Davitt Patios Wicklow

Repairing Pinhole Leaks in Copper Pipes

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For the best Patios Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

Once you have detected a pinhole leak in your copper pipe, and it is above the slab it is not that hard to repair. Isolate the leak, and turn the water off to the house, either at the valve where it comes in or at the water meter by the street.

water leaks,repair pinhole leaks,repair leaks in copper pipes,pinhole leaks,water leak,leaking pipes

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Once you have detected a pinhole leak in your copper pipe, and it is above the slab it is not that hard to repair.

Isolate the leak, and turn the water off to the house, either at the valve where it comes in or at the water meter by the street.If you turn it off at the house then open the hose bib that is usually located just above the water shut off. This will releive any pressure from the internal pipes, and the leak should stop dripping.

The next thing you need is to get the parts to stop the leak. If it is a pinhole leak all you need is a small piece of soft rubber, and a pipe clamp. Try to find a clamp that is close to the size of the pipe. You can usually find these at the local hardware or auto parts store. Make sure the rubber is soft so it will close the leak when you tighten the clamp.

Do NOT over tighten the clamp or you may crush the pipe and have a bigger leak. Believe me I have done this. Place the rubber over the hole and secure the clamp. When you think you have it tight enough turn the water back on and check the leak. If it has stopped dripping then you are done and you are now a plumber. If not slowly tighten the clamp until the leak stops. Remember do NOT over tighten the clamp. In this case a little is better than too much. Hopefully this will be the last leak you will have, but chances are it will not be. If you live in Florida where I live I can almost guarantee you that you will have more. But now you know how to repair above the slab pinhole leaks.

Paul Webb is the owner of Electro Service Company and has been doing various repairs around the home and business for over thirty years. You can visit his website at

Driveways Wexford

DDWex Air Filters – Everything You Need To Know About Air Filters

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For the best Driveways Wexford company, call Davitt Driveways Wexford.

Does your family suffer from allergies caused by dust and particles in the air? Want to know about air filters and what they can do to help you? First, it is advised that you replace indoor air with outdoor air. But how? You can open windows and doors, but still the risk is the air-borne problems. One of the best solutions is to keep a healthy and clean house to minimize and control unwanted substances. Usually, common airborne particles can range from .001 to 100 microns in …

To find the best Driveways Wexford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Wexford.
Does your family suffer from allergies caused by dust and particles in the air? Want to know about air filters and what they can do to help you? First, it is advised that you replace indoor air with outdoor air. But how? You can open windows and doors, but still the risk is the air-borne problems. One of the best solutions is to keep a healthy and clean house to minimize and control unwanted substances. Usually, common airborne particles can range from .001 to 100 microns in size. Very small air-borne particles are so small that you may have a hard time removing them.

Cigarette smoke and household dust can eventually enter the lungs and may create complications. Air filters and cleaners are devices which help remove particles from the air, but not all. There are two groups of air cleaners. The first group is the portable air cleaners. They are also known as table-top models, and they are created to clean air in small places and locations but not the entire house. These air cleaners have filters and use electrical attraction or ozone to get rid of the minute particles from the air. The finer the particles, the better it is in removing these unwanted substances. HEPA or high efficiency particulate arresting filters is the best kind.

Almost 99 percent of the particles which are as small as 0.3 microns in size are captured. However, gas molecules like those from cigarette smoke and radon can still pass through the filter. Some companies have decided to use an activated charcoal or carbon filter to take care of the job. Pleated filters are also called mean filters and they are composed of materials, which are similar to that of the HEPA. However, particles and dust may still get in. Remember, that the pleated filters capture smaller particles.

It is said that it removes 40 to 96 percent of household dust. Electrical attraction is utilized in electronic cleaners. Here, electrostatic precipitation, static charge, or particle ionization is used to capture particles through a foam pre-filter. With this, the larger particles are removed. Then the particles are charged by a high-voltage wire and are then attracted to the precipitating cell.

After this, a carbon filter gets rid of the odors and other particles. An electric cleaner utilizes cellulose fibers and polyester having a static charge to capture particles aside from the carbon and the pre-foam filter. Ozone generation is another type of air cleaner that also uses a high-voltage electrical charge to convert oxygen to ozone. With this, gas molecules and some substances or microorganisms like mold can be demolished by the high concentrations of ozone present. However, a negative ionizer also uses a foam pre-filter as well as a carbon filter. But, the difference lies in the wires. It has charged wires which, in turn, create ions.

Consequently, the fan blows these charged particles into the room and they are sucked in again. These different kinds of air filters and cleaners may give you a background on their features and which will best suit your needs.

Roofers Wicklow

ARW Flooring Tips You Must Know

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For the best Roofers Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Buying a new floor can be a frustrating and confusing process. Here’s a list of things to keep in mind before heading out to purchase your new floor.

1. Take note of the room layout.

– Draw an outline of the room or rooms. Indicate where the entrances are placed.

– Measure the room carefully and accurately with a measuring tARWe. Write down the width and length of a room. Remember to include closets and other areas that need the new flooring. Smaller print patterns ca…

flooring,floors,home improvement

To find the best Roofers Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Buying a new floor can be a frustrating and confusing process. Here’s a list of things to keep in mind before heading out to purchase your new floor.

1. Take note of the room layout.

– Draw an outline of the room or rooms. Indicate where the entrances are placed.

– Measure the room carefully and accurately with a measuring tARWe. Write down the width and length of a room. Remember to include closets and other areas that need the new flooring. Smaller print patterns can make the room seem a lot bigger.

– Take into account adjoining rooms and the flooring on those rooms.

– Make a note in which direction the room is facing and if there is a sliding door. Determine how much natural light enters the room. You might want to consider a laminated floor, ceramic tile or porcelain tile.

– Bring along swatches of fabrics from your furniture, curtains and wallpARWer. These will help you decide on the color and style of your flooring.

2. Answer these questions to help you out in selecting the right floor for your room:

– How much foot traffic does the room get in any given day? The number of people passing or using the room would indicate the level of wear and tear the room would take. This would help you in deciding the type of flooring to get. A room with a high volume of traffic needs more durable flooring.

– What is the main function of the room? A room used mainly for leisurely activities will have less wear and tear. Delicate flooring materials can be chosen in this case.

– How many pets do you have? Pets tend to abuse the surroundings they are in, floorings maybe damage from scratching.

– How many kids do you have in the house? All the roughhousing and playing that the kids do tend to abuse the flooring. The more kids you have in the house, the more abuse your flooring will get.

– What color do you want? Remember that lighter colors make rooms seem bigger.

– How long do you want the flooring to last? We would of course like the flooring to last forever but wear and tear damages the flooring.

Eventually, it will need to be replaced or you may want to simply change the look of the room after a certain period of time.

3. How much is the flooring going to cost?

– Are the subfloor preparation part of the quoted price?

– Is the quoted price inclusive of the installation or is that a separate fee? This is a budgeting concern, you would want to know the actual amount you re going to spend.

– Is the removal of pre-existing flooring included in the quoted price.

– Is the quoted price inclusive of the moving of all ARWpliances and furniture in the room.

– Are all the necessary materials included in the quoted price? You wouldn t want to find out during the installation that some materials are not included and that you still need to purchase more materials. That could be extremely annoying and frustrating.

4. Questions to ask the installers and the store:

– Are the installers independent, or are they store employees?

– Whose insurance will pay for installation errors?

– Are all of the materials recommended by the manufacturer so warranty will not be voided?

– Discuss with the salesperson the warranty information of the manufacturer. Keep a copy of the warranty.

– Discuss the maintenance procedure and keep a copy of the manual or brochure.

– Have everything documented including the diagram of the installation. Also, the amount of flooring needed in the room

– Ask who will be responsible for the removal of fixed features in the room, e.g. toilet.

– Always check the website of the store, if any, to give you an idea of the store. Take note of the affiliations to groups or other organizations.

It would be best to email the store in advance to have some questions answered before going there. It saves a lot of time.

– Have all the product information documented. The document should include the name of the manufacturer, product name, color, style and the installation procedure.

Tarmac Dublin

AP Sofa – So Good

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For the best Tarmac Dublin company, call Active Paving.

This article explores the function and form of the sofa through the contemporary age and beyond. Sofas have many uses as we mould them to our intent as well as to our backsides. And it largely is a we and not just an I . Sofas are for groups, and sofas define a group. We are the ones who use, and abuse, that sofa.

Furniture, Sofa, sofas, Design, sofa, Modern furniture, furniture, home

To find the best Tarmac Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
This article explores the function and form of the sofa through the contemporary age and beyond. Sofas have many uses as we mould them to our intent as well as to our backsides. And it largely is a we and not just an I . Sofas are for groups, and sofas define a group. We are the ones who use, and abuse, that sofa.

So far, so good. Sofas have come so far and sofas are so so good. We can t get enough of them, especially at Christmas, or Hanukkah, or Hogmanay, or whatever your cultural group fest. Guaranteed delivery by whenever you want implies the multimedia advertisements.

Sofas are definitive: they define who we are and they define who we want to be. The quickest way to lift a living room is to buy it a new sofa. It changes group dynamics. It changes groups. Your pack is defined afresh. Sofas make a design statement in the reception area of a customer-focussed company. The statement is of futuristic opulence: buy from us and this is the comfort you will be able to afford. You re worth it.

Sofas have iconic status in western culture. Move over the Keeler chair with the naked model posed elegantly on view: that was the observer mode. Sofas are participation mode: we sit together. Sofas provide furniture for the post-modernist age, where responsibility for each other within the pack is key. We relate therefore I am is a reframed descartian idiom. Nonetheless, if you still ache after observer status, there are the sofa s little sisters available: tub chairs or cubes where you can be cocooned or perch by yourself.

Pre-eminently, sofas receive each and every one of us as we return to base camp. Sofas know and celebrate who has membership of the group. This is the mission of the Simpsons as the series intro transcends the message of the episode to come. The Groening sofa has many guises, but it s always there for the Simpsons pack. Sofas are for members of the family or extended family pack. There are many to choose from. Strangers used to be consigned to the parlour, now they are given, or choose, the solitary chair.

Group members return at evening from their various daily activities. This may be the hunter-gather mode of profession, business, retail therapy or job seeking. Sofas are the place for the recovery/reflection mode as we renew our energies for the tomorrow. Sofas prepare us for the next foray into action hero mode, hunter gatherer mode, or whatever your pack animals are into.

Sofas slow you down. This is a serious function in our frenetic time-stretched lives. You climb into a sofa and finally out of it. As the sports car gets you low slung before speeding away and reviving your engine, the sofa slows you down and gets you low slung before relaxing your engine. Both sports car and sofa require grace as you consent to their embrace. The sofa may succeed of course in relaxing you completely such that sleep takes hold of you. If so, then let s hope it s a bongo couch you re on.

Paving Dublin

L2L Hand Made Quilts

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.

Quilts are probably the one thing that can stir some fond memories in just about every person in the world.

quilts, handmade quilts, home decor

To find the best Paving Dublin company, click here for Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.
Quilts are probably the one thing that can stir some fond memories in just about every person in the world. This is because of the feeling that we all get when we are wrapped up in a quilt with the ones we love, the feeling of warmth and comfort that only comes from being inside a handmade quilt. Most of the time these quilts are passed down to us and that is a testament to the quality of the quilt and the person who made it. In the days past people believed that everything should be quality but sadly this does not extend to this day and age. More and more you are seeing sorry substitutes for the quality craftsmanship that once was all in the name of making a few extra dollars per sale while not having to spend barely anything to make the product. This is sad but all too true when you think about it. The quilts that are being produced under this mass market mentality are nothing compared to the finest hand made quilts. What does make one happy is the fact that there are still some places where you can find that kind of quality and what is much better is the fact that you will actually pay less then the department store wants for them. This may in fact seem a little strange but it is true nonetheless. So it is still possible to find these quilts and the people who make them are all too happy to provide you with a top of the line, high quality quilt that will serve to make some lasting memories for all those who climb under it.

The quilts that you will find by these high quality craftsmen are some of the finest that can be found any where in the world. They are also able to make a much nicer looking item because they take the time to insure that everything is as it should be and nothing is ever left out. This is the kind of dedication that you found in the old days and it has carried over to the present in some people who know that when you make quality you can sell quality. That is the foundation for good business.

Look for these fine quilts and you will see that they are the finest and the most sought after anywhere. The styles and colors will be a perfect match no matter what the d cor and you can rest assured that it will stand up under the harshest of conditions.

Some very original tropical hand made quilts can be found at, which sells unique handicrafts brightly colored with tropical themes. The baby bedding quilts, bumper pads, pillow covers shown in this website are of top quality, 100% hand made with the best American fabrics.

Driveways Dublin

AP Air Purifiers For Pure Breathing

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For the best Driveways Dublin company, call Active Paving.

An air purifier is a device, which helps to free air from contaminants. The environment researchers claim that the air inside the house is dirtier than the air outside the house. Thus the popularity of sir purifiers increased. Air purifiers are beneficial to those who suffer from allergies and asthma. Even those who want to reduce second hand smoking use air purifiers. Allergens, that cause allergies, come in the form of dust, pollen, from pets and mold spores. It is essentia…

air purifiers,air cleaners

To find the best Driveways Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
An air purifier is a device, which helps to free air from contaminants. The environment researchers claim that the air inside the house is dirtier than the air outside the house. Thus the popularity of sir purifiers increased. Air purifiers are beneficial to those who suffer from allergies and asthma. Even those who want to reduce second hand smoking use air purifiers. Allergens, that cause allergies, come in the form of dust, pollen, from pets and mold spores. It is essential to purify the air in your home from hazardous smoke particles and airborne gases.

There are various techniques of purifying the air with the help of air purifiers. Mechanical filters, use of absorbents like charcoal, electrostatic charges or ionizers are some of them. The other setups that are required are germicidal UV light and the emission of ions into the air. These ions react with the contaminants and make them harmless enough to breathe.

Many asthma medications that asthmatics take are reactive since they are taken to relieve asthma attacks (generally caused by environmental triggers). Removing environmental triggers such as airborne allergens and contaminates will decrease asthma problems, enabling a reduction in medication.

There are several factors that a consumer looks for while selecting an air purifier. They are visual appeal, noise level and frequency of filter replacement. There are different types of air purifiers.

Home Air Purifiers – Protect your home from airborne pollutants. It is Perfect for asthma, smoke, pet dander, mold, or other home pollutants.

HEPA Air Purifiers – HEPA purifiers are time tested air purification solutions that offer one of the best filtration systems for removing airborne particulates and organics. HEPA filters are specially made high grade filters which enable it to captured 99.7% of contaminates and particles that are 0.03 microns and larger in size.

Ionic Air Purifiers – Ionic purifiers filter out small particles such as dust, smoke or pollen, and pump many negative ions into the air to provide optimal clean air performance. Studies show that a room with high concentration of negative ions promotes health, helps with sleep, tension, exhaustion, depression, allergies, exhaustion and many other ailments.

Commercial Air Purifiers – Commercial purifiers are geared towards larger square footage applications and high pollution zones. They work well for large enclosed areas.

Ultraviolet Air Purifiers – UV light tends to break down organic compounds extremely well. Using ultraviolet light, these UV air purifiers sanitize bacteria in the air.

The CADR, or Clean Air Delivery Rating, is a standardized indicator of how well the air purifier can function as compared to the others. The higher it is, the stronger is the power of purification. They are rated by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers based on the stringent requirements as produced by the association.

Paving Dublin

AP Consumer Revolution In The Home Warranty Industry

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Active Paving.

Imagine going to the grocery store but when you get there, someone tells you what to buy. They load up your cart with goods regardless of whether you need them or not and expect you to pay full price for them.

When you get home, what do you do? You toss out the sardines and the artichoke hearts and wish that you could have bought more toothpaste. But it simply wasn t allowed.

The problem with this scenario is that you have no choice and no control. Since someone el…

home, warranty, warranties, buyer, seller, homeowner

To find the best Paving Dublin company, click here for Active Paving.
Imagine going to the grocery store but when you get there, someone tells you what to buy. They load up your cart with goods regardless of whether you need them or not and expect you to pay full price for them.

When you get home, what do you do? You toss out the sardines and the artichoke hearts and wish that you could have bought more toothpaste. But it simply wasn t allowed.

The problem with this scenario is that you have no choice and no control. Since someone else is making the decisions, you end up losing money. (Just what is an artichoke heart, anyway?)

While this idea may sound comical to some, that s exactly what s going on in the home warranty industry. Customers who are looking for home warranties are showing up at a home warranty provider s website and being told what to buy and how much they ll get.

Do you need two air conditioners covered? Too bad. Don t have any ceiling fans? Too bad. You only get one air conditioner covered on your policy and you re paying for ceiling fan coverage anyway. Will the home warranty provider do anything about it? Probably not.

Well, most of them won t.

One company, however, does offer something different. It s an innovative customer-centered solution. It s a consumer revolution because it takes the control out of the hands of the home warranty company and gives it to the consumer. With Met Home Warranty s revolutionary Design-A-Plan, customers have the ability to completely control their home warranty policy.

Design-A-Plan will change the way home warranty customers will shop for their coverage. Policies will no longer be assigned to customers whether they need specific systems covered or not. Instead, customers can choose among base packages and adjust their plan according to their needs.

Do you need two air conditioners covered? No problem! Don t have any ceiling fans? Don t pay for them!

What s great about this innovative system is how easy it is to use: Design-A-Plan will take the customer step-by-step through their policy creation in a hassle-free no-salesperson-will-call atmosphere. Along the way they ll learn about their home and they ll do due diligence on the home warranty industry.

Design-A-Plan does two things: First, it takes other home warranty companies to task for robbing their customers of choice and control. Second, it returns that choice and control where it belongs back in the hands of the consumer!

Homeowners deserve choice when buying a home warranty policy. It s time they got that choice!

Garden Maintenance Dublin

LL Silk Fabric Buying Guide

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For the best Garden Maintenance in Dublin, call Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.

Silk is one of the most desired and popular natural fibers with a rich history. Pliny, the Roman historian, quoted in his Natural History in 70 BC that Silk was obtained by removing the down from the leaves with the help of water “. It is interesting to note that for more than two thousand years the Chinese kept the secret of silk altogether to themselves.

Fabric by the Yard, Designer Fabric, Silk Fabrics.

To find the best Garden Maintenance Company in Dublin, click here for Leaf2Leaf Landscapes.
Silk is one of the most desired and popular natural fibers with a rich history. Pliny, the Roman historian, quoted in his Natural History in 70 BC that Silk was obtained by removing the down from the leaves with the help of water “. It is interesting to note that for more than two thousand years the Chinese kept the secret of silk altogether to themselves.

It is believed to be discovered by a Chinese Empress Hsi Ling Shi and was a guarded secret that passed through many centuries till it was discovered. Talking of silk fabric in furnishing, it has been one of the favorites owing to its light weight, rich and sophisticated feel, and because of its famous history.

Interestingly, a more recent archeological survey reveals a small ivory cup carved with a silkworm design predicted to be between 6000 and 7000 years old. Spinning tools, silk thread and fabric fragments were found from sites along the lower Yangzi River in China unraveling the origins of sericulture much earlier in history. There is a story that two monks smuggled seeds of the mulberry tree and silkworm eggs out of China by hiding them in their walking sticks. Silk is made from two continuous filaments cemented together and used to form the cocoon of the silkworm. It is again said that India learnt of silk culture when a Chinese princess married an Indian prince. The major producer and exporter of silk is Japan, followed by India and Brazil.

Silk Characteristics

Rich, Light and luxurious.
Comfortable and absorbent
It is one of the strongest natural fabric.
Not resistant to abrasions and sunlight and air impurities, resulting in fading of the color.
Water spots can be easily visible. The fabric should be dry cleaned.
Silk fabric do not resist wrinkle.

Producing silk From Cocoon to Yarn : Sericulture has a old history by which silkworms are used to cultivate silk by feeding them on mulberry leaves. The worms increase their body size by almost 10,000 times within a very short span of time. The silk worms stop eating by the end of a month and attach itself to straw to start spinning its cocoon. The worm ceases to eat by the end of thirty days and attach itself to a piece of straw and begins to spin its cocoon. This is when human intervention takes place between the stage of spinning a cocoon and before the hatching of worm, the cocoon is soaked in hot water and a fine thread is unraveled which is the silk fiber, later weaved into fabric.

Washing and bleaching of the silk thread after the fiber has been extracted, it needs to be thoroughly washed to get rid of the glutinous substance, which may also be bleached.

Weaving : one of the most crucial steps in producing silk, weaving is a process that interweaves by warp and weft yarns. Silk can be woven by hand or machine, while weaving is a process where the fabric is created by interlacing the warp yarns and the weft yarns. The handmade yarn is considered better than the machine. Handmade silk can entail delicate designs in different colored threads offering wide variety for clothing and upholstery. There are modern machines that use lances, projectiles, jet of compressed air to shoot the weft-yarn between the warp-yarns. As to the quality, any good quality silk starts at app. 2000 threads per meter width.

Dyeing, Printing and Finishing : Once woven, silk is either yarn-dyed or dyed-woven in different patterns. You can see different shades in silk and some of the popular yarn-dyed fabrics includes taffeta, duchess, satin and others.

Silk Printing allows in fashioning different patterns to the fabric. Different methods like screen printing block printing and roller printing is used to imprint patterns on the silk fabric. The embroidery process is like adding embellishment and bestows the fabric with great look. Silk cushions in screen print and embroidery make great furnishing items.

Finishing process allows the fabric to give it the desired effect. It is either physical or chemical. Different treatments result in different effects like crease-proofing, water-proofing, fire-proofing etc.

Final soaking in a chemical solution : This process helps to preserve the sheen and luster of the silk fabric. It adds weight and makes the fabric soft, smooth, easy to iron and wrinkle resistant.

Use of silk in home furnishing and bedding : Apart from the traditional use in clothing, silk has been popularly used as bedding and furnishing item at home. It is used in quilts and as upholstery fabric to bestow any piece of furniture with a timeless and rich appeal.

Upholstery fabric : A great upholstery fabric, silk is used in home furnishing allowing any room a luxurious look like quilts, curtains, sheets, pillowcases, and throws. Since silk is not a good resistant to abrasion, it should be taken extra care.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Atlanta Schools Offer Vouchers
To Special Needs Students

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Parents of special needs students in the Atlanta Schools rejoiced this past week when Georgia For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship bill. Formerly known as Senate Bill 10, the proposed voucher plan has been watched closely by parents and educators in Atlanta Schools.

The law will use state funds to offer vouchers to parents of children with special needs in order to provide them with more appropriate school options. Atlanta Schools’ te…

Atlanta Schools

Article Body:
Parents of special needs students in the Atlanta Schools rejoiced this past week when Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship bill. Formerly known as Senate Bill 10, the proposed voucher plan has been watched closely by parents and educators in Atlanta Schools.

The law will use state funds to offer vouchers to parents of children with special needs in order to provide them with more appropriate school options. Atlanta Schools’ teacher, and parent of a child with autism, Linda Bryant Butler expressed her pleasure in a recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “…parents like me are ecstatic that we will now have a choice. If one school doesn’t work for Xavier during his 12-year academic career, I know he won’t be trapped. He will have the choice to seek a better education elsewhere,” she said.

Parents in Atlanta Schools and throughout the state will have the option of using vouchers to attend a different public school or a private school. In order for a child to be eligible, he or she must have a documented developmental disability (such as Autism or Tourette’s Syndrome) and have attended public school for at least one year. Estimates are that the program will provide $4,000 worth of vouchers in the first year, and that amount will increase to about $15,000 a year. Atlanta Schools’ educators are expressing some mixed feelings over the vouchers.

Proponents say that this is the only way Atlanta Schools can truly meet the needs of these exceptional learners. It simply isn’t possible to have a specialist for every disability at every school. They also point out that Atlanta Schools’ teachers already struggle to meet the needs of students without developmental delays.

Opponents express concern over both the standards of private schools, and the removal of funds from the public school sectors. Atlanta Schools receives government funding on a per pupil basis, and the loss of an additional $9,000 (the estimated average voucher payout) per student could weaken the abilities of the public schools.

Governor Perdue has stated that this law will give parents more control over their children’s education, and that they “understand the needs of their child in the way only a parent can.”

Atlanta Schools have debated voucher programs, along with the rest of the nation, for years. But if the program is successful, Atlanta Schools may find itself copied around the country.

Not all Atlanta Schools’ parents with special needs children will opt for the program. If a child is successful at his current Atlanta School, no changes will be made. But if parents are interested in applying for the scholarship program they should visit the Georgia Department of Education website at and click on the link for the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Getting Value Out Of Property Renovations

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For the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, call Rapid Locksmiths.

Most homeowners assume that remodeling their kitchen can significantly increase the value of their home, but fewer homeowners recognize that the increase may depend on the degree of remodeling and the cost involved.

Getting Value Out Of Property Renovations

To find the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Most homeowners assume that remodeling their kitchen can significantly increase the value of their home, but fewer homeowners recognize that the increase may depend on the degree of remodeling and the costs involved.

Cost does not necessarily equal value. “Not every renovation wiRL pay off at closing,” says Richard Powers, MAI, SRA, President of the Appraisal Institute. Powers offers a few dos and don’ts of home improvement that may help consumers seRL their homes for more or more quickly:

• Don’t overimprove. Look for what’s standard in the neighborhood. Adding a deck might seem like a good idea but if no one else in the neighborhood has one, you may not see a return on investment.

• Do invest in basic upgrades. Fresh paint (stick to neutral colors), new fixtures, flooring and lighting in kitchens and bathrooms can pay dividends.

• Do consider adding an extra bathroom. Homeowners can often recoup the extra cost of a bathroom at closing because of the appeal that extra bathrooms have for homebuyers.

• Forgo the swimming pool. Pools generally turn off more people than they attract because of the perceived upkeep and insurance costs and the fear of liability.

• Enjoy your renovation. Why wait until you are ready to move to have that new kitchen? Generally, a new kitchen wiRL hold its value for one or two years.

• On aRL these projects: Those that add square footage to bring a house up to-but not beyond-community norms generally pay off the most.

To help you get value out of your home improvements, consider consulting with a designated member of the Appraisal Institute. Those members with an SRA designation have experience in residential valuation. Those with MAI or SRPA designations are knowledgeable about commercial property.

When discussing home or business renovation, a professional real estate appraiser can advise you on how different improvements can influence property value. If the renovation is considered major, the appraiser can complete a feasibility study-an analysis of the property, the cost of rehabilitation and an estimate of the property’s value after improvement.