online pilates classes

Coping With Constipation Caused By IBS

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For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation is a treatable medical condition. It is characterized by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, and bloating along with constipation.

IBS with constipation is common to a number of people. Getting accurate information on what causes IBS with constipation may help in improving the condition. It is also recommended to seek medical assistance from doctors who specialize in this type of disorder.

It is not really clear why some p…

To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation is a treatable medical condition. It is characterized by recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, and bloating along with constipation.

IBS with constipation is common to a number of people. Getting accurate information on what causes IBS with constipation may help in improving the condition. It is also recommended to seek medical assistance from doctors who specialize in this type of disorder.

It is not really clear why some people develop IBS with constipation while others do not. IBS with constipation can be caused by a sensitive, slow working gastro-intestinal tract, which causes abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. This was thought to be due to the way the gastrointestinal tract reacts to the changes in serotonin. Serotonin is a natural occurring chemical in the body that plays an important role in making the gastrointestinal tract function normally.

IBS with constipation may also be affected by diet and disease. Most constipation cases are due to insufficient fiber as well as inadequate fluids in the diet. Fibers are important since they help to soften stools, and water or fluids help to flush stools through the body.

Diet is partially to be blamed for the occurrence of constipation especially for people over 65 years old. Constipation occurring in people in this age range is due to medications, poor diet, and lack of water intake, as well as poor muscle tone.

Teenagers or younger people are also at risk of IBS with constipation; in fact, a great number of young people are suffering from irregular bowel movement. They also experience bloating and abdominal pains. Another factor that contributes to IBS constipation is traveling since most people who are traveling tend to suppress the urge to go to the bathroom. There are also some cases where some people just can’t have a bowel movement in bathrooms that are not familiar to them.

There is still no specific cure for IBS with constipation however there are proper treatments for the symptoms that goes with it. Bowel habits may also be stabilized to diminish abdominal cramping as well as lessen the pain associated with bowel movements.

For symptoms that are transient and only happen occasionally, no special treatment may be needed. However, for those who have persistent and chronic symptoms special treatment may be needed. There is no specific therapy that can resolve all symptoms in patients. However, some treatments may prove to be effective in treating symptoms of IBS with constipation.

The first treatment calls for lifestyle changes. This means recognizing and dealing better with stress. Take some time to relax, sleep, and exercise. The diet for IBS entails for eating smaller amounts of food more frequently. This may help in alleviating symptoms of IBS. Eating foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates is also beneficial to keeping a healthy intestine.

Fiber in diet is also excellent in controlling IBS with constipation. The dietary fibers are known to add bulk to the stool creating stools that are much larger and much softer making bowel movements easier and less painful.

Medications are applied for patients that have severe and recurrent symptoms of IBS with constipation. Nevertheless, medications like treatments need to be customized to suit various needs of the patient since different patients tend to respond differently with various medications.

Psychotherapy is also applied to some IBS cases since stress sometimes affects bowel movement. Psychotherapy can provide assistance in coping with chronic illness and uncovering emotional triggers that may be present.

If you suspect you are suffering with IBS, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Exotic Wood Flooring Types

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

There are many different types of wood flooring, some common others you’ve probably never heard of. Each type of wood has its own unique characteristics and will respond differently to its environment over time. You need to know what your choice of wood will look like in the long term, some changes might be a lot different than you expect and will not go with your style and decor.

You need to educate yourself about each species of wood and its particular characteristics be…

exotic wood flooring

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
There are many different types of wood flooring, some common others you’ve probably never heard of. Each type of wood has its own unique characteristics and will respond differently to its environment over time. You need to know what your choice of wood will look like in the long term, some changes might be a lot different than you expect and will not go with your style and decor.

You need to educate yourself about each species of wood and its particular characteristics before you begin shopping for it. Some wood types are not as durable as others, so to be sure you are going to be happy with your floors in the long run you need to have realistic expectations to begin with.

There will be variations in your wood flooring. No type of wood is completely uniform unless it is manufactured that way. The more natural the wood type you choose, the more variations you will see once you floor is installed. Choosing an exotic wood flooring type is becoming more and more popular because of the statement it makes about a person’s taste and style. The most common types of exotics are: Brazilian Cherry, Brazilian Walnut, and Santos Mahogany. Visit for a complete list.

These are generally imported from South America, Australia, the far East and Africa. Using these wood types for flooring requires that you be well informed as to the wood’s appearance, stability, and hardness and how they react when used in the HVAC systems found in most homes. Be sure the type of exotic wood flooring you choose will work with your home’s environment before ordering and be sure to buy from a reputable importer to avoid be ripped off.

You should always choose your wood style by looking at real samples. Viewing color and grain in photos or online is not reliable enough for you to judge.


DPC 12 Considerations When Choosing Contemporary Lighting

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Use this 12 item checklist when planning your contemporary lighting updates.

contemporary lighting, modern lighting, designer lighting

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
When redecorating a room, or even an entire house, contemporary lighting is a major concern. Dimly lit areas are uninviting and even depressing since human beings naturally crave the light. Some rooms, of course, invite subdued lighting … a bedroom doesn’t need glaring light whereas a dramatic entryway or living room might be stunning with bold, dramatic spotlight.

The older the home, the greater the challenge when planning for modern lighting. Here are twelve issues to contemplate when planning your lighting update.

1. Consider your natural lighting first. In what direction are your windows facing? Northern light is usually cooler and whiter whereas daylight from southern-facing windows will be warmer and yellower. This is perfect for plants, but not as satisfactory to artists, who prefer the truer white of the north. Northern light is a more even hue and is more shadow-free, which isn’t as comfortable in a relaxing den.

2. How is the light affected by your architecture and landscaping? Do you have trees that shade the light, or bushes that block the lower parts of the windows and decrease the over-all quantity of illumination? Does a roofline cast a shadow in an important area of a room? Can you increase the quality and quantity of accessible light without spending a fortune?

3. What activities take place in your rooms? Do some of them require more light than others? A desk that hosts homework or needlework requires strong and steady light that covers the entire work area. However, someone relaxing on a recliner and watching TV at the end of a busy day does not want this kind of focused brightness.

4. Do you need variable lighting? You might require a bright light focused on a dining room table while it is being set and dinner is served. However, once all diners are seated and have loaded their plates, a softer lighting is more appropriate and a dimmer switch will nicely provide for multiple intensities.

5. Are there details in your room upon which you wish to focus attention? Perhaps you own a spectacular fireplace or exceptional art? In that case, spot lighting might be appropriate. There might be other necessary, but not-so-attractive areas, that you might wish to downplay by muting the light. Or you might own a spectacular view that is especially enchanting at night. In that case, lights reflecting from the windows will make it more difficult, or even impossible, to see out.

6. Can you add light to a room by changing your decorating scheme? We recently brightened a dark-paneled den by painting all the woodwork and cabinets a creamy white and adding 2″ white wood blinds. With this relatively simple change, the entire room has taken on an entirely new appearance and brightened dramatically.

7. How do your window treatments affect the light? Some homes with heavy drapes are either “on” or “off”: that is, either the drapes are closed, making the room dark and frequently gloomy, or they are open and sunlight isn’t filtered in any way. Blinds or certain shades can diffuse light while still allowing a large percentage of it to access and brighten a room.

8. Decorating features in your home may add light or take it away. For instance, a mirror will add a sense of spaciousness and illumination whereas outside shutters or awnings may block the sun’s rays. It might be wonderful to shut out harsh sunlight on a 95 degree summer day, but in the middle of winter we want every sliver of light we can grab.

9. What about the natural traffic pattern of your room? A floor lamp placed so that people must detour around it isn’t the wisest use of your light sources. Is an off/on switch conveniently located near all entrances? Groping around on the wall in the dark isn’t favored by most people. If this is your situation, a simple sensor that turns on lights when a human enters a room is a clever solution.

10. Which areas are underlit and which are overlit? In my bedroom, for example, there is an exceedingly bright overhead light as part of a ceiling fan. It is great when finding an appropriate color of socks to wear in the morning, but completely unsuitable for reading in bed before going to sleep. A pool table needs strong lighting whereas a romantic seating area in a garden room does not.

11. What kind of lighting does your room need? Fluorescent fixtures might be perfect above a kitchen island but would be repulsive directly above an eating area. Schools and other institutions might welcome such unflattering lighting, but incandescent lighting might be more appropriate at home.

12. What is the condition of your wiring? Old and outdated wiring often cannot accommodate sleek new lighting systems without some work. Updating wiring can be expensive and disruptive, but it is also the opportunity to add new switches and cause updates for new computers, high speed Internet connections or high-tech TV or sound systems.

If you consider all these situations before spending a single penny updating to more contemporary lighting, your end result is certain to be more satisfying to everyone who lives in your home.

pilates mat

Care To Listen: Proper Ear Cleaning

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

This article is about the ears. It discusses about the different parts of the ear and their functions. The ears not only help us with hearing, it also gives us a sense of balance and body position. A lot of factors may give people ear infection, like: dirty water getting inside the ear, having small objects stuck in the ear canal, or even too much manipulation of the ears.

infection, medical complications

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The Ears
The ear is one of the body’s many sensory organs. Its main purpose is to detect sounds. But aside from hearing, it plays a big role in a person’s sense of balance and body position. The ear, along with the brain, makes up the auditory system.

The ear is made up of the following:
l The outer ear. It is composed of:
* Pinna. This is the cartilagenous external ear outside the ear canal. It reflects and attenuates sound waves into the ear canal. The change it makes on the sound provides more information in helping the brain locate the source of the sound.
* Auditory canal. This is the tube connecting the pinna to the middle ear.
l The middle ear.
* Eardrum. This is a thin membrane that seperates the external and the middle ear. It transmits sound from the air to the ossicles within the middle ear.
* Ossicles. These are the three smallest bones in the body. They are the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrups (stapes). They transmit the sounds towards the fluid-filled cochlea. They convert lower-pressure eardrum sound vibrations into higher pressure sound vibrations at the elliptical window.
l The inner ear.
* Cochlea. This portion of the ear is filled with watery fluid that moves in response to vibrations from the middle ear. The fluid reacts to the movement, causing thousands of “hair cells” to start moving. It then converts the movement into electrical signals communicated through neurotransmitters to different nerve cells.
* Vestibules. This is the central part of the inner ear. It houses sensitive accoustic nerves that goes from the semi-circular canal to the cochlea.
* Semi-circular canals. It is composed of three, interconnected, half-circular tubes. They detect hea movement on a vertical, rostral-caudal, and sagittal planes.

Medical Complications
Improper care of the ears may cause one to develop ear infections and medical complications. The most common of ear infections is otitis. Otitis is a generic term used for inflammation or infection of the ear. It is subdivide into three different classes:
1. Otitis Externa. This infection involves the pinna and the auditory canal. Sufferers feel pain when their ears are touched or pulled. This condition is also called “swimmer’s ear”.
2. Otitis Media. This affects the middle ear. In this condition, the ear is infected or clogged with fluid at the back of the ear drum, in the normally air-filled tympani cavity.
3. Otitis Interna. This condition is also called Labyrinthitis. It affects the inner ear that houses the major sensory organs for balance and hearing. Vertigo is often a symptom for this condition.

Ear infections may be caused by dirty water, having things stuck in the ear canal, too much ear manipulation, diseases (colds), and certain lifestyle factors (smoking).

Proper Ear Care
Here are useful tips for taking better care of your ears to prevent infections:
l Take extra care in cleaning your ears. Use a washcloth or tissue to wipe the pinna dry. Do not use sharp, pointed objects to clear the middle and inner ears, these objects may injure the ear canal.
l Protect yourself from illnesses. Have upper respiratory tract infections treated as these may affect your hearing. If you notice a weird discharge from your ears, consult a physician immediately.
l Avoid exposing yourself to noise. Wear ear protection when you’re required to perform a task that exposes you to excessively loud noises. Avoid playing music at a very high volume. Wear ear plugs when attending loud concerts, especially if you’re seated near the stage speakers.
l Protect yourself from physical trauma. Wear a helmet when engaging in any activities that may injure the head. Wear filtered ear plugs when going on air travel, this helps equalize the pressure inside and outside the ears.
l Attend regular ear check ups with your trusted ear physician.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Way To Buy Furniture Has Changed

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Have you noticed the changes in furniture? It’s amazing how something as simple as a new wardrobe or coffee table can change how a person feels about their home. Now that ready-to-assemble furniture (commonly called RTA) is so widely available, and the prices so much lower than ready-made, has society been given the gift of good taste or have standards been lowered?

“Do People Want RTA Furniture?”
A whole-hearted “YES” answers that question. RTA sales have seen enormous…

furniture,antique furniture,cheap furniture,custom furniture,ikea furniture,used furniture

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Have you noticed the changes in furniture? It’s amazing how something as simple as a new wardrobe or coffee table can change how a person feels about their home. Now that ready-to-assemble furniture (commonly called RTA) is so widely available, and the prices so much lower than ready-made, has society been given the gift of good taste or have standards been lowered?

“Do People Want RTA Furniture?”
A whole-hearted “YES” answers that question. RTA sales have seen enormous increases especially in discount and do-it-yourself venues.

Stores like Wal-Mart are increasing their RTA offerings to waiting consumers while industry giant IKEA continues to spread the stylish furnishings around the world. According to market analysis reports, RTA furniture is one of the fastest growing segments of the furniture market in the world.

“Is RTA Good Quality?”
Ready-to-assemble furniture has made it’s reputation in storage items, like microwave stands and bookcases, which were often considered low quality. Price point and package handling have always been a big feature of RTA. You can easily take what you need from the store and put it together at home the same day.

On the other hand, consumers are beginning to demand more sophisticated design as well as durability. While the consumers’ standards may be increasing, their pocketbook still forces them to watch the price. Many younger consumers are looking to create stylish rooms that integrate with newer technology – the slim and modern designs common to RTA have a clear win over heavier, more expensive furnishings with this group.

The quality of RTA is also improving. Better materials can be afforded when the consumer saves on shipping costs by buying items flat-packaged.

“What About Putting It Together?”
More involvement by local manufacturers has improved the clarity of instructions available to the do-it-yourselfer. The common problem of RTA was often that instructions were translated by the foreign makers – leading to confusion and frustration. Improvements to the instructions lead to happier consumers, fueling the trend even further.

“What is Available in RTA Furniture?”
While RTA furniture originally focused on the home entertainment or home storage markets it has branched out considerably. Many office supply stores began carrying desk and office furniture to take advantage of the trend for home offices. RTA furniture has since expanded into dining room, bedroom and living room furniture with more on the way.

Now you are just as likely to find a designer look bedroom set at your grocery store or discount department store as at an uptown furniture boutique. Store buyers know consumers want it and are increasing their display space to fill the need. While those who can afford to choose still turn to ready-made furniture, RTA makes a stylishly furnished home possible for almost everyone.

If you’re in the market for new furniture, have a look at the RTA furniture. It might be just what you’re looking for!

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom Remodelling Ideas

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Remodelling your bathroom doesn’t have to be a chore. This article gives you some ideas to start with.

bathroom, home, diy, design, decor, remodel

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
Maybe you’ve decided to remodel your bathroom or just give it a facelift. There are lots of way to add great design touches to this room of your house that is more than just a necessity. A bathroom is a retreat in a sense. It is a private space in your home where you can go to take a hot, soothing shower or soak in a luxurious bubble bath and let go of all the day’s stresses. Following are some ideas to help give you some information and inspiration for creating your dream bathroom.

Bathroom Remodeling Tips

A good tip for getting started is to put your ideas down on paper first. Once you’ve designed your ideal bathroom, set yourself up with a budget. Make sure to include costs for contractors, electricians and plumbers if you’re not a do-it-yourselfer. Even if you are, some remodeling projects can still require a need for outside help. If you know the basic cost of things, you can be sure to not get taken advantage of when the time comes for estimates and once the work begins.

Discount Bathroom Accessories

Dressing up your bathroom with discount accessories is a great way to add some nice detail to your d cor and will also save you money in the process. Consider sinks, faucets, bath mats, shower curtains with coordinating rings, or how about a new tub with a water level alarm? There’s plenty of online resources available to purchase any type of discount bathroom accessory you are looking for.

Bathroom Vanity Cabinets

There are some very beautiful vanity cabinet styles available online. Starting with high-end elegant designs to the more casual and contemporary. They come in a variety of finishes and you can also select from different materials for the top of the vanity. These items can be a little pricey depending on your tastes, so do some comparison shopping on the internet because if you can afford it, the right vanity can add such a great design touch to your bathroom.

Kids Bathroom Accessories

As you are probably all too aware, getting the kids into the bathroom for things like brushing their teeth and taking their baths can be quite a task. But turning your child’s bathroom into a room that they enjoy being in can be a big help to you. Sitting down with the kids and looking at several websites for ideas will be a great way to get them involved with this process. Allowing the kids to choose the look and theme they like best for their bathroom will almost guarantee you less tugging and pleading to get them in there. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

Whatever the size of your particular bathroom undertaking might be, keep in mind that there’s probably going to be some degree of a mess and stress. But try to stay focused on the result because it end up being so rewarding and something that you will enjoy for a long time to come.

pilates mat

Calculate Your BMI – Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Gerald Meyer
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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There are a few different ways to determine if you are overweight. Underwater weighing, computerized topography and measurement of skin folds with calipers can be the most accurate ways to measure fat. They can also be expensive and need to be done by professionals. Other options include the body mass index and waist measurement.
One of the most popular tools available is the body mass index (BMI). The body mass index was developed as a simple guide to assess your weight. This tool is an inexpensive, easy way to compare your body weight to the general population. It does have its limitations though. It does not take into account certain people, such as athletes, that have a higher than average amount of muscle. Muscle does weigh more than fat so these people may be considered overweight according to the BMI chart. Whether this puts them at a higher risk for disease is still unclear. Anyone who is overweight is at a higher risk of developing problems such as osteoarthritis. Our bodies are designed only to carry so much weight. Conversely, the BMI chart may put a person with too little muscle mass in the healthy range. This can include elderly and malnourished people who may obviously have health problems.
So, it is important to look at this as only one tool to determine if you need to lose weight or not. For most people it will be obvious, but others may have to check with a healthcare professional before starting a weight loss program.
Visit to calculate your BMI for free. Also, you can calculate how many calories you need in a day and how many you need to lose weight.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:How To Find The Meaning Of Words As You Read

author:Frank Gerace
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Vocabulary Building and Reading Comprehension
The meaning of unknown words which you come across in your reading sometimes can be known by their surroundings, that is, their contexts. The context of the sentence can tell us the part of speech of the unknown word. Using the context of the paragraph to define unknown words can also helpful.
Although it takes practice, it is the easiest and most efficient way to identify words. Often, using the context is the only way to figure out the meaning of the word as it is used in the sentence, passage, or chapter.
Consider the word “bar”. Bar is a common word. But without surrounding words, you don’t know if it describes soap, a place that serves beer, a sand formation at the beach, a way to lock the door, or…
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Readers often have trouble because they identify the literal but incorrect meaning of a word when they should identify the way it was used in the passage. The following sections will give you more explanation and some exercises on how to get help on the meaning of unknown words by checking their part of speech and their place in context.
A. Using The Part of Speech of the unknown word as a help in reading.
One consideration in using the context is to determine the unknown word’s part of speech. The words around the unknown word give you clues. Once you know if the word is a noun or if it is an adjective, it often is enough for you to continue reading intelligently without having to stop to look up the meaning of the word. After coming across the word a few more times, you will know its meaning more firmly than if you had just looked it up.
In the following sentences, identify the part of speech of the italicized words by writing N if the word is a noun, V if the italicized word is a verb, Adj if the italicized word is an adjective, or Adv if the italicized word is an adverb.
Example: She liked to wear red and always wore jewelry made of carnelian. Ans. N
1. The dirty old man gave the young woman a salacious look.
2. The president prayed for the sagacity to make the right decision in the face of many alternatives.
3. The man looked at the rusty old gadget and wondered how its mechanism worked.
4. The dying man designated his son to receive his property.
5. The brindled dog barked loudly.
6. The father caressed his crying child with great tenderness.
7. “Don’t patronize us; we are not children!” said the angry indigenous leaders to the politicians.
8. John was a good emanuensis, always taking dictation correctly and typing up all of his employer’s correspondence.
9. The boy was disappointed by the paltry amount he received as an inheritance when his grandfather died.
10. The young boy ran clumsily down the hill with his arms and legs flapping all over.
Knowing the part of speech of the unknown word is not the only way to figure out its meaning. There are other clues to the meanings of unknown words. They are found directly within a sentence, paragraph, passage, or chapter. Being able to recognize these clues helps you define new words in context. These clues are found right in the text and can be words or punctuation marks or specific words or phrases.
You use them to compare words or to identify unknown words that mean the same or the opposite of words you already know. The clues can also be used to define unknown words that are examples of a group.
There are five other clues that will help you: 1. Punctuation clues, 2. Definition clues, 3. Contrast clues, 4.Comparison clues, and 5. Example clues.
Of these types, the most important are the Contrast clues and the Comparison Clues. The other clues are very obvious and are given here just for the sake of completeness. The reader should concentrate on the Contrast and the Comparison clues.
The five text based clues are useful but the most powerful tool is the Framework based clue. This is the use of information from your own experience, common sense, and the context in which you find the difficult word. There will be examples of this tool at the end of the paper.
1. Punctuation Clues
Punctuation clues are given when the unknown word is set off by commas, parentheses, brackets, or dashes. The information contained within the punctuation marks sometimes means the same or nearly the same as the unknown words. Or, the unknown word might be set off from its meaning by punctuation marks. Information set off by punctuation marks may clarify rather than define the word. Finding these clues is not foolproof.
Example of Punctuation Clue: Nicotine, a colorless and oily drug in tobacco, stains the teeth of chain smokers. Explanation: The words between the commas-a colorless and oily drug in tobacco-define nicotine .
Punctuation Exercise: Underline the punctuation clue that tells you the meaning of the italicized word.
1. The soldiers advanced down the small deep-sided gulch (a narrow valley) into an ambush.
2. The philosopher Descartes helped to establish dualism (the separation of mind and body).
3. Metamemory -knowledge about one’s memory processes-is helpful in helping us store and recall information.
4. Adjunct aids-techniques used to assist students’ comprehension of reading materials-have been found to be quite useful.
5. The deluge, a flood of rain, threatened to drown the little town.
2. Definition Clues
Definition clues join the unknown word with the word(s) that rename it or tell its meaning. The clues precede or follow words that are or act like linking verbs. A linking verb shows no action but indicates being.
Examples of these verbs are: is, was, are, means, i.e. (that is), involves, is called, that is, or resembles.
For example: The mansion’s piazza resembled a large uncovered patio. Explanation: The word resembled joins piazza with its meaning so it is a clue that lets us know that a piazza is a large uncovered patio.
Definition Exercise: Use definition text-based clues to find the meaning of the italicized word. Underline the word (or words) that tells you the meaning of the italicized word.
1. The art, science, or profession of teaching is called pedagogy.
2. Divergent thinking is generating many different ideas in order to solve a problem.
3. Conservative behavior involves cautious or conventional actions.
4. The seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and southern Asia is a monsoon.
5. Criterion means a standard or rule by which a judgment is formed.
6. A souk is an open-air marketplace in North Africa.
3. Contrast Clues
With contrast clues, you use the opposite of known information to determine the unknown word. Connecting words like however, yet, on the other hand, instead of, but, while, and although join the unknown word with another word that is its opposite.
Example of Contrast Clue:
My sister is extremely neat in appearance while she is slovenly in her housekeeping.
Explanation: The word “while” indicates that slovenly means the opposite of neat. Thus, slovenly means sloppy or messy.
Contrast Exercise: Determine the meaning of the italicized word by using contrast text-based clues. Exercise Example: Although the patron asked for a solemn poem, the poet wrote doggerel.
1.The tumor was benign; nevertheless, the doctor decided to treat it as if it could injure the patient.
2.Some business disputes can be settled out of court; on the other hand; others require litigation.
3. At first the labor union leaders and the factory owners argued about pay schedules and benefits; however, they finally came to a compromise.
4. Gina’s leg muscles continued to atrophy because of her injury, but she exercised to build up their strength.
5. Carlos acquiesced to Jane’s demands instead of standing his ground and defending his viewpoint.
4. Comparison Clues
Comparison clues indicate that two or more things are alike. A comparison is possible because the known and unknown words have similarities. Words like similarly, as well as, both, and likewise show you that comparisons can be made.
Examples of Comparison Clue:
Miss Johnson is a prim, modest woman; likewise, many of her friends are very proper.
Explanation: Likewise is used to compare prim to proper. Proper means respectable. Thus, prim has a similar meaning.
1. The Greek vase was made of alabaster; similarly, the Roman lamp was also of a translucent, white stone.
2. Taking out the garbage was an onerous task; likewise, washing dishes can be a hard job.
3. Repartee, as well as other kinds of humorous conversation, kept the talk show from becoming boring.
4. Birds are oviparous; similarly, fish and reptiles lay eggs that hatch outside of the body.
5. Both accountants and CPA’s are necessary for a large company’s financial office.
6. The old chair was protected by both handmade antimacassars and other coverings.
5. Example Clues
Example clues tell you an example of an unknown word follows. You derive the meaning of the unknown word by determining what the examples have in common. Example clues are usually introduced by the following words and phrases: such as, such, other, for example, and like.
Example of “Example” Clue: Potentates-such as kings, queens, and emperors-are very powerful and wealthy people. Explanation: Since kings, queens, and emperors are the rulers of countries, potentates are rulers.
“Example” Clue EXERCISE: Underline the words that explain the italicized words.
Canines, such as collies, pugs, and poodles, are good pets.
Edifices, such as skyscrapers and condominiums, are found in cities.
Various means of conveyance-for example, cars, subways, and ships are used worldwide.
Nickels, dimes, dollars, and other kinds of legal tender are used to purchase goods.
Many people enjoy eating mollusks, like clams and snails.
Fiduciaries, like lawyers and bankers, were chosen to manage the young heir’s money.
Framework Based Clues
To find meanings from text-based clues (like contrast clues, comparison clues, definition clues, example clues), you looked for clues in the sentence itself. A second kind of clue does not rely on specific words or punctuation marks to indicate meaning. This kind of context clue is called framework-based
Your knowledge of the meanings of surrounding words helps you discover the meaning of a word or of a sentence. The background information you find in these frameworks helps you get the meanings of new words. Common sense and your knowledge of the parts of speech also help in defining unknown words. You combine your experience with what the text contains to determine meaning.
Framework Based Clue Example: The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver. What does vehemently mean? You know what angry means, and you know how people feel when they argue. From this, you can figure out that vehemently has something to do with strong emotion or intense feeling. This is an example of using framework-based context to find the meanings of new words. The meaning you find comes from your personal experience.
Sometimes it takes a bit more detective work to puzzle out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. In such cases, you must draw conclusions based on the information given with the word. Asking yourself questions about the passages may help you make a fairly accurate guess about the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Each of the sentences below is followed by a question. Think about each question; using your common sense and asking yourself a question about the sentence you should be able to know the correct meaning of the italicized word.
1. A former employee, irate over having been fired, broke into the plant and deliberately wrecked several machines. (What would be the employee’s state of mind?)
2. John always praised his bosses; he always agreed with what they said. He said he was just a good employee but his friends said he was a sycophant. (What behaviors were his friends describing with the word they put on John?)
3. The car wash we organized to raise funds was a fiasco -it rained all day.
(How successful would a car wash be on a rainy day?)
The first sentence provides enough evidence for you to guess that irate means very angry. Sycophant in the second sentence means sweet-talker. And a fiasco is a complete disaster. (These are not exact dictionary definitions of the words. But by using context clues, but you will often be accurate enough to make good sense of what you are reading. And the good thing is that you save time in your reading because you don’t have to look up every word!)
Try to answer the question that follows each item of the list on the other side of this page. Then use the logic of each answer to help you circle the letter of the meaning you think is correct. Note that some of these sentences have been taken from college textbooks. This should prove to you that your new skills in reading will help you in your college studies. In the future you will be able to make up your own questions to help you.
1. Jamal didn’t want to tell Tina the entire plot of the movie, so he just gave her the gist of the story. (What would Jamal say to Tina?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. The lizard was so lethargic that I wasn’t sure if it was alive or dead. It didn’t even blink. (How active is this lizard?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. After the accident, I was angered when the other driver told the police officer a complete fabrication about what happened. He made it seem that I was the only person at fault. (How truthful was the other driver’s information?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The public knows very little about the covert activities of CIA spies. (What kind of activities would the CIA spies be involved in that the public wouldn’t know much about?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Whether or not there is life in outer space is an enigma. We may never know for sure until we are capable of space travel or aliens actually land on our planet. (What would we call something to which we have no answer?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Suicide rates tend to fluctuate with the seasons, with much higher rates in the winter than in the summer. (What happens to the suicide rate from season to season?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Human beings are resilient creatures-they can often bounce back from negative experiences and adjust well to life. (What point is the author making about the nature of human beings ? Answer the question:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. A major accomplishment of the field of sociology is dispelling the myths and prejudices that groups of people have about each other. (What would teachers of sociology do to “myths and prejudices” that could be considered a “major accomplishment”?)
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. When he first heard the news that he had lost the job, Peter showed a pugnacious attitude. But later when other alternatives were explained to him, he became less hostile. (What attitude would you feel when you lose your job?
Answer the question: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Meaning of the word: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Vital Role of Acoustical Door Seals

Word Count:

For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

When most people think of door seals they think of weather-stripping to stop the cold air from coming into their homes. What most people do not realize is that a one percent opening around a door will also let through fifty percent of the noise. Acoustical door seals are ideal for home theaters, offices, bedrooms, media rooms, medical buildings for HIPAA compliance, recording studios, apartments, industrial plants and anywhere else privacy or noise reduction is desired.

Door seals, Acoustical door seals, soundproofing door

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
The importance of acoustical door seals is derived from a fundamental property of sound: Sound waves travel through any opening with very little loss. While the amount of air flowing through a gap increases in proportion with the size of the gap, the size of the gap in a sound barrier does not matter. A tiny hole transmits almost as much sound as a much larger gap or hole. For example, a one square inch hole in one hundred square feet of gypsum board partition can transmit as much sound as the rest of the partition.

Because of this phenomenon, any unsealed gaps and clearances in door assemblies effectively cancel out the noise reduction benefits of sound rated doors. The performance loss is especially serious at medium to high frequencies, where normal conversation levels usually take place.

For acoustical door seals to be effective at blocking sound, the seals around the head, jamb, and sill of the door must be complete, uninterrupted and airtight throughout the service life of the door. For uninterrupted contact, the door seals must be installed all on the same side of the door and frame. Performance also depends on good surface contact between the seals and the door edge or frame, which can usually be achieved using compression seals.

However, gaps caused by imperfect door alignment are a common problem in newly installed seals and can also surface later on as buildings shift and settle and doors cycle through changes in temperature and humidity. For consistent performance over time, the most advanced acoustical door seals are designed with adjustable features to restore a sound-tight seal when clearances increase for any reason.

As with the door itself, the mass of the sealing material used in acoustical gasketing is a major factor in achieving higher sound reduction ratings. Combining complimentary materials can also provide better performance. Ultimately, the quality of the acoustical gasketing or seal is the biggest factor in overcoming any installation hazards and determining how close the actual sound performance of an assembly will come to the published rating of the door.

Acoustical door seal kits are available that include an automatic door bottom, which is spring operated, dropping a neoprene seal onto a threshold effectively sealing off the bottom of the door. In addition to that, door seal kits include high-grade neoprene door jambs for the vertical sides and the top of the door. Custom kits are available for oversized, undersized doors as well as double doors.

For more information on acoustical door seals, please contact Acoustical Solutions at 1-800-782-5742 or visit them at

pilates mat

Care For Your Eczema Better With These Skin Care Tips

Word Count:

For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Many Eczema sufferers are unaware that sometimes good skin care regimes are all that stands between endless suffering and an improved quality of life. The simplest of changes and techniques can make all the difference, so I have put together a few tips to hopefully help you out.

cure eczema, eczema cure, beat eczema

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Many Eczema sufferers are unaware that sometimes good skin care regimes are all that stands between endless suffering and an improved quality of life. The simplest of changes and techniques can make all the difference, so I have put together a few tips to hopefully help you out.

Fix Your Diet-
There’s a whole lot more to skincare than just fancy creams and lotions. Real skin care starts on the inside-if you give your body the tools it needs to fix the Eczema damaged skin, you will have a definite advantage. Continuing to eat the wrong foods while trying to clear up your Eczema is like trying to run your car without gasoline! It just can’t get going! Scientists have found that foods with high acidity are linked to increased Eczema symptoms. For some reason high acid content makes the skin more prone to irritation, which of course brings on the Eczema. You can avoid this by obviously steering clear of acidy foods, which is easier than it sounds. A dietician should be able to steer you the right way though. Fear not though, there is a much simpler way to improve this too-kelp supplements. Kelp is very high in alkali, which will neutralize the acid it finds in your system, so you may find relief there.

Moisturize Regularly-
You need to get into a habit of moisturizing your skin at least twice a day, preferably after taking a bath or shower. This is great for your skin because the more moisture there is inside it, the suppler it will be, and obviously soft supple skin is far less likely to crack and itch than dry flaky skin. The reason you need to apply the moisturizer after bathing or showering is because this will help lock in the moisture from the bath. You should pat yourself almost dry with a very soft towel, and then apply the moisturizer to damp skin. It’s a little harder to rub in, but it’s worth it in the long run!

Protect Yourself-
Be aware of all the things than can trigger your Eczema, and do your best to avoid them. As a general rule, avoid wearing any kind of perfume or scent, as well as all scented soaps or toiletries. You will also probably find a little relief if you can get rid of all the perfumed detergents in your home. If you can wash your clothing in unscented natural detergents you will probably find that your clothing is suddenly not so itchy!

As I’ve tried to illustrate here, you don’t have to go to huge lengths to get some control in the battle against your eczema. In most cases all you need is common sense and some consistency. I hope these tips bring you some relief, but remember to be consistent!