granted. If you re starting to hear creaks, or seeing cracks in the wood or discoloration, it might be time to change out the treads.

Not to be confused with tire treads, stair treads are the boards across the top of the stair that your feet steps on as you walk up or down. The vertical kick plates between stairs are known as risers, and the saw-tooth shaped pieces supporting the stairs from beneath are stringers. All these pieces need to be fitted tightly together to avoid creaking as the stairs are being used.

If it s time to address some squeaks, cracks or other stair problems, it s a great opportunity to increase their beauty as well. Hardwood stairs with a decorative runner can increase the graciousness of your home. Ranging in price to fit any budget, stair treads can be matched to any d cor.

Economical Hardwood

Poplar Stair Treads: Lightweight, and somewhat soft for a hardwood, poplar is fine-grained in white to yellow-brown. It paints well and is easy to cut.

Beech Stair Treads: Stronger than oak or maple, beech is typically a reddish-brown wood that is fairly straight grained.

Ash Stair Treads: Quite strong, ash is grayish-brown in color and grows all over USA and Canada.

Red oak stair treads: Hard, strong, rigid with a pronounced open grain, red oak resists warping. Its reddish color finishes well but is moderately hard to cut.

Hickory Stair Treads: Very strong, hickory is known for its distinctive look and sharp contrast in light and dark color.

Mid-priced Hardwood

White Oak Stair Treads: Hard, strong, white oak is open-grained, but not as pronounced as red oak. It resists shrinking and warping, has a golden color, and finishes well.

Hard Maple Stair Treads: Extremely hard, hard maple pieces with bird s-eye or wavy grains are highly prized. Its color ranges from reddish to nearly white in color, and it finishes well.

Cherry Stair Treads: The beautiful markings in cherry have long fascinated woodworkers. The heartwood varies from light brown to a reddish brown and will gradually darken over time with exposure to light.

Walnut Stair Treads: Hard, heavy, extra strong with a fairly pronounced, straight grain, walnut resists warping and shrinking. It is light to dark brown in color and finishes well.

Luxury Hardwood

Mahogany Stair Treads: Durable and fine-grained, mahogany resists shrinking, warping, and swelling. It finishes well and is easy to cut.

Birch Stair Treads: Hard, strong and fine-grained, birch resists shrinking and warping. It is similar in color to maple and finishes fairly well.

Some other issues to consider in choosing your stair treads:

Diversity: If you want your home to have a unique flair, try hickory, cherry, walnut, white oak, or maple for your stair treads. Go to flooring retailers or search the Internet to compare and contrast.

Prefinished: Order your stair treads prefinished, and you won t have to deal with having to stay away from the stairs for a few days while the finish seals. Factory finished pieces can generally be installed in one day with very little mess. Also, prefinished pieces can move independently with humidity changes in your home. This decreases the risk of seasonal separations that cause those creaks.

Color: Some species of flooring are so beautiful in their natural color, they do not require any added color. Compare hickory, cherry or walnut stair treads to get a sense of the possibilities.

Texture: Hardwoods do not have to be smooth. Hand scraped, distressed and reclaimed pieces are becoming more and more available. These pieces have a classic look and add great value to upscale homes.

Turn those irritating squeaks into an occasion for more beauty with restored stair treads. The ups and downs in your life will suddenly become a lot better!

Maths Tutor Ireland


Do we introduce computers to children?

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When should we start the process of introducing children to computers? Is the technology good or evil for the learning process? Joel Josephson from Kindersite Project gives some insight on this topic.

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2 years, 3 years, 6, 8, 12, 15, never, when do we start the process of introducing children to computers? Educators, parents, even gray-haired and learned professors cannot agree. The second question that then arises is whether computer based content positively or negatively affects the learning process. I can hear the screams of protest and support in full interactive, multi-media, broadband enhanced detail even as I write. Meanwhile millions of dollars are being spent to bring computers and the Internet to elementary schools around the globe. The only area all agree on, well maybe, is that all students should be taught how to use computers and the For the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. Internet eventually. As all will need an understanding of technology to enjoy the products of technology and in many cases within the future work environment. In this article I will try to summarize some of the arguments for and against technology in early education and finally to make a synopsis of how I believe we should address this vital issue. Firstly lets take a look at the arguments for early introduction.

Future Needs: The use of computers and an understanding of how to use the Internet are already critical to modern society today in manifest directions. These include, the work environment, information gathering for work orpleasure, shopping, communications etc. and if true today, how much moretomorrow. The Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment predicts thatthe computer industry will continue to show the greatest growth of any industry in the USA. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than half of all workers used a computer on the job in September 2001. And nearly three-fourths of those workers connected to the Internet or used e-mail.

Early Skills Acquisition: As with all fundamental skills, the earlier the education system allows students to become familiar with technology the greater will be their depth of understanding and effectiveness in using it. It is immaterial to argue that skills acquired today by a five year old will not be relevant later in life because technology will develop beyond comprehension. This is because skills acquired can focus on an understanding of what computers can do rather than just how to interact with today’s computers. In addition, once the initial ground work has been obtained the potential for adaptation to a dynamic system can be incrementally updated in the same way as adults have to adapt to new technology.

Personalization: Computer based content allows a level of individual engagement and interactivity that comparative learning systems fail to deliver. By its nature learning with the computer is a one-on-one experience or at worst, small groups. This alleviates the paradigm of large classes with minimal personal intervention.

Learning Levels: Computers allow users to individualize their speed of attainment to suite their personal needs and capabilities. The speedy are not held back and those that need greater repetition are not passed over. Additionally special groupings can be more easily and effectively catered for.

Wide Distribution of Quality Teaching: Computer based learning allows the maximum effectiveness and distribution of the best quality teaching and content. A great teacher is not limited by the classroom but can reach out across the Internet to thousands either through building digital lessons or distance learning software and programs. Most distance learning systems today can be configured as live broadcasts with high levels of interactivity with the teacher. Now, here are the equally strong arguments against.

Accessibility and Suitability: If an individual does not have access to a computer or does not understand the content through a language deficiency or cultural differences, they will be relegated to the digitally divided, 44 million at the last count just in the USA according to Professor Howard Besser, The Next Digital Divides.

Interfering with Natural Development: Young children should be utilizingtheir natural propensity for physically based activity rather than be ‘stuck’ infront of a computer. They already spend damaging amounts of time glued to televisions, as researchers have discovered, that impairs development. Our children, the Surgeon General warns, are the most sedentary generation ever.

Lack of Depth: Computer based content is a long way from offering the depth, flexibility and tried and tested results that a trained, dedicated and experienced teacher can offer children. In addition, the interaction with a sophisticated adult allows critical advanced vocabulary and personalization skills.

Quality of Content: Most digital content is overly simplistic in its structure. For example, a sum can only be wrong or right. The content will not explain to the student why the sum was wrong. A real teacher will mark a piece of work and offer the essential logic reasoning for the decision that will enable the student to gain a fundamental understanding of the system behind what constitutes correct/incorrect.

Health Hazards: Computers pose health hazards to children. The risks include repetitive stress injuries, eyestrain, obesity, social isolation, and, forsome, long-term physical, emotional, or intellectual developmental damage.

Safety: Children must be protected from the dangers of the Internet, stalkers, adult content, hate and violence. Filtering software is notoriously inefficient.

By no means am I attempting to articulate all the arguments or cover them inreal depth but just to raise some of the issues we all face. In my opinion both the Pros and Cons are very strong arguments all of which need serious consideration and answers.

Now to put this in to an importance perspective, digital technology is invading virtually every aspect of modern society and its impact is becoming fundamental to how we work, play and learn. Technology within education also has a huge role to play but its’ effectiveness and impact has not been studied in the depth and breadth that such a fundamental development requires.

In the work environment, mistakes in the use of technology are paid for inmonetary terms. How much less can we afford to make mistakes with introducing technology to our children, mistakes made here cost far more than damaged business, with education we are talking damaged lives. At the moment we just seem to be ‘throwing’ computers and the Internet at teachers and children, as I state above, without any real understanding of what we are actually doing to the children or should I call them ‘guinea pigs’.

The logic seems to be, at least on the governmental level, that we cannot afford for the coming generation not to be computer enabled, as this ability will be critical for a country to be economically competitive. In fact every country is being driven to ensure it’s digital competitiveness. At a governmental level this logic is difficult to fault but it is our job as educators and parents to ensure thatthe effectiveness of the headlong plunge is in the best interests of all the children.

My opinion is that large-scale research in to the issues needs to be carried out. Not on the scale of a few dozen subjects over weeks as many examples of current research do, but thousands or even tens of thousands of subjects over years.

These subjects need to be from 2 years to 8 years old. They need to bewidely dispersed geographically. Come from all levels of the social andattainment spectrum. In fact technology and the Internet is a perfect platform to carry out this type of research. I founded the Internet based Kindersite Project to enable researchers to accomplish this type of wide-scale program.

I believe that only significant research that studies thousands of subjectchildren over a long-term, years probably, will allow the educational community to really gain full and meaningful answers to the questions such as:

Does the early introduction of digital content positively or negatively affectyoung children?
What should be the parameters of the introduction (if any)?
What content types should be employed within the introductory process?
What constitutes ‘good’ or ‘bad’ content and why?
What parameters define ‘good’ or ‘bad’ content?
As a result of sustained and profound research, guidelines should be drawn. These guidelines should offer teachers and parents tried and tested parameters for the use of computers for their children at each age level. It should include areas such as; how long should a child use a computer over a period, maximum and minimum attainment levels to be expected for each age group based on set proficiency standards, how digital content should be integrated in to standard lesson plans in a similar way that other media isused.

Most importantly, set standards for educational content providers must be laid down that they must adhere to if they wish to produce educational content utilizable by educationalists.

In addition all young childrens’ content, educational or leisure should be labeled with its appropriateness for each age group. These standards should be defined by the research.

In conclusion, it is fairly obvious that computer based educational content is becoming a feature of schools, whether we like it or not. In the home we see increasing evidence that even the smallest children are gaining access to computers either with parents or through watching older siblings. It is unreasonable to expect to turn back the clock and bar children below a certain age from computers, this is unenforceable and ineffective.

It is our duty to ensure that clear usage standards are set, content guidelines are drawn and sites rated at a governmental level so that children, parents, caregivers and educators have a clear and safe basis for using computers and the Internet with their charges. Anything less is an abrogation of all our responsibility.

Driveways Cork

CC Careful Handling Of Non-Friable Asbestos Vinyl Floor Tile And Adhesive Mastic

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For the best Driveways Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

Asbestos tiles are non-friable, but improper removal helps to separate and form corners and break into pieces. Non-friable asbestos tiles and adhesive mastic should be removed using procedures like wet methods and breaking the adhesive bonds by flooding, heating, and using dry ice. In wet method, the removal personnel dissolve the Mastic with a suitable solvent. Thereafter they use a HEPA filter equipped vacuuming device to remove and pick up the resulting slurry.


To find the best Driveways Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Asbestos tiles are non-friable, but improper removal helps to separate and form corners and break into pieces. Non-friable asbestos tiles and adhesive mastic should be removed using procedures like wet methods and breaking the adhesive bonds by flooding, heating, and using dry ice. In wet method, the removal personnel dissolve the Mastic with a suitable solvent. Thereafter they use a HEPA filter equipped vacuuming device to remove and pick up the resulting slurry.

Breaking Adhesive Bonds of Tiles:

Adhesive bonds help in holding asbestos tiles to the Floors. Flooding floor tile with warm water for a day or two helps easier separation of tiles with a wide blade tool. Electric infrared heater, weed burner, a propane or blowtorch helps scoop up and flip over the tiles for removal. Spreading dry ice with insulating covers around on the floor also breaks the adhesive bonds. Some people also use Suitable indoor solvents for this purpose.

Disposing Asbestos Tiles and Mastic:

According to Asbestos Control Program, the removed asbestos tiles should be kept in wet condition to reduce possibility of exposure of asbestos fibers. Removal personnel should seal the container with duct tape and place appropriate asbestos label. Moreover, they should consult the Landfill operator for adequate disposal of asbestos containing material.

Hazards of Asbestos Exposure – Asbestosis and Mesothelioma

Damaged asbestos floor tile forms dust-like particles that float into air that can be inhaled by workers and people staying in nearby areas. Once inhaled, the asbestos particles settle inside the respiratory tract and lungs causing cancer of esophagus, digestive tract, larynx, colon, kidney, stomach, and lung fibrosis known as Asbestosis, and the infamous cancers of lining of lung and abdomen lining called Mesothelioma.

Precautions For Asbestos Tile Removal:

The person undertaking asbestos tile removal should wear disposable complete body covering. They should dispose the clothing with the asbestos waste. Wearing a disposable dust mask respirator with HEPA filters cartridges, and taking bath is needed as a precaution against contamination while removing asbestos tiles. Wet cleaning can be employed for walls and surfaces of the room.

Patios Dublin

AP Luxury Outdoor Rooms

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Active Paving.

This article informs the reader about outdoor room options and the amenities that can be included.

luxury, home, home improvement, outdoor, patio, lifestyle

To find the best Patios Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
As the controversial real estate bubble tumbles toward its imminent burst, homeowners look for new ways to increase their home’s value. In the past, you could slap some paint on a wall and bam, instant home improvement. As more and more people choose to spend time at home versus going out, they want their homes, or at least certain areas, to feel like a retreat – their own private oasis.

According to research from the Propane Education & Research Council PERC, 35 percent of homeowners surveyed currently have a finished outdoor room and one in three of those homeowners who do not 34 percent plan to design and furnish an outdoor room by spring 2007. When you apply this data to everyone, more than half of United States homes could have an outdoor entertaining area some time next year.

We are seeing a big trend in people investing in the outdoor living areas, said Leslie Wheeler, Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association Director of Communication. With more people looking for ways to enhance their homes, it isn’t surprising that they are turning to their backyards, decks and patios. Homeowners want all the conveniences of an indoor kitchen outdoors such as an island complete with refrigerator, grill, sink and countertop surface.

There are wonderful products on the market today to extend the outdoor living season and make outdoor living comfortable and enjoyable. Most consumers who invest in an outdoor living and entertaining area think that their investment with yield a return, should they decide to sell their home or borrow against it. Industry professionals interviewed for Designing Out: The Home Lifestyle Report agree that a home’s outdoor space can add as much as 30 percent to the total value of a property.

Lifestyle factors are also driving consumer demand for outdoor living spaces, with 50 percent of survey respondents saying they spend more time at home than they did five years ago. Survey respondents also said that relaxation and wanting to spend more time outside were the primary drivers for an outdoor room, with entertaining coming in a surprising last among the top five reasons listed.

If you’re just hearing about this trend and are not sure where to start, Katherine Whiteside, best-selling garden and cookbook author advises people to start simply. By definition, an outdoor room is simply an outdoor area that homeowners can use for relaxing, cooking and entertaining, said Whiteside. By adding some furniture and propane appliances to an existing patio, garden or deck, you have the beginnings of a great outdoor room.
When planning your outside room, Whiteside recommends paying attention to your climate.

Think about protection from the elements: sun, rain and cold. Use a market umbrella or a canopy hung with mosquito netting to protect yourself from sun and rain. But what happens when the evenings get cold? Consider a propane tabletop heater. At 3 feet tall, they can heat up to 5 feet in diameter. Outdoor Leisure just came out with a spectacular Bistro Tabletop Heater with a hammered bronze powder finish. The same company also offers a gas light patio heater. If you have the space, install a propane fire pit, which can be used during spark bans and is marvelous for putting your feet up while stargazing.

Protection from the elements leads right into comfort. You have to be warm, said Whiteside, so think about installing a porch floor with propane radiant heating. You need a place to sit down, so think about comfortable furniture. And if you live in an area near water, bugs are a consideration. A propane mosquito chaser can keep pesky insects away from you and your guests.

No outdoor room would be complete without a place to dine and a grill. Today’s propane grills come with all sorts of accessories that make creating appetizers and a main course a snap. You can get a rotisserie, a grill with a burner next to it, even woks. And, if you have three or more propane-fueled appliances, consider putting in an underground tank, so there are no unsightly above-ground tanks and you won’t have to worry about running out of fuel during your backyard party.

The industry’s top-selling appliances in the outdoor living category mirror the preferences of PERC’s survey respondents and Whiteside’s suggestions. After outdoor lighting 94 percent, other propane appliances dominate the list of must-have accessories: 86 percent of those surveyed said gas grills and mosquito eliminators were a necessity, followed by outdoor fireplaces 67 percent and patio heaters 53 percent.

Whether you live in a shoebox or a Mediterranean oceanfront mansion, outdoor rooms have taken the forefront and summer is the perfect time to clean up your backyard and transform it into an outdoor living space where your children can play and you can relax or entertain friends. One ay to improve the value of the backyard is to add an attractive and functional structure, such as a gazebo, pavilion, poolside cabana, or playhouse – even a yoga hut, artist’s studio, dog house, music practice room, hobby workshop, or any other private retreat.

Another possibility is to build a backyard home office, away from the distractions of the house.
No matter how large or small your yard, a water garden, pond or fountain is a great way to create a tranquil getaway just feet away from your back door.

Steve Sandalis, owner of Mystic Water Gardens in Los Angeles who has a large celebrity following, believes adding a water feature brings a peaceful element to any backyard, and in his opinion,the bigger, the better. Consider making your water feature bigger, he said, allowing it to meander through the backyard rather than being tucked away in the corner. It will create a stunning environment in which to live and relax.

Before you buy materials, determine the size of the water feature you want. Steve suggests going a little bigger than what you think will be the right size because once the landscaping grows and fills in, your water feature shrinks. To create a low maintenance water feature construct your feature that is essential an ecosystem that works with Mother Nature and not against it. The water features that we build use a biological filter and a mechanical skimmer that cuts down on the maintenance, Sandalis said.

Create a water feature that is placed strategically in the yard so you can view it from the inside, creating year-round enjoyment. If you have children and concerned about water safety, Sandalis recommends a pondless waterfall. We create features with very little depth, making it much safer for the entire family to enjoy. Water plants add a natural touch to water features. Sandalis says to keep the water clean from algae because plants absorb nutrients in the water.

When it comes to outdoor furnishings, not all products are created equally. Some are designed for specific climates and are more durable than others. You can spend a little or a lot. With so many options, and every manufacturer claiming their product is high-end and the best on the market, making a decision is nerve-wracking. We’ve taken the guesswork out of planning your backyard entertaining area or retreat with these luxury picks.
Tabletop Lantern Heaters by Outdoor Leisure Depending on where you live, you just might need a little heat on a cool summer evening.

As we move into fall, a heater will allow you to enjoy your outdoor space even longer. We like these brand-new, patio and tabletop lantern heaters from Outdoor Leisure that are heads and tails better than the usual mushroom heaters.

Cal Flame MC700 We love the Cal Flame MC700 barbecue island. It’s a part of the Master Chef Series, which is designed for the frequent barbecue cook who requires bar seating and counter space for dining and entertaining. The Series is mid-priced with numerous options that enable the consumer to create a convenient outdoor kitchen facility. The MC700 has a U-shaped countertop around the grill. It comes with a 2-burner grill (option of natural gas or liquid propane), tile top and stucco base and single-door under-counter storage. Available options include up to a 5-burner Convection grill, beverage tap, refrigerator, food warmer, side burner, LED lighting, entertainment system and built-in waterfall.

Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet Another great grill manufacturer is Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet, a company that has been making high-end grills, outdoor kitchens and recently, a martini bar, for 100 years. In addition to their awesome free-standing grills, Kalamazoo will literally build the kitchen of your dreams outdoors. The entire system stands fully finished in stainless steel and on its own leveling legs.

They will also integrate your kitchen into stone surrounds, outdoor enclosures or other hardscape treatments. Every outdoor kitchen cabinet door and drawer opening is surrounded by its own rain gutter, so any items you store inside will remain clean and dry no matter what the weather. Hand-crafted entirely of 304 and 316 stainless steel, including all hinges, handles, drawer glides and other hardware, your outdoor kitchen will withstand the elements and look beautiful for a lifetime.

Roofing And Guttering Wicklow

ARW Tile Over Tile: Radiant Heated Bathroom Floor

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Tile over tile is an easy way to avoid the mess associated with tearing up the old bathroom floor, but requires thorough planning.

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To find the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Tile over tile means exactly what it says, but in this case you re going to sandwich a layer of radiant heating mats between the old and the new tile. Tile over tile is an easy way to avoid the mess associated with tearing up the old bathroom floor, but requires thorough planning.


Before you install a radiant heat mat over the old bathroom tile and install new tile over the mat, you should check the floor for deflection. This is the maximum amount the floor can move under the anticipated load (you). Ceramic tile is hard and will break or dislodge if the surface bends under the load. Here s a simple test:

Stand in the middle of the bathroom floor and jump up and down. If the floor moves it has a deflection problem and is not a good candidate for tile over tile installation until you reinforce the sub-floor.

Avoid That Sinking Feeling:

Since you re tiling over tile, you must plan in advance to avoid making the vanity, toilet and tub look like they re sinking into the new floor.

Fortunately, many of the new radiant heating mats are no thicker than the depth of the mortar you would ordinarily apply for most tile installations. Combine this with a tile thickness of

Paving Cork

CC Furniture – Furniture Buying Tips

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For the best Paving Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

Furniture is the collective term for the movable objects which may be use for supporting the human body like seating furniture and beds, provide storage, or hold objects on horizontal surfaces above the ground.

sofas, massage chairs, dinning chairs, coffee tables and dinning room furniture, bedroom furniture, living room furniture

To find the best Paving Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Furniture is the collective term for the movable objects which may be use for supporting the human body like seating furniture and beds, provide storage, or hold objects on horizontal surfaces above the ground. Furniture is one of major part of your home so before buying furniture for your home you should be aware of some facts. Here are a few tips to help you buy furniture for your home.

When you are going to buy furniture for your home make sure that there is sufficient space for it in the house. For example you may want to buy a sofa but realize that you have space only for two armless chairs then purchasing a new sofa is useless and wastage of money.
For Latest furniture brand you can search online furniture on internet according to your requirement. Visit the websites of different furniture manufacturers and view their products and see if you find anything that you like.
The furniture may look good in the showroom but may not in your home. So try to imagine the piece of furniture in your home before purchasing the furniture.
While in a furniture shop observe how they have decorated the room and how they have placed the various accessories in the room. This could give you ideas on how to arrange furniture and decorate your house.
There is no doubt that it is good to buy the best quality products that you can afford. But do not buy something that is way beyond your budget, just because it is of the best quality. Set a budget and stick to it.
If you are not able to find the piece you want ask if you can place a special order of your choice. If you are placing an order for a particular piece of furniture ask what changes can be made in the piece and decide whether you want to make them. Select the fabric that you want.
Some stores allow to you to take the piece home and see how it fits into your house and you can return it if you do not like it. Return furniture if it is not right for your home though the store may charge you a small amount.

Tarmac Cork

CC Twig Wreaths For Rustic Or Elegant Appeal

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For the best Tarmac Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

The thought of twigs may conjure up an old forest, or well-constructed bird’s nest. Twigs are also an extremely popular material for wreaths. A wreath can be made entirely of twigs for a rustic, primitive appeal or can have all sorts of materials added to them for a graceful design. They can also accent a wreath for any season of the year whether its Thanksgiving or Valentine’s Day.

The charm of twig wreaths stems from their raw, natural beauty. The trend for wreaths made…

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The thought of twigs may conjure up an old forest, or well-constructed bird’s nest. Twigs are also an extremely popular material for wreaths. A wreath can be made entirely of twigs for a rustic, primitive appeal or can have all sorts of materials added to them for a graceful design. They can also accent a wreath for any season of the year whether its Thanksgiving or Valentine’s Day.

The charm of twig wreaths stems from their raw, natural beauty. The trend for wreaths made completely from intertwined twigs has boomed. Twigs are naturally bendable and therefore were probably some of the first materials used to make wreaths. Many twigs are naturally highlighted with beautiful berries. Allowing the twigs to stick out away from the wreath in a fan, or swirl shape, makes a wonderful statement in a kitchen or living room, or for a door. Some twigs encompass an entire color all on their own. Bayberry twigs are thin with a slightly blueish-brown color and red dogwood is a beautiful burnt red. Twig wreaths made just with these basic, yet striking materials, will catch any eye.

Twigs are also extremely popular as bases and accents for wreaths. A swirled, red dogwood, twig wreath can be accented with dried herbs or flowers. The addition of fake birds, bumble bees and dragon flies onto a twig base can really bring nature inside. Imagine birch tree twigs fanned out whimsically with accents of leaves from the peak of fall, or a pussy willow wreath with a few, delicate faux butterflies.

Mt. birch wreaths make fantastic bases. They have a dense core, then fan out wildly in a scattered pattern. Leaves, berries, ribbons, or even bulb ornaments will make a tasteful addition to this base. The briar patch wreath also has a wonderfully natural and random effect. These absolutely call to mind a bird’s nest. Add faux birds and bird eggs with a few leaves, dried herbs and berries for a rustic appeal.

Twig wreaths can also be graceful and elegant. Matching the pattern of the swirling twigs, greens with daisies or roses can add brilliance to any room. Dried flowers of all shades and shapes also add an exquisite motif to the twig base.

Patios Wexford

DDWex Looking For Bedroom Furniture. Here’s What You Should Keep In Mind

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The bedroom is one of the most personal and private rooms in your home. It needs to match who you are and the way YOU would like to feel when you go to sleep and wake up.

bedroom furniture

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Choosing the right furniture for your space is the key. Your choices might not be exactly what you want now, but they will be the right choices for you over time. Remember, after you buy the “right” furniture you will end up customizing the space with your “stuff” anyway and the furniture will blend into the space. But, as you start your bedroom furniture shopping, consider these “right” choices.

Shopping from the beginning

As a start shopping for bedroom furniture consider the bedroom as empty and your wallet as reasonably full. What do you really need in a bedroom anyway? Start with the true basics. You will need: a bed, a dresser, a night stand or two with lamps and a good chair or two with possibly a table and lamp. This is really about it and you could probably do without a couple of these items as well. Start slow and go for the true basics first. Past the bed (minus the headboard), try to pick a piece that you want to have with you for the rest of your life. From here, build around that piece. Choose carefully and take as long as you need. As long as you have the bed and a ceiling light you’re ok for a few days.


The big thing to remember is that furniture made today is not made to the same quality standards that it may have been made to a decade or five ago. As you go about shopping for that first piece you plan on keeping for the rest of your life be prepared to spend a bit more for it. Look for solid dove tail joints, solid real wood and quality hardware. Most people would think of the dresser as being this piece. It does not necessarily need to have a mirror or jewelry drawers built into it but regardless of how old you happen to be make sure it can stand up and be passed down though the generations.
The next item to consider in this regard is its style. Some woods cost more then others. Generally, but not always, the more expensive pieces are traditional in nature and are fairly non-unique. They are made this way because of tradition, but also because they appeal to many types of people. They are also made this way because they rarely go out of style. This is a very large consideration. Styles change and you don’t want a shag dresser when you are 55 years old. Buy bedroom furniture that will always be in style regardless of passing fads and your age.

Reacting to light

Different furniture reflects light is different ways. A heavy oak piece of furniture will reflect light differently then a light piece of bamboo furniture. Set a color style for the more likely lighting scenario you are likely to run into with regard to your housing tastes.

Color of furniture

If you are looking at the color choices, when choosing bedroom furniture, you will want them to match one another when you are first buying them. They can be ight or dark, textured or smooth it is all a matter of keeping everything to the same style and matching color. Consider this; however, look at the construction of the piece of furniture. How is it made under the fabric? Look and ask about its ability to be reupholstered. Some furniture carcasses are not made to stand up to being pulled apart for a rehab while others are more apt to be.

Easy of the volume

Considering a piece of furniture’s volume is a fairly important idea. You may be in a larger bedroom at the moment and a larger piece will fit to scale and space nicely. Move once or twice and that piece will either disappear into a corner or take up half the room; visually or physically. This is a difficult thing to consider since there are not too many people in today’s mobile world that know where they are going to be in 5-10 years. There is really no answer for this dilemma other then to try to stay within a reasonable size spectrum. The love seat may look to be a good idea at the moment, but is it really?

Be realistic about your true tastes

The big thing about buying furniture is to come to terms with what you really want in your most personal space. This generally means coming to terms with who you really are. Not who you are at this point in your life, but who you really are in your own heart and style. This will not change through your lifetime. Buy your bedroom furniture from there and be comfortable when you go to sleep and when you wake up.