driveway cleaners wexford

STCS How to Find the Best Contractor for Your Home Improvement Project

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For the best driveway cleaners wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

It s finally time to tackle that big home improvement project you ve always wanted to do. “But,” you ask. Where do I start? It’s important to make sure you find the right general contractor for the job.

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To find the best driveway cleaners wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
It s finally time to tackle that big home improvement project you ve always wanted to do. Or, you might have waited so long, now you need to do the project. Which leads to your first question Where do I start?

Well, the truth is some jobs are simply too big, too complicated, or require too much time to handle on your own. Whether it s remodeling a kitchen, installing gutters, or electrical rewiring for your business you ll likely need an expert.

A contractor, or subcontractor, can be your knight in shining armor when it comes to completing your project. But, wait you ve heard so many horror stories connected with shady contractors that you re starting to re-think this re-model. But statistics show that the huge majority of contractors out there are honest, hard-working professionals. Most people are happy with any improvement project they undertake.

Fine, you say. How can I protect myself and make sure I find a great contractor? I m glad you asked. Here are some standard tips you can follow to make sure your repair, remodel, or installation goes well:

o Got License? Most states require that a contractor have a license to operate in that state. Once you find a contractor, check to see if he or she has a local contracting license to do the job.

o Check References get at least three references from satisfied clients. And if you want to get really fanatical, go to the contractor s current job site. See if the site is messy. Are the workers taking care of the property?

o Get Bids if you have the luxury, get multiple bids from several contractors. Don t always assume that the lowest bid is the best, because that contractor may be desperate for work or might cut corners on the job. But if you get contractor s from several sources, you could get a really great deal.

o Get it in Writing the days of the handshake deal are far behind us. Get a detailed contract together and throw everything in (even if the project doesn t involve the kitchen sink!) The more you clarify, the fewer headaches you ll have if things go wrong.

o Do You Take a Check? Don t ever pay in cash. Can you say, Proof of payment ? I thought you could Keep logs of all payments (for example – 10% down, 20% by one date, another 20% by another date, final payment when work is complete) and pay with check or credit card only.

Wait a minute! you protest, That sounds like a lot of work! Sure it does. Because it is a lot of work. If you think a renovation or remodeling job is expensive, imagine having to pay for it twice! Do your homework and you ll avoid being a horror story.

Are there any warning signs of a bad contractor? you ask. Boy, you sure do ask a lot of questions. And that s good. Always ask a lot of questions. The more you know, the better prepared you ll be to handle the unexpected.

Okay, these are signs a contractor might not be your best choice:

o If required by the state, your contractor doesn t want to show you his or her license. Or won t give you references. Or you two don t get along. Keep in mind: this person may be in your home, working side-by-side with you, for several months you d better get along!

o Your contractor wants you to pay for the entire project up front. Run for the hills.

o Your contractor has a friend in the financing business that can get you a good deal on a loan for your project. You ll end up with a huge 2nd mortgage at a ridiculously high rate and your contractor just got a juicy commission on the deal.

o Your contractor doesn t have a business address, a business card, and it looks like the contractor sleeps in his or her pickup truck. Run really fast for those hills.

Okay. Now you know some of the warning signs. Here are some signs you may have found a really good contractor:
o The contractor has at least 4 to 5 years experience. It shows they can manage their business and complete their projects.

o The contractor has insurance. Liability and worker s compensation are the most important types of coverage to make sure everyone is covered.

o The contractor has more than references he or she may even carry a book of photos showing past work projects that have been completed.

o The contractor provides cost breakdowns for the job. These breakdowns show specific details of what the project will cost to complete.

o The contractor is flexible. Communicate all your requirements and specifications for the project. Whether you two decide that you want to supervise the work or you want to let the contractor make all the decisions, your contractor will be flexible enough to work with you.

Okay, am I ready? Yes, now you re ready to hire a professional to help get your home or business improvement project off the ground. One of the best ways to protect yourself is the act of due diligence. Webster s defines due diligence as: The care that a prudent person might be expected to exercise in the examination and evaluation of risks affecting a business transaction. In simplified terms Do your homework. And you ll do just fine.
Have fun and make the most out of your experience!

Patios Dublin

APD Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

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To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

Performance Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

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To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

As soaring energy costs increasingly affect the bottom line of U.S. businesses, the “energy performance contract” has become an attractive solution for commercial building owners. This contract is a financing or operating lease offered by an energy service company, also known as an ESCO, to help businesses improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or facilities.

The key to energy performance contracting is to use long-term utility savings to fund the improvements. The ESCO often guarantees energy savings that will meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs, usually over a contract term of seven to 20 years.

“A building owner either pays a utility for an inefficient building, or they can pay an ESCO to improve their building,” says Jeff Stokes, a vice president at World Energy Solutions, a publicly traded ESCO (symbol: WEGY) based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

World Energy Solutions strives to reduce kilowatt usage by up to 30 percent. The company offers a variety of services, including utility billing and rate analysis, energy auditing, installation of building improvements, building systems maintenance and ongoing monitoring and verification of the energy savings.

ESCOs can provide flexible and unique ways to finance their services. For example, World Energy Solutions offers to pay the

total up-front cost of installation as well as equipment maintenance in return for an 80 percent share of the actual savings realized over a minimum 10-year period.

“In some cases, our company will fund the entire installation, at no charge to our customer, and live off the savings we generate over a certain amount of time,” says Ben Croxton, chief executive officer of World Energy Solutions.

ESCOs not only identify energy-saving opportunities, but also develop engineering designs and specifications and manage the entire process. They also can provide staff training and ongoing maintenance services.

Even the federal government has gotten into the act, and for good reason: Executive orders that require federal agencies to use 35 percent less energy by 2010 in comparison to 1985 levels will require $5 billion in energy projects. Much of that will go to “Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts,” offered by the Department of Energy.

Driveway cleaning dublin

L2LLCentral Vacuum Systems: The Easy, Healthy Solution

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For the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

According to the American Lung Association (ALA), 42.3 million Americans are affected by asthma and/or hay fever, generally triggered by allergies or airborne allergens such as pet dander, mold, pollen and dust mites. As a result, it is important to do everything possible to improve the air inside homes, ventilation and cleanliness being two major factors that affect indoor air quality.

Central Vacuum Systems: The Easy, Healthy Solution

To find the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
According to the American Lung Association (ALA), 42.3 million Americans are affected by asthma and/or hay fever, generally triggered by allergies or airborne allergens such as pet dander, mold, pollen and dust mites. As a result, it is important to do everything possible to improve the air we breathe inside our homes, ventilation and cleanliness being two major factors that affect indoor air quality.

According to the Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), high-performance vacuum cleaners have a significant impact on improved indoor air quality. Vacuum cleaners also play a significant role in the life of your carpet, with certain vacuums removing and containing soil more effectively than others, helping the carpet last longer. CRI recognizes these vacuums with its Green Label Testing Program.

The Green Label Testing Program focuses on three key performance factors. First, vacuums must remove a set quantity of soil from carpet in four passes. Second, and perhaps most important to indoor air quality, is the vacuum’s ability to contain dust. Vacuums must not release more than 100 micrograms of dust particles per cubic meter of air, taking into account dust released by the brush rolls and through the filtration bag. Lastly, the CRI tests the carpet appearance retention, as vacuums should minimally affect the appearance of a carpet over the course of a year.

Central vacuum systems capture dust, dirt and allergens without stirring up microscopic particles and re-emitting them into interior spaces. “Central vacuums are up to five times more powerful than normal portable vacuums and do not recirculate any particles back into the home,” says Christian Reick-Mitrisin of Nutone.

NuTone Central Vacuum Systems are Green Label-certified and contain High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, meaning dust and bacteria are trapped better than ever before. Two different systems are available-bagged and cyclonic versions. The cyclonic version contains an easy-to-clean filter, which can be easily accessed through the door panel.

The bagged version contains the easy-on/easy-off snap-release bag change mechanism that closes the opening immediately upon removal, so what goes in stays in.

“NuTone Central Vacuum Systems are made of lightweight polymer designed to resist rust and dents,” says Reick-Mitrisin. “The vacuum canisters also provide quiet cleaning because the power units contain an internal sound suppression system and are typically located in the garage, basement or utility room and not in the general living area.”

paving contractors dublin

APD How To Make Window Cleaner

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For the best paving contractors dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

If you don’t care for the often scented, and even more often expensive window cleaners on the market, there’s no reason at all that you can’t make your own cleaner at home!

It’s as simple as mixing 1/2 cup each of ammonia, water and rubbing alcohol. That’s it! Mix and put in a spray bottle, and you’re ready to go. Spritz your window and wipe it down with a lint free cloth. The solution is also good for car windshields, mirrors, counter tops and other surfaces.

However, …

To find the best paving contractors dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
If you don’t care for the often scented, and even more often expensive window cleaners on the market, there’s no reason at all that you can’t make your own cleaner at home!

It’s as simple as mixing 1/2 cup each of ammonia, water and rubbing alcohol. That’s it! Mix and put in a spray bottle, and you’re ready to go. Spritz your window and wipe it down with a lint free cloth. The solution is also good for car windshields, mirrors, counter tops and other surfaces.

However, you should be aware that ammonia has been known to damage painted and tinted surfaces. It is not considered safe for eyeglasses that have a tinted coating, windshields with the same, or even specially treated windows. For those, plain soap and water is your best bet, or else a soap/water/vinegar solution.

In the old days, people cleaned their windows with water and vinegar, then polished them with old newspapers. You can still do this today, but vinegar will not cut oil or grease that may have gotten on the window, particularly in the kitchen. So if you want to get nostalgic and try this method, mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar with two cups water, and add 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish soap, and put it in a spray bottle.

Be careful with the newspaper polishing, though. Given that many are now made with recycled papers, and eco-friendly inks, the results may not be quite what you anticipate.

Another precaution to teach children, is sanitation. While there are few disorders/diseases that can be passed from a fish tank to humans, the water does contain bacteria not found in the child’s normal environment, so one of their first fish-keeping lessons, should be to always wash their hands after helping to clean the tank, or feed the fish.

Health Goals

The Facts About Glutathione and Parkinson’s Disease

This article was originally written by Priya Shah

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Parkinson’s Disease (PD), a devastating illness, occurs in one of every 100 people over 65.
It is a slowly progressing disease of the nervous system that results in progressive destruction of brain cells (neurons) in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. Death occurs usually as a result of secondary complications such as infection.
One of the mechanisms known to destroy neurons is damage by free radicals or reactive oxygen species – destructive molecules produced by oxidation of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
The Role of Dopamine
The cells of the substantia nigra use dopamine – a chemical messenger between brain or nerve cells – to communicate with cells in another region of the brain called the striatum.
When nigral cells are lost, nigral dopamine levels fall, resulting in a decrease in striatal dopamine.
The typical symptoms of PD – motor function deficiencies characterized by muscle rigidity, jerky movements, rhythmic resting tremors – are the result of low levels of striatal dopamine.
Most dopaminergic drugs used to treat PD, are aimed at temporarily replenishing or mimicking dopamine. They improve some symptoms, but do not restore normal brain function nor halt brain cell destruction.
Dopaminergic drugs are generally effective at first in reducing many PD symptoms, but over time they lose their effect.
They also cause severe side effects because they overstimulate nerve cells elsewhere in the body and cause confusion, hallucinations, nausea and fluctuations in the movement of limbs.
The Role of Antioxidants
When dopaminergic neurons are lost in the course of Parkinson’s disease, the metabolism of dopamine is increased – which in turn increases the formation of highly neurotoxic hydroxyl radicals.
The most important free radical scavenger in the cells of the substantia nigra is the powerful brain antioxidant, glutathione. Glutathione levels in PD patients are low.
And as we age, levels of glutathione in the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra decreases. This appears to hasten cell death and advance the progression of PD.
At least 80 percent of the substantia nigra cells are lost before symptoms of Parkinson’s disease become apparent. This is why it becomes essential to protect or maintain these cells under oxidative stress.
How does Glutathione help in Parkinson’s Disease?
Several factors explain why glutathione is so beneficial in Parkinson’s disease.
1. Glutathione increases the sensitivity of the brain to dopamine. So although glutathione doesn’t raise dopamine levels, it allows the dopamine in the brain to be more effective.
2. Glutathione’s powerful antioxidant activity protects the brain from free radical damage.
3. An even more intriguing benefit of glutathione lies in its powerful detoxification ability.
Its a well known fact that most Parkinson’s patients are deficient in their ability to detoxify chemicals to which they are exposed.
The unfortunate few who harbor an inherited flaw in their detoxification pathways are at far greater risk to the brain damaging effects of a wide variety of toxins.
Glutathione is one of the most important components of the liver’s detoxification system. Glutathione therapy is one of the most effective techniques for enhancing liver and brain detoxification.
Glutathione treatments considerably improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease including difficulties with rigidity, walking, movement, coordination and speech. A marked reduction of tremor has been observed as well as a decrease in depression.
Glutathione and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (a glutathione precursor) have been shown to be very effective in protecting the nerves in the substantia nigra from being destroyed by oxidative stress.
Glutathione Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease
The practical problem in increasing glutathione levels is that taking glutathione itself as a supplement does not boost cellular glutathione levels, since glutathione breaks down in the digestive tract before it reaches the cells.
However, intravenous glutathione therapy and taking glutathione precursors are both effective in boosting intracellular levels of glutathione.
Intravenous Glutathione Therapy:
Intravenous glutathione injections have been shown to have amazing and quick results.
Dr. David Perlmutter, a pioneer in this therapy, has developed a protocol utilized at the Perlmutter Health Center for administering intravenous glutathione to Parkinson’s patients.
Following even a single dosage of intravenous glutathione – often in as little as 15 minutes – the ability to walk, turn around and move their arms is almost completely restored.
Glutathione Precursors:
Dietary antioxidants and supplements that increase cellular glutathione, such as alpha lipoic acid, NAC, pycnogenol, the herb silymarin (milk thistle), are effective in restoring normal function.
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and un-denatured, whey protein both supply glutathione precursors intracellularly, enhance the body’s production of glutathione and aid the detoxification process.
Other nutritional supplements which aid the detoxification process include selenium, vitamins E and C.
For a detailed report with references on Parkinson’s Disease and Glutathione visit:
Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

Roofing Kildare

ARK How to Insulate a Basement With Safety in Mind

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For the best Roofing Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

Learning how to insulate a basement properly not only saves money on energy bills, but also provides a welcome degree of comfort in that area of your home. But learning how to insulate a basement safely leaves some of us in the dark. Here are some tips on how to do so.

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To find the best Roofing Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
Learning how to insulate a basement properly not only saves money on energy bills, but also provides a welcome degree of comfort in that area of your home. But learning how to insulate a basement safely leaves some of us in the dark. Here are some tips on how to do so.

One important lesson in learning how to insulate a basement should be to always wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and protective clothing. Otherwise, particles of insulation can get into your hair, eyes, and nose, as well as irritate the skin. Wear shirts with long sleeves, long pants, work gloves, and at least a jacket or pullover that sports an attached hood. If working in unfinished areas with construction going on, always wear a hardhat to guard against getting bonked on the head with wood, pipe, or other falling objects. Rubber-soled shoes make the smartest footwear choice to avoid slips on wet surfaces. Protecting yourself with the proper attire and gear can save you from discomfort or even a trip to the doctor.

Another part of understanding how to insulate a basement includes learning about electricity. All power tools should be appropriately grounded and, when using them, make absolutely sure cords do not interfere with their operation. Watch out for frayed wiring in older homes and keep everything including insulating materials well away from the wiring until you ve had a chance to repair it.

Do not smoke while you are learning how to insulate a basement. Many types of insulation materials are highly flammable. Smoking in an enclosed area, like a basement, also traps the smoke and causes even more damage to your lungs than smoking in a ventilated area. You are, in essence, re-inhaling secondhand smoke.

These are just a few ideas to keep in mind while learning how to insulate a basement. Plain old common sense goes a long way, however, and you should make sure yours is in top form. It s not that difficult to learn how to insulate a basement, but don t forget to keep your safety in mind, too!

Gardening dublin

L2LL Getting Rid Of Stains On Your Hardwood Floor

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

The most common and, perhaps, annoying damage to your precious hardwood floor are stains.

hardwood floor, hardwood floors, hardwood floor stains

To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
The most common and, perhaps, annoying damage to your precious hardwood floor are stains. Be they ink stains, water stains, or whatever, the fact that that particular stain was caused by someone’s negligence and not because of normal, time-driven wear makes us feel a little cross. This is because stains are very evident and, for serious cases, may force us to replace the entire wood board altogether.

But when you see a stain on your hardwood flooring, you shouldn’t panic just yet. It could be a damage that can be addressed by minor repair methods and without having to call in and pay for professional help. There are certain hardwood floor stains that you can repair yourself.

For instance, if there is a huge water mark on your floor, you might be tempted to replace the entire plank to get rid of it. This is not always the remedy. You should first try if it’s a problem that can be remedied by sanding and refinishing the affected spot.

Taking care of a small spot yourself will not be a nuisance, compared to changing the entire surface. However, if the stain is really not manageable, you may still attempt at doing the replacement job yourself.

The first thing you should do to get rid of stain is to come up with an oxalic acid crystal solution, which will be dabbed onto the stained area. Oxalic acid acts as a bleaching agent and can get rid of minor stains. If the stain is not bleached out the first time, you can repeat the procedure for several times more until the stain is gone. Make sure you wear protective gloves, though, as the oxalic acid might be too harsh for your skin.

After you apply oxalic acid, you should return your floor to its usual acidity rinsing it with vinegar. The one you find in your kitchen will do. Of course, you will need to wipe the area dry of excess moisture and allow it completely dry first before you leave it alone. The result should be bleached but stain-less finish.

Finally, choose an oil-based stain you can apply to the bleached surface to get the original look of your hardwood floor. You may do a number of applications before you get your desired shade. However, before you decide on which stain shade to buy, make sure first that it is compatible with the rest of the floor’s color and the kind of wood your floor is made of.

Roof Repairs Kildare

ARK Add Great Patio Furniture

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For the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, call Ace Roofing Kildare.

If your back porch is empty it might be time to think about adding some great patio furniture. Patio furniture is a simple way to add a lot to any porch or deck.

Think about the many uses of well chosen patio furniture. First, having great patio furniture for your back deck or porch will encourage you to be outside more. When the weather turns nice not many people want to remain indoors any longer. Most look for ways to get out into the beautiful weather. But who is anxiou…

patio furniture

To find the best Roof Repairs Kildare company, click here for Ace Roofing Kildare.
If your back porch is empty it might be time to think about adding some great patio furniture. Patio furniture is a simple way to add a lot to any porch or deck.

Think about the many uses of well chosen patio furniture. First, having great patio furniture for your back deck or porch will encourage you to be outside more. When the weather turns nice not many people want to remain indoors any longer. Most look for ways to get out into the beautiful weather. But who is anxious to use their back porch or deck if it is totally empty? No one will rush outside to read a book or enjoy a glass of lemonade without somewhere comfortable to sit. Everyone could use a little more time outside, so think about purchasing some patio furniture so you can get out and enjoy the weather.

Another great reason to purchase patio furniture is to have a place to enjoy one of the most classic things to do in summer: barbequing. Every family I know could use an excuse to spend more time together and nothing is more fun in the summer than enjoying a great barbeque. Adding perfect patio furniture can give youreason to fire up that grill and make a family memory. If barbequing isn’t something your family enjoys consider having a game night using your patio furniture or make a picnic to enjoy just outside your home. Get creative. The important thing here is to use your new patio furniture to spend more quality time as a family, whatever that means for you.

Having patio furniture brings you one step closer to being able to host a great summer party. Invite all of your closest family and friends over to enjoy an afternoon of fun, food and fellowship. People will love to share good conversation and a glass of iced tea while they lounge on your patio furniture. There is nothing worse than hosting a party and having no where for people to sit and relax. You can host the best parties of the summer if you add small things like patio furniture to make your home more guest and party friendly.

A final great reason to consider purchasing patio furniture for your home is that patio furniture is really durable. Unlike some purchases that you have to buy over and over, when you purchase quality patio furniture you are investing in something that will add fun to your summers for years to come. Be sure to choose a style that will last a long time and that you’ll enjoy for a while. Shy away from choosing a trendy design or fabric pattern for your patio furntiture. The more basic and classic you choose, the longer you will want to keep it.

If you still aren’t convinced that patio furniture is right for you, a final thing I can suggest is to check it out. Go to a store or two and see what is available. Take time to sit in the chairs. I’m quite sure that once you see how full of comfort patio furniture really is, you’ll be purchasing some for your home before you know it.

Health Goals

The Facts About Caring For The Fabulous Foot



If several hundred tons of pressure seems like a lot to bear, that sum may help you appreciate how hard your feet work.

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This article deals with
The Facts About Caring For The Fabulous Foot

If several hundred tons of pressure seems like a lot to bear, that sum may help you appreciate how hard your feet work.

An average day of walking brings a force equal to several tons of pressure to bear on your hardworking feet. That may explain why your feet are more subject to injury than other parts of the body.

The human foot is a biological masterpiece. It’s strong, flexible and functional design enables it to do its job well and without complaint-if you take care of it-yet foot ailments are among the most common health problems. Although some can be traced to heredity, many stem from the cumulative impact of a lifetime of abuse and neglect.

Studies show that 75 percent of Americans experience foot problems at some time in their lives, but few seek medical treatment because they mistakenly believe that discomfort and pain are normal and expectable.

A number of systemic diseases are sometimes first detected in the feet, such as diabetes, circulatory disorders, anemia and kidney problems. Arthritis, including gout, often attacks foot joints first.

Specialized Care

Your feet require specialized care and Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPMs) are the physicians and surgeons who practice on lower extremities, primarily on feet and ankles.

Most DPMs undergo four years of undergraduate work, followed by four years in an accredited podiatric medical school, followed by a hospital-based residency.

A doctor of podiatric medicine can make an important contribution to your total health, whether it is regular preventive care or surgery to correct a deformity.

Since self-treatment can turn a minor problem into a major one, you may want to learn about common ills that affect the feet and promptly see a podiatrist if these conditions occur or persist:

• Athlete’s foot is a skin disease, caused by a fungus, that commonly attacks the feet. Signs are dry scaly skin, itching, inflammation and blisters.

• Blisters are caused by skin friction. They should not be broken but bandaged.

• Bunions are misaligned toe joints that can become swollen and tender.

• Corns and calluses are protective layers of compacted dead skin cells caused by repeated frictions. Do not cut them off.

• Foot odor results from excessive perspiration.

• Hammertoe is a condition in which any of the toes are bent in a clawlike position. Surgery may be necessary to realign the toes.

• Heel pain is generally traced to faulty biomechanics that place too much stress on the heel bone, ligaments or nerves in the foot.

• Heel spurs are growths of bone on the underside of the heel bone. Both heel pain and spurs are often associated with plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of connective tissue.

• Ingrown nails are nails whose corners or sides dig painfully into the skin.

• Neuromas are enlarged, benign growths of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes, but removal is sometimes necessary.

• Warts are caused by a virus and can easily be removed.

The American Podiatric Medical Association recommends these tips to keep feet healthy:

1. Don’t ignore foot pain; it’s not normal.

2. Inspect your feet regularly for thick, discolored nails, cracks or cuts, peeling or scaling.

3. Wash feet regularly and dry completely.

4. Trim toenails straight across but not too short. Don’t cut nails in corners or on the side since this can lead to ingrown toenails.

5. Make sure shoes fit properly.

6. Select the right shoe for the activity you are engaged in.

7. Alternate shoes.

8. Avoid walking barefooted.

9. Be cautious about using home remedies.

10. If you are a person with diabetes, see a podiatric physician at least once a year for a checkup.

To learn more about treating foot problems, see the podiatrist.

The human foot is designed to do well if you take care of it and see a podiatrist when you experience pain or discomfort.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Why is learning Spanish so important?
a Pinku
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Learning a foreign language, like Spanish, is becoming much more of a necessity in today’s society. Learning Spanish is easier and more enjoyable than ever with audio courses, online courses, study abroad, and intensive language courses.
Following are just some of the many reasons learning Spanish will benefit you and enrich your life:
More than 400 million people speak Spanish worldwide — By learning Spanish, you’ll be better able to communicate with Spanish speakers who don’t speak English. Whether you travel abroad or within the United States, you’ll likely run into more than one situation that will require you to know at least basic Spanish.
Spanish speaking countries include Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela.
More than 33 million people in America speak Spanish — That makes the United States fifth on the list of countries with the most Spanish-speaking people. Spanish is also one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world, behind Chinese, English and Hindustani. Undoubtedly, at some point during your life, you’re going to find that knowing Spanish is extremely valuable.
More than 1000 Spanish-speaking immigrants come to the United States every day — That means the country gains at least 365,000 new Spanish-speaking residents each year.
Knowing Spanish enhances your resume — Employers love applicants that have fluency (or even moderate fluency) in a foreign language. Having the ability to speak Spanish will allow you to communicate with Spanish-speaking employees. If no one else at the company speaks Spanish, you’ll be even more valuable. If you’ve ever searched through the classifieds, you’ve likely run across an ad that states, “Must speak English and Spanish.”
If you want to continue your education, you’ll need to take foreign language classes — Most colleges require that undergraduate students take at least two semesters of a foreign language. If you have your eyes on graduate school, you should know that many require students to be able to read and comprehend one, and sometimes two, foreign languages. Getting a jump-start on learning Spanish will definitely pay off later, especially if you’re continuing your education.
If you love to travel, you’ll have even more fun if you go to a Spanish speaking country — Of course, you don’t need to know Spanish, or any other foreign language, for that matter, to travel overseas, but you’ll find it really enhances your experience to know the language. In fact, even if you don’t go to a Spanish speaking country, you’ll still find that knowing Spanish is an asset. Let’s say you go to Paris or Rome. More likely than not, you’ll run into Europeans who don’t speak English, but speak several other languages, and you’ll be able to use your Spanish.
Spanish is a romance language, which means if you’re in France or Italy, for example, you’ll have an easier time deciphering the language because they’re similar.
Learning a foreign language actually helps keep your memory sharp — As we grow older, our memory begins to fade. In fact, an article published by the AARP (American Association of Retired People) states, “Mastering activities you’ve have not done before, such as playing the piano or learning a foreign language, stimulates neuron activity. For best results, remember this: People exposed to positive reinforcement before completing memory exercises scored well above others exposed to negative reinforcement in a study led by Thomas Hess, a North Carolina State Univ. psychologist.”
These are only a few of the many reasons you’ll benefit from learning Spanish. You probably have a few of your own. Whatever the reason, you’ll find that learning Spanish is not only fun, but it enriches your experiences, whether at work or while traveling.