cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Exterior Painting – You Can Do That

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Don’t under estimate your ability, grab a paint brush this summer and get out there and paint your house. Over the years I’ve been tempted to pay someone to do the job but after getting their estimate I decided real quick to do it myself.

paint, exterior painting, house, painting

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Copyright 2006 Dennis Watson

Don’t under estimate your ability, grab a paint brush this summer and get out there and paint your house. Over the years I’ve been tempted to pay someone to do the job but after getting their estimate I decided real quick to do it myself.

If you have vinyl siding painting the windows, trim and doors will give you a chance to be creative. You can design a color scheme by using colors that complement your homes exterior siding.

Below I will give you some pointers on how to go your project.

The time it will take to complete varies on your skill level, size of your home, how much help you have and how many coats you apply.

Beginners will take about 8 to 10 hours Intermediates will take about 7 to 8 hours Advanced will take about 6 to 7 hours

When painting trim always use a higher sheen than the exterior siding to help them stand out. Semi-gloss or gloss for windows, trim and doors will look best against a flat exterior.

Remember, oil-based paints may have local government restrictions check to see whether there are restrictions on using oil-based paints in your area. And always avoid breathing oil-based paint fumes for long periods of time.

The materials you will need is a good trim brush, tape, paint bucket, ladders, drop-cloth, mineral spirits for clean up, paint ๐Ÿ™‚ and stir stick.

Note, you can match latex primer with latex topcoat, and oil-based primer with oil-based topcoat and it is possible to apply fresh latex topcoat over old oil-based topcoat if you sand the surface first, or use a dulling chemical agent.

A helpful tip is to mask off areas that are not going to be painted, such as siding , or porch surfaces under railings. For windows, mask off the glass in each pane when painting the dividers. If you don’t take the time to mask off areas not being painted you will spend hours cleaning up the mess.

This is obvious but worth mentioning, never paint when itโ€™s raining. If the surface is wet let it dry for 2-3 days .

Always apply a coat of primer to areas of bare wood; this includes new construction, repaired areas, or areas where you’ve removed the paint.

Nylon and polyester bristle brushes work best with latex paints. Natural bristles work best with oil-based. One thing that irritates me the most is getting bristles in the pant, so remove loose bristles out of a new brush before you begin painting with it.

Try not to paint in direct sun this will cause the paint from drying too quickly.

Always wait the number of hours before applying a second coat of paint. Usually eight hours will gives the first coat time to dry. And remember two layers of topcoat is usually preferred over one for all-out protection.

This can be a fun project for the entire family, so get out there and get it done. Good luck with your project.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom Safety Considerations

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Disabled individuals have different needs and physical limits so bathroom products and equipments should be modified to suit their needs.

medical, home, supply, bathroom, safety

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Bath safety is one of the important factors that a disable individual needs to consider. But oftentimes this is overlooked because they do not know what bath safety products are available in the market. Each year thousands of accidents happen in bathrooms. That is why it is important to practice bath safety at all times and be aware of things to consider to avoid any accidents in the bath tub.

Disabled individuals have different needs and physical limits so bathroom products and equipments should be modified to suit their needs. Bath safety includes equipment and facilities modified to suit the disabled person s need and safety procedures. Without modification, bath safety can be very risky especially for people who have trouble getting in and out of the bathroom or bath tub safely. Placing a shower chair in the tub can provide assurance to disabled individuals that it is safe to shower in the tub. Likewise, hand held shower heads can provide flexibility and control to avoid blistering while bathing.

Using walk-in bathtubs can also be more accessible for disabled individuals. Walk-in tubs are as relaxing as standard bathtubs. This type of tub would not hinder the entrance and exit because you don t have to climb over the edge of the tub to go in and out.

Grab bars are among the easiest addition to a bathroom. They are built in the walls and sides of walk-in tubs for additional safety in entering, exiting and moving around the tub. The grab bars are often made of chrome plated or heavy duty steel. When adding this safety facility in the bathroom, it is important to consider the user because of the wide grips may be too big for a senior or a woman.

However, if you prefer to use a regular tub there are still items that you should add for additional safety. This includes items such as transfer tools, transfers seats and benches. Other areas of the bathroom can also be modified for safety such as the toilet seats and toilet frames. Anti-slip tape can also be applied to the bathtub floor to make it slip-free. Slip resistant tub floors can also make sure that you have stability on the floor.

There are many companies that provide home visits to assist in bathroom safety situation. If you are unsure how to modify your bathroom it may be worthwhile to get a consultation before making a selection of bath room safety products.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The World of Kitchen Cabinets

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Perhaps the most prominent feature of any kitchen would be the cabinets. They occupy a significant portion of the kitchen area and are the ones that people would usually first notice when entering the room. Among all other components of the kitchen, cabinets are the ones that carry a kitchen s personality the most. Not even the floors, walls, or ceilings can match with the cabinet s presence in the kitchen.

kitchen cabinets, cabinet refacing

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Perhaps the most prominent feature of any kitchen would be the cabinets. They occupy a significant portion of the kitchen area and are the ones that people would usually first notice when entering the room. Among all other components of the kitchen, cabinets are the ones that carry a kitchen s personality the most. Not even the floors, walls, or ceilings can match with the cabinet s presence in the kitchen. Cabinets comprise the most significant portion of the entire kitchen cost. With this understanding, it can be inferred that careful planning and consideration should be taken when purchasing or building a kitchen cabinet. This is one part of the kitchen that one should not be careless about.

There are three common types of kitchen cabinets. Each has its own sets of pros and cons as well as their purposes for the kitchen owner. It is a very important matter to consider from which of these groups a homeowner should choose from.

The first type of kitchen cabinets is the traditional ones those that are built by carpenters on the actual kitchen. These cabinets are built to last; therefore the materials used in making them are of top quality. Usually, medium hardwood is used in building these cabinets. Among the commonly used kinds of wood are ash and birch, which are sturdier than maple, cherry, oak, or other woods used in making furniture. Different styles of cabinets can be made from the mentioned types of wood, depending on the taste of the homebuilder. These types of cabinets are best for permanent homes because of the great investment one has to make in order to build them. When choosing this kind of cabinets, it is important to carefully consider the builders. The carpenter who would make the cabinet and the painter who would make the finishing should be good enough for a homeowner to invest in. These types of kitchen cabinets should match the design and strength of other furniture in the house.

The second type of kitchen cabinets can be bought from stores. These cabinets are manufactured in factories for mass distribution. A lot of such cabinets are collapsible and can easily be reassembled wherever they are needed. This type of cabinet is ideal for those who do not plan to stay at a certain house for a long time, or those who move frequently. Such cabinets are quite cheap and are available almost anywhere and anytime. The downside is that the designs of such kitchen cabinets are rather limited and there is no guarantee that they would fit kitchens perfectly. Nevertheless they serve their purposes of storing food and supplies well enough.

The third type of kitchen cabinets are manufactured in factories but are custom-designed to fit a client s specifications. Usually these cabinets are made of hardwoods that are finished with veneers and laminates. The best examples of this type of cabinets are usually multi-layered with specially baked-on finishing, which makes them very durable and attractive at the same time. The designs and options for storage are endless. One can add different kinds of drawers, sliding shelves, pull-out pantries, and any other components that can fit into the space involved. Such cabinets are usually installed by specially-skilled builders that concentrate in cabinet making.

It is important to consider all options before deciding which kind of cabinet are to be installed in a kitchen. There are many resources about the matter; one just needs to look in the local library, the yellow pages, or the internet to be immersed in the world of kitchen cabinets.

pilates mat

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Life After The Internet

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This article is about carpal tunnel syndrome.With the recent boom in technology, people have been computer dependent.Almost all work that needs to be done is on the computer.This article discusses the main causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.It includes work, trauma, physical conditions and idiopathic or unknown reasons. People are too swayed by the comfort of just staying in front of the computer for everything that they take for granted this will bring to their hands.

chronic pain, surgery

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Now that we’re in the information technology age, everything we need is within reach. And this is all thanks to the Internet. Work is mostly done through the Internet, facing the computer for long stretches of hours. Even kids’ homework is done and submitted using a computer connected to the Internet. Gone are the days when people would have to go and manually search for files in big folders stacked in shelves full of records. Gone are the days when researching meant going to the library to research using gargantuan encyclopaedias. People just aren’t as active as they used to be. And it’s because of this inactivity, and the long hours of slaving away in front of computers, that a lot of people have been complaining of certain chronic pain on their wrists.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has been present even before computers were created, contrary to popular belief that CTS was brought about by the increasing use of technology.

The carpal tunnel is a hollow tunnel formed by the carpal bones and the surrounding tissues of the wrist. This tunnel protects the median nerve that makes your thumb, index, middle and ring fingers its feelings. And it is said that carpal tunnel syndrome starts when the median nerve gets compressed, this causes pain, a tingling sensation, and/or weakness in the forearm and hand.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is said to be caused by a lot of factors: work, health conditions, trauma, and idiopathic reasons.

o Work. Although still unproven, a lot of CTS cases were provoked by repetitive grasping and manipulating activities. This is commonly related to extensive labor that requires the repetitive use of the hand and wrist in industrial occupations
o Health conditions. Physical health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and certain hormonal disorders like diabetes may cause CTS.
o Trauma. Accidents such as fractures of one of the arm bones, or dislocation of one of the carpal bones, blunt force trauma on the wrist or lower forearm., blood clot formation inside the wrist, or deformities due to abnormal healing of old fractures may cause compression of the median nerve.
o Idiopathic reasons. The compression is of an unknown source.


Of course, consulting a physician should always be the first step to take when dealing with any kind of pain in the body. They need to find out if the CTS is caused by any underlying physical condition that needs to be addressed right away.

Some people with mild symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are able to relieve themselves of the pain by simply taking frequent breaks to rest their hands and arms. Some people apply cold packs to reduce occasional swelling of the wrists. If these quick fixes do not work, you might need to consider wrist splinting, medications and/or surgery.

o Wrist splint. This holds your wrist still while you sleep. This relieves the night time symptoms of tingling and numbness. This is most effective if you’ve only experienced mild symptoms of CTS for less than a year.
o Medications. Doctors usually prescribe either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids. One to relieve the swelling, the other to relieve the pain.
o Surgery. This is advised only when the nerve impairment persists after using non-surgical methods of treatment.

It is understandable that now that we’re in the computer age where everything is accessible through the internet, we don’t need to move much. But even if technology offers us the convenience of just typing everything into the computer, we need to understand that it will affect our wrists sooner or later. So stand up, stretch, and give your hands a rest.

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Coping With Hearing Loss

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Author Connie Briscoe talks about how she lost her hearing and finally made the decision to buy a hearing aid, a decision that she believes led to her success as a best-selling fiction author.

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Oddly enough, I’ve come to think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me, as it led to the publication of my first novel. But it took a while for me to accept that I was losing my hearing and needed help.

I believe that no matter how tough things get, you can make them better. I have my parents to thank for that. They never allowed me to think that I couldn’t accomplish something because of my hearing loss. One of my mother’s favorite sayings when I expressed doubt that I could do something was, “Yes, you can.”

I was born with a mild hearing loss but began to lose more of my hearing when I was a senior in college. One day while sitting in my college dormitory room reading, I noticed my roommate get up from her bed, go to the princess telephone in our room, pick it up and start talking. None of that would have seemed strange, except for one thing: I never heard the telephone ring! I wondered why I couldn’t hear a phone that I could hear just the day before. But I was too baffled–and embarrassed–to say anything to my roommate or to anyone else.

Late-deafened people can always remember the moments when they first stopped being able to hear the important things in life like telephones and doorbells ringing, people talking in the next room, or the television. It’s sort of like remembering where you were when you learned that President Kennedy had been shot or when you learned about the terror attack at the World Trade Center.

Unbeknown to me at the time, that was only the beginning of my downward spiral, as my hearing grew progressively worse. But I was young and still vain enough not to want to buy a hearing aid. I struggled through college by sitting up front in the classroom, straining to read lips and asking people to speak up, sometimes again and again.

By the time I entered graduate school, I could no longer put it off. I knew that I had to buy a hearing aid. By then, even sitting in front of the classroom wasn’t helping much. I was still vain enough to wait a few months while I let my hair grow out a bit before taking the plunge but I eventually did buy a hearing aid. It was a big, clunky thing, but I knew that I would have to be able to hear if I ever wanted to graduate.

Soon, my hair length didn’t matter much, as the hearing aids got smaller and smaller. They also got better and better at picking up sound. The early aids did little more than make sounds louder evenly across the board. That doesn’t work for those of us with nerve deafness, as we may have more hearing loss in the high frequencies than in the lower ones. The newer digital and programmable hearing aids go a long way toward improving on that. They can be set to match different types of hearing loss, so you can, say, increase a particular high frequency more than other frequencies.

Once I got my hearing aid and was able to hear again, I could focus on other things that were important to me–like my education, my career and writing that first novel! I didn’t realize it then, but that first hearing aid actually freed me to go on to bigger and better things.

I had long dreamed of writing a novel, but like others kept putting it off. As I began to lose more and more of my hearing, it was a chore just to keep up at work, let alone doing much else. Then once I got the hearing aid, I no longer had to worry about a lot of the things I did before, and I began to think that writing a novel would be the perfect hobby for me. Anyone can write regardless of whether they can hear. I was also determined to prove that losing my hearing would not hold me back.

My first novel was published in 1994 and my fifth in the summer of 2005. Writing turned out to be much more than a hobby, as I’ve been writing full-time for more than 10 years. I’m now hard at work on my first nonfiction work, a photo-essay book to be published in 2007. I honestly believe that I would never have sat down at the computer and banged out that first novel if I hadn’t lost so much of my hearing. Instead, I’d probably still be an editor somewhere and still dreaming about someday becoming a novelist. That’s why I sometimes think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

pilates mat

Calculating Your Calorie Needs

Beverley Brooke
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In order to eat fewer calories than you need, you have to determine how many calories you actually need. Adults can calculate their approximate energy needs using the following formula:

Body weight multiplied by 12 (for men) or 11 (for women) e.g., 150 lbs. x 12 = 1800
Activity One third body weight multiplied by the number of hours you don’t sleep, typically 16 hours 150 lbs. x 1/3 = 50 x 16 = 800
Required Calories A + B 1800 + 800 = 2600

Thus, we determine that a 150-pound man requires approximately 2600 calories per day. The “Basal Metabolic Rate” is the number of calories a man of that weight would burn just to keep the heart beating, the lungs pumping, etc. You would just burn your basal metabolic rate worth of calories if you slept all day. Thus the “Activity” calculation is approximately the amount of calories a person would expend by spending his or her whole day sitting around. If you are engaging in activities other than sitting all day, you can increase your activity hours by the number of hours you are actually active.
Adult females can calculate their approximate energy needs using the same formula, except that the “Basal Metabolic Rate” is determined by multiplying body weight times 11 instead of 12. Children and teenagers require more calories by body weight, but the amount varies by age and by individual child. It is best to consult a physician before altering a child’s diet, however activity and exercise increases won’t hurt the average youth of today.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom rugs bring out the beauty

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

With so many different types of bathroom rugs to choose from, you can alter the look of your bathroom with a simple purchase. Before making your purchase, first you must decide what size of rug you would like, what color you would like, and what textures you would like.

rug, rugs, bathroom rug, bathroom rugs

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
With so many different types of bathroom rugs to choose from, you can alter the look of your bathroom with a simple purchase. Before making your purchase, first you must decide what size of rug you would like, what color you would like, and what textures you would like. You can choose a small rug to place in front of the toilet or tub/shower, or one to cover the entire floor area.

Once you have established the size of your rug, you can start to think about what color to purchase. You can choose colors that will match with your paint scheme, colors that are light or bright to make the room look bigger, or just simply a color that you like. Be aware that darker colors, although they don t show as much dirt or wear, may make the room appear smaller than it actually is.

So after you ve established size and color, you can choose from many different materials and types of rugs. Anything from short shag to braided materials will be available to you. Most rugs designed to go in the bathroom are lined on the bottom with a rubber like material. This keeps the rug from slipping out of place, an important safety feature.

A bathroom rug is not only decorative, but functional when stepping out of the shower or tub. Stepping out of a shower or tub with wet feet is not only dangerous and exposes you to the chances of slipping or falling, but eventually the water can damage the flooring in the bathroom. Please keep in mind when choosing a rug that you may be stepping on it with wet feet and it may receive substantial amounts of water depending on where the rug is placed.

If you are looking for an inexpensive way to redecorate your bathroom, changing the rug is a great move. And if you tire easily of the looks of your bathroom, changing a bathroom rug occasionally is an inexpensive way to keep the room looking sharp and fresh.

For example, if you wish, you could change the color of the rug with the change of seasons lighter colors during the spring and summer months and warmer, dark colors during fall and winter, or you can place a decorative rug in the bathroom to celebrate the holidays. Whatever your choice, the simple change of a bathroom rug can put a new look into your bathroom.

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How to get Online Gambling legalized in
the USA

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Many Americans enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment and are not pleased about the law forbidding online gambling.

Online gambling,casinos,online casinos,petition,protest,social issues,

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For many people the several hors drive to the nearest casino just is not realistic because of their busy lives, in California last week a man was arrested for locking his kids in the car while he went into a casino to gamble, but he would have been able to sit at home and watch his kids if he could have logged into an online casino.

But the law is reversible. Now is the time when politicians who have been eyeing the ultimate seat of power will start declaring their intention on running in the next presidential election.

This is where the American people have the power. Now is the time to start protesting the Unlawful gambling act.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Thru protest at the candidate’s rallies you will tell them this is an issue that is not going away. The issue of online gambling managed to get the American people to put the Democrats into power in congress, and now it can do the same for the highest political office in the United States.

When ever a presidential hopeful is appearing in your area you should hold a rally outside where ever it is the candidate will be appearing. Try to locate the entrance and exit they will use and make sure t have people with signs and chanting slogans.

By making Online Gambling a hot issue the candidate will have to address it. If a candidate can not get votes they will not win so if they think they can win by getting the gambling vote they will take up your cause.

Besides protests, I also recommend

Letter writing campaigns: letter writing campaigns are a great tool it allows you to tell your leaders how you feel and gives them a good sense of how strong the American people feel about the subject.

Petitions: petitions are much the same as letter writing except that instead of thousands of letters the receiver of the petition only gets 1 letter with the names of all the signatures on it.

The internet is a great tool for protesting, it allows you to pass your letter or petition to people not only all over the country but the entire world, and can also help spread useful information about protest marches by being accessible to everyone with an internet connection

There are also several myspace pages dedicated to trying to get the laws changed thru protest. The Angryonlinegambler is one such page. He not only offers an online petition but also a message board for people to leave messages about gatherings, and rants about how the government is making the wrong decisions.

It is also important to highlight the benefits to legalized online gambling

Millions of dollars a year could go to the American Government from taxing American player’s winnings, and if American land based casinos were allowed to get into the action then the government could make hundreds of millions for schools, and to further the war on terrorism.

Legalized Online Gambling in the USA would create hundreds of thousand if not millions of much needed new jobs in the customer service industry in the United States and would there for benefit the government.

pilates mat

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: An Overview

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are 8 bones in our wrists called carpals. They form a tunnel like structure. That is how carpal tunnel got its name. Finger movements are controlled by flexor tendons, which are found within this tunnel. The median nerve reaches sensory cells in the hand, through this pathway of tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and progressive condition that occurs in the wrist. It is caused by the compression of the median nerve in the…

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are 8 bones in our wrists called carpals. They form a tunnel like structure. That is how carpal tunnel got its name. Finger movements are controlled by flexor tendons, which are found within this tunnel. The median nerve reaches sensory cells in the hand, through this pathway of tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and progressive condition that occurs in the wrist. It is caused by the compression of the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve runs into the hand starting from the forearm. When it becomes squeezed or pressed at the wrist, its message carrying and receiving ability from the brain gets inhibited. It is not necessary that the whole median nerve be pressed to cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The syndrome is caused when a point on the nerve is pressed. As a result of this compression the nerve does not function properly and causes carpal tunnel syndrome.

1 out of every 100 people is affected by carpal tunnel syndrome at some point in their life. It is commonly caused in the women of the age group of 30-50 years. Carpal tunnel syndrome is also known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Carpal tunnel syndrome is inclusive of the (RSI) related soft tissue injuries.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Though there are various possibilities behind the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, the basic cause is the compression of tunnel walls. As the tunnel walls compress, they put pressure on the median nerve. As the median nerve gets stressed, it causes carpal tunnel syndrome.

Congenital predisposition is also a cause of carpal tunnel disorder. In a majority of cases the carpal tunnel is smaller than the normal, which causes the median nerve to stress.

The syndrome can develop quickly, if the wrist has been fractured or injured. Rheumatoid Arthritis is also a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.

In some cases repetitive stress induced carpal tunnel strain causes this syndrome. If a person’s occupation involves, gripping, typing or digging, the hand gets strained and it directly strains the median nerve.

Repetitive wrist and hand action results in the injury and swelling of the subcutaneous tissues. These tissues include muscle, ligament, fascia, sheaths, tendon, blood vessels and peripheral and retinaculum nerve. Due to the small and restricted passage of the tunnel, these swollen tissues can compress together and create concentrated pressure.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused due to some trauma based incidents. These causes include fracture or injury of the wrist or one of the arm bones. Internal hemorrhaging in the wrist leads to formation of hematoma which causes the syndrome. If any one of the carpal bones of the wrist gets dislocated, it leads to carpal syndrome. Obesity is another common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. Women who take contraceptive pills can also go on to develop this condition.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The early symptoms include tingling, numbness and burning in the thumb and the index and middle fingers. People suffering from this syndrome, find it hard to grip things, or make a fist. The symptom grows to a severe pain in the hand and restricts the movement of the hand at all. A person gradually loses his ability to squeeze things. They may even find it very hard to tie their shoe laces and picking things up becomes a challenge.

In the worst cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, the patients are unable to differentiate between hot and cold things by touch.

Who is at Risk?

People who are involved in assembly line work are at the maximum risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. However it can also develop in the people who are constantly related to any of the following activities or professions:

Video games
Computer keyboard typing or typewriter typing
Musical instruments
Driving a vehicle
Surgeons and Dentists
People involved in exhaustive activity of hands like drilling, digging.

Treatment Available.

Avoiding repetitive and exhaustive activities related to hand movement, is the first instruction for someone suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient must abstain from such activities in order to give relief to their hand and free the median nerve of pressure.

Stretching exercises also helps in treating the syndrome as exercising helps in maintaining blood flow normal in the nerves.

Medicines like corticosteroid and prescription based NSAID’s can help in relieving the syndrome. If the condition gets worse, there is the option of surgery.

You should consult your doctor immediately if you feel you may be suffering with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Work Glove: A Forgotten Safety Tool

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Article describing the different types of work glove needed for todays construction and industrial development.

safety, work gloves, supplies, equipment, latex, multi purpose

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Today, construction and industrial development is a way of life for a majority of the world s population. Safety measures are continually improving for construction and industrial workers. One of the most important developments in safety equipment for these workers is job-specific work gloves.

Take a look at a few of the many types of gloves available for various industries:

Disposable Gloves Available in many sizes and thicknesses, these gloves are typically found in the food service and medical industry. Polyethylene and vinyl gloves are commonly used in food service industries, offering comfort and breathe-ability in general purpose applications, such as food processing. Latex gloves are typically found in the medical industry, offering protection against chemical processing and the handling of acids and caustics. Disposable gloves are also used in industries requiring metal treatment, paint and varnish manufacturing, petrochemical and oil refining, the handling of rough castings and steel bars, the use of electronics, light assembly, inspection and quality control.

Heavy Utility Gloves With a synthetic leather palm and reinforced thumbs and fingertips, these gloves are durable and comfortable. They can also be used in a variety of industries including light demolition, landscaping, and material handling. Heavy Utility Gloves are also great for any job requiring heavy machine operation.

Cold Condition & Waterproof Gloves These gloves come in different sizes and styles to fit different needs. They keep hands warm and dry in inclement weather conditions. Cold Condition Gloves are perfect for the ocean import and export industries as well as winter resort work, and airport trades. As an added bonus, they are among the best gloves for recreational skiing and snowboarding.

Leather Welding Gloves Welding gloves are used in welding and heat applications along with any other application requiring heat, flame, or spark protection. The first step in choosing the proper welding glove is learning the different types of heat:

Radiant Heat is generated by the sun or any source of fire.
Ambient Heat is the surrounding atmospheric temperature.
Conduct Heat is the direct contact of a hot surface.

The next step is to consider the weight of materials being handled, the contact temperature, and the time of exposure to the heat. It is important to choose a welding glove that fits the needs of all the variables in consideration.

Cut Resistant Gloves The name says it all. A lot of industries require the use of sharp objects, and these gloves are perfect for all of them. High performance strings provide cut and abrasion resistance, and high performance yarns further protect the hands when working with sharp objects. Various material weights provide longer durability and additional dexterity where needed. Some styles are dipped or coated with a polymer to provide a better grip and increase durability. Common uses include, but are not limited to, food preparation, glass and metal handling, automotive work, and electronic work.

There are many more types and styles of gloves available. Though the most important safety tool you can have is knowledge, job-specific gloves are the key to hand protection. Always choose a glove that fits your hands well and provides the best protection for the job at hand.