quantity surveyor

EKCS Air Purifier – How To Tell If YOURS Is Any Good

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

A guide to what comes down to your only two options for determining if YOUR air purifier is any good; in home testing yourself or relying on independent reviews of units.

air purifier

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
These days it seems that everyone is gung ho about air purification systems. People with allergies, people with asthma and people who are just cleanliness freaks. It doesn’t matter how often you dust the furniture, mop the floors, vacuum the rugs or change the bed sheets, your home just isn’t really clean unless you have an air purification system.

But just how effective are these systems and are they all the same?

The answer may or may not surprise you. The truth is, not all air purification systems are the same. Some work well, some not so well, so the problem that most consumers face is how to tell if the air purification system they want to buy is the best one or for that matter, any good at all. Well, there are two ways to go about doing this.

The first way, and probably the most accurate is to first get yourself an in-home allergen tester. You can buy one of these things in just about any Sears store. Basically, the way these gadgets work is by measuring the levels of the eight most common allergens in your home. The process though isn’t as simple as it sounds. Most require you to hook up the device to a vacuum cleaner which collects the allergens. After that you then have to mail the bag to the lab for them to test. You would do this before buying your air purifier. Then the next step in determining if the air purifier you want to get is doing a substantial job is by buying one on the condition that if you’re not satisfied, you can return it. Most places will give you 30 days to try one out. You then take the purifier home, run it for the amount of time it says is required to make a difference and then rerun the allergen test. Send the next sample to the lab for testing and they will then be able to tell you the effectiveness of the unit you purchased. You can then decide if you want to keep the unit.

Sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? Well, there is an easier way. Fortunately, there are independent companies that run tests on these air purifiers. You can easily find one on the Internet. While this does require you to take THEIR word for the findings, it certainly is a lot easier and quicker than going through the procedure above.

If you should go to one of these sites, what you will normally find is a chart with the following pieces of information. You’ll see the lab where the test was done, the air purifier that the tests were performed on, the country where it was tested, the type of allergen tests that were done, and most importantly, the percentage of reduction. This is basically the bottom line. If you read these results you will notice that none are more than 99% reduction. This is because we don’t live in a bubble and it just isn’t physically possible to get rid of all the allergens, but 99% is very good.

Of course that all depends on whether or not you believe these results. Unfortunately, only your nose will know.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Defining Your Rooms With Area Rugs

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Area Rugs Offer a Variety of Ways to Distinguish Your Rooms

Area rugs can provide a relatively inexpensive solution to decorative challenges. These variegated floor coverings are versatile and may be used to warm the cold look of bathroom tile, reinforce the formal nature of a living room or brighten a cozy dining nook.

Because they occupy what tends to be one of the primary focal points of a room, area rugs can establish the feel of an entire space. These powerful prot…

Defining,Your,Rooms,with,Area,Rugs,free,shipping, wide,selection

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Area Rugs Offer a Variety of Ways to Distinguish Your Rooms

Area rugs can provide a relatively inexpensive solution to decorative challenges. These variegated floor coverings are versatile and may be used to warm the cold look of bathroom tile, reinforce the formal nature of a living room or brighten a cozy dining nook.

Because they occupy what tends to be one of the primary focal points of a room, area rugs can establish the feel of an entire space. These powerful protean floor coverings are amazingly mobile, making them a favorite of people who enjoy redecorating throughout the year. In choosing a rug, you ll want to consider five primary factors style, color, pattern, size and shape. Together, these elements influence the affect an area rug will have on a given room.


Area rugs come in a plethora of styles, including traditional, contemporary, country and novelty. Traditional coverings, which are dominated by rugs from Asia, present a formal, conservative look often associated with the living room, dining room and library. Rugs under the contemporary classification take their inspiration from various places, including Native American culture, modern art and cutting edge technology. If you want a unique look, contemporaries will give it to you.

Country rugs will often be braided or will use rustic, bucolic images. A cook s kitchen, a room dominated by Early American d cor or an informal dining area will often be bedecked in this style. Novelty rugs may focus on a specific theme or subject such as the movies, beach or great wines; embrace a holiday; or reproduce a famous event or work of art. The den, a bedroom, a bath or a hobby room will often host this type of rug.

Color and Pattern

Area rugs are useful in establishing the color palette for an entire room. The range and specificity of colors in rugs seems infinite. Cold hardwood floors are transformed by lush, warm colors, while a gloomy space can find life in sun-inspired shades. A rug with a patterned border and plain center makes sense when a large, central object, such as a table, occupies the center of the room. Looking to create some havoc in an otherwise subdued space? Then go with a techno inspired design or something that Picasso might like.

Size and Shape

Area rug sizes and shapes run the gamut. Some rugs are as small as 6-square feet and others cover an area of over 200-square feet. Do you want one large rug to cover much of your 10 by 12 living room floor or would you rather incorporate various smaller rugs, placing them at various angles? Round, oval, square, rectangle and odd-shaped rugs can accentuate your flair for decorating.

The huge assortment of area rugs now available furnishes dwellers with ample opportunity to creatively express their diverse tastes and decorative acumen. The traditional, maroon Oriental carpet no longer dominates the area rug market. If you re interested in a unique look that can define a room, consider the innumerable choices in rugs that await your perusal.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Earning Your Associate’s Degree Online
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

An Associate’s degree, or a “two-year” degree, provides a valuable pathway to career enhancement, and provides an educational foundation which makes it easier to earn a Bachelor’s degree down the road. Earning an Associate’s degree online is a flexible, convenient, and innovative way to advance your career and improve your education. Traditionally, going to college requires a student to physically attend. This often requires relocating, or settling for a college because it is close to home. The advantages of technology now afford students the opportunity to attend college outside the confines of a traditional college, and earn a degree online. As the popularity of earning a degree online increases, more traditional colleges are joining online-only colleges in offering educations over the Internet, presenting students with broader educational options, not to mention flexibility and convenience.
In order to land that promotion you’ve worked so hard for, or attain the career of your dreams, it’s often necessary to have some type of secondary education. There are many advantages to earning your Associate’s degree online. Receiving your Associate’s degree online allows you to achieve your career goals at your own pace, without interfering with your current work commitments. You need not live locally to attend the college of your choosing. Attending courses and submitting coursework online eliminates the need for commuting or relocating. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Convenience is another plus in earning a degree online. A college may offer more sections of popular courses at many convenient times, including nights and weekends, allowing you more options as to when to attend class. This allows you more flexibility, and is ideal if you work full time and/or care for a family. In addition, who wouldn’t find it appealing to attend college from the comforts of home?
There are many types of Associate’s degrees you can learn online. There is certainly a degree to suit every educational and professional need. Some of these programs include General Education, Information Technology, Paralegal Studies, Business, Healthcare, and various professional certificates. These are but a few of the programs available to study online. Most of these programs are offered at fully accredited colleges that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, which is a necessity if you have prior college credits that you wish to transfer, if you intend to continue at another college in order to receive a Bachelor’s degree, or if you want your degree recognized by your employer and any professional organizations you are affiliated with.
You might be worried about affording an online Associate’s degree. Often, financial aid is available to online students in the form of grants, loans, and even scholarships. Also, many employers may be willing to pay for part or all of your tuition and fees. After all, investing in your education is investing in the firm’s future as well.
The misconception of receiving your Associate’s degree online is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending face-to-face classes at a traditional college. The degree programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. In fact, continuing your education online might help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a degree, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology, which could prove to enhance your career as well. Receiving your Associate’s degree online is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities.

pilates mat

Buy Steroids, If Bodybuilding Is A Passion For You

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

You’re often ready to do anything to bulk up your muscles, if bodybuilding is a passion for you. You’re just interested in your body, and don’t often see anything bad in using anabolic steroids. If you are really that passionate and crazy about your bodybuilding, you can certainly buy steroids.

buy steroids

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
You’re often ready to do anything to bulk up your muscles, if bodybuilding is a passion for you. You’re just interested in your body, and don’t often see anything bad in using anabolic steroids. If you are really that passionate and crazy about your bodybuilding, you can certainly buy steroids.

Definitely, you can buy steroids, if you really care about your appearance and want to become a real bodybuilder. There are plenty of nutritious food materials available to increase your muscle mass, but they definitely need more time to offer you good results. Anabolic steroids however can do the same in much lesser time. Anabolic steroids certainly are the right stuff to make you successful easily and quickly.

But, before you buy steroids, you must know the right kind of steroids for you. Your medical doctors can better prescribe you beneficial anabolic steroids. Otherwise, you can spend some time browsing a number of internet sites to have complete knowledge and information on these drugs. You doctor can best advise you the right anabolic steroids and their right dosages, or you can also check out such useful info online.

It’s really very important for you to know the right amount of doses for particular anabolic steroids. These drugs, if taken rightly in right doses, do not cause severe side effects. You can also use several medicines to neutralize and mitigate the side effects of anabolic steroids. Your doctor can better advise you a number of such medicines, or you can find a lot of information on such medicines on internet. You can also seek such information from the site where you buy steroids.

Generally, such useful information on anabolic steroids is available in steroid profiles. You should try to find steroid profiles from some reliable sources. Authentic and honest steroid profiles provide you useful information on the right ways, right doses, and right quantities of using anabolic steroids. So, you can buy steroids, if you’re sure to use these drugs rightly in right amounts.

One more thing that is important for you to know, before you buy steroids, is STEROID STACKING. You must know right way and right combination of anabolic steroids. It can be really hazardous to stack two incompatible anabolic steroids. So you must know the anabolic steroids that are compatible for stacking with the anabolic steroids that you intend to use.

pilates mat

Body Art: It’s Cool To Be Safe

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

The skin acts as the human body’s main protective barrier. Tattoo and body piercing makes a person at high risk of skin infections.

bacterial infections, skin infections, skin disorder

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
It may seem like a cool idea to use your body as a medium for artistic expression. Body art has become the “in” thing to do among today’s generation, young and old alike. One cannot walk down the street, go to the mall, or watch TV without seeing somebody with a tattoo on the arms, nape, navel, ankle or piercings in the ears, lips, nostrils, eyebrows, belly buttons, tongues, and cheeks. Piercings can now be done on just about any part of the body.
But before you think of getting one for yourself to ride on the bandwagon of being “cool” — you might want to know first how safe it is and the things you need to be aware of if you do decide to have one. A tattoo or piercing may take only a few minutes or hours to acquire but may cause possible risks of bacterial infections which may lead to long term medical conditions. Getting a tattoo should not lead to health complications and lifetime of regret.
So here are a few short notes on some of the more popular types of body art:
Body Art
Body art is considered an extension of performing arts where the artist makes use of his or her own body for the purpose of artistic expression. Body art comes in different forms, the most common of which are tattoos and body piercings. Other types of body art are called scarification, branding, “scalpelling”, shaping, full body tattoo and body painting.

A tattoo, also known as dermal pigmentation, is a permanent mark or design made on the skin by inserting pigments through pricks into the skin’s top layer for decorative purposes. The procedure entails repeated piercing of a needle into the skin. With every puncture of the needle that is connected to a small machine with tubes containing dye, it injects ink droplets into the skin. There is small amount of bleeding involved in this process which may last for several hours depending on the size of the tattoo design. The process may cause slight to moderate pain.
The skin acts as the human body’s main protective barrier. Getting a tattoo puts a person at high risk of skin infections, allergic reactions, blood-borne diseases, skin disorders, as well as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) complications.
After getting a tattoo, healing usually takes several days. When it becomes itchy, avoid picking at scabs. It may increase the risk of bacterial infections and can also damage the design.
Some people may decide to have their tattoos removed when the design becomes faded or when the design no longer appeals to them. However, complete removal may be very difficult as tattoos are intended to be permanent marks. Though there are many tattoo removal techniques nowadays, scarring and skin discoloration are likely to be left on the skin.
Body Piercing
Body piercing is the insertion of jewelry into any parts of the human body. Body piercing poses certain risks similar to those when you get a tattoo. However, modern improvements in safety procedures and equipment have made earlobe piercing very popular as it is generally less risky than other body piercings.
Traditional body piercing is done with no anesthesia and, as such, is a painful experience. But modern techniques in earlobes-piercing makes safe use of ear piercing gun with sterilized, disposable cartridges. This single-use piercing device or gun includes one earring stud and clasp, and comes in individually wrapped sterile packages.
For other body piercings, a hollow needle is pushed through a body part to insert a piece of jewelry into the hole. The use of a reusable piercing gun for these types of piercings can put a person at risk of bacterial infections. These devices are difficult to sterilize and can easily damage the skin.
Choosing a reputable piercing and tattoo studio minimizes your chance of getting complications. These establishments employ trained and licensed tattoo and piercing artists. You can be assured of quality service as well as a clean environment. Remember, anytime the skin is punctured, there is a risk of skin infection. More than just getting an intricately designed tatoo or sporting that diamond-studded nose piercing, it’s important to know that it’s cool to be safe.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Defining Heat Pumps

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Heat pumps are becoming more popular as the cost of heating is rising. Heat pumps are a great source of heat and for some can be used as a main heating source. Most people do not understand a heat pump or how it works and this is key to getting the most from a heat pump. This appliance is an efficient way to tackle high heating bills.

Heat pumps work much like air conditioners. They draw in outside air to heat a home. They take the warm air out of the outside air and then …

pumps, heat pumps, water pumps

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Heat pumps are becoming more popular as the cost of heating is rising. Heat pumps are a great source of heat and for some can be used as a main heating source. Most people do not understand a heat pump or how it works and this is key to getting the most from a heat pump. This appliance is an efficient way to tackle high heating bills.

Heat pumps work much like air conditioners. They draw in outside air to heat a home. They take the warm air out of the outside air and then provide that air to the home. In areas where winters are mild a heat pump can provide enough heat that no other heating source is necessary. However, in a cold environment a heat pump may not be able to pull enough warm air to provide sufficient heat. Heat pumps can also serve as an air conditioner by pulling warm air from inside the house and pushing it outside. Again, though, in an incredibly warm atmosphere the heat pump may not be able to pull a sufficient amount of warm air out and an additional cooling source may be needed.

The newer models of heat pumps offer great features that make then even more alluring. Many new models feature added energy efficiency and more reliability than past models. There are ground source models that pull heat from the ground instead of the air. These models provide a more constant temperature as ground temperatures are more stable than air temperatures. Some models are made with a storage so when the pump pulls more air than is needed it is stored and used when needed. This allows the heat pump to be more sufficient and provide a better heat source. Most heat pumps are operated like a typical furnace with a thermostat that allows for them to be turned on and off at certain temperatures.

Heat pumps are just gaining in popularity. They are proving to be a stable heat source that can save big money on heating and energy bills. Heat pumps are being made with more and more features that are making them more efficient and more comparable to other heating sources. The key to using a heat pump is to understand the limitations and learn the proper way to use one. A heat pump can really be a great addition and a superior choice for a home.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Air Purifier – Help Or Hype

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

We take a look at the rage about air purifiers and speculate as to whether they really do help clean the air or if it’s all just hype.

air purifier

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
The world has become health crazy. There is no getting around it, we are turning towards healthier whole grain cereals and breads, we’re exercising more, and we’re cleaning our homes like fanatical lunatics. Included in this cleaning craze is the obsession with cleaning our air. We’ve got air purifiers in just about every room. This leads to just one question.

Does it do any good?

To begin with, getting an air purifier for your home can be confusing as anything. With all the different brands to choose from and different types of air purification systems it’s almost impossible to know which one is any good, if any of them are.

Then of course there is the burning question, “Do we really need an air purifier anyway?”. Is the air in our homes really that bad? Haven’t we been breathing this same air long before there ever were air purification systems? What’s changed?

All of these questions are enough to give us a headache if not outright drive us crazy. Well, let’s deal with one question that we at last can answer.

While it is true that we have been breathing the same air for thousands of years, we really haven’t. With the industrial revolution and all the garbage that is sent into our air from factories, the truth is, the air is not as clean as it used to be. All you have to do is take a drive down to the factory district in Trenton, NJ and take a whiff. There will be no doubt in your mind that the air down there is dirty.

But the problem goes much deeper than that. If you’re wondering why scientists are so concerned about plants it is because they give off the one thing we need to breathe, oxygen. They take in carbon dioxide to do this. So if the plants die, we die. It’s that simple. The plants are actually are a true air purification system. Still, people feel they need electronic air purification systems. Why? How do they work and what good are they if any at all?

Actually, there are many types of systems and each one works differently. We’re not going to go into detail of how each one works as that could take a book in itself. But the main types of systems are HEPA Filter Systems, which draw the air through the filter and clean it; Ozone Air Purifiers, which work by generating more ozone molecules in the air; Ionic Air Cleaners, which work by negatively charging the air particles in the room; Electrostatic Precipitators, which work by using positive and negative charges to collect particles and Electrostatic Filters which work by creating a static charge which attracts and collects particles in the air.

Supposedly, these various technologies produce the end result of cleaning your air. Do they? Well, there are tests you can run to determine if the amount of allergens in your home have been reduced but ultimately it is all going to come down to one thing.

Do you feel better? Does the air smell cleaner? Do you notice a difference?

Air purifiers. Help or hype?

We may never really know.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Tales of the Often Underappreciated Kitchen Faucet

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Hi, my name is Leaky (I hate that nickname but you gave it to me). I m your kitchen faucet. I don t think you realize how important I am in your life. Stop and think for a moment how many times you touch me everyday.

kitchen, remodeling, home improvement, kitchen faucet

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Hi, my name is Leaky (I hate that nickname but you gave it to me). I m your kitchen faucet. I don t think you realize how important I am in your life. Stop and think for a moment how many times you touch me everyday. What about your children? They re up here pulling on my handle all the time with their grubby little hands, sometimes yanking too hard and causing me to loosen my screws a little bit more each time. I love your children, but they don t handle me with as much caution and some adults do.

Most of the time I go completely unnoticed. Sure, you use you all the time, but you don t really give me your undivided attention unless I m dripping and annoying you. Hey, I get runny noses just like everyone else in the family, give me some doctoring!

I remember when you first saw me. I was sitting on the store shelf next to my brothers and sisters, and you were commenting about how much we cost, what features we had, what color we were and if we would be a good fit for your kitchen. I was so excited when you stopped to read my tags because I knew I was the perfect kitchen faucet for you. Then you crushed my hopes a little with your comments about how expensive I was. Good grief! I cost about $125 but your children are running you close to $10,000 a year! I see you look at them lovingly, but I just get a passing glance.

You compared me with my brothers and sisters and after a lot of grumbling you figured out what I knew all along. I was the perfect faucet for you. I am royalty you know. I m related to all the best family lines; Moen, Kohler and Delta all have influenced my creation in some fashion.

I don t think the general public understands how important I really am. You go to the store expecting to pay about $20 for a faucet and then get angry when you see that quality costs money. We re no different than any other appliance or gadget in your kitchen; the best of us are higher priced. We also come with a lot of neat features such as multiple handles, hot and cold settings with a hundred variations in between, some of us are even gold plated! We protect your kids with anti scald devices and give you the one thing you can t live without: water. Why shouldn t we demand a fair price for our services?

Go on, enjoy your day, but would you please just once stop to notice my beauty and service to your family? Speaking for all ignored kitchen faucets we would all appreciate it. Thanks.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Earning A Civil Engineering Graduate
Degree Online

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Civil engineering is among the oldest branches of the vast field of engineering. Civil engineers create, construct, and maintain all types of public systems and structures, and are literally the backbone of any city or town. Civil engineers are often responsible for any of the following tasks: design and/or construction of road systems, municipal buildings and centers, airports, as well as water supply and sewage systems that include tunnels, bridges, dams, and filtration str…


Article Body:
Civil engineering is among the oldest branches of the vast field of engineering. Civil engineers create, construct, and maintain all types of public systems and structures, and are literally the backbone of any city or town. Civil engineers are often responsible for any of the following tasks: design and/or construction of road systems, municipal buildings and centers, airports, as well as water supply and sewage systems that include tunnels, bridges, dams, and filtration structures. The general field of civil engineering is an umbrella under which there are many sub-fields, including structural engineering, building construction, environmental engineering, transportation, and geotechnical engineering (soil and rock mechanics). If you are currently working as a Civil Engineer, you know that there are a variety of jobs available within the discipline. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. And if you have a graduate degree in Civil Engineering, you know that the career prospects are even broader. It has never been easier to earn a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering. Online programs offer a great deal of convenience and flexibility. By earning your Civil Engineering Master’s degree online, you give yourself the chance to expand and develop your knowledge and scope of the field, and thus broaden your career possibilities.

Civil Engineers often find employment near cities that house major industrial and/or commercial hubs. In areas such as these, engineers are needed to design and build safe transportation systems, water and sewage systems, as well as maintain, repair, or replace current roads and municipal construction (bridges, tunnels, etc). Because employment opportunities within the field of Civil Engineering depend on the geographic area and need for specific work, it is important to be as competitive a candidate as possible when looking for employment. Earning an online graduate degree in Civil Engineering will give you an edge, even if you are currently employed in the field. The career opportunities are seemingly limitless in the field. A Civil Engineer can hold a managerial post, ranging from construction site manager working out in the field to a city engineer designing and implementing roads and structures on computer-based interfaces. There are also many types of support positions available for a Civil Engineer, including working as a designer, conducting research to further scientific knowledge and design methods in the field, and, of course, teaching. Many of the higher-ranking (and higher-paying) positions in the field of Civil Engineering are made available to those who hold a Master’s degree or higher.

If you are considering earning a graduate degree in Civil Engineering, consider enrolling in an online program. There are a number of good reasons to do so. Number one is convenience. You can continue working your regular work schedule and earn you degree simultaneously. Many online programs offer lectures via streaming video that you can watch at any time on your computer, from home or at work. And all of your assignments can be submitted to your professors using your email. With the convenience of online learning also comes flexibility. Because you can fit your class time into your schedule, you don’t have to sacrifice family commitments or leisure time. Earning your Civil Engineering degree online is an almost ideal way to achieve your highest career aspirations.

Many online graduate degree programs in Civil Engineering are specifically designed for the working Civil Engineering professional. They are offered through fully accredited Universities, and the programs are planned around the most current recommendations of the ASCE (the American Society of Civil Engineers). Among the degrees that can be earned are a Masters of Science in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on Construction Engineering or Structural Engineering. There are also programs available that emphasize the technological side of the field, providing instruction to those who are more inclined to do design work on a computer. Whatever you decide to do, you can often develop your own study strategy within a field of specialization that is related to your current occupation.

When you decide that you want and need a graduate degree in Civil Engineering, you must consider earning it online. The approach to continuing your education is convenient, it is adaptable, and it is simply the most current way to advance your career. Having a Master’s degree brings with it not only the professional development, but also a sense of accomplishment, and the testimony to current and future employers that you are resolute in being the best Civil Engineer that you can be.

pilates mat

Body And Soul – Keeping It Together!

Jon Wickham
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 485.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

It is said that the first thing a man does when he wakes in the morning is to look out of the window to see how the weather has changed overnight, and the first thing a women does on waking is to look in the mirror to see what the night has done to her face. Enough said … but if your look in the mirror is followed by ‘Oh, my God … I could do with a face-lift, etc. etc.’ (don’t worry, we’ve all been there) before you start layering on more make-up and deciding to embark yet again on another diet/exercise regime (which will probably have been forgotten anyway by the weekend), let’s stop wishing, and start by trying to make the best of what we have got.
We may not be able to recapture the healthy glow of youth, but we may be able to inject a little sparkle by giving as much thought to the inside of our bodies as we do to the outside. Just think of what would happen to a house if it were not built on firm foundations. Also how would our cars run if we filled them up with the wrong fuel? Similarly, how can we expect our bodies to function smoothly if we just worry about the paintwork and not concentrate on the engine? So analyse what you are putting into your body. Is it mainly ‘comfort/grab-a-snack – I’m in a hurry’ food, eg buns, crisps, chocolates etc., or is it nourishing food with all the vitamins and minerals the body requires to operate efficiently?
Many moons ago, a colleague of mine, who had a connection with a pharmaceutical company, said the idea had been muted within the company that as the elderly often start the day with a cup of tea and digestive biscuit, then a good way of ensuring that they receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals was to add them to the digestive biscuit It seemed a great idea, but when you think of how we absentmindedly dip into a packet of biscuits, then we would probably overdose on vitamins. Although we need vitamins we can also have too much of a good thing. It is worth remembering that whereas the body will expel too much of say Vitamin C, the body will store Vitamins A & D and an overload of these vitamins can have a detrimental effect. So leave it to the experts to get the balance right. It is better to start the day (together with your nourishing breakfast) with a good multi-vitamin and mineral tablet. The tablet container will show the RDA (which stands for the ‘recommended daily allowance’), and it will also show how the tablet equates with this.
A good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is the Holland & Barrett’s
Formula for the 50 PLUS called ABC PLUS SENIOR (on half-price offer at the present time).
Another supplement I would recommend for those of us whose memory is not what it used to be is ‘Ginkgo Biloba’. (Also on half-price offer at the moment). This has been in use for years on the continent as an aid to improving the circulation. It is said that it not only improves the supply of blood to the head and subsequently improves the memory (so hopefully we’ll remember where we put the bottle of tablets) but it also improves the blood supply to the extremities, which is great if you suffer from cold hands and feet. Ginkgo, by the way, comes from the Ginkgo tree, which is one of the oldest trees known to man. You can therefore appreciate how vital it is that we do not allow plants to become extinct.
Remember the old wives’ tale that ‘fish is good for the brain’? (When I hear this saying, my mind always goes back to a lecturer jokingly saying that his mother was determined that he would do well and always made him eat fish before an examination, and, of course, to her delight he did do well). Well, now it has been proved that Omega 3 (pure fish oils) not only benefits the brain but the whole body. It is high in essential fatty acids, which help to maintain a healthy heart and circulation.
Another very good supplement is Selenium. This was naturally present in the earth and in our vegetables years ago, but sadly has become depleted over the years with intensive farming and chemicals. So we can put back this missing ingredient. I certainly felt a difference on taking this as a supplement.
Now, if you are prone to numerous infections, coughs, colds, etc., then your immune system needs a boost. In addition to the usual Vitamin C, a couple of good supplements for this are Zinc and Echinacea. It’s a good idea to take Echinacea well before the ‘flu time’ is upon us in order to get it into the system.
We have always known the importance of making sure that we have enough calcium in order to maintain bone strength, but it is only in the past few years that Glucosamine has come to the fore as an aid to the joints. Glucosamine is believed to stimulate cartilage growth and prevent it wearing down and hopefully reducing the subsequent pain. I have a friend who swears this has helped her painful joints. Chondroitin is often added to the Glucosamine as this helps to attract fluid into the cartilage Healthy Direct ( has a special offer on this powerful combination of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Vitamin C. They also operate a free postage and packing with prompt delivery service, which is great if you have difficulty in getting to the shops.
Notice that throughout I have been using the word ‘supplement’ as no tablets are going to replace a healthy diet. I remember being told by a doctor when I was in my twenties that the way towards a healthy life was to eat a small amount of a wide variety of foods and that way the body would obtain the necessary vitamins and nourishment. Whilst I agree with the ‘variety’ advice, I am not sure with the present day treatment and overlong storage of foodstuffs (particularly fruit and vegetables) whether there are many vitamins left by the time they reach the table. It came as a shock to hear at one lecture that when they tested an orange for its Vitamin C content, the results came back as a surprising ‘nil’. Still to end on a happy note, the fibre content was there, and we must eat plenty of FRESH fruit and vegetables not only for the vitamins but also for the fibre and enzymes necessary for the digestive process to function properly. But more on that – together with a breakdown of all the essential vitamins and my favourite subject – FOOD – (I’ll try not to think about or mention chocolate cake)
IT’S … ‘HOLD-BACK-THE-YEARS’ FOOD …… next time
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