construction project management consultancy

EKCS Is The Central Air Purifier System Better Than Individual Room Purifiers

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

If you are trying to be economic, you are best advised to not try to maintain a central HVAC equipment and a whole house air purifier simultaneously. Unless you have money to waste, you had better use those hard earned bucks to get other equipments for improving the quality of the air in your house.

A HVAC (or rather a Heating Ventilating, Air Conditioning) system shares your home s central blower and ductwork. So unless you keep it squeaky clean and dust free it will spro…

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To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
If you are trying to be economic, you are best advised to not try to maintain a central HVAC equipment and a whole house air purifier simultaneously. Unless you have money to waste, you had better use those hard earned bucks to get other equipments for improving the quality of the air in your house.

A HVAC (or rather a Heating Ventilating, Air Conditioning) system shares your home s central blower and ductwork. So unless you keep it squeaky clean and dust free it will sprout these irritable elements into the very air you breathe. And, this won t change even if you add a swanky, pricey upstream filter system.
Most HVAC air purifiers are fixed before motors and fans in order to save them (the latter that is) from large granular stuff. There function therefore is not as an air cleanser. In fact they are not even equipped to purify your air; they have a meager 1000 cu. Foot/minute airflow, which is not a good enough speed to really cleanse your air. The air flow at each of its duct is only as high powered as a tiny fan!

The air from your whole house system does not blow quite the same everywhere. It chooses to flow through areas where it receives the least obstruction. Cool air has an affinity towards the lower part of the room, and therefore completely avoids the upper parts, especially the little corners. Wherever there is a little niche or cubbyhole it deposits dust and dirt. So entire house might be getting a number of air changes per hour, ultimately the lower part receives dirty air.

Imagine a flowing river with plunging bank cuts and tiny rapids. Consider what its speed will be if it is followed by lazy flats complete with sandbars. This is what your HVAC is like, full with rapid airflow and all, but ultimately not a very efficient air cleanser.

As a part of whole house purification system an HVAC blower has to function all the time. Most HVAC s used at homes are not built to be strong enough to pull in the air through the well shut HEPA filter. Thus it must be ensured that they aren t over run and in the process heated overtly. This is, however, unavoidable incase if your furnace filter is built of fiberglass and is kept unclean.

Another serious problem with HEPA is their habit of creating heavy static backpressure. Thus, they cannot be fixed directly into the regular residential system. To solve this problem therefore, vendors include an expensive bypass vent circuit and much stronger secondary purifiers. Most partial bypass systems are incapable of performing their required functions to the extent necessary. Therefore dirty air easily flows through the main duct.

Before buying and fixing a whole house air purifier make sure the air ducts in your system is cleansed out rigorously.

Given that we are not required to see or hear it regularly, we tend to bypass all thoughts of our air conditioning systems completely from our minds. Let s be objective, obviously a whole house air cleaner is preferable to a portable air cleaner. Consider, suppose your portable air cleaner suddenly starts malfunctioning then you take it to your vendor asap. This doesn t come in the way of your house s heating or cooling which continues despite the air being unclean. On the other hand a minor glitch which you probably look beyond in case of a whole house system becomes a reason for you to run to your vendor in case of a portable system.

If you want to improve the quality of the air in your house reasonably try and get rid of all toxic sources. Make sure your ventilation is channelized plausibly and circulation is truly possible. Regularly clean your HVAC system, and don t leave out any pan duct or coil. Keep replacing your furnace filters with the latest ones. Also, try and use premium chemical-capable portable room air-purifiers in your bedrooms.

If you still have money to spare spend it on getting a central vacuum system for your entire house. This will spit out all the dirty air in your house right outside. Else get yourself a quality sealed HEPA filter vacuum cleaner.
With additional money where available, consider installing a central vacuum system for the whole house, which exhausts 100% of all dirty air outside. Or choose a quality sealed HEPA filter vacuum cleaner.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Teleclasses: Your New Innovative Way To L

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What the heck is a teleclass anyway? Teleclasses, also called teleconferences, are an innovative method for bringing information to you without you needing to leave your home or office.

Most teleclasses are promoted by people who do business online. You will find them advertised on websites, in online advertising or perhaps in an email you receive. After speaking with several focus groups, I now understand that many people are unaware of exactly what a teleclass is and are…

Teleclasses, classes, e-learning, time, teleconferences

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What the heck is a teleclass anyway? Teleclasses, also called teleconferences, are an innovative method for bringing information to you without you needing to leave your home or office.

Most teleclasses are promoted by people who do business online. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. You will find them advertised on websites, in online advertising or perhaps in an email you receive. After speaking with several focus groups, I now understand that many people are unaware of exactly what a teleclass is and are concerned that there is some type of catch or hidden cost.

First of all, teleclasses are simply conference calls, ranging in size from three to thousands of participants. When you sign up for a teleclass, you typically receive an email that will give you the details for calling in. You simply dial the phone number provided at the agreed upon time for the class, enter the access code provided and you are instantly connected to the other participants who registered for the call and the teleclass leader.

You only need a telephone to participate in the calls. If you don’t have a computer to receive the confirmation email, most teleclass leaders will provide an alternative to email for you to get the necessary information, such as a telephone call.

Many people are afraid that there are hidden costs with teleclasses. Many teleclasses are free or list for a nominal cost, such as $19-$49. The only additional cost to you would be whatever your phone company charges for long distance fees. So, if your long distance cost is $.05/minute, then a 60 minute teleclass would cost you only $3.00! Many people will opt to use their cell phone to avail themselves of their free minutes so the call costs nothing!

Teleclasses gained popularity after 9/11, when many people began avoiding larger gatherings, such as seminars or workshops. Teleclasses are the perfect way to gain information without having to travel to a remote location where there are large groups of people. Also, during today’s information age when people need information quickly, teleclasses make the perfect choice.

Most teleclasses are 60-90 minutes in length and are geared toward giving information on a variety of topics. Each teleclass is generally devoted to a specific topic. An expert will disseminate information on the call and participants are generally given the opportunity to ask questions and to interact with the presenter and the other participants either throughout or at the end of the call.

Key points are highlighted but there is not the depth of information most people get from attending an in-person event. Also, there is generally not the same atmosphere or personal touch people get from attending a live, in-person seminar but the advantages are many.

For example, you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to. No one will even know you are on the call. You can maintain your anonymity. You can hang up if the call doesn’t interest you. You can multitask in the comfort of your own home or office. As long as your phone is muted, no one will know what you are doing.

You don’t have to be concerned about what to wear. You can attend a teleclass in your bath robe if you want. (This may not be so easy if you are already at the office!) Also, driving directions are never a problem. Teleclasses don’t tie up any more of your time than the actual call is scheduled for, leaving you free to continue with your active, busy life.

Teleclasses are a new, convenient alternative for people looking to gain information without investing a lot of time. Many times a teleclass is offered by people who also provide in-person workshops. The teleclass is a great way to “test drive” the speaker to determine whether or not you want to invest your time in a full-day seminar.

pilates exercise

Discover How To Quit Smoke In 30 days or Less Dr. Raul Van Nisteroy

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3522.shtml
I can’t believe it, I’m just too weak to quit smoking.” This statement came to me on the fourth day of a clinic by a participant who could not stop smoking for even one day. When I asked him where he kept getting the cigarettes from, he replied, “They are mine, I never threw them out.” When I asked him why he never got rid of them he said that it was because he knew the only way for him to handle not smoking would be by keeping cigarettes around in case he needed one.
This man was not capable of succeeding in his attempt to quit smoking. Not because the addiction to nicotine was too powerful. It was his fear of throwing out his cigarettes which rendered his attempt a failure. He figured if he needed them, he would have them. Sure enough, every day he needed one. So he would smoke one. Then another and still another. Five or six a day, never reaching his optimal level and never breaking the withdrawal cycle. He was discouraged, depressed, embarrassed, mad, and, worst of all, smoking.
Quitting smoking needs to be done in steps. First, the smoker should strengthen his resolve as to why he wishes to quit. He should consider the health consequences, the social implications, the fact that he is totally controlled by his cigarettes, the expense and any other personal problems cigarettes have caused him. It is helpful to write down all of these negative aspects of smoking. In the future when he does get the thought for a cigarette, his own reasons for quitting become powerful ammunition for not returning to smoking.
When the decision is made to quit, the smoker should implement a program that has the greatest potential of success. The first and most important step is to quit cold turkey. To accomplish this goal he should dispose of all smoking material. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, butts, ashtrays, lighters–anything that was considered smoking paraphernalia. If cigarettes are not there, they can not be smoked.
Then the person only needs to live through the first few days, one day at a time. Physical withdrawal may be rough or very mild. The symptoms will be overcome by making it through the first few days without taking a puff. Within three days the physical withdrawal will peak and by two weeks will cease altogether.
But the real obstacle is the psychological dependence to cigarettes. Most smokers are convinced smoking is essential in performing many normal daily activities. Dealing with stress, working, driving, eating, sleeping, waking up, relaxing–just about everything requires smoking. The only way to overcome this perceived dependence is by proving to oneself that all activities done with cigarettes can be done equally well without cigarettes. Just living through the first few days and functioning in normal required roles will prove that the smoker can survive without cigarettes. It may be difficult, but it is possible.
Once the initial quitting process is overcome, the rest is simple. Sure there will still be times when the ex-smoker wants a cigarette. But the ex-smoker must realize that he does not have the option of only one. Because he is a nicotine addict, smoking is now, and always has been an all or nothing proposition. The thought of relapsing back to his old level of smoking with all the associated consequences is all the ammunition needed to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!
by Dr. Raul Van Nisteroy (World Health Member , Asia Health Community)
Discover How To quit smoke in 30 days or less

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL The Beauty Of Hardwood Floors

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

There are homes that adopt a modern look and, therefore, use modern materials and designs.

hardwood floor, hardwood floors

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
There are homes that adopt a modern look and, therefore, use modern materials and designs. They may look a little futuristic and metallic, using only the finest concrete, steel, or fiber glass available. However, there are also those homes that stick to the conventional way of building; that is, by using wood. And for purists like these, hardwood floors are almost always a staple.

What is it about hardwood floors that never go out of style no matter how the times and interior design principles change? Hardwood floors offer a kind of natural sturdiness and reliability that cannot be found in most home building materials. Sure, concrete is great, but nothing beats a well finished hardwood floor to get that truly natural touch.

Hardwood floors are pretty expensive compared to most types of wood. However, they last a whole lot longer with proper care. The types of wood for such are oak and maple, but if you’re under a budget, you might want to work with the latter, as oak woods are relatively expensive.

Having a hardwood floor in your home is an investment, but it is a one-time expenditure. This means you shell out a large amount only once because all you have to do is make sure the floor is clean and its finish its intact to for the next generations to benefit from it. Diligent waxing will do; so will constant cleaning.

But, perhaps, the best benefit you can obtain from hardwood floors is the natural look. You see, concrete gives off this cramped and stuffy atmosphere. But if you see wood in your home, you won’t feel as trapped. Another is that no two hardwood floors are exactly alike. Because they come from a living thing, you are assured that each plank is unique.

You can’t help but admire the history of each hardwood floor plank, and that’s, perhaps, why it is comparatively pricey. If you want your home to have this rich old-house feel, use hard wood for your flooring. Surely, as human beings, we want some semblance of nature in our surroundings to keep us sane. Too much artificial building materials might seem ho-hum in the long run.

Finally, in order to enjoy the full benefits of hardwood floors, proper care must be employed. They should be cleaned out constantly and maintained with waxing and refinishings to protect their quality. Hardwood floors, because they are organic, can decay if left unattended. But if treated well, hard wood can last a lifetime, or five.

Online Pilates

7 Simple Weight Loss Feasting Tips for the Holiday Season

Tracy Lee

Here comes Halloween… and the start of the “season of feasting” for a lot of folks around here.
It’s become a sort of time-honored “tradition” for Americans to put on weight between Halloween and New Year’s Day. Some would even say it’s to be expected — “After all, it’s the holidays!”, they say.
Now, I love the holidays. And I bet you do too. Who wouldn’t love all the great treats and wonderful foods that just seem to spring up around us during the holiday season, right?
But don’t you just hate it when you step on the scales after the holidays, and discover you’ve put on weight?
Fret not, for I’m here to show you how you can have fun during the holidays and enjoy all your favorite holiday treats, _without_ putting on any extra pounds.
Here are 7 Simple Weight Loss Feasting Tips for the Holiday Season…
1. Give yourself permission – Go ahead and eat anything you want during the holiday season. Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s, it doesn’t matter. Yes, you can have all your favorite foods. Isn’t it refreshing to know that you don’t have to abstain from your perennial favorites? You see, we tend to want more of what we cannot have. The more you try to stop yourself from eating something, the more you want to eat it. And when you do give in to the temptation, you’ll tend to overeat. Here’s the secret: It’s not “all or nothing”. Have anything you want, as long as you remember not to go overboard and consume too much.
2. Be clear of your goals – There must be a reason why you want to keep your weight down. If you don’t already have a reason, now’s the time to sit down and think of as many as possible. This step is critical if you want to be able to enjoy your holidays and maintain your weight throughout. You need to be crystal-clear about your “Why”. Why do you want to lose weight? How would you feel if you end up putting on weight? Conversely, how would you feel if you can go through the holidays and yet maintain your current weight? Think about these questions carefully, and build up your arsenal of “reasons why”. The next time you are tempted to overeat, recall these reasons again and they’ll help you to stay in control.
3. Have a little of everything – Remember how it’s not “all or nothing”? The secret to enjoying all the great food without the subsequent guilt is to have a little of everything. Just remember to control your serving portion sizes. You have permission to eat all kinds of food, but this doesn’t mean you can go out there and devour extra- large portions of everything with super-generous gravy toppings, ok?
4. Be careful of the little nibbles – Sometimes, it’s not the big-time party or pig-out feasting session that causes you to gain weight. On the contrary, it’s exactly the opposite — it’s the little candy and chocolate bar that you pick up to nibble on, everything time you open the fridge or walk past the office candy bowl. All these little snacks in between meal times can (and will!) add up to a lot of extra calories. This sneaky little problem is something that has caught many women off-guard. And now that you know this, it’s easy to catch yourself in the act the next time it happens to you!
5. Be smart – They’re certainly trying, but don’t be fooled by the retailers and their fancy packaging and labels. Have you noticed a lot of the packaging now screams out phrases such “fewer calories”, “low fat”, “less sugar”, “low carb” and etc? Whilst all these claims are true, it does NOT mean you can eat more and have bigger portions. Remember: “fewer/low/less” doesn’t mean “Zero/None/Without”. Also, it’s pretty usual that when something comes with less of one thing, it has more of the other stuff e.g. lower carb, but more calories.
6. Use the healthier versions – Many of the sweets and treats offer you a choice of healthier versions. So when you can, please do opt for the low-calorie, reduced sugar, or lower fat varieties.
7. Choose the right chocolate – And if you must have chocolate, please go for dark chocolate and avoid the milk chocolate. By far, dark chocolate is the best choice as it has antioxidant properties that can protect the body from damaging oxidative stress. So there you have it, consuming a moderate amount of dark chocolates is actually healthy for you!
So, who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?
Copyright 2005 Tracy Lee

Driveway cleaning dublin

L2LLArchitect Spa Design Floor Plan – Relax and Chill out

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For the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

An architect design floor plan can be found on the internet and in architectural magazines. One set of plans located on the web, Sage Springs Club and Spa, show a luxuriously appointed club and spa.

Architect Spa Design Floor Plan

To find the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
An architect design floor plan can be found on the internet and in architectural magazines. One set of plans located on the web, Sage Springs Club and Spa, show a luxuriously appointed club and spa. The first floor of this spa/gym has a large luxurious lobby and reception area., a spa and fitness store that sells exercise clothing and various other spa products. Also on level one of this spa are a relaxation lounge, massage therapy rooms, wet room with vicy shower and a pedicure/manicure room.

The second floor of this architectural design spa floor plan has a conditioning room with a glass wall overlooking the tennis court below. This room also has Precor cardio equipment, cybex strength circuit, four screen television theater music channels with wireless headphones. There is also a movement studio for aerobics, yoga and stretch and toning exercises. At every station in this spa, you are treated like royalty. Membership in spas like this are costly, but well wroth the expense.

On the ground level the floor plans show five full size regulation Tennis courts and 3 lane indoor lap pools and spa.

There are lots of floor plans for different spas and gyms available on the internet. Almost all have some of the amenities of Sage Spring Spa and Club but this one had the most interesting floor plan of them all. Before joining an expensive spa or gym, check the ones you are interested in. Compare services, amenities, and prices before you sign anything.

Floor plans for detached condos are laid out similar to a home not part of a condo complex. One floor plan for a detached condo in Michigan has a large family room,/dining room area, master bedroom with private bath, small kitchen area with an island, a powder room, and second-floor bedroom. There is also a garage on the first floor. A basement which can be finished has the potential for at least two more bedrooms. Detached condos are ideal for people who don t have the time or inclination for yard work. It would also be good for elderly people no longer capable of cutting grass or shoveling snow.

Driveways Dublin

QDD Cabanas Dress Up the Patio

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For the best Driveways Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Cabanas provide private outdoor space. Many cabanas are equipped with curtains or drapes that can be pulled down when needed.

cabanas, cabana, tent, pavillion

To find the best Driveways Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
Modern design has made way for some beautiful additions for any outdoor living space. If you spend lots of time entertaining outdoors, a cabana is a wonderful idea. Cabanas have many elements that make them extremely convenient and sheik when used to decorate a patio. A cabana is not simply another piece of patio furniture, but an element that can change the entire look of your outdoor living space.

Cabanas provide an alternative to patio umbrellas, which can be impractical when entertaining many guests. With umbrellas, you can only fit a small number of people under them, and usually everyone must be seated around a table to find relief from the shade. With a cabana, you can set up the furniture in a manner more like an outdoor room. It still provides shade from the sun, and guests are more inclined to spread out and get really comfortable.

Cabanas provide private outdoor space. Many cabanas are equipped with curtains or drapes that can be pulled down when needed. They come in sizes ranging from 8 to 10 feet, which could accommodate any outdoor activity ranging from craft sale, musical performances, even an outdoor masseuse parlor. Whether equipped with screens or curtains, cabanas are a great way to keep out the heat, and any other of natures elements.

For a beach setting, cabanas are a great idea. Most cabanas are equipped with windows and vents that allow for beautiful protection and optimal comfort in the outdoors. Cabanas also have pockets and small storage pouches so you can keep everything you need close at hand. In a smaller size, ranging from 6-8 feet, beach cabanas are the perfect size for a few chaise lounges and a table, the perfect setting for a romantic lay on the beach.

Whatever you choose to use a cabana for, the elegance and practically will leave you impressed, relaxed, and comfortable. Cabanas are made with the finest components, and are easily replaceable, so they are an investment that will last a long time.

Paving Dublin

APD Bay Windows Add Character And Space To A Home

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For the best paving dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

It was the perfect spot. Our California ranch style house had a large picture window in the front room. The window extended from a few inches above the floor to only a few inches below the cathedral ceiling. The walls and ceiling were redwood stained knotty pine and the floor was a matching hardwood. The window looked out over a flower bed, shrubs and the expanse of front lawn. It was the perfect window to be replaced with a bay window.

The window was nearly square. It wa…

window treatments, bay window, installation, house construction, remodeling, home improvement

To find the best paving dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
It was the perfect spot. Our California ranch style house had a large picture window in the front room. The window extended from a few inches above the floor to only a few inches below the cathedral ceiling. The walls and ceiling were redwood stained knotty pine and the floor was a matching hardwood. The window looked out over a flower bed, shrubs and the expanse of front lawn. It was the perfect window to be replaced with a bay window.

The window was nearly square. It was 72 X 72 inches. We considered a bow window, but elected to install a bay window instead. We just felt that our particular house looked better with three panel bay window rather than the multiple panel bow windows. Our intent was to fill the seat board of the bay with potted plants we had sitting in front of the current picture window. The new arrangement would give us a little more space in the room and improve the overall appearance of the house. It was time to go shopping.

Scratch vs. Pre-built

When we first got the idea of installing the new window, I began gathering plans for building a bay window. Thumbing through books and magazines, and the Internet search engines, I found several plans for building a bay window from scratch. I also found that undertaking such a project was going to be unnecessary. Most of the major window manufacturers, such as Pella, Milgard and Anderson make both completely pre-assembled bay windows as well as pre-built components for bay windows.

These days very few contractors will take on the project of building a bay or bow window from scratch. It simply isn’t practical when for the same or less money they can install a high quality pre-built window. If the contractors use pre-built windows or components for new house construction or renovation projects, then we could do the same for our remodeling project, we reasoned.

Installing a bay window can easily be a do-it-yourselfer project. Before you go the diy route, however, you may want to line up a contractor to help out if necessary. This is not going to be a job that you can complete during a Saturday afternoon. Chances are you are not going to finish it in a weekend, for that matter.

You are also going to want to line up some help. Bay windows and window components are heavy. At least they are too heavy for one person to manage.

Be sure and check out the weather forecast, including the long range forecast. Installing the window means opening a hole into your home. It can take a couple of days to get the new window in place and sealed. The last thing you want is for rain to come pouring in on your floor, walls or furniture.

Be sure and check your city or community construction codes. There may be special local requirements, such as having safety glass in low profile windows. You are probably going to need a building permit anyway, so that is also a good time to check the codes.

Tools and Materials Needed

The tools you will need for this project include a tape measure, a framing square that you can also use as a straight edge, a circular saw or miter saw, crow bars, drill and bits, level, stapler, utility knife, tin snips and a caulking gun.

The materials you will need include the bay window unit, the support brackets, nails, roofing paper, shingles, roofing nails, exterior grade silicone caulking and fiberglass insulation. You will also need 1X6 inch boards for the window skirting. If you are enlarging an existing window, or if you are installing the window in a space that was previously the wall, you will also need 2X4s for cripple studs and additional framing.

Basic Installation Steps

1.Establish window position in the wall. Remove the existing window. Measuring the bay window, mark on the exterior of the house the opening needed for the new window. Using your circular saw, cut the required opening.

2.Framing. Build the framing for the new window. This will likely include cutting through existing studs and putting in a new header, rough sill, jack studs and cripple studs.

3.Install the support braces. A window up to five feet wide will take a minimum of two support braces. A wider window will need three.

4.Set the window in place. Lift the bay window on the support braces and slide it into the rough opening. Shim as necessary to level the window. Anchor in place.

5.Build the window roof. Set the roof frame on top of the bay window unit and nail in place. Fill the space between the roof and the top of the bay window with insulation. Fasten the roof sheeting to the frame and cover with roofing paper. Install the drip edges and the flashing and then shingle.

6.Install the window skirting around the bottom of the window. Fill will insulation and then attach the skirt bottom to seal the underneath side of the window.

7.Seal the edges with silicone caulking.

This is a list of the basic installation steps and they have been abbreviated in the interests of simplicity and space. The window unit you buy will have complete installation steps. Take it from the voice of experience; it really makes the project go much more smoothly and it will be completed in much less time when you read and follow them.

In our case, I had two friends helping with the project. We have worked together on other projects and work together well. We had the old window out and the rough framing completed on Saturday afternoon. We buttoned up the hole with plywood overnight and went back to work the next day. By Sunday evening we had the new window installed and the roof and skirting completed. On Monday afternoon I finished sealing up the outside and completed the trim work for the inside.

And, we were right. It was the perfect spot for a bay window. It looked great from the outside. Inside, it became the focal point of the room and added a special charm to the house. The window gave the house added character and value.

When it came time to sell the house, it was one of the features that were particularly attractive to the buyers.


DPC Best Quality Pex Tools available at

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

To ensure longevity, everything needs to be taken care of, including all your machines and products. Just as we need to take care of our body, similarly our machines need proper care so that they remain workable and durable over a longer period of time. For best care of machinery, plumbing or electric goods, adequate tools are required to manage all kinds of wear and tear. Hence, pex tools have gained popularity and are so much in demand.

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To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
To ensure longevity, everything needs to be taken care of, including all your machines and products. Just as we need to take care of our body, similarly our machines need proper care so that they remain workable and durable over a longer period of time. For best care of machinery, plumbing or electric goods, adequate tools are required to manage all kinds of wear and tear. Hence, pex tools have gained popularity and are so much in demand.

Pex tools help you resolve small problems which may grow into big troubles if they remain unattended. Pex tools are the perfect kind of tools that help you install a new product or repair an old one.

There isn’t a better resource than for the best pex tools, crimping tools, clamping tools, expander tools, wirsbo tools, PEX expander tools, pex pipe, pex plumbing, and PEX Manifold in the industry. is the one stop shop where you’ll find the best quality tools from the top most manufacturers. The pex tools available from are durable and can be used for hard work. They are made of reliable material that ensures long life.

Pex tools available at are popular for their durability across the globe. has made a name for itself among the plumbing goods companies of the world. is known as a supplier of quality products in most affordable prices. The clamping tools and crimping tools have comfortable handles that would not break easily.

Materials used in the manufacturing of pex tools is of top quality that does not break or damage easily. These tools can be comfortably used in any weather conditions. Comfortable handles made of hard and heavy material is what distinguishes the tools available at from the competition. ensures a variety of products at the most suitable rates. You can now complete your toolbox, so that you’re ready to handle any kind of repair work, as and when the need arises.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS Is Teak Wood Outdoor Furniture Right For Me?

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

You are contemplating your first purchase of Teak Furniture and you are wondering if you are making the right decision? Well, you are and in this quick article, I will explain why I believe that.

If you already use Teak Wood in some of your favorite outdoor furniture, then this article will just be fun information for you to know and share with your friends when they ask you, why did you buy Teak Wood versus?.

It is no surprise, or it should not be, that Teak Wood h…

teak,teak wood,patio furniture,outdoor patio furniture,ships,ming dynasty.

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
You are contemplating your first purchase of Teak Furniture and you are wondering if you are making the right decision? Well, you are and in this quick article, I will explain why I believe that.

If you already use Teak Wood in some of your favorite outdoor furniture, then this article will just be fun information for you to know and share with your friends when they ask you, why did you buy Teak Wood versus?.

It is no surprise, or it should not be, that Teak Wood has been the favored wood for generations. The secrets of this wood are out and they have been for a long, long time.

First, a little history lesson:

It is not a well known fact, but is has been written that the Chinese have been renowned sailors for generations. Many of their ships were built and designed to not only sail in the oceans, but also to move up river. Much of the trade then, was done several thousand miles up river and not out in the ocean. These ships needed to be versatile, durable, and tough.

The wood used to build these early Chinese ships was Teak. It is also said that the Chinese shipbuilders would bury the wood logs in moist soil for years prior to building their ships. This made the wood much stronger and impervious to anything that could be encountered on the high seas,including enemies. Why was this important? It was important because approx. 600 years ago the Chinese were set out on a task by the Ming dynasty to sail to the edge of the world. Apparently they circumnavigated the world several times. But this is going off to another subject. Let s get back to the subject at hand (I’ll bet you didn’t know that you would actually be learning something too?).

Later in years, British naval ships were made from Oak, also a very hard and durable wood. The British encountered two problems with oak: Wood Worms and a lack of Oak trees. Woodworms were destroying the ships in the British Naval Fleet. Woodworms were the scourge of wooden ships throughout history. It could take 850 oak logs to repair one ship. It took a little over 2000 oak logs just to build one ship. The British needed ships as they continued for some time to have maritime issues with the French and to be able to go on to conquer and take control of British colonies. The British naval fleet was their primary means to accomplish this.

The Oak supply in Europe was being quickly depleted. They knew about the Teak wood used on the Chinese ships and how rugged they were after having run into them, literally in the shipping lanes. The British had learned how impervious these ships were to all of the elements at sea: Saltwater, ocean wind, and the blistering sun. It was also learned then that Teak was found to not to splinter when hit by gunfire or artillery fire. This was a very important issue as splintering wood was the chief cause of casualties among naval warfare in the eighteenth century.

Britain was very interested to grow and produce this wood. The British quickly realized they did not need to grow Teak Wood as they could annex those countries where the Teak wood was grown and have a plentiful supply. India, Thailand and Burma were quickly annexed into the British empire. It is not to say this is why the British took over these areas, but it certainly helped to give reason. Myanmar (formerly Burma), which is just south of India, and Yangoon became the first places where Teak was being harvested for British ships. Calcutta was set up as another British shipbuilding site. All of the British merchant ships built in Calcutta were built with Myanmar Teak logs which were said to be the best. Once the wood was depleted from India, logs were harvested from Thailand and Burma.

Teak forests were quickly being depleted. Teak was now the preferred wood used for building ships, Yachts, Ocean liners and furniture. Under ocean conditions, the wood had very little shrinkage or warpage. This meant little maintenance. The wood was also impervious to wood rot and insects, like the mighty woodworm. The famous Ocean liner Queen Mary used no less than 1000 tons of teak when built. The British quickly realized the depletion that was taking place and developed a re-forestation plan. They appointed a leader to head this new bureau and began replanting Teak trees on what are now called Teak plantations . A set of very strict laws were enacted regarding who can cut Teak Wood and who can purchase it. Once these laws were set in place, one needed to have permission from the British Government to be able to cut a Teak Tree down and or export it.

Teak was also being used by the locals for huts, fence posts, and furniture. India is the third largest importer of Teak today, behind China and Japan. As much as 80% of India s timber consumption is Teak. The wood is used in India today for local consumption; building homes, furniture, fencing, etc. It is the one wood that can withstand the monsoons, the blistering heat and the humidity. It is the wood that all other timber species are compared to.

Teak Wood contains natural oil and Silica (sand) which makes it impervious to insects, and wood rot. These substances also help it to maintain it luster for many, many years, but make it a little more difficult for the manufactures as their blades tend to dull sooner.

When many of the English ships of WWII were taken apart for salvage, the Teak Wood decks were re-manufactured into outdoor furniture like park benches. Even today they can be seen in many parts of Europe still functioning.

Most of the Teak grown today is grown on Plantations that are governed by the local governments. The demand for Teak is growing at an estimated 10% per year. Teak is a heavily regulated (and rightfully so) commodity, and is sold through the auction process. Teak is not very easy to get. There are regulatory permits that must be purchased and other expenses that go along with regulation. For example, once purchased, it is usually the purchasing companies responsibility to provide transportation if the wood is to be exported and certain countries have regulations on how many logs can be exported. Currently, Java, Indonesia is the largest exporter of Teak. There are several companies that are located in Java that will process and fashion the Teak into furniture, or planks for flooring or siding, and then export the finished item or semi finished item to countries around the world.

Teak grows very rapidly but still takes approx. 50 years to mature. Many countries are reviewing the possible rotation after 30 or 40 years. This is mainly due to the large demand for Teak. The consensus with this rotation is that the wood will not be inferior at that rate. There are some countries that are trying tree rotation after only 25 years. The results are timber that is smaller in diameter, color, and grain.

So, when add it all up, you get a much better understanding not only of what the hype about Teak Wood is all about, but the numerous qualities of Teak Wood and the supply and demand side of Teak Wood.

Many people for generations have been enjoying the warm benefits of owning Teak Wood products. Outdoor Teak Wood furniture is a Standard for many families and in many gardens, terraces, patios, verandas, ships, and yachts around the world. If you are investing in outdoor furniture, you really owe it to yourself to step into the world of Teak.