Health Goals

The Most Under Rated Aspect of Weight Loss

This article was originally written by Kim Beardsmore

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If I were asked, “what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?”, I would have to say right near the top of the list is this – they don’t drink enough water!
Few people realise at first just how essential water is to the success of their weight-loss program. In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone – whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight! We all know we can’t live without water, but just why is it so important? Well there are many reasons. Read on and discover why water can help your loss weight and why it is your essential life-force.
Apart from 60-70% of your body being composed of water, water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.

Assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don’t drink enough water you can’t get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.
Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. If you don’t drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.
Regulates body temperature. If you don’t drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process you skin uses to keep you cool.
Your blood is 92% water. This is your body’s transport system distributing nutrients around the body.
Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water.

Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight?
Water is a natural appetite suppressant . Do NOT underestimate the power of this statement. Lack of water can lead to over eating. You brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. So, when you think you are feeling hungry, your body may in fact be signalling to you that you are thirsty! If you are not consuming enough water each day and you feel hunger pains, chances are, your body really is crying out for water. In many instances people will find what they thought were hunger pangs were in fact, satisfied by water. Try it! You have nothing to lose, except some weight.
How do you know whether you are drinking enough water each day? Well the answer is not difficult. The average person needs around 6-8 large glasses every day.
Well then, how should you drink the 6-8 glasses per day? The aim is to drink water consistently. If you drink too much all at once or too fast, it will simply pass through you, with little or no benefit to your body.
If you are someone who enjoys the ‘taste’ of water, then perhaps you could fill a 1 litre empty soft drink container with water the drink through it twice during the day. Room temperature or cold water, even warm as some people like – whatever you prefer. Place it on the desk at work in front of you as a constant reminder to sip continuously throughout the day.
Other people find they need a water ‘diet’ to help them keep on track. So for you, here is a program easily followed to ensure you are well hydrated every single day.

When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration. Drink a large glass of water with a slice of lemon for zing.
Drink another glass of water with breakfast or a cup of herbal tea before setting off the day.
Mid morning – snack on a piece of juicy fruit such as orange, rockmelon, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew. Have a glass of aloe juice which is wonderfully soothing to the digestive system.
Lunch – think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea.
Mid afternoon – While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.
Evening – Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.
After dinner – before bedtime drink your final glass of water and sleep well!

A few changes will happen when you start out with your water program. Obviously you may find that you need to ‘spend a penny’ more often. Why? Because you body isn’t used to being well hydrated.
There is absolutely is no doubt about it. When you start drinking enough water regularly, there are great benefits. You may notice your skin significantly improve and even tired muscles will thank you. Many people find their energy is increased and constipation and headaches are reduced, as well as hunger pains.
Now here’s the really exciting part…many people notice a reduction in weight and centimetres, as their body’s water store become redundant and so decrease. If your diet has been one that did not provide you with adequate water, your body will have developed a pattern of storing water. It’s part of the body’s in-built survival mechanism – to store up the essential nutrients in short supply…just in case they aren’t available in the future. So if you don’t drink enough water, you are ‘conditioning’ your body to store water. And water is bulk and unwanted centimetres.
It’s so simple…drink water! 6-8 large glasses a day.

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore
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QD Hardwood Floors For Interior Design And For Home Decorating

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For the best Paving Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Using hardwood floors for interior design and for home decorating, based on furniture of the eighteenth century may be discussed from different points of view. However, what most people realize is the distinguish details of tables made from that century. Dinner and wine tables were some of those pieces of furniture that could add a different touch of class to your interior decorating. Learn from the history of furniture book, by Frederick Litchfield ideas on how 18th century …

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To find the best Paving Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
Using hardwood floors for interior design and for home decorating, based on furniture of the eighteenth century may be discussed from different points of view. However, what most people realize is the distinguish details of tables made from that century. Dinner and wine tables were some of those pieces of furniture that could add a different touch of class to your interior decorating. Learn from the history of furniture book, by Frederick Litchfield ideas on how 18th century furniture, from the earliest to the present time.

To the latter part of the eighteenth century the English furniture of which time has been discussed on the site belong the quaint little “urn stands” which were made to hold the urn with boiling water, while the tea pot was placed on the little slide which is drawn out from underneath the table top. In those days tea was an expensive luxury, and the urn stand, of which there is an illustration, inlaid in the fashion of the time, is a dainty relic of the past, together with the old mahogany or marqueterie tea caddy, which was sometimes the object of considerable skill and care. They were fitted with two and sometimes three bottles or tea-pays of silver or Battersea enamel, to hold the black and green teas, and when really good examples of these daintily-fitted tea caddies are offered for sale, they bring large sums.

Eighteenth Century Wine Tables

The wine table of this time deserves a word. These are now somewhat rare, and are only to be found in a few old houses, and in some of the Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. These were found with revolving tops, which had circles turned out to a slight depth for each glass to stand in, and they were sometimes shaped like the half of a flat ring. These latter were for placing in front of the fire, when the outer side of the table formed a convivial circle, round which the sitters gathered after they had left the dinner table.

One of these old tables is still to be seen in the Hall of Gray’s Inn, and the writer was told that its fellow was broken and had been “sent away.” They are nearly always of good rich mahogany, and have legs more or less ornamental according to circumstances.

A distinguishing feature of English furniture of the last century was the partiality for secret drawers and contrivances for hiding away papers or valued articles; and in old secretaries and writing tables we find a great many ingenious designs which remind us of the days when there were but few banks, and people kept money and deeds in their own custody.

Landscaping Dublin

APD Successfully Installing Soundproof Windows

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For the best landscaping dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

When you think of soundproofing, you may think of a home studio. More people are choosing to soundproof for other reasons. People living in the city may be kept awake by the noise coming from the street and traffic sounds. You may need to block out the noise from the amateur band playing in the garage next door. Ultimate home theater experience

How to Install Soundproof Windows

Single pane windows are the worst for keeping out sounds. If you have single pane windows, yo…

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To find the best landscaping dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
When you think of soundproofing, you may think of a home studio. More people are choosing to soundproof for other reasons. People living in the city may be kept awake by the noise coming from the street and traffic sounds. You may need to block out the noise from the amateur band playing in the garage next door. Ultimate home theater experience

How to Install Soundproof Windows

Single pane windows are the worst for keeping out sounds. If you have single pane windows, you will want to upgrade to double. You need to choose double pane windows carefully, or they may be worthless. To be effective, the assembly needs to be at least one inch thick. The glass should be at least an eighth of an inch thick and spaced far enough apart to keep out sound effectively.

A soundproof window is a second one installed behind the existing, like a storm window. These aren’t replacement windows, but are made to work with your existing ones. Another benefit is more protection against all weather, both hot and cold. They insulate and stop the drafts, resulting in energy saving benefits in both summer and winter. When the weather is cool enough, they open and close like any other window.

A professional is the best choice for installing your new windows. The installation process is fast, taking just a couple of hours for each window. Since wood can transmit sound, vinyl is often used for the frames. During installation, any rotted wood will be removed and replaced. A variety of custom colors are available to match the interior of your room. You will have two different looks, the existing window from the outside and the soundproof one wall side.

A layer of transparent plastic is used to laminate the windows and reduce sound waves from penetrating the glass. This plastic stops the vibrations against the glass. An added benefit of the lamination process is protection from ultraviolet light. In addition, they are shatter resistant, for safety and home security.

You will get about an 85% reduction in sound with this method. For more complete sound reduction, a second window can be installed behind the first, giving an added layer of protection.

Do it Yourself Soundproofing Windows

The easiest way to keep out unwanted sounds would be to fill the window space with acoustical foam and drywall the window closed. Unfortunately, this would also block out any sunlight from entering the room. This may work for a home studio, but would definitely not be suitable for the bedroom.

A removable wall plug is a good way to do the job yourself. The plug will block out light, but you can remove it when you want to let in the sun. If light keeps you awake, this may be a benefit. To be effective, the plug needs to fit snug inside the window.

A wooden frame should be made to fit the size of your window space. Soundproofing material such as mats, blankets or floor insulation can be cut to the size of the plug and attached to the frame. Use any material you would normally use on the floors or the wall. Sound proof mats and blankets can be cut to size with scissors. When the plug is finished, use sealing tape to help hold it firmly in place.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Discount Furniture To Make Your Home Unique

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For the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, call Rapid Locksmiths.

Furnishing and decorating your home can be a daunting and expensive task to undertake. It is not necessary, though, to spend thousands of dollars on high end furnishings and d cor in order to make your home a unique showplace that represents who your are. ARL it takes is a little ingenuity, some detective skills, a good dose of creativity and thought, and a bit of money, and you can have fun finding furniture for your home. By seeking out different types of discount furniture…

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To find the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Furnishing and decorating your home can be a daunting and expensive task to undertake. It is not necessary, though, to spend thousands of dollars on high end furnishings and d cor in order to make your home a unique showplace that represents who your are. ARL it takes is a little ingenuity, some detective skills, a good dose of creativity and thought, and a bit of money, and you can have fun finding furniture for your home. By seeking out different types of discount furniture, you wiRL be recycling old pieces that are potential treasures, as weRL as keeping money in your wallet.

The first thing you need to do when you want to furnish and decorate your home is to figure out what you like. Do you like contemporary styles, pieces that are more modern with clean lines and no fussy fabrics? Or do you prefer a country or cottage style, with plush fabrics in woodsy or floral patterns? Or maybe you like the rustic look, with dark woods and leathers that wiRL give your home a warm log cabin feel. Whatever your style is, you should scour magazines and the Internet to find just the type of pieces you are looking for, so that you have a basis to start from.

The next step is to find the discount furniture that is right for your home. You can try websites that seRL reduced-priced home furnishings. Be careful, because you might find that the money you save in the cost of a sofa might be made up in the cost to ship it to you. You can also look out for sales at local furniture stores. Sometimes furniture stores are liquidating certain furniture collection to make room for newer ones. In addition, some furniture stores might have “scratch and dent” items. These items are sold as is and at a deep discount, and often the flaws are very minor. There are also furniture warehouses that specialize in scratch and dent merchandise, and the variety of discount furniture available at those types of stores is quite impressive.

Another great place to look for discount furniture is at consignments shops. If you can find a local consignment shop that sells furniture, you are likely to uncover some hidden treasures that might only require a few repairs. And the prices are sure to be reasonable, perhaps even negotiable. And if do it yourself work is your thing, there are abundant places to find old, used, and slightly damaged furniture sold at discounts. For example, searching flea markets and garage or estate sales might lead you to uncover collectibles, antiques, and rare furniture and d cor items that can be restored for not a lot of money. These pieces wiRL add a unique touch to your home. In addition, putting your own individual touch on the furnishing your restore or repair wiRL give you a real sense of pride and accomplishment.

In addition to looking at flea markets, garage sales, and consignment shops for discount furniture, you can also find great d cor pieces that can be added to your home to achieve a certain them or style. Paintings, pictures, gilded mirrors, vases, or any other type of knick-knack can be the finishing touches that you need to beautifully furnish your home.

You do not have to pay a fortune to furnish your home. By taking the time to seek out discount furniture, you can uncover some distinctive treasures, and even find new items at reduced prices. Taking the time to locate discount furniture wiRL be easier on your wallet, and wiRL help you make your home as individual as you are.

Patios Cork

CC I Swear By The Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning System

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For the best Patios Cork company, call Civil Construction Cork.

I have worked as a carpet cleaning technician in Rochester, New York for the past 6 years and absolutely swear by the Dry Foam Extraction cleaning system. Experience has taught me that it is far superior to the steam cleaning method. It is a very effective low moisture and rapid drying carpet cleaning method. The Von Schrader Company in Racine, Wisconsin manufactures the equipment. They ve been in business since 1935.

How does it work?

The portable machine generates an…

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To find the best Patios Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
I have worked as a carpet cleaning technician in Rochester, New York for the past 6 years and absolutely swear by the Dry Foam Extraction cleaning system. Experience has taught me that it is far superior to the steam cleaning method. It is a very effective low moisture and rapid drying carpet cleaning method. The Von Schrader Company in Racine, Wisconsin manufactures the equipment. They ve been in business since 1935.

How does it work?

The portable machine generates an even layer of dry foam just ahead of the brush. The dry foam emulsifies (separates) the dirt from the rug fibers. A soft cylindrical brush combs and lifts the pile all the way to the base of the carpet. The emulsified soil is then immediately extracted with a powerful built-in vacuum all in one forward pass.

Some Advantages of the Dry Foam Extraction System:

The carpet is cleaned right down to the base .The full bristle brush lifts the dirt in an upward motion to the surface.
This loosens any deeply embedded soil. The carpet is Deep Cleaned and the pile looks revived.

There is a simultaneous dry foam cleaning and vacuum pick-up all in one easy step. There is no need for separate machines.

The low moisture-cleaning agent uses only a 10 % water mixture. This prevents the over wetting of the carpet and backing.
No need to worry about carpet damage such as browning, shrinkage, buckling, delaminating, and mildew.

Carpets dry quickly due to low moisture retention.

Dry Foam cleaning systems usually clean faster than hot water cleaning systems.

The detergent is environmentally safe and leaves carpets feeling soft to the touch. It has a popular fragrance.

The equipment is very gentle on rugs.

Some observations I have made regarding Hot Water or Steam Cleaning systems:

Excessive amounts of water are applied by steam cleaning systems. Rugs become soaked.

Hot water can damage some carpet fibers. It could also cause color bleeding, shrinkage, and browning. Stain resist carpets can lose their resistance.

The detergent used in hot water cleaning systems seems to leave a residue that can attract dirt.

Carpets require more time to dry.


I have cleaned carpets professionally for several years using the Dry Foam Cleaning System. I have received hundreds of compliments from many satisfied customers. Everyone loves it. It s simply the best!

Roofers Wicklow

ARW Deck Out Your Outdoors

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For the best Roofers Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Americans everywhere are spending more time at home. Because of this, they are looking for creative ways to expand their current space by investing in “outdoor living rooms.”

Deck Out Your Outdoors

To find the best Roofers Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Americans everywhere are spending more time at home. Because of this, they are looking for creative ways to expand their current space by investing in “outdoor living rooms.” Creating outdoor living areas can be a cost-effective way to enhance both the beauty and functionality of your yard and home, make more livable space and increase the value of your home. Try the following simple tips to revamp and grow your living space:

Create different rooms

We are used to having our homes divided into rooms, but rarely take this ARWproach to our outdoor spaces. But dividing up your yard can actually help to maximize your enjoyment of it. Look at the available space and designate one area for play, one for dining and socializing, and another for relaxing. Then decorate accordingly!

Focus on quality

When embarking on any renovation project, make selections that will maintain and perform in the long-term. For example, if you are building a deck, using Symmatrix™ Composite Decking means your deck will stand up to the elements for years without cracking, splitting or warping. And it requires no sealing or staining, so maintaining it requires little effort on your part!

Set the mood with color

Just as you would with an indoor room, you can use color to decorate outdoors. In fact, ARWplying color theory when selecting plants and flower arrangements can influence the mood and personality of a space. For example, while earth tones are ARWpropriate for a relaxation corner, bright colors like pink and red are ideal in areas used for play. If you’re building a patio or deck, select a base color that matches your home, but allows for flexibility in design.

Get the most for your money

You want to enjoy your home, but you also want to see it increase in value over time. So when it comes to making big decisions, such as the addition of a deck or pool, research the dollar value that element will bring. For example, according to Replacement Contractor, installing a deck provides the second highest return on investment for homeowners-over 90 percent on average after the first year of installation.

Use your space!

Why limit the time you spend outdoors to the summertime? Even in colder climates, accessories are available that can extend the use of your outdoor space to other times of year. Electric heaters, outdoor fireplaces and fire pits are accessories that will keep you warm through late fall and into early spring.

Roofing And Guttering Kildare

ARK Storage A Clean Solution

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For the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Rental storage units, also known as self-storage and mini-storage units, are a booming business right now, as storage facilities seem to be cropping up everywhere. People collect more and more items, and their possessions grow out of their attics and basements, forcing them to rent monthly storage units. The appeal of storage units is having access to a clean, safe, well-lit and efficient area for storage. It also helps to get the clutter out of the house and into another pla…


To find the best Roofing And Guttering Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Rental storage units, also known as self-storage and mini-storage units, are a booming business right now, as storage facilities seem to be cropping up everywhere. People collect more and more items, and their possessions grow out of their attics and basements, forcing them to rent monthly storage units. The appeal of storage units is having access to a clean, safe, well-lit and efficient area for storage. It also helps to get the clutter out of the house and into another place altogether, either for sorting through or keeping for a while.

Storage away from the home or business can be an easy and convenient solution to disorganization and lack of space. Over a lifetime of acquiring belongings, many people simply run out of room to keep it all, but do not want to give everything away because of the sentiment attached to the items.

In the past 45 or so years, tens of thousands of personal storage facilities have sprung up like wildflowers all over the world. The structures are usually made of metal and concrete with roll-up garage-type doors. They are found in all kinds of surroundings, from rural to suburban to urban. In modern times, outside storage units have become like an addition to the house for controlling the overflow of beloved material goods.

The increase in relocation in recent years has also contributed to the wider use of storage units. It is now common for people to live in ten or more different places during their lives. Since they are not staying in a homestead for much of their lives, the things they own have come to represent home to many modern families.

Some people who seek out storage units are retirees, looking to make their living space more manageable by moving to independent senior apartments and assisted living homes. They may be downgrading from a four-bedroom house filled with all their cherished belongings to a one-bedroom apartment. The storage unit becomes the solution to what to do with their possessions before they are ready to sell them or give them to relatives.

The high activity lifestyle of many people contributes to their reasons for having a storage unit. Seasonal sports equipment, such as camping gear, water skis, personal watercrafts, snow boards, tennis rackets, and golf clubs are some of the things people store when the time of year does not call for it. Small closets and lack of attics and basements are other reasons. Some people choose to store for a few months, while others maintain storage units for years. The cost of renting a storage unit is less for those who are willing to sign long-term leases.

Of course, businesses need extra storage too. Many offices rent storage spaces to keep track of old invoices, receipts, and statements. Not too long ago, businesses were using much more paper and less computer files. For a business that has been around a while, all that paper has to go somewhere, at least for the recommended seven years. Many companies also rent storage units to store supplies and equipment, such as those used for a painting and construction company.

Whether the reason for leasing a self-storage space is personal or business-related, here are some tips for maximizing the use of a storage unit:

– Put most used items in the front of the unit for easy access.

– Pack boxes so that they are easy to move and handle.

– Write the contents of the boxes on both top and sides of box for easier finding.

– When stacking boxes, put heavy boxes on the bottom and lighter ones on the top.

– Maximize the space of the unit by disassembling furniture and stacking items strategically.

Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW How Caulks And Sealants Are Used In The Modern-Day Construction Industry

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For the best Patios Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

A trip to your local home improvement store can be an overwhelming experience for the average person, especially if you’re trying to figure out which caulks and sealants to use for your exterior home improvement project. Unlike the interior, the exterior faces high UV exposure, extreme temperatures and the need to be 100% waterproof. Once you have finished reading this article, you will better understand the nature of caulks and sealants and how to select the best products for your project.

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To find the best Patios Waterford company, click here for Davitt Driveways Waterford.
A trip to your local home improvement store can be an overwhelming experience for the average person, especially if you’re trying to figure out which caulks and sealants to use for your exterior home improvement project. Unlike the interior, the exterior faces high UV exposure, extreme temperatures and the requirement to stay 100% waterproof.

When you’re dealing with silicone caulks, you have a non-paintable surface, with poor UV performance. Although water based and latex caulks have good paintability, they also have high shrinkage, poor elasticity and poor UV performance. Synthetic-rubber (polyurethane) sealants and tri-polymer sealants (silyl terminated polyether sealants) can do it all: paintable, great moisture sealing, no or low shrinkage, and very good UV resistance. Many are also pre-tinted in popular colors. These include the popular NP1 (polyurethane sealant), Sonolastic 150 VLM, and Novalink sealants.

All of these sealant and caulk materials are heavily advertised and marketed with super flashy packaging, labels and all kinds of fancy logos. If you’re looking for a high performance caulk or high performance sealant, you can literally be confronted with hundreds of brands and companies that claim to have the best product for your needs. So what can you do, when you are bombarded with all kinds of choices?

Each brand of caulk generally has its own special and unique qualities. Although, it is in your best interest to read all of the labels and also follow the company specifications, for the use of the caulk and sealant, the very thing you want to know may not be found on the labels of the containers at all! Many of the best products are architectural / commercial grade and not generally available to the public.

Sealant was originated through the needs for exterior finishing in the home building industry. Caulk was originally a term that was used to describe the sealant material used to build boats. Many companies and manufacturers these days are using caulk as an all-purpose word to describe paintable interior grade products. Sealants by definition have at least /-25% elongation capability over a long-term period and are UV resistant. Advanced sealants are 100% solids and offer up to 100% elongation.

Most of the general public use caulk and sealant interchangeably to serve the same basic purpose, which is to fill gaps between building materials and to shield materials from air and water.

Although sealants and caulk work the same basic manner, they both also fail for the same basic reasons. There are three major types of caulk failures that you will encounter. These are substrate, cohesive, and adhesive. The bond that is put between the substrate and the caulk can actually fail, making the caulk tear and break down. Caulked joint problems are also very common and are usually due to the substrate not being effectively prepared or using the wrong product all together.

So, before you choose a certain kind of product, you want to really think about how you will be using it and for what purpose. You will also want to consider the area or location you are going to apply the caulk or sealant.

For example, if your intent is to seal the area around the base of a toilet, sink, bathtub or shower, it will be imperative that you purchase a product that both mildew-resistant and durable enough to survive scrubbing and chemical cleaning. If your intent is going to be to use sealant or caulk between wood clapboards and vinyl windows, then you’ll need to purchase a product that is able to bond very well to both types of materials and is weather resistant.

You will also want to keep humidity, temperature and moisture in mind when you are shopping for caulk or sealant. Water-based caulks not recommended for outdoor projects, because these products do not withstand the hot-to-cold and cold-to-hot weather changes, as well as other harsh weather situations. If you are living in an area that is below 50F during the time you need to apply sealant, then you’ll probably want to use a silicone sealant, instead of polyurethanes, because polyurethanes are very difficult to apply in chilly conditions.

Other Applications: For sealing skylights, glass domes, greenhouses and such, Sonolastic Clear 25 is a popular product. For Kynar or siliconized paint finished metal roofs, a special sealant formulated to seal to these surfaces is a must. Products such as Duralink are popular. For repair of swimming pool tile grout lines, polyurethane sealants are excellent. Products like Ultra provide a very durable seal, which can survive in areas where grouts fail quickly. Ultra is also used as a pickproof sealant in security applications.

To the delight of many, who prefer the do-it-yourself project, certain caulks and sealants can be color-matched to paints, tiles, grout, wallpaper and even carpeting. The beauty of these products is that they can be color-matched while they are still in the product tube. NP1 is also available in many popular pre-formulated colors. Any good home building products store will be able to help you color-match your caulk and sealant to your desired color. Once the caulk has cured, then it will precisely match the color you were seeking to acquire.

In summary, let’s review your options again:

1. Water-based caulks are the easiest to work with. They have a smooth, thin and consistent flow, and they are easy to apply with almost any tool. These products cure quickly, have very little odor, and the clean up is easy with water.

2. Silicone caulks and sealants are good for interior or exterior areas, which will not be painted and are good for areas that will be exposed to extremely cold weather, certain metals, and glass. Silicone materials do not repair well (nothing wants to stick to cured silicone material, not even more silicone)

3. Synthetic rubber sealant is best used for areas with high movement and dissimilar materials. These materials can be painted and are designed for long-term exterior exposure. There is also less chance that the synthetic rubber bond will break during movement. Common applications are roof tile repairs, roof moldings, and roof to wall sealing, window frame sealants, and doorsill sealant.

4. Self Leveling Expansion Joint Sealant, such as SL1 and SL2, are used to fill and seal the expansion joint gaps in concrete and driveways.

5. Tri-Polyimer sealants, such as Sonolastic 150VLM are the next generation. Although somewhat more expensive, they offer superior exterior performance.

6. New Hybrid products are available that defy all classifications. Using these kinds of sealants can yield a lot of surprises, so be sure to read the instructions carefully. Some of these products tend to expand upon drying, so it is best to test them out in an inconspicuous location before actually using them on your project.

Print this article and take it with you when you are shopping for caulk and sealant. Review it and then follow any instructions on the containers of the products you buy. It is our hope that this quick tutorial will help provide some clarity on exactly what products you should buy for your home improvement or home construction project.

Davitt Patios Wicklow

London bathroom fitters: Bathroom visual enlargement.

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For the best Patios Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

Huge bathroom with a wall-sized window, stylish plank beds and view of veranda with Japanese rock-garden is impractical dream for the large majority of us.

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Huge bathroom with a wall-sized window, stylish plank beds and view of veranda with Japanese rock-garden is impractical dream for the large majority of us. In limited urban environment all we often have is just four-squared box. And even rather large bathroom sometimes is not enough for realization of all our design plans. As well-known stepmother from a fairy tale “Cinderella” had said – “The kingdom is small, there is no room to be on the loose”. You can’t enlarge your bathroom even at the expense of your neighbours because of chief wall. But maybe it’s better to solve this problem with the help internal reserves and to expand your bathroom environment visually? Maybe, it’d be better to help out missing square meters just virtually, by creation of their visibility?

You’ve got to start with bathroom design for competent disposal of available space. Development of modern installation systems allows placing of all bathroom and lavatory equipment not in its common places but in places where you need it to be; you can save some tens of inches or even a few meters and free some space visually. For example, you may save some space with angular installation of not only bath and shower cabin, but wash basin or toilet bowl. The bath or shower cabin may be completely or partially hidden in a niche if such technical feasibility is available.

Bathroom and lavatory equipment.
If space available is not as huge as you want, you can easily save it by choosing of small bathroom equipment specially designed for small bathrooms which consumes much less space than standard equipment. In that case the doll’s house effect is triggered and the environment around diminished pieces of equipment seems to be larger. By the way, many people think that space-saving toilet bowls and bidet are even more convenient, than standard ones. Of course you can’t say that about a small wash basin or a bath. Hanging bathroom equipment is of interest, too, as it visually frees some space; bathroom equipment like “two in one”, for example, tandem of shower and bath, is popular as well.

The walls play the most important role in visual enlargement of bathroom space. You should never use shadow toned ceramic tile and other types of covering in small rooms, especially in combination with large decors and wide borders. The tile is to be light toned. In was considered for a long time that large ceramics was to be used in small rooms. Nevertheless, practice shows, that mosaic makes even a small room visually larger.

Necessary effect of depth is achieved with ceramic tile and furniture of light, deep tones and shades in combination with medium-sized and soft-core decor, narrow decorative borders especially placed not horizontally, but vertically. Panels are outside the fold, even the large ones, but only those including perspective view: landscapes, especially marine, imitation of view from a window, the sky and so on. Your look does not die against them but flies away. Photo panels are the latest thing in decoration of rooms.

Well, and if you want to rest relaxing in aromatic foam and you don’t want to feel the weight of ceiling above you? Then the best choice of yours shall be the reflected ceiling – top demonstration of glamour. There are also other ways to decorate the ceiling: suspended ceilings with special illumination, ceiling made of stained glass and painted as starry heaven or something like that and inviting to the eye… Availability of visual perspective view is the main thing.

Feeling of visual prospect may be also achieved with false window, replicated on one of the walls. It is necessary that it looked like real: frame, glass, curtains … It may even open and the flowers are to be placed on the window sill. One more interesting variant is use of stained glass which is usually placed in shallow insets and highlighted. And then it seems that behind that glass is a window in absolutely special, even magic world.

The most simple and affordable way to enlarge closed environment is to use a mirror. It optically doubles the environment as it reflects all space of the room. Besides, the smaller is the room the larger is to be the mirror. Mirrors may be placed not only above a wash basin where they, certainly, play the key role, but as well everywhere on the walls and even replace them if it does not cause negative emotions of the owners. Some time ago mirror-like tile was very popular, but, unfortunately, because of its fragility, insufficient safety (it cracks up easily) and complicated maintenance it became less popular nowadays.

As for floor-mounted and wall-adjacent furniture you’ve got to use only the most space-saving one; it’d be better even to hide it in the niche or under a wash basin. Walls are to be completely free from massive hook-up elements; you’ll have to use only the lightweight glass, metal or wooden shelves. There is no point to presume on usage of a lot of accessories.

Of course, all that is just the attempt to compensate what we miss in real life and your bathroom won’t become larger because of all these gimmicks. But you’ll partially lose the feeling that you are in wardrobe, surrounded by bath, wash basin, toilet bowl and washing machine worked into that wardrobe. It’s nothing but optical illusion, but as the poet had said, “illusion that uplifts us”. And maybe later even the Japanese rock-garden becomes a reality.

Patios Dublin

L2L Keep A House Cleaning Schedule

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For the best Patios Dublin company, call Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.

A house cleaning schedule is your first step towards an effortless cleaning of your home. Although each person has his or her own idea as to what a house cleaning schedule should be like, it is generally agreed that a systematic and coordinated approach will produce the best results.

There have been much advice from various professionals as to how a house cleaning exercise should go about but it will be best if you keep to your own ways of doing things. Decide which plan w…

house cleaning, house cleaning tips

To find the best Patios Dublin company, click here for Leaf2Leaf Driveways Patios Dublin.
A house cleaning schedule is your first step towards an effortless cleaning of your home. Although each person has his or her own idea as to what a house cleaning schedule should be like, it is generally agreed that a systematic and coordinated approach will produce the best results.

There have been much advice from various professionals as to how a house cleaning exercise should go about but it will be best if you keep to your own ways of doing things. Decide which plan works best for you and keep to it. After all, not all homes have the same architecture, so obviously cleaning will differ from home to home.

The first step is to decide on what needs to be done. Begin with the most difficult and complex job and progress to the less mundane ones. This way, you would have expended the much needed energy on the big jobs and by the time you get tired, it is only left with the small jobs to be done. Another reason why you should begin with the big job is that, in the event that something happens or you get tired, then someone will be more wiling to assist because they will not have much left to do.

Group your activities into manageable parts. For example you can put your cleaning activities into three categories: washing, wiping or dusting. This way, you can do all the activities that involve washing from room to room and then go to the ones that need wiping. Keeping this kind of schedule will enable you to work faster and comfortably.

Keep your schedule flexible so that should there be any change of plan, the schedule will be able to accommodate it easily. Keeping a household cleaning schedule is your surest way to accomplish more in less time when it comes to giving your home a new look.

If New York state seems a little far from the real North Pole, try getting a little closer to the real thing by visiting North Pole, Alaska on your Christmas vacation. The Alaskan vacation package also includes a visit to Santa s house in the North Pole. Also offered is an optional dog sled ride through Santa s village in the North Pole. Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience as you race through the magical North Pole on an authentic Alaskan dog sled. Like the vacation package in North Pole, New York, the Alaskan North Pole offers one or two night stays during weekends.

The Alaskan North Pole Christmas vacation includes hotel accommodations in nearby Fairbanks and at the Chena Hot Springs Resort. There is also lodging available at the Santaland RV Park. The Santa House also offers a large store where guests to the North Pole can find every type of souvenir from I Believe in Santa hats to Santa Claus Crossing signs and refrigerator magnets. Whether you are two or ninety-two the magic of Christmas in North Pole, Alaska will have you believing in Saint Nick.

If you are traveling before or during the Christmas season, then consider Hershey, Pennsylvania as your vacation destination. The home of Hershey s candy, Hershey Park becomes home to Christmas Candyland, where over one million Christmas lights are put on display. In addition to the lights, the staff at Hershey Park constructs a number of animated displays that are sure to delight both you are your children.

Christmas Candyland is undoubtedly one of the most exciting Christmas time getaways for kids young and old. In addition to Christmas Candyland guests can enjoy the rest of the Park. Hershey Park is a popular destination for travelers year round, as it offers a wide variety of both entertainment and great candy. Christmas Candyland typically runs for a month prior to Christmas.

If your family has never taken a Disney vacation, Christmastime may be the perfect time to do it. In addition to enjoying the Walt Disney World parade which is televised each year from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, your kids will also enjoy seeing all their favorite Disney characters decked out in their Santa hats and Christmas outfits. There are also a number of special Christmas time shows put on in the parks including Mickey Mouse s Twas the Night Before Christmas and Belle s Enchanted Christmas Storytelling.

These Christmas activities can be great for young children. Giant Christmas trees are erected throughout the parks and lit up with thousands of Christmas lights, bringing the spirit of Christmas alive throughout the already magical Disney World. The weeks around the Christmas season are also times where lodging rates at Disney World resorts are typically lower than the peak season rates.

By traveling during the Christmas season you are likely to get tons of fun at a reduced price. The weather in central Florida during the Christmas season is typically in the mid-70s, a great change of pace if you are used to cold, wintry Christmas seasons. Santa s sleigh may have some trouble landing without snow but the magic of the Christmas season is alive and well at Disney World.