cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Dewinterizing Your Home to Welcome Spring

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Winter’s gone and outside the sun is shining and the flowers are starting to grow. That means it’s time to get rid of winter inside your home as well! That’s right, just because it’s spring outside doesn’t mean it’s automatically spring inside.

spring cleaning, dewinterize, home, decor

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Winter’s gone and outside the sun is shining and the flowers are starting to grow. That means it’s time to get rid of winter inside your home as well! That’s right, just because it’s spring outside doesn’t mean it’s automatically spring inside.

Spring is the season to put away all of those winter blankets and the Christmas decorations that didn’t quite make it back into the attic when the festive season finished. Pack up the winter boots, hats and mitts taking up space at the front door and make room to breath in the fresh warm air.

In place of the blankets bring out some lightweight and light-colored throws for those still chilly evenings. The same goes for the tablecloth, towels, and placemats – away with the heavy and dark, in with the light and bright!

Speaking of light and bright, open up the curtains and let the sunshine warm your home with natural light. With the weather warming up outside, there’s less need to keep the curtains closed to lower heating costs. Having breakfast in a sun-soaked kitchen is a much better way to start the day than to dine under the unwavering light of a 60 watt bulb!

Don’t forget to pack up the heavily scented candles and air fresheners and bring in some fresh flowers and fruits to add a welcoming smell to your home. Candles are fine for winter, but lighter scents are needed when the weather gets warmer. Opt for fresh smells instead of stuffy, heavy ones. When it’s warm enough, open up the windows and get some fresh air circulating through your rooms.

It doesn’t take much time or money to brighten your home for spring, just changing around your home’s accessories can do wonders to welcome spring into your home.

pilates mat

Caffeine: the culprit behind our migraines

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Coffee is one of the primary reason to trigger migraines

migraine remedies, causes of migraine, stress and anxiety, migraine headaches

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Agnes, a 39 year old married woman have come to see a doctor and complained about recurring headaches and migraines. A thorough examination revealed that there wasn’t any obvious cause and her doctor thinks Agnes headaches are more of psychological in origin. On further investigation, Agnes told her doctor that she was taking a lot of painkillers and that she prefers stronger tablets. She describes her headache as like a hammer pounding her head over and over again.

She blames her headaches from the stress and anxiety she was getting from home caring for her four very young children. But still it wasn’t really enough reason to have migraine headaches and there is no sign of any childhood problems that can trigger this. The doctor advised her to take it easy on the painkillers that might have some “rebound effect.”

Mr. Cooper on the other hand, had a history of migraines since he was a teenager. At 42, he was still taking medications as he was sensitive to the light and sound.

Migraine headache can be defined as a type of primary headache that some people get it repeatedly over time. It is closely associated with disorders of the digestive system, the liver, and the vision. It usually occurs when a person is under mental tension. Profiling people who usually get migraines shows that a person who is likely sensitive, methodical, intelligent and a perfectionist are more prone to headaches. It is usually when they are in very stressful situations or so overworked.

Not so many people know about it but caffeine is also a culprit in triggering migraine attacks. Americans are known for being big time coffee drinkers. Every inch of the city in the US is filled with coffee shops sprouting in the metropolis. If you think you are one of the heavy coffee addicts and are experiencing migraines afterwards, then you must lessen your caffeine intake.


l Stress is the number one source of tension headaches and can trigger a migraine. It can cause the muscles in the neck and head to tense up, therefore, constricting blood flow to the brain.
l Certain foods like cheese, chocolates, sardines and dried meats. And fruits like pineapples, raspberries and avocados.
l Smoke or exposure to smoke
l Skipping meals
l Allergic reaction
l Alcohol

Another sign that you will be having a migraine is when you experience what is seems like “aura”like visions or like seeing stars or zigzag lines.


Your doctor can diagnose you properly and will take detailed history to make sure your headaches doesn’t pertain to sinus inflammation or a more serious one like brain tumor. At times, a CT scan is helpful and EEG may also be required.

If taking drugs is not to your liking, another alternative is “Feverfew” which is a popular herb specifically for migraines. Studies show that herbs are good for treating migraines. You can also consider drinking lots of orange juice or water therapy as water is a good cleansing system and adds vitality.

A hot bath will go a long way in relieving migraine headaches and so does walking in a very relaxing environment with fresh cool air. There is no specific cure for migraine headaches but you can prevent them from happening.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS The Art of Waxing Your Floors

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Tips to wax your floor

Floor waxing polishing and cleaning, how to apply floor wax, removing built up floor wax

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Floor waxing polishing and cleaning hard surfaced floors doesn t have to be a difficult job if you follow certain steps. One thing that s definite is that you should keep it as clean as possible. In other words, if you let dirt, food, liquids, and anything else you drop or spill build up; it will take a lot longer to remove them. Some people are tidy and can get by with cleaning a kitchen floor every week, or even less frequently. For those who aren t quite as careful, it may need washing more often. If you want to do some spot cleaning, just mop with clear water in between scrubbings. In the meantime you ll also want to know how to apply floor wax.

Once a year or so, depending on the age and condition of the flooring, you may want to consider removing built up floor wax. If you live in an older home and haven t replaced the vinyl or linoleum, built up wax will discolor it. Eventually, you ll want to put down a new floor in some areas, but until you, do apply some shine every so often.

It s also a very good idea to get in the habit of vacuuming or sweeping floors everyday. It makes particular good sense in high traffic areas where you have vinyl or tile, or a similar treatment. We don t always see it until there are large amounts, but dust and other small particles can accumulate. Before we notice, we have a much harder job ahead of us in the floor waxing polishing and cleaning realm, than we d expected. The small things get ground in as we walk on the flooring and they re tougher to get out. There s no point in knowing how to apply floor wax until you take the old off if there s significant build-up.

We ll discuss how to apply floor wax in a bit, but first let me go over some steps to take in actually washing your floors.

1. Move anything that isn t too heavy for you out of your way
2. Thoroughly sweep to get rid of any loose material
3. Pour your favorite cleaner onto the floor or have it in bucket ready to apply
4. Have a bucket of cooler rinse water ready if it s needed
5. Mop the floor with cleaner, squeeze the mop as dry as possible, then use the clear rinse water

How to Apply Floor Wax

Before you get out the wax, there are a couple of things you should know about how to apply floor wax. Before you apply it, your floor should be clean and dry. To ensure that it s as clean as possible, wash it and let it dry just before waxing. If you haven t done it for a while, you ll have to go through the steps for removing built up floor wax.

You can look online to read up on various methods for preserving your floors. You can also look through helpful household cleaning tips. In addition to the Internet, you ll be able to find books and pamphlets at the library and book stores.

One way of removing built up floor wax manually, is to mix detergent and ammonia with water and apply to the floor with a mop or sponge. This is one formula for a homemade wax remover. Wait a few minutes until the old wax starts to soften and then it s time for some elbow grease. Use a stiff brush or steel wool to get down to the very base of the old wax. Another way is to use a non-abrasive wax stripper.

After removing built up floor wax you need to study up on how to apply floor wax. The main thing is to make sure the floor is clean. There isn t any point to put a nice shine on top of a dirty floor.

If you don t already know, find out what the floor is made of. Different materials call for various types of floor waxing polishing and cleaning. There are basics that have been around for years like vinyl and linoleum. Newer homes often have flooring made from marble, tile, hardwood, or wood composites, among other things.

When you ve reached the stage where you re ready to learn how to apply floor wax, you ll need to know if there is a specific wax you should be using. Instead of crawling around on your knees, buy something to apply the wax with.

Floor waxing polishing and cleaning isn t necessarily fun unless you re a cleaning fanatic. It certainly doesn t have to be a terrible experience. If you learn some helpful hints, you ll not only take pride in your beautiful, shiny floors, you won t be totally exhausted.

pilates mat

Bold And Bald

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

You’ve heard the myths and theories regarding hair loss. You cringed at the fact that only castrated men of ancient societies managed to keep their hair on their heads. Before choosing whether to give up your macho image or having an ever-receding hair line, read up. There are ways to stagger the effects of hair loss.

The key to prevention however, is understanding what is MPB or Male Pattern Baldness and its causes. To clarify, MPB also happens to women. Surprised? MPB’s …

hair loss

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
You’ve heard the myths and theories regarding hair loss. You cringed at the fact that only castrated men of ancient societies managed to keep their hair on their heads. Before choosing whether to give up your macho image or having an ever-receding hair line, read up. There are ways to stagger the effects of hair loss.

The key to prevention however, is understanding what is MPB or Male Pattern Baldness and its causes. To clarify, MPB also happens to women. Surprised? MPB’s proper name is androgenic alopecia (androgenic – androgynous, see?) It is also hereditary. It is largely caused by a sensitivity to an enzyme called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is the end product of testosterone conversion. This is why there are more documented cases of MPB in men since women don’t have much testosterone. Partially, this is also a reason why castrated men have reduced hair loss risks.

Despite being hereditary, reversing hair loss isn’t a lost cause. Researches have shown different triggers affect the onset of baldness. This only shows that MPB can be reversed or at least, controlled. Diets with high fat content increases DHT production which speeds up baldness. For example, Asian men are found to be in lesser risk compared to American men with their fatty fast food diet. Other than fat, substances to limit or avoid to lessen hair loss include nicotine, alcohol, sugar, salt, and caffeine. Don’t feel deprived as seafood are widely recommended as it contains considerable amounts of iodine, a substance that improves hair growth.

As always, a proper, balanced diet is advised to reverse effects of baldness or hair loss. Adequate rest and sleep are also important as these reduces stress and anxiety which can trigger testosterone conversion. In addition, there are also other methods to increase hair growth. Scalp massages stimulate the blood vessels of the scalp, resulting to a more efficient circulation of oxygen and nutrients needed for hair growth. Don’t snub aromatherapy as a sissy habit either. Used as massage oil or mixed with shampoo, essential oils such as lavender or bay have been proven effective as a therapy for hair loss. Asian medicine also offers it solution to combat baldness. Water from boiled sage, rosemary, burdock, nettle, and peach leaves is an efficient hair cleanser. Aside from keeping the scalp clean, this solution also thickens hair strands and stimulates hair roots.

Lastly, restoring hair vitality and health is not a speedy process. You shouldn’t expect instant results no matter what type of prevention method you used. Be reminded though that excessive and fast hair loss should be consulted to the doctor. As this could be a symptom of a more serious matter, medical attention should be sought immediately.

online pilates classes

Combating the Effects of Stress

Trevor Dumbleton
For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1286
The effects of stress are many and varied and, it is now known, they are almost all entirely bad. Stress weakens the system, tears down the body and mind, and causes long-term health problems that have been documented in numerous studies and reports. Thus, stress is ultimately a bad thing that should be avoided. By keeping stress away, you can help ensure a lifetime of health and keep yourself from overloading your body and mind.
Of all the effects of stress, first and foremost is the “fight or flight” response that it brings to your body. As soon as stress hits, the body starts churning out the hormones that set your body on edge and ready it to either fight or run. Obviously, this is pretty pointless when the stress is how you are going to get your report into the boss on time, but it is still there. Your mind only knows that it is under the gun and threatened and it has the same response for workplace stress as it does for a tiger coming at you. The human body and mind is still designed with physical danger in mind and any stress is taken to be a physical threat. Thus, the body begins churning out these hormones as though you were about to be set upon by a pack of wolves.
What does the fight or flight response do? First, it sharpens the awareness and confuses the mind. Of all the effects of stress, this seems the most contradictory. However, it is also true. The body pumps in adrenaline, which heightens mental sharpness, and noradrenaline, which causes the mind to be confused. This is a bad thing because your mind is simultaneously receiving messages to stand up and fight while it receives messages to get the heck away from there. Thus, the mind is clouded with indecision and this will not help you focus on what you need to get done.
This response to stress also causes the heart to speed up in order to pump more blood. This rise in blood pressure allows the body to react stronger and more quickly in order to either fight or escape. Unfortunately, the stress of everyday life is not of the same sort as that of a person out in the wilderness and it tends to stick around longer than the threat of physical attack. Thus, what should be a short rise in blood pressure is actually dragged out over a long period of time, making the heart work way too hard for long periods. This causes a rise in blood pressure which can result in increased risk of stroke or heart attack in the long term.
Also, the effects of stress include the body’s tendency to break down white blood cells when it is stressed. Unfortunately, white blood cells are used to fight disease and breaking them down causes immune system depletion and makes people more vulnerable to disease. Thus, if you do not slow down, your body will be slowed down for you with a cold or a bout of the flu. This explains why many people tend to become ill when they are under pressure for long periods of time.
Finally, the body bumps up the production of platelets in order to help seal wounds one might receive from a physical attack. However, you are not going to receive wounds working in the office late — paper cuts excepted — and thus these platelets are not really doing anything productive. However, what platelets will do is stick to the sides of your blood vessels and cause blockages. This means an increased risk for stroke or heart attack in the long term if you are stressed too much or too often. Of all the effects of stress, this can be the most dangerous; especially in older folks who are more susceptible to heart attack and stroke.
The effects of stress are many, but they are almost universally dangerous. Thus, you need to manage your stress in order to keep your body healthy for a long time. So take care of yourself by keeping your mind uncluttered with stress and one of the more dire effects of stress will not happen to you.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:ESL Role Play
author:George Stocker
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Learning a language is a complex and long process as anyone who has tried will agree. One of the most difficult and frustrating things is making the transition from the classroom to the ‘real’ world. In the classroom, everyone knows you are a student and mistakes are allowed, and the environment is contained and safe. Speaking another language outside the classroom is completely different and often students are lost at sea as soon as they step outside the door. Lists of memorized vocabulary are suddenly useless when ordering in a restaurant.
Role-plays, or simulations are one of the ways ESL instructors can ease students’ transition into using English in real world situations. A simulation is where students act out a real-life situation, for example checking into at a hotel, but do not act out a different personality. Role-plays are where students take on different personalities. In a role-play, for example, one student may be asked to take on the role of “an angry neighbor” which is out of character for the student.
Role-plays require more imagination by students and teacher and can be difficult to manage because they are unpredictable. The initial scenario develops from the students intenerating with each other and can literally go in any direction. This gives students practice in a non-threatening environment, and gives the motivation and involvement where they have to think in English. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Role-plays are interesting, memorable and engaging, and students retain the material they have learned. In their assumed role, students drop their shyness and other personality and cultural inhibitions, making them one of the best tools available for teaching a second language.
Here are a few pointers and suggestions to assist ESL teachers using and managing role-plays:
– The more engaging the better. The value of role-plays come from students immersing themselves in the material.
– Choose a ‘hot’ topic and stage a debate. Assign students positions on the topic (for/against). This will get students out of their personality and into the role where they do not have the same inhibitions.
– Preparation is very important to success. Give students ‘personality cards’ which sketch out their personal characteristics or scenario. Divide students into groups and give them time to sketch out various scenarios, and go over extra or special vocabulary ask them to discuss how they will act, think about the character and plan what they will say. For example, what are possible responses/replies for the angry neighbor?
– The teacher, as facilitator of the role-play must support students in their role, i.e. they ‘are’ in the backyard arguing over the fence. Don’t do anything to interrupt the pretend environment. Leave grammar correction to the end. Correcting students in the middle of an argument interrupts the pretend environment. Make notes and do a debriefing after.
– Exaggeration is good! Encourage students to exaggerate their actions, opinions and movements. Exaggeration helps students immerse themselves in the role.
– Stage a rehearsal first. Have students practice their role in small groups with coaching from the other students.
– While the role-play or debate is in progress, have other students suggest vocabulary first, and act as backup if they do not know.
Role-plays are unpredictable which makes them both a valuable learning tool and at the same time difficult to manage. Sketch out the various routes the role-play can take from the initial scenario. This will give you some idea what to expect and avoid any surprises.
Suggested topics for role-plays:
Lovers problems (He has to move away to get a new and better job)
Spending money (Government, United Nations etc. spending money, who gets what)
Traveling (where would you go? what would you do?)
Debates on current affairs/politics. Extreme opinions or opinions at the opposite ends of the spectrum work well (i.e. left wing/right wing etc.)
Role-plays can range from 30 minutes or one hour to a year-long corporate simulation for business English. Staging role-plays can be challenging for an instructor, but is also great fun. After you have done a few, you will know what to expect and feel more confident. My experience is students love them retain what they learn, and often leave the classroom laughing and still arguing all the way out of the building!

quantity surveyor

EKCS Air-Purifiers – An Introduction To Hepa Air-Purifiers

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

HEPA that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor is a type of air filter used for cleaning the air specially in equipments like vacuum cleaners. These air-purifiers filter the particles in the airborne environment down to 0.3 microns in size and at a speed-rate efficiency of 99.97%. The HEPA air-purifiers with their high-efficiency level have trimmed the usage of age-old air-cleaners. They not only purify the air but also remove even the smallest microns of allergens…

air purifiers, humidifiers, air purity, hepa air filter, air filters, air purification

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
HEPA that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor is a type of air filter used for cleaning the air specially in equipments like vacuum cleaners. These air-purifiers filter the particles in the airborne environment down to 0.3 microns in size and at a speed-rate efficiency of 99.97%. The HEPA air-purifiers with their high-efficiency level have trimmed the usage of age-old air-cleaners. They not only purify the air but also remove even the smallest microns of allergens like dust, smoke, pollen, animal danders, bacteria and other industrial/chemicals effectively from the atmosphere.

Working of the HEPA air purifiers

The HEPA air cleaners work by filtering the allergens in the air through a HEPA air-filter that traps the particles allowing the clean air to return to the atmosphere. The larger number of times that the air passes through the HEPA filters, the better and cleaner becomes the quality of the air. So till date the HEPA purifiers have proved to be the most tried-and-true air-cleaning instruments. The best part about HEPA air-purifiers is that they never emit any byproducts or secondary pollutants such as ozone and ions.

The main instrument that makes the HEPA purifiers work so efficiently is the fan inside the filter. The fans aid in the trapping of large particles in the fold of the filters while the small particles and chemicals gets attached to the charcoal in the filter.

Some of the HEPA air-purifiers have fans that have a straight design where the air is drawn in from the back of the purifier and blown out through the front of the purifier. These units clean the air specifically and prove to be truly effective for bedrooms and sitting rooms. Others have unidirectional fans that pull the air from all sides of the machine and blow the filtered air out in all directions. These types of HEPA air-purifier are needed for purifying the air in the entire home. So whether it s the larger particles or the smaller ones, the HEPA air-purifiers can clean the atmosphere completely.

Types of HEPA air-purifiers

The HEPA air-purifiers are hallmark of quality and dependability. The series of HEPA air-purifiers come in two basic configurations: standard with traditional electric motors and the PLUS systems featuring G.E. ECM Variable Speed, low energy motors. Either of these standard HEPA air-purifiers works with digital motor technology that is otherwise unavailable in any other whole-house filtration systems. The HEPA air-purifiers clean the atmosphere of the entire home effectively and instantly.

Benefits of HEPA air purifiers

With their effective technology, the HEPA air purifiers have well stowed away every other air-filters to a corner. They have adopted the same filtration effectiveness as required in hospital surgery rooms for cleaning rooms and in other applications where the removal of harmful respiratory elements are highly necessary.

Following are the benefits of HEPA air-purifiers:

-The compact design enables the purifiers to be easily installed in the homes.

-The patented by-pass approach allows for installation on any heating/cooling systems.

-The self-balancing air flow design adds no resistances to the flow of air.

-The three matched designed air filters like pre-filters, carbon air filters and HEPA air filters help in fast and instant filtering of air.

-These air filters are highly portable and can be installed anywhere in your home.

Get HEPA air-purifiers to feel the difference in cleaned air in your home or office.

pilates mat

What Paintball Can Do for one’s Health

Participating in sports can really be good for a person. For those who are too lazy to go to the gym, there is something worth trying and that is the game of paintball. This extreme sport has been around for some time and almost anyone can play it. All it takes is some protective gear and a gun for the person to go out into the field.

Some people think that engaging in this type of sport is unsafe since the bullets travel at fast speeds, and a person could get injured. Contrary to that belief, statistics show that this is safer than other contact sports such as basketball and football.

This physical activity burns calories as the player has to walk up on the enemy without being detected then has to run when retreating or charging. It is better than running on a treadmill that many find boring since the scenery does not change.

Paintball can be played in a small area or in a large area. With all the running, sweating will occur which can help with weight loss. Studies have shown that some exercise programs are not effective after a period of time. By adding this extreme sport to the exercise regimen, some pounds could be lost again.

Running burns more calories per minute than any other type of cardiovascular exercise and keeping the body active increases the metabolic rate. Playing paintball on weekends – such as twice a month -, can help a person burn calories faster and that way, one will be able to eat most anything without gaining weight.

Paintball is a team sport and nothing is better than winning a game against an opponent. Exercise improves the mood since it releases chemicals in the brain called endorphin: eating chocolate has a similar effect. This game helps you sleep better since it releases energy which takes time to recuperate.

Engaging in any form of exercise can be beneficial. It is known to prevent several diseases such as high blood pressure, depression, heart disease and various types of cancer.

Paintball is one form of exercise that can help prevent some of these high risk diseases as well as being an enjoyable game.

pilates mat

Bodybuilding Quiz: How Motivated Do You Feel?

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Working out is fun and all, but I never know exactly what I’m going for. Sure I want to lose weight and gain some muscle but I feel like I’ve got no direction. How do you keep on track?

how to keep motivated, goal setting

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Copyright 2006 Marc David

Let me make a prediction…

96.8% of subscribers who actually are reading this have wished they had more passion in the gym.

And a full 99% of those still reading, do not have their goals written down anywhere.

Why is motivation so difficult? How come the #1 question I receive is from somebody who asks, “I know what to do, but I just need somebody to motivate me to do it all year round.”

So let me ask you…

Can you clearly see your goals that you want to obtain? No really. Can you SHOW me what you want to accomplish in the next 6 months?

Personally I always thought that writing down your goals and to-do’s was crap. Until I took a sticky yellow post-it and wrote down 4 things I wanted to accomplish on my website over the weekend. Nothing fancy at all but clearly the things I wanted to do. They were specific, simple and realistic.

Needless to say…

I did them all over the weekend. And here I’d thought about them for 6 months!

Look… goal orientation is the key element in establishing strong motivation.

Let me say that again – Knowing what you want to accomplish is key in establishing the desire to actually do it!

A goal is nothing more than a stepping stone from one goal to another. It’s the bridge between wanting to achieve something and actually achieving it.

So let’s being with the Six Steps you must do to go from thinking about it, to actually doing it.

:: A Goal Must Be Well Defined ::

If you’ve seen those Red Cross thermometers or any place that shows some type of chart with the money received and the ultimate goal.. that is pretty well defined.

Just think about it…

What sounds best to you?

a) I want to lose weight
b) I want to destroy 15 lbs of fat and get to 10% body fat with a year

Please tell me you picked B. B is clearly more defined and therefore more obtainable.

:: A Goal Must Be Stated In Writing ::

Life gets in the way. My story of wanting to do just 4
simple things to my own website that I had the ability to do just kept getting buried under the complexities of life and schedules.

Once it was a simple post-it note on my desk, it had a magical way of getting done as I checked off each item. It didn’t require any more work on my part but it was defined and clearly visible.

Everybody says this right? Even Tony Robbins, Tom Venuto, Jon Benson, Jeff Anderson, and the rest of them.

But guess what? Those guys are right. That is their secret to success.

They write down what they want and once it’s in writing, it gets done.

The rest of us think about it forever and never really get around to doing it.

Heck, if you don’t write down a grocery list of what you want, you’ll forget things at the store, get distracted and make 4 more trips that weekend.

Opps… maybe that is why I should take a list to the store. Saves on gas too.

My point is, your goals MUST be written down.

:: A Goal Must Be Stated In The Positive ::

I’m not a medical doctor of some Neuro-Linguistic
Programming, but I know enough about the subconscious to know it doesn’t understand negative goals.

Use a positive mindset when creating a goal. “I won’t eat junk food” is better stated as “I will eat healthy foods eat day.” Even better is “I will enjoy eating healthy foods each day.”

Now your goal is an affirmation which can be used to kick- start some action!

Rather then state what you won’t do, start telling yourself what you will do.

:: A Goal Must Have A Deadline For Completion ::

How many of you get excited about payday? Or an up-coming vacation? Or even a UFC fight in Las Vegas?

Simple. It’s something to look forward to and think
about. It creates a sense of urgency in ordering tickets and getting the hotel if you know you are leaving on a specific date.

If there’s no real goal for completion, there’s no sense of urgency after a bit and hence, most people quit the gym after 6 months.

Not only did they not have a clear goal most of the time but they had no deadlines for obtaining anything.

After a bit, it’s just a routine, gets boring and since
there’s no deadline to accomplishing anything, they get back to life and out of the gym.

:: A Goal Must Have Sincere Emotional Appeal ::

So let me ask you…

If you don’t really care, how much passion do you have for that thing?

Creating a goal should be a sincere effort with something tied to your emotional desires.

Heck if you don’t even care, trust me, your mind will find a quick way to end that gym session.

An emotionally charged goal will have a sense of urgency and that leads to passion to complete something specific by a certain deadline.

Passion is the fuel you are looking for and only you can create it. Sadly, it’s not available in any gas stations that I know of… yet.

:: A Goal Must Be Difficult, Yet Realistic ::

With that said, if it’s too easy, it’s unlikely you’ll give
it enough attention to really focus on it or care. “I’m
going to make it to the gym tomorrow,” is hardly an earth shattering revelation for most. To make matters worse…

If it’s too difficult, you’ll get frustrated with the lack
of progress and your confidence in actually doing it will be compromised. That means…

You need to create goals in such a way that with a
continual, concentrated effort, you know you can get the job done.

Imagine a mountain top with a red flag at the very top. That is your long term goal (specific too). But it’s unrealistic to think you can achieve that in 2 months.

But if you had little yellow flags along the path to that red flag, those would be short term, achievable goals you could look forward to with a sense of urgency because they could have a shorter deadline and time to completion.

How about losing 1 lb a week of fat?

How about gaining 2 lbs a week for those who are on a bulking cycle?

How about writing one question and answer a day for the Beginner’s Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding? (That’s how I got all 250 pages of my first book done.)

Short term thinking but with long term results.

If you know you can get the job done, your passion for doing it will rise.

Now go get some yellow sticky notes!

online pilates classes

Combating Obesity

David Chandler
For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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So you ask, ” How do I determine if I am Obese, Overweight or fat?” Usually 20% or more over recommendations on standard weight charts indicates that you fit into the obese category. Obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat.
An estimated 97 million adults in the United States, 55% of the population, are overweight or obese! Similar percentages exist for the United Kingdom, showing that the United Kingdom having the highest percentage in Europe.
Obesity is increasing
Largest increase has occurred in the last 10 to 15 years. Increases were seen in both sexes and all classes, with the greatest increase in 18- to 29-year-olds and in those who have achieved higher education.
Weight gain is dependent on a person’s energy intake being greater than energy expenditure. One pound (0.45 kg) is equal to 3,500 calories. Therefore, a person consuming 500 calories more than he or she expends daily will gain 1 lb a week.
Food cravings
Weight alterations in either direction cause changes in energy expenditure that favor a return to the set point. This helps explain the poor problem of recidivism following attempted weight loss. Only by reaching a lower weight for a period of time can the person get used to feeling lighter.
Children become overweight for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors. In rare cases, a medical problem, such as an endocrine disorder, may cause a child to become overweight. Your physician can perform a careful physical exam and some blood tests, if necessary, to rule out this type of problem.
A sensible diet and some exercise, has shown to be the most effective thing to do.
A key point is not to eat too much junk food and to ensure you get the basic nutrition your body needs. You should eat at least two portions of fruit and vegetables each day. We would highly recommend supplementing your diet with super foods.
Physical activity is a necessary component of every weight loss plan.
Eat three meals a day at about the same time each day sitting at a table.
Eat slowly.
Avoid distractions such as television or magazines.
Cook smaller amounts; use smaller plates.
Avoid second helpings.
Scrape plates directly into the garbage.
By following the steps above you can not only rid yourself of the known dangers of being obese, but also you can increase your energy levels and feel better.