quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom Taps Choosing The One You Need

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Whether you’re designing anew home, remodeling your bathroom, or adding a bathroom to your existing home, you’ll need to choose bathroom taps for your new bathroom.

Ceramic disk valves vs conventional valves

Do the taps you are consider have Ceramic disk valves or conventional screw down valves? The ceramic valves are considered to provide better function, but are generally more expensive. You just have to decide if the difference is worth the extra price or not.


bathroom taps

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
Whether you’re designing anew home, remodeling your bathroom, or adding a bathroom to your existing home, you’ll need to choose bathroom taps for your new bathroom.

Ceramic disk valves vs conventional valves

Do the taps you are consider have Ceramic disk valves or conventional screw down valves? The ceramic valves are considered to provide better function, but are generally more expensive. You just have to decide if the difference is worth the extra price or not.


There are many different bathroom tap designs, but they are broken down into two main categories Contemporary designs and traditional designs. Contemporary designs offer you unique, cutting edge designs to give your bathroom a fresh, edgy look. Conventional designs give you an older, more traditional look. Of course, you will want to synchronize your bathroom fixtures so that they are all of one overall design.


Bathroom taps are available in many different finishes, to suit any taste or need. Some of the most common finishes are chrome, brass, and gold. Keep in mind that in general, the finish is unrelated to the construction of the fixture. In other words, a brass finish faucet is probably not made of brass.

On some designs, you can also get extras like ceramic handles. These add a very stylish, classy look to your faucet. Of course, ceramic will not be as durable as metal, but risk of breakage is very low on a quality bathroom tap.


Bathroom taps are being sold with increasingly good guarantees, such as 10 years. Check the guarantee of the bathroom tap you are considering buying.

Ease of use

If possible, you should check a fixture for ease of use before you buy it. Does it operate smoothly and easily? Is it easy to operate with wet and slippery hands?

Keep these tips in mind to help you choose the perfect bathroom taps!

online pilates classes

Coping with Sexual Misinformation

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It is about sexual health, how the lack of information can
cause unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Also about how it is important to inform the youth about reproductive health, how sexual health clinics pick up from where the sex education programs from school left off.

Sexual health clinic

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Sex, as a conversation piece, is not the best way to break the ice. This topic is still considered taboo for some conservative countries. More so is the idea of incorporating sexual education into the academic curriculum.

Former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders at a Community Health Centers of Arkansas summit on health care said that the lack of sex education in the nation is “deafening” and it makes children vulnerable to sexual assault and sexually transmitted diseases. She added that the country is “paying a very heavy price for not educating our young people.” She also said that abstinence-only sex education programs are unrealistic, adding to it “abstinence-only programs that do not teach contraception will not solve the issue.”

Studies show that most of the youth today who become sexually active, engage in the act without accurate information about reproductive health. This insufficiency of information can increase the risk of unplanned pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Sexual health education can be one means of helping young people prevent these problems and improve their future reproductive health.

According to an expert on adolescent health, sex education programs may be the only way that the youth can learn accurate information about reproductive health. Sex education programs may offer the only setting in which young people can attain the skills necessary to maintain good reproductive health.

Misinformation and misunderstandings about conception, family planning, and STD risks abound among young adults. In Jamaica, research conducted by the University of the West Indies and FHI’s Women’s Studies Project found that a group of young adults had little knowledge about reproductive health issues. The study surveyed about 500 students, ages 11 to 14, as they began an in-school family life education program designed to delay first pregnancy. Students in this group were considered to be at high-risk for early sexual activity.

Because of the lack of information on sex and how to cope with its consequences, a lot of our youth either have unwanted pregnancies and/or STDs, and they don’t know what to do. Further discussion on this matter is necessary, and that’s where sexual health clinics play an important role.

A sexual health clinic is a clinic that specializes in curing sexually-related concerns. Sexual health clinics have been known as venereal disease (VD) clinics, sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics and genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics. Almost every sexual health clinic will, at the very least, have one public health nurse who can discuss sexual issues with visitors and patients and provide referrals to community agencies for additional information. Bigger clinics may have a full medical staff who can provide a full range of sexuality-related test services, including testing for, protection from or treatment of STDs, and perhaps even psychological counseling. Very few sexual health clinics offer abortion services.

The biggest concern for a lot of people is the issue of confidentiality. GUM clinics are aware of this matter, and take every step to protect every patient’s privacy. All material relating to every visit is totally confidential and will never be made available to anybody who shouldn’t see it. If the patient would prefer, they don’t even have to give their name.

Where the school’s duty to inform kids of reproductive health ends, that’s where the sexual health clinic’s duty begins. Being sexually active is a choice and it must me made with utmost care. Know the facts before you jump in the bandwagon and engage in sex.


DPC 4 Tips for Fireplace Efficiency

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Reduce your energy costs by transforming you inefficient fireplace into a energy saver.

fireplace glass doors, chimney

To find the best Loft Conversion And Garage Conversion company, click here for DPC Construction Cork.
The fireplace has long been the favorite spot to gather in the American home. A place for warmth, the fireplace adds ambience, sparking memories that are to be treasured. With all the benefits that a fireplace can bring, there are some major downsides that if not addressed can cause a love for the fireplace to wane.

With soaring energy costs, the chief negative of having a fireplace has to be its inefficiency. When there is a fire burning, the fireplace does indeed radiate warmth in its general vicinity, but it also creates a convection current that can actually pull conditioned air out of the room and up the chimney causing your furnace to work overtime. When the fire is not burning, the fireplace has a damper which is supposed to block inside air from escaping and outside air from invading. The problem is that the damper is usually made of metal (this type of damper technology hasn t changed in over 100 years!) and has no seal, which means that the damper is incredibly inefficient.

Your home has a dirty little secret the fireplace that is designed to warm your house is actually doing the opposite and costing you hundreds of dollars in energy costs. Don t fret with a little investment of time and money, you can turn that inefficient fireplace into a powerhouse heater that will reduce your energy bills and add even more charm to your existing fireplace.

The following is a list of 4 things that you can do yourself to drastically reduce the heating costs associated with the inefficiency of your fireplace.

1. Top Sealing Dampers replace the fireplace throat damper and are installed at the top of the chimney. The top sealing damper has a seal that acts like a storm door keeping the expensive conditioned air inside the house and the outside air outside. This principle works year round, whether you re heating or cooling your house. This product can be purchased online and is easily installed by either a homeowner or a handyman.

2. A fireback is a cast iron plate that is placed at the back of your fireplace. Its purpose is to protect the back wall from fire damage and it usually features a design that adds to the homes decor. The fireback improves the fireplaces efficiency by absorbing the heat from the fire and radiating the heat back into the room.

3. A Fireplace Heater pulls fresh air from the room, circulates it through a chamber that is heated by the fire and then blows the heated air back into the room. These heaters are closed systems so no smoke from the fireplace is invading the home. Depending on which kind you purchase, these heaters can make a significant difference in your homes temperature, even heating a full room on its own. Specific fireplace heaters can be installed with fireplace glass doors which will kick your cost savings up another notch.

4. Fireplace Glass Doors will likely carry the largest investment, but you can reduce some of that cost by doing some of the work yourself. There are a number of fireplace doors that can be purchased online and come with easy to install instructions. The fireplace glass door creates a barrier between the living space and the chimney, thus reducing the area that your furnace will have to heat. This alone is a good reason to install these doors, but it s not the only reason. Fireplace glass doors offer another level of safety for the home by protecting children and pets from the fire. If you have a wood burning fireplace you will want to purchase the screen mesh that is designed to go with the fireplace glass doors. This will allow you to have the doors open while the fire is burning and still have your home protected from sparks and embers. Fireplace glass doors are now being manufactured with modern designs and really add beauty and charm to the fireplace.
If you re handy, all of these suggestions are easy to accomplish. In addition, all of the products, while difficult to find locally, can easily be purchased online. If you re concerned about high energy costs but you want to keep your fireplace, then it s time to plug up the holes in your monthly energy budget by plugging up the holes in your fireplace.

pilates mat

Camaraderie: A Key To Coping With Job Stress

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Everyone knows that work stress can take a heavy toll on health. Studies have revealed that stress at work increases the risk for depression, heart attack and other health worries. Research shows that employees who are friendly with each other are better able to cope with work stress more effectively than those who do not relate well with their co-workers.

stress, anxiety, depression

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Elle and Monique are both new in their workplace. At 26, it is only Elle’s second job and first time to work in one of the most progressive call centers in the city. Monique, on the other hand, is turning 37 and though being a web content writer is not totally new to her, having once worked as a copywriter in an advertising agency, she still finds the writing job quite overwhelming.
Both women started on the same day and after only three days, both have already realized how the work can be so stressful and mentally-draining. While adjusting in a new work environment can already cause stress and anxiety, having a kind of work that requires round-the-clock creativity and demands mental calisthenics could lead to exasperation and burnout.
It has been almost five months now and both women are still working in the same company. Just when they thought they wouldn’t last another day of coping with the demands of their writing job, time has slipped away that they have adjusted to their new environment and have learned to enjoy their job as well. Their secret? Camaraderie.
Although not all company bosses welcome close relationships at work, research shows that employees who are friendly with each other are better able to cope with work stress more effectively than those who do not relate well with their co-workers.
Everyone knows that work stress can take a heavy toll on health. Studies have revealed that stress at work increases the risk for depression, heart attack, and other health worries. Recent reports, however, shows that the solution to work stress may be found in the adjacent cubicle. According to an article published in the American Journal of Public Health, those who get social support at work are far less likely to suffer serious depression problems.
In 2002, more than 24,000 Canadian workers have been the subject of a research study conducted by the University of Rochester Medical Center and discovered that five percent of the workers suffered from serious bouts of depression. It was noted that men who endured high job strain were two times more likely to succumb to depression than men with minimal job stress. Women who had little decision-making authority had twice the depression risk compared to women with more power.

Earlier research on job stress were consistent with the findings, but the Rochester scientists detected a surprising trend. The study suggested that those who said they felt generally supported by their colleagues and could lean on co-workers in a time of crisis were spared the rigors of job stress. Men and women who felt little social support at work were two to three times more likely to suffer major bouts of depression.
“It’s more than just friendship,” said the lead author of the study, Emma Robertson Blackmore, who is also Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester. “Your family and friends give you support, but because they’re not in your work environment they don’t have the level of understanding that your work colleagues do.” Work friends, she noted, “get where you’re coming from.”
The data are especially significant to employers and managers who sometimes view fraternizing by colleagues as a distraction that interferes with productivity. Dr. Blackmore, however, noted that because work friendships lower job stress and risk for major depression, employees who get along and support each other are likely to be more productive. According to the journal report, depression at work reduces employee productivity, increases disability and absences, and may lead to premature retirement.

online pilates classes

Coping with Narcolepsy

Anne Wolski
For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4074
Are you one of those people who can drop off to sleep anywhere? Do you find that you are going to sleep at inappropriate times? Are you constantly fighting to stay awake during the day despite having a good night’s sleep? If so, you may be suffering from a condition called Narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy is a condition in which the sufferer has episodes in which he/she suddenly falls asleep. These episodes are uncontrollable and can last for anything from a few minutes to hours after which the person will awake feeling refreshed and fully alert. There are usually several episodes in a day.
Often, these attacks occur following a meal but they can happen at any time during the person’s waking hours.
The condition does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity or socio-economic background. It does normally become evident between the ages of 15 to 25 but can affect young children as well as the elderly.
Imagine the effect this condition can have on the lifestyle and the quality of life of the person. The person may be in class or in a meeting with colleagues when he suddenly just drops off to sleep. He may be at a party, crossing a street, having sex or, worse still, driving a vehicle when one of these episodes occurs. As you can see, the results of this illness could be catastrophic for both the sufferer and for the people around him.
The cause of Narcolepsy is unknown but it is agreed that it involves a malfunction of the neurotransmitters, the part of the brain that controls sleep and awake states. It is also possible that hormones such as melatonin may be maladjusted, thus failing to do their job which is to control normal sleep patterns.
There are also three auxiliary conditions associated with Narcolepsy. These are called cataplexy, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.
Cataplexy involves sudden, temporary muscle weakness and is the most common secondary condition to Narcolepsy. Cataplexy is believed to occur during intense emotional states such as anger or excitement. During a Cataplectic attack, the person is totally aware and has total recall of the attack later on.
Hallucinations occur quite frequently in people with Narcolepsy and can be visual, audible, or tactile. These hallucinations can be terrifying for the person as they are similar to bad nightmares. Historically, people with these hallucinations accompanying Narcolepsy were misdiagnosed as having Schizophrenia.
Sleep Paralysis describes the feeling of not being able to move immediately before falling asleep and upon wakening. It usually lasts anywhere from a few seconds to half an hour and is generally accompanied by hallucinations.
Because Narcolepsy is not curable, the condition is treated symptomatically. This involves a strict sleep regime such as proper night-time sleep, avoidance of shift work and alcohol, and taking short scheduled naps throughout the day
The main drug therapy used in Narcolepsy is stimulants. Sufferers of this condition are also encouraged to drink more coffee and caffeinated drinks to help control their need for sleep.
In treating the auxiliary conditions of cataplexy, hallucinations and sleep paralysis, the person is often prescribed antidepressants
Prevention of the attacks is obviously a very important factor and can be assisted by simply following a sensible sleep regime at night, taking daytime naps where possible, avoiding heavy meals, and the intake of more caffeine.
Emotional support is another important factor. The person needs to have friends and family who can understand what is happening and not become upset by it, thus increasing the stress and anxiety that the person is probably already feeling. Obviously, if the person is married or in a relationship, their partner needs to be very understanding and supportive.
In summary, Narcolepsy is characterized by uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep. This may be accompanied by muscle weakness, hallucinations, and/or sleep paralysis. There is no cure and treatment is symptomatic. It is important to take preventative measures to avoid these episodes so that you can live a reasonably good lifestyle.
Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski

quantity surveyor

EKCS Bathroom Sink Vanity – Materials And Mounting Options For Bathroom Sink Vanities

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

A bathroom sink vanity can be a focal point and establish the style and decor of your bathroom. Bathroom sink vanities come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and styles and can look like pieces of art besides being functional. Colored bathroom sink vanities will cost more as will units that have delicate designs that are hand-painted.

A bathroom sink vanity can be made of the following materials:

Vitreous China
Stainless Steel

bathroom sink vanity,bathroom sink vanities,bathroom vanity,bathroom vanities,

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
A bathroom sink vanity can be a focal point and establish the style and decor of your bathroom. Bathroom sink vanities come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and styles and can look like pieces of art besides being functional. Colored bathroom sink vanities will cost more as will units that have delicate designs that are hand-painted.

A bathroom sink vanity can be made of the following materials:

Vitreous China
Stainless Steel
Culture Stone or Faux Stone
Solid-Surface Materials
Enameled Cast Iron or Steel
Fiberglass and Acrylic Sinks

A bathroom sink vanity made of porcelain or vitreous china finish will be heavy, durable, imprevious to water and mildew, but it can chip if you drop a heavy object on it. Stainless steel and metal bathroom sink vanities are durable and easy to clean, but they tend to become scratched with daily use and show spots obtained from hard water and soap. Fiberglass, acrylic sinks, culture stone or marble can all be molded into very beautiful shapes, colors and patterns, but they are more susceptible to scratches and chipping than other bathroom sink vanity types.

Sinks for a bathroom vanity cabinet can be mounted on the countertop in several ways:

1. Self-Rimming or Surface-Mounted Sinks – the sink bowl gets dropped into a hole, but the hole is slightly smaller than the outside rim of the sink, forming a seal with the countertop surface.

2. Rimmed Sinks – the sink is dropped into a hole in the countertop, and the rim joins the sink and the countertop, forming a seal with a metal strip.

3. Undermounted Sinks – the rim is attached to the bottom of the countertop creating a very clean look to the vanity.

4. Integral Sinks – one piece sink and countertop unit made from the same material. The only disadvantage to this style is that if any part gets damaged, the entire unit needs to be replaced. These sinks are usually made of stone, faux stone or solid surface-type material.

A bathroom sink vanity cabinet provides countertop space, a place for the sink and faucets and storage below – these are called vanity-mounted sinks. You can also find pedestal sinks, wall hung sinks and freestanding sinks. Vanity mounted sinks are popular because they provide storage, a place for the sink and the most countertop space. Pedestal sinks use very little floor space, they can be placed in corners and they have a classic look, but they lack storage space. Wall hung sinks have the advantage of being easily installed at various elevations which accomodates children, short or tall adults.

Bathroom sink vanities provide a perfect place for shaving, washing, shampooing, brushing your teeth and personal grooming. Sizes of sinks vary from 12×20 inches to some that are as large as 33 inches in diameter, depending on the shape. If you and others in the household will be using the bathroom sink vanities considerably on a regular basis, consider the sizes and styles carefully before making your selection.

Whether upgrading an existing bathroom or planning a new one, the bathroom is a good home improvement investment. You and your family and guests will enjoy the bathrooms in your home every day. And should you ever sell your home, attractive and functional bathrooms will add value to the selling price. Before you buy, read as much as you can on choosing the bathroom sink vanity online or in stores that will be the best for you and your bathroom.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Thermal curtains are conventional looking window coverings that save energy

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Thermal curtains are in the middle of the more useful tools for keeping a home warm. Additional five times as efficient at insulating compared to a traditional curtain, they use thermodynamics to keep heat in.

Thermal curtains, Thermal curtains

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If you are living in a colder climate, makes you recognize how important thermal curtains can be used for insulating a house. A cost efficient option, to most additional heating solutions, curtains are a fairly nominal one-time deal. They can keep your house comfortable and warm all through the cruel winter months without sending your heating bill through the top.

Thermal curtains are in the middle of the more useful tools for keeping a home warm. Additional five times as efficient at insulating compared to a traditional curtain, they use thermodynamics to keep heat in. Windows are a main source of heat loss, since the panes conduct high-energy heat away from the home and in the direction of the low energy area of the outside.

This difficulty is enhanced, by weakening frames and window casings that allow pockets of cold air to leak in. Thermal curtain uses insulating fabric to create a fence intended to block this procedure. They can be made from scratch, but these days, it is just as simple to buy them online. The simplicity of the Internet makes it useful to look for professional-grade goods that will actually do the trick throughout the most horrible months of winter.

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STCS Extreme Home Make Over Tips, Printable Sketches, Designs and How To’s

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Tired of your kitchen and bath lay out and are ready to do something totally different but don’t know what?
Here are a few ideas you can look at. Some of these free printable sketches are some of the most artistic creative designs you have dreamed of.

Extreme Home Make Over Tips

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Tired of your kitchen and bath lay out and are ready to do something totally different but don’t know what?
Here are a few ideas you can look at. Some of these free printable sketches (just right click and print) are some of the most artistic creative designs you have dreamed of.

Maybe your designer does not have the right plan for you. You know – the one that hits the spot and says, “that’s the one! “
Some of these sketches may intrigue you. Just go our home page and click on the remodeling idea box. It will the be the box with the light bulb in it.

And if your still not satisfied and want to look at real live work, to get some more ideas, our kitchen, bath, and living links on our tile/floor/wall section on our directory will be of some help to you.

Just remember a 3 things about floors before making a selection.

-Laminate floors will not raise the value of your house.
Yes it is true, laminate floors, no matter how good they look and how expensive the floors cost, will never raise the value of your house.

-Carpet, sheet vinyl or soft surface materials will not raise the value of your house.
And the same goes for carpet and sheet vinyl. As good as it may seem, carpet and sheet vinyl, or vinyl tile will not raise the value of your house.

-Hardwood floors, ceramic, porcelain, slate, travertine, limestone, or saltillo tile are the only flooring materials that will raise the value of your house.

Want to install your own hardwood floors but don’t know how?

How to do a hardwood floor installation with a FREE VIDEO you can watch right now.

For all the do it your self type of people like us we have a manual that can teach you what people pay THOUSANDS of dollars to get done. A home improvement skill, learn how to install a hardwood floor absolutely free. Or if you just want to get your loved ones room done, your own. Or you just want some helpful information.

One of the most difficult type of wood floor installation is the glue down method. Contractors charge up to $4.50 a square ft. So do the math a 15 ft by 20 ft room is 300 square feet. Multiply that times $4.50 sf. That’s $1,350.00 and that’s not including the trim and extras. After that’s all said and done costs can run up to $1,700.00 or more, just LABOR!!

Most contractors can knock that out in a day or two!

pilates mat

Carrots : The Master Key For Healthy Living!

Jasdeep Singh
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1472.shtml

It slows ageing, promotes healthy vision, has anti-cancer properties, increases immunity towards various chronic diseases. Yes, carrot does it all for you. This natural health booster enhances your health on various grounds and fills in the essential vitamins to your body like pro-vitamin A, B3, C and E. Other important advantages of carrot besides those mentioned above includes preventing various gastrointestinal complaints like colic and ulcers and it also prevents heart attacks and cancer by reduces cholestrol levels as it has high soluble fibre levels.
. Tip: Carrots are more nutritous when eaten cooked. The valuable nutrients lie either in or just beneath the skin.
See how Carrot works?
Beta-carotene, the main content of carrots, is maily responsible for improving your vision. The vitamin A forms a purple pigment called rhodopsin the eye needs to see in dim light. Hence, if we dont get adequate vitamin A, it can lead to night blindedness.
Beta-carotene also acts as an anti-oxidant which prevents free radicals responsible for cancer and heart attacks. A study at Texas and Chicago states that men with higher content of Beta-carotene are 37% less prone to heart related diseases. Carrot has one more anti-oxidant called alpha-carotene which reduces the risk of lung cancer.
. Tip: Cut off the leafy tops of the carrot before storing them. The leafy tops suck the vitamins from the main body robbing its nutritions. You can make best use of carrots by adding it to your favourite juices.
Wow, see the magic of carrot which is so easily available and cheap too. So start having atleast 50 gm of Carrot daily to fill in the required amount.
Get More Diet Tips at

Maths Tutor Ireland


How to Improve Reading Comprehension wi
th Video

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Most educators today realize that teaching students how to read is not the sole responsibility of the language arts teacher, yet many teachers still struggle to come up with effective ways to actually improve reading comprehension in the classroom.

reading comprehension,reading comprehension activities for middle school, reading comprehension teaching ideas,effects of background knowledge in reading comprehension, lesson plans for teaching reading comprehension,improve reading comprehension on

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Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

Most educators today realize that teaching students how to read is not the sole responsibility of the language arts teacher, yet many teachers still struggle to come up with effective ways to actually improve reading comprehension in the classroom.

After all, the primary purpose of reading is comprehension. Unless you comprehend what you read you might as well be reading a different language. Unfortunately, for many students, reading in the content areas may actually seem like a different language.

This is particularly true in social studies classes when using primary sources that may date back several hundred years. I can recall a lesson I did in my own 8th grade social studies class in which I used a primary source written by For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Gustavus Vassa, an ex-slave who wrote about his experiences on board a slave ship during the middle passage. Unfortunately, for the students, the primary source reading might as well have been written in a different language, for while my students read the passage, they certainly did not comprehend its meaning.

However, the Gustavus Vassa reading was, and still is, an excellent primary source to use in the classroom. It was my job as a teacher to figure out how.

What I needed to do to improve reading comprehension was tap into students’ prior knowledge about the “middle passage” and the horrors of the slave trade before reading the first-hand account written by Gustavus Vassa. That’s right, understanding reading is based on what you already bring to the table when you open a text, what you already know about a particular topic, your prior knowledge.

There are many ways teachers can tap into students’ prior knowledge such as Venn diagrams, KWL charts, and various prediction strategies. However, one of the most effective strategies, if not the most effective, is to use video clips at the beginning of the lesson prior to the reading assignment. By using video at the beginning of the lesson (rather than at the end), the teacher will tap into and build upon the students’ prior knowledge thereby improving reading comprehension. Furthermore, using video at the beginning of the lesson will increase student motivation to learn. Believe it or not, students will actually read because they want to read.

When the time came to teach about the “middle passage” the following year I knew exactly how I would use the same reading passage, but with much greater success. I would simply start the lesson with a short video clip. The best tool I’ve found for using video clips in the classroom is unitedstreaming.

The beauty of unitedstreaming is in its simplicity. It took only a few minutes for me to find the perfect video clip on the middle passage from unitedstreaming’s massive database and download it to my own computer.

Knowing the students had difficulty with the reading by Gustavus Vassa the year before, my intent was to tap into and build on their prior knowledge before tackling the difficult primary source reading.

This time around I started by playing the video clip I had downloaded earlier. The video clip was only about 5 minutes long, but the effect it had was undeniable. Not only, did the video tap into and build upon prior knowledge, but it also sparked student interest and motivated students to want to learn more about the middle passage.

Following the video clip, I had students complete a short map exercise in which they identify products exchanged in the triangle trade (including slaves on the middle passage). The map activity is much more relevant to the students now that they can make the connection between the arrows that represent the slave trade on the map and the visual images of the harsh conditions onboard the slave ships that was shown in the unitedstreaming video.

It is not until the video and the map work were completed that I first introduced the reading by Gustavus Vassa.

While the video most likely answered many of the questions students might have had about the slave trade and the middle passage, it also raised many more. By the time we got to the reading assignment, we not only anticipated and addressed possible comprehension concerns, but also motivated the students to want to read.

The materials I used in this lesson from one year to the next were nearly identical. The only difference was adding the unitedstreaming video clip to the beginning of the lesson. This one significant change, transformed the lesson from being an ineffective lesson to a lesson that inspired student learning and improved reading comprehension.

Today, I use unitedstreaming at least twice a week in my own classroom to do just that…increase student motivation and improve reading comprehension.