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STCS Sharp Solar Solar Energy Manufacturer

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As the world looks to alternative fuel sources to save the environment and money, solar energy has come to the forefront. Sharp solar is known as one of the leading manufacturers.

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As the world looks to alternative fuel sources to save the environment and money, solar energy has come to the forefront. Sharp solar is known as one of the leading manufacturers.

Sharp Solar Solar Energy Manufacturer

Solar energy has become increasingly important in today s world. With fuel prices skyrocketing and other forms of home energy being impractical, solar energy is the Earth’s best solution to powering our lives. Solar products are a great way to collect energy from the sun and harness its power to run our households.

Sharp solar products are a great choice in the solar market place. Sharp is the number one manufacturer of solar cells, manufacturing more than its three nearest competitors combined. Sharp solar products are a convenient, safe and economical way to absorb solar energy and convert it into a usable form for household use. Sharp has led the solar industry for over 45 years now, and they have installed solar product systems everywhere from houses to office buildings to even on satellites.

There are four basic parts to the Sharp solar energy production system. The solar modules collect the sun s rays in their solar cells and convert it into usable energy. The inverter converts the electrical current that s created from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current), which is the type of electricity used in homes. The Sharp monitor allows you to see how your system is doing in terms of output and performance. The final part of the system, the electric meter, shows you how much power you are using.

In 2003, Sharp introduced their residential solar systems for use in the United States. These systems, used throughout the world before coming to the US, have allowed Sharp to be named the number one solar cell producer in the world every year since 2000. Sharp solar products are now also being produced in a clean factory in Memphis, Tennessee, which represents an investment on the part of Sharp into the future of solar power.

Sharp offers their solar power systems for sale through their own Sharp Solar department, or through an independent Sharp Solar Certified Installer. The installers are able to come to your home and help you decide on your own solar energy needs. They then they can quote you a price on the amount of work and materials needed to make your house a solar powered one.

Whether you want to cut down on your energy costs or cut down on damage to the environment, Sharp solar products are a great way to achieve your goals. Solar products are cost effective and, once installed, easy to use and maintain. Solar energy is a great way to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and other Earth-harming energy sources.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Choosing The Right Size Of Air Conditioner For Your Home

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The bigger the better is not a motto which applies to air conditioners. Unfortunately, however, given how used we are to the idea we tend to think that a large oversized air conditioner will serve us much better than a smaller one. But this isn t so. Air conditioners are meant to be installed with the room in mind, since its main function is to remove all moisture from that room. It is in fact by removing the moisture from the room that an Air Conditioner creates the cool a…

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The bigger the better is not a motto which applies to air conditioners. Unfortunately, however, given how used we are to the idea we tend to think that a large oversized air conditioner will serve us much better than a smaller one. But this isn t so. Air conditioners are meant to be installed with the room in mind, since its main function is to remove all moisture from that room. It is in fact by removing the moisture from the room that an Air Conditioner creates the cool atmosphere that we associate with it. The size of the machine matters since it determines exactly how long it will operate, and if it will work long enough to remove the moisture from the room. If it is of the required size it will last long enough to perform this task, if it isn t it won t.

So in case your AC is too big for the room you have put it in you should probably know that it is making your room less cool than what a smaller unit would. Why? Because its run time is too short, which makes it incapable of removing the required amount of moisture from the room and making you feel cool and comfy. So it will click on and off frequently and make a miserable job of cooling.

Ratings for AC s are given in terms of BTU s (or British Thermal Units). BTU gauges what amount of heat is being taken from the room and being thrown out. Since heat is going from inside your room to outside it therefore the cooling coil indoors is cool and the one hanging outdoors is equally hot.

Although the common sizes of AC s bought are 5000, 6000 and 8000 BTU most households don t need any more than a 4000 BTU machine. So what size do YOU need? That really depends on the size of the room you want to put it in. Suppose the area of your room is between 100-250 sq.ft in size, then you will do nicely with a 5000-6000 BTU AC. Similarly if the room is anywhere between 250 and 400 in size you can manage comfortably with a 6000 BTU to 8500 BTU machine. Calculate your requirement keeping these figures in mind.

Before deciding the size of your AC therefore you need to decide which room you will be putting it in. obviously where you put your machine is completely up to you. But here are a few suggestions that might help you in taking the decision. Consider where the AC will provide you with the most comfort. Most people think the Bedroom is the ideal place for an AC. This is because it helps you get a goodnight sleep, and after a hard day s work that s all you really want. Many even find the low humming sound of the AC a great comfort, almost a good replacement for a lullaby!

But of course there is no strict rule stating that you must place your AC in the bedroom. You might not like the cold atmosphere while going to bed and can therefore choose to put the machine in the living room instead, where the whole family can enjoy its benefits. If you have a large number of people sleeping in some master bedroom or a general room it would also make sense to put the AC there, else you might have to wake up with your kids and dogs who crawl into your bed just to be in the AC!

Wherever you ultimately put your AC make sure your expectations from it is realistic. It was designed to cool one single area, and just because you want it to it won t suddenly decide to cool more than that one area. Most window AC s do not have the sort of blower to cool a couple of interconnected rooms, so no matter how much you want it to do that, it won t. In case you want the other rooms to be cooled too get yourself a couple of smaller units and fix them in all your rooms.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Birds – The American Bald Eagle

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The American Bald Eagle is a national symbol of the United States of America. Read on to learn more about this majestic bird, and how you can help to protect it.

birds,American Bald Eagle

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The For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. American Bald Eagle was unofficially chosen as a National Symbol in 1872, when the Constitution of the United States was ratified. It was not officially nominated as such until 1788. There was a heated debate, led by the great statesman Benjamin Franklin, about this bird becoming the National Bird. Mr. Franklin wanted the turkey which he thought better symbolized the clean, honest, and more straightforward ideals of the American people. His bid was lost, however, in 1789 when George Washington became the first President of the USA, and the Bald Eagle was officially adopted as the “First Bird”.

The American Bald Eagle is the only eagle which is native to North America and it’s only on its native continent that one may find it. Alaska, the 49th State admitted to the Union, is home to about 35,000 of the 70,000 total population. British Columbia boasts about 20,000, and the rest predominantly inhabit the Pacific coastline, with a few scattered throughout the rest of the United States. Population is heaviest in the Pacific Northwest due, in part, to the large amount of salmon found there. Eagles depend greatly on fish as a main part of their diets. They will eat small animals such as mice, rabbits, muskrats, duck and snakes and they will resort to eating carrion (dead animals), if necessary. However, they prefer that their food be of a fresh source and they are partial to fish.

While Bald Eagle are capable of carrying their food in flight, they can actually only lift about half of their body weight. Although they can dive, catch fish in the water, and swim to shore with them, they have also been known to drown if the fish is too big and they don’t let go of it.

The body length, for both males and females, ranges between 29 and 42 inches (73.66 to 106.68 centimeters). The male is usually between 7 and 9 pounds (.497 to .639 stone) and has a wingspan which can exceed 6 feet (1.83 meters). The female is larger and can weigh up to 14 pounds (.99 stone). She can have a wingspan of up to 8 feet (2.44 meters).

In level flight, the Bald Eagle has been recorded at speeds up to 44 miles per hour (70.1 kmp). It can dive (and has been clocked) at speeds of 75 to 100 mph (120.68 to 160.39 kmp). The eagle is capable of riding the thermal air currents in excess of 10000 feet (3048 meters) and can stay aloft doing this for hours at a time.

This species of bird mates for life, and will only seek another mate if their “spouse” dies. They build an “eyrie (also spelled aerie)” in which they incubate their eggs and raise their eaglets until those leave the nest at 12 weekS. An eyrie, or nest, can be built in the tops of giant trees (quite often aspens) or on a ledge of a mountain. The eagles habitually add to their nests until they reach up to 10 feet (2.54 meters) in diameter. The eyries are lined with soft materials such as leaves, feathers, and moss to provide a suitable area for incubating the eggs once the female lays them.

The eggs are usually laid at the end of April, following a fascinating “courtship dance” in early April, which the eagles perform in midair. They dive and climb, and look to be attacking (locking talons, or claws with) each other during this flight sequence.

After the eggs are laid, the male and the female take turns in hunting, incubating the eggs (34 to 35 days, usually hatching in late May or early June), monitoring the nest, and brooding/feeding the eaglets until they are large enough to fly and leave the nest. This occurs when the eaglets are about 12 weeks old. They develop special flight feathers, which make them look larger than their parents, that serve as extra balance (sort of like training wheels on a bicycle) while they learn to fly.

Hatchlings are light grey when born, and turn dark brown before leaving the nest. Young adults have brown and white mottled feathers beneath their wings until they reach 5 years of age. At 5 years, the head and tail feathers turn white. The mature bird is not actually bald. “Bald”, at one time, meant “white”. Thus the name, “bald eagle”. Between the fourth and fifth years, the beak and eyes take on the distinctive yellow color. To see a mature Bald Eagle up close is awe-inspiring. To see one in flight is an experience to cherish for a lifetime.

Preservation Efforts

In spite of the “National Symbols Act” and the “Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act,” which were both passed in 1940, the Bald Eagle population declined rapidly because farmers killed them for fear of the harm that they could do to their livestock. Hunters and poachers killed them as trophies and for profit, and many were killed accidentally. This seriously alarmed preservationists. Therefore the American Bald Eagle was officially declared an “Endangered Species” in 1947, under a law which preceded the “Endangered Species Act” of 1973. Until 1995, they were listed as endangered in 43 of the 48 contiguous United States. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington State listed them as “threatened”. In 1995, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) upgraded their status to threatened in the other 43 states.

In February of 2006 an announcement was made that the USFWS had issued guidelines on how the species should be protected by landowners and others, once the bird is no longer listed as a threatened species. Those guidelines include proposals for laws which prohibit disrupting the bird’s breeding, sheltering, or feeding practices or disturbing it in any manner which could cause injury, death, or nest abandonment. Should those proposals be solidified and approved, it could lead to the removal of the Bald Eagle from the “threatened” list.

It should be noted that even if the new guidelines are approved, the American Bald Eagle is still protected under the “Migratory Bird Treaty Act”, the “Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act”, and the “National Symbols Act”. It is illegal to possess, take, barter, trade, sell, transport, import, or export eagles. And it is illegal to collect eagles or their body parts, nests, or eggs without a special permit. Possession of a feather, or other body parts, is a felony which can carry a fine up to $10,000 USD and/or imprisonment and this is very strictly enforced. However, federally recognized Native Americans are still permitted to possess those emblems which are traditional to their culture.

One can learn more about these magnificent, beautiful, and majestic birds and how to help with the continuing preservation efforts by visiting the many websites devoted to them.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Be Thankful For Grammar

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I neve
r thought I’d say this, but I’m thankful for grammar. You heard me right. I’m thankful for grammar. I guess maybe I should say that I’m thankful that I learned grammar. It’s really true. As an author, I learned quickly to be grateful for those years of elementary school, junior high, and high school grammar class.

Do you remember sitting through those dreadful grammar classes? I sure do. I remember being asked to memorize the function of a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb…


For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Article Body:
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m thankful for grammar. You heard me right. I’m thankful for grammar. I guess maybe I should say that I’m thankful that I learned grammar. It’s really true. As an author, I learned quickly to be grateful for those years of elementary school, junior high, and high school grammar class.

Do you remember sitting through those dreadful grammar classes? I sure do. I remember being asked to memorize the function of a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb and adjective. And I remember learning the difference between the subject of the sentence and the predicate of that same sentence. I have no real memory of how the concepts of grammar made it off the pages and from the teachers’ mouths into my head, but they did. I never intentionally paid attention during grammar class because at that time I was years away from deciding to be a writer. I guess the grammar I needed to learn somehow came to be through osmosis. Think about our what our society would be like without the existence of grammar.

Basically, grammar is the thing that allows us to communicate the same kind of English. Sure, you and I both know what a dog or a tomato are, but what if you thought that each sentence that ended with a period was really a question. Wouldn’t that be confusing? Or what if I decided to write my next novel uses sentences like this: “Told Billy to Sarah loving a mother being a.” Does that make sense to you? Of course not, because that sentence was not written with proper English grammar in mind. If we’re lucky or just have a good imagination then we can determine that Sarah is telling Billy something about loving to be a mom. But without grammar, understanding even the most common English words just isn’t easy.

Do you love to sit down and read a good book? Or perhaps relaxing in front of a movie is your cup of tea? Do you enjoy surfing the internet for the latest facts and news? If you enjoy any of these things, then you better appreciate grammar. It is proper grammar that allows you to read a book or to understand the script of a film or even to make sense of the internet.

If you still are not convinced about the importance of grammar to your life, trying having a conversation using mixed up sentences like the one I wrote for you earlier. It is pretty hard to make it through a day when no one understands each others thoughts or questions.

Fortunately, because we have grammar, we never have to worry about miscommunicating with people because of the way we arrange our words. So be thankful for grammar because I guarentee it has made your life a lot easier.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Shag Area Rugs, A Great Way To Create A Safe And Easy To Clean Home

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For the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, call Southeast Contractors.

Placing other types of rugs by home entrances, sinks, or in other areas where the flooring is likely to get wet is your best bet of reducing the chance for falls. Additionally, the softness of shag area rugs offer great cushioning for the first steps of any baby.Shag area rugs come in a large variety of both bright and pastel colors. They are easy to care for if you follow the instructions properly.

Shag area rugs are one of the most popular floor coverings around.


shag rugs, area rugs, floor covering, rugs, shag area rugs, shaw rugs,

To find the best cleaning a patio wicklow company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
Placing other types of rugs by home entrances, sinks, or in other areas where the flooring is likely to get wet is your best bet of reducing the chance for falls. Additionally, the softness of shag area rugs offer great cushioning for the first steps of any baby.Shag area rugs come in a large variety of both bright and pastel colors. They are easy to care for if you follow the instructions properly.

Shag area rugs are one of the most popular floor coverings around.

Caring for your shag area rug properly can extend its usable life indefinitely.Typical maintenance can include regular cleaning with a vacuum and occasional cleaning with a steam machine. Using your vacuum on a regular basis is important with shag area rugs because the vacuum picks up particles that can damage the carpet fibers. As well as reducing the level of dirt caught under the fibers, vacuuming helps to keep up the look of the shag area rug. It is essential to vacuumat least once a week. You should vacuum twice per week in areas that have heavy foot traffic.

Additionally, it is important to keep your vacuum in good working order to maintain a higher level of clean.Because the vacuuming can only catch surface dirt, your shag area rug may need another method of cleaning periodically. A wet cleaner, like a steam machine, is best to remove deep carpet soil like oil or grease. This can be done through a small rental machine or through a professional service. The level of frequency you complete this type of cleaning depends on the shag area rug you have purchased. For most, though, you should complete a deep cleaning every one to two years. Shag area rugs are a nice addition to any home with the proper care.

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EKCS 7 Materials For Creating The Perfect Kitchen Countertop

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Let us take a look at 7 of the most popular kitchen countertop materials being used today.

kitchen countertops

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The kitchen countertop has to be able to take a lot of abuse including the heat of pots, cutting and knives and abrasive cleansers. The ideal countertop should be able to stand up to heat and the sharp edge of a knife.

Let us take a look at 7 of the most popular kitchen countertop materials being used today:

Granite – A natural stone, granite is a popular choice for it s classic beauty and durability. Granite is the hardest and densest of the natural stones. It can create a kitchen countertop that is extremely scratch resistant and can keep its luster longer than most materials. granite slabs are the most expensive of all kitchen countertop surfaces, although it is still considered a very practical material in that it is virtually indestructible.

Marble Another natural stone, marble is considered to be the height of elegance and will last longer than most kitchens. It is however, is very expensive and requires some care: acidic foods such as orange juice will etch the finished surface of a marble kitchen countertop.

Slate Because of it richness and beauty slate is usually used in interior applications such as kitchen countertops, bathroom sinks or fireplace surrounds. It can be used in either modern or traditional kitchens as well as in combination with marble. Slate is durable, strong, and can withstand hard use. It is less expensive than marble

Concrete This is one of the biggest trends in kitchen countertops today. It is a good look for clean, industrial and contemporary kitchen designs. Available in pre formed sections or poured and formed on-site. Concrete is a good material for unusually shaped counters. Concrete kitchen countertopsare expensive, require a sealant and must be treated with care. The countertop can crack if the concrete should contract. Concrete can be stained any color. The most popular color is a natural gray tone. The top layer can be finished as desired.

Corian A solid surface material that first became popular in the 1990 s It is highly recommended by kitchen countertop experts. It is a totally manmade product and is not porous. As a solid surface it can easily be repaired if scratched or burned.

Stainless Steel Advantages include very hygienic, easy to clean, has ability to stand up to exteme wear and heat. Stainless steel can provide a great look for an ultra modern kitchen. Some disadvantages with stainless is that it can be noisy and that scratches can develop.

Tile Tile surfaces can be tough, hard-wearing, takes hot pans, heat and stain resistant as well as beautiful. There are many types of tiles including ceramic, porcelain, quarry, glass, natural stone and mosiac. Available in many colors, sizes and textures. It has good design flexibility. Tile can often be used for trim or backsplashes. The downside of tile is that the grouts can be easily stained. Also the tiles can become chipped or cracked.

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STCS Choosing The Right Screw For The Job

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To the untrained eye, one screw is as good as another, but those with a little more awareness have a better chance of realising that choosing the right screw for a particular job can mean the difference between a project succeeding and failing.

The industrial and construction sectors have literally hundreds of different types of screws and fasteners to select from; each type suited for a particular usage e.g. lubricated timber decking screws for quicker driving into outdo…


To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
To the untrained eye, one screw is as good as another, but those with a little more awareness have a better chance of realising that choosing the right screw for a particular job can mean the difference between a project succeeding and failing.

The industrial and construction sectors have literally hundreds of different types of screws and fasteners to select from; each type suited for a particular usage e.g. lubricated timber decking screws for quicker driving into outdoor decking, self-drilling screws for the convenience of not having to drill pilot holes and even screws that work specifically with the mechanical properties of plastics.

Before you can choose the best screw for a job you should consider the characteristics you desire in a screw such as:

* Does it need to be waterproof to avoid corrosion from moisture?
* Does the screw head need to be flush with material once it’s screwed into place?
* Does the screw need to be protected from vandalism or unauthorised removal?
* Is the screw to be used in wood, metal or perhaps plastic?
* What length of screw is required?

For different types of material there tends to be a different type of screw. Take the following as examples:

* Wood screws designed to perform best in all types of wood including hardwood, MDF and chipboard. Smaller screws have less chance of splitting wood, but if you’re using larger screws and/or working near the end of a piece of wood then it’s often safer to drill a pilot hole first.

* Floor screws these will cope with the issue of different expansion rates so are best used for securing timber or chipboard to steel supports. Made by a process that ensures a hard exterior whilst retaining a tough, flexible core.

* Self-drilling screws designed for convenience as only a screwdriver is required. These screws drill their own holes and form their own mating threads ensuring the best fit in a single attempt.

* Timber decking screws specially designed to deal with outdoor conditions with durable, protective coatings.

* Frame anchor screws designed for fixing window and door frames made from PVC-U, wood or aluminium directly to brickwork without the need for plugs or nylon anchors.

A general rule of thumb for determining an appropriate length of you should look for a screw length that will allow two-thirds of its length to be embedded into the material being fastened to. So, for example, if you’re fastening a 1-inch thick piece of timber to a wooden post then you should be looking at embedding 2-inches of the screw into the post. That means you would require a screw length of 3-inches.

All good screw suppliers will be able to advise on the appropriate screws for your task. The important thing is to appreciate that not all screws are the same and that using the right screw can mean a secure installation, whilst the wrong screw can mean in an accident waiting to happen.

quantity surveyor

EKCS 7 Fast And Easy Summer Decorating Ideas For Any Budget!

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Summer decorating should add freshness to your home, not bog you down with more projects during an already busy season. Here are 11 of The Budget Decorator s top easy, fast and cheap summer decorating ideas.

1. If you want to add color to a room fast, paint is a great option. To save time and money however, try just painting the focal wall in a room. In most average rooms, you can paint just one wall in less than an hour!

2. Instead of sewing up new pillow covers and ta…

summer decorating, home decorating, decorating on a budget

To find the best quantity surveyor company, click here for EK Consultants.
Summer decorating should add freshness to your home, not bog you down with more projects during an already busy season. Here are 11 of The Budget Decorator s top easy, fast and cheap summer decorating ideas.

1. If you want to add color to a room fast, paint is a great option. To save time and money however, try just painting the focal wall in a room. In most average rooms, you can paint just one wall in less than an hour!

2. Instead of sewing up new pillow covers and tablecloths, try using no sew techniques instead. Pillows can be wrapped in a piece of unfinished fabric on the diagonal like a present, and wrapped with decorative ribbon to secure it. Use duct tape to put a temporary hem in flat sheets or older tablecloths to make them fit your end tables and breakfast nooks. Once you have those tables covered, use cardboard boxes pushed under the tables to hide the kids toys and books and flip flops, but keep them handy. The floor length tablecloths will hide the storage area.

3. Take a box around the room and pick up all your knick knacks and collectibles. Now replace just three of your favorite items or collections. You will appreciate the less cluttered look, and the decrease in dusting chores as well!

4. If you love fresh flowers in your home, but hate the time and expense of changing the arrangements, find a sunny spot in your yard and toss out some sunflower seeds! Many varieties leave no pollen on your tables, are foolproof to grow, make your yard look great, and can last up to 10 days in a vase all for the cost of a packet of seed!

5. Take down your layered window treatments and pick up your area rugs for a cool, clean look for summer. Be sure to leave mini blinds or sheers on your windows for privacy and light control.

6. Clean the glass in all areas for your home! The shiny surfaces in your home reflect light and sparkle, both contribute to a fresh summer look. Don t forget your tv screens, kitchen appliances, and even picture frame glass. Try this one technique, and see if your rooms don t look brighter and cheerier, for no more cost that an little effort a few pennies of glass cleaner or vinegar!

7. Finally, mix up your d cor a bit for a fresh take on the rooms you ve spent so much time in these winter months! Move around some furniture, borrow and lend pieces from other rooms. Use clear strings of holiday light over the top of cabinets for sparkle. Bring out your good china and hang it on the wall as art. Put your toaster or bread machine under the cabinets for a cleaner look. Feel free to take down some wall art and store it for next fall. Paint your aging dining set a bright white.

Whatever you do to bring the summer season into your homes, make sure that you pick a couple of ideas from this list, and give them a try. They are fast, easy and cheap, what could you lose?

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STCS Seven Tips On Saving Energy in Your Home

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Most of the electricity used in a home is produced by burning coal, oil and natural gas, which release carbon dioxide – the world’s largest contributor to global climate change – into the atmosphere. As a result, it is the energy choices people make at home that may have the greatest effect on the environment.

Seven Tips On Saving Energy in Your Home

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Few people realize that the energy used in a home causes more greenhouse emissions than a car.

Most of the electricity used in a home is produced by burning coal, oil and natural gas, which release carbon dioxide – the world’s largest contributor to global climate change – into the atmosphere. As a result, it is the energy choices people make at home that may have the greatest effect on the environment.

The typical household spends $1,400 a year on energy bills, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. By following simple energy saving tips and purchasing products that are Energy Star-qualified, a typical household can save up to 30 percent or more than $400 per year on utility expenses and accompanying pollution.

Following are seven simple tips that will help keep the environment on the up, and energy bills on the down:

* Dirty air filters in a home’s heating and cooling system can lead to higher costs and early equipment failure. Clean or change these filters monthly.

* Energy Star-qualified windows and doors can help reduce home energy bills up to 15 percent. Many manufacturers, such as Jeld-Wen Windows and Doors, offer a variety of attractive Energy Star-qualified products for significant energy cost savings.

* Air leaks can overwork a home’s heating and cooling

system. Seal air leaks in walls, ceilings, and around windows and doors, and add insulation to the attic or basement to improve the comfort and durability of your home.

* Replace the most frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs. Look for the Energy Star logo. These use 75 percent less energy and last 10 times longer than normal bulbs. Changing just five can save more than $60 a year in energy costs.

* Make sure to turn off all lights and electronics when you leave a room, and don’t keep the refrigerator door open any longer than needed.

* When buying heating and cooling devices, shop during the off-season to take advantage of many manufacturers’ seasonal sales promotions and rebates.

* Planting a tree for shade can reduce cooling costs by up to 25 percent. For best results, plant leafy shade trees to the south and west and evergreens to the north. Trees also help to reduce the greenhouse effect, not to mention beautify a front or back yard.

The less energy people use, the less energy power plants need to generate, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improves the quality of our air. Energy efficiency helps the economy, too, by saving homeowners up to 30 percent in energy costs each year.

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STCS Choosing The Right Refrigerator For You

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

For most families, the refrigerator is the star of the kitchen. It certainly gets the most attention as members open it and close it several times in a day. In some kitchens it is the easel that displays the most treasured artwork or a collage of favorite photos. No other appliance invites people to stand before it browsing its contents even if they were just viewed moments ago. When it comes to picking out such an important appliance, it is important to understand the refrig…

To find the best cleaning a patio wexford company, click here for Southeast Contractors.
For most families, the refrigerator is the star of the kitchen. It certainly gets the most attention as members open it and close it several times in a day. In some kitchens it is the easel that displays the most treasured artwork or a collage of favorite photos. No other appliance invites people to stand before it browsing its contents even if they were just viewed moments ago. When it comes to picking out such an important appliance, it is important to understand the refrigeration needs you have and the differences between available refrigerators.

The first consideration when buying a refrigerator is size. As a general rule of thumb you need eight to ten cubic feet of fresh food storage for two adults. For every extra person in your family, you should add another cubic foot on to this total. It is really important to get exactly the right size refrigerator for your needs. If you get a refrigerator that is bigger than you really need, you will have a lot of empty space inside and that leads to much higher electric bills, because your refrigerator has to work so much harder to cool the food. The opposite of this problem is having too little space. Then you are continually wasting time trying to fit your food into the refrigerator and chances are you will end up throwing food out or making a mess when everything doesn t fit nicely. Your goal should be to buy a refrigerator that exactly suits your capacity needs.

When you think about the size of your refrigerator, don t just think capacity. Consider the actual size. Measure the area where the refrigerator will be placed and then make sure there is enough room for the refrigerator you want. Make sure that if there are cabinets over the top of the area where the refrigerator goes, that the unit you buy is short enough to fit under them. There is nothing worse than getting your refrigerator home and finding out that it is too big for your kitchen. It is also important that the refrigerator isn t squeezed into the space. To work at maximum efficiency, a refrigerator needs a little breathing room.

When it comes to choosing the style of your refrigerator, there are three basic choices, bottom mount, top mount, and side by side. A bottom mount refrigerator has the freezer compartment on the bottom and the refrigerator on the top. The theory behind this design is that you spend more time in the refrigerated compartment of your refrigerator than you do in the freezer. Having the refrigerator on top should therefore save you a lot of unnecessary bending. A top mount is the traditional refrigerator that has the freezer on top. This is the setup you see most often. A side by side refrigerator has a freezer and refrigerated section that are adjacent to each other. They often seem less roomy, all though their capacity can be the same as a top or bottom mount model.

Refrigerators come with many extra features that can turn a simple appliance that chills our food into a complex machine. Before you go shopping, it is a good idea to figure out which features you can live without and which features you must have. Some refrigerators come with adjustable shelves. How much you need your shelved to adjust depends on how often you store odd sizes of food. You also should think about whether you want spill proof solid trays that don t leak onto lower shelves when something is spilled or the traditional wire grill type shelves.

Another feature that varies from model to model is the icemaker. Some refrigerators have a device that allows you to get ice or even cold water from a nozzle on the door while others have the ice maker in the freezer. Getting your ice cubes from the door saves energy, because you don t have to open the freezer every time you want ice. It is important to remember that icemakers take up freezer space, so if you can t afford to lose that, you might want to consider a model that doesn t have one.

The most important thing to consider is how the door opens. Most, but not all, refrigerators have removable handles, so that the door can be positioned to open to the left or to the right. Make sure the model you are looking at has this feature or if it doesn t, make sure the door opens in the direction you need it to.