Health Choices

Weight Loss and The Stress Factor

This article was originally written by Eva Moffat

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If you are overweight, you will be aware of this and you will feel that you are not very nice to look at and so your self-esteem will take a tumble.
Adverts on the television and in the newspapers and magazines all seem to show these young peoples who look like a good meal would do them the world of good.
Personally, I have looked like I was ten months pregnant for many years and was often devastated when feeling like I looked good, then someone would ask me if I was pregnant. I’m still being asked if I’m pregnant and I’m now 66 years old. Then after years of exercises for my tummy and a lightened purse through buying the latest ‘Tummy Flattener’ I have now found out that with having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) my swollen tummy is just one of the unpleasant signs and symptoms of that disease. I’m sure I’m not alone with this problem and if you have a swollen tummy, maybe I’ve just given you a reason or excuse for it.
But I know from the above experience, if you are not a Twiggy, you have a feeling of being different and so not as attractive as you would like to be. This causes stress.
Stress is a form of worrying. That old saying that worry brings wrinkles ……. well it can do can’t it? If you are worried / stressed you will frown more than you smile. Another useless piece of information for you, stored in my memory box for many years, when you smile you use only thirteen of your facial muscles; but when you frown you use thirty-nine. So stop tiring yourself out by frowning.
It is only when you realise that you are overweight and that you can lose weight, then and only then is when you will do something about it.
It’s no use blaming it on your glands or your ancestors, if you are overweight you must accept full responsibility. You have been in the habit of taking in more calories than you have used up with some activity.
So to save yourself being too stressed, decide to do something about it and lose weight.
Now to go back to your being overweight and the stress factor. You will only feel better about yourself when you go on a weight loss programme. As the pounds and inches start to disappear, so your good feelings about yourself will increase.
Copyright 2005 Eva Moffat

Health Goals

The Sound Of Silence And The Agony Of Sleeplessness



The article is about the uses, effects, and benefits of using sleeping pills. The article also identifies the two types of sleeping aids, namely: the prescription pill and the over-the-counter sleeping aid. The article also provides some tips on the safe use of the said medication.

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This article deals with
sleeping pill, sleeping pill overdose, stress and anxiety, over the counter sleeping pills, muscle relaxant, depression, nausea

Most people use sleeping pills as a drug to relieve stress and anxiety, muscle tension, and insomnia. A sleeping pill is a prescription medication that helps a person fall asleep or at least remain asleep. There are two categories of sleeping aids sold in the U.S today: prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills. The prescription sleeping pills contains an active ingredient called Benzodiazepines and diazepam. Over-the-counter-sleeping pills can be bought without prescription and it contains antihistamines.

Sleeping pills have been around for centuries. The earliest form of sleeping aids were the herbal potions and the opiate laudanum. Barbiturates were later introduced in the early 1900’s and this type of drug actually had 25,000 known compounds. However, barbiturates were eventually regulated due to its very addictive effects. Other sleeping pills being marketed today are known as sedatives, muscle relaxants, and nerve pills. These medications are often used for relief of depression, anxiety or those who have difficulties in sleeping. Difficulty in sleeping is caused by stress factors in life like the loss of a job, early retirement, the loss of loved ones, and financial problems.

Listed below are some of the known side-effects of sleeping pills:

lack of concentration
blurred vision
dry mouth and throat

Other concerns related to the use of both over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills also include:

drug dependence
drug tolerance
interactions with other drugs
rebound insomnia
withdrawal symptoms

Even if there have been advances in terms of the manufacturing of sleeping pills, misuse can still lead to cases of sleeping pill overdose.

There are actually alternatives to the use of sleeping pills and tranquillizers. If you think that taking sleeping pills is not for you, these healthy and non-drug alternatives might just help you deal with your sleeping problems:

Drink warm milk
Take a hot water bath before you go to bed
Make your bed more comfortable
Avoid coffee, soft drinks and tea after 5 pm
Don’t drink alcohol in the evening—it can keep you awake

However, if you really must use prescription sleeping pills, please make sure to follow these safety guidelines:

1.Do not take the sleeping pills when you are stressed out or have certain anxieties. Don’t use it as an instant cure for your depression, loneliness, and other emotional problems.
2.Know your medication, how often you should take it , how long and if its safe to use it even if one is taking alcohol.
3.Do not keep on taking the medication if you find it that is not suitable for you.
4.Check with your doctor when you stop taking sleeping pills or tranquillizers.
5.Never share nor borrow medication.

The main purpose of taking sleeping aids or medications that induce sleep is to provide you some temporary relief from insomnia. It is not the long-term solution to sleeping problems. The resolution of your anxieties and other problems is the best sleep inducer you can take.

Tarmac Patio Paving Waterford

DDW Concrete Masonry Stands Up to Hurricane Charley

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For the best Paving Waterford company, call Davitt Driveways Waterford.

Winds up to 145 miles per hour left thousands homeless after Hurricane Charley tore through Punta Gorda and surrounding cities in Southwest Florida.

Concrete Masonry Stands Up to Hurricane Charley

To find the best Paving Cork company, click here for Civil Construction Cork.
Winds up to 145 miles per hour left thousands homeless after Hurricane Charley tore through Punta Gorda and surrounding cities in Southwest Florida.

This vicious storm claimed 17 lives and has estimated damages in the billions. In and around Punta Gorda, trailers lay toppled or blown apart. Shards of wood and metal lay scattered on lawns.

As tragic as this loss is, it could have been much worse if it were not for the residential building code changes that were instituted after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Andrew, the most destructive U.S. hurricane on record, blasted its way across south Florida, causing 24 deaths and $26.5 billion in damage -mostly due to high winds.

The magnitude of damage caused by Hurricane Andrew was unprecedented in the United States. Prior to it, there had been a 25-year lull in significant hurricane activity along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and building codes were not adequate to limit the loss of life and property experienced in Hurricane Andrew.

Today, codes have been strengthened and are being more rigorously enforced. Designers are required to provide a continuous load path to ensure structural integrity and provisions for wind-borne debris are much more stringent.

“Because of Hurricane Andrew and other storms in this area, the residential building codes have become much more specific in Florida,” said Dennis Graber, professional engineer and director of technical publications at the National Concrete Masonry Association. “By conforming to these codes, houses were better able to withstand the onslaught of Hurricane Charley.” The National Hurricane Center notes that building codes reflect the lessons experts have learned from past catastrophes and suggest that homeowners in hurricane areas contact local building code officials to find out which requirements are necessary for home improvement projects.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency encourages construction with strong, impact-resistant materials, such as concrete masonry, within homes and other structures located in hurricane-prone areas.


DPC Finding The Right Hot Tub Supplies To Keep Your Jacuzzi Clean

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For the best House Extensions Cork company, call DPC Construction Cork.

I have often wondered how many people relax after every hard day’s job. While some people relax by stretching out on their sofa with their remote control in hand to watch their favorite programs on TV, others take a trip to the gym.

There are indeed many ways of relieving the tension we all feel after every hard day’s job, but one of the more soothing ways many people have adopted these days is a nice bubbly hot tub. It is only those who haven’t lounged in one prior to now…

To find the best House Extensions Cork company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
I have often wondered how many people relax after every hard day’s job. While some people relax by stretching out on their sofa with their remote control in hand to watch their favorite programs on TV, others take a trip to the gym.

There are indeed many ways of relieving the tension we all feel after every hard day’s job, but one of the more soothing ways many people have adopted these days is a nice bubbly hot tub. It is only those who haven’t lounged in one prior to now that would not relate to what I am saying now.

Many people always like that feel that comes from having hot water and those massaging jets pound against your sore back muscles. Very soothing, I tell you. If you are yearning for a dip in the hot tub right now, then you need to know the few responsibilities that come with owning a hot tub.

For starters, you need to always make sure it is clean. But don’t worry; you can get hot tub supplies that will take care of most of the dirty works for you. So, what are you waiting for? Purchase your fine hot tub and get started.

If you are like me, the term “hot tub” might never have meant anything to you. So it was for me until some years ago. I was searching for homes with my wife and we came across an excellent one. It was unbelievable to me because this home was exactly what we were searching for.

I liked the fact that it was in a nice and safe environment and it was a family home. It amazingly also had a back yard that was fenced. If you are looking for a home, what else will you look for in a home? As if that wasn’t enough, we discovered that the house had a gazebo hot tub in the back yard. What a pleasant shock this was!

We never expected getting this or a Jacuzzi. Immediately I set my foot in the rumbling, jet infused bubble bath. I was so hooked that if not for my wife that asked me if it was clean, I was enjoying myself. Wives have a way of spoiling the fun, don’t they?

Next was for me to look for the much needed hot tub supplies. I didn’t find this too difficult a task because many homes in Oregon had hot tubs.

Just a few blocks away from my amazing new home, I found a store that not only sold Jacuzzis and hot tub supplies, but also had a maintenance service that goes with a hot tub. I purchased hot tub supplies and headed off on my way.

The main thing I had to know was how to keep the PH at the right level. This is easily done with Chlorine and PH balancer. You have to pay attention to the PH level if you own a hot tub.

While I can safely say hot tubs are a blast and a really wonderful way to retreat from daily chaos, you need to have the right hot tub supplies handy so as to keep your Jacuzzi clean and save all the time.

Health Choices

Weight loss and Teenagers

This article was originally written by Kate Winnie

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

Obesity has ruined the lives of people of all ages. In most of the countries, a large number of obese population belongs to the teenage group. The worst part about obesity is that it influences the psyche of a person and ignites negative feeling about his own self. The teenagers inflicted with obesity starts to isolate himself/herself from the common people as he/she lacks self-confidence.
The best way of overcoming obesity ( for teenagers is to inculcate healthy eating habit instead of eating junk stuff. There is no single healthy diet as such but as long as you eat a variety of foods from the main food groups i.e. fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meats, dairy, fats, you’ll get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrition required for possessing a healthy body.
Eating healthy is better than eating less. Dieting is never considered a healthy and viable option for weight loss as it can damage our physicality. Even a short period of very strict “dieting” during your early teens can lead to low bone density, which causes weak bones in later life. Dieting may also lead to poor intakes of folic acid and iron. Both these nutrients help to prevent anemia, a condition which leads to constant tiredness as well as impaired intellectual performance. Normally, all the teenagers lead a busy life therefore they can’t afford to suffer from the ill-effects of anemia or any other ailment for that matter.
Most of us have this notion that healthy eating means exclusion of higher-calorie foods, like rich ice cream, toffee popcorn, cheeseburgers and stuff. But in reality it’s the other way around. You can enjoy these and other similar foods, but in moderation, or as occasional treats. Healthy eating means eating everything in moderation as it can provide our body all the required nutrients.
Strict dieting won’t make your weight or health any better. In most of the cases, it’ll make the situation worse. Therefore, it’s better to focus on eating healthy food and taking daily exercise. It will take care of your weight and health.
Want to know more about obesity and other ailments related to it, than visit

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Your Mattress No Piece Of Furniture Impacts You More

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

When you are choosing your mattress, you are choosing your most used and important pieces of furniture. If you sleep the average eight hours a day, and keep your mattress for ten years, you may have spent 29,200 hours on this piece of equipment! It will impact your attitude, your health, and your sense of well being. It is vital that you take all things into account when you venture out to purchase a new mattress.

With recent developments in research and technology, there …

mattress, mattresses, memory foam, adjustable bed, tempurpedic, sleep number

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
When you are choosing your mattress, you are choosing your most used and important pieces of furniture. If you sleep the average eight hours a day, and keep your mattress for ten years, you may have spent 29,200 hours on this piece of equipment! It will impact your attitude, your health, and your sense of well being. It is vital that you take all things into account when you venture out to purchase a new mattress.

With recent developments in research and technology, there are many more options when choosing a mattress than there used to be. Mattresses are made to suit the individual, and there are mattresses that are big enough for two people that have separate components, making it possible for each individual to set mattress variables to suit their own individual preference or body type.

Adjustable beds and mattresses are made primarily for people who have back problems. They can alleviate some of the painful problems that a sore back entails by sleeping on an angle, with the upper body positioned higher than the lower body.

Adjustable mattresses are now being designed with flexibility at both ends, so that both the top and bottom of the mattress can be adjusted to rise or recline according to the sleeper s comfort levels. This is very useful if you are a person who likes to watch television or read a bit before falling asleep at night.

Some mattress companies such as Simmons have developed a mattress with patented padding that absorbs movement while you are catching your winks. This is perfect for a person with a restless partner, as they can sleep undisturbed by the tossing and turning of their bedmate.

New developments in mattress technology have made it easier when you are shopping for the perfect version of your most used item of furniture. Restless spouses need not cause sleepless nights any longer, and a posture correcting mattress can actually help alleviate back pain, for a healthier, more rested you.

Patios Dublin

APD Floor Sound Insulation: A Step Toward Quieter Floors

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For the best patios dublin company, call Active patios dublin.

Unless you live alone you are probably well aware that the noise from one family member can easily be heard beyond the walls of the room they are in. Even worse is hearing loud stereo systems, the washing machine and dryer or children who don t want to settle down for bed seeping through your flooring and into the rooms below. There is a solution to noise overflow within your home and one of the best preventative measures is floor sound insulation.

Roof Repairs Wicklow

ARW Buying Good Quality, Cheap FutoARW

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For the best Roof Repairs Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

These are some of the cheapest but good quality futoARW under $200 available on the market.

Mali Flex Multi-Position Lounger: From Kelp, Stone and Tang, this futon features an array of positioARW including sofa, lounger and sleeper thanks to the six positional wings of the futon frame. The cushioARW and pillows are custom made and available in a variety of coordinating fabric hues exclusively for the frame. The set costs around $190 only.

3-in-1 Wood Futon, Unfinished: …

futon, futoARW, furniture, home decor, remodeling, beds, mattresses

To find the best Roof Repairs Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
These are some of the cheapest but good quality futoARW under $200 available on the market.

Mali Flex Multi-Position Lounger: From Kelp, Stone and Tang, this futon features an array of positioARW including sofa, lounger and sleeper thanks to the six positional wings of the futon frame. The cushioARW and pillows are custom made and available in a variety of coordinating fabric hues exclusively for the frame. The set costs around $190 only.

3-in-1 Wood Futon, Unfinished: This futon is coARWtructed with Brazilian wood. It comes unfinished, so it can be stained according to preference, and it converts into a chaise lounge, couch or full size bed. Users also have a choice of two futon mattresses. The 3-in-1 futon costs around $80.

Round Arm Full Metal Futon: From Elite Products, this is a Sofa to Bed futon with sturdy steel frame. It features scratch resistant powder coat finish, and two position fron operational hinge mechanism. The product costs around $125. Elite also has futon frames crafted of woods such as Pine and solid oak.

SimmoARW Savannah Futon: This futon features a 4 position Beautyflex frame steel frame with hardwood medium oak finish mission arms. This futon costs around $180, and the futon mattress and cover have to be bought separately.

Mali Flex Futon Combo Plank: This futon has six positional wings that can form the Mali into a sofa, lounger or sleeper. The frame is made of metal designed in Euro style. The futon is available for about $190 and includes custom cushioARW and pillows.

Euro Futon, BrowARWtone and Driftwood: The Euro futon adjusts to three positioARW bed, lounger and sofa. The metal frame is coARWtructed with 2″ angled legs. It includes cushioARW made of flame retardant material, and costs around $150.

Fargo Futon: From Hillsdale House Furniture, the Fargo features mission style solid oak arms with metal rails and suspeARWion futon, with medium oak finish on the arms and a matte black finish on the deck. It also includes heavy duty mechanism for easy opening and closing, and costs around $165.

Futon Set from Montgomery Ward: This futon has a steel alloy frame with black powdercoat finish, with a mattress that has a foam core wrapped in a black cotton duck cover, and a cotton/polyester futon cover. The set is available for about $190.

Target Plush Premium Chair Futon Mattress- Twin: This is a chair size futon that comes with a machine tufted mattress made with Polyester natural fiber wrap and antique white duck cover. It costs around $200.

Trifecta Futon: The futon can be positioned into Loveseat, Lounger and Bed, and the frame comes in Southern Yellow Pine, Unfinished. The set includes a twin size premium futon mattress, and costs around $180.

Upholstered Futon: Includes a full-size futon mattress, upholstered frame and two 17in square accent pillows. The futon features solid pine frame, metal seat and back, and costs around $190.

Astro Futon: The frame is assembled out of heavy gauge steel, with an electrostatically coated finish, and comes fitted with Multiple European Beechwood Flex Slats. The frame costs around $200, and the mattress and cover are optional.

Roofers Kildare

ARK Children’s Safety for the Wood Stove Owner

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For the best Roofers Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

As energy costs are rising, the wood stove is coming back into favor with many homeowners. While a wood stove can heat an entire home or help offset the high cost of electric or gas heat, consideration for children in the home must be a top priority.

Home, Living, Kitchen, Stoves, Wood Stoves, Pellet Stoves, Wood Burning Stoves, Heat, Energy Conservation, Green Energy

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As energy costs are rising, the wood stove is coming back into favor with many homeowners. While a wood stove can heat an entire home or help offset the high cost of electric or gas heat, consideration for children in the home must be a top priority.

A fence either purchased or custom built, must be installed around the wood stove if young children are present. Crawling infants and toddlers are most at risk as they are too young to understand the dangers of a wood stove and the word ‘no’ is simply not enough.

The enclosure must be tall enough that only an adult can step over it. It must also be made of materials that cannot be climbed on. Vertical rails or fine mesh can keep a child from climbing over the fence. The enclosure should also be placed far enough from the wood stove that a reaching child cannot touch the surfaces of the stove.

Even with a fence installed, a crawling child or toddler should never be left alone unsupervised in a room with a wood stove burning. Toddlers, especially, like to toss items over the fence. Heavier objects such as blocks could easily crack or break the glass front of certain models of stoves. Plastic items, should they reach the top of the stove could easily melt and release toxic fumes into the area.

From an early age, children should be taught the dangers of a wood stove. It should be explained that fire is indeed hot and should not be played with in any form. The same explanations given to children about the kitchen cook stove and safety should apply to a wood stove heater.

Children are fascinated with fire. As you are loading a wood stove with either logs or pellets, this becomes a perfect time to discuss with them the dangers. You don’t want a child to be terrified of the wood stove, but at the same time you do want to instill a healthy respect for the appliance.

Older children can help with wood stove chores, such as bringing in firewood or pellets. They can also help sweep up the area or engage younger children while the parent is occupied with the stove. Other chores, such as loading the stove or emptying the ash pan is best left to older teenagers or adults.

Another concern with wood stoves, not just for children, is the pollutants put into the indoor air by the stove. If a child has an allergy to smoke or asthma, a wood stove could make an attack more likely. Care should be taken that such a child is out of the room when the stove is opened for filling or for cleaning the ash pan.

Before purchasing any wood stove, make sure that the stove is EPA approved. Do not take the salesman’s word for this; ask to see a demonstration model that includes the EPA sticker. The EPA has stringent requirements for wood stoves that will help keep indoor pollutants to a minimum.

The disposal of the contents of the ash pan is another concern when children are present. Ashes should not be dumped in any area where children are likely to play, as there could be hot embers alive in the ashes. A better solution is to dump the ashes into an ash bucket and allow it to sit twenty four hours or at least overnight. Ash buckets should be kept within the confines of the fence until totally cold.

Firewood or pellets should also be kept within the fenced enclosure. Any wood chips or pellets that have fallen outside the fence should be swept up immediately if young children are in the home. Both chips and pellets pose a choking hazard for children who put either into their mouths.

A pot of water should be kept on the wood stove when the stove is in use. Wood heat is a very dry heat and the water will help keep the air moist. This is especially important to help keep children’s skin from drying out during the heating season. Infants are more at risk, but children and adults of any age can be affected by the drier air of a wood heated home.

The use of precautions and safety measures can make children and wood stoves a happy mix. For centuries, children were raised in homes with either a wood stove or an open fireplace. With diligence and supervision, any home can be heated with wood and still have happy, healthy children.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Read Widely And Become Better At Homesch

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For many people, homeschooling is a desirable alternative to the education offered by the public and private school systems. When you homeschool your children you have the flexibility to create an educational curriculum more suited to their needs. Homeschooling also makes economic sense, especially when you consider the costs involved with sending multiple children to a private school. If you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children, the first step in establishing a v…

home schooling, homeschooling

Article For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Body:
For many people, homeschooling is a desirable alternative to the education offered by the public and private school systems. When you homeschool your children you have the flexibility to create an educational curriculum more suited to their needs. Homeschooling also makes economic sense, especially when you consider the costs involved with sending multiple children to a private school. If you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children, the first step in establishing a viable curriculum is to read widely.

To begin with, you have to ensure that you educate yourself on a wide variety of topics. While it may be tempting to focus exclusively on books teaching you how to homeschool your children, you shouldn’t rely on these too heavily. Keep in mind that pedagogical method is only as important as your knowledge of a subject, and focusing your reading entirely on how to homeschool your children will leave you lacking in the practical knowledge necessary to execute it.

At first, the reading required in order to homeschool your children may seem daunting – after all, a teacher is only required to be knowledgeable on the subjects they teach, but you’re going to be teaching all of the subjects. Keep in mind, however, that you needn’t be an expert in every subject – one of the great things about homeschooling is that you can learn together with your child. Instead, it’s more important that you have a good general knowledge of the history of the subjects being taught.

In most cases, a good “history of” on the subjects you plan to teach should be sufficient. Because it is impractical to read an entire bibliography for multiple subjects, you want to instead read a couple books on each subject that provide you with a good homeschooling starting point. In other words, you’re not going to be an expert, but you’re going to know the general concepts and be able to answer basic questions. Most importantly, you’ll know which writing to explore further if you and your child’s interest takes you in that direction.

The amount that you have to read will depend of course on your child’s age and the level and depth of the subjects you’ll be teaching, but a good starting point is to read a standard book that a high school student would have to read for a given subject. Remember that specific areas of a subject can be explored as you go, so you needn’t be able to answer every question your child might have in depth before you start. Instead, you need a good knowledge of the history of the subject, so you can arrange a curriculum that makes sense in a liner way: you want to know how the subject works, and how it is taught. You want to know the “building blocks” – what concepts to teach first, and how to build on those first concepts.

By reading widely in this way you’ll arm yourself with the necessary tools for homeschooling your child effectively, and provide yourself with the basic knowledge from which you and your child can explore particular areas of subjects further.