cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS What Exactly Is Crown Molding?

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Crown molding, also referred to as crown moulding, or cornice, is probably the most important architectural accent used to detail any interior space. Most interior designers today would agree that every room can be improved with the use of crown molding.

Crown molding, cornice, crown moulding, interior desihn, home improvement, architectural accent, architectural ornament, ceiling ornamentation

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
By definition, a molding is an ornamental piece of wood, metal, or plaster, used to decorate or outline something. It can be used on the interior or exterior of a home. Moldings frame walls, ceilings, windows, and door openings. Examples of moldings used to decorate with are baseboards, crown molding, and chair rails. Today, I want to talk exclusively about crown molding as a decorative architectural choice.

Crown molding, also referred to as crown moulding, or cornice, is probably the most important architectural accent used to detail any interior space. Most interior designers today would agree that every room can be improved with the use of crown molding. Crown molding smoothes the transition from the wall to the ceiling and does a wonderful job of defining the architectural style of a room. The size and style of crown molding used may vary widely, from a simple cove in a farmhouse kitchen to a large built-up cornice in a grand entry.

The initial use of a cornice in building design is anyone’s guess. By the time the ancient Greeks had gained power, rules had already been created to define the use and design of crown molding. Originally, it was used as a structural element to help support the weight of the roof. It also served to keep water away from the building, thus protecting the lower walls and the foundation. However, the use of cornice as a decorative element was not considered any less important than it’s more utilitarian functions. Most of the ornamental design patterns that you see on today’s crown molding originated from the ancient Greeks. Egg and dart, dentil and acanthus leaf are the most obvious examples and these were used extensively in ancient times by both the Greeks and the Romans.

With the rebirth of the arts in the Renaissance period came a renewed interest in classical architecture as well. The rules of the classical orders were applied to the interior decoration of rooms. These were the rules of 3 . A column, the basis of classical architecture, is divided into 3 parts: base, shaft and capital. The base and the capital were then further divided into 3 parts and prescribed rules applied to the relationship and the proportion of these divisions as well. The same divisions that apply to a column are also applied to the wall. The wall is divided into the baseboard, the wall and a crown molding. The lower wall can be further divided into the base, dado and chair rail. Finally, the upper wall is divided into the picture molding, frieze and crown molding.

When beginning any decorative project to include several types of molding, it is recommended that you choose the style and size of crown molding first, as it is the most prominently displayed. Then select the rest of the moldings to match. Regarding the proper sizing of the crown molding, advice is abundant and many guidelines have been written. Most often the advice directs you to select the size of the crown molding based on the height of your ceiling. This may be a common approach to this aspect of the design process, though, as larger crown moldings have often been used to impressively decorate rooms of more modest proportions. What IS important is to properly scale the casings and other moldings to the size of the crown molding that you wish to use. When choosing crown molding for your interior, feel free to select the size and style that YOU like. Historically, larger crown moldings were more frequently used than what is recommended today by many interior designers. Change is anticipated as the current architectural renaissance continues and more designers and homeowners endeavor to add warmth to their homes and to personalize their interiors. So have a go at it and don t be intimidated . You are limited only by your imagination.

copyright 2005


DPC A to Z for Bathroom Furniture

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.


There are three main types of bathroom furniture. Stand alone, modular and fitted.

bathroom furniture,fitted bathroom furniture,italian bathroom furniture,Vanity unit,Bathroom suits

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.

There are three main types of bathroom furniture. Stand alone, modular and fitted. Stand alone furniture as the name suggests is designed to stand on its own and is not normally attached to the piece next to it. In fact most free standing furniture does not have a clean edge so it is normally impossible to attach another piece to the side without leaving a small gap between the two pieces. The most common type of freestanding furniture is the vanity unit. This allows for storage under the basin but takes up the minimum amount of space. This is ideal for storage in small bathrooms.

Modular furniture is similar to stand alone furniture but have flat sides so that pieces can be added together to make a line (or run) of furniture. This allows for a lot more units to be fitted within the bathroom. Normally this type of furniture incorporates a back to wall toilet and cistern housing. These types of units are best fitted with a gap at either end, as they do not come with filler panels or extra worktop to fill in odd spaces.

Fitted furniture is similar to modular but has a range of units and additional items to ensure that it can be fitted wall to wall without any gaps. This type of furniture also has the largest number of unit sizes and styles available. Fitted furniture in small bathrooms can have the effect of making the room appear smaller.

Wooden Bathroom Products: All wooden bathroom products must be treated with the utmost of care within the bathroom. Whilst wooden products are coated with a specially finished lacquer which is specifically designed to withstand splashes and condensation, it is important to ensure that water is not in prolonged contact with these surfaces as this will over time lead to surface damage.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS What Does An Air Purifier Do?

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

If you ve been blowing your nose until you resemble Rudolph and your head feels like it is about to explode from your sinus headache, you may be suffering from allergies to the pollutants in your home. Someone has probably mentioned that an air purifier will help you feel better. However, what does an air purifier do?

One of the most important functions of an air purifier is its ability to remove pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander from t…

air purifiers, hepa filter, ionizer

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
If you ve been blowing your nose until you resemble Rudolph and your head feels like it is about to explode from your sinus headache, you may be suffering from allergies to the pollutants in your home. Someone has probably mentioned that an air purifier will help you feel better. However, what does an air purifier do?

One of the most important functions of an air purifier is its ability to remove pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander from the air. Another reason people use these machines is to remove odors. There are several types of air purifiers and each works a bit differently. These filters in these purifiers include: the ionizer, the HEPA filter, the combination ionizer/HEPA filter, the activated carbon filter, and the antibacterial filter.

The ionizer is one of the most popular air purifiers. Unlike other purifiers, the ionizer does not actually remove pollutants from the house. Instead, this machine makes the pollutants so heavy that they fall from the air and drop to the floor. If you have allergies, you will need to use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter to clean the floors before the room is truly allergen free.

If you don t want to pull out your vacuum, you may be thinking that you should simply use a HEPA filter instead of an ionizer. HEPA filters suck dirty air in, run it through the filter, where most pollutants are trapped, and then blow the clean air back into the room. However, a HEPA filter can t clean the smallest particles from the air and isn t great at removing odors from the room. To get your air really clean, you would need a HEPA filter combined with an ionizer or with an activated carbon filter.

The activated carbon filter used to be extremely popular. This filter is great at getting smells out of the air. However, it doesn t do as good a job when it is trying to remove pollen, dust, mold, or pet dander. Now, this filter is usually used along with a HEPA filter instead of being used by itself.

Finally, for people concerned with bacteria or germs, an antibacterial filter is an important air purifier. These filters are especially popular in situations such as a home daycare, where people are being exposed to many germs. However, while these filters are very effective at removing germs, they are rarely used on their own. They work best when they are combined with a HEPA filter.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Home Appliances: Repair Or Replace

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

One dilemma that many a person now faces in the 21st century is what to do when a home appliance breaks down or goes on the fritz. Of course, for many people the initial inclination is to phone up a repair person and have the machine fixed. On the other hand, many people in this day and age are quick to merely go out and have the busted appliance replaced with a new unit.

In point of fact, there are some factors that you do need to take into consideration when attempting t…

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
One dilemma that many a person now faces in the 21st century is what to do when a home appliance breaks down or goes on the fritz. Of course, for many people the initial inclination is to phone up a repair person and have the machine fixed. On the other hand, many people in this day and age are quick to merely go out and have the busted appliance replaced with a new unit.

In point of fact, there are some factors that you do need to take into consideration when attempting to decide whether to repair or to replace a home appliance that is not working correctly. Perhaps the most important factor to take into consideration — about everything else that might come to mind — is price.

Many basic home appliances are now priced in such a manner that is you have owned and utilized the equipment for an extended period of time it makes more economic sense merely to go out and make the purchase or a replacement product. For example, many elementary clothes washer and dryer units are now priced in many countries around the world at fairly reasonable rates. In other words, the cost of repairing a failing used appliance may be such that you actually save money in the greater scheme of things by making the purchase of a new unit.

On the other hand, many people at this point in time actually are making very significant investments in their home appliances. For examples, there are some people in some parts of the world that are paying tens of thousands of dollars or other equivalent monetary units to equip their kitchens with the latest home appliances. In point of fact, many people are spending on a refrigerator what it costs to purchase an automobile.

If you are such a person who is forking over a significant amount of cash to purchase home appliances for your residence, you naturally will want to give serious consideration to having the item repaired. In these instances it is not simply a matter of spending a few hundred dollars (or the equivalent) to replace a home appliance on the blink.

Finally, some people actually do become attached to a particular home appliance — particularly those associated with the kitchen. If that is the case, and if repair costs are not outlandish, it does make sense to have the item on the blink repaired rather than replaced.

pilates exercise

Diabetes and Your Eyesight Lucy Nicholas

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4212.shtml
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What does diabetes mean to a common man? Sugar? But it’s not that simple. Diabetes is a multi-organ disease that affects almost all parts of the body simultaneously and eyes are most commonly affected. The side affects of diabetes can be prevented or delayed by being in touch with doctors.
Early diagnosis and treatment goes a long way in preserving good eyesight throughout life. Sometimes, diabetes may be first detected by manifestations in the eye like infections, boils, styes, recurrent redness, mild haziness of vision, double vision, frequent change of glasses for reading, difficulty in focusing near or distance, difficulty in driving especially at night, glare etc. as these signs also appear in established diabetic patients. In the presence of these suspicious symptoms or when in doubt it’s wise to have detailed eye testing from a specialist.
The main affect of diabetes on eyes is a matter of concern since it can cause permanent untreatable blindness – diabetic retinopathy. In simple terms it means diabetic affects or deposition on retina of the eye. In early stages diabetic retinopathy many not have any symptom to warn you of it happening inside the eye. This can only be detected by detailed, meticulous examination of the retina. This early detection is only possible by awareness and understanding of the disease, regular eye examination, minimum once a year, unless told otherwise by the eye surgeon, early referrals by diabetologists, endocrinologists, treating physicians and general doctors, all of whom need to get their diabetic patients cleared of diabetic retinopathy, off and on, as they do to rule out other complications of the disease.
In fact, in this early stage, when there may be just a thickening of the retina or presence of tiny blood clots due to diabetes, called CSME, even in the presence of normal 6/6 vision, laser treatment benefits the patient the most. If diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed at a later stage, it progresses to severe stage with abundance of hemorrhages, exudates and fluids and formation of new blood vessels, ultimately leading to complete blindness due to total bleeding inside the eye, which requires major eye surgery to retrieve a little bit of vision that could have been almost 100 percent in earlier stages.
Uncontrolled diabetes and diet, blood pressure, excess weight and cigarette smoking are not good associations. It is absolutely necessary to get your eyes tested when your treatment is shifted from oral drugs to insulin because the latter can cause start/worsening of diabetic changes in the retina, and that too at a fast speed. Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy should be carefully monitored. Cataract surgery can worsen the retinal condition and get it checked immediately after the surgery. Diabetes can also cause fast maturation of cataract.


Driveway cleaning dublin

L2LLAccentuate Your Home With Floorings

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For the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Different kinds of flooring evoke different kinds of ambience and emotion. Flooring available today comes in a wide array of materials that could be used for any lifestyle and function. Many floors that we see now have ceased to be the floors that we see in old photographs and historic houses. The flooring can be very decorative, elegant, artsy, functional or practical that could suit to any individual s style, taste and budget. But no material evokes as much warmth, sentimen…


To find the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Different kinds of flooring evoke different kinds of ambience and emotion. Flooring available today comes in a wide array of materials that could be used for any lifestyle and function. Many floors that we see now have ceased to be the floors that we see in old photographs and historic houses. The flooring can be very decorative, elegant, artsy, functional or practical that could suit to any individual s style, taste and budget. But no material evokes as much warmth, sentiment and a sense of history as the good old-fashioned wood flooring.

Homes with natural wood flooring can be found in any town that in spite of all the advances in fashion and technology for other types of flooring material, the wood flooring has not lost its place in the hearts of many house builders.

In spite of the rise in the prices of wood and increase in other choices for flooring, wood has no substitute in creating homes that has a homey feel to it. Wooden floors, even the traditional cuts do not fail to enhance d cor and personal statements of tastes.

A House builder who opts to have a floor with a more modern touch opts for the parquet in place of the quarter-sawn wood flooring popular during the past decades. The new prefinished hardwoods are excellent viable choices even for homes ranging in design from the traditional, country, ranch, Victorian to the contemporary. Color choices and materials are amazing making it adaptable to any look that an individual would want a room to have. The darker finishes are suitable for formal settings, and the lighter the shade become, the more casual feel the wood flooring evokes. Local popular choices like the Ash, Oak and Maple can be combined with varieties of Teak, Brazilian cherry and Bamboo creating a look and texture that has never been reached when wood flooring (aside from concrete) were oftentimes the only choice.

The engineered hard wood of today are designed to perform better than the traditional ones as they are cross layered on top of each other providing a durability and capacity to hold more weight that was never achieved before. Engineered hardwood flooring is not synthetic wood but is made form real hardwood. Engineered hardwood is much easier to maintain doing away with old-fashioned waxes and pastes as these are already treated with several coats of urethane and is IV cured with aluminum oxide. Engineered hard wood will only require occasional mopping with a wood cleaner to maintain its luster.

The most popular flooring options include:

– Oak as flooring is very durable. It has a tight dark grain that is very appropriate for dining rooms and places that requires more subdued and formal atmosphere.

– Ash has beautiful texture and grain uniformity.

– Pine can be found in old houses. This flooring evokes a sense of history. Pines are considered as softwood but they can be very durable and can last for hundreds of years.

– Birch. Also a soft wood with a more playful texture

– Fir is another softwood patched with decorative dark grains

– Bamboo technically is a grass but when harvested in season and treated well can be more durable than most hardwood flooring.

– The more expensive and elegant wood flooring are the walnut, cherry and teak.

Whatever the choice is, wood for flooring has a timeless quality to it that will never be easily substituted even by the most modern materials available today.

Driveways Dublin

QDD Bathroom Vanities – How To Give A Tired Bathroom A New Lease Of Life!

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For the best Driveways Dublin company, call Quality Driveways Dublin.

Bathroom vanities come in a huge choice of sizes, styles and finishes, and offer a multitude of options when it comes to giving a bathroom an instant makeover. If your bathroom’s looking a bit outdated or could do with a fresh new image, then fitting a new vanity unit could transform its appearance and revitalize the look and feel of the whole room.

bathroom vanities,bathroom vanity,bathroom vanity cabinets,bathroom cabinets,bathroom cabinet,bathroom sink vanities

To find the best Driveways Dublin company, click here for Quality Driveways Dublin.
Bathroom vanities come in a huge choice of sizes, styles and finishes, and offer a multitude of options when it comes to giving a bathroom an instant makeover. If your bathroom’s looking a bit outdated or could do with a fresh new image, then fitting a new vanity unit could transform its appearance and revitalize the look and feel of the whole room. Bathroom vanities are easy enough to install in a day, so your bathroom makeover can be quick and hassle-free!

Bathroom sink vanities come in a wide variety of designs. There are those with decorative accents and intricate features in an antique style that’s perfect for blending with rustic or period bathroom d cor. In contrast, contemporary bathroom vanities with a sleek, modern appearance can look great in a new home. Aesthetics aside, remember that your vanity is going to be used on a daily basis, so it must be able to stand up to splashes and spills. In particular, look for a durable, water-resistant and easy to clean vanity top.

Another practicality to consider is how much storage space you’ll need. Most bathroom vanity cabinets come with a combination of storage options, with both large cabinet compartments and smaller makeup drawers, allowing easy access to all kinds of accessories. If your old countertop is cluttered up with toiletries and cosmetics, buying a new vanity with a built in bathroom cabinet is a good opportunity to have a tidy up and clear your surfaces. This alone can instantly freshen up the appearance of a bathroom!

Bath vanities can often be purchased with matching accessories, such as mirrors and lights. Fitting a new vanity unit gives you a chance to fully coordinate your bathroom’s look. Attention to details such as the finish and style of your faucets, cabinet and drawer handles, can make a big difference to the end result. A well-chosen bathroom vanity can work wonders at bringing a touch of elegance and luxury to any bathroom.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS How To Properly Maintain A Vacuum Cleaner.

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

If you own a cleaning business you know how crucial maintaining your vacuum cleaner fleet can be. Properly maintained vacuum cleaners can save valuable time and labor while keeping your clients floors looking great. Keeping your vacuum cleaner suction system void of debris and obstacles can increase the life of your vacuums motors in turn saving you money on internal parts and labor. A simple monthly inspection can save you time and money while increasing your vacuum cleaners efficiency.

commercial vacuum cleaners, commercial vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaner, maintain vacuum cleaner, fix vacuum cleaner, repair vacuum

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
If you own a cleaning business you know how crucial maintaining your vacuum cleaner fleet can be. Properly maintained vacuum cleaners can save valuable time and labor while keeping your clients floors looking great. Keeping your vacuum cleaner suction system void of debris and obstacles can increase the life of your vacuums motors in turn saving you money on internal parts and labor. A simple monthly inspection can save you time and money while increasing your vacuum cleaners efficiency.

The first thing to inspect on your vacuum cleaner is the cord. Check for any cracks or kinks in the cord make sure the cord connection to the vacuum is tightly secured into the vacuums body. A cracked or twisted cord can be an electrical hazard for your cleaning crew and people around the work area. If the cord is cracked and bare wire is exposed replace the cord immediately.

The next area to check on the vacuum cleaner is the filtration system. On a filter bag system check for any blockages on the incoming suction tube and the exhaust port. If your vacuum has any internal filters check for filter blockage and replace or clean them if they are dirty. Some vacuum cleaners have clips that old the filter bag in place, check to see if clips are cracked or bent and if so replace them immediately. If the filter bag is not sealed on the intake port debris could get into the vacuums motor and impede the performance of the vacuum cleaner.

If everything checks out in the filter compartment then its time to move to the underside of the vacuum cleaner. Lay the vacuum cleaner on the ground and roll it over to expose the beater bar and suction area of the vacuum. Make sure the intake suction tube is not blocked by debris that can cause a strain on the vacuum belt and prematurely burn out the motor. Check the beater bar for any cotton or fibers that might be wrapped around it. If material is wound around the beater bar cut it off carefully using a scissors while being careful not to cut the beater bar bristles. Spin the beater bar and listen for squeaks or grinding in the beater bar bearings. The beater bar should roll smoothly with light resistance from the belt. If the beater bar does not roll smoothly have a vacuum technician inspect and and if needed replace the bearings.

The final part of the inspection process is a quick look over the outer shell of the vacuum cleaner. Check for cracks or protruding parts and then roll the vacuum to see if it moves smoothly. If everything checks out then it should be good for another month of great service. On higher priced vacuum cleaners repair costs can amount to up to 500 dollars. A regular vacuum inspection can keep these costs down and your cleaning business running smother.

Gardening dublin

L2LL Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

Performance Contracting Helps Save on Energy Costs

To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
To improve energy efficiency, some companies are doing more than just turning out the lights at the end of the day.

As soaring energy costs increasingly affect the bottom line of U.S. businesses, the “energy performance contract” has become an attractive solution for commercial building owners. This contract is a financing or operating lease offered by an energy service company, also known as an ESCO, to help businesses improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or facilities.

The key to energy performance contracting is to use long-term utility savings to fund the improvements. The ESCO often guarantees energy savings that will meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs, usually over a contract term of seven to 20 years.

“A building owner either pays a utility for an inefficient building, or they can pay an ESCO to improve their building,” says Jeff Stokes, a vice president at World Energy Solutions, a publicly traded ESCO (symbol: WEGY) based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

World Energy Solutions strives to reduce kilowatt usage by up to 30 percent. The company offers a variety of services, including utility billing and rate analysis, energy auditing, installation of building improvements, building systems maintenance and ongoing monitoring and verification of the energy savings.

ESCOs can provide flexible and unique ways to finance their services. For example, World Energy Solutions offers to pay the

total up-front cost of installation as well as equipment maintenance in return for an 80 percent share of the actual savings realized over a minimum 10-year period.

“In some cases, our company will fund the entire installation, at no charge to our customer, and live off the savings we generate over a certain amount of time,” says Ben Croxton, chief executive officer of World Energy Solutions.

ESCOs not only identify energy-saving opportunities, but also develop engineering designs and specifications and manage the entire process. They also can provide staff training and ongoing maintenance services.

Even the federal government has gotten into the act, and for good reason: Executive orders that require federal agencies to use 35 percent less energy by 2010 in comparison to 1985 levels will require $5 billion in energy projects. Much of that will go to “Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts,” offered by the Department of Energy.


DPC A Thermostat That Speaks To A Consumer’s Needs

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

If you have a question about how to make your home more comfortable, you may want to ask your thermostat.

A Thermostat That Speaks To A Consumer’s Needs

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
If you have a question about how to make your home more comfortable, you may want to ask your thermostat. An innovative, programmable “talking” thermostat has been designed to make it easier for you to control your home comfort systems.

The EZ Talk feature of the “Talking Thermostat” from the Coleman brand of York, a Johnson Controls Company, audibly guides homeowners through every step of programming a heating/cooling system thermostat. A Coleman Heating and Air Conditioning dealer can even customize the prerecorded messages in either a male or female voice.

If service is required, the thermostat can say the name and contact information of the dealer or contractor who installed the equipment. This provides homeowners with an easy, one-touch dealer locator that takes the guesswork out of who to call and saves time.

Separate weekday and weekend schedules allow you to set four different time/temperature settings each day, while a manual override feature makes it possible to change these settings. The thermostat is designed to protect your home comfort system with a number of alerts:

• A low-battery warning informs you when it is time to change the batteries, helping to maintain the efficiency of the system.

• In the event of a power outage, the backup battery saves the schedule and saves the homeowner from resetting the schedule.

• The Talking Thermostat automatically turns on the heat at 40 degrees, even if the batteries are dead or not installed. This is a great feature for vacation homes or when you are on vacation or away from your house for a long time.

• The Talking Thermostat reminds you when it is time to clean or replace a filter.

• Another alert reminds you to perform annual maintenance and routine service to keep the system performing at optimum efficiency.

The user-friendly Talking Thermostat from Coleman Heating and Air Conditioning offers a number of additional features that will appeal to homeowners/tenants, including an easy-to-read, lighted LCD display that shows current temperature, set points and the heating or cooling mode of operation.