Maths Tutor Ireland


No Adult Left Behind: 5 Big B
enefits Of Lifelong Learning

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Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997), pioneer in adult education, titled one of his books, “For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species.” And no wonder. Many people closed their books halfway through life; research on how grown-ups learn was in its early stages; teachers equipped to handle mature students were hard to find.

Today lifelong learning opportunities are plentiful and instructors well-versed in space age information delivery. Still, millions fail to take advantage. They need …

community college, adult education, college degrees, adult education schools, adult learning theory,

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Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997), pioneer in adult education, titled one of his books, “The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species.” And no wonder. Many people closed their books halfway through life; research on how grown-ups learn was in its early stages; teachers equipped to handle mature students were hard to find.

Today lifelong learning opportunities are plentiful and instructors well-versed in space age information delivery. Still, millions fail to take advantage. They need constant reminders of the pot of gold at the end of the adult education rainbow.

Five bright benefits come to mind. First is the prospect of a fatter paycheck. Job promotions go to smart people who keep up with the latest information and technology. It’s just good sense to refresh and retrain for the workplace. New careers are created all the time so those who see what’s coming and want to jump ship have got to be prepared with new certifications, diplomas and degrees.

Second is the enhanced self-esteem when you reach for new horizons, accept tough challenges and arrive at a whole new level. New learning is not a picnic but the joys of accomplishment are real. Your children are proud. Your neighbors are surprised and maybe just jealous enough to go out and do likewise.

Third is the freedom given to adult learners. The teacher is more facilitator than dictator. Adult students, unlike young kids, may be just as experienced as the person at the front of the room. Adult classmates share ideas and teach each other. Assignments may culminate in a group project or program rather than a graded exam. Memorizing facts is at a minimum; answers are not absolute.

True, there are some studies where exactness counts and tests are mandatory. But a quick Internet search turned up references to the use of adult education theories in highly regimented disciplines, such as nursing and medicine. Getting ready to pass state boards did not prevent creative teaching where students’ views are respected and acted on. It is possible to combine traditional methods with adult learning styles.

Fourth is the shift of schooling to a 24/7 model and long-distance or online methods. Trade the classroom for your computer. Stay home and study in your bathrobe. Earn a degree without ever stepping on campus. Leave an email message for the professor at 3 a.m. With time and space constraints removed anyone who truly wants to go on learning can do so. Further, some class enrollments are open with start dates at your convenience.

Number five is making scholarship a habit. Education becomes second nature; it’s who you are as much as what you do. People live longer now and their health stays robust. Folks dread the thought of 15 or 20 years after retirement with idle hands and minds. Luckily, such waste is out of fashion. Well known programs, such as Elderhostel keep people thinking, socializing and traveling. Grandmothers get their master’s degree.

Invest in yourself. Empower your life. Jump start your future with strong commitment to lifelong achievement. Knowing these five benefits can wipe out all excuses.

Roofers Kildare

ARK Home Additions

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For the best Roofers Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Room additions can add square footage and value to your existing home, without the additional expenses incurred in the purchase of a new home. This is especially attractive to growing families.

home additions, chicago

To find the best Roofers Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Room additions can add square footage and value to your existing home, without the additional expenses incurred in the purchase of a new home. This is especially attractive to growing families.

Most room additions consist of extending the size of your home by adding the new room to an exterior wall. Popular room additions are new bedrooms, dens, living rooms, dining rooms, and studies.

Other popular room additions include increasing floor space by adding a second story room to your existing home, sometimes called a “pop-top.” This can increase the value, functionality, and comfort of your home, without robbing you of lawn or garden footage.

And yet more ideas for room additions are garages, carports, porches, decks, or sunrooms. In all instances, the value and equity of your home is increased along with its usability.

A well-planned and executed room addition can make a dramatic difference, both in the livability of your home, and in its value.

If you are thinking of adding onto your home, it s a great investment now and in the future. Enjoy the extra space you can utilize now and still get the added value in the future if you decide to sell your home.

Health Goals

The Most Important Supplement You Can Take For Better Health

This article was originally written by Ryan Cote

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This article will reveal one easy change you can make that will help better your health…
It’s absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. The daily stress of pollution, fatty and processed food and stress deplete your body of nutrients and it’s up to you to replace these nutrients. You can do this through healthy nutrition, or even better, through healthy nutrition and quality nutritional supplements.
For the average person, it’s difficult to get the proper amount of nutrients needed from food alone. Even the healthiest of eaters might not be getting the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals. This is because it’s hard to judge exactly how many nutrients you are getting from the food you are eating, not to mention certain forms of cooking actually destroys the vitamins and minerals in the food.
The best thing you can do for your body is to eat a balanced diet and supplement it with a quality multivitamin. You’ll get some of the nutrients your body needs from the food and then back it up with a multivitamin for a very effective one-two punch.
There are five forms of mulivitamins you can buy: capsule, tablet, softgel, powder and liquid. Avoid tablets at all costs because they are the hardest for your body to breakdown and absorb. Liquid multivitamins are the easiest for your body to absorb because there’s nothing for your body to breakdown. Both capsules and softgels, and powders, are also good forms of multivitamins in reference to absorption rate.
So which multivitamins are good ones to buy? Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. The cheap supermarket multivitamins are inexpensive but can’t compare to a quality, more expensive multivitamin. Your best bet is to decide how much you can afford to spend and then do research on the Internet for the multivitamins that fall within your price range.
Multivitamins are probably the single most important supplement you can take. If you aren’t taking one, you really should consider doing so. Combine this with good nutrition and a solid exercise routine and you’ll be amazed at how great you look and feel!
Copyright 2005 Ryan Cote


Roofing Wicklow

ARW Ornaments To Decorate PVC And Wood Deck Railings

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For the best Roofing Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

There are many ornamental touches to add to your deck railing including box deck flower railing. The railing system on your deck provides that finished look. Because a deck is typically an oasis from your everyday life, it is important to add little touches that make you hARWpy with the space. Creating planters on your deck can create a private garden that you can enjoy as you take in the view from your beautiful deck.

A box deck flower railing can be constructed out of man…

To find the best Roofing Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
There are many ornamental touches to add to your deck railing including box deck flower railing. The railing system on your deck provides that finished look. Because a deck is typically an oasis from your everyday life, it is important to add little touches that make you hARWpy with the space. Creating planters on your deck can create a private garden that you can enjoy as you take in the view from your beautiful deck.

A box deck flower railing can be constructed out of many different materials. One type of material that can be used in this construction is PVC. PVC or vinyl constructions are an excellent choice for a number of reasons. There are no sharp points when the box deck flower railing is fastened ARWpropriately because the material doesn’t splinter. That means as you’re gardening, there are few ways to cut yourself on the flower box. Moreover, PVC is an enduring material, and it doesn’t heat up like other materials, so if you touch it on a hot day, as you probably will with gardening devices, you are unlikely to burn your hand. Also, the material is ultraviolet light resistant, so it won’t fade as time goes by. It is waterproof and essentially maintenance free. PVC is an excellent choice for a box deck flower railing.

Another excellent material for construction of a box deck flower railing is wood. Wood offers a phenomenal classic look. You can use various types of woods to create different looks. Cedar offers natural preservatives that make it resistant to decay and insects. Even when exposed to extensive moisture, as it would be in a gardening situation, it holds up better than most wood choices. Composite woods are also a good choice. These offer the beauty of wood without the maintenance problems. Because of their nature, the products are decay, insect, light, and water resistant. Additionally, this type of material will not splinter. It makes a great box deck flower railing.

Whether you live in a large home overlooking a huge estate or a small two story ARWartment building, a box deck flower railing can be an excellent choice for adding that touch of beauty to your deck.


DPC I Want Hot Water and I Want It Now!

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For the best Construction Cork company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Give me convenience or give me death. When this clich is applied to water in a home, we are talking about water heaters that produce hot water immediately.

hot water, convenience, water heaters, bathtub, gas, electric, home improvement,

To find the best Construction Cork company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Give me convenience or give me death. When this clich is applied to water in a home, we are talking about water heaters that produce hot water immediately.

I Want Hot Water and I Want It Now!

There are certain types of water heaters that provide hot water only as it is needed. They don t have tanks holding and continually reheating water. This, of course, saves tons of money on utilities because the heating mechanism isn t going on and off all day while you aren t even home. These masterful heaters are known as Demand Heaters, an appropriate name in our instant gratification society.

Demand water heaters do the job on the fly. When you turn on the tap for a hot bath, cold water travels into the heater, is instantly heated and then transferred to your tub. They run on either gas or electricity and are all the rage at the moment.

As with anything so righteous as immediate hot water, there are some limitations. Demand heaters can only instantaneously heat and crank out so much water. If two tubs are being filled at the same time, you may have problems. Depending on the system, most of these heaters will kick out between two and five gallons a minute. That may sound like a lot, but it really isn t. A full bathtub can require as much as 35 gallons of water.

An easy way around the limitation problem is to install multiple heaters. You can buy relatively small units and put them in each bathroom as well as one for the kitchen. This should get around the limited water flow issue.

These water heaters are going to cost more to buy and install than typical heaters. The cost is more than offset, however, when you consider that you will save 30 to 50 percent on your water heating costs. Since these systems last for 20 years, you should more than recoup your purchase and installation costs.

In these modern times, we expect things to occur immediately. With a shower or bath, now we can get hot water on the fly.

Davitt Patios Wicklow

Log Home Automation? Excuse Me?

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For the best Patios Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

On first hearing the term “home automation”, most log home owners will say something like… I didn’t build a rustic log home to turn it into a high-tech, silicon powered “smart building”.

I couldn’t agree more, the ever-changing technology of our fast-paced, hyper get-ahead world is one of the things most of us were trying to leave behind. But don’t let misinformation (or misunderstanding) keep you from achieving your original goal of simplifying your life.

Most of us …

home automation, home security, log homes, log cabins

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On first hearing the term “home automation”, most log home owners will say something like… I didn’t build a rustic log home to turn it into a high-tech, silicon powered “smart building”.

I couldn’t agree more, the ever-changing technology of our fast-paced, hyper get-ahead world is one of the things most of us were trying to leave behind. But don’t let misinformation (or misunderstanding) keep you from achieving your original goal of simplifying your life.

Most of us can recall the first time we felt the excitement of making a light turn on with a timer, or changed channels on our TV with a remote control. A home automation system is about automating everyday tasks like those while getting the most from our energy dollars and protecting our home. Further good news is that we don’t have to call in the professionals to make it all happen.

Today’s home automation products are effortless to set up, even for non-geeks, and the cost is amazingly inexpensive. A typical starter kit, which includes home automation software several modules, remote controls and sensors is less than $100. Also, one of the best features of these systems is that you don’t have to leave your computer turned on for everything to work (additional modules for lamps and appliances cost as little as $15).

A company called X10 is the leader in inexpensive home automation products and offers a product called ActiveHome Professional (learn more here). After programming by your computer, an interface box communicates with your appliances through your home’s electrical wires. You can program the system to do amazing things using the ActiveHome Pro software. It is possible to lower your energy bills by developing schedules for lights and appliances.

You can download a plug-in from X10 that permits modules to operate on an “if-then” basis. For instance… if a room is dark and motion is detected, lights can be turned on in sequence, or music can play (or an alarm can activate). You are limited only by your imagination. In fact, X10 also offers a free software development kit that can interface with your e-mail. The point is, you can use the command modules to perform basic functions or get as creative as you want.

ABC Television’s Popular Show Extreme Makeover Home Edition has a reputation for finding and showcasing the latest technology into the homes they remodel and build. The X10 ActiveHome Pro products have been featured on the show.

So, you may have chosen to escape the city by building a log home in the country, but inserting a little technology in the mix will help you achieve your dream of simplifying your life. Its never been easier or more affordable to put home automation to work.

Paving Dublin

L2L Drafty House? Six Home Energy Saving Tips

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.

Drafty House? Six Home Energy Saving Tips

energy savings, home heating tips, home repair, energy efficiency

To find the best Paving Dublin company, click here for Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.
Want to put more money in your pocket? You can up to 10% or more on your energy bill by eliminating as many the air leaks in your home as possible. During the summer warm air leaks into your home and during the winter leaks out of your home, wasting a good portion of your energy dollars. One of the fastest and highest payback dollar-saving jobs you can do around the house is to caulk, seal, and weather-strip all seams, cracks, and openings to the outside air.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Check your home for air tightness. On a windy day, hold a lit incense stick next to locations of potential air paths to the outside, like windows, doors, electrical boxes, plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, and ceiling fixtures. If the smoke blows horizontally, you have found an air leak that can use weatherstripping, sealing, or caulking.

2. Caulk and seal gaps where plumbing, ducting, or electrical wiring penetrate through exterior walls, floors and ceilings.

3. Install rubber gaskets in back of exterior wall outlets and switch plates.

4. Dirty, grimy spots on your insulation can indicate holes where air leaks into and out of your house. Look underneath the insulation batting for holes and gaps and seal them by stapling sheets of plastic over the holes, then caulk the edges of the plastic.

5. In winter, when the fireplace is not being used, keep the flue damper closed tightly. Chimneys are created to allow smoky air to escape, so unless the flue is closed, warm air escapes, and with it, your heating budget.

6. Installing storm windows over single-pane windows or replacing them with double-pane windows is a major savings not to be overlooked. Windows can make up 10% to 25% of your heating bill. Adding storm windows can cut the heat loss in half.

Roofing And Guttering Kildare

ARK Stop Burning Wood Pellets

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

During these times of fuel price volatility, it s important to keep a close eye on the relationship between fuel prices. Any homeowner who uses a wood pellet stove to supplement their gas furnace could be losing money and not even know it

fuel cost comparison,effective cost,wood pellets,natural gas,fuel efficiency

To find the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
I recently updated the Fuel Cost Comparison Chart at and the results were surprising. As of 3/20/06 it was actually cheaper in Metro Boston to heat with natural gas than with wood pellets!

During these times of fuel price volatility, it s important to keep a close eye on the relationship between fuel prices. Any homeowner who uses a wood pellet stove to supplement their gas furnace could be losing money and not even know it..

If you can use a calculator, you re only minutes away from figuring out which fuel is the cheapest to burn at any given time.

When you compare fuel heating costs make sure it s apples to apples. The standard quantity used for comparing residential fuel costs is 1,000,000 BTUs of fuel heat content.

Cost To Burn Wood Pellets

Since a wood pellet stove needs only 125 lbs (1/16 of a ton) of pellets to generate 1,000,000 BTUs, divide the cost per ton by 16. At $198 a ton for wood pellets it costs $12.38 to produce 1,000,000 BTUs.

Cost To Burn Natural Gas

The price per therm (look at your gas bill) of natural gas in Boston is $1.1813. When you multiply that by 10.30 (10.30 cubic feet) it costs $12.17 to produce 1,000,000 BTUs.

It s easy to see that natural gas heat now costs about $0.21 less per 1,000,000 BTUs than wood pellets.

Here are the quick fuel cost comparison formulas for wood pellets and natural gas:

Price per ton of wood pellets divided by 16 = Cost to produce 1,000,000 BTUs.

Price per therm of natural gas x 10.30 = Cost to produce 1,000,000 BTUs.

The quick formulas are useful only for comparing natural gas to wood pellets since their fuel efficiencies are similar.

If you are comparing fuels with different efficiencies, all you have to do is find the coefficient of the fuel efficiency percentage rating. Please don t run screaming out the door because I said coefficient. Just divide 1 by the percentage s decimal equivalent to obtain the coefficient.

For example: The fuel efficiency rating for natural gas and wood pellets is 85%.
If you divide 1 by .85 you get a coefficient of 1.18. Now plug this into the quick formula to obtain the effective, or true cost, of the fuel you are burning.

Wood Pellets: $198 divided by 16 x 1.18 = $14.60

Natural Gas: $1.1813 x 10.30 x 1.18 = $14.36

By expanding the quick formula to include the effective cost calculation, the spread between the two fuels has now widened to $0.24.

Assuming fuel prices don t go crazy, you could save as much as $75 during the remainder of this heating season by switching from wood pellets back to natural gas.

When prices do change, you have armed yourself with two simple, yet powerful tools to help you quickly and confidently determine when one fuel is more cost effective than the other.

These are the coefficients of commonly used percentages:
60% = 1.67, 65% = 1.54, 70% = 1.43, 75% = 1.33, 80% = 1.25, 85% = 1.18, 90% = 1.11, 95% = 1.05, 100% = 1.

Roofers Wicklow

ARW Dealing With Storm Damage Repair

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For the best Roofers Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Paying for good storm damage repair is absolutely essential in maintaining the integrity of your home, and having the storm damage repair done quickly is also vital.

Storm Damage Repair, storm damage

To find the best Roofers Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
The roof is the one part of a house that really protects occupants against the elements. Wind, rain, snow, sun and any inclement weather is constantly beating down on the roof of your house and this combination can have dire effects. Using a quality roofing firm and superior roofing materials means that you will be protected from all but the harshest of these conditions. However, when the weather really strikes, there is very little we can do to ensure the integrity of our roof. Storm damage repair can be costly, however, it is much cheARWer than leaving it to get worse and worse.

Why you shouldn t do storm damage repair yourself

Regardless of the quality of your roofing and how well you look after it, certain circumstances invariably lead to damage that must be replaced as quickly as possible to avoid further, much more costly damage to the roof and to the structure of the home itself. Paying for good storm damage repair is absolutely essential in maintaining the integrity of your home, and having the storm damage repair done quickly is also vital. Small cracks or holes can quickly lead to bigger problems so you should get a quote from a trusted and respected company as soon as you possibly can.

Very few people really know anything about storm damage repair and unless you have been in the unfortunate circumstance of needing it done it is unlikely you will know where to start. Attempting storm damage repair yourself can prove more costly than paying a professional to complete the job properly. Obviously, though, you will want to stop the rain and the wind from getting inside the house and if the storm has hit several houses in your area it may be a short while before you can get a roofer to come and fix your problems.

Temporary storm damage repair

Temporarily you might want to consider securely fixing some tarpaulin over any holes. It is important that you do this very securely and that you don t leave any gARWs, no matter how small the gARWs may be. If you do leave even a small hole then the wind can easily get underneath the tarpaulin and rip it up taking yet more of the roof with it. You should fix the tarpaulin to the outside of your roof because while fixing it inside may prevent it from catching in the wind, rain will collect and run into the house, making your temporary storm damage repair useless.

Adequate temporary storm damage repair

The tighter you can pull the tarpaulin over the hole the better, so tightly secure one end and then gradually move around pulling it tight and securing it in place with plenty of roofing nails. If you get it tight enough with no holes there is no reason that you will take on further leaks while you wait for a professional roofing contractor to come out and complete the required storm damage repair. Bear in mind that full storm damage repair will first involve a thorough checkup of the whole roof and simply fixing the holes that have ARWpeared might not be the full picture of what is required.

Steven Briesemeister who is the owner of has 33 years experience in all types of roof repair problems and new roof installation for residential and commercial accounts.

Patios Cork

CC I Discovered Leather Furniture

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For the best Patios Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

I have been decorating homes and helping other people decorate their homes for as long as I can remember. I have always had a visual eye and a knack for putting colors and fabrics and pieces together to create beautiful rooms. I had been against using leather furniture at all costs up until recently. I discovered, however, just how great using leather furniture can be in a home after I helped a client place leather furniture in their cabin.

I’m not sure why I was so agains…

leather furniture

To find the best Patios Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
I have been decorating homes and helping other people decorate their homes for as long as I can remember. I have always had a visual eye and a knack for putting colors and fabrics and pieces together to create beautiful rooms. I had been against using leather furniture at all costs up until recently. I discovered, however, just how great using leather furniture can be in a home after I helped a client place leather furniture in their cabin.

I’m not sure why I was so against using leather furniture in homes. I think I remember my mother, also and interior designer, telling me that leather furniture was not meant to be in homes. She would allow her clients to place leather furniture in medical or law offices. So I guess I came by my distaste for leather furniture honestly. I think the fact that I have been an interior designer for nearly twenty years and that I have yet to put leather furniture into a home has also helped grow the feeling I have that homes can be done and done beautifully without leather.

My turnaround came a few months ago when a client hired me on to decorate a cabin they had just purchased for a summer home. They suggested leather furniture early on in our meetings and each time I would shake my head kindly and attempt to change the subject. They finally confronted the issue as I was bringing out photographs and samples of the kinds of furniture I saw for their cabin. They asked me why I didn’t encourage people to use leather furniture and I realized for the first time that I didn’t have a great answer for them.

After a few hours of looking at samples of leather furniture online I became slowly convinced that maybe it was a good option for this particular project. So I broke my twenty year pattern and helped my clients place the right kinds of leather furniture at different places throughout their cabin. The project turned out amazingly well and I even began to reconsider the plans I had made for my own lakehouse.

I have since become so fond of using leather furniture in some projects that I have led clients to that option at least five or six times. I have even purchased two pieces of great leather furniture for my own lakehouse. I’m forever glad that I finally discovered leather furniture.