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title:ESL Exams: A Teacher’s Guide
author:Keith Taylor
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

It’s the end of another class, and one student has stayed behind. No problem, you think, maybe an easy grammar question, or a comment on how they enjoyed the class (or not!)… or maybe it’s a question about an ESL exam. “What’s the difference between TOEFL and TOEIFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. C?” “Should I take the FCE?” “Who recognizes IELTS?” So if you don’t know your BEC from your KET, or your CAE from your CELS, here’s a brief guide to the most popular ESL exams.
ESL exams fall broadly into three main categories: General English, Business English and Academic English.
General English
Probably the most popular in this category are the Cambridge ESOL exams. One and a half million people in 135 countries take Cambridge exams every year. There are five General English exams, sometimes referred to as the “Cambridge Main Suite.”
The first two levels are the KET (Key English Test) and the PET (Preliminary English Test). The KET and PET have reading and writing, listening, and speaking components, and are most often used to assess progress or to prepare for the next exam in the series. The PET is also recognized by some employers and universities. KET and PET have two pass grades, Pass with merit and Pass.
Next up from the PET is the FCE (First Certificate in English). The FCE has five sections, reading, writing, use of English, listening and speaking. It is widely recognized by employers and educational institutions and so is very popular with students who want to study or work abroad.
Many universities and employers, however, prefer the CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), which is the next level up. This exam shows that a student is capable of following a university course or can function in a range of business contexts.
After the CAE comes the CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), the highest level in the series. Students who pass this exam have the ability to function effectively in almost every English speaking context. The CPE is also a typical requirement for non-native speakers who want to train as English teachers. Students typically need 3 years of study after passing the FCE to reach this level (depending, of course, on how often they study and other factors).
FCE, CAE and CPE have five grades, A-E, of which A-C are passes.
Cambridge also has a series of General English exams for Young Learners aged between 7 and 12 (YLE). There are three exams in the series, Starters, Movers and Flyers. They are taken mainly as a means of measuring progress, and also as preparation for the KET and PET. There is no pass or fail – students are awarded up to five “shields” for each component (reading and writing, listening, speaking).
Other General English exams
Cambridge also offers CELS (Certificates in English Language Skills). These are individual exams in each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking). Students can choose which of the exams they want to take, according to their strengths and requirements.
Pitman, part of the British City and Guilds Group, is another examining body with a series of General English exams. The International ESOL covers listening, reading and writing, and the International Spoken ESOL is a one to one structured interview. Both have six levels, from basic to advanced.
Business English
Every year four and a half million people take the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), run by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The TOEIC is a multiple choice exam in two sections, listening and reading, each scored out of 445, giving a total of 990. Many companies and government agencies use TOEIC as a criterion for recruiting or promoting staff, or for sending staff abroad. Some universities also use TOEIC, requiring their business school students to achieve a particular score prior to graduation, for example.
Cambridge also has a series of business exams called the BEC (Business English Certificate). BEC comes in three levels, Preliminary, Vantage and Higher. The types of exam task are similar to those in the Cambridge Main Suite, but test language ability in a business context. They are recognized by many employers worldwide, and students take them to demonstrate language skills required for international business. There are two pass grades for BEC, Pass with merit and Pass.
Other Business English exams
Cambridge offers BULATS (The Business Language Testing Service). BULATS is designed specifically for companies and organizations to test the language ability of employees who need English in their work, and for students and employees on language and business courses.
Pitman has a three-level series of exams called English for Business Communications, which tests business writing ability, and English for Office Skills, a two-level series designed to test the ability to carry out office-related tasks where accuracy in writing and following instructions is important.
Academic English
A common question from students is “What’s the difference between TOEIC and TOEFL?” Well, both are run by ETS, but whereas TOEIC evaluates language skills for the workplace, TOEFL evaluates language skills in an academic context. It is therefore used primarily as a prerequisite for admission to universities and colleges. More than 5000 colleges and universities in 90 countries recognize the exam. During 2005 and 2006, TOEFL is phasing in a new internet-based test (iBT), which will replace the current computer-based and paper-based exams. The iBT has 4 sections, reading, listening, speaking and writing, each with a score of 30, giving a total score of 120. This is likely to cause some confusion for a while, as most students and universities are used to working with the paper-based total of 677, or the computer-based total of 300!
Cambridge also has an academic exam, the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), which they jointly manage with the British Council and IDP:IELTS Australia. IELTS is recognized by universities and colleges, as well as employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies. The exam has listening, reading, writing and speaking components. For the reading and writing, students can choose between an academic and a general option. IELTS is scored on a scale of 1-9.
Comparing levels
One of the most common questions from students is how exams in the different categories compare to each other. Is the FCE equivalent to one of the BEC exams? If I have the CAE, what TOEFL score can I expect? Luckily, we have a reference guide to help us here, called the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEF). The CEF divides language learners into six levels, and enables us to compare all the ESL exams according to these levels.
The six levels are A1 (Breakthrough), A2 (Waystage), B1 (Threshold), B2 (Vantage), C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency), and C2 (Mastery).
Here’s a quick comparison of exams at the different levels. Bear in mind that this is a general guide only — students’ scores in different exams will of course depend on many factors, such as preparation time and motivation!
A1: YLE Movers, Pitman ESOL Basic, IELTS score 1-2.
A2: KET, YLE Flyers, Pitman ESOL Elementary, TOEIC score 246-380, TOEFL iBT score 32-42, IELTS score 3.
B1: PET, TOEIC score 381-540, BEC Preliminary, TOEFL iBT score 43-61, IELTS score 3.5-4.5.
B2: FCE, Pitman ESOL Intermediate, TOEIC score 541-700, BEC Vantage, TOEFL iBT score 62-91, IELTS score 5-6.
C1: CAE, Pitman ESOL Higher Intermediate, TOEIC score 701-910, BEC Higher, TOEFL iBT score 92-112, IELTS score 6.5-7.
C2: CPE, Pitman ESOL Advanced, TOEIC score 911-990, TOEFL iBT score 113-120, IELTS score 7.5-9.
There is of course much more information about these exams on the Cambridge ESOL, TOEIC, TOEFL and Pitman websites — you will find the links at

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STCS Developing a Garage Addition Building Plan and Estimating Garage Addition Costs

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The decision to add on a garage addition to a home is one of the best home improvement projects a homeowner can make. A garage addition provides great utility and can significantly increase the value of a home.

Garage Addition, Building Plan, Estimating Garage Addition Costs, Garage Addition Plan, Garage Doors, concrete footings

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The decision to add on a garage addition to a home is one of the best home improvement projects a homeowner can make. A garage addition provides great utility and can significantly increase the value of a home. Prior to actually breaking ground, however, a garage addition plan and garage addition costs estimates should be developed.

A garage addition plan starts with making initial sketches of the garage addition concept and evaluating how it will tie in with the existing home structure. Though most homeowners prefer a large garage, it is very important during this phase to consider proportions between the existing home and the new garage addition. To aesthetically look appealing from the road the garage addition length should not exceed two-thirds the length of the existing home. Otherwise the garage addition could overwhelm the existing home structure. The depth or width of the garage addition is less critical from an aesthetic standpoint, as it is usually less visible from the road.

Once the initial sketches have been completed, detailed garage addition building plans should be generated. Depending on the complexity of the garage addition either the homeowner or an architect can develop the actual garage addition building plans. In either case, the plans will need to include scaled drawings with dimensions, and cross-sectional construction views with constructional materials specified. The cross-sectional views should include from the concrete footings all the way to the peak of the roof. Each new transition from the footings up should be carefully drawn. Examples include: the footing/foundation transition, the foundation/sill plate transition, and the wall/roof rafter transition. The plans should also include a comprehensive bill of materials for the project. In addition, all property lines and appropriate setbacks should be clearly shown in the drawings.

Estimating the garage addition costs depends on who is building the addition. If the homeowner plans on acting as his or her own general contractor and performing some of the work (e.g. the framing) then costs will need to be calculated starting with the bill of materials generated during the planning phase. With a comprehensive bill of materials a homeowner can provide much of the list to any home improvement store where they can fill out the pricing information for the specific items for the project. For specialty items such as garage doors, garage door openers, and in some cases lighting and plumbing fixtures (if required for the garage addition) the homeowner may need to contact specialty stores for pricing. The subcontractors may also be able to provide some unit pricing (e.g. garage doors).

If the homeowner is acting as his or her own general contractor and will require subcontractors, then it is important that they identify early the subcontractors and review with them the plans and development schedule. Each subcontractor should provide a firm fixed estimate for the particular job based on the plans and bill of materials. In addition their bid should also include start/complete dates for the particular job.

With garage addition plans and costs estimates in place the homeowner can then proceed with pulling permits and developing a fairly accurate building schedule.

Once permits have been approved, construction of the garage addition can begin. It is important to note, however, that even with the best plans in place things happen and schedules slip. To mitigate schedule slips a homeowner acting as his or her own general contractor should factor in some buffer to the schedule and always be looking ahead several weeks during the entire project. They should regularly check with suppliers to ensure building material will arrive when required and should occasionally check with subcontractors to ensure that their schedules are still in line with your garage addition project.

With these simple planning, budgeting and scheduling issues addressed prior to the start of the project, building a garage addition can be a positive experience both pre and post construction phase.

For more information on building a garage addition see the Garage Addition Bid Sheet from The Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive questionnaire (Request for Quote) that a homeowner can provide to prospective general contractors and subcontractors for bidding the garage addition. In addition, the Garage Addition Bid sheet also includes estimated costs and time intervals for constructing a garage addition as well as a list of key home material manufacturers. Finally, the Garage Addition Bid Sheet includes an extensive set of helpful tips and advice on making sure the garage addition is built properly and on time and budget.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Art of Hiring a Contractor

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How to choose the right Home Improvement Contractor for your project.

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I will be submitting articles on hiring contractors to problem solving typical to not so typical home repairs and improvements homeowners typically come across. If you have questions please feel free to submit to this article and I will try to answer your questions. However, for today I would like to discuss Home improvement contractors. In a prior life, I was a home improvement contractor for a number of years and have experienced situations from the other side as a contractor. There are things that a homeowner can look for when hiring a contractor. These things are obvious. First, notice punctuality, Secondly, look at the vehicle that the contractor arrives in. Is it in disrepair? Think about it a contractor that cares about his business would invest in a vehicle that shows he is serious about business. Now I am not saying he has to show up in a 50,000.00-dollar vehicle. It should be presentable. Next, does he shake your hand when introducing himself? Ask questions, look for tell tale signs. References, a good contractor has a following. Is he licensed? Is he insured? Taking time to notice these things should help in your decision in hiring a home improvement contractor. Only you the homeowner can avoid hiring a wannabe contractor. NEXT: Tales from the Home improvement contractors point of view.

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Combat Stress

John Moore
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Tips To Ease Tension
We all know what it feels like to get emotionally mangled by the weight of day to day struggles. Our bosses yell at us, our spouses yell at us – it feels like an endless circle where getting ahead at the office can leave us with so little energy for home that home turns into battlefield that leaves us with no energy for work.
Is mere survival all you can ask of a hassle-filled world ? No. Stress, in fact is not only something you can beat, but a force you can turn into an advantage. You don’t have to run from it, and you don’t need any special stress management. The following tested tips show you how to combat stress – and win.
Work On Your Attitude.
The most important point you can make about stress is that in most cases it’s not what’s out there that’s the problem, its how you react to it. Changing the way you think can change a life of stress and discomfort to a life of challenge and excitement.
Think About Something Else.
Distract yourself – to break the thoughts that are producing your stress, you must think about something else. Anything will do, as long as it breaks the chain of bad thoughts.
Think Positive.
Thinking about a success or a past achievement is excellent when you’re feeling uncertain, remind yourself of all the good things you’ve achieved in the past, and tell yourself that you’re going to do the same in the future.
Take A Mental Vacation
Imagine yourself lying in warm sand on a beach in the Bahamas, a cool wind blowing off the ocean, the surf rolling in quietly in the background. It’s amazing what this can do to help you relax.
Take Deap Breaths
Belly breathing is what some people call it. It’s an old and useful trick for defeating anxiety and nervousness.
The basic idea is act calm, be calm. When your experiencing stress, your pulse races and you start breathing very quickly. Forcing yourself to breathe slowly convinces the body that the stress has gone, whether it has or not.
The correct way to breathe is abdominally – feeling the stomach expand as you inhale, and collapse as you exhale.
A lot of us respond to stress with muscle tension. Ideally, we’d prefer to eliminate the cause of the stress, but stretching the muscles at least reduces the sensation of stress – the muscles relax, and we feel less tense.
Take A Hot Soak
Hot water works by defeating the stress response. When we’re tense and anxious, blood flow to our extremities is reduced. Hot water restores circulation, convincing the body it’s safe and that it’s ok to relax. Cold water must not be used because it has the opposite effect, and will increase tension.
An office alternative might be running hot water over your hands until you feel the tension starting to drain away.
Regular exercise will burn off some of the stress chemicals tension produces, and exercise will tire your musles – a tired muscle is a relaxed muscle.
Listen To Music
Music soothes as perhaps nothing else does. You can use it in two basic ways – to relax or to inspire. New – Age music is very relaxing.
I trust these points will be of benefit to your wellbeing. Thank you for reading my article. Author John Moore

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Determining And Fixing Plumbing Noises In Your Home

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To diagnose noisy plumbing, it is important to determine first whether the unwanted sounds occur on the system’s inlet side-in other words, when water is turned on-or on the drain side.

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To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
To diagnose noisy plumbing, it is important to determine first whether the unwanted sounds occur on the system’s inlet side-in other words, when water is turned on-or on the drain side. Noises on the inlet side have varied causes: excessive water pressure, worn valve and faucet parts, improperly connected pumps or other appliances, incorrectly placed pipe fasteners, and plumbing runs containing too many tight bends or other restrictions. Noises on the drain side usually stem from poor location or, as with some inlet side noise, a layout containing tight bends.


Hissing noise that occurs when a faucet is opened slightly generally signals excessive water pressure. Consult your local water company if you suspect this problem; it will be able to tell you the water pressure in your area and can install a pressurereducing valve on the incoming water supply pipe if necessary.


Thudding noise, often accompanied by shuddering pipes, when a faucet or appliance valve is turned off is a condition called water hammer. The noise and vibration are caused by the reverberating wave of pressure in the water, which suddenly has no place to go. Sometimes opening a valve that discharges water quickly into a section of piping containing a restriction, elbow, or tee fitting can produce the same condition.

Water hammer can usually be cured by installing fittings called air chambers or shock absorbers in the plumbing to which the problem valves or faucets are connected. These devices allow the shock wave created by the halted flow of water to dissipate in the air they contain, which (unlike water) is compressible.

Older plumbing systems may have short vertical sections of capped pipe behind walls on faucet runs for the same purpose; these can eventually fill with water, reducing or destroying their effectiveness. The cure is to drain the water system completely by shutting off the main water supply valve and opening all faucets. Then open the main supply valve and close the faucets one at a time, starting with the faucet nearest the valve and ending with the one farthest away.

Chattering or Screeching

Intense chattering or screeching that occurs when a valve or faucet is turned on, and that usually disappears when the fitting is opened fully, signals loose or defective internal parts. The solution is to replace the valve or faucet with a new one.

Pumps and appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers can transfer motor noise to pipes if they are improperly connected. Link such items to plumbing with plastic or rubber hoses-never rigid pipe-to isolate them.

Other Inlet Side Noises

Creaking, squeaking, scratching, snapping, and tapping usually are caused by the expansion or contraction of pipes, generally copper ones supplying hot water. The sounds occur as the pipes slide against loose fasteners or strike nearby house framing. You can often pinpoint the location of the problem if the pipes are exposed; just follow the sound when the pipes are making noise. Most likely you will discover a loose pipe hanger or an area where pipes lie so close to floor joists or other framing pieces that they clatter against them. Attaching foam pipe insulation around the pipes at the point of contact should remedy the problem. Be sure straps and hangers are secure and provide adequate support. Where possible, pipe fasteners should be attached to massive structural elements such as foundation walls instead of to framing; doing so lessens the transmission of vibrations from plumbing to surfaces that can amplify and transfer them. If attaching fasteners to framing is unavoidable, wrap pipes with insulation or other resilient material where they contact fasteners, and sandwich the ends of new fasteners between rubber washers when installing them.

Correcting plumbing runs that suffer from flow-restricting tight or numerous bends is a last resort that should be undertaken only after consulting a skilled plumbing contractor. Unfortunately, this situation is fairly common in older houses that may not have been built with indoor plumbing or that have seen several remodels, especially by amateurs.

Drainpipe Noise

On the drain side of plumbing, the chief goals are to eliminate surfaces that can be struck by falling or rushing water and to insulate pipes to contain unavoidable sounds.

In new construction, bathtubs, shower stalls, toilets, and wallmounted sinks and basins should be set on or against resilient underlayments to reduce the transmission of sound through them. Water-saving toilets and faucets are less noisy than conventional models; install them instead of older types even if codes in your area still permit using older fixtures.

Drainpipes that do not run vertically to the basement or that branch into horizontal pipe runs supported at floor joists or other framing present particularly troublesome noise problems. Such pipes are large enough to radiate considerable vibration; they also carry significant amounts of water, which makes the situation worse. In new construction, specify cast-iron soil pipes (the large pipes that drain toilets) if you can afford them. Their massiveness contains much of the noise made by water passing through them. Also, avoid routing drainpipes in walls shared with bedrooms and rooms where people gather. Walls containing drainpipes should be soundproofed as was described earlier, using double panels of sound-insulating fiberboard and wallboard. Pipes themselves can be wrapped with special fiberglass insulation made for the purpose; such pipes have an impervious vinyl skin (sometimes containing lead). Results are not always satisfactory.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Air Purifier’s Industry Favorite Four Letter Word

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Indoor air pollution can be downright nasty. Find out about the only four letter word you ever need to know when it comes to the air purifier industry.

Filterless Air Purifier, Home Air Purifier, Compare Air Purifiers

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For those that have been travelling to their local department stores lately, you may have noticed (especially in the home and garden and hardware sections) a carrier of air purifying as well as air cleansing products on the shelves.

You may find yourself a bit bewildered at all the different brand names and functionalities of these various air purifiers. Well this article will hopefully clarify at least one major issue for you. Just what exactly is a HEPA air purifier?

The reason I am talking about HEPA purifiers as opposed to other cleaners is simple, it’s the upper echelon of purification benchmarks on the market. For starters, HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor. Not too shabby right?

First let’s be clear, HEPA is not a company name, is is a standard of air filter that is used in various kinda of cleaning appliances including vacuums. They are widely accepted within the industry to be able to filter particles as small as .3 microns, as well as having an efficiency rating of ninety-nine point nine percent%.

These babies will be able to filter as well as remove the tiniest of elements ranging from dust, pollen, smoke, animal dander, and other allergy inducing nasties. HEPA tools are required for use by companies that remove asbestos in buildings, cleaning up toxic related spills, as well as for industry related pollution.

Not a bad track record I’d say. The basic process by which HEPA filters work is all the pollen in the air is trapped in the filter, while allowing only clean air to go back into the open. The more times air is “exchanged” (moves back and forth through your air purifier with HEPA filter) the cleaner the environment will become.

Usually a standard HEPA unit can efficiently clean one room at a time. As such, it’s advisable to have one unit in each room of your house (or at least the major ones like your bedroom, living room, and kitchen).

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Buying stairlifts

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Information on buying stairlifts.

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Stairlifts come in two main forms; straight and curved. If you stairs turn or are spiral then the likelihood an ordinary or straight stairlift won’t fit and a curved stairlift will need to be fitted. It is worth noting that in some cases it may be possible to combine two straight lifts to overcome a turn, which is usually cheaper to install than a curved stairlift. If you staircase is straight then a straight starlift will fit. However, either option will increase you independence in your own home and remove any problems or concerns you have when climbing your stairs.

Once you have established that you require a curved stairlift or straight stairlift there are two option available to you. First you can purchase a reconditioned or second hand stair lift. This is very feasible when purchasing a straight lift as they are usually more common and of standard fit. However, it is fairly unlikely that you will find a reconditioned stairlift that will perfectly fit your stairs. The second option is to purchase a new stairlift.

Buying a new stairlift.

When buying a new stairlift it is important to obtain at least three quotes to ensure you are getting value for money. The quote may vary considerably, but also consider other factors such as warranty offered, service backup, when the stairlift can be installed. Check out the companies credential such as how long have they been trading for, customer testimonials, company knowledge etc. Do not be pressured into buying on the day, take the information they offer and quote and take time thinking about it. Don’t rush.

If you live near the retailers it may be possible to visit their showroom and try the lift you are interested in, ensuring it is comfortable and easy to control.


Once you stairlift has been installed then you need to consider regular servicing and maintenance. As with any mechanical product with moving parts wear and tear will occur. Hence it is important to service regularly to ensure everything is in good working order and safe. The company from which you are purchasing the lift may be able to offer a maintenance package to complement the warranty. In some cases they will insist the stair lift is serviced to validate the warranty. Most warranties are for one year, but you can purchase entered warranties. Remember you do not have to purchase extended warranties for the company from which you purchased the stair lift. Shop around you may get a better deal.

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EKCS Air-Purifiers Escape Pollutant Filled Air

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Are you suffering from polluted or allergen-rich air in your home and office? You should take some steps to prevent such air from flowing in your home and instead let fresh air fill up the atmosphere. You can use air-purifiers that are basically designed to reduce the dust build-up within the home and office environment. The air-purifiers are electronic in nature and use a basic filtering system to draw-in bad air, clean it and re-circulate fresh air outside.

Air purifiers…

air purifiers,allergies,air purifier,air filter

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Are you suffering from polluted or allergen-rich air in your home and office? You should take some steps to prevent such air from flowing in your home and instead let fresh air fill up the atmosphere. You can use air-purifiers that are basically designed to reduce the dust build-up within the home and office environment. The air-purifiers are electronic in nature and use a basic filtering system to draw-in bad air, clean it and re-circulate fresh air outside.

Air purifiers are specifically designed to eliminate pollutants such as pollen and other airborne irritants from the environment. The working in air-purifiers is quite simple. The air in the room is drawn inside to the bottom of the cleaner and then is pushed forward through an aluminum mesh filter. It is this filter where the pollutants are captured before the air moves on to the next phase for getting cleaned.

Factors to be considered while purchasing air-purifiers

When you want to purchase an air-purifier, you should take into account several factors. The first is the size of the machine. If the area where purification should take place is large, then a machine can filter the air of the entire house. The purifier should then be lifted in the wall or in the ceiling for better results. The second factor is noise level. Some of the air-purifiers produce a lot of noise so if you want to maintain peace in your home, you should get a noiseless air-purifier. The third factor to be considered is air re-circulation rate, a quality that changes the room ambience at least for 3 times in an hour. The fourth factor is choosing the purifier that can be cleaned by hand, washed or vacuumed.

Different types of air-purifiers

There are different types of air-purifiers that help in the purification of air. Charcoal filters are homemade air-purifiers that usually eliminate all leftover odors from the air, freshen the air and then force it out into the home for re-circulation. Ionic air-purifiers work by sending out negatively charged ions into the air of your home. The ions capture tobacco smoke, pollen, dust and other dirt and then release fresh air into the atmosphere. HEPA air purifiers work by drawing the air via a fan. While the large particles get trapped in the folds of the filter, the small particles and chemicals get attached to the charcoal part in the filter.

A home air purifier provides protection against hazardous smoke particles and airborne gases that intrudes into your home. It offers great protection against second hand smoke and converts the dirty and contaminated air into clean and fresh air. Different air purifiers use different air purification techniques like mechanical filters, electrostatic charges or ionizers, and absorbents like charcoal. The additional setups include germicidal UV light and the emission of ions into the air to react with contaminants, making them harmless enough to breathe.

Use air-purifiers in your home and office to enjoy fresh and healthy air.

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ESL Exams: A Teacher’s Guide

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It’s the end of another class, and one student has stayed behind. No problem, you think, maybe an easy grammar question, or a comment on how they enjoyed the class (or not!)… or maybe it’s a question about an ESL exam. “What’s the difference between TOEFL and TOFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. EIC?” “Should I take the FCE?” “Who recognizes IELTS?” So if you don’t know your BEC from your KET, or your CAE from your CELS, here’s a brief guide to the most popular ESL exams.

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Article Body:
It’s the end of another class, and one student has stayed behind. No problem, you think, maybe an easy grammar question, or a comment on how they enjoyed the class (or not!)… or maybe it’s a question about an ESL exam. “What’s the difference between TOEFL and TOEIC?” “Should I take the FCE?” “Who recognizes IELTS?” So if you don’t know your BEC from your KET, or your CAE from your CELS, here’s a brief guide to the most popular ESL exams.

ESL exams fall broadly into three main categories: General English, Business English and Academic English.

General English

Probably the most popular in this category are the Cambridge ESOL exams. One and a half million people in 135 countries take Cambridge exams every year. There are five General English exams, sometimes referred to as the “Cambridge Main Suite.”

The first two levels are the KET (Key English Test) and the PET (Preliminary English Test). The KET and PET have reading and writing, listening, and speaking components, and are most often used to assess progress or to prepare for the next exam in the series. The PET is also recognized by some employers and universities. KET and PET have two pass grades, Pass with merit and Pass.

Next up from the PET is the FCE (First Certificate in English). The FCE has five sections, reading, writing, use of English, listening and speaking. It is widely recognized by employers and educational institutions and so is very popular with students who want to study or work abroad.

Many universities and employers, however, prefer the CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), which is the next level up. This exam shows that a student is capable of following a university course or can function in a range of business contexts.

After the CAE comes the CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English), the highest level in the series. Students who pass this exam have the ability to function effectively in almost every English speaking context. The CPE is also a typical requirement for non-native speakers who want to train as English teachers. Students typically need 3 years of study after passing the FCE to reach this level (depending, of course, on how often they study and other factors).

FCE, CAE and CPE have five grades, A-E, of which A-C are passes.

Cambridge also has a series of General English exams for Young Learners aged between 7 and 12 (YLE). There are three exams in the series, Starters, Movers and Flyers. They are taken mainly as a means of measuring progress, and also as preparation for the KET and PET. There is no pass or fail – students are awarded up to five “shields” for each component (reading and writing, listening, speaking).

Other General English exams

Cambridge also offers CELS (Certificates in English Language Skills). These are individual exams in each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking). Students can choose which of the exams they want to take, according to their strengths and requirements.

Pitman, part of the British City and Guilds Group, is another examining body with a series of General English exams. The International ESOL covers listening, reading and writing, and the International Spoken ESOL is a one to one structured interview. Both have six levels, from basic to advanced.

Business English

Every year four and a half million people take the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), run by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The TOEIC is a multiple choice exam in two sections, listening and reading, each scored out of 445, giving a total of 990. Many companies and government agencies use TOEIC as a criterion for recruiting or promoting staff, or for sending staff abroad. Some universities also use TOEIC, requiring their business school students to achieve a particular score prior to graduation, for example.

Cambridge also has a series of business exams called the BEC (Business English Certificate). BEC comes in three levels, Preliminary, Vantage and Higher. The types of exam task are similar to those in the Cambridge Main Suite, but test language ability in a business context. They are recognized by many employers worldwide, and students take them to demonstrate language skills required for international business. There are two pass grades for BEC, Pass with merit and Pass.

Other Business English exams

Cambridge offers BULATS (The Business Language Testing Service). BULATS is designed specifically for companies and organizations to test the language ability of employees who need English in their work, and for students and employees on language and business courses.

Pitman has a three-level series of exams called English for Business Communications, which tests business writing ability, and English for Office Skills, a two-level series designed to test the ability to carry out office-related tasks where accuracy in writing and following instructions is important.

Academic English

A common question from students is “What’s the difference between TOEIC and TOEFL?” Well, both are run by ETS, but whereas TOEIC evaluates language skills for the workplace, TOEFL evaluates language skills in an academic context. It is therefore used primarily as a prerequisite for admission to universities and colleges. More than 5000 colleges and universities in 90 countries recognize the exam. During 2005 and 2006, TOEFL is phasing in a new internet-based test (iBT), which will replace the current computer-based and paper-based exams. The iBT has 4 sections, reading, listening, speaking and writing, each with a score of 30, giving a total score of 120. This is likely to cause some confusion for a while, as most students and universities are used to working with the paper-based total of 677, or the computer-based total of 300!

Cambridge also has an academic exam, the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), which they jointly manage with the British Council and IDP:IELTS Australia. IELTS is recognized by universities and colleges, as well as employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies. The exam has listening, reading, writing and speaking components. For the reading and writing, students can choose between an academic and a general option. IELTS is scored on a scale of 1-9.

Comparing levels

One of the most common questions from students is how exams in the different categories compare to each other. Is the FCE equivalent to one of the BEC exams? If I have the CAE, what TOEFL score can I expect? Luckily, we have a reference guide to help us here, called the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEF). The CEF divides language learners into six levels, and enables us to compare all the ESL exams according to these levels.

The six levels are A1 (Breakthrough), A2 (Waystage), B1 (Threshold), B2 (Vantage), C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency), and C2 (Mastery).

Here’s a quick comparison of exams at the different levels. Bear in mind that this is a general guide only — students’ scores in different exams will of course depend on many factors, such as preparation time and motivation!

A1: YLE Movers, Pitman ESOL Basic, IELTS score 1-2.
A2: KET, YLE Flyers, Pitman ESOL Elementary, TOEIC score 246-380, TOEFL iBT score 32-42, IELTS score 3.
B1: PET, TOEIC score 381-540, BEC Preliminary, TOEFL iBT score 43-61, IELTS score 3.5-4.5.
B2: FCE, Pitman ESOL Intermediate, TOEIC score 541-700, BEC Vantage, TOEFL iBT score 62-91, IELTS score 5-6.
C1: CAE, Pitman ESOL Higher Intermediate, TOEIC score 701-910, BEC Higher, TOEFL iBT score 92-112, IELTS score 6.5-7.
C2: CPE, Pitman ESOL Advanced, TOEIC score 911-990, TOEFL iBT score 113-120, IELTS score 7.5-9.

There is of course much more information about these exams on the Cambridge ESOL, TOEIC, TOEFL and Pitman websites — you will find the links at this ESL exams resource.

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This story deals with bodybuilding and contains all the relevant information about bodybuilding. If you are interested do read on.

Being interested in bodybuilding means that you must be eager to gain as much information on bodybuilding as possible. To make things easier for you, we have this article for you having all the relevant information on bodybuilding.

A Body to Go: bodybuilding fitness Elementary

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So you want to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or perhaps you’re a Lenda Murray-wanna-be? Well, good for you! So here’s the thing. To get the best bodybuilding shape, you need to keep a few bodybuilding fitness pointers in mind.

Examination articles is surely a very good way of increasing ones knowledge but for that you would have to search through a lot of trash. We think that some of your needs must have been satisfied through reading this article about bodybuilding.

The principal logical movement to take for any bodybuilding fitness novice is goal-setting. Ask yourself the following questions: Why do I want to be a bodybuilder? Why do I want to have a fit body? Whatever your reason may be, whether you want to be healthy or want to look good, just make sure that you are doing this for yourself. A high percentage of bodybuilding fitness programs are successful mainly because its participants are looking to improve themselves.

You can also keep a bodybuilding fitness logbook to record your progress and the goals you have set and achieved during the program. For instance, you can place an entry in your bodybuilding fitness logbook that you want to do 10 reps today. Then later during the day, you can put in some comments on how you did, whether or not you have achieved the bodybuilding fitness goal you have set for yourself. A simple record-keeping can make a whole lot of difference for a bodybuilding success.

Below are a few more bodybuilding fitness tips to get you going:

1. To guarantee success in your bodybuilding fitness plan, make a commitment to yourself and make the effort to change your habits.
2. Accept the fact that to achieve the perfect muscled look might take a long time. Building muscles, loosing fat, reshaping your body, and learning how you respond to diets and supplements takes time. As a matter of fact, the best bodybuilding fitness plans continue on indefinitely.
3. Hold yourself up for a lot of hard work. bodybuilding fitness means going to the gym on a regular basis, adapting strenuous exercise routines, and tearing up muscles here and there as a result. But all that pain and discomfort is what makes bodybuilding fitness work for you.
4. Change your diet. To get the best results out of your bodybuilding fitness plan, you would have to eat three meals a day. Eat small but frequently. Increase your protein intake for better muscle growth and development. Drink more water to optimize muscle volume. Limit your salt intake. Take less sugar and alcohol. And most important of all, minimize fats in your diet.
5. Sleep. In bodybuilding fitness, you strain your body to the limit and your best weapon to prevent it from breaking under the tension is sleep. So sleep.
6. Never ever forget your goal in taking up bodybuilding fitness in the first place. Get that ideal muscled body you’ve always wanted. Don’t let the hard work drag you down. Strive for success.

This article was just a means of providing you productive information about bodybuilding and we think that we have been successful in doing that.