Roofing Kildare

ARK How To Select A Shower Enclosure

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

A shower enclosure will be a great element for your bathroom. You are probably going to spend quite a bit of time in the shower enclosure and hence it would make common sense to go for shower enclosures that would not only balance the decor and esthetics of your bathroom but also are durable and of a brilliant quality.

shower enclosures

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These days you will discover a whole lot of options when it comes to shower enclosures which include the most hi-tech of modern-day design, that will make you shower enclosure a decoration of your bathroom.

It would be a place where you can unwind after a hard days work and stimulate both your mind and your body.

Modular Shower Enclosures

If you have still not decided about your choice of shower enclosure, you can think about selecting modular shower enclosures that can be easily fit inside a bathroom that is pressed for size. More significantly, such modular systems are great for not only dinky city apartments but also for sprawling bathrooms in big houses.

A lot of people looking to install shower enclosures in their homes are going for modular shower enclosures as they are affordable and available in a host of shapes, sizes, and designs.

General Tips for Checking Shower Enclosures

Shower enclosures are generally available in various shapes like oblong, rectangle, quadrant etc. The shape that you select must not take up a whole lot of space in the bathroom, in the sense that it must not look cramped. A shower enclosure must offer you comfortable space while showering and must also enable you to get a sense of space for your bathroom. A whole lot of preparatory work can be saved if the position of your shower enclosure is the same as your old shower. Otherwise it would mean, making changes to your bathroom as you will need to install new hot and cold water pipes as well as waste pipes.

The Testing of Shower Enclosures

Bad quality shower enclosures will be made up of materials that will corrode over time. Only buy those shower enclosures which have gone through a stringent process of anti-corrosion salt tests. Not many people think about door rollers when buying shower enclosures, but high quality door rollers are essential for the extended longevity of shower enclosures. The shower enclosure that you purchase must go through a door runner test.

Also check your shower enclosure for water leakage. The best shower enclosures have a good seal with magnetic strips that enable the water be kept inside the shower. Also, make sure that the shower enclosure that you select has good door handles and fixings that are made up of high quality metal or any other material.

Tempered Glass Shower Enclosures

If you are going for shower enclosures made up of tempered glass then you must see to it that the glass is as thick as possible. The thicker the glass, the better the shower enclosure! Moreover, glass is liable to chip and thus cause injury. Hence it is of paramount importance that the glass shower enclosure has an edge protection. Glass enclosures with aluminum framing can be a good option. Tempered safety glass must meet the standards of safety that are lain down by various organizations.

A 120mm by 120mm glass piece should break into 45 pieces minimum, anything less than that would mean bigger shards of glass which will cause serious injuries.

Buying a shower enclosure is easy and the options in this regard are many and varied. All you need to do is select a shower enclosure that confirms to your requirements and the requirements of your bathroom. If your shower enclosure is cramped, then you might not enjoy it as much. So keep the height, width, safety requirements in mind before making your choice.

Also, research the market thoroughly before making your choices. Know which are the better options and also see if you can get a discount on them.

Maths Tutor Ireland


6 Keys to Selecting The Right Golf School

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There are many criteria to selecting the school that is worthy of the investment, and this is not an exhaustive list. However, consider these to get you focused on what is important to you.

golf school, golf instruction, golf swing

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Copyright 2006 J Lance For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Curtis

There are many criteria to selecting the school that is worthy of the investment, and this is not an exhaustive list. However, consider these to get you focused on what is important to you.

Key #1) Golfing style
As with any topic or subject matter to learn, golf can be played in many styles. Most of them based on your personality and skill level. Some play aggressively, others, like me, more conservatively. But ultimately you have to choose a school or instructor that matches you.

Your skills, your personality, your style.

Key #2) Problem areas
I have trouble with slicing. Consistently I find that my shots slice to the right. You, to be sure, have at least one issue with your game or specific shots. You may want to find a school to address and help correct that shortcoming. If you come back from a long weekend and your slice has vanished, you would have had time (and money) well spent.

Key #3) Instructor to class-size ratio
This is a personal preference item. Some people learn in a group setting (even craze the interaction). Others of you need the attention that a one or two person class offers. It may also depend on what you are trying to gain from the school which one you actually choose.

Key #4) Price
For some this may not be an issue. Golf is your life and no amount of money is too much if you improve your game, and thus your enjoyment. For others, big obstacle. If you are considering a golf school then you know that most start above $1500. There are some “big name” instructors offering half day lessons for $10,000.

You know your budget. If you are price sensitive then, by all means, do not forget to add in travel, lodging, and food costs. Many times these “incidentals” can double the overall cost.

Key #5) Proximity
What is your traveling distance? Is your schedule tight so slipping off within 100 miles for a half day lesson is all you can squeeze. Or, are you planning your school around a vacation so distance is not really an issue. One plus of keeping tabs on those schools “in your own backyard” is when these offer last-minute specials you can jump on those quickly.

Key #6) Length of training
How long can you take off from your profession to pursue your passion? Like any good consultant would answer, it depends. It depends on whether you are looking for a long weekend, a one day seminar, or wrapping a vacation around your training. This is an important factor in choosing a school so compare wisely.

Roof Repairs Kildare

ARK Air Cleaner Buying Tips

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For the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

As we all know breathing in clean, pure air is important for our health. So you should get a good quality air cleaner installed in your office or home. The market is flooded with hosts of air cleaning products. These products use a lot of acronyms that can leave any average user bewildered. I would like to your answer some of your questions on understanding these acronyms to assist you in purchasing the right product for your use.

What is HEPA?
High Efficiency Particulate…

air cleaner,air cleaning,air purifiers,air purification

To find the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
As we all know breathing in clean, pure air is important for our health. So you should get a good quality air cleaner installed in your office or home. The market is flooded with hosts of air cleaning products. These products use a lot of acronyms that can leave any average user bewildered. I would like to your answer some of your questions on understanding these acronyms to assist you in purchasing the right product for your use.

What is HEPA?
High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) filters were originated during the Second World War. They were designed to prevent the radioactive particles from entering the human respiratory system. Today, they are the best air cleaners in the market with their filtration rate slightly below 100%. They can remove all particles of size 0.3 microns.

Who is OEM?
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is the manufacturer who not only sells you the product but also provides the spare parts when the parts in the product deteriorate. You might get generic parts in the market, which can be cheaper. But the quality cannot be guaranteed. When you purchase the product from the OEM, you are assured a good quality not only on the product but also on the spares that you buy. Besides, OEM also takes the responsibility for maintaining the air cleaners. This ensures you get a good quality service for your air cleaners.

What is MERV?
Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) denotes the efficiency of the filter. It is the ability of the filter to remove the particles. The value lies in the range of 12 to 16. A low value tells you that the filter is inefficient at removing the particles. Values of 12 to 16 denote that the filter is highly efficient in removing more particles. This is the standard used by all the air cleaner manufacturers. This makes comparison among different products very easy.

What is CADR?
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is the amount of filtered air that is free from three major pollutants viz. dust, pollen and cigarette smoke. Higher number indicates higher rate of filtration and thus an efficient filter. Ideally, buy an air cleaner whose CADR is around two third of the area of the room whose air you want to filter. These numbers are marked on the box, but they indicate the performance when you use the parts supplied by OEM and not by the generic manufacturers.

Health Goals

The Great Influence Of Vitamin B to the Nervous System

This article was originally written by Charlene J. Nuble

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11

In order for a person to actually have a healthy well-being, one must always remember to have an adequate daily intake of the prescribed vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs in order for it to stay healthy and fit.
Unfortunately, due to stress and the increasingly fast-paced environment that we’re often subjected to, it’s quite easy to neglect one’s body, most importantly one’s health. It is actually alarming how a lot of people just seem to not actually mind the damage that they’re bringing to their bodies. However, obesity and heart failure is starting to cause a big dent on the American population. It’s high time that we act on this problem right now.
Starting with the various vitamins and minerals that directly influence the nervous system’s proper functioning and health as well as to keep note of the importance of just taking it on moderate levels.
The Vitamin B complex is one of the most important vitamins that can have a great influence on a person’s health as well as on one’s physical and mental performance concerning the nervous system. It is a part of the group of nutrients which are responsible for the creation of some of the most basic structures in the nervous system. Vitamin B12, also referred to as cobalamin due to its cobalt content, has a highly significant role in both the formation of the nervous system as well as in the maintenance of its proper functions. It also helps in the formation of the nerve cells themselves, the most basic of the nervous system structures.
A person lacking in vitamin B12 can actually suffer from irreversible spinal cord degeneration when things get out of hand. Adults need 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 daily – while pregnant and breastfeeding women should increase their intake to between 2.6 and 2.8 micrograms daily. Children, depending on their age and physical size, should have between .9 micrograms and 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 per day.
The other B complex vitamins important to the nervous system include B9 also referred to as folate or folic acid which in addition to its role in the upkeep of the adult nervous system is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters. Adults are actually required to have 400 micrograms of folic acid daily while pregnant women should increase their daily intake to 600 micrograms however, breastfeeding women should only increase their daily intake to 500 micrograms. Depending on size and weight, children should take in between 150 micrograms and 300 micrograms of folic acid each day.
Among the minerals that serve to help enhance the functioning of the nervous system is calcium. In addition to its other equally important health benefits, calcium also has a role in keeping the nerves healthy as well as to ensure their ability to communicate effectively. While magnesium is the mineral which can help the body make use of calcium most efficiently, it has a very important role in the upkeep of the nervous system. The lack of magnesium in the body can actually contribute to nervousness and confusion, while a lack of potassium can lead to nervous disorders.
Proper nourishment greatly affects every aspect of the body’s efficiency and function and in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of one’s life. The body functions based on a delicate balance of system from chemical reactions. The nutrients that you put in your body actually make up a large part of these essential chemicals and it is highly important to have a conscious effort in trying to trying to maintain the proper amount of certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients in one’s body. Nutritional supplements are a good way to help ensure one’s healthy well being, however, one must never rely on these supplements to actually give you all the nutrients that your body needs.
A conscious effort to stay healthy is also being able to keep a healthy, well-balanced diet, a happy disposition and regular exercise. However, if unsure of the best dietary supplements for you or if you are somewhat overwhelmed by the countless dietary supplements that are available in the market today, a consultation with a licensed nutritionist can actually help you devise a personalized nutritional supplement plan that is best suited to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
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DPC Construction Equipment Are You Qualified To Rent?

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For the best House Extensions Cork company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Those who are do-it-yourselfers know that the best and least expensive way to accomplish a task is to pull out the work gloves and get after it. But does that include projects that require construction equipment? There are several things to ask yourself before you decide whether to rent (or buy) construction equipment or to call in the pros.

Two of the most important things to consider are cost and size of the project. Have you always wanted a pond? There s really nothin…

construction equipment

To find the best House Extensions Cork company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Those who are do-it-yourselfers know that the best and least expensive way to accomplish a task is to pull out the work gloves and get after it. But does that include projects that require construction equipment? There are several things to ask yourself before you decide whether to rent (or buy) construction equipment or to call in the pros.

Two of the most important things to consider are cost and size of the project. Have you always wanted a pond? There s really nothing stopping you from building one if you have enough land and there are no zoning laws restricting it. That s going to be a pretty big project and you might be surprised how much earth has to be moved to create even a small pond for watering livestock.

Think you re not qualified to operate construction equipment? You might be right. If you ve never operated a bulldozer, you re going to quickly find out that those professionals only make it look easy. There s a lot to learn before you can successfully move dirt the way it s supposed to be moved. But even if you know how to run a bulldozer or other construction equipment, you may not have enough knowledge to put the equipment to proper use.

If you know anything about ponds, you know that just digging a hole isn t going to get you a pond that holds water. If you know how to go about the sealing process, whether you should have a drain and how to choose the best place for your pond, you may very well be in a position to rent a bulldozer and build your own pond.

Think you re going to need a series of ponds? In that case, you need to carefully consider how long it will take you to do the digging and get a good estimate for the cost of renting the construction equipment you need for the entire project. Don t overlook transportation fees, especially if you plan to only use the equipment for a few days, send it back and then rent again. Don t overlook your time. If you re taking time off work, figure that into the cost of renting.

Compare that to the cost of hiring someone who owns the construction equipment to get the project completed. If it s a big project, consider purchasing your own construction equipment. After you re done, you can always sell the equipment to regain at least part of your investment.

Whether you re talking about a bulldozer for a major earth-moving project, a Ditch Witch to lay cable or water lines, or a jackhammer to bust up a concrete pad, you may be surprised at how affordable renting construction equipment can be.

paving contractors dublin

APD How to Select an Installer for Your Solar Panels

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For the best paving contractors dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

With the new rollout of massive federal tax credits, state subsidiary programs and net metering, going solar makes sense. So, how do you pick an installer for your system?

Solar, installer, licensing, electrical board, net metering, tax credits,

To find the best paving contractors dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
With the new rollout of massive federal tax credits, state subsidiary programs and net metering, going solar makes sense. So, how do you pick an installer for your system?

Install My System

As with any major part of your home, installation of a solar platform should be done by a professional. Many of the tax credit and rebate programs require professional installation and failure to do so can lead to the loss of the benefits. In short, there are practical and economic reasons to get it done right.

While a solar platform is necessarily a form of electrical generation, you shouldn t assume every electrician knows how to install one. In truth, most do not. Instead, you can visit a site like to find businesses in your state, search on the web or simply pull out the phone book. In states such as California, installers are plentiful while other locations may require a bit of hunting.

Once you ve located potential installers, make sure to ask some questions. Do not pick the lowest price or first one you find. Use your common sense and ask the same questions you would to any contractor installing something on your home.

The first question to ask is whether the installer has, in fact, installed systems before, how often and for how many years? You do not want a neophyte handling your installation. Installation experience is vital because certain elements of solar systems are very unique, particularly if you are tying into a grid system for a utility company. If you are tying in, make sure the installer has experience doing such installations, not just putting up solar panels.

The second question to ask is whether the installing company is licensed. Most solar installers will be required to have an electrician s license. Contacting the state electrical board to ask about the installer is a wise move. For some state rebates, you may also have to use an installer that has a solar contractor specialty license. Again, the state electrical board should be able to help you out with this.

This may all sound a bit confusing, so let s turn to the easiest method for finding installers. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer of your system. Many manufacturers have a list of approved installers. If not, they typically can make recommendations regarding various entities that handle the job for you.

Patios Dublin

APD Custom Drapery

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For the best patios dublin company, call Active patios dublin.

You might have some idea about the kind of drapery that would be perfect to adorn your home well. It may be quite possible that you are not satisfied by the kind of drapery that you ordered or stitched yourself. The solution now lies in custom drapes. Custom drapery makers would meet your requirements and stand tall to your expectations.

Custom, Drapery, Hardware

To find the best patios dublin company, click here for Active patios dublin.
You might have some idea about the kind of drapery that would be perfect to adorn your home well. It may be quite possible that you are not satisfied by the kind of drapery that you ordered or stitched yourself. The solution now lies in custom drapes. Custom drapery makers would meet your requirements and stand tall to your expectations. Contact one of these custom drapery makers and tell them your requirements. Make sure that you don t miss out on a single detail. Describe in detail whatever you picture be it the style that you want (pleated or non pleated, flowing or fitting), floral, geometric or self colour. It is quite possible that your drapery makers advice you on accents that will enhance the entire look once the drapery makers understand your need. You may be benefited well by the hints these experts provide you. These Drapery makers excel in their field of creativity and hence possess a clearer picture as to what will complement your home and what will not. Mostly custom drapes send in their representative to measure the drapes size required you can carry out the measurement yourself. Remember that the finesse and the custom touch will certainly make your drapes stand out from the rest.

Authentic home is known for its wide variety of custom drapery fabric and sample from leading fabric manufacturers. Fabricut, pindler & pindler, Robert Allen Beacon hill and Kravet are some of these eminent manufacturers that supply their goods to Authentic home. This has allowed many customers to reach this place and get best of the products variety and designs all under one roof. Drapery makes a home beautiful to look at and add the charm that would mesmerize anyone who visits designer draperies were seen at posh hotels and mansions until recently. However, it has now become a household name and everyone wants to adorn their homes with best of drapery available in the market. Drapery must accompany hardware in order to be installed properly and add additional beauty to your room and windows. Authentic home houses custom drapery hardware styles and they are displayed throughout its home stores. These custom Drapery hardware are ready to spark your excitement about your own custom window coverings. There are many efficacious interior designers who are ready to guide you in designing a window covering solution that is a reflection of your home and life style. So, visit one of the authentic home stores near your area and choose your own custom drapery hardware for window coverings.

Health Goals

The Great Emotional Gender Divide



There are several things that men and women don’t agree on, with emotions and how important they are being among them. However, a recently concluded study shows that the divide between male and female, while being present, may not reflect the stereotypical bias that society believes in.

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This article deals with
mental health, emotional health, stress, depression

Men and women have and maintain two separate, distinct schools of thought. This comes down to more than biology and physiology, naturally. For example, men and women feel, register, and acknowledge pain differently. The two are further separated by factors such as mental health and emotional health, along with the cultural roles typically attributed to them. Gender, along with culture and environment, can also determine how a person deals with stress, depression, and a variety of other emotionally-connected problems and disorders. However, according to some recent studies, even the importance of emotional bonds over financial gain are processed differently by the two sides.

In a recent study, it was found that most people believe that women are more likely to choose family and sentimentality over professional ties and high-power positions. The study, conducted among a variety of college students, with an equal mix of male and female test subjects, showed otherwise. According to the study, most of the male students said that they preferred the emotional security of settling down with a family than the financial independence of having a high-powered job. This basically throws the old stereotype out the window, if the results are an accurate indication of how both genders really feel about the choice.

However, the researchers themselves point out a potential caveat to the results: the definition of a romantic relationship. That aspect of the study was not made clear, such that it is possible that the personal definitions swayed the results one way or another. There was a distinct possibility that, when asked the question, the male respondents simply considered sex without any commitments or emotional ties as being a “romantic relationship.” Other subjective definitions may have also affected the results, so the researchers are not entirely sure how to proceed. On one hand, the data is rather intriguing and puts a whole new light on gender views on emotional health versus financial security. On the other hand, the chance that this sort of study can never really be verified unless a definition for a “romantic relationship” is clearly and objectively defined is a problem.

The test was designed to measure certain reactions in the student body. It included goals such as physical fitness, financial stability, emotional fulfillment, and leisure time. These were ranked in importance before the subjects were asked whether or not they’d be willing to sacrifice any of them in favor of romance. Sixty-one percent of the male subjects and 51% of the female subjects answered in the affirmative, which contradicted the expectations of most of the people observing the study. According to the results, a number of men would be willing to take a “charming partner” over commonly held goals like having travel opportunities and job stability.

One thing that the researchers noted is that “romance” may not necessarily be defined in the same way by men and women. Just as some men may equate a sexual connection with “romance,” some of them might also see the word to mean the same thing that the average woman does. However, that does not automatically mean that everything a woman associates with “romance” is associated to it by men. Long-term commitment, family, and marriage were found to be outside the scope of the male definition of “romance,” according to the study.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS Memory Foam Mattress – Sleep Better – Live Better

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

A mattress is a piece of bedding used for sleeping. Memory foam mattresses are special types of mattresses that are pressure and temperature sensitive. The origin of memory foam mattresses took place in a very grand manner. In the 70 s NASA was working on manned rockets. Manned rockets exert a lot of G-force on the astronauts, which can harm the astronaut. NASA scientists were trying to develop a material that was breathable and molded itself to the astronaut s body to reduce…

memory foam mattress

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
A mattress is a piece of bedding used for sleeping. Memory foam mattresses are special types of mattresses that are pressure and temperature sensitive. The origin of memory foam mattresses took place in a very grand manner. In the 70 s NASA was working on manned rockets. Manned rockets exert a lot of G-force on the astronauts, which can harm the astronaut. NASA scientists were trying to develop a material that was breathable and molded itself to the astronaut s body to reduce the G-forces on the astronaut. They developed a polyurethane foam material which had the property of visco-elasticity and which could be used for the purpose. Though polyurethane foam was never used in the space program, it got to be used in beddings and pillows later.

Matter is classified into three states solid, liquid and gases. Visco elastic materials are materials that exhibit the properties of both solids and liquids. Polyurethane foam is used in memory foam mattresses due to its property of visco-elasticity. Memory foam mattresses are able to distribute pressure evenly and are able to return to their original shape when the pressure is removed. Memory foam mattresses shape themselves according to pressure and temperature of the person s body to provide support and softness.

Mattresses are either soft or firm. There are 3 positions in which humans sleep;- back, stomach and side. People use more than one position to sleep. Firm mattresses are recommended for people sleeping on back and stomach, as soft mattresses might harm their backs due to unnatural angles. For those sleeping on sides, softer mattresses are recommended. Memory foam mattresses are a compromise of both firm and soft mattresses. They are suitable for all people. The memory foam mattress manufacturers claim that sleeping on a memory foam mattress feels like sleeping on a cloud.

Memory foam mattresses are recommended for people having back problems, arthritis, bone and joint problems, spondylitis etc. Studies have shown that people sleep better on a memory foam mattress. They are available in lots of sizes like, single, double, queen, king, California queen, California king and super king sizes. Some double memory foam mattresses have a softer side and a firmer side to suit the needs of sleeping partners. The usual thickness of memory foam mattresses is 5 inches. Some mattresses use memory foam padding on the upper layer one to two inches thick on the regular mattresses.

Memory foam mattresses begin at around 500$ and are available up to 2000$. Before buying a mattress, it is recommended that the buyer tests by lying on the mattress for at least 10 minutes. Lie on the back. If your finger passes through the small of the back very easily, then the mattress is too firm. If there is no space then the mattress is too soft. If turning around on the mattress is difficult that means the mattress is too soft. The softness and firmness of the mattress depends upon the density of the foam used in the mattress. As the density of the mattress increases the price also increases. As almost one third of our life is spent sleeping, it is better to invest in a good memory foam mattress.

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Updated Bathrooms Pay When You Sell Your Home

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Many home owners look for ways to add value to their homes through improvements. One of the best ways is to have a go at your bathrooms.

sell your home, bathrooms, home improvements, budget, simplicity, showers, bathtubs, sinks, fixtures

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Many home owners look for ways to add value to their homes through improvements. One of the best ways is to have a go at your bathrooms.

The Almighty Bathroom

Today s bathrooms are wonderful. Showers that rain on you, warm air hydrotherapy bathtubs, sinks that look like water worn boulders. You can pamper yourself now and smile on your way to the bank when you sell because homes with good kitchens and bathrooms are in demand. The only caveat is don t make it so grand that it s above your neighborhood s standards. It s hard to get your money out when yours is the most expensive house in the neighborhood.

Explore and Plan

The scope and style of your bath update needs to fit the style and price range of your home and your family, and you ll face space constraints. One way to approach the project is to canvass various places that sell bathroom fixtures, see what you like, comparison shop, and then see if there s an outlet for your price range with a good design staff to help you on a freebie basis if you buy from them.

Lowe s and Home Depot are useful if you are very price conscious. They carry brands we re all familiar with. It can be fun to explore some of the avant-garde fixtures in some of the high end outlets, and then see if something similar can be achieved for less. And if the budget (and the neighborhood) can take it, go for a truly luxurious spa of a bath.

Simplicity is prized today. I think it may be because life tends to be so rushed and complicated. Simplicity does not mean boring. Far from it. The simple can pamper and provide great visual appeal.

Put together a plan within your budget and you are on your way. Improved bathrooms can actually add tens of thousands of dollars in equity to your home.