Driveways Cork

CC Alternative To Rat Poison

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For the best Driveways Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

Mechanical rat traps are one possible alternative to poisons; another alternative is to buy a cat, although cats capable of dealing with rats are relatively rare; in many cultures, hunting dogs have been used instead. Both of these methods have a disadvantage of being comparatively messy, a particular problem when the building with a rat problem is to be uninhabited for some months. Anticoagulants have the advantage that their first effect is dehydration from blood loss, caus…

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To find the best Driveways Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Mechanical rat traps are one possible alternative to poisons; another alternative is to buy a cat, although cats capable of dealing with rats are relatively rare; in many cultures, hunting dogs have been used instead. Both of these methods have a disadvantage of being comparatively messy, a particular problem when the building with a rat problem is to be uninhabited for some months. Anticoagulants have the advantage that their first effect is dehydration from blood loss, causing the unfortunate rodent to leave the building in search of water.

Newer rodenticides have been developed to work with by reducing the sperm count in males to deprive them of the ability to procreate rather than to kill rodents outright. They are usually administered in the breeding seasons of most rodents.


Clotting factors are identified by number and the serine proteases (also called K-dependent factors for reasons which are about to become clear) are factors II, VII, IX, and X. These factors are produced in an inactive state by the liver and go happily circulating through the bloodstream awaiting activation. When a vessel tears and it becomes necessary to form a clot, these factors are activated in a process that requires Vitamin K (a fat soluble vitamin not as famous as its fat-soluble cousins Vitamins A and E). As the clotting factors are activated, Vitamin K is inactivated but later recycled by another set of enzymes to be ready to participate in clotting factor activation again later.

As long as there is plenty of Vitamin K, the serine proteases can be activated and clotting can proceed normally.

The anticoagulant rodenticides abolish Vitamin K recycling. This means that as soon as one s active Vitamin K reserves are depleted, there can be no meaningful blood clotting.

In cases of poisoning one would expect symptoms to be nearly immediate but in the case of anticoagulant rodenticide poisoning, it takes several days to deplete Vitamin K. After that, even the smallest of jostles and traumas can lead to life-threatening bleeds.


QD How To Plan Outdoor Holiday Decorating For Your Home And Stay Within Your Budget

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

When I was a little girl, I remember my dad taking us for drives at night throughout our neighborhood to see the houses decorated for Christmas. There were some that had a simple wreath on the front door and some that looked like Santa s Workshop on the front lawn.

outdoor Christmas decorations, Christmas decorations ideas, Holiday decorating, Christmas

To find the best Patios Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
When I was a little girl, I remember my dad taking us for drives at night throughout our neighborhood to see the houses decorated for Christmas. There were some that had a simple wreath on the front door and some that looked like Santa s Workshop on the front lawn.

I was always amazed at the beautiful lights, glistening snow, and holiday music. It wasn t until I was an adult that I realized those beautiful displays took a lot more organizing, planning and money than I thought.

Whether you live in a cold or warm climate, you don t have to break the bank in order to create a cozy and beautiful outdoor holiday display for your home.

Here s how.

Create a plan. You need to decide how much money you can comfortably spend. Many people wind up over-spending during the holidays, use credit cards and find they take on more debt than they should. August or September is a good time to start planning and it won t take long. Many retail stores are beginning to announce pre-Christmas sales and this is the time to find bargains.

If you live in a closed community, check for rules and restrictions. This will save you any headaches later on if there are certain things not permitted.

Here are some things to think about when creating your plan.

To Theme or Not to Theme: Once you have determined your spending limit, next is to decide how creative to get. Do you want to create a theme on your front lawn such as Disney or Santa s workshop or would you rather stay traditional with just some lights and perhaps just a reindeer.

Lights How many front windows do you have and do you want lights on all of them? If you live in a 2-story house, don t forget the second floor. Measure your windows, so you know how many strings or yardage of lights you will need. Equally important is to check for an outside electrical receptacle where you will be plugging them in.

Window candles These are the electric or battery-operated lights that look like a glowing stick candle on a window sill and create a nice, cozy effect. If you choose electric, make sure you have enough receptacles by each window to plug them in. If you choose battery-operated, you will need to have extra batteries on hand.

Front Door Decorating your front door can be as elaborate as a gift box or as simple as hanging either a real or artificial wreath.

Lawn Ornaments These can be anything from simple signs that say, Santa, Stop Here or North Pole to an entire village of animated characters re-creating Santa s Workshop.

Roof I am reminded of an episode from the TV show Home Improvement , where Tim literally fell through his roof when trying to re-create Santa s sleigh and reindeer on his roof. Safety is always the first consideration. If you want to put holiday displays on your roof, you may be better off hiring a professional.

Once you have gone through this list and created your plan, start scouting the newspapers for sales at retail stores. Home improvement stores or discount stores will usually have an entire department established just for outdoor holiday decorations.

If you live in a cold-weather climate, putting up the lights and roof ornaments is best done before the snow and chilling temperatures arrive.

Plan early to stay within budget and you will have a great time decorating the outside of your home for the holidays.

Patios Wexford

DDWex How To Organize Your Kitchen

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For the best Patios Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

You may think that it is an easy task to organize a kitchen. You may realize that it can also be difficult to do tasks in the kitchen if it is not organized. You must set steps and routines for you to follow and have an easy time working in your kitchen.

Here are some pointers that you may use in organizing your kitchen:

1. You must keep your kitchen clean for you to work conveniently and free from any time consuming activities before you cook. Discard any items that y…

organizing, organizer, organized, kitchen

To find the best Patios Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Wexford.
You may think that it is an easy task to organize a kitchen. You may realize that it can also be difficult to do tasks in the kitchen if it is not organized. You must set steps and routines for you to follow and have an easy time working in your kitchen.

Here are some pointers that you may use in organizing your kitchen:

1. You must keep your kitchen clean for you to work conveniently and free from any time consuming activities before you cook. Discard any items that you will not use and place them in a place where you can locate them easier when the time comes that you will need their use.

2. If there are medicines, spices, or food that have already met their expiration, you can put them in the trash or discard those things immediately.

3. Store cooking utensils, pots, and pans in an area near to where the stove is placed. You can congest the cooking materials for you to have more space in cooking.

4. If there are large materials and cooking utensils that are seldom used in the kitchen, you may want to remove them and place them in a cupboard. There are even appliances that are not used in your everyday cooking. You may consider adding to your kitchen an appliance barn. This can store your juicers, toasters, blenders, and other appliances on the countertop with order and arrangement.

5. Place the silverwares and dishes close to your dining area. It can be accessible for you to get these items when you are about to eat. You may need silverware holders and racks to have more space.

6. You have to be aware of the materials or tools that are reachable by your children such as knives, cleaning chemicals, and alcohol. Keep them in high places where they cannot be reached.

7. You may use a bulletin board or the refrigerator to stick or hang reminders and schedules. These can help you to have an enjoyable and organized time in the kitchen. Designate spots for your mail and bills and check them out everyday.

8. Always keep you refrigerator clean and neat both inside and outside. If you see mystery foods, discard them at once. Sometimes there are unknown items that are placed in the refrigerator.

9. If you are through with the kitchen, you must check everything before you leave the kitchen. Do not forget to turn off the lights and the ceiling fan and everything that you used with electricity. The key to an organized kitchen is maintenance.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Warming Down For Bodybuilders

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Doing a an executable routine of warm-up is how should a bodybuilder start his bodybuilding training and exercises. There should always be adequate form of warm up exercises for each set of muscles. The main reason why bodybuilders should always do proper warm-ups before the main training is to prevent him from any type of injury.

Joints and muscles that haven’t been properly lubricated and stretched are going to be the main root of injuries. Nobody wants to be injured esp…

body building,bodybuilding tips,bodybuilding program,bodybuilding exercises,bodybuilding workouts

Article Body:
Doing a an executable routine of warm-up is how should a bodybuilder start his bodybuilding training and exercises. There should always be adequate form of warm up exercises for each set of muscles. The main reason why bodybuilders should always do proper warm-ups before the main training is to prevent him from any type of injury.

Joints and muscles that haven’t been properly lubricated and stretched are going to be the main root of injuries. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Nobody wants to be injured especially if what he does is all with good intentions. Now you know why it is important to do warm-ups during each and every bodybuilding training, another important set of exercise shouldn’t also be neglected.

If there is a way up, there is always a way down. The same thing is applied to bodybuilding training. Warming up prior to any strenuous activities is done to prevent the body from any type of injury. Whereas warming down exercises are light stretching exercises that are done to properly cool down the body. Though this may be the last stage to completing a bodybuilding training, it is as important as the set of reps done during the training proper.

The reason? You really don’t want to wake up the next morning with sore muscles and aching body, do you? Not only that, an abrupt halt from heavy exercises deprives the body from going back to its normal heart rate, pulse and body temperature. This makes it difficult for the muscles to adjust and relax as well and results to the tightening of muscles and joints.

Distribute light stretching exercises to your hamstring, biceps and quadriceps. Each set of light stretching should be done equally. Try to move in the same pace when shifting from an area of the body to the next.

Allow your body to work its way from fast and heavy exercises to slow and smoothing stretches to ensure you of a sore-free body afterward.

Davitt Paving Wicklow

Developing a Garage Addition Building Plan and Estimating Garage Addition Costs

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For the best Paving Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

The decision to add on a garage addition to a home is one of the best home improvement projects a homeowner can make. A garage addition provides great utility and can significantly increase the value of a home.

Garage Addition, Building Plan, Estimating Garage Addition Costs, Garage Addition Plan, Garage Doors, concrete footings

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The decision to add on a garage addition to a home is one of the best home improvement projects a homeowner can make. A garage addition provides great utility and can significantly increase the value of a home. Prior to actually breaking ground, however, a garage addition plan and garage addition costs estimates should be developed.

A garage addition plan starts with making initial sketches of the garage addition concept and evaluating how it will tie in with the existing home structure. Though most homeowners prefer a large garage, it is very important during this phase to consider proportions between the existing home and the new garage addition. To aesthetically look appealing from the road the garage addition length should not exceed two-thirds the length of the existing home. Otherwise the garage addition could overwhelm the existing home structure. The depth or width of the garage addition is less critical from an aesthetic standpoint, as it is usually less visible from the road.

Once the initial sketches have been completed, detailed garage addition building plans should be generated. Depending on the complexity of the garage addition either the homeowner or an architect can develop the actual garage addition building plans. In either case, the plans will need to include scaled drawings with dimensions, and cross-sectional construction views with constructional materials specified. The cross-sectional views should include from the concrete footings all the way to the peak of the roof. Each new transition from the footings up should be carefully drawn. Examples include: the footing/foundation transition, the foundation/sill plate transition, and the wall/roof rafter transition. The plans should also include a comprehensive bill of materials for the project. In addition, all property lines and appropriate setbacks should be clearly shown in the drawings.

Estimating the garage addition costs depends on who is building the addition. If the homeowner plans on acting as his or her own general contractor and performing some of the work (e.g. the framing) then costs will need to be calculated starting with the bill of materials generated during the planning phase. With a comprehensive bill of materials a homeowner can provide much of the list to any home improvement store where they can fill out the pricing information for the specific items for the project. For specialty items such as garage doors, garage door openers, and in some cases lighting and plumbing fixtures (if required for the garage addition) the homeowner may need to contact specialty stores for pricing. The subcontractors may also be able to provide some unit pricing (e.g. garage doors).

If the homeowner is acting as his or her own general contractor and will require subcontractors, then it is important that they identify early the subcontractors and review with them the plans and development schedule. Each subcontractor should provide a firm fixed estimate for the particular job based on the plans and bill of materials. In addition their bid should also include start/complete dates for the particular job.

With garage addition plans and costs estimates in place the homeowner can then proceed with pulling permits and developing a fairly accurate building schedule.

Once permits have been approved, construction of the garage addition can begin. It is important to note, however, that even with the best plans in place things happen and schedules slip. To mitigate schedule slips a homeowner acting as his or her own general contractor should factor in some buffer to the schedule and always be looking ahead several weeks during the entire project. They should regularly check with suppliers to ensure building material will arrive when required and should occasionally check with subcontractors to ensure that their schedules are still in line with your garage addition project.

With these simple planning, budgeting and scheduling issues addressed prior to the start of the project, building a garage addition can be a positive experience both pre and post construction phase.

For more information on building a garage addition see the Garage Addition Bid Sheet from The Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive questionnaire (Request for Quote) that a homeowner can provide to prospective general contractors and subcontractors for bidding the garage addition. In addition, the Garage Addition Bid sheet also includes estimated costs and time intervals for constructing a garage addition as well as a list of key home material manufacturers. Finally, the Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive set of helpful tips and advice on making sure the garage addition is built properly and on time and budget.

Tarmac Wexford

DDWex Something about Home Decor

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For the best Tarmac Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

The creative aspect involved in planning your own personal interior decorating of your home decor can be a personal and exciting adventure. There are many ideas content you can pick up all over the place, simply by reading magazines and books, or culling Internet sites for ideas.

home decor, decor

To find the best Tarmac Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Wexford.
The creative aspect involved in planning your own personal interior decorating of your home decor can be a personal and exciting adventure. There are many ideas content you can pick up all over the place, simply by reading magazines and books, or culling Internet sites for ideas. Some of the ones we found were simple, such as buying 100 yard rolls of artist canvas and having your children use finger paint to paint their own rooms on large swathes of canvas.

There are so many ideas and possibilities to render your home decor to be exactly what you want to be, all it takes is a little research and creativity, and an eye on your budget. Some of the best ideas cost little to do and are very classy or esoteric. One of the things you might want to do to make the most of your interior space while buying furniture for your new home decor is to measure the rooms involved. Draw to a scale on graph paper; used 1/4″ to 1 foot scale to represent the demarcations involved in this approach to fitting furniture into your remodeled spaces.

You can turn many pieces of furniture into new creations with such things as slipcovers for your headboard and foot or on your bed. Wood appliqu s on the backs of furniture are another way to do such craft ornamentation and improvement of existing pieces in your home decor. Giving your home decor its own personality that goes with yours is the ultimate goal.

What are you one of the rustic or modern, classic or folksy, the endless choices present themselves in many different ways, but you have to find and look in order to get what you want, and the whole thing is a process of discovery. It goes without saying that you want your home to reflect how you feel and your lifestyle, and be livable for you on an everyday basis, with an emphasis on comfort and beauty.

The best things you can do for yourself is to educate yourself in interior design basics, getting a few books out of the library on the subject, or hunting down information and articles and websites online will allow you to be the consumer that you need to be why you went down the different objects of your desire for your home decor. An educated consumer has the best results, unless you want to hire someone to do so for you, finding out all about the subject and educating yourself somewhat is indispensable.

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Paving Wexford

DDWex Coordinate Floor Lamps With Other Light Fixtures

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For the best Paving Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

Light fixtures are the forgotten children in the interior design world. Wherever possible, homeowners will significantly cut back on the light fixture budget in favor of spending more on a throw rug or something. There is nothing wrong with thinking like this it s simply due to years of heavy advertising spending by home furnishing companies. The light fixture folks, it seems, prefer to spend their advertising budgets on other things. But it is still quite true that a floor l…

floor lamps

To find the best Paving Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways.
Light fixtures are the forgotten children in the interior design world. Wherever possible, homeowners will significantly cut back on the light fixture budget in favor of spending more on a throw rug or something. There is nothing wrong with thinking like this it s simply due to years of heavy advertising spending by home furnishing companies. The light fixture folks, it seems, prefer to spend their advertising budgets on other things. But it is still quite true that a floor lamp or ceiling fixture can actually be the finishing touch that ties the room together.

Light fixtures like the floor lamp have it tough because they must be both decorative and functional. Any coffee table will more or less support light objects laid upon it while its aesthetics will always be in the eyes of the beholder. But a floor lamp must also be pleasing for the owner to look at while also being functional and providing enough light for tasks. Plus, a floor lamp cannot produce glare or it becomes an impediment to work and may produce eye strain or perhaps even headaches.

Finding the perfect shade is the key to a floor lamp that is both beautiful and functional. Shades with ornate cloth patterns may look great in the daylight and the lamp off. But when the sun goes down and it comes time to turn the floor lamp on, the room is bathed in a somber glow and there are bright and dark spots on the shade. The floor lamp needs an opaque shade of light color so that it mutes the light coming off the bulb while still providing enough illumination to perform tasks.

Coordinating a unique shade between the floor lamp and other lighting fixtures such as table lamps is a simple idea that can add a lot of sophistication to the home. It is even possible to coordinate a floor lamp shade with smaller versions of the same shade on a chandelier or similar hanging fixture. Matching wall sconce shades add that subtle yet defining touch that completes any look.

In addition to matching the shades, it is also a great idea to coordinate the light fixture bases as well. If you have an antique brass base on your floor lamp, then try to find other lighting fixtures with the same type of base. Even if you have a Tiffany-style lamp shade with a nickel base, the fixture will seem out of place and poorly matched if the other light pieces have copper bases. Perfection is in the details so be sure to coordinate the base and shade of your floor lamp as closely as possible with the other fixtures for the best results.

Driveways Dublin

AP Aluminum single hung window glass repair

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For the best Driveways Dublin company, call Active Paving.

Learn how to repair the broken glass in an aluminum frame single hung window

Window glass repair, repairing a broken window,

To find the best Driveways Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
Let’s talk about repairing broken glass in an aluminum frame single hung window. If it’s the lower sash pane that is broken, it must be removed from the inside. You are going to have one of three different mechanisms that hold the lower sash up when you slide it open. If you can’t see any mechanisms on the sides, then you have a block and tackle system consisting of a string and spring assembly. Find the thin metal clips in the side jambs just above the sash. Pull the bottom of the clip out using a screwdriver or your fingernail. Do that on both sides. Then remove any rubber stops at the very top of the window. Raise the window as high as it will go. The block and tackle assemblies will get snagged in the metal clips, allowing you to remove the window sash. You would replace the glass using the same method described in our article about sliding window repairs. Once you have the new glass installed, install the window panel in the reverse order that you removed it. Close the window and push the metal clips back. Install the rubber stops at the top.

If you have a mechanism across the top of the window with a string coming down each side and screwed into the top corners of the window sash, you need to remove the screws holding the strings in place. But before you remove the screws, you need to remove one of the black plastic pieces that cover the side jamb. Raise the window all the way up, then put a flat screwdriver at the very bottom of the plastic piece and pull outward until you can grab it with your fingers. Slide the plastic out. Now remove the screws holding the strings. Be sure to hold the string in one hand while removing the screw, because the string is under tension. After removing the screw, let the string slowly go back up. Pull the panel to the side that you removed the black plastic piece, and remove the panel. Remember, two of your corner screws will be removed at this point, and the proper way to remove the frame from the glass is to remove opposite corner screws. So, you should put one of the string screws back in and remove the corner screw opposite the removed string screw. Then, when you install the new glass, remove the string screw and install the strings. Raise the window up and install the black plastic piece by sliding it up between the frame and side jamb.

The final mechanism will be a spiral metal rod. If you have this type, i suggest you have it done by a professional. If you aren’t careful with these, you can wind up having to replace the spiral rods. Now, if the broken pane is the upper sash, more than likely it will be a fixed panel. You can take these out without messing with the sliding panel. Unlock the window and raise the lower sash a few inches. Remove the screen, then remove the two screws holding the horizontal bar on place. Tap the bar down in one corner using a hammer and screwdriver. The bar will come off. Then you can grab the bottom of the upper sash and wiggle as you pull the sash downward. Once you have pulled it down several inches, you should be able to grab the top and bottom of the sash and pull to the left or right until the opposite side comes out. Then you can swing the panel out.

Once the new glass is installed, you can put the upper sash back by reversing the removal procedure. Tap the bottom upward with a hammer or rubber mallet, ensuring that the sash is fully seated in the top of the frame. Then, put the horizontal mulling bar back in place and tap it on the sash frame. Install the screws and screen. You’re done.

Patios Dublin

AP How to Prevent Clothes Dryer Fires

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Active Paving.

Clothes dryers cause about 15,000 fires per year. Most can be avoided with the proper preventive maintenance.

dryer fire, clothes dryer fire, clothes dryer, dryer

To find the best Patios Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
Few people realize the importance of dryer safety. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are an estimated annual 15,500 fires, 10 deaths and 10 injuries caused by dryer fire. Several hundred people a year are also subjected to carbon monoxide poisoning from improper dryer safety measures. The financial costs come to nearly $100,000,000 per year. In some cases faulty appliances are to blame, but many fires can be prevented with proper dryer safety precautions.

Why Dryer Fires Occur
Lint accumulation and reduced airflow feed on each other to provide conditions ripe for a fire. Lint is a highly combustible material, which, interestingly enough, is one of the ingredients in a recipe for home-made fire starters. A number of dryer vent problems contribute to this.

A growing problem
Traditionally, most clothes dryers were in the basement. However, nowadays many newer homes tend to have dryers located away from an outside wall in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and hall closets. These new locations mean dryers tend to be vented longer distances and vents are generally installed with sharp turns and bends to accommodate the structure of the home. As a result, dryer vents are harder to reach, and also create more places for lint to gather. The ideal solution is to have short, straight, dryer duct venting. However, a dryer vent booster, while not the ideal approach, can improve your dryer venting in cases where your venting is longer and/or has more bends than it should. In addition to creating a fire hazard, if the venting is too long and/or has two many bends, it will cause your dryer to take much longer than necessary to dry loads.

Inside the Dryer
Lint is the biggest culprit here. As you know from cleaning out your lint filter, dryers produce very large quantities of lint. Most people assume their lint traps catch all the lint, and that all they need to do is clean them out after each load. However, a significant amount of this lint is not caught by the lint trap and builds up inside the dryer-even on the heating element! If you are skeptical, try this experiment: pull out the lint trap and look underneath it- you may find large mounds of lint staring at you. Lint can build up on the heating element and in other places inside the dryer, causing it to overheat and possibly catch fire. As a rule, a fire starts from a spark in the machine. However, improper clothes dryer venting practices outside the dryer can play a key role in this process.

Outside the Dryer
There are many improper dryer vent practices which restrict airflow and lead to lint buildup, the two main preventable causes of dryer fires.
Some of the most common and important dryer vent mistakes are:
1. Dryer vents are too long and/or have too many bends, but don’t use a dryer duct booster, resulting in lint buildup. When it comes to dryer vents, shorter and straighter is better.
2. Use of flammable, flimsy plastic or foil duct extenders. Only metal vents should be used, which is what most manufacturers specify. Metal vents also resist crushing better than plastic and foil, which allows the air and lint to be carried out of the system. Reduced airflow from build-up or crushing can cause overheating and wear out the clothes and appliance faster. In fact, many state and local municipalities have placed requirements on new and remodeling projects to include all metal dryer venting.
3. Inadequate clearance space between dryer and wall. Many people create problems by putting their dryer right against the wall, crushing the venting material in the process. The cumulative effect of reduced airflow and the resulting lint build-up prevent the dryer from drying at the normal rate. This causes the high temperature limit safety switch to cycle on and off to control the heater. Most high temperature limit safety switches were not designed to continuously cycle on and off, so they fail over a period of time.
4. Failure to clean the dryer duct.

Your Dryer May be Failing If:
The clothes are taking an inordinately long period of time to dry, come out hotter than usual or if the vent hood flapper doesn’t open. Maintenance is needed in these cases.

Only You Can Prevent Clothes Dryer Fires
Proper Installation & Choice of Building Materials
1. Make sure the dryer duct is made of solid metallic material. Both vinyl and foil are combustible and spiral-wound surfaces tend to catch lint more readily.
2. The dryer duct should vent to the exterior and in no case should it vent to the attic or crawlspace. Avoid the use of inside heat recovery diverter valves or termination boxes, which do not comply with current standards.
3. Avoid kinking or crushing the dryer duct to make up for installation in tight quarters -this further restricts airflow. If you really want to save the extra space, the Dryerbox is a new invention that allows the dryer to be safely installed against the wall.
4. Minimize the length of the exhaust duct (maximum recommended lengths depend on a number of factors, such as number of bends, and vary by model-check with your manufacturer for their specifications). If this is not possible, you can install a dryer duct booster.
5. If at all possible, use 4-inch diameter vent pipe and exterior exhaust hoods that have openings of sixteen square inches or more, which offer the least resistance to air flow.
6. Don’t use screws to put your vent pipe together – the screw shafts inside the piping collect lint and cause additional friction.

Keep the Dryer Duct in Good Condition
Disconnect, clean and inspect the dryer duct run on a regular basis, or hire a professional company to clean the dryer duct. This will reduce the fire hazard, increase the dryer’s efficiency and increase its lifespan. In addition, you are less likely to experience water damage.

Keep Your Dryer as Lint-Free as Possible
By keeping your dryer clean, not only will you significantly reduce the fire hazard, you will also save money as your dryer will run more efficiently and last longer.
To keep your dryer clean:
1. Use a lint brush or vacuum attachment to remove accumulated lint from under the lint trap and other accessible places on a periodic basis.
2. Every 1-3 years, depending upon usage, have the dryer taken apart and thoroughly cleaned out by a qualified service technician.
3. Clean the lint trap after each load.

Alternative Solutions
1. Use a condensing dryer. Unlike conventional clothes dryers, condensing dryers do require external clothes dryer venting. This significantly reduces the risk of a dryer fire.
2. Use a spin dryer, which uses an extremely fast spin speed to extract water from the clothes. They extract significantly more water from the clothes than a washing machine spin cycle does. Spin dryers can be used alone or in conjunction with a conventional clothes dryer.

Before You Go….
1. Never let your clothes dryer run while you are out of the house or even worse, when you are asleep.
2. Thoroughly read manufacturers’ instructions regarding the safe use of their dryers.
3. If all else fails, you can always use an old-fashioned clothesline. There have never been any reported clothesline fires!

Roofing And Guttering Wicklow

ARW Selecting and Using Fire Extinguishers For Your Home

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Every home should have at least one fire extinguisher, located in the kitchen. Better still is to install fire extinguishers on each level of a house and in each potentially hazardous area, including (besides the kitchen) the garage, furnace room, and workshop.

fire, extinguishers, extinguisher, fire extinguishers, class, fires, fire extinguisher, rating, usually, kitchen, water, weigh, pounds, grease, charge

To find the best Roofing And Guttering Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Every home should have at least one fire extinguisher, located in the kitchen. Better still is to install fire extinguishers on each level of a house and in each potentially hazardous area, including (besides the kitchen) the garage, furnace room, and workshop.

Choose fire extinguishers by their size, class, and rating. “Size” refers to the weight of the fire-fighting chemical, or charge, a fire extinguisher contains, and usually is about half the weight of the fire extinguisher itself. For ordinary residential use, extinguishers two and a half to five pounds in size usually are adequate; these weigh five to ten pounds.

“Class” refers to the types of fires an extinguisher can put out. Class A extinguishers are for use only on ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, and cloth. Generally, their charge consists of carbonated water, which is inexpensive and adequate for the task but quite dangerous if used against grease fires (the pressurized water can spread the burning grease) and electrical fires (the water stream and wetted surfaces can become electrified, delivering a possibly fatal shock). Class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids, including grease, oil, gasoline, and other chemicals. Usually their charge consists of powdered sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

Class C extinguishers are for electrical fires. Most contain dry ammonium phosphate. Some Class C extinguishers contain halon gas, but these are no longer manufactured for residential use because of halon’s adverse effect on the earth’s ozone layer. Halon extinguishers are recommended for use around expensive electronic gear such as computers and televisions; the gas blankets the fire, suffocating it, and then evaporates without leaving chemical residue that can ruin the equipment. Another advantage of halon is that it expands into hard-to-reach areas and around obstructions, quenching fire in places other extinguishers cannot touch.

Many fire extinguishers contain chemicals for putting out combination fires; in fact, extinguishers classed B:C and even ARC are more widely available for home use than extinguishers designed only for individual types of fires. All-purpose ARC extinguishers usually are the best choice for any household location; however, B:C extinguishers put out grease fires more effectively (their charge of sodium bicarbonate reacts with fats and cooking oil to form a wet foam that smothers the fire) and so should be the first choice in a kitchen.

“Rating” is a measurement of a fire extinguisher’s effectiveness on a given type of fire. The higher the rating, the more effective the extinguisher is against the class of fire to which the rating is assigned. Actually, the rating system is a bit more complicated: rating numbers assigned to a Class A extinguisher indicate the approximate gallons of water needed to match the extinguisher’s capacity (for example, a 1A rating indicates that the extinguisher functions as well as about a gallon of water), while numbers assigned to Class B extinguishers indicate the approximate square footage of fire that can be extinguished by an average nonprofessional user. Class C extinguishers carry no ratings.

For protection on an entire floor of a house, buy a relatively large extinguisher; for example, a model rated 3A:40B:C. These weigh about ten pounds and cost around $50. In a kitchen, choose a 5B:C unit; these weigh about three pounds and cost around $15. For increased kitchen protection, it is probably better to buy two small extinguishers than a single larger model. Kitchen fires usually start small and are easily handled by a small extinguisher; smaller extinguishers are more manageable than larger ones, especially in confined spaces; and, because even a partly used extinguisher must be recharged to prepare it for further use or replaced, having multiple small extinguishers makes better economic sense.

A 5B:C extinguisher is also a good choice for protecting a garage, where grease and oil fires are most likely. For workshops, utility rooms, and similar locations, obtain IA: lOB:C extinguishers. These, too, weigh about three pounds (some weigh up to five pounds) and cost around $15. In all cases, buy only extinguishers listed by Underwriters Laboratories.

Mount fire extinguishers in plain sight on walls near doorways or other potential escape routes. Use mounting brackets made for the purpose; these attach with long screws to wall studs and allow extinguishers to be instantly removed. Instead of the plastic brackets that come with many fire extinguishers, consider the sturdier marine brackets approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. The correct mounting height for extinguishers is between four and five feet above the floor, but mount them as high as six feet if necessary to keep them out of the reach of young children. Do not keep fire extinguishers in closets or elsewhere out of sight; in an emergency they are likely to be overlooked.

Buy fire extinguishers that have pressure gauges that enable you to check the condition of the charge at a glance. Inspect the gauge once a month; have an extinguisher recharged where you bought it or through your local fire department whenever the gauge indicates it has lost pressure or after it has been used, even if only for a few seconds. Fire extinguishers that cannot be recharged or have outlasted their rated life span, which is printed on the label, must be replaced. In no case should you keep a fire extinguisher longer than ten years, regardless of the manufacturer’s claims. Unfortunately, recharging a smaller extinguisher often costs nearly as much as replacing it and may not restore the extinguisher to its original condition. Wasteful as it seems, it is usually better to replace most residential fire extinguishers rather than have them recharged. To do this, discharge the extinguisher (the contents are nontoxic) into a paper or plastic bag, and then discard both the bag and the extinguisher in the trash. Aluminum extinguisher cylinders can be recycled.

Everyone in the household except young children should practice using a fire extinguisher to learn the technique in case a fire breaks out. A good way to do this is to spread a large sheet of plastic on the ground and use it as a test area (the contents of most extinguishers will kill grass and stain pavement). To operate a fire extinguisher properly, stand or kneel six to ten feet from the fire with your back to the nearest exit. (If you cannot get within six feet of a fire because of smoke or intense heat, do not try to extinguish it; evacuate the house and call the fire department.) Holding the extinguisher upright, pull the locking pin from the handle and aim the nozzle at the base of the flames. Then squeeze the handle and extinguish the fire by sweeping the nozzle from side to side to blanket the fire with retardant until the flames go out. Watch for flames to rekindle, and be prepared to spray again.

Chimney Fire Extinguishers

If you operate a fireplace or wood-burning stove, keep on hand two or three oxygen-starving sticks, available at fireplace and woodstove dealers. In case of a chimney fire, tossing the sticks into the flames will quickly quench a fire inside the chimney flue or stovepipe. Evacuate the house and call the fire department immediately in any case.