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STCS Home Decorating Ideas Articles and Tips

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Home decor contains the following things:

Budget Decoration, Crafts, Garden decoration, Holiday Decoration, Home Improvement, Home Interior Decorating and Kid Decorating.

home decor tips, home decor, decor tips, decor

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Home decor contains the following things:

Budget Decoration, Crafts, Garden decoration, Holiday Decoration, Home Improvement, Home Interior Decorating and Kid Decorating.

A. The Budget Decorator s Top 3 Tips

1.PAINT! I know you ve heard it before, but it s true, paint is the cheapest, fastest way to dramatically change a room in just hours!

2.Use a theme even if it s just a favorite color scheme or one you found in a magazine, it s a place to start and plan.

3.Rearrange move things around until you find a pleasing arrangement that works for you, whether it s your furniture or your bookshelves!

Cottage style decorating on budget
Cottage decorating is meant for real living, which makes it perfect for the budget decorator! Cottage style is a relaxed and casual style, reminiscent of a small vacation cottage in the woods, at the beach, or in the mountains.
Cheap bedroom decorating ideas
Did you ever wake up one morning, look around your bedroom and want to pull the cover back over your head? Join the club. Don’t be glum! Redecorating doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg!
B. Craft Decorating Ideas

Homemade Christmas gift ideas
Creating Christmas gifts by hand is always a winning gift idea for anyone you may be close to. These are especially loved by parents and grandparents, because they appreciate and understand the time, attention, and love that went in to making the gift.

Handmade Beaded Ornaments
Here’s an excellent Christmas gift idea that can be made right at home, and it’s a wonderful family craft project for older kids, teenagers, and adults who just love being crafty: Homemade Christmas Ornaments.

C. Holiday Decorating Ideas

It s the holiday season, and while lights and decorations are an important part of the celebrations, nothing brings back memories of those special holiday moments better than classic seasonal scents such as pine, cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar cookie. The holiday season means different things to different people. While some look forward to this time of year because it means time off work or school, others love getting dressed up for parties and going shopping; parents and grandparents enjoy having the whole family together; and for the kids, it s all about the presents.

D. Home Improvement

It seems everyone is applying for loans so that they can make improvements to their home. Some individuals will burn through thousands of dollars to improve the look if their home. Major improvements such as new flooring or a deck can require a significant amount of money.

E. Home Interior Decorating

Beach Theme Bedroom, Cheap Bedroom ideas, The beauty of contemporary table lamp, Decorate with shabby chic

F. Kid Decorating

Children s Bedding can be fun and functional

There is nothing more exciting than taking your little one out to buy new bedding. The selection of children s bedding on the market is simply fantastic.

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pilates exercise

Diabetes Breakthrough Helps Diabetics Fight Back! Troy Simon

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1644.shtml
Have you heard about the diabetes breakthrough that lowers blood sugar levels by 30% in 30 days? The all natural Diabetic Pack was developed with Nobel Prize Winning Science. This FoodMatrix biotechnology has a 4 year proven track record of helping take diabetics off insulin and oral medications.
Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. Furthermore, most medications given to diabetics are compounding problems instead of getting to the source. The best way to manage diabetes is to get to the root causes.
FoodMatrix nutrient biotechnology has been proven in over 80 clinical studies. Even the U.S. California District Court has ruled that FoodMatrix claims are valid.
The reason FoodMatrix works so well, especially for type 2 diabetics, is because it operates at the cellular level and addresses a key problem that every type 2 diabetic has. Your cells simply do not process blood sugar like they should and these nutrients help your body metabolize blood sugar more efficiently.
If you are either type 1 diabetic, type 2 diabetic, or pre-diabetic who is mildly or heavily dependent on insulin or prescription medications, then the FoodMatrix Diabetic Pack is the nutrional support you need.

Driveway cleaning dublin

L2LLAchieving A Peaceful And Relaxed Home With Do-It-Yourself Indoor Fountains

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For the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

Water fountains in indoor settings have become quite a buzzword among home decorators and owners like you in the last few years. This is not surprising, since indoor fountains give you a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, as the water quietly runs in the fountain. Stores can attest to the popularity of indoor fountains. A look at stores in malls and on the Internet results in a lot of indoor fountains being sold. But what happens if you can t find your indoor fountain of your d…

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To find the best Driveway cleaning dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
Water fountains in indoor settings have become quite a buzzword among home decorators and owners like you in the last few years. This is not surprising, since indoor fountains give you a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, as the water quietly runs in the fountain. Stores can attest to the popularity of indoor fountains. A look at stores in malls and on the Internet results in a lot of indoor fountains being sold. But what happens if you can t find your indoor fountain of your dreams in the malls or in the various websites? Do not fret. Actually, there are many of you that do not seem to find what they think are the right indoor fountains for them.

Having a beautiful and elegant indoor water fountain does not always have to be the same with what other people have just because you bought yours from a store or in the Internet. And, no, you don t want to pay for a fountain with an extremely steep price just to avoid having a commonly owned fountain. Try doing it on your own. The sound of the trickling water from a fountain you did might prove to be more peaceful and relaxing than the mass-produced ones.

I. Build Your Own Indoor Fountain

If you can t find an indoor fountain in the market that could match your personal taste, lifestyle, and uses, why not make your own? Making your own indoor fountain is cheaper than buying it in a store or online. Generally, making one would cost you around $40. There are a number of variations available in making your own water fountain, but the instructions in making one are very basic.

II. Materials

– for base, you could use a waterproof container
– aquarium pump that is submersible; easily available in garden centers or at fish stores
– copper pipe with diameter of half an inch
– easy-to-use pipe cutter that costs around $2.50 only
– silicone glue – when this dries up, the glue becomes clear
– two pieces of elbow joints
– reducer that goes on top of your pump
– t-bar
– a copper piece
– beautiful and appealing rocks which you will be using for your foundation to stabilize the fountain and make the foundation more sturdy

III. Building Steps:

1. Put the pump into your container

Since the pump hole is relatively smaller compared with copper fittings, you must add the reducer. By this time, you are prepared in putting the first arm of your copper foundation.

On the pipe s outer edge, put some silicone. Then put together the pieces one by one. Before putting the top pipe over it, you must have some holes pre-drilled. You can pre-drill using a drill bit with a one-eighth-inch size. This will make your fountain have the perfect flow. You must remember all the time that the copper frame size should fit snugly into your container, allowing the water to freely circulate.

2. Check if its top part is aligned

The top part is aligned if the water perfectly flows right into your container. Expect that the final arm will be longer since the pump will elevate it. Place the joint first, as this will make the arm secured. Measure then the pipe. Cut down the excess part.

3. Keep it stabilized

Adding a number of beautiful and large stones should make the weight heavier. After putting the large stones, put some small river pebbles. And then add water.

4. Go From There

Now you have the basic foundation for your indoor fountain! From there, you can design it based on your imagination, for the look of your fountain is limitless and depends on how imaginative and creative you can get. For just starters, you could improve your fountain look by putting dried flowers and grasses. Arrange them. If you plan on installing a fountain right inside your kitchen, you might want this example. You could create your base foundation using a used or old copper pan. Flatten it using a hammer. Then suspend the flatware using copper wire.

Gardening dublin

L2LL Controlling Dust Mites in Your Home

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For the best Gardening dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

My guess is that you don’t know much about dust mites except they are small, unseen creatures that disgust you. Perhaps someone in your household is allergic to them. Here is some background information on dust mites and how you can work to control them in your house.

dust mites, dust mite, allergens

To find the best Gardening dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
My guess is that you don’t know much about dust mites except they are small, unseen creatures that disgust you. Perhaps someone in your household is allergic to them. Here is some background information on dust mites and how you can work to control them in your house.

Dust mites don’t live in your air ducts, although most people tend to focus there when attempting to remove them. They live in soft places, prefer higher humidity and release a protein which causes an allergic reaction for many people. If you don’t have any reactions to dust mite proteins then reducing your exposure may not be a priority for you but these basic treatment steps should still be taken to reduce their presence in your home and affect on your life. If you need motivation to do some of these steps you can see pictures of dust mites by doing a google image search. They’re gross enough to scare anyone into a rapid cleaning spree.

1. Dust and vacuum your house on a regular basis. The more dirt you have, the more dust mites you have.
2. Use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity levels in your home as they prefer high humid environments (anything over 70%)
3. Wash your family’s bedding in hot water at least twice monthly, preferably weekly.
4. Get machine washable plush toys if you have children, the fabric harbors dust mites

If you have someone allergic to dust mites these are more intense combat steps to take:

1. Do your best to eliminate all cloth surfaces as they tend to harbor these creatures
2. Replace your carpets with wood or laminate flooring
3. Remove fabric covered furniture and switch to wood or plastic pieces
4. Wrap your mattress, pillows and box springs in zippered covers that area dust proof and allergen proof.

You probably won’t completely eliminate dust mites, but you can go a long way toward reducing their numbers by maintaining a clean healthy living environment. Your family will thank you for it.


DPC A Tutorial To Pumps

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Pumps are amazing mechanical devices and an important invention. They are used to move gas or liquid from one pressure are to another pressure area. They are used in a variety of ways from providing water to providing heat to providing energy. Pumps have been around since the 3rd century and are still going strong today.

There are two main categories of pumps: positive displacement pumps and dynamic pumps. Positive displacement pumps have little leakage as they used sealed…

pumps, water pump, gas pump

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Pumps are amazing mechanical devices and an important invention. They are used to move gas or liquid from one pressure are to another pressure area. They are used in a variety of ways from providing water to providing heat to providing energy. Pumps have been around since the 3rd century and are still going strong today.

There are two main categories of pumps: positive displacement pumps and dynamic pumps. Positive displacement pumps have little leakage as they used sealed chambers to force the fluid or gas. Dynamic pumps use momentum to move the fluid or gas and the chambers are not sealed. In these two categories there are various types of pumps.

The following list explains the different types of pumps most commonly found in residential and industrial settings. These are a good representation of the many styles and models of pumps that are manufactured. Most pumps are made for a specific use and that is represented in this list as well.

– A centrifugal pump can handle a large load. They are used most often with oil or chemical processing. They have an impeller that forces the liquid or gas into a rotary motion. This rotary motion cause pressure to build.

– Electromagnetic pumps are made to move liquid sodium and potassium. They are used in the cooling systems of nuclear reactors. These pumps use electrical conductors and magnetic pipes.

– Jet Pumps use high velocity to move fluid. They require a jet of steam or water to carry the fluid through it. The jet pressure makes a vacuum that sucks more fluid. They are so powerful that they are most often used to move water from deep wells.

– A screw pump is also called a positive displacement pump. It is a widely used pump because it does not form clumps when pumping solids and keeps a constant speed.

These four pump types only represent a portion of the pumps on the market. They are, however, the most popular models.

Pumps are found in many environments. They range from industrial plants to a home water system. The way a pump works depends largely on the category of pump it is and the type of pump it is. The use is then based on these factors. All pumps work under the same principles, though. Pumps use pressure to move liquid or gas to a different location.

Online Pilates

3 Health Benefits of Bowling: Tone Those Muscles and Make a Strike!

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For the best Online Pilates company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Among the many sports that man has ever played, perhaps, bowling is the most popular among all. With over 50 million players in the United States alone, bowling is definitely one sport that is a cut above the rest.

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To find the best Online Pilates company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Among the many sports that man has ever played, perhaps, bowling is the most popular among all. With over 50 million players in the United States alone, bowling is definitely one sport that is a cut above the rest.

Among the many reasons this particular sport has remained at top of is the fact that it is a highly flexible sport. It promotes easy adjustment methods that are why many children and adults alike can take part in this remarkable game.

About 95% of bowlers consider bowling as a sport that can be exploited as a recreation, a form of relaxation, a societal factor, and a competitive nature as far as sportsmanship is concerned.

The simplicity of the game contributes to its adaptability. Because its rules are easier to understand, more and more people are engaging in this sport, not because of competition but basically because they want to enjoy the time with their friends or family.

With all these advantages, many people are still not aware of the health benefits that bowling can provide. They just thought that the activity could promote physical vigor and it stopped there. What they do not know is that the health benefits of bowling is more than just building stamina and releasing energy.

So for those who are not yet aware of these benefits, here is a list that you should know:

1. Promotes good muscle exercises

Merely walking along the lane, while attempting to make a strike or a spare, is enough to exercise the muscles in your legs. It resembles that of the “walking exercise” that most health buffs do; the only difference is that there is more weight involved. This is because in bowling, your hands are holding the bowling ball.

Consequently, as you swing around to hit the pins, the flexing and stretching provides adequate exercise for your tendons, joints, ligaments, and muscles in the arms.

2. Fat burning

As your muscles flex, turn, and twist in every swinging motion that you make while playing bowling, these moves can actually promote the burning of some accumulated body fat.

3. Builds friendships

One of the health benefits that can be derived in bowling is based on the kind of relationship that is being built with your friends or family. As some psychologists contend, building social relationships can actually promote better performance of the heart muscles. Emotional stress can shorten the lifespan of an average person.

Indeed, there can be no better or enjoyable way to live a healthy life than bowling can.

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title:Reviweing Excellence – Concord Law School
:Darryl Walters
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Established in 1998, Concord Law School was the first school to offer a completely online method of obtaining a law degree. They are pioneers in the online education industry with many highly successful students. Currently, there are over 1,800 students enrolled in their online classes to obtain a law degree. Many of these students have been working for awhile and already have their bachelor’s or master’s degrees. Students are generally successful in their chosen career and choose to obtain a law degree in order to further advance their career opportunities.
Concord Law School offers a Juris Doctor degree that is recognized in the state of California and other states throughout the country. The coursework covers all necessary aspects of law and prepares the student to take the bar exam in the state of California and then other states as allowed by the bar rules. After passing the bar, the student can then practice as a licensed attorney. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This will open up advancement in your current field of work and allow for opportunities in other fields as well. From law firms, to private legal departments in corporations to government agencies, the job market is vast for attorneys.
Today’s society has become much more litigious, and as such the demand for attorneys is increasing greatly. Most businesses need an attorney consultation at least occasionally if not for litigation then to exam documents or do compliance audits. Attorneys generally make a good salary, higher than the national average. It is an ideal time to enter this market as there is no shortage of attorneys needed. Concord Law School will be able to help you achieve the goal of becoming a licensed attorney.
People who have been working for some time and already have their bachelor’s degrees usually have responsibilities to their career and family that make returning to school more difficult. While the desire to get a law degree may be there, the time to accomplish it may not be. Concord Law School helps alleviate this problem by allowing you to learn in the comfort of your own home and by setting your own schedule. This will prevent any conflicts with family and career responsibilities while still enabling you to get a higher education.
In order to enroll at Concord Law School there are several criteria that must be met. The average grade point average for undergraduate work should be at least a 3.0. There is also an interview process as well as a qualifying test. Once the test results are in the admission application goes to a board to determine final enrollment status. If accepted, the courses will occur online and you will have to be familiar with the Internet and have a basic knowledge of computers and office applications such as word processing programs.
Concord Law School allows students to obtain a law degree with an entirely online course of study. They are innovators in the online education industry and will provide a quality education to enable students to pass the bar exam and practice as a licensed attorney. The opportunities available to attorneys today are vast and can greatly improve your lifestyle.

Driveway reselling dublin

L2LL Snazz Up Your Home With Some Hot Candle Holders

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For the best Driveway reselling dublin company, call Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.

One of the easiest ways to perk up your house is to add some amazing candle holders to your room d cor. These candle holders are inexpensive and they look great in any room of the house. And lets face it, if you love candles you need to have some good candle holders or you could be facing quite a problem.

You see, candle holders are not just for looks but for safety as well. Good candle holders can mean the difference between a candle simply going out or burning down your …

candles, home remodeling, arts, crafts

To find the best Driveway reselling dublin company, click here for Leaf 2 Leaf Landscapes.
One of the easiest ways to perk up your house is to add some amazing candle holders to your room d cor. These candle holders are inexpensive and they look great in any room of the house. And lets face it, if you love candles you need to have some good candle holders or you could be facing quite a problem.

You see, candle holders are not just for looks but for safety as well. Good candle holders can mean the difference between a candle simply going out or burning down your home. If you forget about a candle, which we all do sometimes, it will be much less likely to start a fire if you have it in one of the many fantastic candle holders on the market today. When the candles are in candle holders they will simply sputter out when they get down low and burn themselves out harmlessly. Of course you still need to make ever effort to make sure you put out the candles before you leave the room or the house but if you do happen to forget one day, you will at least still have a home to come home to!

Anyone, no matter what their taste in home d cor can find some fabulous candle holders. Candle holders come in all different colors and shapes and sizes. You can get cut glass or cut crystal candle holders, Venetian glass candle holders or even ceramic candle holders. You can get candle holders that are in the shape of animals or people, flowers or just simple random geometric shapes. There are literally millions of different candle holders for you to choose from. You will never have more fun than shopping for candle holders, the selection can keep you busy for years!

The best place to look for candle holders is online. When you start shopping for some new candle holders on the internet you are gong to have so many more choices at your disposal. And finding just what you are looking for has never been easier than it is today. The search engines o the internet are so powerful that all you have to do is type in just what you are looking for and you will get tons of results. Each of the websites that get show on your results page will take you to just what you have been looking for. You will never have to struggle to find the perfect candle holders again, ever.

And the price of the candle holders online is another fantastic part of shopping for them this way. You will be able to purchase the perfect candle holders online for a fraction of what you would pay in stores. Take a look around the stores and malls in your local area and then look at the prices of the candle holders online. The savings that you will find online will blow you away. So the next time that you are in the market for new candle holders check the internet first.

Paving Dublin

APD An ideal bedroom. Part2.

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For the best paving dublin company, call Active Paving Dublin.

At will you can finish bedroom walls with wood, cloth, veneer sheet or cork. Natural materials are distinguished by the characteristic structure and color, they do not have cheerless monotony and always look warm and lively, which is especially topical for creating comfort in the bedroom.

decorations, painting, finish bedroom walls, linen

To find the best paving dublin company, click here for Active Paving Dublin.
At will you can finish bedroom walls with wood, cloth, veneer sheet or cork. Natural materials are distinguished by the characteristic structure and color, they do not have cheerless monotony and always look warm and lively, which is especially topical for creating comfort in the bedroom.
Partially the image of the bedroom is defined by color that dominates in its setting.

Blue or dark blue plunge you into the thoughts of coolness and sky space. Green tones are associated with spring, freshness, they favor relaxation, but their emotional restraint requires active support from warm colors. Beautiful combinations are made as a result of combining pale shades with rich, saturated color and light.

Yellow gamma is like sun rays, it warms and animates the room, but it is recommended that vast yellow surfaces are freshened with fragments of other saturated colors. It is better to soften orange by combining it with cool key of gray-blue or one can experiment with its pale shades. Red is considered “to cheer up”, but it is difficult to wake up in such a bedroom. It is better to use red colors as a light accent.

Violet is deep and expressive, especially in combination with mild yellow or green background. Ascetic black-and-white gamma is actively used in popular minimalist stylizations. But the best decision for bedroom is thought to be shades of white that remind of baked milk or soft gray that approaches the color of flax linen. Effective are combinations of light and dark, weak and saturated colors.

Textile plays the dominant role in the decorative finishing of the bedroom, even more so because cloth decorations are can be easily replaced at will. The chief textile topic of the bedroom is connected with finishing of the window and the bed. The surface of walls and floor in this case serves as background: monotonous walls harmonize with variegated cloths with saturated colors; patterned wallpapers or a gay carpet, conversely, match one-color textile. However, interesting can be also the decision, when textile and walls are covered with one pattern. Upon basically finishing the bedroom, one can proceed to curtains.

Usually they are made from soft, well-draped clothes. The ideal variant is curtains of medium thickness that disperse intense daylight and soften light contrasts. If the window is on the sunny side, it is better to complement light curtains with thick ones, small screen rollers or Venetian blinds. The shape and pattern of the curtains can change the proportions of the window and influence the geometry of the room.

A small embrasure in the spacious wall can be visually increased by means of covering the whole window wall with curtains. You should avoid using cloth with big pattern in a small bedroom with a great window opening, as this will even more diminish the room. While choosing cloth for curtains, you should also consider a bedspread and bed-clothes. The easiest thing is to make bed-spread from the same cloth, as the curtains, and bed-clothes – by one or two tones lighter. A more original decision is a complex combination of cloths with different patterns and various textures, which reflect light in a different way. Bed-clothes can be combined in the following way: a one-color sheet that matches the general coloring of the bedroom plus multicolored pillow-cases and blanket cover. Have you decided on the planning, style, materials, color and textile? The next stage is choosing the lighting.

It is better to avoid direct, open, collimated light in the bedroom, because it creates deep shadows. Disperse light can be achieved with the help of lamp-shades, plafonds from suffused glass or mosaics – it is the so-called general, orientating light. And finally, it is impossible to imagine a bedroom without accent lighting: table, wall and floor night-lamps, built-in or hung up in the head bed lamps. They calm down and tune in for sleep. These are some brief pieces of advice in design of “intimate space” of your house. Of course, advice is not a dogma, but it should be taken into the account, when you get to bedroom in your fantasies about repair-work.

construction project management consultancy

EKCS How to Protect Yourself When Purchasing a Home

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For the best construction project management consultancy company, call EK Consultants.

When you are purchasing a home, whether it is your first or not, it is important that you protect yourself and your investment. Many people will make sure their appliances have warranties, as well as their vehicles. Most people will not make a big purchase like those without a warranty, so why is it that so many people make the biggest purchase of their lives (a home) and do not get a warranty?

Home Owner Warranty, Home Buyer Warranty, Home Seller Warranty, Homeowner Program, Air conditioner Repair, Furnace Repair, Appliance Repair

To find the best construction project management consultancy company, click here for EK Consultants.
When you are purchasing a home, whether it is your first or not, it is important that you protect yourself and your investment. Many people will make sure their appliances have warranties, as well as their vehicles. Most people will not make a big purchase like those without a warranty, so why is it that so many people make the biggest purchase of their lives (a home) and do not get a warranty?

There are many things you can do to protect yourself when you buy a home but probably foremost is ensuring that you have a warranty on that home. A home warranty is not a new product – in fact, home warranties have been around for quite some time. In the past, however, most people thought that home warranties were only offered by builders on new homes, but that is not the case. In fact, you can purchase a home warranty on any home, new or used.

Usually, either the buyer or the seller will purchase a home warranty. A buyer purchases a home warranty on an older home to safeguard themselves from any major repairs that need to be done that can’t be seen on inspection, or foreseen. It’s hard to tell that the water heater or furnace is about ready to kick the bucket and need replacing from looking at it. A home warranty protects from those repairs and replacements for the term of the policy. A seller will purchase a home warranty for the home they are selling as a selling feature. A home warranty helps secure their pricing near where it’s listed at. Also, many homes that come with a home warranty will sell much quicker than one without.

With this, it is important then that when you are purchasing a home that you ensure you have a home warranty. A home warranty will save you a lot of time, money and trouble if something major should go wrong. In most cases, a home warranty will cover:

  • Air conditioning system
  • Built in dishwasher
  • Built in microwave
  • Built in trash compactor
  • Ceiling fans
  • Central heating unit
  • Duct work
  • Electrical systems
  • Garbage disposal unit
  • Plumbing systems
  • Refrigerator
  • The oven or range
  • Washer and dryer
  • Water heater

Here is a list of things that are generally not covered with a home warranty:

  • Outdoor sprinkler systems
  • Outdoor water systems
  • Faucet repairs (unless otherwise stated in the policy)
  • Spas (you can request/add this coverage in some cases)
  • Pools (you can request/add this coverage in some cases)
  • Hot tubs (you can request/add this coverage in some cases)
  • Permit fees
  • Hauling away debris
  • Hauling away old appliances

There are items that are often not covered by some plans, which are covered by others, including:

  • Washers (because they are not built in to the home and are not always included with a home.)
  • Dryers (because they are not built in to the home and are not always included with a home.)
  • Garbage disposals
  • Garage door openers
  • Refrigerators

The best thing to do is to talk to the agent you are dealing with and ask what is and isn’t covered in detail with your policy. Anything you talk about should be put in writing and signed by the agent. If he says the garbage disposal is covered, then ensure it is written in the policy.

It’s best to take some time and do your research if you are purchasing your own home warranty package for a home. The rates, coverage and deductibles vary from company to company, and from state to state. There are many options available to you, so talk to a qualified home warranty agent to discuss what type of home warranty program suits your needs the best.

If you are buying a home that comes with a home warranty, it’s important to remember that this type of warranty is non-renewable; whereas if you purchase your own, it is likely able to be renewed when the initial year-long period is up. Again, it’s important to ask of the seller what is included and not included in the warranty before purchasing the home. Read through the policy to be sure you are clear on what is and is not covered.

Buying a home is an exciting time, but it can also be quite daunting. You never know what you are getting when you purchase an older home, but a home warranty can help dispel any misgivings you have.