Online Pilates

5 Tools That Lead to a Happier & Healthier Life

Lynn VanDyke

If you have experienced a massage session, you already know the wonders a great massage can have on your mind and body. You know about the complete feeling of health and relaxation that overcomes your entire being. You know about the calmness that permeates throughout the therapy room. And you know about the subtle healing music that gently eases your tension away.
With the holidays fast approaching, many of us will begin to think of our New Year’s resolutions. Without a doubt, ‘lose weight’ and ‘become a healthier and happier person’ will top the list. Unfortunately many of us will never take that first step towards our goals. We simply do not have the general health and fitness know-how. We know what we want- drop 5 pounds, learn to laugh more, etc- but we do not know the best and safest way to reach those goals.
What if we had 5 simple ideas that would lead us on the path to a healthier life? Would we utilize those tools? We are smart enough to realize there is no magic pill or secret weapon against illnesses, but are we practical enough to realize what will solve many of our health problems?
Below are 5 tools you can use to take your first step towards a healthier and happier holiday season. While they may not reveal a whopping secret, they do provide the complete foundation of health.
Tool 1- Strength Training
Every pound of muscle burns 35-50 calories per day. Adding lean muscle mass is the best way to jump start your metabolism, fight osteoporosis and sustain fat reduction.
Tool 2- Cardio
Cardio strengthens our heart and lungs. Anything that gets your heart pumping will do: walking, jogging, running, dancing, swimming, biking, or house cleaning. Cardio should be done at varying intensity and time levels.
Tool 3- Nutrition
Nutrition is often the hardest part becoming a healthier person. We simply forgot how to eat well in our culture. We need to eat protein, carbs, and fat to sustain our way of life. Cut one of the three out and imbalances will occur.
Tool 4- Rest
Rest is not a luxury. It is a necessity. We should eat well every day and we should workout 5-6 times per week. The leftover 1-2 days are meant for rest. Our muscles need time to rebuild and repair themselves.
Tool 5- Massage
Massage is extremely beneficial. Massage can stimulate weak, inactive muscles and partially compensate for the lack of exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury.
Participating in a positive strength training, cardio, nutrition, rest and massage program will result in an enormous increase in health. There is no magic bullet. Just simple and effective tools to create the life we want. Make a promise to yourself right now. Try using the above tools consistently and to the best of your ability for 4 weeks. You’ll look great and feel amazing.
Copyright 2005

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Take Care Of Your Air Conditioning

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

If you take care of your air conditioning unit, you could prolong its life and get the most use out of it. Generally you should be able to do most of the maintenance yourself. However, in the more serious cases, it would be better to hire a contractor.

The first and most simple step to take to prolong your air conditioner s life is to change the filter. You should change it whenever it gets dirty. Depending on the usage, that could range from every three to six months. The…

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
If you take care of your air conditioning unit, you could prolong its life and get the most use out of it. Generally you should be able to do most of the maintenance yourself. However, in the more serious cases, it would be better to hire a contractor.

The first and most simple step to take to prolong your air conditioner s life is to change the filter. You should change it whenever it gets dirty. Depending on the usage, that could range from every three to six months. There are some filters out there, which can last up to a year. Ask someone in the hardware store for more tips!

Once a year be sure that you check the evaporator coil located inside the air handler to make sure there is no dust build up.

When the weather starts to cool you should check the outside of the air conditioning. You should check around the unit and make sure there is no debris on the surface of the condenser that will stop airflow. Also you should check between the fins of the condenser to see that it s not plugged with dead bugs or pollen. Spraying the condenser with a hose will usually be good enough to get rid of all the debris.

Although many air conditioners today use direct drive motors, it is a good idea to check the belt in the air handler. You may have to replace it. If no change is required, you may only have to oil the motor bearings once a year.

It is also good to check contactors and other electrical; most of them are located inside the condensing unit. The contactor operates the compressor and the contacts get pitted and need to be replaced occasionally. Different manufacturers use different types of contactors so check the manual to find what kind you need.