pilates mat

Caffeine: the culprit behind our migraines

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Coffee is one of the primary reason to trigger migraines

migraine remedies, causes of migraine, stress and anxiety, migraine headaches

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Agnes, a 39 year old married woman have come to see a doctor and complained about recurring headaches and migraines. A thorough examination revealed that there wasn’t any obvious cause and her doctor thinks Agnes headaches are more of psychological in origin. On further investigation, Agnes told her doctor that she was taking a lot of painkillers and that she prefers stronger tablets. She describes her headache as like a hammer pounding her head over and over again.

She blames her headaches from the stress and anxiety she was getting from home caring for her four very young children. But still it wasn’t really enough reason to have migraine headaches and there is no sign of any childhood problems that can trigger this. The doctor advised her to take it easy on the painkillers that might have some “rebound effect.”

Mr. Cooper on the other hand, had a history of migraines since he was a teenager. At 42, he was still taking medications as he was sensitive to the light and sound.

Migraine headache can be defined as a type of primary headache that some people get it repeatedly over time. It is closely associated with disorders of the digestive system, the liver, and the vision. It usually occurs when a person is under mental tension. Profiling people who usually get migraines shows that a person who is likely sensitive, methodical, intelligent and a perfectionist are more prone to headaches. It is usually when they are in very stressful situations or so overworked.

Not so many people know about it but caffeine is also a culprit in triggering migraine attacks. Americans are known for being big time coffee drinkers. Every inch of the city in the US is filled with coffee shops sprouting in the metropolis. If you think you are one of the heavy coffee addicts and are experiencing migraines afterwards, then you must lessen your caffeine intake.


l Stress is the number one source of tension headaches and can trigger a migraine. It can cause the muscles in the neck and head to tense up, therefore, constricting blood flow to the brain.
l Certain foods like cheese, chocolates, sardines and dried meats. And fruits like pineapples, raspberries and avocados.
l Smoke or exposure to smoke
l Skipping meals
l Allergic reaction
l Alcohol

Another sign that you will be having a migraine is when you experience what is seems like “aura”like visions or like seeing stars or zigzag lines.


Your doctor can diagnose you properly and will take detailed history to make sure your headaches doesn’t pertain to sinus inflammation or a more serious one like brain tumor. At times, a CT scan is helpful and EEG may also be required.

If taking drugs is not to your liking, another alternative is “Feverfew” which is a popular herb specifically for migraines. Studies show that herbs are good for treating migraines. You can also consider drinking lots of orange juice or water therapy as water is a good cleansing system and adds vitality.

A hot bath will go a long way in relieving migraine headaches and so does walking in a very relaxing environment with fresh cool air. There is no specific cure for migraine headaches but you can prevent them from happening.

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COPD And Life Expectancy

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For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a disease that causes destruction of airways in the lungs. In the United States, it’s the fourth highest cause of death. Every year, more than 85,000 people die from COPD.

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To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a disease that causes destruction of airways in the lungs. In the United States, it’s the fourth highest cause of death. Every year, more than 85,000 people die from COPD.

In most of cases, the root cause for COPD is smoking or consumption of tobacco. Naturally, COPD causes a number of health problems and reduces the life expectancy of those who suffer from it. If detected and treated early, life expectancy can be greatly increased, and if smoking is stopped immediately, lung has the capacity to recover dramatically. This, in turn, increases the life expectancy.

In cases where the intensity of COPD has developed beyond the initial stages, giving up smoking alone may not help increase life expectancy. In such cases, oxygen therapy is given and the patient must inhale oxygen through a mask or nasal cannulae placed beneath his nostrils. The patient needs to purchase oxygen tanks for home use, or portable versions for travel. Nowadays, oxygen concentrator machines that use air to produce oxygen are effective replacements for traditional oxygen tanks.

In many cases, when COPD is in its final stages, even oxygen therapy may not help the patient. In such cases transplantation of the lungs may be the only way of increasing life expectancy. Transplantation is suggested to those patients whose life expectancy is felt to be less than two to three years. However, at this stage, there is no average to determine the life expectancy of a patient.

If COPD is detected in a person, giving up smoking is the best way to increase life expectancy. Other treatments like oxygen therapy, exercise and transplantation will also help, but you cannot fight COPD unless you quit smoking.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom In Good Shape. Part Two.

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Sitting bathtubs have also all the chances to be a success. Those who choose this model for a bathroom renovation should think whether they are ready to come out of a deep bathtub.

remodeling bathroom, bathroom renovation, bathroom design, bathroom installation, bathroom suite, bathroom space

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
Sitting bathtubs have also all the chances to be a success. Average depth of an ordinary bathtub varies from 40 to 50 cm and in the deepest point it exceeds 60 cm. Those who choose this model for a bathroom renovation should think whether they are ready to come out of a deep bathtub. The deepest bathtub in the world reaches 81 cm in the deepest point.

Untiring designers of modern bathrooms have recently invented a new interesting construction of a bathtub. In new models the pedestal somewhat swags down a sitting person in one place like a hammock and under feet the depth is less than under seat. Such a bathtub construction lets to slide into the water up to throat and come out of the bathtub stepping over from the shallow edge. At the dimensions 190 x 190 cm and at the depth in the lowest point 79,5 cm the bathtub is rather roomy for physically big people.

In general the bathtubs appear in the world as families. Similar configurations of bathtubs are issued under one name but if they are apparently similar they differ with their dimensions and details of outlines: a little bit higher or lower, a little bit rounder or squarer, a little bit wider or narrower. Or, for instance, there are collections of bathroom suites for family houses where everything is done on a noble scale and for prospective for house inhabitants of different age and body-build. For a full-bodied man there are more roomy bathtubs. For babies there are bathtubs with round shaped sides as resembling a flower-cup.

There are models for family bathing. Such a non-standard model as a rule is larger than an ordinary bathtub, it shall be installed in a niche. The bathroom suit of non-standard size would be a perfect place where children can bathe, spouses can take bath together and the water will not be splashed over.

New bathroom suites diversity, wide range of bathroom units, perfect collection of bathroom accessories shall be obliged to modern materials and technologies applied in bathrooms manufacturing nowadays. They make it possible to create geometric configurations Pythagoras did not dream of: with cavity at the feet, rounded at the head, with the bottom outlining the body, any other “sophisticated” shapes.

New bathroom suite should be chosen more thoroughly than any other piece of a house furniture. It is very closely related to the lifestyle of a family that is why a bathroom renovation or new bathroom installation thereof is not very easy. Bathroom suites suppliers are usually not the best advisers. Ideally, objectively estimate your physical data, think about “trying on” the bathtub onto you as you trying on when buying clothes, even underwear (as it will touch your body), and so that you should not jump with vaulting pole over high boards. And not to feel discomfort because of the difference of temperatures between the parts of body deep into the water and knees and shoulders coming out.

Construction of the bathtub is appreciated for its body-structure shape, i.e. closeness to human body. Such constructive inventions are now becoming pearls of shapes in new bathroom suites design. Professionals will help you choose and install a bathroom suite which is the most comfortable for you.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Ever Thought Of Buying A Piece Of Eco Or Ethical Household Furniture?

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Ask yourself this – Do you own any eco friendly furniture, or anything that is made from an ethical source or bought from an ethical retailer? The majority of Western consumers may say they don t, and probably most of them are not even familiar with the concepts. So what is eco friendly furniture, an ethical source or ethical retailer and why should you consider buying such products?

Increasingly we find ourselves beset by problems that seem beyond our control; global warm…

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To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Ask yourself this – Do you own any eco friendly furniture, or anything that is made from an ethical source or bought from an ethical retailer? The majority of Western consumers may say they don t, and probably most of them are not even familiar with the concepts. So what is eco friendly furniture, an ethical source or ethical retailer and why should you consider buying such products?

Increasingly we find ourselves beset by problems that seem beyond our control; global warming, GM Foods, animal testing, the spread of factory farming, the arms trade and human rights abuses, to list but a few. Shoppers are often left feeling helpless, the typical response being there s nothing I can do .

But you can by shopping in an Ethical way. Put simply, this is buying things that are made ethically by companies that act ethically. Buying ethically means buying a brand or from a company which doesn t exploit labour, animals or the environment.

Eco friendly furniture is defined as furniture made by nontoxic, sustainable, renewable materials. An example is garden furniture made from recycled wood. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international network to promote responsible management of the world s forests. FSC brings people together to find solutions to the problems created by bad forestry practices and to reward good forest management.

Why buy ethically?

Due to a world population of 6 billion and the demand for wood that follows, forests have been clear-cut throughout the equatorial regions of the world. From Indonesia to Africa to the Americas, deforestation has robbed the world of nearly half of the original tropical forests. Often this deforestation has been fueled by multinational timber companies who came in, cut everything in sight, and moved on.

Although we are beginning to hear the term Carbon neautral more and more. (What this means is that in terms of timber, for every tree they cut down. They plant another in either the same place or a different place. That way they remain neutral) Everyone needs to go shopping in one way or another. As an ethical consumer, every time you buy something you can make a difference by choosing an ethical furniture product or by buying from an ethical business.

For example, when you buy from a company that doesn t exploit its workers and provides them with decent working conditions, you are giving the company the funds to continue its ethical behaviour. At the same time, you are no longer buying from a company that exploits its labour with poor pay and often a dangerous working environment. That company then loses business, which may encourage it to change its ways and to look after its workers.

Shopping for ethical and eco furniture has never been easier with companies such as GuideMeGreen that lists 100s of relevant companies.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Value Of A Shovel

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

I grew up in Florida. I loved my childhood years, and not just because I lived three miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Rather, I loved my childhood because it was quite a normal childhood. I went to school and mostly hated it. I had a ton of friends that I loved to play with for hours and hours on end. My family was great and we made it to the beach as often as we could make time for it. My life seemed perfect, and I was quite sure that it would stay that way. I went to college …


To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
I grew up in Florida. I loved my childhood years, and not just because I lived three miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Rather, I loved my childhood because it was quite a normal childhood. I went to school and mostly hated it. I had a ton of friends that I loved to play with for hours and hours on end. My family was great and we made it to the beach as often as we could make time for it. My life seemed perfect, and I was quite sure that it would stay that way. I went to college in Florida and just assumed that I’d always live there. Life has a way of giving us reality checks however. I searched for jobs and found one in Minneapolis, Minneasota. I moved there ignorantly and quickly learned the value of a shovel.

I’ll be honest. The only shovel I had encountered prior to my move to Minneapolis was a small one that my siblings and I used to make sandle castles on the beach. It had snowed a few times during my growing up years, but never enough to warrant the use of a shovel. So my transition to Minneapolis went smoothly until October hit and the snow began falling. It began falling and didn’t stop falling until nearly April. I was warned by a new friend to buy a shovel when the first snow fell so fortunately I was prepared with my tool of choice to battle the winter snows.

I quickly learned the value of a shovel. I learned that a shovel has value because it does something very necessary when there is a pileup of snow or ice: it allows someone to remove that snow or ice and keep on living. I was thinking of the value of the shovel and about how a shovel is way more valuable to people in Minneapolis than it is to a resident of Florida. Most residents of Florida will never have use for a shovel, and therefore, they care little about whether they own a shovel or not.

That is a crazy thing about life and about humans assign value. It seems like we assign value to people and things based on their purpose in our life and based on what they can do for us. Don’t we? As much as we’d like to claim that we are fully altruistic, isn’t it true that we only appreciate a shovel, a medical doctor or even our own mother only when we need that thing to come through for us and do something?

I guess I learned a lot about myself and about the world upon moving to Minneapolis. I learned more than just how to use a shovel.


DPC 10 Tips For A Window Coverings Makeover

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

You cannot stand it. The same old dreary windows that do little to add life to your home. It is time for a change. But, where do you start? How do you keep from making an expensive or embarrassing mistake? In fact, how can you know what you really want?

1.Start with one room at a time.
There may be the temptation, especially when moving into a new home, to decorate all of the rooms at once. This takes far too much energy and can sap your creative juices, leaving the decor…

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To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
You cannot stand it. The same old dreary windows that do little to add life to your home. It is time for a change. But, where do you start? How do you keep from making an expensive or embarrassing mistake? In fact, how can you know what you really want?

1.Start with one room at a time.
There may be the temptation, especially when moving into a new home, to decorate all of the rooms at once. This takes far too much energy and can sap your creative juices, leaving the decorating flat and less interesting. It can also make decorating your home an overwhelming task. Go slow. Do one room at a time and then move on to the next one.

2.Assess, review your needs.
With pen and paper in hand, jot down some notes about all of the windows in the room. Measure them and note their size and shape. Rough sketches will help. Are the windows too large? Too small? Odd sizes? Mismatched sizes? Is there too much light in the room? Not enough light? Do you want to block an unattractive view? Do you want to enjoy the beautiful view? Do you need privacy? Daytime privacy? Nighttime privacy? Or both? Do you want to liven up a dreary room? How do other family members feel about these needs? What is your budget for the windows?

3.Look for help, tips and ideas.
Seek inspiration. One thing is for certain, no matter what the challenge or situation that you are facing with your windows, someone else has already dealt with the same situation. There is a way, or many ways, to attractively treat the windows in your room. You can find examples of how others have decorated their windows in magazines, window decorating books, window decorating websites and by talking with friends and relatives.

4.Make a plan.
Using your list of needs, rank the needs in order of importance and then make a plan that addresses your needs in that order. There is a way to treat issue.

5.Address your window coverings in stages.
This is especially if you are uncertain about your preferences or if you are working on a budget. Begin with the shades, blinds or shutters. Once these are selected and installed, move to draperies or curtains, including the traverse or curtain rod. Finally, add the finishing touches such as cornices, decorative tie backs and finishing hardware.

6.Combine and contrast colors.
Using color in your window treatment is an excellent way to put life and energy as well as set the tone and mood of a room. Experiment with mixing colors from opposite ends of the color spectrum.

7.Mix fabrics for texture.
Fabric is composed of either natural or synthetic fibers and how they are woven, knitted or felted together. The type fiber and the weave or knitting will determine the texture of the material or fabric. Mixing fabrics and textures can be an excellent way to create interest and set the tone of your window treatments. For example, you may consider using velvet over organdy or silk over linen. Common fabrics for window treatments include brocade, cambric, canvas, chintz, cotton duck, crewel, damask, gingham, lace, linen, muslin, organdy, satin, silk, taffeta and velvet.

8.Mix patterns.
Mixing patterns can also liven up and set the mood for a room. Here are some tips for mixing patterns.

a. Match the scale, of the pattern to the area where it is going to be used. For example, use larger patterns on the drapes or curtains, medium patterns on valances or cornices and small patterns on accent pieces.

b. Use geometric patterns with one another. For example, you can use stripes with checks, plaids or dots.

c. Common colors in mixed patterns tie the two together. For example, blue stripes mixed with matching blue dots will tie the two patterns together.

9.Make small windows big.
Make big windows smaller. One of your goals should be to make the room harmonious. Mismatched windows or windows of dissimilar size and shape can disrupt this harmony. You can make small windows appear larger by placing a heading such as a valance or cornice on the wall above the window and using curtains or drapes of similar length. Large windows can be treated with a series of blinds or drapes breaking up the expanse. Large cathedral windows can be treated by installing a curtain or traverse rod on the lower part of the window and leaving the upper portion untreated.

10.Let your window coverings evolve.
Like a garden, the interior decoration of your home, including window treatments will be subject to change. Let your windows evolve as the interior of your home changes to reflect changes in your lifestyle or tastes. The first order for your windows is to provide privacy and light control. This will be accomplished with shades, blinds, miniblinds or shutters. Then you can begin creating mood with decorative treatments of color, design and texture. As you gain confidence and experience with decorating, you can change and expand your window treatments.

If you are tired of the same old boring drapery and curtains, now is the time to make a change. Follow these steps. Look for tips and ideas in books, magazines and websites. You are on your way to a complete window make over.

Here are some tips to help you begin your window coverings ( ) makeover.


DPC 10 Things You Must Know When Building or Renovating

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Discover ten of the most important things to consider before beginning any kind of renovation. Save yourself a lot of time and money by putting in some careful planning and decision making before you start renovating your home.

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To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.

There are many sad cases of home renovations not going as planned – often going way over budget or schedule, or unforseen complications popping up unexpectedly and ruining even up to years of work.

Most of these situations would never have gone so awry with some careful planning and early decision making sooner in the renovation process. Below are a few issues that it is vital to think about before you begin your home renovation.

10 Things to Think About BEFORE Beginning Work

  • Prepare a budget
  • Be aware of council regulations
  • Find a tradesperson
  • Know your start and completion dates
  • Selecting Products
  • Prepare plans
  • Purchasing products
  • What should I purchase myself?
  • What services are available to my property?
  • What sort of hot water unit do I need?

Prepare a budget
Before you start shopping for your new bathroom or kitchen you must know your spending limits. Whether you are getting a loan or paying cash, you need to work out how much your project is going to cost. Some businesses also offer finance solutions for approved customers.

Be aware of council regulations
Find out all the information you can before you arrange tradesperson. If your home is heritage listed you will need to meet strict council regulations. Many renovations must be approved by the council before work can commence. Contact your local council for more details.

Finding a tradesperson
Speak with family and friends who have done renovations or built a home. It is important to find a tradesperson that you can communicate with. Make sure you understand everything they are telling you. Book a tradesperson well ahead of time, as they can be booked for months in advance. Ensure that your tradesperson is licensed. Your product warranties are only valid if installed by a licensed tradesperson. In Australia, Trades@call provide professional, reliable tradespeople for most jobs, and all workmanship is guaranteed.

Know your start and completion dates
Communicate with your tradesperson and come to an agreement of realistic start and completion dates for your project. If you have a specific date that the job must be finished by, for example you have relatives coming to stay, let your tradesperson know. Keep in mind that unexpected problems can hold up your project, no matter how well you have planned it.

Selecting Products
It may take a few shopping trips for you to decide on the products that give you the look you desire and are also practical for your needs. Browse through a print or online catalogue. Once you have decided on a style (modern, heritage or easy living) this will narrow down your product choices. Be aware of any size restrictions of the room. Print out or write down product specifications and measure up your bathroom. You may use the online bathroom planner at the Bourne Bathroom and Kitchen Centre website to layout the products you have chosen.

Talk to your tradesperson about your choices. If the tradesperson tells you that a product you have chosen is unsuitable, find out why. It may just be that extra work is required that they don’t want to do. Remember, it is your home and you need to be satisfied once the job is complete.

Prepare plans
It is important that you draw up plans of your bathroom or kitchen. Discuss the plans with your tradesperson. Let him know what sort of products you would like, so he will know what work needs to be done. For example if you have chosen an inwall cistern, the tradesperson will need to know so he can set up the plumbing correctly before the tiling is done. It is best to have specifications of all of the products you have chosen so the tradesperson knows exactly what work is required.

Purchasing products
When selecting products, find out how long it will take for delivery. Some goods such as tapware and toilets will be in stock, while others such as spas and vanity units are custom made and can take up to 1 month to order in. Often these custom made products are non-refundable so confirm your product choices with your tradesperson before ordering. Find out from your tradesperson which products they will required first. Generally, the first products needed are the shower base, bath or spa and mixers if they are being installed on the wall.

As an owner builder, what should I purchase myself?
If you are owner building, make sure you purchase all of the main products for your bathroom, kitchen and laundry. This will ensure that you make all of the decisions and achieve the result you want. There will be things you will not think about when placing an order, such as different handle types on a vanity unit, the pump position of your spa, that you will need to decide on. It is important to make these decisions yourself as they will affect the overall result of your project. Smaller fittings for plumbing can be purchased by your tradesperson.

What services are available to my property?
It is important to know whether you need gas or electric appliances (hot water unit, cooking appliances). If you live further out from the city, you may need LPG appliances. If you currently have electric appliances and you want to change to gas, speak with your tradesperson to determine if this is going to be cost effective and worthwhile in the long run. If you are building a new home, decide on the appliances you want before building begins, as the plumbing will need to be roughed in based on your product selection.

What sort of Hot Water Unit do I need?
There is a wide range of hot water units available and it can be quite daunting to try and choose one. If you are replacing an existing unit your choices can be limited, so speak with your tradesperson. The instantaneous hot water units are popular at the moment, but they use a larger gas line than the standard storage units. This can mean major plumbing changes which can be quite costly, though in the long run the instantaneous systems are cost efficient. See the Bourne Hot Water Selection Guide for more detail.

Many of these points seem somewhat obvious, but the problem arises when you start taking things for granted. When you don’t make sure that all your bases are covered, you may find that you have invested a lot of time, effort and money in a home renovation that you may end up unhappy with.

pilates mat

Cardio-Boxing for Super Fitness

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Sports scientists agree that cardio-boxing is one of the best forms of exercise, because it conditions the total body and provides a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems.

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To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Sports scientists agree that cardio-boxing is one of the best forms of exercise, because it conditions the total body and provides a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems.

The major benefits of cardio-boxing include:

 Increased Stamina
 Increased Strength
 Increased Speed
 Increased Coordination

Cardio-boxing also promotes a person’s well being by strengthening their self-discipline and combined with strength training it’s well and truly the total package for self-defence and fitness and usually consists of:

 Adjusted heart rate work
 Actual boxing techniques

The usual workout consists of the age-adjusted heart rate work starting with 10 minutes for beginners and leading up to 20 minutes for the more advanced. For the second part of the workout, you’ll need to perform and practice 20 minutes of actual boxing techniques.


The best way to measure the effects of an exercise program on your body is to check your pulse.

The easiest way to check the pulse is to place your index and middle fingers on your carotid artery or the wrist. Immediately after the exercise, count your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

You can also check your pulse during the exercise but with safety as a first priority. To get a more precise reading of your pulse rate, purchase an electronic device from any sports store.

Now you have your exercising pulse rate or heartbeats per minute. We’ll be concentrating at the upper end of your pulse region: the 50% – 70% ranges.

To figure this out, deduct your age from 220. Suppose your age is 40, deduct this from 220 and you get 180.

50% of 180 is 90 beats a minute,
60% of 180 is 108 beats a minute,
70% of 180 is 126 beats a minute and so on.

Don’t jump into 70% work straight away. Start with 50% and slowly work your way up to the 70% upper limit.

Start with no more than 10 minutes, and work up to 20 minutes. Once you’re comfortable with working out for 20 minutes at 70% then try to increase the heart rate up to 80%.

Mix up your cardiovascular activities in the gym. Use the treadmill, skipping, rower, climber, and bike and other equipment that might be available to you.


The boxing stance is the posture a boxer takes before and after every action depending on whether you are left or right handed. We’ll be dealing with the most common; right-handed. For left-handed people, just reverse the instructions.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your left foot in front of your right foot. Your right heel should be slightly raised with your left foot flat on the floor and toes pointing ahead.

Bend your knees a little and balance your weight comfortably and evenly.
Place your elbows close to your body with your left fist held at head height and in a position that corresponds to your left foot.

The right fist should be at head height also and guarding the chin, with both elbows protecting your body and both fists protecting your chin.

This is your defensive and offensive position after throwing punches, so please practice this before going any further. When moving forward in this boxing stance the left foot moves forward first and then the right follows.

When moving back, the right moves back and then the left follows. When moving sideward to the right, the right foot moves first followed by the left. When moving sideward to the left, the left foot moves first followed by the right.

Practice this moving forward, back and sideward in the boxer’s stance until it is done smoothly and quickly. Remember to keep your guard up and elbows tucked in to your sides.

Keep your head at eye level with your upper body leaning forward slightly. In boxing it is important that punches are thrown quickly and then bought back quickly to assume a defensive posture.


A left jab has many uses, it can be used for both offensive and
Defensive actions. From the set stance the left arm is pushed quickly and forcefully forward, the weight is shifted to the front foot. The fist moves in a straight line and straight back again for defence.

At the moment of impact the back of the hand and the lower arm are in a straight line. Keep the right fist in the defensive position and elbow tucked into the body during the movement.

The straight right is also known as the punching hand and can be thrown with considerable force. The arm moves straightforward from the chin, the body weight is shifted to the front foot with the ball of the foot of the back leg pushing into the floor for more power.

The back of the hand is straight and pointing up at the moment of impact. The arm is then immediately pulled back for protection after the hit.

The left hook to the head and body is an effective punch for closer range work. From the set stance turn your left shoulder quickly and move your elbow up to shoulder height. The fist moves in a circular motion to the target, with the elbow bent.

Rotate your hip and body whilst pressing your front left down keeping the back of your fist pointing up and in a straight line with the lower arm. The left hook to the body is similar to the above but increases the rotation of the body

The right uppercut is also carried out at close range. Drop the lower part of your punching arm until the lower and upper arm is at right angles to each other. The back of your hand should be pointing away from you, now thrust your arm forward and upward to your target.

Shift your body weight to your front leg and rotate your hip and shoulder on the same side. Remember to keep your left fist guarding your chin during the entire movement. Now practice all your punches until they are done quickly and smoothly.

To develop speed and endurance, try punching straight left and right combinations into the heavy bag. The duration of the exercise period is the same as the rest period i.e. 10 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest, and so on. Move up higher as your condition improves.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom In Good Shape. Part One.

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Extraordinary and somewhat sophisticated bathroom units shapes, recently considered unsuitable at all for a bathroom renovation, all that became almost a routine in design of bath and toilet equipment.

remodeling bathroom, bathroom renovation, bathroom design, bathroom installation, bathroom suite, bathroom space

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Extraordinary and somewhat sophisticated bathroom units shapes, recently considered unsuitable at all for a bathroom renovation, all that became almost a routine in design of bath and toilet equipment. However if in the other objects the design dominates, bathroom design demands pay more attention to the shape of the bathroom units. Right choice of shape and bath units performance (these two concepts are equitable), a gage of not only esthetic perfection but a comfort for the bathroom user. Thereon depends how comfortable and nice it will be to enjoy the newly installed bathroom. A good shape assures a correct placement of body that is especially important if hydro massage system is available.

To tell the truth there is many things to choose among. Though the bathroom units remain stable, the progress of their comfort and design does by leaps and bounds. The shapes of modern bathtubs, toilets and sinks let insert them almost in every place of a bathroom. That’s why it is easy to plan a new bathroom units placement and freely manage of the bathroom installation planning. New bathtub can be installed as you wish: it can be freely placed in the middle of the remodeling bathroom, it can be adjoined to the wall (two or three), it can be built in the walls, podiums and constructions of complex configurations, it can sank into the floor. Even in the most difficult situations it is possible to choose a bathroom suite that would be perfect for any bathroom space. Different bathtub options such as corner bathtubs, rounded, in shape of triangle, they leave more place for maneuver, they free some bathroom space.

A round, a square, an ellipse, a triangle, a polygon… The bathroom suites manufacturers try to take into account the requirement of the most demanding buyers. Every year a new bathroom suite models come. They are sometimes of a very unusual shape, opening new bathrooms designs horizons.

It would seem: some large and deep comes to sales but the measurements of the bathrooms are still the same. But it looks like this argument is already old. Funny enough but the new bathtubs of the same height and length became deeper and roomier. For account of what? Before all iron bathtubs were cast with shallow descent to the bottom from the side of the head as well as from the side of the feet. The leading bathroom suites producers come to conclusion that it is worth to make the bottom of the bathtub larger by removing one of the walls and by making descent to the bottom less shallow from the sides. This increased the length on the bottom from 110-120 cm to 130-140 cm. And at the same parameters, at the same perimeter the bathtub has become roomier. Now “cool” baths have cool boards.

The bathtubs differ not only upon the shapes but upon “the depth of immersion and the length of marathon”. For instance, there are very high standing bath. One shall enter dry therein closing the door like that of limousine and then let water go approximately up to armpits and stand therein. Such baths suite for passionate bathers who like slugging in water notably in vertical position.

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How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium

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Before you invest your money in an Aquarium take the time to read about how to properly maintain the tank and the fish, before you decide if you are willing to put in the effort.

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A fresh water fish tank requires about 30 minutes to an hour of work a week depending on the size of the tank.

Waht you will need:
1) You will need a clean 5 gallon bucket that has never had chemicals or soap inside of it.
2) A hose or gravel cleaner
3) A bag of natural or synthetic sea salt

I have split the work into two parts the tank which needs to be cleaned ever week on the same day and the filters which can be cleaned every 2 or 3 weeks.

The very first thing you have to do before you start cleaning your fish tank is to unplug your tanks heater if you have one. The heater can not be allowed to be removed from the water while it is hot so make sure to leave it unplugged at least 20 minutes before attempting to remove it. The water help cool the glass on the heater if removed it could crack, or the glass could totally shatter. You should also remember to never stick your hand inside of any fish tank before making sure the heater is not only off but unplugged from the wall. A small crack in the heater could be more then enough to cause a shock to you that can be fatal.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. After the heater has ha time to cool you can safely remove the heater from the tank or it the heater is submersible you can just push it down to the bottom of the tank.

Now take any decorations you may have placed in the tank, so all you have are the small gravel at the bottom, this will allow you to get any dirt that those decorations may have been covering up. Now if you do not have a gravel cleaner you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands wet. You will need to stir up the gravel to get the dirt that has settled between the gravel into the water, and start removing the water into the bucket with the hose. Do not throw out the water you will still need it to clean the filters.

If you have a gravel cleaner, push the plastic tube into the gravel until it hits the bottom of the tank, then start a siphon into the bucket, every second or 2 move the gravel cleaner over an inch or 2 and repeat this process until either you have removed 15 percent of the tanks water of you have cleaned all the gravel.

Now at this point you can clean the Aquariums filters. The insides of the filters are used to grow bacteria, that help break down the nitrites and nitrates that are in the water from fish waste and uneaten food. To make sure we don’t kill all these Aquarium friendly bacteria, we clean the filter materials and sponges in the dirty water that I also full of the bacteria. Take everything out of the filters and rinse them of in the bucket of dirty Aquarium water, then give the sponge a couple of squeezes in the bucket and reassemble the filters, and put them back on the tank.

Now before adding the water sea salt must be added to the tank. All water has some amount of salt in it and to replicate the natural habitat of the fish there must be salt in your tank as well. Add approximately 1 cup of sea salt for every 50 gallons of water.

Now you can add water to the tank, but you must make sure the water is the within a degree or two of the temperature of the water in the tank. A drastic change in the tanks temperature suddenly can throw the fish into shock and kill them or weaken their immunity and help give them a fish disease. I recommend filling the bucket with hot water and checking it regularly till it is the same as the tanks temperature, then slowly add the water to the tank, start the filters and the heater.

Cleaning the filters only needs to be done once or twice a month, but the water in the tank must be cleaned on the same day every week.