Health Goals

The Gravity of Success

This article was originally written by Douglas Betts

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How important is your fitness/weight loss success? Can you attach a numeric value to being healthy, prolonging your life, and feeling great? Does achieving your fitness and weight loss goals rank among your top priorities? If not, this article is not for you. However, if you are one of the millions of people who are tired of not getting results, read on. Fitness success can be summed up with one word: consistency. If you know me, you know I’ve said this before. The truth is, too many people lose hope because they miss a workout there and eat a bad meal there. Before you know it, consistency is out the window along with any progress. My advice for you today is to be like gravity.
In his recent book, The Success Principles, Jack Cannfield talks about gravity, and how nobody really complains about it because it’s a constant influence in our lives. We cannot change it, so we accept it. If you think about it, it’s really true. If we slip, trip, or fall, we blame the ice, the toy left on the ground, or our balance; but we never even think to say, “That darn gravity … always making me fall down!”
Another way of looking at it, if you’ll allow me to personify gravity for a moment, is that gravity just does what it has to do. It never complains. It never misses a day. Sure, there are times that we can overcome gravity. We make aircraft, birds spread their wings and fly, and balloons filled with helium rise. Eventually, however, gravity finds a way to do its job. Birds and aircraft must land at some point, and balloons eventually burst and fall back to the earth. Gravity just says, “That’s okay, I’ll get you. I always get you.”
Gravity is just inevitable.
Indulge me for a moment and imagine that you’re like gravity, and things that fall can be likened to your workouts. You’re unstoppable. You cannot and will not be kept from your workouts. If you take this approach, you cannot and will not be kept from achieving your goals. Your success, like gravity, is inevitable!
When something comes up during the day that threatens to keep you from your workout (late meeting, headache, incarceration, etc.), think about gravity. Think about its overwhelming influence. Then imagine yourself as gravity, and think about your overwhelming influence. Cut yourself off from any excuses, get to the gym and the health food store, and like gravity, be consistent and inevitable.

Maths Tutor Ireland


5 Things You’ll Learn In Culinary School

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Many people consider attending a culinary school, either because they want to pursue a culinary career or because they just want to learn to cook for their own enjoyment. Sometimes, though, people can be skeptical about whether a specialized culinary education, or even a few cooking classes, is really necessary. If you are among the latter group, here is a list of five important things you will learn in culinary school.

Basic Nutrition: Nutrition is about more than what…

culinary school,

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Many people consider attending a culinary school, either because they want to pursue a culinary career or because they just want to learn to cook for their own enjoyment. Sometimes, though, people can be skeptical about whether a specialized culinary education, or even a few cooking classes, is really necessary. If you are among the latter group, here is a list of five important things you will learn in culinary school.

Basic Nutrition: Nutrition is about more than what the label on the back of a package tells you. In fact, food labels can be appallingly misleading. Your body needs a host of vitamins and minerals every day in order to maintain its good health, as well as other things such as calories and fiber. Unfortunately, food labels are usually geared to sell, and can sometimes confuse and mislead consumers.

Think, for example, about the subcategories listed under the total carbohydrates: sugar and fiber. Often, however, these amounts don’t add up to the total carbohydrates. What does this mean? How do sugar and carbohydrates differ?

In addition to confusing packaging labels, you have to worry about how to ensure that your family is getting the necessary amounts of nutrients, even though many of the vitamins and minerals we need aren’t listed on most food labels. How do you make sure that a meal is nutritionally sound, yet still delicious and satisfying?

These are the kinds of nutritional questions that an education from a culinary school can answer.

Chemistry: A cooking education will also teach you about chemistry. However, we’re not talking about beakers and smelly chemicals, like in high school. At a culinary school, you will learn about applied chemistry.

Every time you cook something, whether it is meat, vegetables, or pastries, a chemical reaction happens. That chemical reaction can change or enhance the flavor and texture of the food. For instance, the chemical reaction can be as simple as the softening of tough vegetables when you boil them in water, or as exotic as lighting the top of a pie or an alcoholic drink on fire.

Being able to control these chemical reactions is an important part of being a good cook. A culinary school will teach you different ways of cooking foods, and how each method can affect the taste and texture of the food.

Spices: Spices are a mystery for most people. Indeed, many people never venture beyond salt, pepper, and maybe some basil and parsley. Cooking with spices is an art, however, and can be used to change and enhance the flavor of food in any number of ways.

There are dozens of different spices to choose from, though, so how do you know what spices go best with what foods, let alone with each other? An education from a culinary school will teach you how to use spices to the food’s best advantage, enabling you to enhance flavors in ways you never dreamed were possible.

Visual Arrangement: You’ve probably heard it said before that cooking is an art. Well, the culinary art is about more than simply preparing the food. It is also about how you arrange it. The visual presentation of a dish can make a difference between your basic restaurant food and an exquisite dining experience.

Visual arrangement is a vital skill for professional chefs. A culinary school can teach you how to arrange food to look the most pleasing and artistic, delighting your guests and enhancing their enjoyment beyond mere taste sensations. Even if you aren’t going to pursue a career as a chef, however, food arrangement can be a valuable skill. Just think about how you could impress your friends and family, perhaps even coaxing a picky child into eating his or her vegetables.

Wine: Connoisseurs know that the ability to match the perfect wine to an exquisite meal is one of the finest culinary arts. Choosing wine is a study in subtlety, as every wine has a slightly different taste. The minor variance can make all the difference in whether a wine goes better with fish or pasta, steak or chicken.

It is vital for anyone in the culinary industry to be knowledgeable about wine, but many people are interested in wine regardless of their cooking skills. Wine has always been a symbol of culture, with connoisseurs attending wine tastings and collecting exotic wines in their own homes. Taking classes from a culinary school is the best way to learn all about wine, its subtleties and how to match it successfully with different foods.

As you can see, an education from a culinary school has value for many people, whether you intend to pursue a culinary career, cook for your own pleasure, or provide delicious and balanced meals for your family. You can sign up for just a few cooking classes, or for the specialized degree, but either way you are bound to learn things you never knew before.

Roof Repairs Wicklow

ARW Air Conditioner Buying Tips

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For the best Roof Repairs Wicklow company, call Ace Roofing Wicklow.

Most new homes today have air conditioning units. It is more unusual to see homes without central air then to see ones with it nowadays. Air conditioning can be a necessity in warmer climates for the comfort of the family. Most air conditioner units will range from three to six thousand dollars, including iARWtallation. This is not a minor investment but one necessary for comfort. If you need a new air conditioner, there are several things to coARWider prior to purchasing.


air conditioner, central air

To find the best Roof Repairs Wicklow company, click here for Ace Roofing Wicklow.
Most new homes today have air conditioning units. It is more unusual to see homes without central air then to see ones with it nowadays. Air conditioning can be a necessity in warmer climates for the comfort of the family. Most air conditioner units will range from three to six thousand dollars, including iARWtallation. This is not a minor investment but one necessary for comfort. If you need a new air conditioner, there are several things to coARWider prior to purchasing.

Air conditioning units should be iARWtalled by a contractor who is experienced with this type of work. Depending on existing ducts and the type of unit purchased, the price may vary greatly. Get several estimates from qualified contractors before deciding on the unit and iARWtaller. EARWure the contractor has experience and works well with you. Get references and check them thoroughly.

Air conditioner units use electricity to run. If the unit is used often this can increase energy costs significantly. This is especially true in warmer climates where it is a necessity to cool the home. To help combat these costs, it is advisable to look at the efficiency of the unit. This may mean a larger initial investment, but should save money in the long run.

The efficiency rating is required to be on all air conditioners. Compare units carefully to determine the cost for each type of efficiency. The more efficient a unit is, the more money you will save on energy bills. A more efficient air conditioner will take less energy to run and cool the entire house.

You will need to determine the appropriate size of the unit needed for your house. This is an important step because units that are too small will have to work harder to cool the home. Units that are too large are simply wasteful and unnecessary. A qualified air conditioner contractor will be able to analyze the size of your home and make recommendatioARW on the size needed.

Always get a contract before starting work with any contractor. Make sure all the costs are clearly spelled out. This should include both the cost of the unit and iARWtallation. It should also detail payment policies and warranties. Warranties generally cover the compressor and additional parts. Do not choose a unit that has anything less than a five year warranty on the compressor, but a ten year warranty is better. Additional parts may be warranted anywhere from one to five years and are usually separate.

Roofing Kildare

ARK How To Select A Conference Room Chair

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

It can be quite challenging indeed when you select the right conference room chairs.

You may want to consider several things, such as the comfort of your clients and guests, along with staying on a budget – all without compromising your professional appearance.

Seeing as how your guests and clients may be sitting for extended periods of time, the chairs you choose should be ergonomic for all body types. The more comfortable the chairs in your conference room are, the le…

office chair

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It can be quite challenging indeed when you select the right conference room chairs.

You may want to consider several things, such as the comfort of your clients and guests, along with staying on a budget – all without compromising your professional appearance.

Seeing as how your guests and clients may be sitting for extended periods of time, the chairs you choose should be ergonomic for all body types. The more comfortable the chairs in your conference room are, the less likely your guests will have to take breaks or get up during meetings.

Several conference room chairs will offer a contoured seat and back that will allow you to adjust the height and also the angle of the chair for better lumbar support. Most offer a swivel mechanism that will allow you to move from side to side with little to no effort. You can also get sturdy wheels as well, which is ideal for sliding across the floor even carpet.

If you don’t want to scratch the floor, you can get rubber tipped casters on the rollers. Conference room chairs also feature tilt tension to keep muscles flexible during meetings. You can also add chair arms as well, which will help to provide extra support and also help guests and clients maintain good posture.

You should also consider the look as well as the feel of your conference room chairs. If at all possible, you should try to select designs and colors that match the current look of your office or conference room. You’ll want all the chairs for the room to be consistent with both style and color.

A majority of chair manufacturers will allow you to customize the upholstery of the back and the seat with leather, synthetic blends, padded foam, or even stitched fabrics. To make the chair look a bit more professional, you can also have the arms of the chair upholstered.

When you spend the money on a conference chair, you can’t go wrong simply because of the durability these chairs have to offer. They offer strong frames and quality mechanics, making them last anywhere from 10 – 15 years. In addition to this, most manufacturers will offer limited lifetime warranties as well on these chairs to protect your investment in the long run. These types of warranties will cover the frame, mechanisms, and even severe rips in the upholstery.

A conference room chair is a great investment for any office, as it will keep your guests and clients very comfortable during those important meetings. A conference room without a conference chair just doesn’t make any sense at all.

paving contractors dublin

APD How To Select A Shower Enclosure

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For the best paving contractors dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

A shower enclosure will be a great element for your bathroom. You are probably going to spend quite a bit of time in the shower enclosure and hence it would make common sense to go for shower enclosures that would not only balance the decor and esthetics of your bathroom but also are durable and of a brilliant quality.

shower enclosures

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These days you will discover a whole lot of options when it comes to shower enclosures which include the most hi-tech of modern-day design, that will make you shower enclosure a decoration of your bathroom.

It would be a place where you can unwind after a hard days work and stimulate both your mind and your body.

Modular Shower Enclosures

If you have still not decided about your choice of shower enclosure, you can think about selecting modular shower enclosures that can be easily fit inside a bathroom that is pressed for size. More significantly, such modular systems are great for not only dinky city apartments but also for sprawling bathrooms in big houses.

A lot of people looking to install shower enclosures in their homes are going for modular shower enclosures as they are affordable and available in a host of shapes, sizes, and designs.

General Tips for Checking Shower Enclosures

Shower enclosures are generally available in various shapes like oblong, rectangle, quadrant etc. The shape that you select must not take up a whole lot of space in the bathroom, in the sense that it must not look cramped. A shower enclosure must offer you comfortable space while showering and must also enable you to get a sense of space for your bathroom. A whole lot of preparatory work can be saved if the position of your shower enclosure is the same as your old shower. Otherwise it would mean, making changes to your bathroom as you will need to install new hot and cold water pipes as well as waste pipes.

The Testing of Shower Enclosures

Bad quality shower enclosures will be made up of materials that will corrode over time. Only buy those shower enclosures which have gone through a stringent process of anti-corrosion salt tests. Not many people think about door rollers when buying shower enclosures, but high quality door rollers are essential for the extended longevity of shower enclosures. The shower enclosure that you purchase must go through a door runner test.

Also check your shower enclosure for water leakage. The best shower enclosures have a good seal with magnetic strips that enable the water be kept inside the shower. Also, make sure that the shower enclosure that you select has good door handles and fixings that are made up of high quality metal or any other material.

Tempered Glass Shower Enclosures

If you are going for shower enclosures made up of tempered glass then you must see to it that the glass is as thick as possible. The thicker the glass, the better the shower enclosure! Moreover, glass is liable to chip and thus cause injury. Hence it is of paramount importance that the glass shower enclosure has an edge protection. Glass enclosures with aluminum framing can be a good option. Tempered safety glass must meet the standards of safety that are lain down by various organizations.

A 120mm by 120mm glass piece should break into 45 pieces minimum, anything less than that would mean bigger shards of glass which will cause serious injuries.

Buying a shower enclosure is easy and the options in this regard are many and varied. All you need to do is select a shower enclosure that confirms to your requirements and the requirements of your bathroom. If your shower enclosure is cramped, then you might not enjoy it as much. So keep the height, width, safety requirements in mind before making your choice.

Also, research the market thoroughly before making your choices. Know which are the better options and also see if you can get a discount on them.

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Unravelling The Mystery Of VESA Wall Mounting

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

When planning to mount your LCD or Plasma TV to the wall, ceiling or on a stand / trolley, you will no doubt come across VESA , a term used widely within the AV (Audio Visual) industry. In this article, I will clarify a few important points about this term and provide examples of the things a consumer needs to look for and consider.

VESA, mount, bracket, mounts, brackets, wall mounting

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VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association)

VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) is an international body, founded in the late 1980s by NEC Home Electronics and eight other video display adapter manufacturers whose aim was to establish an industry-wide interface standard designed for PC s, workstations, flat panel monitors and TVs.

Identifying the VESA Standard

The standard defines, amongst other things, the various types of 4-hole patterns displayed normally in the middle on the rear side of a large number of monitors and TVs, to which alternative mounts and brackets can be attached once the base stand has been removed.

Occasionally the term is abbreviated to FDMI which is defined as Flat Display Mounting Interface standard, but is more widely known as VESA mount or bracket.

The main groupings of VESA are as follows:-


Has mounting hole patterns in either an 100 mm x 100 mm or 75 mm x 75 mm square pattern.


Mounting holes are in a 200 mm x 100 mm rectangular pattern.


Several holes spaced in 200 mm increments (e.g. 400 x 200 mm, 600 x 400 mm etc.).

Making An Informed Choice

When purchasing an LCD / Plasma mount / bracket the description of the product should state whether it conforms to one or several of the VESA standard dimensions mentioned above and/or whether it has numerous hole patterns to fit non-VESA screens, often described as universal fittings. Often, the manufacturers fail to specify the exact standard, and the consumer will have to check the fittings on the back of the screen. It has even been known that different production runs of a particular screen have had mounting holes that complied with different standards. My advice would be to wait until the back of the screen can be checked, or ask a reputable dealer for advice.
Although the standard was initially limited to smaller LCD monitors and televisions, it is becoming increasingly common as the availability of third-party universal mounting has increased. Many manufacturers are now adopting the larger MIS-F standard for larger plasma and LCD screens.

Patios Dublin

APD Custom Designed Home Appliances: Crafting The Perfect Kitchen In The 21st Century

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For the best patios dublin company, call Active patios dublin.

Getting what you want — for many people, these simple words are extremely important as they walk through life. No matter what they happen to be doing — including the design and decoration of their homes — these people want to make certain that they do, indeed, get what they want and desire.

Perhaps you are a person who is very particular about what he or she has included within his or her home. You are very particular about the d cor of your home, right down to the appl…

To find the best patios dublin company, click here for Active patios dublin.
Getting what you want — for many people, these simple words are extremely important as they walk through life. No matter what they happen to be doing — including the design and decoration of their homes — these people want to make certain that they do, indeed, get what they want and desire.

Perhaps you are a person who is very particular about what he or she has included within his or her home. You are very particular about the d cor of your home, right down to the appliances that you include within your residence.

Of course, more often than not people are most particular about the appliances that are to be placed and utilized in their kitchens. If you are in the process of designing and remodeling your own kitchen, you may be giving serious thought to what kinds of appliances you want included in the overall scheme of d cor.

Naturally, there are many stores in the brick and mortar world and on the World Wide Web through which you can make the purchase of a wide array of different types of appliances for your home, including for your kitchen. With that said, you may have spent a good deal of time shopping around and still cannot find exactly what you desire in the way of kitchen appliances or other types of home appliances.

If that has proven to be the case, you might want to consider going the custom design route. In the 21st century, there are a number of options available to you when it comes to custom designed home appliances. (And, surprisingly, in many instances have home appliances custom designed does not prove to be as costly than you might initially imagine.)

Many interior designers can link you up with firms that specialize in assisting you in the design and installation of exactly the types and combinations of home appliances that will best meet and serve your needs — both now and well into the future. By working with such a designer, you can develop exactly what you want in the way of home appliances for your residence. You can work to develop a scheme through which home appliances will be incorporated into your residence in the manner that best works for you and your family — whether it be in the kitchen or elsewhere in your residence.


DPC Consider Sunroom Plans For A Luxury Addition

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For the best House Extensions Cork company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Sunroom plans can create a room in your home that is as comfortable as any other, yet as close to nature as possible without enduring the elements. A sunroom can offer a peacefulness to your free time that you cannot find anywhere else. Moreover, it can offer some great health benefits. Exposing our bodies to the sun boosts vitamin D production. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb the calcium necessary to keep bones strong. Throughout the winter months, many people’s bodies can…

home decorating, sunroom furniture, sunrooms, sunroom plans, house addition, decorating, furniture

To find the best House Extensions Cork company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Sunroom plans can create a room in your home that is as comfortable as any other, yet as close to nature as possible without enduring the elements. A sunroom can offer a peacefulness to your free time that you cannot find anywhere else. Moreover, it can offer some great health benefits. Exposing our bodies to the sun boosts vitamin D production. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb the calcium necessary to keep bones strong. Throughout the winter months, many people’s bodies can’t keep up with the necessary vitamin D production. As a result, our bones suffer from diseases like osteoporosis. Building a sunroom would allow you to enjoy the benefits of the sun without having to endure the cold winter weather. There are several options to consider when thinking about sunroom plans.

+ There are several options when considering sunroom plans

Many contractors have a variety of pre-made sunroom plans at their disposal. Contacting a local person would give you the option of asking questions, planning, and getting an immediate price estimate for your sunroom. The one drawback to this, though, is you may want something a bit different than what the contractor has in his or her available plans. In that case, you may have to contact an architect to create new plans. While not a terrible option, it can be a bit of a hassle in the end.

Another option when considering sunroom plans is to create your plans online. There are a number of websites that allow you to create the sunroom of your dreams using simple online tools and purchase those plans in the same instant. This can give you a lot of flexibility when it comes to hiring a contractor or completing the work yourself. Often times, in the course of this process, though, you are asked to make the measurements yourself. If your measurements are in any way imprecise, you can throw off the entire planning process causing delays in the completion of your sun room.

+ A peaceful homeowner is one with a sunroom plan

There are many things to consider when drawing your sunroom plans from construction materials to contractors who can get the job done. It is important to think about every step of the process while working on your sunroom plans.

Gardening dublin

L2LL Hardwood Floors For Interior Design And For Home Decorating

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Using hardwood floors for interior design and for home decorating, based on furniture of the eighteenth century may be discussed from different points of view. However, what most people realize is the distinguish details of tables made from that century. Dinner and wine tables were some of those pieces of furniture that could add a different touch of class to your interior decorating. Learn from the history of furniture book, by Frederick Litchfield ideas on how 18th century …

installing hardwood floors,home decorating, decorating, design, interior design, decorating ideas

To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Using hardwood floors for interior design and for home decorating, based on furniture of the eighteenth century may be discussed from different points of view. However, what most people realize is the distinguish details of tables made from that century. Dinner and wine tables were some of those pieces of furniture that could add a different touch of class to your interior decorating. Learn from the history of furniture book, by Frederick Litchfield ideas on how 18th century furniture, from the earliest to the present time.

To the latter part of the eighteenth century the English furniture of which time has been discussed on the site belong the quaint little “urn stands” which were made to hold the urn with boiling water, while the tea pot was placed on the little slide which is drawn out from underneath the table top. In those days tea was an expensive luxury, and the urn stand, of which there is an illustration, inlaid in the fashion of the time, is a dainty relic of the past, together with the old mahogany or marqueterie tea caddy, which was sometimes the object of considerable skill and care. They were fitted with two and sometimes three bottles or tea-pays of silver or Battersea enamel, to hold the black and green teas, and when really good examples of these daintily-fitted tea caddies are offered for sale, they bring large sums.

Eighteenth Century Wine Tables

The wine table of this time deserves a word. These are now somewhat rare, and are only to be found in a few old houses, and in some of the Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. These were found with revolving tops, which had circles turned out to a slight depth for each glass to stand in, and they were sometimes shaped like the half of a flat ring. These latter were for placing in front of the fire, when the outer side of the table formed a convivial circle, round which the sitters gathered after they had left the dinner table.

One of these old tables is still to be seen in the Hall of Gray’s Inn, and the writer was told that its fellow was broken and had been “sent away.” They are nearly always of good rich mahogany, and have legs more or less ornamental according to circumstances.

A distinguishing feature of English furniture of the last century was the partiality for secret drawers and contrivances for hiding away papers or valued articles; and in old secretaries and writing tables we find a great many ingenious designs which remind us of the days when there were but few banks, and people kept money and deeds in their own custody.

driveway cleaners wexford

STCS How to measure your room for Laminate Flooring.

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For the best driveway cleaners wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Advice on how to measure you room for laminate flooring, including door trims, beading and underlay. There is also a helpful check list for you to fill out to help you with this

Laminate flooring,

To find the best driveway cleaners wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Laminate Flooring is becoming increasingly popular and the question I keep getting asked time and time again How do I measure for Laminate Flooring . Because of the amount of times I get e-mails and phone calls asking this question I thought it would be best to write an article regarding it.

Where do I start?

Right let us start at the beginning. The first thing you need to do is find out how much laminate flooring you are going to need. To do this you will need to measure the width of your room and also the length of your room in feet. Write these figures down then multiply them both together. This will then give you the size of your room in square feet. You will then need to add 10% for wastage.


Width 20 ft x Length 20 ft = 400 sf + 10% = 440 sf.

So you will need 440 sf of flooring.

Now you need to find out how many packs you require. If the laminate flooring you have chosen comes in packs of say 19 sf then just divide you room size by this number.


440 sf / 19 sf = 23.15 packs.

Rounded up to the next pack means you will need 24 packs of flooring.

You will also need to do this for the amount of underlay required.

What else will you need?

If you are laying the laminate flooring over a concrete sub-floor then you will also need to purchase a Damp Proof Membrane (DPM). Most leading brands now have underlay that includes a built in DPM. This is worth purchasing as it saves time and money.


For doorways you will need one of the following transition profiles.

End Cap – This is used in doorways that meet carpet, ceramic or stone tiles. It can also be used to finish off the flooring against things like a sliding glass door.

Reducer – You use this when there is a difference in height between the laminate flooring and the floor covering you are meeting up with like linoleum or vinyl

T Moulding – This is needed in doorways where laminate meets laminate. Or for anytime a hard surface is within 1/8 inch. of being the same height as the laminate, you will can use a T moulding.

Finishing of around the perimeter of the room.

With Laminate Flooring you have to leave an expansion gap, of around 10mm, anywhere the flooring meets a wall. There are two ways of hiding this expansion gap.

One way is to replace your skirting boards, this way the new skirting fits over the expansion gap. This of course adds more cost and time to your project.

The second, cheaper and quicker way is to cover the expansion gap with beading/Scotia. This fits up against the skirting boards covering the expansion gap. Most brands offer beading that matches the colour of your laminate flooring.

To measure for this simply measure all around the perimeter of you room, where you are going to need beading. You will again need to add 10% for wastage. Once you have this figure you will then need to divide it by the length of the beading, they usually come in lengths of 8ft.

You will also need to purchase a fitting kit. This usually comprises of a tapping block, pull bar and spacers.

Check List.

Ok now we know how to measure for laminate flooring here is a measurement check list you can print out to make it easier for you.

Flooring Required.

Width ____ft x Length ____ft = ______sf + 10% = _____sf (A)

Divide (A) by pack size = _____ packs required.

Divide (A) by Underlay roll size = _____ Rolls of underlay required.

How many doorways

End Caps ____ Reducer____ T Moulding____


Perimeter _____ft + 10% = _____ft

Divided by beading length = ____ft lengths beading required

Fitting Kit______