Gardening dublin

L2LL Consider Gates Outside Your Home

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

As a landscape architect, there are many things that I like to see people add to their lawns and properties to give them the special touches. I love helping people plant trees and bushes in just the right spots and I love turning a yard filled with dirt into a beautifully landscaped lawn the very next year. I have recently been feeling a bit more risky in my profession and so I have been suggesting different things to my clients. My latest risky suggestion is to place gates a…


To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
As a landscape architect, there are many things that I like to see people add to their lawns and properties to give them the special touches. I love helping people plant trees and bushes in just the right spots and I love turning a yard filled with dirt into a beautifully landscaped lawn the very next year. I have recently been feeling a bit more risky in my profession and so I have been suggesting different things to my clients. My latest risky suggestion is to place gates at random places throughout the yard and lawn.

Now when most people think of gates, they think of the kind of heavy metal gates that hold prisoners in prison or that keep trespassers off of private property. Get these gates out of your head. I am speaking of quaint little decorative gates that can be the perfect adornment for many yards. I guess it all depends on the kind of style you are going for, but I haven’t seen many people go wrong when it comes to a well placed gate or two in front of their home.

The best advice I have to give you is to pick up a large stack of current home and garden magazines. See what kinds of gates and other adornments people are putting in their yards and let their ideas inspire your own ideas. There is no better way to get ideas for your home and lawn than to see what other people are doing and then come up with ideas for yourself. See what kinds of gates are being put in lawns and see if you like the look and feel that gates bring.

There are a variety of places to get the right kind of gates to adorn your lawn and garden. Check out home goods stores or gardening stores to start. Or do an online search and see what kinds of decorative gates are available for purchase. You might be surprised once you begin searching just how popular decorative gates can really be. You can also go with more functional gates that are connected to fences that keep animals in or out of your yard. I’ve seen some great gates attached to fences that simply protect a vegetable garden in the backyard.

Use your imagination to create the home and lawn of your dreams. My advice is to go a little crazy and see what gates could add to the backyard or frontyard of your dreams.

pilates exercise

Diabetes & The Foot Nicola Cupples

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1069.shtml
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People with Diabetes are at high risk from various health problems such as:

Heart Disease
Eye Disease – Possible Blindness
Nerve Damage – Neuropathy
Amputation of foot or leg
Kidney Problems
Gum Disease
Loss of teeth

Another health problem associated with diabetes involves the feet, as Diabetes is one of the major causes for lower limb amputation in the year 2004.
Amputation is obviously the last resort concerning problems of the feet, but it is surprising how a small cut or abrasion can lead to such dramatic results in diabetic patients.
Why is the Foot at Risk?
Persistent high blood glucose levels can eventually damage the body’s nerves, causing a loss of sensation (neuropathy). Nerve damage can also cause pain in the legs, arms and hands creating problems in people’s everyday lives. Your GP or Podiatrist should check your feet on a yearly basis, which should include a sensory exam to check for loss of feeling.
Small cuts or abrasions on the neuropathic foot can go unnoticed if daily foot checks are not performed. The cut can easily become infected, which in turn leads to an infected ulceration and could eventually result in the loss of the lower limb. Therefore the importance of daily foot checks, foot care & Diabetes in general cannot be underestimated.
High Risk Factors Leading to Diabetic Foot Ulcers
A small percentage of diabetic patients develop foot ulcerations, some of which may lead on to amputation. The foot is at a higher risk of ulceration if the individual suffers from conditions such as vascular disease or neuropathy. However there are many other factors that can increase risk of ulcers such as: –

Cold feet or absent foot pulses
History of Foot Problems
Foot Deformities
Limited mobility
Poor circulation
Inappropriate shoes
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels

A painless abrasion or corn can steadily progress to a distressing foot ulcer, and if left untreated skin deterioration may occur.


Paving Dublin

APD Alternatives to Fiberglass Insulation

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For the best paving dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

When building a home, insulation is one of the major aspects that can cut future heating and cooling costs. Fiberglass insulation has been the primary choice, but not anymore.

insulation, home improvement, fiberglass, recycle, recycled newspapers, newspaper,

To find the best paving dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
When building a home, insulation is one of the major aspects that can cut future heating and cooling costs. Fiberglass insulation has been the primary choice, but not anymore.

Alternatives to Fiberglass Insulation

People have become much more sensitive to environmental and energy savings issues when building homes. Whereas such subjects were rarely discussed 20 years ago, they are now on the front burner for many of us. This transition has been so extensive that homebuilders now incorporate both issues in their projects and use their solutions as selling points. If these subjects have become part of the marketing, you know the transition to more environmental and energy consciousness has come full circle.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the newspapers you haul out to curb with the other recycling every week? Since I am mentioning it in this article, it is probably obvious the newspapers are being turned into insulation products. This relatively new insulation product is quickly overtaking fiberglass insulation in new home building projects, remodels and additions. Known as fiber insulation, it is more environmentally friendly than fiberglass, less expensive and just as good at sealing homes.

Fiber insulation is typically made up of recycled newspapers. Yes, those newspapers you haul out to the curb each week with the trash. Small amounts of ground up cardboard can also be included in some products. The material is shredded and then treated with acrylic binders to make the material hold together. To prevent fires, it is treated with various forms of fire retardant materials.

Fiber insulation almost always comes in a loose fill form. The loose fill is typically blown into cavities requiring insulation instead of being stapled up as seen with traditional fiberglass rolls. The material usually goes in dry, but there are wet versions that are sprayed on much like more traditional spray on insulation products.

As you may know, recycling newspaper is something everyone does these days. Just take a look down the street on garbage day. Recycle boxes of newspapers are on every driveway. This massive recycling produces tons of shredded newspaper material. Frankly, it can t be turned into usable materials fast enough. This inventory problem means the material is extremely cheap. As a result, fiber insulation can cost up to 25 percent cheaper than fiberglass insulation.

Whether you are building new, doing an improvement or just adding on, fiber insulation represents a good deal on all fronts. Just tell them you want the stuff made out of recycled newspapers.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS High Risk Home Owner Insurance Weather And Crime

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Did you know that home owner insurance policies are generally higher for those of us who live in high risk areas than for those of us who don t? It s true. The two major high risk factors that can cause your insurance rates to be higher than normal are weather and crime.

Living in an area that is commonly afflicted with dangerous weather elements such as hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storms, and earthquakes can cause your insurance rates to be much higher than the rates of s…

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Did you know that home owner insurance policies are generally higher for those of us who live in high risk areas than for those of us who don t? It s true. The two major high risk factors that can cause your insurance rates to be higher than normal are weather and crime.

Living in an area that is commonly afflicted with dangerous weather elements such as hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storms, and earthquakes can cause your insurance rates to be much higher than the rates of someone who does not live in an area prone to that kind of weather. If you live in an area that is commonly affected by severe weather, your insurance company knows that your home is at risk for much more damage than the homes of people who do not live in those kinds of areas.

Living in an area that is commonly afflicted with crime such as vandalism and theft can cause your insurance rates to be much higher than the rates of someone who does not live in and area prone to that kind of crime. If you live in an area that is commonly affected by crimes such as theft and vandalism, your insurance company knows that your home and your possessions are at risk for much more damage and property loss than the homes and possessions of people who do not live in those kinds of areas.

Home owner insurance does not just cover the cost of repairing or replacing your home; it also covers the cost of repairing or replacing the valuables within your home that are insured. If you live in an area that is prone to severely damaging weather or an area that increases the risk of your home being vandalized and your possessions being stolen, your home owner insurance rates are going to be much higher than the rates of people who do not live in those high risk areas.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Weathervane Ornaments- An informative article on the different types of weathervane ornaments.

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

There are many different types of weathervane ornaments. A weathervane is an instrument to determine the winds direction. Read this interesting article on actually how many kinds of weathervane ornaments were created.


To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
A weathervane is a historic outdoor home accessory which embellishes rooftops all over the world. There are many different kinds of weathervanes which were created many, many years ago. These weathervanes can display many different kinds of ornaments as well.

ARROW AND SCROLL WEATHERVANE ORNAMENTS- These ornaments are a basic arrow ornament, a point and fletching attached to a horizontal tube. Sometimes the term “arrow” and the term “scroll” are interchangeable. This depends on the type of fletching, whether there is a point on it and what type of point it is, how intricate the details are, and whether the design contains any actual wrought scrolls.

BANNER AND BANNERET WEATHERVANE ORNAMENTS- These ornaments are derived from medieval pennants and flags, the basic parts of this particular ornament are the points in front and a flat area in the back. Though the terms “banner” and “banneret” also seem to be interchangeable, a banner usually has an area large enough for a date or monogram to be pierced (cut out) or applied to the ornament, while a banneret has an area which might be large but is mainly decorative.

SILHOUETTE WEATHERVANE ORNAMENTS- This style ornament has also been in use for many, many years. In Europe, businesses and guilds would display their specialty using this type of vane ornament. In the old and new worlds, many farmers would carve a simple figure into a piece of wood and use this as a wind indicator on their barns. After 1900, the silhouette weathervane became very popular again, and often displayed fables, sporting events or themes.

SWELL-BODIED WEATHERVANE ORNAMENTS- This is the weathervane ornament which is most closely associated with the American weather vane makers. Molds are created from hammered copper for these ornaments. The molds are then trimmed and soldered together into a hollow form which is a few inches thick. This type of vane can also be formed freehand.

FULL-BODIED WEATHERVANE ORNAMENTS- These ornaments are a 3-dimensional representation of a particular subject.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS How To Organize Your Kitchen

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

You may think that it is an easy task to organize a kitchen. You may realize that it can also be difficult to do tasks in the kitchen if it is not organized. You must set steps and routines for you to follow and have an easy time working in your kitchen.

Here are some pointers that you may use in organizing your kitchen:

1. You must keep your kitchen clean for you to work conveniently and free from any time consuming activities before you cook. Discard any items that y…

organizing, organizer, organized, kitchen

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
You may think that it is an easy task to organize a kitchen. You may realize that it can also be difficult to do tasks in the kitchen if it is not organized. You must set steps and routines for you to follow and have an easy time working in your kitchen.

Here are some pointers that you may use in organizing your kitchen:

1. You must keep your kitchen clean for you to work conveniently and free from any time consuming activities before you cook. Discard any items that you will not use and place them in a place where you can locate them easier when the time comes that you will need their use.

2. If there are medicines, spices, or food that have already met their expiration, you can put them in the trash or discard those things immediately.

3. Store cooking utensils, pots, and pans in an area near to where the stove is placed. You can congest the cooking materials for you to have more space in cooking.

4. If there are large materials and cooking utensils that are seldom used in the kitchen, you may want to remove them and place them in a cupboard. There are even appliances that are not used in your everyday cooking. You may consider adding to your kitchen an appliance barn. This can store your juicers, toasters, blenders, and other appliances on the countertop with order and arrangement.

5. Place the silverwares and dishes close to your dining area. It can be accessible for you to get these items when you are about to eat. You may need silverware holders and racks to have more space.

6. You have to be aware of the materials or tools that are reachable by your children such as knives, cleaning chemicals, and alcohol. Keep them in high places where they cannot be reached.

7. You may use a bulletin board or the refrigerator to stick or hang reminders and schedules. These can help you to have an enjoyable and organized time in the kitchen. Designate spots for your mail and bills and check them out everyday.

8. Always keep you refrigerator clean and neat both inside and outside. If you see mystery foods, discard them at once. Sometimes there are unknown items that are placed in the refrigerator.

9. If you are through with the kitchen, you must check everything before you leave the kitchen. Do not forget to turn off the lights and the ceiling fan and everything that you used with electricity. The key to an organized kitchen is maintenance.

Online Pilates

15 Simple Metabolism Boosting Secrets

Janice Elizabeth Small

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. The faster you burn calories the more weight you can lose even if you eat the same amount, so it makes sense to do everything you can to boost your metabolic rate if you’re trying to lose a few pounds.
You use about 60% of the calories you need each day just by being alive. That’s your basal (or resting) metabolism. About 30% of the calories are accounted for by how much you move (your activity metabolism). The remaining 10% are used up by the process of digesting food (your thermic metabolism).
By making some simple changes you can fire up all three types of metabolism and become leaner faster.
1. Eat little and often
Small and regular meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high. If you eat the same amount of food in just one or two large meals as you do in five or six mini-meals and snacks you will burn fewer calories. This is because your metabolism slows down between meals. Never skip meals to save calories. Having a low-calorie snack will work much better and will also stop you falling ravenously on the nearest chocolate bar later in the day.
2. Eat breakfast
Your metabolism slows down overnight. When you have been through a period of more than eight hours without eating you need food to get your metabolism going again. So have breakfast as soon as you can after you wake up. If you’re not a breakfast person take something healthy with you when you leave the house and have it is soon as you can face it. It’s not great for your weight loss plans to have to boost your metabolism with a mid morning cookie or cake.
3. Eat enough
If you eat too few calories, your metabolic rate will automatically drop. This is a self preservation mechanism, which kicks in when your body thinks you are starving. The safest bet is to eat about 250 calories less than you need at the sedentary level and to take 250 – 500 calories of exercise each day to give a steady weight loss of between one and two pounds a week.
4. Eat Lean Protein
It takes more energy for the body to digest protein than carbohydrate or fat. Studies have shown that people who eat a high-protein diet burn more than twice as many calories in the hours following their meal as those eating a high carbohydrate diet. While the safety of high-protein diets can be disputed, it does make sense to include some lean protein as part of each meal.
5. Eat Fibre
Food with lots of fibre also gives your thermic metabolism a boost. High-fibre foods like beans, fruit, vegetables and whole grains simply take longer to digest and therefore help burn more calories.
6. Spice up your food
Spicy foods (especially chilli) raise the metabolism by as much as twenty-five per cent for a few hours after eating. So eat hot and spicy food a bit more regularly and see if this helps you. Just go easy on the refried beans and guacamole if you decide to go Mexican!
7. Drink Coffee
Caffeine speeds up your heart rate and the faster your heart rate the more calories you burn. Not great if you have heart problems or difficulty getting to sleep however!
8. Drink Green Tea
The phytochemicals in green tea are supposed to raise metabolism slightly by causing your brain and nervous system to run more quickly. Although not many sizable and conclusive studies have been done on this to date, drinking green tea rather than milky coffee or other calorie-laden beverages will definitely help you lose weight!
9. Get active
Aerobic exercise for more than thirty minutes not only burns calories but also keeps your metabolism high for several hours afterwards. The best time for exercise is in the morning as it will help kick start your metabolism for the day. If you can do 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise almost every day your metabolism will soar. Interval training would help even more.
10. Walk it off
If you prefer to take light exercise, try going for a walk after lunch or dinner. This boosts the rise in metabolism you get after eating. No strenuous exercising on a full stomach though.
11. Build those muscles
Muscles burn calories even when you’re resting. For every pound of muscle you add, you burn about 50 extra calories a day without taking any more exercise. So it’s a great idea to include some resistance or weight training in your exercise regime. Twenty minutes three times a week is enough to make a big difference in your metabolic rate as well as the shape of your body.
12. Go hot or cold
Any extremes of temperature you experience will help raise your metabolism by up to 20 percent as the body attempts to cool you down or raise your temperature. Make sure it’s safe for you to go in the sauna or on the arctic expedition though before you try this one. You could have a go at keeping your home a few degrees cooler than is comfortable for sitting around in winter and restrict the air conditioning to the very hottest days in summer. In the winter it will help you get up and get moving and in summer encourage you to go to the pool to cool off!
13. Drink Iced Water
Another trick is to drink a glass of iced water a few times a day. You’ll raise your metabolism just by having to bring the water up to body temperature. Drinking water is required anyway, of course, to keep your bodily functions working smoothly (including your metabolism).
14. Watch the alcohol
On top of the empty calories that alcohol contains, it also has a dehydrating effect, which slows down your thermic metabolism. Alcohol tends to inhibit the process of metabolizing fat too, which can lower your basal metabolism. And there’s not much chance of you wanting to exercise after all that booze so it’ll have an effect on your activity metabolism too. Bad news all round!
15. Take up yoga
The chemical processes which comprise your metabolism are regulated by the endocrine system, especially the thyroid. Yoga has many postures which have a powerful twisting and compressing effect on the endocrine organs, strengthening and stimulating them and this can help to regulate and boost your metabolism.
If you boost your metabolism with these tips, you’ll be improving your general health as well as your capacity to burn calories. You’ll not only find that you lose weight more quickly but also that you will have more energy, greater strength and you’ll be able to get through everything you have to do in a day more easily.


DPC A Look at Solid Hardwood Floors

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Solid hardwood floors should neither be installed over a concrete slab nor below ground level because of high moisture sensitivity. Unsightly gaps appear when moisture dries and the floors contract in the winter heating months. The floors expand and gaps disappear during summers. The wood planks may buckle or cup because of excessive moisture. In view of these facts, enough space should be left for expansion and wood should be acclimated. Nail-down installations are most appropriate for these floors. The possibility of re-coating and refinishing increases the life and appearance of solid hardwood floors. Generally solid hardwood floors are made up of ash, maple, red oak and white oak.

Hardwood Floors, Engineered Hardwood Floors, Solid Hardwood Floors, Long-strip Hardwood Floors

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Solid hardwood floors should neither be installed over a concrete slab nor below ground level because of high moisture sensitivity. Unsightly gaps appear when moisture dries and the floors contract in the winter heating months. The floors expand and gaps disappear during summers. The wood planks may buckle or cup because of excessive moisture. In view of these facts, enough space should be left for expansion and wood should be acclimated. Nail-down installations are most appropriate for these floors. The possibility of re-coating and refinishing increases the life and appearance of solid hardwood floors. Generally solid hardwood floors are made up of ash, maple, red oak and white oak.

Solid wood floorings are divided into three sub categories: strip flooring, plank flooring and parquet flooring. Thickness of strip flooring varies between 5/16 inch and

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Silhouette Blinds How Are They Different From Other Blinds?

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Silhouette blinds allow your home to look elegant with the blinds open or closed

silhouette blinds, silhouettes by hunter Douglas, silhouette window blinds

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Silhouette blinds are characterized by their ability to let some natural light shine through the window even when the blinds are closed. Two of the best known manufacturers of Silhouette blinds are Hunter Douglas and Levolor. Homeowners prefer using Silhouettes as the window coverings for their homes because they combine the best of mini blinds and cellular shades. With Silhouette blinds, your windows will look elegant whether you have the blinds open or closed.

With Silhouette blinds, the soft fabric of the blinds lets the sunlight filter through. You can rotate the slats to whatever angle you wish to have the shade you need for yourself and your furniture. Even though light can come through Silhouette window blinds, anyone outside the window cannot see in through them. Therefore, Silhouettes by Hunter Douglas give you the privacy and the light that you need.

When you raise Silhouette blinds, they are fully enclosed within the head rail. This gives you a wide open window with no blinds in your way. You can lower the Silhouette window blinds to different levels or have them all the way down. There are many choices in fabric color for the slats of the Silhouettes by Hunter Douglas. The window blinds themselves also come in different sizes and if you have a window of an irregular shape, Hunter Douglas can make the Silhouette blind specifically for your window.

When you buy Silhouette blinds from Hunter Douglas, you can choose the type of material you want in your blinds. Choose from Silhouettes by Hunter Douglas in crinkle textured fabric, bold colored sheers or maybe the linen texture will be more to your liking. One interesting feature of Silhouette window blinds is the top down/bottom up feature. You can have these blinds open at the top of the window and down to the bottom if you wish, which is really a different look in window blinds.

There are several different systems you can use for raising or lowering Silhouette blinds. The traditional cord loop is available in Silhouettes by Hunter Douglas, but you can also get these as motorized window blinds. A simple touch of a button will raise or lower the blind, as well as rotate the slats to the exact angle that you want. Silhouette blinds block the UV rays of the sun up to 99% when the vanes are closed and 63% when they are open.

Paving Dublin

APD Alternative To Rat Poison

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For the best paving dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

Mechanical rat traps are one possible alternative to poisons; another alternative is to buy a cat, although cats capable of dealing with rats are relatively rare; in many cultures, hunting dogs have been used instead. Both of these methods have a disadvantage of being comparatively messy, a particular problem when the building with a rat problem is to be uninhabited for some months. Anticoagulants have the advantage that their first effect is dehydration from blood loss, caus…

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To find the best paving dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
Mechanical rat traps are one possible alternative to poisons; another alternative is to buy a cat, although cats capable of dealing with rats are relatively rare; in many cultures, hunting dogs have been used instead. Both of these methods have a disadvantage of being comparatively messy, a particular problem when the building with a rat problem is to be uninhabited for some months. Anticoagulants have the advantage that their first effect is dehydration from blood loss, causing the unfortunate rodent to leave the building in search of water.

Newer rodenticides have been developed to work with by reducing the sperm count in males to deprive them of the ability to procreate rather than to kill rodents outright. They are usually administered in the breeding seasons of most rodents.


Clotting factors are identified by number and the serine proteases (also called K-dependent factors for reasons which are about to become clear) are factors II, VII, IX, and X. These factors are produced in an inactive state by the liver and go happily circulating through the bloodstream awaiting activation. When a vessel tears and it becomes necessary to form a clot, these factors are activated in a process that requires Vitamin K (a fat soluble vitamin not as famous as its fat-soluble cousins Vitamins A and E). As the clotting factors are activated, Vitamin K is inactivated but later recycled by another set of enzymes to be ready to participate in clotting factor activation again later.

As long as there is plenty of Vitamin K, the serine proteases can be activated and clotting can proceed normally.

The anticoagulant rodenticides abolish Vitamin K recycling. This means that as soon as one s active Vitamin K reserves are depleted, there can be no meaningful blood clotting.

In cases of poisoning one would expect symptoms to be nearly immediate but in the case of anticoagulant rodenticide poisoning, it takes several days to deplete Vitamin K. After that, even the smallest of jostles and traumas can lead to life-threatening bleeds.