Roofing Wicklow

ARW How to Find the Best Air Purifier for Your Home

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For the best Roofing Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

An air purifier can perform wonders for your home. Air purifiers do battle with anything airborne and unwanted, such as odors, bacteria and germs, and leave your home with clean, pure, and healthy air.

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An air purifier can perform wonders for your home. Air purifiers do battle with anything airborne and unwanted, such as odors, bacteria and germs, and leave your home with clean, pure, and healthy air. Once you start living with an air purifier you’ll wonder how you ever survived without it. More and more home owners are opting to purchase an air purifier as they become more and more aware and concerned about the quality of the air they breathe day in, day out.

How do the best air purifiers work?

Air purifiers work by replacing the air in your home with clean and filtered air. They remove particles in the air, such as dust, by drawing air through their filters. Unwanted particles get trARWped in machine’s filter, and what is circulated back into your home is pure, clean air.

How to find the best air purifier?

There are many air purifiers on the market and many different manufactures. Keeping track of new developments in air purification technology is difficult. Before you buy, always do a bit of research about the product and the manufacturer.

If you are buying in-store, prepare questions and make an ARWpointment with the salesperson so that you can be completely informed about product features.

If you are buying online, then try to read reviews of each product before you buy. Online stores such as do provide this review service. Some of the better manufacturers are Honeywell, GE, Whirlpool, Alpine, Living Air and Bionaire, amongst others. Visit the manufacturer’s website and download product features and specifications, which you should study before making your final choice.

Patios Dublin

APD Go Rving

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For the best patios dublin company, call Active patios dublin.

Rving is an exciting way to see America. It s a way for families to be together, while continually learning about our great country. Rving is not limited to America, exploring Canada or Mexico can be rewarding. If you are traveling abroad you can rent an Rv in most countries and see that country at your leisure.

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To find the best patios dublin company, click here for Active patios dublin.
Rving is a great way to see America. It’s a way for families to be together, while continually learning about our great country. Rving is not limited to America, exploring Canada or Mexico can be rewarding. If you are traveling abroad you can rent an Rv in most countries and see that country at your leisure.
I love to travel but I hate packing suitcases, eating out when other people want to, waiting for a table and not knowing whether the food is good or bad. Rving is traveling in your home on wheels. Eat what you want and when you want to. Don’t get me wrong I love to eat out if I know where I’m going and know what is on the menu. Rving also lets me sleep in my own bed at night.
I think the greatest thing about Rving is being able to stop when you want to. Often times my husband and I may drive about three or four hours, then stop and rest, eat a meal or snack, watch TV or take a nap. There are lots of Rest Areas along your way.
I love the freedom that Rving lets me have. If we see a place we like, we stop and park and spend as much time there as we like-we have our “home on wheels” with us. As you have probably guessed my husband and I are retired, but if you have limited time, rving is great because you can travel great distances in less time so you can get to where you are going and spend most of your time there. It’s amazing how a 15 or 30 minute nap can rejuvenate you so you can safely continue on your journey. Make a good cup of coffee and a snack and you are good to go.
If you are traveling with children and or pets then a rest area is a good place for them to run and play so they are ready for the rest of the trip. If you are traveling in a motorhome then they can watch TV or play video games while you are traveling which makes their trip more enjoyable. equipment for your
If rving is new to you and you want to try it a great place to start is by renting an Rv and follow the road where it takes you. Happy Rving.

Health Goals

The Truth About Smokers “Pleasure Paradox”

This article was originally written by Neil Stelling

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Smokers love excuses. Nothing makes them happier than, ‘I can’t quit because…’. They really believe their own excuses.
But all these excuses are cop-outs. There’s no reason to smoke. Smoking doesn’t have any redeeming benefits. It’s 100% harmful, poison.
But many smokers don’t want to hear that. In fact, they already know it’s poison. They just haven’t yet discovered how to quit. Reading the truth, in a non-aggressive, non- threatening way, helps to get started on the quit smoking path.
So the excuse, ‘I enjoy them’, ‘they give me pleasure’, needs to be looked at carefully. Do they really enjoy them, or are they making a ‘Can’t quit’ excuse.
In reality, the pleasure comes from the experiences associated with smoking. It doesn’t come from smoking itself.
In fact, smoking becomes the ‘avoidance of displeasure’, rather than the ‘gaining of pleasure’. Smoking brings temporary relief to the withdrawal symptoms that smoking caused in the first place.
Have you always smoked ? Or do you remember back to a time you felt peace and confidence, before this addiction took hold of you ? Any pleasure comes from temporary relief of withdrawal symptoms. That’s the sad truth.
Where’s the pleasure in loss of taste ? A build up of tar and other chemicals causes a gradual loss of taste. Smokers sometimes don’t notice since it happens over years.
Then they can’t taste expensive restaurant meals, and think multiple cigarettes before, during and after the meal provides the answer. Sound familiar ?
In fact, good company and conversation provide the pleasure, which a smoker mistakenly associates with his cigarette.
What else causes us to associate pleasure with cigarettes ?
Unfortunately, over many years, cigarettes have featured prominently in movies. Famous, beautiful people seem to love their cigarettes.
Have you noticed how most romantic movie moments used to involve two people lighting up cigarettes together ? Luckily that’s less common in modern times, but who can forget Bogie and others in the classic old films.
Cigarettes still get advertised around the world, associated with something pleasurable. Once again, romance, freedom, open countryside, tranquillity.
This psychological conditioning prevents thousands of people quitting. The myth of ‘pleasure’ is stronger than the reality of physical nicotine dependency.
Ever heard a smoker say they can’t wait for their children or grandchildren to get started smoking ? Of course not ! They know it’s harmful, and usually openly admit they’d like to quit. They even agree with policies that restrict smoking in public places !
They admit they found the taste awful at first. But persevered so they could seek the pleasure they hoped to emulate. Nature makes poisons foul-tasting for good reason – a warning not to use that substance.
Smoking actually removes pleasures previously taken for granted.
We’ve already covered taste. How about fitness ? How about the ability to run more than a few yards without gasping for breath ? How about your non-smoking friends and family, who must breathe passive smoke, and find their clothes foul smelling in the morning ?
So the biggest pleasure in quitting smoking actually comes from regaining past pleasures ! Unless you’re a lifelong smoker, you’ve forgotten the simple pleasures lost.
But here’s some good news. Those pleasures can come back. When you quit, your senses eventually return to normal.
Once again, you can taste and enjoy food. Taste starts to return after only a few days. Over time, your fitness will improve. Your habits will change as your non-smoking personality starts to emerge e.g. no cigarette between meal courses.
The pleasure of non-smoking far outweighs any imaginary pleasure from smoking. Regaining life’s simple pleasures is a worthwhile goal, and good reason to quit smoking right now.

Why can some people quit smoking permanently, while others just keep starting again ? Discover the NLP approach to quit smoking once and for all. Click ==>

Health Choices

What Are Cheque Drops?



Cheque Drops are one of the most potent steroids that have ever been marketed in a commercial manner. The androgenic intensity of Cheque Drops is slightly below that of methyltrienolone, but they can still aromatize, appending the advantages of estrogen as well. Originally, Cheque Drops were used in vet medicine to normalize the heat cycles of female dogs for breeding purposes, but cheque drops developed into short-range steroids.

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This article deals with
Cheque Drops

Cheque Drops are one of the most potent steroids that have ever been marketed in a commercial manner. The androgenic intensity of Cheque Drops is slightly below that of methyltrienolone, but they can still aromatize, appending the advantages of estrogen as well. Originally, Cheque Drops were used in vet medicine to normalize the heat cycles of female dogs for breeding purposes, but cheque drops developed into short-range steroids.

Cheque Drops are composed of the steroid Mibolerone. Cheque Drops are quite strong and have to be used with proper care to get the most benefits with least side effects. Dan Duchaine allegedly revealed the uses and benefits of Cheque Drops for musclebuilding. Cheque drops attained too much popularity due to definitive fighting circles additionally. The reason behind their popularity in such cases is due to the increase of aggressiveness they can present jocks before events.

Cheque Drops have been popular with jocks who take part in physical, full-contact sports including football, boxing and martial arts. Cheque Drops’ aptitude to raise hostility has been victorious for such sports. Cheque Drops were delivered in mcg quantities in liquid droppers.

Cheque Drops are several times solider than testosterone. The main intention behind adding up a few drops of Cheque Drops to the food of female dogs in heat to keep them controlled. Human jocks used a few drops of Cheque Drops under the tongue before a sporting event or training to increase their belligerency. But, often because of low doses, the athletes making use of Cheque Drops experience small, or no anabolic outcomes.

If Cheque Drops are used in high quantities or for over two weeks, they can gravely have an effect on natural testosterone production in the body. In addition, it can also cause liver damage. If not used properly, it can also cause gynocomastia. Other fallouts include insomnia and hypertension. Cheque Drops should not be used by women due to its unique use in determining the ovulation cycle in female dogs. Women would probably experience severe acne, deepening voice, lessoned or ceased menstruation and clitoral enlargement. It is banished because of its affect on the body and adrenaline.

paving contractors dublin

APD Mattress Selection – A Practical Approach

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For the best paving contractors dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

Choosing a new mattress is a very important task as it can either give you or deny you of many nights of quality rest and sleep for the useful life of the mattress itself.

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I have been using the same old bed ever since I was a teenager and it had been comfortable until 3 years ago, when my legs had finally cross the finishing line at the border of the mattress. It bothered me to feel my legs hanging in mid air when I sleep. Enough is enough. A new mattress is a must.

I for one am a tall person of 183cm. I also weigh 86kg and that makes any soft mattress sink after a few months. So these led me to the quest of getting my new mattress from my dad’s mattress store. Being a mattress store heir doesn’t make me a mattress expert. But as an eager learner, I sure did absorb a lot during my mattress shopping time and I can honestly share this with you; buying a mattress requires logic and commonsense which is seldom present when most people are shopping.

One can easily be blinded by promotions and discounts and the outlook of the product rather than the features and benefits which suits you as an individual. Therefore, I have decided to pen down the few tips and approach for the benefit of every would be mattress buyer:

i) What’s your height?

If you are a tall person, then you’re in trouble when shopping for a mattress. Though its a blessing to be tall, because its rare, then its also a curse when it comes to shopping for mattress because long mattresses only exists in custom made orders. This will cost you extra money but its well worth it compared to having your feet dangling in the air while you sleep.

ii) Do you suffer from backaches and pains?

If you have backache and pains, then the best solution is a firm mattress and a contour pillow. Firm mattresses provide excellent lumbar support and a contour pillow will give your neck and head a good support too. A great brand of mattress I’d like to tell you is the Seahorse Mattress. This is a popular mattress brand name in Hong Kong and Singapore. I personally had my brand new Seahorse Mattress imported because to me, its a necessity. Resting on a Seahorse Mattress will make you feel a total new level of relaxation on your lower back, which you have seldom had the chance to experience. Yes, it is as good as it gets.

iii) Do you roll about in your sleep?

Believe me when I say, this can be very dangerous. If you roll about in your sleep, obviously it is better to get a bigger bed. A Queen Size or King Size bed can give you more room to roll. Falling down from beds have led to many injuries which can be harmful. One may knock their heads against the floor, suffer internal injury and not remember it, or even knock your head against a sharp corner, depending on the placement of your room furniture. Try to position your bed against a wall as that reduces up to 50% of any chance of you falling off your bed. You may have a tendency to roll left or right more often so I can’t possibly calculate so accurately for you.

iv) Finally, do you share your bed with a spouse?

If you do, please discuss with them because you want your spouse to have a good night’s rest just as much as you do. How can you possibly sleep well if your spouse isn’t? Yet another commonsense issue which many need to pay attention.

There are many more criteria and issues involved when selecting your mattress however, that’s another story for another article. With the common sense approach listed above, you will gain better sleep in terms of quality. Your family and you deserve to sleep well. Don’t buy mattresses just because they look nice. Treat it like a car purchase and you’ll never regret it for the useful life of that mattress.

Roofing Kildare

ARK Materials And Styles For Different Deck Railing Ideas

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Finding your deck railing idea will depend on many factors. Foremost, you need to find which of the styles out there would match better into your home decoration. A nice idea is to combine the benefit of the garden with the warmness of a living room. The decision is into your mind and up to you.

Railing Materials And Styles

Most rails materials look and feel attractive and match almost any deck railing style or home decoration. If you want to invest your money in deck f…

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To find the best Roofing Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Finding your deck railing idea will depend on many factors. Foremost, you need to find which of the styles out there would match better into your home decoration. A nice idea is to combine the benefit of the garden with the warmness of a living room. The decision is into your mind and up to you.

Railing Materials And Styles

Most rails materials look and feel attractive and match almost any deck railing style or home decoration. If you want to invest your money in deck flooring and sophisticated railings that have a natural yet long lasting appeal. You would certainly benefit from considering composite over other synthetics.

Since iron railings are probably the most beautiful amongst all railing styles, they need over time a proper care. An iron railing may lead to corrosion and rust or decay if an you do an improper care. Water is the most common culprit in these cases, but a good lacquer and cleaning may minimize corrosion over time.

Wooden railings offer many benefits over other traditional materials such as brick, stone or metal. For one anyone can install a railing made of wood with just a few supplies and a couple of hours time on their hands.

Many homeowners add better wrought iron railings than wooden ones because of their long-lasting and reliability, amongst many others characteristics, such as the maintenance. While pleasant to view and durability an iron railing does present some unique challenges to consider.

In terms of maintenance, the best choice may be the cedar ones, because they are both practical and easy to maintain. You can also add cedar furniture into the decoration style. It use to be very lightweight and can be moved around the deck surface. Getting a high contrast of elements you wish may be easier with cedar. Again, how to get a natural style or design for your house depends on you.

Installing your deck railing

Finishing nails, a saw, drill, measuring tape, finials, balusters and posts are all important components of professional looking rails. You can buy a majority of the supplies you need whether for a traditional or Victorian style railing online; if this is the deck railing idea chosen, at your local home improvement supply store or at a lumberyard.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Why Private School for Your Child?

There are notable differ
ences in what private schools offer from the public school environment. So when you begin that evaluation process, it’s important that you know what you are looking for in a school before you make the investment in putting your youngster into a private institution. Very often private schools draw new students based on local reputation or because you may know a lot of kids of your friends who go there. Or perhaps your child wants to go to a particular private school to be with specific peers. And while putting your son or daughter in a school where he or she will have a strong support group is a valid consideration, it is not the only consideration.

One of the reasons private schools are popular is that there can be a school that is focused on a particular niche of students. Religious schools are a good example. Many parents want their children in a private setting where they can study their scriptures and engage in daily religious ritual without interference from the state. Other private schools might focus on exceptional students, students with a particular talent such as the arts or theater or schools for students who are challenged either physically, mentally or emotionally.

If you child fits in one of those classifications these schools can be an excellent alternative to public school which as a rule is poorly equipped to deal with niche needs of students. But you will have to look closely at each school you interview to be sure not only the charter for why the school exists but the faculty and resources of the school are adequate to live up to that vision. That means that not all private schools are the right choice for your child but one of them might be a great choice.

But probably the majority of private schools exist under the charge to provide a higher quality education, to offer a lower class size with better teachers and a focus on preparing your child for college. The academics are allegedly of a higher quality and more demanding on the student and the teacher as a result. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. So what that school would like to say to you is, “Put your child in our school because the extra cost will be worth it for the higher level of education your child will receive.”

The first point of evaluation is to look at the quality of education and the percentage of students that go to college after graduating from the public school where your child might be going. Many times if the public school is well run and retains high quality teachers as well, you can get a good education from them for your child at no more additional cost than the taxes you pay.

Remember that just because a private school holds your child to higher standard of performance which results in a better education, that doesn’t make them a better school. You may be able to achieve the same grades and quality of education by working with your child to be highly motivated to perform at that high level of achievement in the school where he or she is going. There is no prestige to your child being on the honor roll of a private school over the honor roll of a public school. They both will accelerate your youngster along his or her academic carrier.

Cost has to be one of the big factors in deciding whether private school is the right choice for your child and for your family. Even if money is no object for family, there is no value to putting your child in a school that cannot do any better job of providing an education than the public alternatives. Further, large municipal public schools often offer high quality programs in sports, theater and special programs that small schools cannot offer.

So weigh the values carefully. If in the end you know your child will do much better in the private setting or if the private school option is good compromise between taking your child public school and home schooling, then you may be very well served by a private school that is geared to the needs and talents of your son or daughter.


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Davitt Tarmac Wicklow

The Good, The Bad And The Thirsty Consumers Turning To Bottled And Filtered Water For Taste, Quality And Convenience

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For the best Tarmac Wicklow company, call Davitt Driveways.

Water consumption is up nationwide, but consumers seem to prefer bottled water to their local tap water due to taste and quality concerns.

The Good, The Bad And The Thirsty Consumers Turning To Bottled And Filtered Water For Taste, Quality And Convenience

Article Body:
Water consumption is up nationwide, according to the Beverage Marketing Association. However, consumers seem to prefer bottled water to their local tap water due to taste and quality concerns. The latest Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranking shows Chicago at the top of the list when it comes to cities with excellent water quality and taste, while cities like San Francisco, Boston and Phoenix ranked at the bottom.

But no matter where you live, more and more consumers are turning to filtered or bottled drinking water. In fact, a new study conducted by Mintel found that nearly 40 percent of consumers own a water filtration device, and nearly 55 percent purchase bottled water to drink at home.

Of the people who own water filters, 64 percent purchased them to improve taste and 62 percent did so because of health concerns.

“While the majority of water supplies are safe, consumers are increasingly aware of potential contaminants in their drinking water,” said Tom Bruursema, general manager of NSF International’s Drinking Water Treatment Units Certification Program. “As a result, many consumers are looking for home water filtration devices depending on their individual needs.”

Growing attention to healthy weight loss is also causing people to drink more water.

“Today, more than ever, consumers are drinking up to slim down,” said Rosemary Kimani, owner of fitness club Curves Logan Square in Chicago. “Almost all health and weight-loss programs recommend people drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.”

According to the Beverage Marketing Association, U.S. consumers now drink more bottled water annually than any other beverage, other than carbonated soft drinks. Last year, Americans drank 7.5 billion gallons of bottled water, which translates into more than 26 gallons per person.

Another growing trend-more consumers are finding filtered water from their refrigerator to be an inexpensive and convenient alternative to purchasing bottled water.

“We’re seeing quite an increase in water filter sales as related to our side-by-side refrigerator owners. Of those who own water filters nationally, 51 percent have a dispenser built into their refrigerator, up from 35 percent in 2003,” said Bryan Aown, Whirlpool brand director of water filtration. “In addition to convenience, the growth may be attributed to cost savings. Over its six-month life, a refrigerator water filter processes as much as 200 gallons, which is approximately $0.20 per gallon, when bottled water can cost $6 to $9 a gallon.”

Whirlpool brand states most filters are located in the refrigerator’s base grill to provide maximum storage space. Additionally, filters cost roughly $40 and only need to be replaced twice a year, resulting in just an $80 annual expense. Other common filters include systems installed in plumbing or faucet attachments.

Health Goals

The truth about Smokers ‘Concentration Con’

This article was originally written by Neil Stelling

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Smokers make many excuses for not quitting. One of them is the ‘concentration con’. How many times have you heard a smoker say, ‘I’d like to quit, but it helps me concentrate’. Maybe you’ve said it yourself ?
In reality, smoking doesn’t help concentration from a medical viewpoint. So the idea that smoking helps concentration is just a perception, or an imagined positive reason for not quitting.
It’s true that withdrawal symptoms, starting not long after your last cigarette, cause feelings of irritability and restlessness. These feelings started because of cigarettes, and it’s strange that another cigarette should be the way to relieve them.
In fact, smoking makes concentration much harder, not easier. Although another cigarette temporarily relieves the symptoms caused by the cigarette in the first place, the cigarette is not the aid to concentration which many smokers wrongly choose to believe.
Truth is, smoking another cigarette will make concentration progressively harder. With any drug, you eventually need more and more of it to produce the same effect. A smoker will never be able to concentrate as well as a non-smoker. The more he smokes, the less relief he’ll get from each cigarette.
Let’s look at the medical side of the ‘concentration con’. Clogged arteries, caused by smoking, starve the brain of oxygen and reduce our ability to concentrate. Carbon monoxide, produced by cigarettes, is well-known as a poison… not an aid to concentration.
The ‘concentration con’ is an example of the psychological addiction that makes a cigarette slave of so many people.
Among the many reasons Smokers use to justify their habit, the ‘concentration con’ stands up to the least scrutiny. But it must be exposed as a con. Once it’s exposed, then it’s no longer a threat. Once the smoker is shown proof of the ‘concentration con’, and once he believes that proof, then this self-fulfilling belief disappears for ever.
This article has shown that lack of concentration is actually caused by smoking in the first place, and can be only temporarily relieved by another cigarette. One of the greatest benefits of quitting smoking is a return to a clear head, and the ability to properly concentrate again. Once you see the ‘concentration con’ for what it really is, you’re much closer to finally quitting smoking.
© DigiLectual Inc. 2004

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STCS A Brief History Of The Linens You Use Everyday

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For the best driveway cleaners wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and …


To find the best driveway cleaners wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and rayon), although at one time the fabric was made solely of fibers from the flax plant (linum usitatisimum), cotton, or hemp. In some cases, linen was made of a combination of flax fiber, cotton, and hemp. Now three thousand years old, Flax is one of the oldest fibers around and used in small amounts, so combinations continue to be the tradition.

Bulk linen yarn is measured in the lea (symbol: NeL), which equals out to three hundred yards per pound. This specific length (or indirect grist system, as which it is already known) is the count of length units per unit mass. The measurement of lea is calculated as thus: the length in the number of leas X 300. For example, forty lea handkerchiefs X 300 = 40X300= 12,000 yards per pound.

Linen was also used to make what were typically non-fabric items. During the Middle Ages, books (Liber Linteus is the only book surviving made of this fabric), shields, and gambeson were all made (either in whole in part) from linen, the last two due to their strength. Nowadays, billiard cues are wrapped in Irish linen because of the absorbent quality of the fabric. This works well with sweaty hands. Quality paper, too, is made of this fiber, which explains why paper currency is 25% linen and 75% Cotton. Because of its flax consistency, top-grade linen is firm and smooth.

For items composed of better-made material, it s a good bet that the flax fiber is a part of that intricate combination. Because of flax s extensive age, Linen is undoubtedly one of the oldest fabrics in the world. It s understandable why such a fabric is still in use today.