Paving Dublin

APD Aluminum Sliding Glass Door Removal

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For the best paving dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

Learn how to remove your old aluminum sliding glass door before installing a vinyl replacement door.

Sliding glass doors, sliding doors, vinyl doors, sliding door replacement, installing sliding glass doors, how to install sliding doors

To find the best paving dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
Last week I explained how to measure your existing sliding glass door so you can order the vinyl replacement door. This week I am going to go over the steps required to remove the old sliding door before installing the new door.

First, you have to remove the sliding panel and the stationary panel. The vast majority of doors out there have the sliding panel on the inside half of the track, and the stationary panel is on the outside. Whatever the case in your particular door, the outside panel has to come out first. To remove the fixed panel, you need to remove the sill cap that snaps into the bottom track and runs from the fixed panel to the side jamb where the sliding panel locks. Force a screwdriver into the crease and pry the cap up. Then, look for screws on the inside side jamb holding the fixed panel in place. These screws prevent someone from prying up the sill cap and pulling out the fixed panel in order to gain entry into the home. In addition to the side jamb, be sure to check across the top header and bottom track for screws there as well. Once all the screws have been removed, you need to pull the fixed panel away from the side jamb. You can start by simply grabbing the side rail of the fixed panel and pulling as hard as you can. If you’re lucky, the panel will pop free. Then you can lift the panel up as far as it will go into the top channel and swing the bottom away from the track, and remove the panel. Now, I said “if you’re lucky”, because in most cases the panel will be stuck in the side jamb, the bottom track, or both. Usually, you’re going to have to use a pry bar to loosen the fixed panel before it will slide out of the side jamb. Once the fixed panel is out, removal of the sliding panel is usually easier. Just lift up and swing the bottom away from the track, then remove the panel. Sometimes the bottom rollers will prevent the bottom from swinging out of the track. If that’s the case, you will need to find the roller adjustment hole in the bottom corners of the sliding panel. Put a screwdriver into this hole and turn the screw counterclockwise to bring the roller as far up into the bottom of the sliding panel as possible. This should allow the slider to come out.

Now, you want to remove all the screws from the side jambs, top header, and bottom track. Then, take a pry bar and get it under the bottom track about in the center. Pry up until the track is separated from the floor. The next step will depend on whether your old frame is nailed to the house frame, or simply screwed in. If it’s screwed in, then the frame should now be loose in the opening, since you removed all of the screws. You just need to remove whatever inside trim there might be around the door frame. This type of frame should come out. If your door is nailed to the house frame, you will have to do a bit more work. Use a hacksaw to cut the track in half, approximately in the center. Start with either half and raise the cut piece up towards the side jamb until the the track piece separates from the side jamb. Do the same thing to the other half.

So, now you have to remove the side jambs. You want to do this without damaging the exterior material that surrounds the door frame. Take a heavy chisel and pound it into the crack between the frame and exterior material, whether it’s stucco, siding, etc. Start at the bottom 6 inches first. What you are trying to do is pull the nail fin away from the nails holding it in place. So, once the chisel is pounded through the metal frame, pry away from the side wall. The heavier and longer the chisel, the more leverage you will have. You will hear the frame “pop” free of the nail. There will be several nails holding each jamb in place, so you want to start at the bottom and work your way to the top corner. Once you get the bottom third loose, many times you can grab the jamb with both hands and pull the rest of the nails free as you go up. When you get to the top corner, work the jamb free. Do both jambs, then do the top. Sometimes the top has no nails, or just one in the center, so it will come down pretty easily. Be sure to wear safety glasses and a dust mask when doing this job, especially when removing the top header.

At this point you are ready to install the new door. The installation procedure is slightly different, depending on whether you’re installing a retrofit style frame or a replacement frame. We will discuss both procedures next week.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Wet Floor Signs Are A Great Way To Protect Yourself Against Costly Lawsuits

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Slips on wet and newly refinished floors is a million dollar industry in the United States for people in the law profession. If someone falls and gets hurt on your floors after you’ve either mopped them or refinished them and you don’t have the area marked correctly with warning signs, there is a big chance that you will get sued and you will loose.

wet floor sign, wet floor signs, wet floor cones, wet floor cone, floor safety sign, floor safety signs, wet floor barrier, floor barrier, mopping safety, folding wet floor sign

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Slips on wet and newly refinished floors is a million dollar industry in the United States for people in the law profession. If someone falls and gets hurt on your floors after you’ve either mopped them or refinished them and you don’t have the area marked correctly with warning signs, there is a big chance that you will get sued and you will loose. Insurance companies and private industry loose millions of dollars every year because a wet floor was not marked with warning signs or wet floor cones. If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor because you took the precautionary measures to let people know that they were entering a hazardous area. A good rule of thumb to remember when using wet floor signs is to make them visible from every direction that enters the area. If possible purchase wet floor signs with pictograms or pictures of a person falling. A picture can sometimes say a thousand words and with the multilingual barrier in the United State at least in court you can say there was a pictogram describing a hazardous situation. Wet floor signs come in many forms, there are wet floor cones, folding signs, wet floor barriers and caution tape. Most of these wet floor warning tools are colored in bright yellow or bright orange to make them highly visible.

Wet floor cones are probably the most economical way to mark a hazardous area. They can be used for many purposes as well as marking wet areas. Most wet floor cones come in orange and yellow and do not display any written warnings or pictograms. Wet floor cones can be easily stacked one inside one another and stored in a small amount of space. When purchasing wet floor cones make sure to buy ones that are taller than any objects in the area that may block their view. The more pronounced your wet floor cones are, the less likely someone will not see them and slip and fall.

Wet floor signs that can fold in half are also a great way to mark a dangerous area. Folding wet floor signs unfold into an A shape which make them stable when put them into place. These folding signs mostly come in bright yellow and are very noticeable when entering a room. These are the most popular wet floor signs and can commonly be seen in all types on commercial and private facilities. Folding signs can come with written warning text and pictograms. The warning text on some of these signs come in a bilingual format such as Spanish and English but other languages can be found.

Wet floor barriers and caution tape are my favorites as far as safety equipment is concerned. The best way to avoid a law suit regarding a hazardous floor is to block the area off completely until it is safe. Sometimes this is not possible in a main access area but if no one can enter the area then no one can get hurt. Mobile barriers are light weight and very visible and can be unfolded to cordon off a walkway.

After reviewing the types of safety signs that can be used in an area its easy to see how a company or individual can protect themselves against possible lawsuits. If somebody slips and falls on your flaw chances are you are going to be sued, after all your a big company and you have all the money in the world and they are the one suffering, at least that’s how they will see it.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Receiving Your Continuing Education Online
or:Mark Woodcock
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

In order to get that promotion you’ve been working so hard for, it’s often necessary to receive some extra education and training. Or, if you are already successful in a profession such as Nursing or Pharmacy, you probably need to keep your credentials and certifications current. Your schedule might not permit attending continuing education courses and seminars out of town or during business hours. There is a solution for you. Receiving your continuing education online is a way to advance your career, receive necessary certifications, and boost your professional profile in a timely, flexible, and convenient manner. Adult continuing education allows you to stay competitive in today’s business world, and be up to date on the latest technologies of your field, so that you can serve your clients or patients to the very best of your ability.
There are many advantages of choosing an online program in order to receive your continuing education credits. There is no need to live near or commute to a facility when your classes and coursework can be submitted via the Internet. Your exams can even be taken and submitted online. Many programs offer classes around the clock and on weekends, providing excellent flexibility for you if you work full time and/or care for a family. Attending class online is a great option for those who have misgivings about returning to school after several years. The flexibility and convenience make it easy to ease into the routine of classwork and homework again. Besides, who wouldn’t want to go to school from the comforts of home or the privacy of your office?
The types of continuing education and training available online is seemingly limitless. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The continuing education and professional certification programs available for study online include various Business programs (such as Accounting), Education, Human Resources, various Healthcare programs (such as Pharmacy, Nursing, and Dentistry), Information Technology, Insurance, and Social Work. These are but a few of the adult oriented programs available. Keep in mind, it is important to confirm that the courses offered by the online training facility that you choose are recognized by your employer or professional organization.
If you are concerned about affording to continue your education online, you have options. Often, financial aid is available, even for students who attend classes via the Internet. Also, many employers are willing to pay for part or all of any fees. An employer might be willing to invest in your future because it will be investing in the organization’s future as well.
The misconception of receiving your continuing education certification online is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending face-to-face classes at a traditional training facility. This is not at all the case. The programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications with peers and instructors as do the old-fashioned methods of continuing education. In fact, continuing your education online might help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a degree, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology. This makes you more flexible in the workforce, and can be an added boost to your professional life. Continuing your education and training online is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities.


DPC A Quick Guide to Plastic Mailboxes

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

If you are in the market for a new mailbox, you may be having trouble deciding what kind to purchase. One type that has been gaining in popularity is that of plastic mailboxes.

plastic mailboxes, mail boxes

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
If you are in the market for a new mailbox, you may be having trouble deciding what kind to purchase. One type that has been gaining in popularity is that of plastic mailboxes. They are the most inexpensive version of all of the mailboxes. They often cost less that $50 (not including the cost of the post). For more information, please read on for a quick guide to plastic mailboxes.

Plastic mailboxes are highly durable, lightweight,weatherproof, and often made with indestructible double walled plastic construction materials (which protects against vandalism). This is a great advantage when you compare it to other types of mailboxes. They are also rust proof and usually do not need to be repainted.

Plastic mailboxes come in a variety of shapes and styles.The most common is the standard mailbox shape. This can also come with an extended section below the mailbox that is used to hold magazines, newspapers, and small packages.The most common colors are brown, black, white, and green.There is also one style that many people really enjoy. This is a plastic mailbox in the shape of a small house. It is quite adorable to look at and can be painted to match your home.

Now that you know a bit more about plastic mailboxes, you may want to consider getting one. There are many advantageous to owning one and you are sure to have many to choose from. Take your time and shop around so that you can find the perfect mailbox!

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Home Additions

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Room additions can add square footage and value to your existing home, without the additional expenses incurred in the purchase of a new home. This is especially attractive to growing families.

home additions, chicago

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Room additions can add square footage and value to your existing home, without the additional expenses incurred in the purchase of a new home. This is especially attractive to growing families.

Most room additions consist of extending the size of your home by adding the new room to an exterior wall. Popular room additions are new bedrooms, dens, living rooms, dining rooms, and studies.

Other popular room additions include increasing floor space by adding a second story room to your existing home, sometimes called a “pop-top.” This can increase the value, functionality, and comfort of your home, without robbing you of lawn or garden footage.

And yet more ideas for room additions are garages, carports, porches, decks, or sunrooms. In all instances, the value and equity of your home is increased along with its usability.

A well-planned and executed room addition can make a dramatic difference, both in the livability of your home, and in its value.

If you are thinking of adding onto your home, it s a great investment now and in the future. Enjoy the extra space you can utilize now and still get the added value in the future if you decide to sell your home.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS How to Prepare for Your California Home Inspection

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

Some people think California home inspections are a pretty cut and dry process compared to home inspections in other parts of the country where weather causes more home damage. Actually, California home inspections take just as long as any other home inspection, and can even take longer based on the size and condition of the home and if areas in need of inspection are locked, blocked, or not easily visible. If you want your California home inspection to run as smoothly as possible, be sure to do the following before your home inspector arrives:

home inspection, home inspector, orange county home inspector

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
Some people think California home inspections are a pretty cut and dry process compared to home inspections in other parts of the country where weather causes more home damage. Actually, California home inspections take just as long as any other home inspection, and can even take longer based on the size and condition of the home and if areas in need of inspection are locked, blocked, or not easily visible. If you want your California home inspection to run as smoothly as possible, be sure to do the following before your home inspector arrives:

-Make sure access to the house is provided, either by means of a lock box, your realtor, the buyer’s realtor, or you being there.

-Make sure that all areas of the house are accessible and visible.

-Make sure that all utilities are on (including electricity, gas, and water) , the pilot lights are lit, etc.

Driveway cleaning dublin

L2LLAbout Ceramic Tile Kitchen Countertops

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For the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Ceramic tiles for kitchen countertops have become a must have in home buyers’ kitchens.

kitchen refitting, kitchens, kitchen refurbishment

To find the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Ceramic tiles for kitchen countertops have become a must have in home buyers’ kitchens.

Whether you prefer glazed, porcelain, quarry or mosaic, these tiles are versatile and come in an array of designs, colors and shapes. A design savvy look, country flair, artistic interest or upscale appearance can enhance your kitchen countertops surface that’s low maintenance but high in style. Tile countertops are also a great idea for completing your kitchen renovation since tiles are not only durable but are heat resistance.

Be creative and always design your kitchen tile layout the way you like it. One interesting way to do it is to tile your backslpash. Be sure to put colorful, unique and single designs tiles in between plain fields tiles. You can do multiples of the same design tiles or each can have a different design or color. To make your kitchen come alive, use beautiful kitchen tile with attractive colors or designs. Your kitchen tile can standout or contrast, but you always want them to blend in with what you’ve got going on the cabinets and the floor. You do not want to get dizzy walking into your kitchen from all the “busyness.”

Murals also are a nice addition for your backsplash or you can add picture, marbles or things you collect for added interest. You do not want to get dizzy walking into your kitchen from all the “busyness.”

It seems though more and more home buyers are demanding granite kitchen counter tops.

Granite provides a beauty and warmth and it is ideal for aesthetic appeal in home design. Granite and its popularity are a little pricey with prices starting at 60.00 a foot installed. Although they are very popular, solid granite countertops may not be for everyone. A homeowner may not be willing to pay the price because of limitations on resale value. In situations like these you can always go to the granite tile countertops as an alternate means. The granite tile countertops are designed from the same desirable stone as the solid granite with all the desirable elements remaining the same. Granite tile countertops can withstand putting hot pots/pans on the counter. They also serve as an excellent surface for handling dough and confectionery. Granite tile countertops have such a natural beauty that compliments almost any style cabinetry. Granite tiles are very versatile and offer a wide range of ideas and options for installations. If you are not wanting to install granite tiles all over your kitchen consider doing just your island top for a focal point and conversation piece. These will make the tiles pop against the design choices you have made in your kitchen.

Granite tiles provide a great choice for the homeowners on a budget and can easily be done as a week-end project. The practicality choice of granite tile countertops can be set into any other material including laminated counter tops or solid wood. Clever design plans allow the homeowner to present their own style and taste without great expense.

The granite countertop appeal can not be compared to any other.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Holiday Decorating Tips: Christmas Candles

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

How to Light Up Your Home for Joy

Do you love the winter holiday season or does this time of year cause you stress? One way to lower your holiday stress, using fewer decorations, decreases your “just have to much to do” list.

However, you still want to display Christmas candles because these decorations bring smiles to you and your loved ones. As days grow shorter and cooler and the suns sets earlier, people naturally crave the warmth and comfort of light, especially na…

holiday decorating tips,christmas candles,luminaries

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
How to Light Up Your Home for Joy

Do you love the winter holiday season or does this time of year cause you stress? One way to lower your holiday stress, using fewer decorations, decreases your “just have to much to do” list.

However, you still want to display Christmas candles because these decorations bring smiles to you and your loved ones. As days grow shorter and cooler and the suns sets earlier, people naturally crave the warmth and comfort of light, especially natural sources such as a bonfire or the flame of a Christmas candle.

Christmas Candle Tips

Save your energy and your money. You don’t need to line your entire sidewalk with luminaries. Get a similar effect with four large candles in clear glass containers near your front door. These glowing candles will welcome your guests without all the work of gathering bags, buying votive candles that just burn up fast, and shoveling all that sand.

Window Candles
Many cultural holiday traditions include placing a lighted candle in front windows to be seen from the outside. Pamper yourself. Place a candle in any dark window at night. Rather than peering into a dark void, you’ll focus on the cheerful flame and feel comforted and uplifted.

Gift Yourself
Create a nightly quiet ritual for yourself in a quiet place away from distractions and the hustle of the holidays. Place candles around your bathtub and unwind, or by your favorite reading chair and instead of reading sit in the quiet and reflect upon the brightness of a single candlelight. Listen to quiet music or simply enjoy the peace and stillness. Ponder the joys in your life and express gratitude. This quiet time may be your most treasured gift to yourself.

Candlelight Carol-Sing
Recycle last year’s greeting cards by cutting each into a disk or rounding the edges, punch a hole in the center, and slide a taper candle half-way through the hole. Gather your friends and family around the piano or hearth and sing familiar Christmas carols as each person holds their own candlelight. Pause to reflect upon the fact that each individual brings their own special light to the world and recognize the common spiritual light in each of us.

Candle Night-Night
When it’s time to settle the children down to bed on Christmas Eve, calm them with a soothing candlelight ritual. My daughter s children walk to bed, each carefully carrying a lighted candle through a dark hallway, singing “Silent Night.”

Happy Holidays!

Jeanette Fisher

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Wet Basement/Crawlspace, Foundation Movement, Mold Growth – Checked Your Sump Pump Lately?

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Sump Pump importance

How many of us understand the importance of the sump pump in keeping water away from the foundation of our homes? When was the last time you checked your sump pump for proper operation? Notice any foundation cracks around your home? Ever make the connection that your sump pump may be the cause of this cracking .? Think again. Water is the #1 enemy of a home. As a homeowner, your maintenance checklist should include checking the key items that ensure al…

Scott Home Inspection,Colorado,Boulder Longmont Loveland Fort Collins Greeley Erie Superior

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Sump Pump importance

How many of us understand the importance of the sump pump in keeping water away from the foundation of our homes? When was the last time you checked your sump pump for proper operation? Notice any foundation cracks around your home? Ever make the connection that your sump pump may be the cause of this cracking .? Think again. Water is the #1 enemy of a home. As a homeowner, your maintenance checklist should include checking the key items that ensure all surface and sub-surface water is directed away from the home.

This includes controlling surface water, controlling sub-surface water, and a properly operating and maintained sump pump discharge system. The following components are an integral part of a water control program for every homeowner;

1) Surface Water Control

Gutters & Downspouts

o Ensure no obstructions are in the gutters and ensure downspouts push out away from home

Lot Grading

o Ensure landscaping does not slope back towards the home

2) Sub-Surface Water Control

Perimeter Drain System

o Surface water can move along the foundation wall

o This water is collected by the perimeter drain system and sent to the sump pump for discharge away from the home

3) Sump Pump Discharge System

The sump pit gathers water from the perimeter drains, allowing this water to flow away from the foundation

When the level reaches a set height, the sump turns on and discharges water away from the home

Sump Pump Problems

Stuck floats & pump failure are the #1 sump problems

o If your float is stuck, or the pump fails, the sump will not come on and will not discharge the water

o This fills the sump, traps water in the perimeter drains, and traps water against the foundation walls of the home

Sump Pump Failure Results

The results of sump failures can be dramatic and costly:

o Foundation wall movement (due to expansive soils)
o Flooded basement
o Mold growth

Sump Pump Testing

It is important to check your sump pump regularly to make sure that it is in proper working condition.

Remove the cover and slowly pour water into the sump tank.
Watch for the “float” to rise and trigger the pump.
Once the pump is engaged, the water level will quickly lower and the float will shut off the pump.

Simple maintenance steps are all it takes to prevent costly problems from developing. After a hard rain or heavy snow melt, take a look at your sump pump. Check the level and pump operation regularly. When purchasing a home, look closely at these areas, or ask you home inspector to focus on these areas in a separate walk through of the home. The cost of an inspection will be well worth the peace of mind in knowing that these components are functioning and installed properly. Using simple observational analysis and visual inspections can be the difference between solving a problem early on, and being faced with extensive, costly repairs.

George Scott, Scott Home Inspection LLC

Gardening dublin

L2LL Construction Equipment Are You Qualified To Rent?

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Those who are do-it-yourselfers know that the best and least expensive way to accomplish a task is to pull out the work gloves and get after it. But does that include projects that require construction equipment? There are several things to ask yourself before you decide whether to rent (or buy) construction equipment or to call in the pros.

Two of the most important things to consider are cost and size of the project. Have you always wanted a pond? There s really nothin…

construction equipment

To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Those who are do-it-yourselfers know that the best and least expensive way to accomplish a task is to pull out the work gloves and get after it. But does that include projects that require construction equipment? There are several things to ask yourself before you decide whether to rent (or buy) construction equipment or to call in the pros.

Two of the most important things to consider are cost and size of the project. Have you always wanted a pond? There s really nothing stopping you from building one if you have enough land and there are no zoning laws restricting it. That s going to be a pretty big project and you might be surprised how much earth has to be moved to create even a small pond for watering livestock.

Think you re not qualified to operate construction equipment? You might be right. If you ve never operated a bulldozer, you re going to quickly find out that those professionals only make it look easy. There s a lot to learn before you can successfully move dirt the way it s supposed to be moved. But even if you know how to run a bulldozer or other construction equipment, you may not have enough knowledge to put the equipment to proper use.

If you know anything about ponds, you know that just digging a hole isn t going to get you a pond that holds water. If you know how to go about the sealing process, whether you should have a drain and how to choose the best place for your pond, you may very well be in a position to rent a bulldozer and build your own pond.

Think you re going to need a series of ponds? In that case, you need to carefully consider how long it will take you to do the digging and get a good estimate for the cost of renting the construction equipment you need for the entire project. Don t overlook transportation fees, especially if you plan to only use the equipment for a few days, send it back and then rent again. Don t overlook your time. If you re taking time off work, figure that into the cost of renting.

Compare that to the cost of hiring someone who owns the construction equipment to get the project completed. If it s a big project, consider purchasing your own construction equipment. After you re done, you can always sell the equipment to regain at least part of your investment.

Whether you re talking about a bulldozer for a major earth-moving project, a Ditch Witch to lay cable or water lines, or a jackhammer to bust up a concrete pad, you may be surprised at how affordable renting construction equipment can be.