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canadian film school

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Canadian film school

Whether taking inspiration from the success of Hollywood films, the rave of filming and the millions bucks earned from it caused the sprouting of film schools in many parts of North America including Canada. Several Canadian film schools have erected to accommodate the growing number of students who are eager to build a career in filming.

Canadian Film Schools in Ontario
Algonquin College offers 2-year diploma programs for Broadcast For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Television, Interactive Multimedia Developer, and 3-year advanced diploma program. The two-year diploma program for Broadcast Television provides formal training on television and television production, including the technical aspects in operations. Students are required to have a passing grade in order to be promoted to the next level.

The IMD program emphasizes on the development of hands-on component, offered in courses like digital imaging, authoring, animation, development, and project management. The Animation program provides training to students in digital animation as well as the traditional way. After completing the first year, students are given an option to either pursue traditional or digital animation.

Brock University is a Canadian film school in Ontario, offers a Film Studies Program whose courses examine many approaches in filming and provides an in-depth learning on the many aspects of film language including looking at films as an art and medium at the same time. The courses in Film Studies include Popular Cinema, National Cinema, Critical Theory and Practical, Canadian Popular Culture, Canadian Cinema, Film Theory, Authorship in Cinema, Issues in Popular Culture, and Screen Education. Basic Production courses are Video, Film History, Cultural History, Documentary Film, and Screened Women.

Canadian Film Schools in British Columbia
The Capilano College is a Canadian Film School located in North Vancouver offers full-time credit programs in Professional Development Courses, Professional Film Studies, and part-time courses in the evenings and on weekends through its Continuing Education. The Full-time Professional Film Studies include Professional Film Studies Program and Professional Acting for the Camera Program. Entry Level Craft Training Programs offered in the College are Costuming for Film and Theater, Basic Make-up for Film and Television, and Film Electrical Training Course.

The Center for Arts and Technology in Kelowna is a reputed Digital Arts School in Canada offering programs customized for 3D Animation, Audio Engineering, Digital Filmmaking, Event and Talent Management, Interior Design, 3D Game Animation, Graphic and Digital Media Desing, Network Security and other related careers in information technology and the entertainment industry. The students enrolling in these programs will earn hands-on knowledge through working on a number of projects covering the whole production process itself.

Just be sure to check out the websites of the featured Canadian Film Schools for more information.

Paving Cork

CC Cordless Tools Guide

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For the best Paving Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

This articles discusses points to weigh regarding the purchase and use of cordless tools.

cordless, tools, reviews, rankings, guide

To find the best Paving Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
— Battery Size —
For cordless tools, power is determined by battery voltage: the higher the voltage, the more power and torque the tool has available. While more power and torque may seem like like something you want, there are trade-offs to be made. With high voltage cordless tools, along with the additional power, comes additional cost and additional tool weight.

Here is a typical comparison to illustrate the point. A typical 9.6 Volt cordless drill will typically weigh in the neighborhood of 3-1/2 pounds and cost anywhere from $35 – $150. As a comparison, a 19.2 Volt cordless drill can weigh up to 10 pounds and cost in the range of $125 – $300. If the increased torque and power of a 19.2 Volt cordless drill is really needed, the added cost may be worth it. But if you are using your cordless drill to occasionally drive screws in your home, a 19.2 Volt cordless drill is probably not worth it since it is harder to use (since it is heavy) and money not well spent. If you really do not need the additional power, a cheaper, light-weight cordless drill will probably suit your needs much better.

— Number of Batteries —
Another point to consider when buying a new cordless tool is the number of batteries that come included with the tool. If you plan on using your tool for extended periods of time or often, you will want to only consider tools that come with two batteries. It is very frustrating when your batteries dies in the middle of something and you have to wait a couple of hours for the battery to charge before you can get back to what you were doing. When you are purchasing a tool, make sure it comes with two batteries. If it does not, look up the cost of an additional battery and include that when you are comparing costs between tools.

— Battery Type —
Two types of batteries are for sale for cordless tools: Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH). Do yourself a favor, do not purchase a cordless tool that uses NiMH batteries. Yes, it may be cheaper, but it is cheap for a very good reason. NiMH batteries have issues with memory problems (they need to be completely discharged before they are recharged or they lose charge capacity), they do not last for as many charge cycles (the batteries die quicker), and they are lower power than equivalent voltage Li-Ion batteries.

— Battery and Tool Storage —
Even when your cordless tool is off, it will draw a small amount of energy from the battery. While the amount of energy being drawn is slight, it can add up to a significant amount over the course of days, or weeks. So when you put away your cordless tools, be sure to remove the battery; this will help ensure that the battery is charged when you need it. Do not keep your battery in the charger for extended periods of time. While there are some chargers that claim to be “smart” about this, but as a rule storing your cordless tool batteries in the charger will lead to them dying sooner than if you do not. When storing your batteries avoid storing them in heat and cold. Cold weather will not harm your battery long-term, but it will decrease the amount of available power when the tool is being used. High heat can permanently ruin the batteries of your cordless tools. Avoid high heat, and do not charge your batteries in an area that is overly hot, this can permanently damage the battery.

–Charging Your Batteries–
Many higher-end cordless tools now come with advanced chargers that allow the battery to be charged in a very short period of time; often in about 15 minutes. For comparison, a standard charger can take up to 3 hours to charge the battery. If you need a quick-charging battery for your tool, look into the charging options that are available prior to getting a cordless tool.

— Pick a Brand —
An easy way to avoid problems with battery availability is to decide on a battery size and brand and stay with it. If you consistently purchase the same brand of tool with the same battery size when buying drills, trim saws, reciprocating saws, screwdrivers, etc, you will be able to share batteries and chargers between all of your tools. This will increase the number of available batteries and it ensures that you will never run out of charged batteries.

Tarmac Dublin

AP Spring Cleaning for Driveways, Paths, and Parking Areas

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Active Paving.

Spring is the time of the year that a good yard and house clean up is necessary for good house maintenance.


To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
Time was when most houses were approached on foot up the garden path and entered through the front door; the horse or carriage presumably was left by the front gate. The advent of automobiles and busier roads has left the front doors of many older houses high and dry, blindly facing a busy highway on which it is no longer safe for horse or automobile to tarry. Many of these older houses are now entered by what was once the back or side door, and a new approach has been necessarily created, often involving some form of driveway and parking space. Modern houses are designed with their main entrance oriented to the automobile’s requirements, usually up a private driveway. In the suburbs, it may be a short suburban tarred strip; in the country, a longer shaled driveway leading to the house.

Whether you have a short or a long driveway, it will need certain maintenance from time to time. Make your inspection after you are sure the last snow has come and gone. If yours is a gravel driveway, clean up and rake back any gravel that may have been snowplowed off (usually onto the adjoining lawn).

If you have a blacktop driveway, check for cracks and holes. If these are minor, they can easily be repaired with special tars available from hardware stores and lumberyards. Occasionally, the whole driveway can benefit from a coat of blacktop sealer that creates a new wearing surface.

Similarly, minor repairs to concrete driveways are easily made at this stage using a concrete mix that can be bought in small sacks from building suppliers, lumberyards, and many hardware stores. (See pages 21-24 for more information on concrete repair.)

If yours is a longer driveway made of shale, crushed stone, split rock, or gravel, it will probably require more regular maintenance than either blacktop or concrete. Snowplowing, if necessary in your area, can exact a heavy toll by removing surface material along with the snow.

Any hole or rut-even a small one-will be enlarged by the action of rain and runoff and eventually become a major hazard. No matter how carefully a graded driveway is originally graded, sooner or later it will develop ridges and depressions that begin to collect water. The holes seem to grow of their own accord; in attempting to skirt them, drivers gradually change a smooth, straight run into a winding obstacle course.

This process, however, can be slowed greatly by a little rake-work now and then. When all the frost is out of the ground and any heaved sections have subsided-and the ground is reasonably dry-fill in holes and depressions with material raked from the high spots. If permanent ruts across the driveway persist from heavy rains and runoff, consider installing new or additional culverts to carry off the excess water.

Even though it is important not to begin to level your driveway or parking area until you are certain that cold weather has subsided and all the frost is gone, early spring is the best time of year to do this kind of work, especially if you are undertaking more extensive repairs like major reshaling or adding additional parking space. Spring repairs allow the driveway to be compacted firmly (by use) during the summer, minimizing the amount of loose surface material that snowplows may later scrape away.

Much of what has been said about driveways is pertinent to paths. Paths and walkways that are not well drained or that are constructed over bases unsuited to their climate can suffer considerable e-raised paving material, loosened bricks, and misplaced flagstones. Before attempting any repair, wait for the effects of winter the rainy season to subside.

Roofing And Guttering Kildare

ARK Types of disposable wipers sold in the current cleaning and health markets.

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

There are many types of disposable wipers sold in today’s janitorial and healthcare markets. Each type of wiper is suited for an individual use and treated with different chemicals

disposable wipers, disposable wiper, cleaning wipes, cleaning wipers, cleaning wipes

To find the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
There are many types of disposable wipers sold in the current janitorial and healthcare markets. Each type of wiper is suited for an individual use and treated with different chemicals. Center pull disposable wipers are great for anywhere you need disposable wipers in a hurry. These wipers are loaded into a dispenser and the wipers are dispensed through a central hole on the bottom of the dispenser. These wipers are economical and great for auto shops, work shops, classrooms and just about anywhere you would need to wipe something up in a hurry.

Microfiber cleaning cloths are designed for specific uses. The selection of microfiber cloths include bathroom fixtures cloth microfiber towels, glass and surface microfiber cloth towels , all purpose microfiber towels and super absorbent cleaning clothes.

Wiper roll dispensers are for the really big jobs. This disposable wiper dispenser holds wipers up to 16 inches wide and can hold the equivalent of 100 pounds of cleaning rags. These dispensers are great for school lunchrooms and cafeterias where quick and easy cleanup is needed.

All purpose disposable cleaning wipers – All purpose wipers are a great alternative to old fashioned towels and rags. A box of 176 wipers costs about 25 dollars and made especially for cleaning. If you don’t like the price or the hassle of cloth material towels this is a great alternative. Absorbency pockets on disposable cleaning cloths soak up more liquids and the retain the liquid better than cloth towels.

Automotive cleaning wipers (gas station windshield towels) – When your looking for car windshield towels price is usually the main concern.

Dusting disposable wipers are specially treated with oils and dust treatments to pick up more dust than conventional towels. Some dusters are treated with antimicrobial additives to prevent kill mold and bacteria.

Food Service wipers – Food service wipers is one of the largest sections in our wiper line. Food service wipers can come treated with antimicrobial solutions to prohibit growth of bacteria on food service counters. Some food service wipers can be used up to 2 days and then discarded.

Personal care wipers – Personal care wipers are ideal for camping or cleaning up the kids.

Rag replacement wipers – Rag disposable wipers are reinforced to give you the full strength of a traditional cloth towel. Replacement wiper towels absorb more liquids and have better liquid retention.

Specialty wipers – Our specialty wipers section has a large assortment of wipers to perform a variety of delicate tasks. These wipers include lens cleaning wipers, delicate materials cleaning and antistatic electronic cleaning wipers.

Utility wipers – Utility wipes are perfect for cleaning spray wipe and go tasks. Absorbent and strong.

Landscaping Dublin

LL All About Bamboo Floors

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For the best Landscaping in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Bamboo is a type of grass. Being so, you might think that it is as soft and brittle as the typical grass species we know and can no way be used as building material.

Bamboo floors, hardwood floors, bamboo

To find the best Landscaping Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Bamboo is a type of grass. Being so, you might think that it is as soft and brittle as the typical grass species we know and can no way be used as building material. However, bamboo has proven itself very resilient and flexible, making it the material of choice for many structure builders.

The cost of bamboo flooring averages at between $2 and $4 for every square foot, which is just about the same price as oak. This is a fair price considering the many benefits it offers.

Installing bamboo flooring does not require any special and specific technique. In fact, there are several ways you can lay them on: You can float them, nail them down, or glue them on. Bamboo is also easier to get than oak because it only takes around 3 years for it to mature, as opposed to oak which can take up to a hundred years to be fully mature.

It is important to note that that bamboo is not a wood — it’s a grass, so we cannot call it hardwood. However, it can last as long as the standard hardwoods we have around, so that’s probably why most people mistake it as such.

To make a flat, solid floor, the bamboo tubes are cut into strips. These are then these are boiled to strip the starch away. The boiled strips proceed to the drying and lamination process, and then milled to become strip floor boards. This is the same process that hardwoods like maple or oak go through. Finally, the strips are treated using a preservative to slow down decay.

There is something about bamboo floors that gives a room an ethnic and earthy feel. Because hardwoods like oak are rather dark and, thus, look too rich and heavy, using bamboo as your flooring makes your space appear lighter, airier, and less contrived.

But perhaps the best thing about bamboo floors is that they are easy to acquire and install. Bamboo floor strips are sold at all building materials stores. You don’t have to search far and wide to get your hands on them.

Paving Wexford

DDWex Copper Sinks

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For the best Paving Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

If you are considering a new sink within your kitchen or bathroom, a copper sink may be the way for you to go. Many people are choosing copper sinks over other traditional styles such as porcelain. The reason the popularity of copper sinks has grown so drastically is because not only does it have a simplistic beauty unmatched by any other style, it is also extremely functional within the kitchen. The great thing about copper sinks is that they are virtually maintenance free, …

copper, copper sink, sinks

To find the best Paving Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways.
If you are considering a new sink within your kitchen or bathroom, a copper sink may be the way for you to go. Many people are choosing copper sinks over other traditional styles such as porcelain. The reason the popularity of copper sinks has grown so drastically is because not only does it have a simplistic beauty unmatched by any other style, it is also extremely functional within the kitchen. The great thing about copper sinks is that they are virtually maintenance free, if it needs cleaned water and soap will do the trick.

Chemical cleaners are a thing of the past when it comes to copper sinks, they do not require harsh cleaning and with care its beauty will last a lifetime. Another positive aspect of copper sinks is that unlike many other types of sinks, these tend to grow in beauty over time. With age, the copper sink will change its color, however, if you do not want the color to change, you can simply use a furniture or brass wax to prevent it. Copper sinks makes things a whole lot easier on your life.

Another great aspect of the copper sink is that it is overall cleaner and more sanitary than other material types. Copper is a natural elemental that contains antibacterial benefits, therefore bacteria and other harmful substances cannot hope to survive on copper. In a study performed on, stainless steel and copper, it was shown that copper is extremely sanitary by comparison. Thanks to the antibacterial benefits of copper, a bacterium that is found on the copper will not live any longer than one to two hours.

When purchasing a copper sink you will want to look for a few specific things. Make sure you consider the d cor and look of your home; this will help you understand the type of copper sink you will want. Another thing is to make sure the copper sink is made by hand and not manufactured in a factory somewhere; this will help ensure that you are getting a quality copper sink for your home.

When it comes down to actually purchasing your copper sink, make certain you are purchasing a copper sink of high quality. Yes, price is an important factor for everyone today, however remember the old saying, You get what you pay for . This saying holds true with copper sinks as well. The cheaper a copper sink becomes, the less copper it is actually made of. Cheaper copper sinks are typically made of recycled copper, this means that the copper comes from machines or computers that used copper. This further means that the copper used in your copper sink, could only be 90% pure or even less.

Davitt Paving Wicklow

Discontinued Tile: Remodeling with Discontinued Ceramic Tile

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For the best Paving Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

Using discontinued ceramic tile is a wonderful way to remodel your home while saving a great deal of money. Most businesses will sell discontinued ceramic tile at a great discount and this offers many benefits to the consumer.

kitchen renovation,remodeling,ceramic tile

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Using discontinued ceramic tile is a wonderful way to remodel your home while saving a great deal of money. Most businesses will sell discontinued ceramic tile at a great discount and this offers many benefits to the consumer. You can use the tile to remodel your floors, or tile a wall, just make sure that the discontinued ceramic tile is strong enough to handle the use you’ve purposed for it. You should also make sure that you purchase enough of the tile at first, to protect yourself from running out of tile before completing your project.

Cleaning and Discontinued Ceramic Tile

Most ceramic tile requires little more than soapy water to clean it. However, if your discontinued ceramic tile is specially glazed, be sure to find out what cleaning products were recommended to use with your tile. You may also want to write down the name of the manufacturer and contact them as soon as you purchase the tile with any questions that you have. If you contact them in the future, they may no longer have readily available answers for you.

Looking for Discontinued Ceramic Tile

You may be lucky enough to just “happen upon” discontinued ceramic tile that is perfect for your project while visiting your local homebuilder supply store. If not, and you are set on purchasing this tile for the reason of savings, then you can turn your search to the Internet and look for discontinued ceramic tile from various dealers online. This is a great way to view samples of tiles before you view and will allow you to have many options to choose from. By browsing the Internet you can save time, money, and gas. Plus you have the ability to shop from many more stores than you could tackle in person. By choosing discontinued ceramic tile, you can create the project of your dreams and maintain your budget as well. This is a wonderful benefit for both you and the supplier. Remember, for the best assistance, you should ask any questions that you may have regarding the ceramic tile at the time of the sale.

Dublin Driveway Cleaning

LL Conveyor Belt Tracking

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For the best Driveway Cleaning in Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Economy as well as reliability is offered by conveyor belts. For a long and trouble-free working of the conveyor system you will need to ensure that the tracking or alignment of the conveyer system is perfect.

Conveyor Belts, Plastic Conveyor Belts, Wire Mesh Conveyor Belts, Rubber Conveyor Belts

To find the best Driveway Cleaning Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Economy as well as reliability is offered by conveyor belts. For a long and trouble-free working of the conveyor system you will need to ensure that the tracking or alignment of the conveyer system is perfect.

Tracking a conveyor belt just means making it work efficiently. According to conveyor belt gurus, in simple terms it means the belt must move towards the end of the roll. A belt is said to be tracked well when the edges of the belt remain within the width of the pulley and the roller components while carrying a full load.

To achieve this, users as well as installation and maintenance crews must take appropriate steps to ensure that the whole system is centered as well as level. All components like pulleys, snub rollers and idlers must fit perfectly square within the frame and be perfectly parallel. Ask the belt manufacturer to guide you on what the correct belt tension should be. This is what prevents slippage. Another important aspect is cleanliness of the belt. Any particulate matter stuck on the belt will affect tracking, as it creates an additional roll or pulley face.

Tracking must be done with great care. Begin with an empty belt, then recheck tracking with a full load. Adjust the tracking when the belt is running. After adjustment of the idler, run the belt at least 4-5 revolutions before deciding on any further adjustments. Overcorrections must be adjusted using the same idler, and not by moving any other idlers.

When troubleshooting tracking, consider the structure and components of the belt, the tension and joints, load balance, and belt stiffness. Look at the condition of the belt, the power and tension levels transmitted to the belt by drives and take up systems, alignment of idlers and rolling components, the workings of belt splices, cleanliness of the reverse side of the belting, and the direction of the load. Consistent tracking will lead to a safe and hassle-free conveyor belt system.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Weather Forecasts Should Take
Wind Movement Into Account

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The interaction between the heat from the sun and the earth’s atmosphere is greatly responsible for the weather of the world. The unequal heating of the earth and the atmosphere’s tendency to reach equilibrium forces the movement of large mass of air. This causes changes in the weather condition.

The tilt in the earth’s axis causes the seasonal variations as different parts of the earth receives varied amount of the sunrays everyday. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The Tropical Zone between 23.5 degr…

weather pattern, weather forecasts, predict weather

Article Body:
The interaction between the heat from the sun and the earth’s atmosphere is greatly responsible for the weather of the world. The unequal heating of the earth and the atmosphere’s tendency to reach equilibrium forces the movement of large mass of air. This causes changes in the weather condition.

The tilt in the earth’s axis causes the seasonal variations as different parts of the earth receives varied amount of the sunrays everyday. The Tropical Zone between 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south receives maximum heat throughout the year. This effects convection. This convection causes the hot air to rise up, form a low pressure and come down again as rainfall.

Until it reaches the tropopause (the juncture of the stratosphere and the troposphere) the hot air keeps moving up. It cannot cross the tropopause. It spreads towards the pole and then cools and sinks down generally in between the 30 degrees north and south. The sinking air produces a high pressure belt which causes dry and sunny climate. The deserts on the earth are located mostly in these zones.

In the zone between the 30 degrees north and south latitudes the sinking air displaces a considerable mass of air that was already there. Some of it moves towards the equatorial area as trade winds. By the time it reaches the equator, it dies out and this was called the doldrums by sailors.

Thus we can see that the global circulation of air is to a large extent a cause of the rise of air in the tropics, sinking of the same in between the 30 degrees north and south latitude and also the eventual flowing back of it to the equator. This whole process was first observed by English scientist George Hadley and thus it gets its name as the Hadley cells.

The whole of the rising equatorial wind do not sink in the 30 degrees’ zone. Some continues to flow till they reach the poles. They meet the polar air at 60 degrees north and south. This zone is called the polar fronts. From here the warmer air moves towards the 30 degrees’ area and this was first observed by William Ferrel in 1856. Thus this process earns its name: the Ferrel cells.
There are some air that rises at the 60 degree and flows towards the 60 degrees north and south zone. This is quite a weak process and is popularly called the polar Hadley cells.

Roofers Wicklow

ARW Garage Door Openers – I Can Not Imagine Life Without Them

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For the best Roofers Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

A Garage door opener is a piece of equipment used for opening and closing garage doors. Most models are remote controlled. Garage door openers are simple but extremely useful devices. So much so, that it s hard to imagine living without them now.

The first garage door opener consisted of a radio transmitter, a receiver and an actuator to open or close the door. In this the receiver would detect a change in the amplitude and would open or close the door. However there was a…

garage door openers

To find the best Roofers Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
A Garage door opener is a piece of equipment used for opening and closing garage doors. Most models are remote controlled. Garage door openers are simple but extremely useful devices. So much so, that it s hard to imagine living without them now.

The first garage door opener consisted of a radio transmitter, a receiver and an actuator to open or close the door. In this the receiver would detect a change in the amplitude and would open or close the door. However there was a security concern with these kinds of garage door openers. They could be opened by anybody with a transmitter. Also there were accidental openings of garage doors by neighbors trying to open their doors. The later door openers used a shared frequency to overcome the accidental opening by other users. Using dipswitches a total of 256 combinations were made to prevent interference from other garage door openers. However the security issue was still not overcome.

The present day garage door openers use rolling frequency or hopping code technology. In these the frequency of opening is look ahead type, that means every time the door is opened then the next time the door will be opened by another frequency.

The technology for garage door openers is fairly simple. Three kinds are used, chain drive, screw drive and belt drive. Chain drives are noisy as they use a metallic chain along with a metal trolley. However they are fairly cheARW about $130 Screw drives consists of a threaded lead screw. They start at about $150 The newer models consist of plastic lined tracks to reduce the noise and increase the speed of opening. Belt drives are the costliest and the quietest. They begin at about $170

There is a misconception that the lifting is done by the door opener. However the actual lifting is done by the springs. When the door is closed the springs come into tension. When the door is being opened the spring does most of the lifting. There are two types linear expansion springs and torsional springs. Garage door openers are of two types, jackshaft type and trolley type. The jackshaft type occupies less space. The trolley type consists of trolley attached to the door and also to the motor. This occupies space in the ceiling but is more popular because it is safer. In jackshaft type, it is difficult to sense when someone is being crushed under the door. There are two types of motors available, AC and DC. AC is more common but DC has many advantages. It consumes less electricity, the speed is easily controlled and makes less noise.

There are some models which auto reverse incase of obstruction like a pet or a child. The remotes usually operate up to a distance of 150 feet. The remote can be used to switch on the light of the garage also. Most garage door openers come with a keypad, which can be installed outside the garage. This is used to open the garage, if the remote batteries are down or the user has forgotten the remote. Most garage door openers allow emergency release so that the door can be opened manually in case of power failures.