pilates mat

Detox through Tao for a Natural Way to Purify the Body for Health and Longevity

Most people think that they are quite safe in their homes, or any other place which one has been used to; but its time to think twice. Why?

Our world is no longer the same world as it was a very long time ago. Before, when civilizations were just beginning to form, the whole environment was safe and free from any pollution. But now, because of the rapid changes which took place in almost every part of the world, the environment is ‘unsafe’ to almost any individual.

Who wouldn’t want to attain longevity in life? Seldom can you find people that reach the age of 120 years or more. But before, that is quite possible. People now are contented and happy enough when they still reach the age of 65.

The lifestyle of many people now has a major effect on the entire body system. Because of the unhealthy lifestyle that people are getting used to, the body is able to acquire harmful chemicals (like acids). These harmful chemicals should be eliminated from the body’s system, however, when the body is unable to perform natural detoxification, the chemicals or acids stay in the body and form build ups.

This build up cause imbalance in your body, and after sometime, other complications may arise. You might wonder how you were able to get too much acid build up in your body, but the answer is very much obvious.

Observe your daily life; most of the food stuffs that you’re used to eating contain many harmful chemicals. Beverages like soda pop, coffee, alcohol and other milk beverages can cause certain diseases. Cigarette smokers are not exempted from acquiring harmful acids; as well as inhaling exhaust from cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Dousing yourself with hygiene products which contains harmful chemicals; pharmaceutical drugs, and the modern technology all contributes to acid build up in our body.

So you can just imagine living your life every day with all this harmful things around us. No wonder a lot of people get sick. A call to a natural way of healing diseases or illnesses is the cry of many people who are now aware of the sad fact that many others refuse to believe.

Body detox is a good way to rid your body of the harmful chemicals that has been inside your body for some time now. Detox can help your body to reverse all negative effects from unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.

There is a lot of detox resources that you can make use to guide you in your quest for a rejuvenated and new life. The book entitled The Tao of Detox: The Natural Way to Purify Your Body for Health and Longevity was written by Daniel Reid. This book will show you a holistic approach to cleanse your body. There is a need to detoxify our internal body, just as it is needed to clean our environment (and the whole planet).

This book will provide you with a solution to restore and preserve good health. And this will only be realized through detoxification.

If you desire to live a long life, purchase this book, and let it be your guide to detox your body, and help you change your unhealthy lifestyle. Start now before it is too late.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Teak Outdoor Furniture Is Not A New Idea

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Ever since ancient times, civilization has been aware of the benefits of teak. The wood is easy to work with, and its resistance to decay has made it not only a popular timber tree, but also a valuable resource. The strong structural properties of teak made it the favorite choice for shipbuilders since the middle ages. The main advantage of teak is its unique ability to prevent rust and corrosion when in contact with metal. This makes it invaluable in the shipbuilding industr…

outdoor furniture, teak outdoor furniture, home decoration

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Ever since ancient times, civilization has been aware of the benefits of teak. The wood is easy to work with, and its resistance to decay has made it not only a popular timber tree, but also a valuable resource. The strong structural properties of teak made it the favorite choice for shipbuilders since the middle ages. The main advantage of teak is its unique ability to prevent rust and corrosion when in contact with metal. This makes it invaluable in the shipbuilding industry. It is said that the first outdoor teak benches were actually made of decking from old sailing ships. The decking on these ships was in such good condition when the ships were about to be scrapped, the wood was recycled and remade in teak outdoor furniture. In the late 1800s, teak began to be used seriously for outdoor furniture. Heavily admired in its native India , teak soon traveled to Victorian England. Teak benches and chairs became the perfect compliment to an English garden. Public parks all over England are furnished with teak outdoor furniture, some of which are nearly a century old. An outstanding material, teak continues to be a choice for boat materials even in this day and age. Elephants are still used to haul teak from inland jungles to the waterways. Transporting teak has always been a difficult problem because of the heavy weight of the wood. The logs are so heavy they will not float. Instead the elephants drag the teak logs through the thick undergrowth in the rain forests. These forests are usually a great distance from the coast. They have even been trained to stack the logs in even piles. And when a bell sounds to end the day, the elephants know to stop their work, without any human direction.

Today teak is used principally in shipbuilding and in the construction of expensive boats and yachts. Teak outdoor furniture is virtually impervious to all weather conditions, partly due to its high oil content and is able to resist insect attacks. Currently, teak can be found on modern cruise ship decks, in parks, used as flooring, and as home outdoor furniture. In the United States, teak benches can be found in the tropical gardens of hotels in Hawaii, tables and chairs made of teak provide maintenance-free outdoor dining for skiers in Colorado resorts, and teak steamer chairs can be found from the coast of Maine to the Arizona desert. This should give you some idea about how versatile teak is. Today, teak continues to be the most oft-used wood for shipbuilding. It is also used for indoor wood flooring and other general construction. And, of course, teak is used to create durable and beautiful outdoor patio furniture. Its high oil content makes it ideal for outdoor furniture. Teak outdoor furniture has been used in ski resorts in Colorado and Utah , and it continues to be the favored wood for all construction projects requiring unbeatable durability and rustic elegance.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Air Purifiers – Are They Worth the Buy?

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Do you pick up an standpoint purifier, if not, competent is a appropriate follow that you would speak for attracted in owning one in the future, if you arent already interested. That is because air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity.

air purifiers, air purifier, car air purifiers

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
Do you pick up an standpoint purifier, if not, competent is a appropriate follow that you would speak for attracted in owning one in the future, if you arent already interested. That is because air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity. Why you may ask? Air purifiers are rapidly increasing in popularity because they make indoor air healthier and cleaner. This means that by owning an air purifier, your home or your office space could become a pleasant place to be, instead of an unhealthy or an unpleasant place.

When substantive comes to temper purifiers, despite the marvel that they are popular, crackerjack are calm multitudinous humans who wonder whether or not they should get one. This is because many individuals wonder whether or not air purifiers are actually worth the buy. Are you one of those individuals? If so, you may be in for the surprise of your life. That is because, in most cases, air purifiers are not only a good buy, but they could also be considered quite a deal.

When buying an mindtrip purifier, you craving to demand the overall amount of an attitude purifier. The overall value of owning an angle purifier isnt just the price that you pay at the store; it is the price overtime. With many air purifiers, you are required to change the filter every few months. This ups the cost of an air purifier. For that reason, you are advised to examine the cost of a replacement filter, before making your purchase. If you are concerned with the cost of a replacement filter, you will want to examine air purifiers that do not use filters, just collection grids. These types of air purifiers may cost more money, upfront, but they could end up saving you money, in the long run.

It is and important to quiz what you consign imitate using your philosophy purifier for. A lank number of individuals use air purifiers if they have pets or if they have a smoker inside the house. Unfortunately, not all air purifiers are designed to remove these types of particles from the air. Therefore, if you plan on using an air purifier for smoke or for pets, you are advised to thoroughly read the descriptions of each air purifier that you are interested in buying. Buying the wrong type of air purifier can turn an otherwise good purchase into one that is definitely not worth the buy.

By keeping the large mentioned points pull mind, you should emblematize moving to treasure trove again occupancy the air purifier that best fits your needs and the needs of your household. This is, in turn, will make your next air purifier purchase definitely worth the buy.

pilates mat

Buy Steroids From The Best Steroid Stores!

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Anabolic steroids are the synthetic derivatives of testosterone. They help in triggering up the growth of tissues and bones. These drugs can help in the growth of muscle tissues, bones, and genitals. They can also help to improve appetite. Anabolic steroids have been used for different medical purposes since 1930s when they were first developed. These drugs are also called steroid hormones or hormone drugs.

buy steroids

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Anabolic steroids are the synthetic derivatives of testosterone. They help in triggering up the growth of tissues and bones. These drugs can help in the growth of muscle tissues, bones, and genitals. They can also help to improve appetite. Anabolic steroids have been used for different medical purposes since 1930s when they were first developed. These drugs are also called steroid hormones or hormone drugs.

Anabolic steroids have many androgenic and anabolic properties, which help to raise the tissue amount and metabolize body fat in human bodies. Thus, these drugs, also called anabolic-androgenic steroids, are extensively used by body building enthusiasts. These drugs have actually become the favorites of the jocks.

Anabolic steroids are being produced in bulks nowadays. There are numerous types of anabolic steroids available in the market, which include Accutane, Clenbuterol, Cytomel, HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex, Proviron, Arimidex, Caverject, Viagra, Silagra, Propecia, Testosterone Anadrol, Anavar, Deca Durabolin, Equipoise, Sustanon, and Winstrol.

These drugs have become so popularly coveted that a lot of fake anabolic steroids have crept into the market. These spurious anabolic steroids are rather pernicious for health. They look exactly like the real anabolic steroids. Thus, the people using anabolic steroids should beware of fake anabolic steroids in the market. They should buy steroids from right places.

But, what are the right places to buy steroids? That’s what most of the people actually don’t know, and often they buy steroids from anywhere and risk their lives. Certainly, they should not buy steroids from any Tom, Dick, and Harry, rather they should buy steroids from the right, reliable, and reputed steroid stores.

Some people really find it cumbersome to find right, reliable, and reputed steroid stores to buy steroids online. Definitely, it’s a little difficult to find genuine steroid stores online, but it is not impossible at all. It takes little time to find the genuine steroid stores online. People can find genuine steroid stores online by doing some research and spending some time online. Most of the search engines can help to find genuine steroid stores online. People can also buy steroids from the well-known retail merchants like Norma Hellas, Organon, Scheering, and British Dragon.

quantity surveyor

EKCS Air Purifier Basics

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

We all know how important air quality is, if you have ever spent a few hours on a plane you probably know that poor air quality has very negative effects, and that in some cases air quality has a very significant effect on general health.

But most of us don t know much about the air in our homes and houses, we have no idea how much cleaner, or sometimes even how much worst it is from the outside air, in you live in a big city, or even close to one you should start thinking…

air purifier, air purifiers, air purification system, air purifier system

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
We all know how important air quality is, if you have ever spent a few hours on a plane you probably know that poor air quality has very negative effects, and that in some cases air quality has a very significant effect on general health.

But most of us don t know much about the air in our homes and houses, we have no idea how much cleaner, or sometimes even how much worst it is from the outside air, in you live in a big city, or even close to one you should start thinking about this seriously. Air quality today, with a few exceptions, is not at its prime, and that you can significantly improve your quality of air, and your family quality of air.

Most of us have heard about air purification system, and air purifying products, most of the people believe that these products are extremely expensive and that the overall worth of this is not enough to justify spending so much money, but the times have changed, there are a lot of products in the air purification system market, and if you put some work into researching and studying the subject, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised as you walk away with an air purifying system that didn t cost as much as you initially thought it would.

You can get an air purifier that will help you in many ways, improve your health, give you some peace of mind as to your children health and breathing, and even help you clean the house a little yes, that s true, the dust and dead skin that is a part of the problem in the poor air quality issue will be taken care of by the air purifier.

Living in a city, or in a air pollute area, have its tolls and they are not easy to avoid, the air purifier does help in preventing some very uncomfortable situations, and it is a shame that a lot of people think that is just an expensive thing without much use, it can help you in your daily lives, and improve the quality of your life, you can sleep better, breath better, your kid can avoid some diseases with greater ease and your house will be overall cleaner and the air in it, fresher.

There are different types of air purifiers on the market, the difference is mainly in the way the air purifier system filters that incoming air, and what it used in it process to clean the polluted air. The solutions that are the most common in the market are mechanical filters or air cleaning filter that use special materials to filter the incoming air, life charcoal for example. The more recent development in air purification systems is the air ionizer, which used electricity to clean the air.

Most effective for eliminating particles in the air the air ionizer burns those particles in the process of filtering thus reducing risk of many different kind of allergies significantly.
The best tip for someone in the market for an air purifier is to research the different products and consider his needs first, before even thinking of using, you will also need ot research the maintenance and overall costs, like buying new filters, and the places in which you would want to position your air purifier.

For more information visit

pilates mat

Body Care Shows That You Care

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Few things show that you care about your life, your happiness, your relationships and ultimately your destiny like good body care. You only have one life to live, so why not live it well. Why not take the time and effort to have good body care and to love yourself.

Good body care is easy and hard all at the same time. It is easy in that it is really possible to have a longer, healthier life if you have good body care habits now. It is hard, however, because it means breaki…

body care

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Few things show that you care about your life, your happiness, your relationships and ultimately your destiny like good body care. You only have one life to live, so why not live it well. Why not take the time and effort to have good body care and to love yourself.

Good body care is easy and hard all at the same time. It is easy in that it is really possible to have a longer, healthier life if you have good body care habits now. It is hard, however, because it means breaking old habits and working hard to make new habits. Begin any new body care program first by making goals for yourself. Where do you want to be in a year? What kind of life do you want to be living? What kind of health and fitness do you want to have? Starting your body care with goals and then sharing them with someone is one of the most effective ways to make victory possible.

Body care begins with really caring about your body. It sounds simple and redundant even, but it is true. You will never see significant changes in the condition of your body unless you deeply care that your body is healthy and vibrant. I don’t know what it will take for you to be really convinced about the importance of good body care. I can only hope that you have read enough health warnings and perhaps even seen what poor health has done to your family and friends enough to make changes for yourself.

One of the first and easiest ways to improve your body care is to drink water. Replace many of the sugar-filled and caffeine-filled drinks you’re used to with water. You will notice a difference in your energy levels, your skin, and your appetite in a short time. Water is one of the best ways to take good body care.

Another obvious and important element to good body care is getting more active. This doesn’t mean you have to sign up to run the next local marathoon, but it does mean that you have to make time for twenty to thirty minutes of cardio exercise at least every other day. Go for a brisk walk or a jog, play a game of tennis. Do things you enjoy. The important thing for good body care is that you are active. Inactivity is one of the most dangerous ways to live.

A third and final thing in good body care is your diet. Grab a couple of health books and begin learning about the things you should be eating and the things you must avoid. Educate yourself and then begin to implement changes to fit your lifestyle, budget, and goals.

The health of your body is worth any body care program you begin. I promise you.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Task Lighting- Illuminating your subject

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

A major problem with central room lighting is that it is often not bright enough to illuminate the task you are trying to perform. There is often something between you and the source of the light, casting a shadow over what you are trying to do, making everything more difficult. The easiest way to eliminate this problem is to increase the light emitted by your current room light fixture by putting in a brighter bulb. Unfortunately this permanently increases the light in the room and can be oppressive when you do not need to see things close at hand. The solution is task lighting.

lighting, task, illuminate, home, light

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
A major problem with central room lighting is that it is often not bright enough to illuminate the task you are trying to perform. There is often something between you and the source of the light, casting a shadow over what you are trying to do, making everything more difficult. The easiest way to eliminate this problem is to increase the light emitted by your current room light fixture by putting in a brighter bulb. Unfortunately this permanently increases the light in the room and can be oppressive when you do not need to see things close at hand. The solution is task lighting.

The most common form of task lighting is found in kitchens. Undercabinet lights are installed behind a facia panel and provide direct light onto work surfaces. This eliminates the problem of shadows falling across food preparation surfaces and greatly reduces the risk of accidents when using kitchen implements. Undercabinet lighting is available to purchase both online and at regular offline outlets.

Task lights are also extremely useful in other rooms of the house. A clip-on spotlight can be moved around a room to whoever needs it and wherever it is needed. An angle-poise lamp can be positioned differently depending on the particular task you are undertaking, whilst a floor standing lamp can be more permanently positioned to provide backlighting to compliment the primary source of light in a room.

Many manufacturers offer bathroom task lighting, mainly in the form of a light above a mirror with a shaver socket incorporated in the design. Be aware that these need to be fitted by a qualified person, water and electricity are notoriously bad bed fellows and there are many regulations governing light fittings in bathrooms.

The bedroom is another location that task lighting has many advantages over central room lighting. A couple can have a task light each, allowing one to continue to read when the other wants to go to sleep. A room that contains a display of some description will benefit hugely from the addition of task lighting. Whether it is a low voltage track lighting arrangement, that allows spotlights to be directed onto a display cabinet, or a small uplighter that bathes a painting in a natural glow both will have the desired effect. They will naturally draw the eye of the onlooker to the item or items on display.

An easier way of bringing task lighting to a room that is lit only by a central lighting fixture is to change that fixture for one that is itself a task light. Many companies offer central task lighting, a three way spotlight fitting or a track light with a central feed are just two ways of changing the whole feel of a room without great cost or expense.

As with any electrical work always ensure that it is completed by a competent person, A badly fitted light is as dangerous as no light at all.

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Colon Cleaning- The Secret Behind Health And Vitality

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For the best online pilates classes company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

It does not require you to be an authority on health to know that disease begins in the colon and to be in optimum health we need the colon to be in perfect state. But most of us do not have the clear idea as to what is meant by a healthy colon. The primary function of the colon is to eliminate waste materials from our system and conserve water in the body. A healthy colon is also one which is a home to helpful bacteria that absorbs valuable nutrients into the body.

You ma…

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To find the best online pilates classes company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
It does not require you to be an authority on health to know that disease begins in the colon and to be in optimum health we need the colon to be in perfect state. But most of us do not have the clear idea as to what is meant by a healthy colon. The primary function of the colon is to eliminate waste materials from our system and conserve water in the body. A healthy colon is also one which is a home to helpful bacteria that absorbs valuable nutrients into the body.

You may be shocked to know, but it is an unfortunate fact that average Americans do not possess a healthy colon in the true sense of the term. It is the price they pay for living fast paced lives sustained on soft drinks and junk foods. Primarily a flawed dietary practice and other factors lead to the accumulation of toxic elements in the colon that are gradually transported to other parts of the body triggering of a variety of symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, low energy and vitality, skin problems, foul body odor, halitosis or bad breath, colds and many more.

Then what is the solution if you are among those who suffer from one of these as a chronic disorder? Well, it is an indication that you need to detoxify and cleanse your body’s waste elimination system and remember any cleansing program starts with the colon. There are number of ways to accomplish this objective. The major colon cleansing methods include Colon Hydrotherapy, Enemas, Herbal supplements, Laxatives and Oxygen-based Cleansers.

A proper cleansing and detoxification of the system is the key to health and vitality. A clean and healthy colon ensures an overall well-being. Let me explain how.

When it is clogged with waste matters accumulated over the years due to wrong consumption of foods, first the colon and then the whole system get polluted with toxic elements. This is a process known as autointoxication or self-poisoning where body gets toxic as a result of substances produced by our own body as a result of insufficient elimination due to a blocked passage.

Everyday we come across so many people who look much older than their actual age with an air of losing all drive for living. The reason is again an unhealthy colon. In addition to so many physical disorders as described above we also lose the vitality of our mind and we feel depressed, weak, lethargic and fatigued due to this autointoxication. It occurs when the toxins accumulate in the nervous system, hearts and the glands. As a cumulative result of all these we look older than our age and appear like

Thus while the health and vitality depends on proper functioning and maintenance of the colon, the proper cleansing method ensures that our colon remains in a proper state of health and wellbeing. A periodical cleansing of our systems is as important as caring for the external cleaning of our body like bathing or brushing. And the detoxification and cleansing program starts right at your colon, which if kept unclean may contaminate your whole system.

pilates mat

Buy Steroids From Right, Reliable, Reputed Steroid Stores Online!

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

You often look to buy real steroids one, but oftentimes you end up buying fake anabolics. It happens just because of your negligence, haste, or ignorance. So, you need to be smart enough to buy steroids. You just need to know a few things, which will make things extremely easy for you.

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To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
You often look to buy real steroids one, but oftentimes you end up buying fake anabolics. It happens just because of your negligence, haste, or ignorance. So, you need to be smart enough to buy steroids. You just need to know a few things, which will make things extremely easy for you.

Actually, “3R steroid stores” are very important, whenever you go to buy steroids online. The 3R steroid stores are RIGHT, RELIABLE, REPUTED steroid stores. You really need to find right, reliable, reputed steroid stores to buy steroids. You know, there are numerous steroid stores selling scads of anabolic steroids online. Thus, it is little difficult to find right, reliable, reputed steroid stores online, but it’s not impossible.

Definitely, you can find the right, reliable, reputed steroid stores to buy steroids online. You can find such steroid stores by spending some time online. You can do little research on internet. Surely, by spending some time online, you will be able to find genuine steroid stores selling real steroids online. You can check out the online reputation of a couple of online steroid stores. Several search engines can help you find right, reliable, reputed sites to help you buy steroids online.

You can also visit some of the steroid forums, where you can have chat with other members. You can ask some body to advise and guide you to buy steroids online. The experienced members and frequent online steroid buyers can really offer you nice pieces of advice. They can share their good or bad online experiences with you, and they can suggest you some really nice sites to buy steroids online.

You can also seek advice on various anabolic steroids. You know, there are too many anabolic steroids in the market, which include Accutane, Clenbuterol, Cytomel, HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex, Proviron, Arimidex, Caverject, Viagra, Silagra, Propecia, Testosterone Anadrol, Anavar, Deca Durabolin, Equipoise, Sustanon, Winstrol, and many more. Thus, it’s little difficult to decide, which steroid is really good for you. Some of the experiences steroid users can offer you nice advice. They can really suggest the right anabolic steroid for you. However, you must consult with your physician before starting the use of anabolic steroids.

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Easy Money .not.

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Thought today woul
d be just the same as every other morning but when I checked my Inbox I found out that I had won 2 international lotteries that I had no idea that I had ever entered and the family for some dead prince in Nigeria wants me to act as the next of kin and they will let me keep 10% of his net worth. With all this money coming in I am going to be living on easy street and never have to work again.

Nigerian scams, phishing scams, id theft, identity theft, Ebay, Paypal

Article Body:
Thought today would be just the same as every other morning but when I checked my For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Inbox I found out that I had won 2 international lotteries that I had no idea that I had ever entered and the family for some dead prince in Nigeria wants me to act as the next of kin and they will let me keep 10% of his net worth. With all this money coming in I am going to be living on easy street and never have to work again.

Anybody with an email address could become a victim in the ever growing outbreak of Identity theft, Nigerian scams, phishing scams, etc…. People fall for the scams because we are always looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. These scammers would make great salespeople because they realize that everything is a numbers game. I get so many emails from all these different banks asking me to click here and update my information. The scammers know that most of the recipients of these emails will never respond but if they send one that looks like its from CitiBank they know that anybody that actually has a CitiBank account will probably respond.

I’ve gotten email that have asked me to update my Ebay account, my Paypal account and my Chase Manhattan account. I know for a fact that I do not have an Ebay or a chase account. You would think that sites like Ebay, who have a 120 million registered users, would send an email to educate their registered users but Ebay says that they want no liability so they just let their users get scammed. Most of these people will only lose money while others will spend time in jail or have their credit damaged beyond repair.

If you check just your local news you should see many stories regarding the scams that are currently out there. If you are selling an item via Ebay or the classifieds and a buyer send you a check for over the payment price then chances are this is part of a scam, especially if they want you to wire the excess funds via Western Union. If you get an email about working from home collecting payments for a company and they say you can keep 10% then chances are you are involved in a processing scam. If you get an email about someone dying with no next of kin and they want you to act as the next of kin well do you remember the old saying “if it looks to be too good to be true then chances are it is”.

Earthlink has came up with a web browser that will help you identify these phishing sites and I am sure that other companies have come up with something also. A lot of sites have cropped up in recent months that will help educate you on what’s going on plus some of them will even offer assistance if you have become a victim. theres one called ScamSafe, another called Fraudaid, and my wife has one called idtheftnightmare . I cannot include the extensions because people then think I am promoting these sites which I am not.

Just keep in mind that there are no shortcuts in life. if you get a questionable email then please ask for the opinion of someone else so that you don’t fall victim to a scam. also remember that most banks and credit card companies will not send your info via an email and if they want you to verify something chances are they will have you call them.