pilates mat

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How To Avoid It

Mila Sidman
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder of the wrist and hand. It can cause pain, numbness and tingling. It’s caused by doing repetitive hand motions, such as typing.
Medical transcriptionists are especially at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome due to the amount of typing they do.
Although, there is no way of avoiding typing if you’re a transcriptionist there are a few things you can do to alleviate or avoid carpal tunnel altogether.
1. Set up a comfortable work area. Make sure you have plenty of room to use the mouse comfortably and position your keyboard to elbow level.
2. Keep your wrists and hands parallel to the floor as you type. Do not rest your wrists on the keyboard unless it has a specifically designed wrist rest on it (these let you rest your wrist while keeping them straight).
3. Stretch your hands and arms before and after typing. Make a tight fist with your hand, hold for a few seconds then slowly release. This will help alleviate any tension in the hands and wrists.
4. Take breaks while working. Ideally, you should get up every hour to stretch and relax your body. Shake your hands and open and close your wrist to help relieve tension.
5. Sit up straight in your chair when working. Overall good posture will give you good hand position.
6. Wear a wrist band to help avoid the problem. This will give your wrists and hands extra support.
If you follow these tips early you may avoid carpal tunnel syndrome altogether since there may be damage being done before you actually feel any symptoms. And If you already suffer from carpal tunnel, following these tips should help alleviate the problem.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling/numbness in the hands, a burning sensation in the fingers, and/or sharp pains from the wrist shooting up the arm.
If you do have any symptoms of carpal tunnel, you should see your physician right away.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom Showers – Your Options Explained

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

If you are thinking about changing your shower you may well have looked around a few bathroom shops and been surprised by the number of choices you have. Even choosing a shower valve can be a confusing business so here’s a guide to tell you what is what when it comes to showers.

bathroom, shower, diy, shower valve, shower head, electric shower, power shower,

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
If you are thinking about changing your shower you may well have looked around a few bathroom shops and been surprised by the number of choices you have. Even choosing a shower valve can be a confusing business so here’s a guide to tell you what is what when it comes to showers.

Manual Shower Valves
This is the most basic type of shower. Most manual showers have a single lever control that you use to control the flow of the water and the temperature. They are very simple to use and usually are not expensive.

Thermostatic Shower Valves
The great advantage of a thermostatic shower valve is that it can provide a constant, even temperature and cope with fluctuations in the flow and temperature of the hot and cold water feeds. Most thermostatic valves have extra anti-scald safety features and will cut off the flow of water if the cold water supply fails.

Concealed and Exposed Valves
Concealed / Exposed refers to the way the shower valve is mounted on the wall. A concealed shower valve is built into the shower wall so that most of the valve is hidden and only the control levers are visible. An exposed valve is mounted onto the shower wall so that the whole mechanism is visible. Many shower valves can be mounted either exposed or concealed.

Twin Shower Valves
Unlike a single lever valve, a twin valve has two controls, one control for the rate of water flow and a second control for the water temperature.

Triple Shower Valves
A triple valve has three controls; one for the water flow, one for the temperature and a third which is usually a diverter. The diverter is useful if you have two shower heads. It’s becoming more common to have a fixed shower head above the shower and a hand-held shower head as well. The diverter on a triple shower valve allows you to select which shower head water is fed to.

Sequential Shower Valves
This is one we get a lot of questions about. A sequential valve has a single lever that works rather like the knob on your cooker. When the lever is fully anti-clockwise the shower is off. As you rotate the lever it turns the shower turns on. With a sequential valve “on” means fully on so you have full pressure straight away. As you rotate the lever further you increase the temperature of the water.

Shower Panels
A recent newcomer is the shower panel or shower tower. This is a single unit that contains everything you need for a sensational shower. Specifications vary but usually include a shower valve (often thermostatic), a diverter, a fixed shower head, a hand held shower and several body jets. Shower panels are easy to install but can require quite high water pressure to work well so you may want to install a shower pump as well.

Customized Showers
These days, shower components are standardized enough that you can pretty much pick and choose the parts you want to create the shower of your dreams. You can choose from hundreds of shower valves, diverters and stop valves, have multiple heads, ceiling mounted heads, riser rails, rigid risers or body jets to build exactly the shower you want, individual and customized to your own needs. After all, how else will you get a shower with 16 jets and a 12 inch shower heads?

Electric Showers
Electric showers heat the water as it passes through the shower so they only need a cold water supply so you have simpler plumbing and don’t need any hot water to run them. Electric showers are particularly popular in en-suites.

Power Showers
A power shower is basically a shower with a built in pump. A power shower needs both hot and cold water supplies. A power shower does not heat the water; it pumps water through and increased water pressure, giving you a stronger shower. Power showers are ideal where you have low water pressure, perhaps in a bungalow.

So there you have it. Not quite everything you need to know about showers, but a good start!

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS There’s More Types Of Furnaces Than The One In Your House

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

A furnace is a mechanical device designed, constructed, and used to generate heat (i.e. a heater). Depending on what kind is being used, a furnace serves to either heat the interior of a structure to prevent unwanted cold from ensuing, or to burn materials for the purpose of molding or cremating. Different kinds of furnaces include household furnaces, metallurgical furnaces, industrial furnaces, and incinerators.

Different Kinds of Furnaces

Household Furnace



To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
A furnace is a mechanical device designed, constructed, and used to generate heat (i.e. a heater). Depending on what kind is being used, a furnace serves to either heat the interior of a structure to prevent unwanted cold from ensuing, or to burn materials for the purpose of molding or cremating. Different kinds of furnaces include household furnaces, metallurgical furnaces, industrial furnaces, and incinerators.

Different Kinds of Furnaces

Household Furnace

Household Furnaces, used to disperse cold from within a structure and provide hot water, have several different means of production and require any one of a variation of fuel sources: natural gas, fuel oil, coal, or wood.

The two most common household furnaces are combustion and condensation. The first kind requires an exhaust and relies on burning fuel to generate heat. The second recycles heat by extracting it from the exhaust gases. This kind, being acidic, is designed to prevent corrosion and has a condensate pump to remove any water buildup that will occur.

Heat distribution also has different means. If the means of heat distribution require water or steam, the mechanical device generating the heat is commonly referred to as a boiler. Many modern furnaces in the United Stated, however, use forced-air heat. Convection, or air distribution, directs cold air into a heating chamber and then blows it out through a system of ductwork into the structure.

Metallurgical Furnace

Metallurgical furnaces create heat for several purposes: smeltering, reducing iron ore to pig iron, steelmaking, and remelting and molding metal. Where blast furnaces are used to reduce iron ore into pig iron, various kinds of steelmaking furnaces are made for a multitude of other purposes: Puddling furnace, reverberatory furnace, Bessemer converter, open hearth furnace, basic oxygen furnace, electric arc furnace, electric induction furnace. Each of these treats metal in a different way based on its intended purpose. Needless to say, all metallurgical furnaces require extreme temperatures to successfully perform their respective functions.

Industrial Furnace

Industrial furnaces, usually immense, are also call direct fired heaters. These furnaces have a couple different purposes: providing heat for a production process or serving as a reactor. These furnaces are uniquely designed, depending on each furnace s intended function, heating manner, type of fuel, and method of air combustion, but they all have common features, namely mechanisms that, when working together, produce heat. Typically, fuel is fed into a burner and is converted into heat via blasts of air blown in by an air blower. Combustion takes place in a firebox, radiating heating fluid through a series of tubes where it achieves its desired temperature. Flue gas, generated through combustion, leaves the firebox, but the convection section recovers more heat from the exhaust before discharging through the smokestack.

Incinerating Furnaces

Incinerating furnaces, or incinerators, typically are used to burn, or cremate, waste. This kind of furnace can be categorized as an industrial furnace due to its size, productive function, and the fact that industrial plants use incinerators to minimize their waste. Where incinerators are different than other industrial furnaces, however, is that they don t assist in actual production; they only destroy waste. Their manner of fuel and performance, though, are the same as other industrial furnaces.

Furnaces are amazing devices, but they must be respected at all times. People who don t respect such power, or don t know how to properly use it, are liable to get burned!

Maths Tutor Ireland


How to get your husband to canc
el his weekly poker game

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This is how I managed to get my husband to stop going out every Friday night with his friends to play poker, and to spend his Fridays with me.

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Article Body:
Over the past few years it always bothered me that my husband would go play poker with his friends every Friday night. Whenever I complained that it would be nice to spend time with my husband on Friday, he just complains that this is the only time he gets to be with his friends.

I decided I had to come up with a way to make him choose me over his poker buddies so I tried many different things, at first I tried by asking him to stay home so we could have sex all night. That worked a few times but then he caught on to what I was doing.

I also tried finding different events that he may want to go to like action movies, car shows and other things of that nature but there were not always things to do, so that was another failed attempt.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. But after 6 months of trying I had just about given up, finally at my wits end I decided that maybe I could get real good fast I could challenge him to a game and if I won he had to stop going to his game, and if he won I would pay for him to go to Vegas I spent every spare moment I had reading everything I could find online about Texas Holdem. Eventually I decided to go online and practice at some Video Poker.

Eventually I started playing for real cash Online, and once or twice while he was at his game I would drive to one of the local casinos and play for a few hours in their poker rooms.

Finally I felt I was good enough to make the challenge. So one night I told him that I wanted him to stop going to his Friday night games and to stay home with me, as I had expected it started a big argument. I waited until he made his speech about working hard and needing some “guy” time.

So I felt this was my time to strike, I asked him if he would at least allow me to come and watch the game, to which he replied that players only as the rule and that since I did not know how to play I could not go.

So I said if he could do it how hard can it be that really got him going, so he then asked me if I wanted to make the game a little interesting with a little bet. Now I had exactly what I wanted.

I said if he won I would pay for him to go to Las Vegas alone, he did not know I had made some good money playing poker recently, and if I won he would give up his seat in his regular Friday night game.

He looked at me suspiciously at first and I thought he was not going to risk it but he said ok. He ran to the closet and grabbed his chips we each started of with $100 in chips and agreed the first one out is the loser.

Well in the end it was me that lost, but he was so excited at how good I was that he did stop going to his Friday night game, now every Friday night we go and play together at the casino. We have been doing this for 2 years now and our relationship has never been this good.

Sometimes it really is better to try to get interested in his hobby.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Exterior Wood Shutters

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Many times during the long process of planning and executing a home improvement task the exterior of the house is neglected, this happens mainly due to the reason that most people think that they will be unable to perform home improvement tasks, and also because these seem like major tasks in terms of budget and work.

The truth is that a lot of these tasks are indeed demanding, but you need to separate the costly and energy consuming work from the work that will make a sig…

wood shutters, exterior shutters, shutters, shutter

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Many times during the long process of planning and executing a home improvement task the exterior of the house is neglected, this happens mainly due to the reason that most people think that they will be unable to perform home improvement tasks, and also because these seem like major tasks in terms of budget and work.

The truth is that a lot of these tasks are indeed demanding, but you need to separate the costly and energy consuming work from the work that will make a significant change in the exterior of the house and that will probably make you feel very satisfied with your work and investment for a long time.

Wood shutters are a wonderful thing for houses, they create a uniform look for the houses windows, the good thing about wood shutters is that they really help cover up a lot of the houses windows flaws, like making small windows appear larger and create a theme that connects all the houses windows, so if you have a small window that disturbs you or if you have a very large window that seems to be to big in contrast with the other windows, wood shutters will solve that.

The wood shutter is also a very practice shutter to have, you can protect it as with all other wood products, with different colors and sprays, there is such a huge wood color and protection products market that you will be sure to find the right product for you, and if used properly these products can make sure that you use the wood shutters for a long time.

The easiness of wood painting will allow you to change the house look from time to time, in a relatively easy task of painting it a different color, you can also skip the cleaning process and just decide that you will paint your wood shutters every 4 months, it will not save you money but it will make your house look great all year long.

The cost of wood shutters is directly linked to the windows you have at your house, if you have a lot of windows you will need to place shutters on all of them, and if you have unusual window sizes in you house you will probably need to order custom made window shutters, although some experts keep a large verity of sizes, most regular home improvement shops have a limited selection of window sizes. This may prove to be a budget problem, but than again, if your windows are out of proportion this is probably one thing you would like to solve and the costs of wood shutters is still much lower than the cost of replacing your windows.

One more thing to consider is the type of wood that the shutter is made of, you should try and find the material that is best for your house environment and area climate, cedar is usually recommend by default, the cedar wood is very strong and durable, making it a perfect fit for an exterior shutter, bare in mind that you will still need to get all of the wood protection and maintenance product to take care of it.

online pilates classes

Coping With Male Pattern Baldness

Richard Mitchell
For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 819
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. For it to develop, three important components must come into play:

A genetic predisposition for balding to occur.
The presence of male hormones.
Aging – enough time for the first two factors to occur.

Despite the common perception, familial baldness patterns are not completely reliable as predictors of future hair loss. The fact that your parent or grandparent exhibited a given pattern does not guarantee your hair loss development will be the same. However, if your father was completely bald and you begin to lose hair excessively at an early age, it’s safe to assume you will develop extensive balding.
All normal men and women produce male hormones such as testosterone and DHT. These hormones have a useful role to play in both sexes but it is the fact that androgens occur in much higher concentrations in men that explains why this type of hair loss is more common in males.
The effect of these hormones on hair follicles is as follows:

High levels of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase occur in cells of the hair follicle.
This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT.
DHT causes the robust terminal hairs to miniaturize.
This leaves soft, fine hairs that provide poor scalp coverage.
The growth phase becomes shorter until these soft hairs are lost for good.

Excessive hair loss can occur at any age and may even stop only to start again. As time progresses the process of hair loss accelerates leading to its logical conclusion.
Understanding this process helps to explain how the currently available treatments for male pattern baldness work. Propecia is one of only two FDA-approved hair loss treatments and it works by interfering with the process outlined above. In brief, Propecia inhibits the formation of DHT in the system thus slowing down and eventually stopping the adverse effects of DHT on the hair follicle.
Most of the non-drug, commercially prepared products operate on a similar basis by utilizing natural ingredients that attempt to interfere with the production of DHT. Presently the most popular natural ingredient is saw palmetto although some products combine this with other herbs such as pygeum, stinging nettle and green tea.
To find out more about these and other treatments for male pattern baldness, go to the site listed below.


DPC 3 Most Important Questions You Need To Ask Yourself When Thinking Of Bathroom Remodeling

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For the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, call DPC Construction Cork.

Before going ahead to remodel your bathroom, it is necessary for you to ask and answer the following questions:

How much money do you have for remodeling your bathroom?

This is obviously the most important question you need to answer before thinking of remodeling your bathroom. Knowing how much you have for your bathroom will give you an idea of what kind of remodeling you need to make. In other words, this is akin to planning before you begin. Don’t be like those peopl…

remodeling,remodeling ideas,contractor

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
Before going ahead to remodel your bathroom, it is necessary for you to ask and answer the following questions:

How much money do you have for remodeling your bathroom?

This is obviously the most important question you need to answer before thinking of remodeling your bathroom. Knowing how much you have for your bathroom will give you an idea of what kind of remodeling you need to make. In other words, this is akin to planning before you begin. Don’t be like those people who hardly plan anything before starting. Planning will give you an idea of what you will spend before you begin. If you have a lot of money kept aside for your remodeling, then you can spend it to get the bathroom of your choice. But if you don’t, it still doesn’t matter. You can still remodel your bathroom at low cost.

How many people will be using the bathroom?

It is pertinent to know the number of people that will be using the bathroom when considering remodeling so that you will know what to include to make it comfortable for more than one person to use at the same time. If it is only one person that will be using the bathroom, then there won’t be too much need to have a separate area for the toilet and shower.

What part of the remodeling can you do yourself?

It is a good thing to save some money and consider what aspect of the remodeling you can on your own. It is not every part that you have to ask for professional help. There are certainly some aspect of the remodeling of your bathroom that you can handle yourself. But if it includes difficult aspects like the wiring, plumbing and other aspects, then you can ask for professional help and pay for it.

These 3 questions will help you save money in remodeling your bathroom. Not properly asking and answering the questions can end up making you spend far more money for remodeling your bathroom than is necessary.

pilates mat

Calorie Counting Done The Right Way = Weight Loss? Absolutely!

Erik Pijcke
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3324.shtml

You and I know that losing fat and staying in great shape is a difficult task because it is so hard to stay motivated and it is so tempting to cheat, especially when you can hide the cheating. We dieters have all been in a starving situation when dieting and our mind reasons very quickly why that extra piece of pie is not going to hurt us. We take it, forget about it and then wonder next day why we didn’t lose weight.
For most of us dieting is a constant battle between emotion and reason and when hungry, reason is out of the window and emotion just wins. We do not see the immediate effects of our behavior and therefore our brain is fooled into thinking that everything is all right. On the other hand, let’s say you would get very sick when eating more than you need, overeating would stop very quickly.
Getting sick after a little bit of overeating does normally not happen therefore we need to find a different way to show the consequences of our behavior. We need to show this in a factual manner, an immediate visual display of the results of our cheating. It is not punishment right away, but over time our brain will be conditioned such that taking an extra piece of pie will give negative weight loss results. Then we will start to understand why we don’t lose weight and can pinpoint the causes.
What should this visual display look like? First I like charts, they are very easy to understand and can show trends and correlations between variables. In this chart I would like to see over a period of time, the average calories that I take in per day compared with the average calories that I burn per day. If the chart shows that the intake calories are lower than the burned calories, I will lose weight and vice versa I will gain weight. Correlate that with a chart that shows your weight or BMI (Body Mass Index) over time and I have the tool that helps me regulate my food consumption versus my daily activities.
If I add my hunger levels before and after the meals, I can fine tune my meal plans and daily activities. In this way I can sustain my dieting for a long time and preferably it will become my way of life. I have minimized the hunger pain and increase the pleasure of losing weight and feeling more attractive.
There is abundance of free online food calorie calculators. These calorie counters just display nutrition facts and are not going to help you lose weight. Nor is a simple calorie calculator that tries to calculate your calories burned solely based on your weight and average activity level. These are simple little gimmicks that are a waste of your time.
Only when you seriously can track and correlate your calorie intake and calories burned over time, depending on your age, weight, gender, height and individual activity intensity levels can you precisely measure your calorie balance. Seeing visually that your weight loss program works is a big motivator to stay on track. Also you can see immediately when you are off track and you can adjust your situation accordingly.
Acquiring great health is a complex task. Interrelating factors like diet, nutritional facts, meal plans, calorie balance, body reading measurements, supplement and medicine intake, exercise routines, daily activity intensity and costs will make it very difficult for you to see the forest for the trees.
Well designed software that keeps track of all of the above factors and can correlate them will make it very easy to manage your health, fitness, weight loss, muscle mass gain or any goal you have set…

pilates mat

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Pinched Median Nerve at the Wrist

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a source of annoying symptoms in the wrist and hand, can be reliably diagnosed with the help of nerve conduction studies. Surgical and non-surgical treatments of proven effectiveness are available for this pinched-nerve condition.

carpal tunnel,pinched,median,nerve,overuse,arthritis,diabetes,hypothyroid,pregnancy,splint,surgery,steroid injection

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is by far the most common and widely known of the “pinched nerve” conditions. This article addresses: What is it? Who is at risk for this condition? How is it diagnosed? What kinds of treatments work best?

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to symptoms caused by entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. “Carpal” itself means “wrist,” so a carpal tunnel is nothing more than a wrist tunnel. This particular tunnel can be a crowded place, as it contains not just the median nerve, but nine tendons as well. The “syndrome” consists of some combination of pain, numbness and weakness.

Pain, numbness, or both, are the usual earliest symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain can affect the fingers, hand, wrist and forearm, but not usually the upper arm or shoulder. Numbness affects the palm side of the thumb and fingers, but usually spares the little finger because it’s connected to a different nerve.

When weakness is present, it usually indicates that the condition is already severe, and when muscles atrophy (wither) it means the condition is even worse. The affected muscles are those downstream from where the nerve is pinched, and can include those controlling any of three motions of the thumb. In addition, bending of the first knuckles of the index and middle fingers can be affected, as can straightening of the second knuckles of the same fingers. When muscle atrophy is present, it is most evident in the muscular ball at the base of the thumb.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs more frequently in women than in men. People who work with their hands a lot – for example to sew, operate hand-tools or perform assembly-line work – are at increased risk for developing this condition. Various medical conditions can also increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, including injuries, arthritis, diabetes, low levels of thyroid hormone and pregnancy. In the case of pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome often appears in the third trimester and resolves after the woman delivers.

Optimum diagnosis of this condition combines the time-honored methods of a doctor’s history-taking and physical examination with tests of nerve function called nerve conduction studies. Nerve conduction studies are exquisitely sensitive in detecting impairment of the median nerve at the wrist, particularly when the median nerve is compared with a nearby healthy nerve in the same patient.

In nerve conduction studies, the nerve on one side of the carpal tunnel is activated by a small shock to the skin. An oscilloscope measures how long it takes for the resulting nerve-impulse to arrive on the other side of the carpal tunnel. When the median nerve is pinched, the nerve-impulse is delayed or blocked. Nerve conduction studies are so sensitive that sometimes they show problems that aren’t even causing symptoms. That’s why nerve conduction studies don’t stand alone in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome. The examining physician needs to decide if the results make sense for the particular patient in question.

Nerve conduction studies not only show whether or not the median nerve is impaired at the wrist, but also provide precise data concerning how bad the impairment is. In addition, these studies survey the function of other nerves in the arm and hand. Occasionally, a nerve in an adjacent tunnel (the ulnar nerve in Guyon’s canal) can also be pinched. In other cases, nerve conduction studies show that the problem is not one of single nerve-pinches, but rather a more diffuse pattern of nerve-impairment called polyneuropathy. Of course, sometimes the studies are completely normal and suggest that the symptoms are due to something else.

To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, starting with “conservative” treatment makes sense in most cases, especially when the symptoms are still in the mild-to-moderate range. Conservative treatment usually includes a wrist-splint that holds the wrist in a neutral position. In a study published in 2005 researchers at the University of Michigan investigated the effectiveness of wrist-splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome in workers at a Midwestern auto plant. In a randomized, controlled trial – the gold standard method for judging treatments – about half the workers received customized wrist-splints that they wore at night for six weeks. The remaining workers received education about safe workplace procedures, but no splints. After treatment the workers with splints had less pain than those without, and the difference in outcome was still evident after one year.

Conservative treatment might additionally include use of anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin or naproxen, or even steroid drugs. A more intrusive, though still non-surgical, treatment consists of injecting steroid medication into the carpal tunnel itself. This might benefit selected patients, but in a 2005 randomized, controlled study of patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms, researchers at Mersin University in Turkey showed that patients receiving splints did better than those who received steroid injections.

Surgeons can relieve pressure on a pinched median nerve by cutting a constricting, overlying band of tissue. A 2002 study at Vrije University in Amsterdam compared surgical treatment to six weeks of wrist-splinting. After 18 months 90% of the operated patients had a successful outcome compared with 75% in the splinted group.

In some cases it can be reasonable to try conservative treatments without first confirming the diagnosis with nerve conduction studies. However, in the author’s opinion, this risk-free form of testing should be performed prior to any carpal tunnel surgery. (Full disclosure: The author performs nerve conduction studies!)

(C) 2005 by Gary Cordingley

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Exterior Painting Planning & Tips

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Getting ready to paint the exterior of your house? Here or some tips on things to think about and who to hire.

painters, painting, home improvement

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So, it s time to paint the exterior of your house. This, of course, is one of the many expensive pains to owning a home and one that homeowners have to endure every 6-8 years, depending on your house and siding.

Here are a few helpful hints to help you through the process.

First, determine if there is any prep work that needs to be done prior to painting. Do you have any rotted siding, window sills, hand railing, or window and door trim? Make sure you take this opportunity to correct this issue prior to painting. Often times paint companies have experience in this field and can provide a quote that includes replacing your siding and trim. However, if your project involves replacing a significant amount of siding you may want to call a siding pro. Make sure the painter or carpenter replacing your siding is using the same style and size you currently have.

Second, decide if you want to take this opportunity to change the color of your house. Updating the color can add new spice to your house. When determining what colors to use make sure that they fit into your neighborhood as well as colors that already exist. For instance you already have a roof, plants, landscaping, a foundation, and a driveway present. These all have colors that need to be taken into consideration when trying to compliment your house to its surroundings. Also note that if you are changing your house s color your price for painting will go up. You may not be able to get away with just 1 or 2 coats to cover your old color. Each coat will cost more money.

Third, decide if you want your house hand brushed or sprayed. If you leave it to the paint company to decide you will most likely have it sprayed because it is faster and easier. However, if you have an older house, wood siding, or it has been a while since your last painting you may want to consider asking for a quote that includes painting by hand. The hand brushing application will provide a thicker coat and gets the paint deeper into the wood and crevasses, ensuring that you have protection from water penetration. Keep in mind that hand brushing is more time consuming and will cost more money.

Finally, select the paint company to do your exterior work. There is a lot of price variation for large exterior jobs, so shop your job around. However, you shouldn t always decide based only on price. You need to consider the quality of company and your comfort level with that company. For instance do they ask for a lot of money up front? (they shouldn t ask for more than one-third of the total price) Do they leave you a professional detailed estimate? (they should) Are they hard to get a hold of on the phone? (if they don t answer the phone or return messages be careful) Do they have business cards? (if they are running a good business they should) These are all signs to look for to determine whether or not you are getting a professional and someone that will be easy to work with.

Good luck on with your exterior painting project!