Roofing Kildare

ARK Prevent Home Electrical Fires

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Inadequate electrical capacity is mainly due to increasing the number of devices that consume electricity in your home like new heating and cooling equipment, frost free refrigerators, clothes dryers, water heaters, electric ranges and ovens, dishwashers, and other powerful electric motor driven tools and appliances.

As you add devices to your home, the power supply may become inadequate. If you have indicators like fuses or circuit breakers tripping, or lights dimming, it…

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To find the best Roofing Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Inadequate electrical capacity is mainly due to increasing the number of devices that consume electricity in your home like new heating and cooling equipment, frost free refrigerators, clothes dryers, water heaters, electric ranges and ovens, dishwashers, and other powerful electric motor driven tools and appliances.

As you add devices to your home, the power supply may become inadequate. If you have indicators like fuses or circuit breakers tripping, or lights dimming, it s time to carefully look at your circumstances before equipment failure, fire, or other problems arise.

– 5 Causes of Inadequate Power in Your Home –

1.Limited service panel capacity

When the overall demand from total electrical devices is greater than what the panel is able to supply, the main service panel will likely fail, frequently. Excess demand indicates that the panel rating is less than needed or the panel might be limiting capacity because it has no space left for more fuses or circuit breakers.

In either case it s time to make a circuit map to calculate demand and compare it with the capacity of the main panel to supply. If you find the power demand is less than the capacity and there is no room for more breakers, then a sub-panel might be the answer. Conversely, if the overall demand is greater than the main panel ability to supply, then you will need a licensed electrician to install a new main panel.

2. Overloaded circuits

Another use for the circuit map is to determine if demand on the circuits are greater than the amperage rating of the circuit controlling it. It is important to note peak demands of appliances that may draw more power on starting and create a power surge that trips the breaker.

A power surge that doesn t trip the breaker is indicated by lights dimming when an appliance turns on. Appliances that produce surges should have their own separate circuit designed to tolerate the surge.

To prevent the risk of fire do not exceed the safe amperage of the circuit. Blown fuses or tripped breakers indicate an overloaded circuit. Do not replace breakers with ones of higher amperage just because they fail. Instead run a new circuit from the main panel that is within the supply capacity.

3. Insufficient number of outlets

A general recommendation is to have at least one outlet for every 12 feet of wall, ground fault interrupted outlets in bathrooms and exterior walls, one outlet for each counter top in the kitchen, or as required by local codes.

The most obvious indicator that more outlets are needed is when you start to use multi-outlet extension cords on a regular or permanent basis. Most low cost extension cords are not designed to carry heavy amperage demanded of permanent wiring. Excess loads may cause overheating and fire.

Computer workstations can require outlets for more than two devices from a single dual receptacle wall circuit. Older CRT monitors and laser printers can cause surges when they are turned on. The best solution is to supply the required outlets on separate circuit(s) designed to exceed the demand. The next best option is to use a fused and surge protected uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to protect your equipment. UPS are now available for less than $100 and can protect your computer investment from power problems better than anything else. The less expensive power bars and extension cords run risks of equipment damage or fires if the circuit is overloaded.

4. Inadequate feeder lines

Older houses may have original two-wire feed lines from the power company s nearest utility pole. One of the wires is hot, delivering 110-115 volts and the other is neutral. Obviously these lines will not power 240 volt appliances nor is the amperage likely able to power more than a few newer appliances at a time.

The electric company should replace the two wire system with a three wire system at their own expense. Since you will have to pay an electrician to install a new service panel, use your circuit map and any expansion plans to determine future demand, then size the new panel capacity accordingly.

5. Overtaxed transformer

In older high-density neighborhoods electricity demands over time have increased. In some cases the transformer serving the area may not have been increased to meet the growth in demand. Although the power companies are required to scale up supply according to demand, it is wise to check into the matter before paying to connect a larger service.


Demand Side Management (DSM) refers to actions taken on the customer’s side of the meter to change the amount or timing of energy consumption. Utility DSM programs offer a variety of measures that can reduce energy consumption and consumer energy expenses. Electricity DSM strategies have the goal of maximizing end-use efficiency to avoid or postpone the construction of new generating plants.

Roofers Kildare

ARK Do You Need A Cordless Jigsaw?

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For the best Roofers Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

If you are in the market for a new jigsaw, or are interested in adding to your collection, you are in luck. There are a lot of jigsaws on the market today that provide a great level of performance for a relatively low price tag. The most important thing to consider when buying a jigsaw is the level of features that you get for your money. Of course, the more money you pay the more features you are going to get. But at the same time, if you can find a less expensive model with…

To find the best Roofers Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
If you are in the market for a new jigsaw, or are interested in adding to your collection, you are in luck. There are a lot of jigsaws on the market today that provide a great level of performance for a relatively low price tag. The most important thing to consider when buying a jigsaw is the level of features that you get for your money. Of course, the more money you pay the more features you are going to get. But at the same time, if you can find a less expensive model with a lot of features you are doing a good job.

The top rated cordless jigsaw on the market today is the 18 volt Bosch 52318. The number one drawing feature of this model is its smooth cutting power. When you are sawing with the Bosch 52318 you never have to worry about getting caught up. It offers the smoothest operation out of all of the jigsaws on the market today. Another great advantage of this unit is that the battery carries a two year warranty, and the jigsaw itself carries a three year warranty. This means that you will never have to worry about repair costs for the first two years of ownership. And even after the warranty runs up you should not have any problems; Bosch makes some of the most reliable and durable tools in the world. For all of these features you will have to pay approximately $215.

If you are not enamored by all of the features of the Bosch, you may want to stick with the cordless jigsaws that are in the budget category. These tools will not be as powerful or precise as the top models, but they are still high quality products. If you are searching for a budget model look no further than the Ryobi P520. This model offers easy to use features, including an easy blade change system. It is ideal if you are in need of rough cutting, or if you do not use a jigsaw on a regular basis. This model can be yours for only $50.

A cordless jigsaw is a great addition to any tool collection. When you are buying, you need to determine whether you are looking for top notch quality and design, or price. Either way, there are many models of cordless jigsaws on the market for you to choose from.

driveway cleaners wicklow

STCS Antiques & Collectibles – where to find

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For the best driveway cleaners wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

An Antique is something which is an old collectible item. It becomes valuable because of its age, its specialty and its rarity and utility or may be because of its separate unique feature. Ideally it is measured by its craftsmanship or some other importance. It is not available in an open market like other commodity; however it can be purchased from an auction dealer or online from any website.

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To find the best driveway cleaners wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
An Antique is something which is an old collectible item. It becomes valuable because of its age, its specialty and its rarity and utility or may be because of its separate unique feature. Ideally it is measured by its craftsmanship or some other importance. It is not available in an open market like other commodity; however it can be purchased from an auction dealer or online from any website.

You can find antiques in museum too. Few antique items include books, furniture, jewellery, etc. It can be used as another term for collectibles. It is very important to know where you can find an antique item. Many people misunderstand as to where you can find an antique item. Most of the people search antique items in place where it cannot be found. It can be found easily from persons who really handle antique item like antique dealers.

It can be found in abundance in places where there is history. You should really know that antiques do not originate from the sky or directly at antique stores. It originates from home. This notion needs to be changed and understood that it can be easily found from home where old items are preserved. That is the fundamental truth about antique.

You can find these antiques from people who are very old. Be it a coin, an art piece or even a table or chair. Check with the old people, they will guide you as to where these are. Old people have antiques in abundance than young people. The reasons why antiques can be found with older people are they have passed generation and they will be carrying these things. You can find most of them preserve these items right from toys and coins and they carry with them.

So you should know where you can find antiques. To put in simple terms:-

Antiques can be found with older people.
To find more antiques you need to check the old house hold accumulations on regular basis.
To get this you need to go to people home where there is rich history involved where antiques originate.

Knowing where you can find antiques can place you much ahead of your competitors.

Roofing Kildare

ARK Preserve evergreen memories

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Preserve memories with decorative picture frames. Picture Frames add exceptionality to pictures and keeps your pictures and memories evergreen. Picture frames provide support, protection and artistic veracity. The art of picture framing was instigated during the Renaissance period, due to the need to individualize and augment ingenious works.

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To find the best Roofing Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Preserve memories with decorative picture frames. Picture Frames add exceptionality to pictures and keeps your pictures and memories evergreen. Picture frames provide support, protection and artistic veracity. The art of picture framing was instigated during the Renaissance period, due to the need to individualize and augment ingenious works.

Picture frames are available in different shapes and materials from the simple design to the contemporary styles. The picture frames are either mass produced or custom made frames from professional frame makers. Picture frames are either square shaped, rectangular, oval or heart shaped.

Picture frames can supplement the value or lessen the value of pictures based on the frames you choose. The picture frames are available in different materials which are usually made of silver, glass, enamel, digital photo frames, wood or even funky frames in classical or elegant styles. Some fun and fancy picture frames also available which is heart shaped porcelain or house shaped wood frame.

The picture frames protects your photos and hidden memories from direct lights, moisture and natural acids in our hands. Picture frames also looks great for gifts. It will be majestic gifts for wedding or other occasions.

Buy your pictures by keeping following features in mind. First decide what type of frame you want to buy, whether you need simple or ornamental frame .Secondly decide on color, style and materials of the frames and then price of the picture frames. Since both economical and expensive picture frames are available.

Picture frames enhances elegance and splendor of your picture. The frames are also available as table tops or wall hangings. The table top picture frames are available in square, rectangular or oval shaped. The wooden hangings may be hand painted, carved or plain.

paving contractors dublin

APD Prevent Leaks – Leak Tester Devices

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For the best paving contractors dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

There are many available types of equipment that could serve as leak testers. These leak testers are used to compute the discharge of water, vacuum, or gases from a sealed apparatus. Most of these leak testers are operational with devices which calibrate, pump, and gauge leaks.

1. Distinguish Your Needs

In leak testing, the ideal leak tester could be identified from the founding of the leakage. Although in other cases, when you are not able to see through the machines,…

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To find the best paving contractors dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
There are many available types of equipment that could serve as leak testers. These leak testers are used to compute the discharge of water, vacuum, or gases from a sealed apparatus. Most of these leak testers are operational with devices which calibrate, pump, and gauge leaks.

1. Distinguish Your Needs

In leak testing, the ideal leak tester could be identified from the founding of the leakage. Although in other cases, when you are not able to see through the machines, evaluation and calculation is your answer. Before performing exams and making use of leak testers, make sure that you have double-checked the cycle time of the leak pressure. Then you can estimate the equipment costs you might need.

– Consider product speed and resolution
– Are the engineers who advise you sure that the tools used are accurate?
– Find a number of models and select several that have the features you want
– Tools should have multiple part types
– Equipment should be easily upgradable if new parts are necessary
– Equipment can configure the sequence by itself
– Contain a vast number of pressure signatures for storage space and data compilation
– The ability to record and recall signatures

2. An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure

A good leak tester should be able to predict leakages before they can even occur. It should be flexible in doing multiple tasks. These tasks consist of bar code reading, connection with local area networks, and temperature reimbursement. Because of recent updates in the technology, there have been a number of automatic leak testers that could operate without the engineers regular deliberation and analysis. After setting the options on your automatic leak tester, it would be able to start the cycle and do accurate testing by on its own. These automatic leak testing equipments could examine a part in less than 40 seconds.

3. Additional Considerations

In buying a leak tester, you should think of the durability before the price. Since equipment may cost you a large amount of money, make sure to think of quality first before anything else. You may have been charged with a low cost leak tester and saved some money, but in time it could break down and cost a number of calibration malfunctions. You would just spend a lot more in updated maintenance and fixings. Without the appropriate equipment, even the best professionals in the industry can’t do their job – so get the best equipment you can.

driveway cleaners wexford

STCS Pest Control Protect Your Property And Home

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For the best driveway cleaners wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Perhaps man discovered agriculture and pest control methods nearly simultaneously, and since then, the fight is on. Now, as if agricultural pests were not enough, there is a big menace of domestic pests, too. Of which termites, or white ants as they are generally called, are most dreaded as they feed on just about anything organic. Surprisingly enough, they can bore through six feet thick concrete and live for ages without food.

Pest Control Methods

Pest control methods…

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To find the best driveway cleaners wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Perhaps man discovered agriculture and pest control methods nearly simultaneously, and since then, the fight is on. Now, as if agricultural pests were not enough, there is a big menace of domestic pests, too. Of which termites, or white ants as they are generally called, are most dreaded as they feed on just about anything organic. Surprisingly enough, they can bore through six feet thick concrete and live for ages without food.

Pest Control Methods

Pest control methods largely differ for domestic and agriculture applications. Traditional methods of pest control in agriculture mainly included crop rotation, selective breeding and companion planting. Low flying airplanes are made use of in sprinkling chemical pesticides over large fields.

Chemical pest control methods are quite old and are said to be in practice since 4000 or 4500 years. But closer to date, pyrethrum and derris were introduced which were followed by better synthetic pesticides like DDT and other herbicides.

The Domestic Scenario

But domestic pest problem is almost entirely different. The major pests that bother us are termites, rodents, mosquitoes and bed bugs. You can almost call termites as terror-mites. These soft looking, unassuming ant like insects, belong to two types: subterranean and dry wood termites, belonging to over 2000 species. Both of them subsist on cellulose.

How Do You Know?

A thorough inspection of critical areas (without dismantling) by professionals reveals whether your home is infested by termites or is vulnerable for attacks. Inspection may require instruments sometimes.

Pest Control Agencies

Living beagles can sniff out the termites. Protimeter for mold detection, scanning and acoustic infrared sensors, resistographs and fractometers are other instruments generally used by the agencies.

What Do They Do

Fumigation, spot treatment and removal of infested wood are some immediate options. While fumigation exterminates dry wood termites, a certified applicator s presence is necessary before during and after fumigating and aeration to allow occupancy. But dry wood termites need wood penetrating fumigants. For subterranean types, following manufacturer s instructions is essential which include pouring pesticides into holes drilled at regular intervals around the infested area.

Flys, mosquitoes and bugs are controlled by chemicals prallethrin, and the normally available rat poisons. But don t use them without expert advice.

Choosing an Expert

You need an expert when buying real estate at far off places or when pest controlling the entire home. Keep these points in your mind when choosing one.

1. Take neighbors recommendations based on their satisfaction level.

2. Taking hasty decisions won t help as you need professional expertise; look for one by checking with their past clients.

3. Check their authenticity, whether they are registered by the local authorities or are they members of National Pest Management Association etc.

4.Check what the guarantees cover and get things in writing.

5. Check for legal restrictions on commercial applicators; call Environmental Protection Agency for confirmation.

6. Beware of those who offer huge discounts. After all you want value, not price.

Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW Factors To Keep In Mind About Kitchen Lighting

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For the best Paving Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

The lighting in your kitchen can make a big difference in the ambiance of the room. You can have the most expensive counters, cabinets and hardware installed, but without the proper lighting to show off your purchases, it will merely seem like another room in your house.

kitchen lighting

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Changing your kitchen lighting can also be a way for you to improve the look of your kitchen without having to spend too much money. By changing the lighting in the room you can highlight certain areas as well as make a nice romantic nook for a late night snack. There is no end to the possibilities when you decide to upgrade the lighting in your kitchen.

Where to Start

In the kitchen, it is important that certain areas have enough light such as the sink, the area where you work to make the meals and the dining area. If you are looking for mood lighting, you can install lights under your cabinets or even inside them so that finding that all important ingredients is easier. Before you make any changes, take a look around the kitchen and decide where you would like more accent and more light.

When you are ready to go shopping for new kitchen lighting, it is wise to take a picture of the room along with you to the store. This will help you to decide if the lighting or fixtures you choose will blend well with your décor.

If your kitchen is large, you might think about installing track lighting. This can give your kitchen a modern feel as well as an abundance of light. Using a dimmer switch in conjunction with track lighting can allow you to change the setting making it as bright as you would like, and then when dinner is through, you can lower the lights giving the room a more relaxed feel.

Lighting the Cabinets

Using lighting in or around your cabinets can make a dramatic statement. If your cabinets are made of plexi-glass or any other see through material, it can make your cabinets a focal point of the room. A more practical approach to cabinets and lighting is to place lighting beneath the cabinets to add a little flair. You can light underneath your cabinets with cost conscious plug-ins or battery operated fixtures.
Common Mistakes

It is important that you choose proper lighting for your needs. Many people fail to ask those who are experienced and knowledgeable about lighting their advice and in turn can have some great lighting that creates a blanket of light, but does nothing to illuminate the area where you will be doing most of the preparation for the meal. If you are not familiar with any aspect of lighting, you would be well advised to speak to an expert before you make any final decisions.

Take a trip to your local lighting store and be sure you bring pictures of your current kitchen. If you are doing a full remodeling, explain the changes that you expect the kitchen to have and ask about the best sources of light for each area.

You will also have to factor in how much space there is between the ceilings and your cabinets and how tall the ceiling is. Other factors that may influence your lighting choices are the size of the room and where the doors are located.

Maybe a House Call is in Order

Finding a local light specialist in your area and seeing if they can make a house call can make planning for your kitchen lighting easier. If the expert can see the actual space and hear your ideas for change, he can better guide you to the proper lighting that will make the most impact in your kitchen.

Taste is Important Too

You may want a new chandelier over the dining area and perhaps track lighting over the sink. It is important to purchase lighting that you will be happy with for a long time and blends well with the rest of the décor. If your kitchen is French Country and you choose a modern lighting option, it will give the room an imbalanced feel.

It is also not recommended that you simply choose the latest fads in kitchen lighting. Fads fade fast, but you will be stuck with your kitchen lighting for many years. Choosing kitchen lighting that is easy on the eyes and pretty to see can be a tough job. If you do your research and ask the experts, you will save your valuable time. Doing a lot of comparison shopping when it comes to kitchen lighting can save you money too. It has never been easer to compare prices since the advent of the internet. You can practically do all your research and shopping from home using your computer or if you prefer, go to a lighting store and see what they have available.

Roofing Wicklow

ARW Is Paneling Walls good for Home Improvement?

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For the best Roofing Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

How do you quickly improve your home at minimal costs? What is a quick and cheARW way for home improvement? Try paneling. Paneling is one of the cheARWer methods for improving homes. Paneling might not be dependable as some materials for home improvement, but for the most part, you could use the panel to hide faulty areas of the home. Paneling is durable, easy to clean and comes in wide range of styles, colors, textures and prices. It is forever best to have the correct tools and materials, as well as the designs selected before starting a home improvement course.

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To find the best Roofing Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
How do you quickly improve your home at minimal costs? What is a quick and cheARW way for home improvement? Try paneling. Paneling is one of the cheARWer methods for improving homes. Paneling might not be dependable as some materials for home improvement, but for the most part, you could use the panel to hide faulty areas of the home. Paneling is durable, easy to clean and comes in wide range of styles, colors, textures and prices. It is forever best to have the correct tools and materials, as well as the designs selected before starting a home improvement course.

Therefore, considering panel may need reconsidering especially if you do not know your options. Dry walling can be time consuming and stirs up a messy atmosphere, while tiling walls is less dramatic. WallpARWer is more of a headache than anything else is, but if you purchase the self-adhesive pARWer, it is less problematic.

Panel is cheARW; however, whether it stands through all types of weather depends on the type of paneling purchased and how the paneling is installed. A number of home improvement tasks which includes removing stains, mildew, peeling paint, caulk, as well as other filtering clutters might have to be completed before repairing the home with the panel.

If your walls are lumpy or else dents are in the area you will need scrARWers, plaster, knife, spackle, cloth, sandpARWer, and paint to fix the problem, especially if you are repairing or remodeling drywall, tiles, or vinyl walls. Almost immediately, when you have the correct tools and materials, you can begin the modus operandi to fix the dents, cracks and holes, or else remove stains. You will especially need the patches that are included with plastering kits to fix large holes in the wall area. Thus, some of these tools and materials are needed when paneling the walls in the home for improvement.

Some people actually panel walls to cover holes, dents, and cracks. A person might even choose to panel the walls to cover peeling paint, or rusty paints. The concept is to get the job over with while saving money and ignoring the real problem behind the wall. If this works for you so be it, but you should consider

Panel can bring down the equity of your home. Lenders factor in loans, and base the equity value of a home on its interior and exterior makeup. If a home is not built on stone, thus the lender will drop the amount of loan giving to the borrower. Therefore, you may want to reconsider paneling the walls, especially if your goal to home improvement is increasing the equity of your home.

Few rooms are better off without panel regardless of the intentions, while other rooms in a home are better off with paneling. Some people prefer the decorative paneling known as wainscoting for their dining or family room. This paneling type covers the lower 3 or 4 feet of an interior wall. The bath areas are ARWpealing when paint, wood, and tile setoff the area. If you make a decision to wall covering your bath, then consider covering the walls with tile. Tile is used in many homes on floors and walls, thus the tiles are sturdy and will stand up through most storms.

If you already have paneled walls and want to renew the areas, since certain portions of the paneled wall is cracked, dented, of filled with holes, instead of going to the lengths of buying all new materials consider restoring your walls. Restoring paneling takes little effort, time, and costs less than paneling the entire wall. You may want to paint the panel to give it a new look.

You will need a putty knife, nail set, caulk gun, flat pry bar, framing square, rubber mallet, hammer, carpentry knife, a chisel and a wallboard knife for restoring the panel. You will also need replacement paneling, wood fillers, putty stick, finishing nails, panel adhesive, spray paint, nails, finishing nails, and shims to complete your mission. If you decide on replacement paneling, try to find a match by running a check on the manufacturer from when the paneling might have been procured. You may get lucky and find matching paneling.

It is always wise to have what you need when improving homes. Having all the right tools and materials can save you hassle. Again, paneling is one the cheARWer ideas for home improving, however the panel is not sturdy like many other materials available today.

Thus, tiles tend to offer endurance over most materials with exceptions of vinyl. Therefore, when improving your home, consider all aspects, including cost, challenge, equity, etc. to determine what is right for you. Although paneling may be the easiest and cheARWest thing to do for home improvement, it may be the costliest when it comes to your home equity. Remember, most materials and tools are affordable, thus picking the right choice is always right when improving homes.

Davitt Tarmac Wicklow

View From My Island: The Grand Outing of the Kitchen

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For the best Tarmac Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

Kitchens used to be hidden from view – but not anymore. Thay have become the focal point of the house and the people who live in it. In this article, the author shares the joys and the advantages that she finds in this new arrangement.

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When I was growing up as a child in the sixties, kitchens were always a hidden affair. If it was not separated by a wall from the other rooms in the house, then a divider had to be installed to hide it from the rest of the world. Inviting friends over to the kitchen to show off your new kitchen island or cooktop was not the thing to be done.

But not anymore. The kitchen of my adult years has now become the focal point of the house and the people who live in it. There is still the obligatory lounge room to receive guests but it is now just a little room on the way to the grand, open space of kitchen, family and rumpus rooms combined.

This is where most families now gather after a long days work – the parents preparing the family meal while the children (if they are in their schoolyears) do their homework in the family dining table or (if they are already young adults), sit and chatter around the breakfast nook or family room couch. Kitchens now exude warmth and welcome helped by the oak or teak oil-finished kitchen cabinets that usually line the kitchen walls, as well as mahogany or red cedar curio cabinets housing revered family treasures such as photos and bowling trophies.

I have long used my kitchen as my lounge – one of the rooms in the house that I consider most comfortable, functional, tribal and welcoming . My husband and I and anyone of my kids who occasionally fancy themselves as the new Jamie Oliver can showcase our gourmet talents as we gracefully move around the red and brown speckled granite kitchen island or benchtop to the glistening stainless steel sink to the brown flattened glow of the ceramic cooktop. All these in view of the rest of the family, and often times friends and guests who we show in straight to the kitchen/family/dining room area to sit in our beloved dark aubergine brown no-nonsense, yet sumptuous and very practical “Virginia” sofa.

Gone are the days when you felt you needed to detain your guests in the comfort of the Italian velvet sofa in the lounge while you excuse yourself and slave away in the dark, hot and steamy recesses of the kitchen preparing their food. Now there is no shame or cringe to invite friends over to the kitchen because kitchens have become the hub of family life and social entertaining. Architects, home builders and appliance manufacturers have all taken heed of the new trend and have made kitchens not only functional and efficient but also overwhelmingly stylish. Even whitegoods now come in different colors of stainless steel, earthy brown, luminous orange or buttercup yellow to suit everyone’s desire and taste.

Friends are invited to hover around stylish marble-topped kitchen islands as they continue with their socialising, talking about nothing and maybe even lending a hand in washing the vegetables and peeling the potatoes. Even wine bars are now in the domain of the kitchen (not the basement or the lounge) as friends sit down and relax in the midst of kitchens sipping their favorite red or white.

Even when alone, my kitchen has always been a delight and a quiet refuge from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. When I wake up in the morning, I find no greater joy than seeing the sun streaming through the beige voile curtains of the northeast facing kitchen window into the deep purple flowered african violets and tall and lanky chinese fortune plants that brighten up the farthest end of my granite kitchen benchtop. And when I come home from work in the evening, I open the very same northeast facing kitchen window to be greeted with the sweet scent of the orange jasmines that line the backyard fence.

My kitchen has certainly come a long way from its hiding place in the sixties and I intend to enjoy it and keep it that way for a long, long time more to come.

Maths Tutor Ireland


ge Search: How To Solve Your Dilemma On College And For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. College Degree Selection

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Deciding to go to college and finish a degree is a life-defining move. You must agree that the choices you make in this stage of your life will most definitely affect your career path and your future in general.

Since this is so, be sure to read these tips in choosing the best college degree:

1. First, you must know what your skills are, academically speaking, that is. Are you mathematically-inclined? Or are you much better in the languages and science? You see, it woul…

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Article Body:
Deciding to go to college and finish a degree is a life-defining move. You must agree that the choices you make in this stage of your life will most definitely affect your career path and your future in general.

Since this is so, be sure to read these tips in choosing the best college degree:

1. First, you must know what your skills are, academically speaking, that is. Are you mathematically-inclined? Or are you much better in the languages and science? You see, it would be a nightmare for you to take up law when you are much more interested in, say, writing.

2. If you can, sign up for internships so that you can get a ‘feel’ of the work environment in each college major option that you have.

3. Aside from your skills, choose a course that offers flexibility when you start job-hunting. Is this course that you’re deciding to take up gonna require more training before you are hired?

Now that you have some degrees in mind, the next level is to choose the college that you will attend. Here are, again, some tips in choosing the best colleges that would offer your chosen field:

1. First, be certain if you would rather attend a college near your home or one that would take you miles away from family.

2. Consider if you would want a big and famous university or a small and private campus. Your personality would dictate this. If you are the type that likes crowds, then go for the university that offers it all. If you are more of an introvert, then, by all means, go for the college with less population.

3. If you are sports-oriented, be sure to check out campuses that offer gyms or outdoor fields that can support sports of your choice. If you are more of a computer geek, there are colleges that offer a much subdued environment that is conducive to learning.

4. If you belong to a different denomination, as much as you can , look for a university that supports your belief or, at least, respects it. For example, Mormons have the Brigham Young University which was founded by people that share their belief.

5. The next thing to consider is your budget. There are several public and private colleges in the country. By rule, private colleges are much more expensive than the public ones but that doesn’t mean that they provide a less quality in education. Just be able to scout for the right public school.

These tips are just here as guidelines. What matters most is still YOU. What does your heart dictate and crave?