Roof Repairs Wicklow

ARW Air Purifier – Help Or Hype

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We take a look at the rage about air purifiers and speculate as to whether they really do help clean the air or if it’s all just hype.

air purifier

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The world has become health crazy. There is no getting around it, we are turning towards healthier whole grain cereals and breads, we’re exercising more, and we’re cleaning our homes like fanatical lunatics. Included in this cleaning craze is the obsession with cleaning our air. We’ve got air purifiers in just about every room. This leads to just one question.

Does it do any good?

To begin with, getting an air purifier for your home can be confusing as anything. With all the different brands to choose from and different types of air purification systems it’s almost impossible to know which one is any good, if any of them are.

Then of course there is the burning question, “Do we really need an air purifier anyway?”. Is the air in our homes really that bad? Haven’t we been breathing this same air long before there ever were air purification systems? What’s changed?

All of these questioARW are enough to give us a headache if not outright drive us crazy. Well, let’s deal with one question that we at last can aARWwer.

While it is true that we have been breathing the same air for thousands of years, we really haven’t. With the industrial revolution and all the garbage that is sent into our air from factories, the truth is, the air is not as clean as it used to be. All you have to do is take a drive down to the factory district in Trenton, NJ and take a whiff. There will be no doubt in your mind that the air down there is dirty.

But the problem goes much deeper than that. If you’re wondering why scientists are so concerned about plants it is because they give off the one thing we need to breathe, oxygen. They take in carbon dioxide to do this. So if the plants die, we die. It’s that simple. The plants are actually are a true air purification system. Still, people feel they need electronic air purification systems. Why? How do they work and what good are they if any at all?

Actually, there are many types of systems and each one works differently. We’re not going to go into detail of how each one works as that could take a book in itself. But the main types of systems are HEPA Filter Systems, which draw the air through the filter and clean it; Ozone Air Purifiers, which work by generating more ozone molecules in the air; Ionic Air Cleaners, which work by negatively charging the air particles in the room; Electrostatic Precipitators, which work by using positive and negative charges to collect particles and Electrostatic Filters which work by creating a static charge which attracts and collects particles in the air.

Supposedly, these various technologies produce the end result of cleaning your air. Do they? Well, there are tests you can run to determine if the amount of allergeARW in your home have been reduced but ultimately it is all going to come down to one thing.

Do you feel better? Does the air smell cleaner? Do you notice a difference?

Air purifiers. Help or hype?

We may never really know.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS Mistakes You’ll Want to Avoid When Laying Tile in Your Bathroom

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

One thing that many people decide to do when they are remodeling a bathroom is to lay some new tile for a whole new look. There are many people who decide to have someone else do the job for them,

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To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
but there are some people who decide to actually install the tile on their own. If you happen to decide to put down the new tile for your bathroom remodeling project, then you’ll have a bit job to do. When you get started, there are a few mistakes that you should definitely avoid, including the following ones.

Preparing the Easy Way
One thing that you need to avoid is doing the preparation the easy way. When you go the easy route, it can make the whole job harder. Before you lay the tile, it is imperative that you make sure that the surface is both clean and smooth. You can use a sander to help get the surface smooth enough to work with. If you don’t do this, it is going to be more difficult to install your tile.

Not Getting Enough of the Tile
Not getting enough of the tile you have chosen is another mistake you really need to avoid. You see, you never know when you may need a bit more tile. Your measurements could have been off, you may make a mistake or even crack a tile, then you’ll need a new one. So, it’s a good rule of thumb to get about 15% more than you plan on needed, just in case there is a problem. Then, if you do have a bit left over, you can keep it in case there is a tile that gets cracked or damaged at a later date.

Not Using a Waterproof Adhesive
Not using waterproof adhesive is another big mistake to avoid. Since you are laying tile in the bathroom, where there is a lot of water and moisture, you need to make sure that you use an adhesive that is waterproof. If you don’t use a waterproof adhesive, it can later crumble or rot away and cause problems with your tile. So, make sure that you go with the right adhesive for the tile in the bathroom.

Uneven Spacing of the Tiles
You’ll also want to avoid the mistake of getting uneven spacing between the tiles you are installing. If the spacing is off, in the future your tiles may come loose. So, it is best to measure the gaps that are between the tiles, so you know that they are spaced correctly and you don’t have problems in the future that could have been prevented.

Grouting Before the Tile is Ready
Grouting the tile before it is read is another problem to avoid. Many people try to grout right away, but you should really wait a whole 24 hours before you decide to do the grout work. This way you’ll be sure that the adhesive on the tile has really set and they won’t move around while you are adding the grout to the tiling.

Roofing Kildare

ARK How To Take Care Of Your Ceiling Fan

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

A ceiling fan is an electrical accessory that can make your home stylish and elegant. Fitting your dining room with a light color fan that matches well with the dining table and glasses will enhance the look and feel of your room. Reading your favorite novel, watching TV or any other favorite activity under a ceiling fan will keep you cooler. Ceiling fans come in various shapes, sizes and colors. You can buy a ceiling fan on the Internet, at a lighting store, or in some major…

ceiling fan,ceilng fans,home lighting

To find the best Roofing Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
A ceiling fan is an electrical accessory that can make your home stylish and elegant. Fitting your dining room with a light color fan that matches well with the dining table and glasses will enhance the look and feel of your room. Reading your favorite novel, watching TV or any other favorite activity under a ceiling fan will keep you cooler. Ceiling fans come in various shapes, sizes and colors. You can buy a ceiling fan on the Internet, at a lighting store, or in some major department stores. Here are a few points that will assist you in taking care of your ceiling fan to extend its life.

Decide whether you or any professional will install the fan. If you want a professional to do the job, remember that you have to pay his charges. Though all the fans come with the detailed operational manual on how to fit the fan, it is advisable to call an expert if you do not know how to wire. It is possible to install the fan within a day.

Modern day fans are easy to operate. Some of them will have a small chain that you can grasp easily to switch on the fan and control the speed. Another chain will be provided to control the light switch. However many models come with a switch fitted on the wall. You can easily change between the speeds of low, medium and high by either pulling the chain or clicking the switch.

Clean the blades of the ceiling fan every week. This ensures the best possible flow of air, besides consuming less electricity. The top portion above the blade is the dirtiest one. You can easily clean it with vacuum cleaner with a hose attached to it. This ensures the cleaner to reach the high spots. Alternatively, you can wipe the portion with a non-abrasive cleaning spray or polish. This will ensure you enjoy the cool breeze provided by your ceiling fan for many years.

paving contractors dublin

APD How to Use Concrete in a Traditional Kitchen

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Concrete’s use in kitchens and bathrooms may still be considered relatively “modern” design-wise by some homeowners. But while concrete can be used to create a modern or minimal look, it’s also perfectly adaptable to a more traditional setting – where it was so extensively used in the first place. Learn more about using concrete for combining the traditional with the modern in your kitchen.

concrete, concrete countertops, kitchen design, modern, traditional

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Concrete’s use in kitchens and bathrooms may still be considered relatively “modern” design-wise by some homeowners. But while concrete can be used to create a modern or minimal look, it’s also perfectly adaptable to a more traditional setting – where it was so extensively used in the first place.

Concrete can act as a substitute for more traditional materials. Rather than just using concrete to explicitly re-create something from the past, you can also combine it with other elements to suggest a timeless quality. In my work, I always strive to strike a balance between innovation and emotion, between spare contemporary and warm traditional. Adding mosaic tile along the front edge of a concrete surface, inlaying bits of tile along a backsplash, or even embedding a fossil in a countertop all connect us to the past.

A California cottage we recently renovated moved from “traditional” to “transitional.” A large concrete curved wall and counter boldly separates the living room from the kitchen. Meanwhile, a stainless steel integral sink countertop straddles one wall- yet, by inlaying glass tiles into the backsplash and inserting a traditional plate holder in the cabinetry, enough balance is achieved to avoid a conflict of styles.

Let’s take a turn-of-century “Craftsman” style kitchen for a hypothetical example. The cabinets would most likely be frame-and-panel with flush inlay doorframes. There would be wood wainscoting in the dining area and perhaps tile around a single porcelain sink. The lighting fixtures might have beveled glass or echoes of Tiffany lamps. What concrete application would be appropriate in this situation? I would look into one or more of the following ideas in combination:

– Choose an earth tone color or natural gray. No bright colors.

– Keep the front face, or thickness, of the countertop at a minimum of 2-1/2″ up to 5″.

– Inset “panels” into the front face of the countertop to reflect the cabinet doors. These panels would be no deeper than 3/8″ and would measure approximately 1/3″ to the height of the front face, or

– Recess the appropriately sized or proportioned ceramic tiles with some embossing on them into the face of the countertop or into a cast backsplash.

Allow the recess to be at least 1/4″ in depth.
– Mosaic tiles in groups of four separated by 1/8″-1/4″ spacing could be placed on the countertop surface as inlaid “trivets” next to the stove burners. (In the mold, they would be placed face down on the bottom of the form.)

– Line the drain board into the sink with tile or marble.

Now I wouldn’t want to use all of the above accents – just enough to carry a complementary flavor to the Craftsman look and feel. The concrete itself is earthy enough to carry that load. It’s up to you as a homeowner or designer to add the touch that personalizes and enhances the piece. In some cases, for instance, the overwrought “traditional English manor” kitchen, usually full of elaborate detailing, can use a touch of restraint – the concrete counter with a simple ogee edge detail and a complementary white porcelain farm sink might just be perfect.

As they say, it’s all in the details.


DPC Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

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For the best House Extensions Cork company, call DPC Construction Cork.

To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

Performance Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

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To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

As soaring energy costs increasingly affect the bottom line of U.S. businesses, the “energy performance contract” has become an attractive solution for commercial building owners. This contract is a financing or operating lease offered by an energy service company, also known as an ESCO, to help businesses improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or facilities.

The key to energy performance contracting is to use long-term utility savings to fund the improvements. The ESCO often guarantees energy savings that will meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs, usually over a contract term of seven to 20 years.

“A building owner either pays a utility for an inefficient building, or they can pay an ESCO to improve their building,” says Jeff Stokes, a vice president at World Energy Solutions, a publicly traded ESCO (symbol: WEGY) based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

World Energy Solutions strives to reduce kilowatt usage by up to 30 percent. The company offers a variety of services, including utility billing and rate analysis, energy auditing, installation of building improvements, building systems maintenance and ongoing monitoring and verification of the energy savings.

ESCOs can provide flexible and unique ways to finance their services. For example, World Energy Solutions offers to pay the

total up-front cost of installation as well as equipment maintenance in return for an 80 percent share of the actual savings realized over a minimum 10-year period.

“In some cases, our company will fund the entire installation, at no charge to our customer, and live off the savings we generate over a certain amount of time,” says Ben Croxton, chief executive officer of World Energy Solutions.

ESCOs not only identify energy-saving opportunities, but also develop engineering designs and specifications and manage the entire process. They also can provide staff training and ongoing maintenance services.

Even the federal government has gotten into the act, and for good reason: Executive orders that require federal agencies to use 35 percent less energy by 2010 in comparison to 1985 levels will require $5 billion in energy projects. Much of that will go to “Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts,” offered by the Department of Energy.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Addressing The Needs Of Home-Schooled Kids

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There is a wide variation when it comes to the public opinion on homeschooling. Some are avid supports, while some do not find it in the best interest of children. And to weight out the pros and cons of homeschooling, a list of advantages and disadvantages of this alternative means of education is set up.

Either way, if it is really the best of the learners that is at their supporters and detractors hearts; why not consider what the learner really needs in order to achieve…

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Article For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Body:
There is a wide variation when it comes to the public opinion on homeschooling. Some are avid supports, while some do not find it in the best interest of children. And to weight out the pros and cons of homeschooling, a list of advantages and disadvantages of this alternative means of education is set up.

Either way, if it is really the best of the learners that is at their supporters and detractors hearts; why not consider what the learner really needs in order to achieve learning success whether in the public and private educational system or through homeschooling.

Taking the side of homeschooling, it is important to evaluate and identify the needs of the children, their interest, the learning methods that best stimulates their curiosity and inquisitiveness. This is the only key to a quality homeschool education – addressing what the homeschooled kid needs.

In homeschooling children, the instructors may be in the form of the parents or a tutor should be able to commit a time for learning. And homeschooling, with all the preparations, will really take up much time. A child will have to be given a strict time schedule for learning, and time for playing as well.

Homeschooled children are criticized to be less sociable individuals. Indeed, socialization is a major factor in developing the personality of a child. Having this in mind, instructors should give attention to the child getting together with other children apart from the home.

All children grow at their own pace. Let kids be kids. Understand that they are experiencing the world for the first time. Get involved and be interested in what interests the child. If it is in the arts and crafts field, then focus on that. Not only will it help the instructor foster rapport with the child, but this will also stimulate and motivate the child to learn new things. Give the child some room to grow and develop on his own with proper guidance.

The effort of homeschooling children will never be too much. It is constant striving to address the children’s needs and this will greatly vary as you go along. Children grow and develop, and sooner or later will be interested in new things. And when this time comes, the instructor should always be ready to cater to the children’s requirement for learning.

Patios Dublin

APD Cutting Down Costs: Air Conditioners

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For the best patios dublin company, call Active patios dublin.

It is hot outside and you know the air conditioners are going to cost you on that next bill, but what else can you do? There are many options available to you when it comes to cutting your energy bills. In fact, you may just save money by taking the time now to get the most out of your energy dollar by using effective equipment as well as common sense. Air conditioners are quite necessary in some areas but they can be affordable if you take the time to save some money down th…

Air Conditioners

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It is hot outside and you know the air conditioners are going to cost you on that next bill, but what else can you do? There are many options available to you when it comes to cutting your energy bills. In fact, you may just save money by taking the time now to get the most out of your energy dollar by using effective equipment as well as common sense. Air conditioners are quite necessary in some areas but they can be affordable if you take the time to save some money down the line.

Here is what you need to do. First, take the time to find out how efficient your air conditioners are. Have a professional come out and check them for leaks, energy use, age and ability. Are there options you can consider that would help fix these problems? Investing money in a good quality air conditioner now will help save you thousands of dollars over the next few years — well worth the cost.

Next, take the time to find ways to lessen the bill that the air conditioner uses by lowering your need for the air conditioner to run. For example, every degree that you can lower your air conditioner settings will help you save money. Find the lowest setting that you are comfortable with. Ensure that your windows have a tight fit and remain closed. Spend some time in basement areas each day so that the air conditioner doesn t need to work at such a low rates while you are still cooler. Keep doors and windows tightly closed and avoid constant in and out traffic.

These are only a few ways to save money on your air conditioners. You know you are going to have to use them, but keeping them at a higher temperature and allowing them to work only when needed can help you save money. Oh, and remember to adjust your air conditioners settings for nighttime hours when the temperatures outside fall. A little higher and you ll be saving money on your air conditioners.

Health Goals

The Gym Can Be A Scary Place

This article was originally written by Paul Hegarty

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

If you go to the gym a lot you get to see all sorts of people. You get to see those you are fitness enthusiasts; you see those who are confident and motivated. The gym at first sight can be intimidating and more so if you are out of shape. If you go to the gym frequently enough, you get used to seeing certain types: and what’s important to remember is that the majority are there for the same reason and that is to improve there physical well being.
Then as you start to work out and look around you see those who can’t look you in the eye. Their demeanor suggests they’re embarrassed. They look down move awkwardly, and are intimidated by the machines. This is a tough environment for these folks. I myself have been in situations where I could not use a machine and was too shy to ask anybody.
Like anything else nobody wants to admit that they do not know. I am sure you were there once. I am a male of the species so you could imagine what happens when I get lost out driving in a new city. Yes I fit the male stereotype.
Don’t delay about giving them encouragement. A simple, sincere smile would go a long way. Don’t give advice; don’t offer to show them how a particular machine can be adjusted. If you smile at them everyday, chances are by next week, they shall have mustered enough courage to ask you to help them figure out their fitness routine. It works

Roof Repairs Kildare

ARK Air Filters – Everything You Need To Know About Air Filters

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For the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Does your family suffer from allergies caused by dust and particles in the air? Want to know about air filters and what they can do to help you? First, it is advised that you replace indoor air with outdoor air. But how? You can open windows and doors, but still the risk is the air-borne problems. One of the best solutions is to keep a healthy and clean house to minimize and control unwanted substances. Usually, common airborne particles can range from .001 to 100 microns in …

To find the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Does your family suffer from allergies caused by dust and particles in the air? Want to know about air filters and what they can do to help you? First, it is advised that you replace indoor air with outdoor air. But how? You can open windows and doors, but still the risk is the air-borne problems. One of the best solutions is to keep a healthy and clean house to minimize and control unwanted substances. Usually, common airborne particles can range from .001 to 100 microns in size. Very small air-borne particles are so small that you may have a hard time removing them.

Cigarette smoke and household dust can eventually enter the lungs and may create complications. Air filters and cleaners are devices which help remove particles from the air, but not all. There are two groups of air cleaners. The first group is the portable air cleaners. They are also known as table-top models, and they are created to clean air in small places and locations but not the entire house. These air cleaners have filters and use electrical attraction or ozone to get rid of the minute particles from the air. The finer the particles, the better it is in removing these unwanted substances. HEPA or high efficiency particulate arresting filters is the best kind.

Almost 99 percent of the particles which are as small as 0.3 microns in size are captured. However, gas molecules like those from cigarette smoke and radon can still pass through the filter. Some companies have decided to use an activated charcoal or carbon filter to take care of the job. Pleated filters are also called mean filters and they are composed of materials, which are similar to that of the HEPA. However, particles and dust may still get in. Remember, that the pleated filters capture smaller particles.

It is said that it removes 40 to 96 percent of household dust. Electrical attraction is utilized in electronic cleaners. Here, electrostatic precipitation, static charge, or particle ionization is used to capture particles through a foam pre-filter. With this, the larger particles are removed. Then the particles are charged by a high-voltage wire and are then attracted to the precipitating cell.

After this, a carbon filter gets rid of the odors and other particles. An electric cleaner utilizes cellulose fibers and polyester having a static charge to capture particles aside from the carbon and the pre-foam filter. Ozone generation is another type of air cleaner that also uses a high-voltage electrical charge to convert oxygen to ozone. With this, gas molecules and some substances or microorganisms like mold can be demolished by the high concentrations of ozone present. However, a negative ionizer also uses a foam pre-filter as well as a carbon filter. But, the difference lies in the wires. It has charged wires which, in turn, create ions.

Consequently, the fan blows these charged particles into the room and they are sucked in again. These different kinds of air filters and cleaners may give you a background on their features and which will best suit your needs.

Health Goals

The Grumbling Gut



There are a large number of bowl diseases that have different causes and aliments. Inflammation is the one thing they all have in common. These are very humbling diseases, but there is hope for those who want to help themselves.

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This article deals with
inflammation, digestive, gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, crohn’s disease, colitis, irritable bowl, bowl disease, mangosteen, intestines, stomach, gas

There are a large number of diseases of the bowl and they all have different symptoms, but there is one constant with all of these diseases and that is INFLAMMATION of the bowl. The digestive system is actually a very complex organ that has a finely tuned team of mechanical reactions mixed with chemicals. The team goes into action once food enters the mouth where it mixes with saliva, the food then moves to the stomach where it meets with digesting enzymes and other chemicals. The food mixes with the stomach secretions that are released; the mixture now moves into the small intestine, this is where new team members enter into the game. The liver and pancreas are now in action releasing digestive enzymes that break down the complex carbohydrates, fats and protein into sugars, simple fats and amino acids; these are now absorbed by the small intestine. The next team member is the large intestine or colon, the responsibility of this team player is to break down undigested food, fiber and water, as this mixture moves through the colon it is dehydrated by the colon cells becoming solid as it moves and turning into stool.

These diseases, such as inflammatory bowl disease (IBD), crohn’s, colitis, etc., have inflammation at the source of their problems. Inflammation is the bodies’ response to injury or illness, in the case of these diseases the inflammatory response turns on the bodies’ digestive track and actually attacks it. This means it is an auto-immune disease. There are only two areas where your intestinal system can go astray, either your bacteria or your chemistry or it could be both. Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) is a general term used for all the conditions in this class. IBS has no one cause and no one cure.

Let’s take a look at the intestinal areas that can go wrong. The gastrointestinal system needs an optimum level of good bacteria or your chemistry will change. The main reason you lose your bacterial balance is the use of antibiotics, unfortunately we sometimes need these drugs in order to get infections under control, but the side effect of this type of medication alters the bacterial balance in the intestines. Once the body has lost its bacterial balance it takes some time for the disease to set in. The inflammatory response that the body sends to the intestines is designed to heal what ever damage it encounters. It can not heal a lack of beneficial bacteria so the inflammatory response can not do what it is designed for and instead begins to attack the intestines. Now that the damage is getting worse and the beneficial bacterial level is low, your chemistry begins to change and the foods you were able to eat before become your worst nightmare. You are now developing intolerance’s or an allergic reaction to certain foods and symptoms begin appearing at an alarming rate. This is the most humbling and humiliating disease ever, because in many cases having to run to the rest room 10 to 25 times per day is common. 1 in ever 5 people have this disease and the majority are women. Stress is also a major player in all the IBS diseases and the more stress you feel during the day the worse your disease will get. Finding a way to control your level of stress is absolutely essential for your recovery; maintaining a low level of stress will help keep the disease from re-occurring later because once you have IBS you are always at high risk of it coming back to haunt you; your intestines will always be very sensitive to any unhealthy level of stress. Quite a few people find that Yoga is very calming and relaxing; yoga is designed to relieve stress, and calm the body and mind. There is more than likely a yoga class in your area.

There are ways in which to help yourself and believe it or not traditional treatments help this disease the most, the medications your physicians give to you all have different side effects that may cause you more complications. People must try a number of different things in order to find some relief from this horrible condition. Medication can work for a short time but offers little help for the long term due to the side effects; IBS can be with you for years and once you have it, even if you get better, your chances of reoccurrence are high. Your body has become allergic to some foods or types of foods, or it can be a large number of foods, it is extremely hard to know what to do or how to find the foods causing this condition. There is hope in using traditional herbs and fruits, many people have been turning to these because they have been effective in their long term recovery. A lot of these can be found in your local health food store. The first thing that needs to be done is to increase the level of your good bacteria, acidophilus supplements can aid in the re-introduction of beneficial bacteria. Cat’s claw is used to correct problems of imbalance in the small intestine, it helps to normalize beneficial microbes and reverse intestinal dysbiosis. A probiotic is an organism that is referred to as good or friendly bacteria. When they are ingested they help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract. Methylsufonylmethane or MSM is a naturally occurring sulfur used to control infections of the intestinal tract. You can also try, Green food plus w/MSM-Supreme greens, this formulated product is packed full of antioxidants and gives the nutritional equivalent of 2 lbs of fresh vegetables. There are a number of other items such as colustrum, bee propolis, sea silver, chlorophyl, and juicing.

Lets look at juicing; the body has trouble with the hard fibers in most fruits and vegetables due to the inflamed gastrointestinal tract that is no longer functioning properly, juicing actually removes the hard fibers in the necessary foods and still gives you the number two recovery need and that is antioxidants. You must take in a large number of antioxidants every day to fight free-radicals. Free-radicals are molecules or atoms that are missing an electron, antioxidants are either molecules or atoms that have an extra electron. You can not escape from free-radicals and the damage they do, they are in air and water pollution, in the junk foods we eat, and even in the medications we take hence the words “side effects”. Free-radicals go around attacking healthy cells in our bodies trying to steal the electron; anti-oxidants will give up their extra electron to a free-radical which in turn stops the attack on healthy cells. Now you can see the importance of taking in a large number of anti-oxidants every day. Most fruits and vegetable have anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 anti-oxidants each, which does not seem like a lot compared to the amount of free-radicals you are taking into your body every single day; about a billion. Vitamins and minerals also contain antioxidants so supplementation is important. You need to do some research and try to find fresh supplements; they tend to lose their potency the longer they sit on the self.

Lets talk about the third important step in your recovery; control of chronic inflammation. It has been proven that free-radicals are involved in every disease and illness out there but it has also been proven that chronic inflammation is also involved in the vast majority of diseases and illness. Scientist are calling chronic inflammation the silent killer. When there is any type of injury, trauma or disease, no matter what the action is, there is a reaction from our body to protect and heal itself – inflammation. We need inflammation in order to heal, its basic function is to make the tiny vessels in our tissue become larger so the white blood cells, that normally don’t fit, can now squeeze into these small spaces and begin the healing process. With IBS the inflammation response becomes angry, and instead of helping the body, it turns on itself creating chronic inflammation. Inflammation starts with the COX 2 enzyme. COX 1 preserves platelet function (needed for blood clotting) and protects the stomach lining. COX 2 causes inflammation and pain. COX 2 has been found in brain and spinal cord tumors as well as in the brains of Alzheimer’s patents causing degeneration of the brain tissue from the chronic inflammation.

The best solution is a natural food source that inhibits the inflammation and pain problems that are associated with COX 2 without disturbing the COX 1 that is critical in protecting the stomach lining and the bloods ability to clot.
The South East Asians have been eating and using a fruit called Mangosteen for centuries to treat all types of aliments. Scientists have been studying the mangosteen fruit for the last 20 years; they are in agreement with the South East Asian people that it heals without side effects. The mangosteen fruit decreases the level of COX 2 in your body. Mangosteen can aid in the healing process, it helps to ensure that inflammation doesn’t turn into chronic inflammation which then leads to chronic disease. How dose mangosteen do this? One word -Xanthones. Xanthones can only be found in nature. They have been widely studied for their medicinal properties. Xanthones support microbiological balance and sustain the immune system. Xanthones are stable, super charged anti-oxidants. Xanthones are diverse in their abilities to help heal the body; there is a natural anti-inflammatory xanthone within the mangosteen fruit juice. Xanthones can destroy more than one free-radical at a time, unlike normal antioxidants, due to carbon bonds that make them very stable. Each Xanthone performs a specific biological function inside the body unlike regular anti-oxidants. Two hundred xanthones have been identified in nature, 41 are in the mangosteen fruit alone and you can compare that to the Aloe Vera plant which contains only one xanthone. One thing about xanthones you need to know is they must be consumed in their natural form.

Scientists have also been in a buzz about the amount of antioxidants this fruit contains. The mangosteen fruit juice has an amazing 25,000 antioxidants. Science has proven that this fruit has the most powerful and the largest number of antioxidants in nature to date. You can read all the studies by going to (pub <> med at dot gov) and typing in mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit juice has been providing thousands of people with medicinal benefits.

For more information you can call toll free 1-888-374-4148 and listen to a message about the mangosteen fruit juice and its powerful medicinal abilities.
Let me summarize for you: reduce your stress level, improve your level of beneficial bacteria, consume large quantities of anti-oxidants, and take a natural anti-inflammatory. All of the above will help you to recover from these debilitating and humbling diseases.