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STCS Cleaning and Caring For Your Floor

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Someone has rightly said that it is not enough to just own good. The beauty and the importance of owing it are only visible when the owner maintains it or rather in other words keeps it clean. Same is with floors. The maintenance of the floors is better done when you clean them in the required and the technical way.

cleaning your floors,floors,floor,caring for your floor,clean floor

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Someone has rightly said that it is not enough to just own good. The beauty and the importance of owing it are only visible when the owner maintains it or rather in other words keeps it clean. Same is with floors. The maintenance of the floors is better done when you clean them in the required and the technical way.
Basic tips:
Because floors are so impenetrable, they are easy to keep clean. Most, if not all, polish will not stick to their surface area. All that is really compulsory is vacuuming, dust mopping, and maybe a damp towel at times.
Most brands carry a 10 to 25 year housing warranty against staining, wearing, and fading. They are planned to look good for many years with a minimum of effort.
The action of cleaning:
While floors of some specific type are meant to stand up to wear, they keep a new look if you follow these simple behaviors:
* Vacuum or dust mop to take out loose dirt or grit.
* Damp mop using warns water; do not flood floor.
* Change water as needed to keep clean.
* Do not use polish or waxes
* Never clean with abrasives, scour powder or steel wool.
* Wipe up spills instantaneously.
* Avoid allowing any liquid to stand on your floor – together with your pets water bowl
How to fight dirt?
Dirt is the primary enemy of floors. Walking over time causes fine scratch that lead to dreariness and larger particle of sand or rocks cause visible scratch. A couple of behavior here includes:
* Glides or lessen bottom protectors under chairs and table legs to prevent possible scratching
* Floor mats and foot brushes to pick up dirt at all external doorway entrances
* Regular vacuuming and dust mopping to keep gravel off the floor.
If your scratch, you may be able to buy a touch up stick from the maker. The repair area is often invisible plus it will hold up to interchange and wear just like the rest of your floor.
In the occurrence damage is more severe (which is doubtful to happen in most homes) it is possible for a trained professional to replace a plank. Done properly, the new flat timber should be almost the same from the rest.
* Oil, paint, permanent marker, tar, rubber heel marks use a neutral cleaner on a clean brightness colored cloth or nail polish remover if needed
* Blood, fruit juice, wine, beer, soda pop, pasta sauce
Warm water and/or a impartial cleaner on a clean light colored cloth.
* Candle wax, chewing gum
First harden with ice, and then very softly scrape. Wipe with warm water on a clean light colored cloth.
Let the floor shine and let not dirt make its home on the floor. So maintain it and clean it smartly.

Floor care – For a long lasting effect

We use and misuse the floor in our house in a number of different ways. Some of which are, not cleaning them regularly, rough usage and improper usage of acids and detergents. Floors need specific care, and not many people are aware of how to do it. But there are a number of floor care techniques that can be followed for a healthy, long lasting and durable floor under your feet. You should be very careful while making a choice of how to clean your floor by being material specific. For instance – if you have marble flooring, the care measures will be completely different, than those of a mosaic floor. Also if you are not too much into house keeping, it is recommended that you choose a material that requires minimal care and maintenance.

Floor care tips –

Following are some floor care tips according to flooring materials that are used for flooring –
1. Hard wood floors – All you have to do is protect your hard wood from direct sunlight, dents and hard cleaning detergents. Also regular dusting is very essential.
2. Marble – Marble is the most beautiful and rich looking flooring material. Marble can be blackened very quickly, if not taken care of properly. So it is important that the floor is mopped and swept daily with a lightly acidic detergent.
3. Ceramic tile – Ceramic tile care and maintenance is best done with an electric polisher or scrubber. You can also use washing soda and any low sudsing detergent with lots of water too.
4. Mosaic floor – Mosaic flooring is very hard and durable and hence very low maintenance too.
5. Vinyl – If you have vinyl flooring, you must make sure that you wipe up the spills as quickly as possible. Do not use detergents and highly abrasive scrubs, use polish once in a while.
Take all these care precautions and you will be assured of a long lasting, durable floor under your feet. If you have painted floor, make sure you give a fresh coat once in a while, as paint tends to loose color and become dull fast. Also don’t paint your floor in a light color, as stains remain stuck.

There are many floor care products in the market, for specific floor types, go by the words of your reliable friends who have had a good experience with a specific brand.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Should I Buy A Cuckoo Clock?

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Are you in need of a quality clock to keep time in your home? Do you want a timepiece that marks each hour by a sound? Are you interested in a unique and historic piece that is sure to bring beauty and charm to your home? Do you want a fabulous conversation piece that is sure to catch the eye (and ears) of all who visit your home? If your answer was yes to any of these questions, consider purchasing a cuckoo clock for your home. Cuckoo clocks are fantastically unique timepi…

cuckoo clocks,clocks,cuckoos

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Are you in need of a quality clock to keep time in your home? Do you want a timepiece that marks each hour by a sound? Are you interested in a unique and historic piece that is sure to bring beauty and charm to your home? Do you want a fabulous conversation piece that is sure to catch the eye (and ears) of all who visit your home? If your answer was yes to any of these questions, consider purchasing a cuckoo clock for your home. Cuckoo clocks are fantastically unique timepieces that include a small carved bird in the clock s bellows to chirp out the time instead of chime the hour. From the kitsch to the modern to the antique, any tastes and decorative style will benefit from a cuckoo clock.

Since cuckoo clocks are delicate in nature, you should only consider purchasing a cuckoo clock if you have the space to hang a clock securely from your wall. Since the chains and weights generally hang beneath the clock, you should ensure your prospective wall has enough room for the weights to swing freely. Cuckoo clocks are not mantle clocks and should only be hung from a wall, so if you do not have the proper space, you may need to reconsider your purchase.

Many travelers choose to purchase cuckoo clocks as a souvenir of their European adventure. Since cuckoo clocks were traditionally made in the famous Black Forest of Germany, and are continued to be produced using the traditional methods, a cuckoo clock is the perfect souvenir for travelers who want something unique and customary to mark their visit to Germany. However, before your purchase, ensure you will actually use your cuckoo clock once you return to your home. A cuckoo clock in a store full of cuckoos may seem appealing at the time, but you may find differently once you return home. These great clocks are perfect for the right owner, who will cherish and appreciate the unique creation.

The best thing about the cuckoo clock is the bird itself. The cuckoo, a small grey bird native to Europe, Africa, and Asia, is replicated in carved wood and placed in the bellows of the cuckoo clock. Once the clock s hand designates the hour, the bird pops out from his home and sounds the hour. Instead of more traditional clocks that chime the hour, such as mantle clocks equipped with Westminster Chimes, this tiny bird chirps out the hour and is a favorite with both the young and the young at heart. In addition to not being as loud as chimes, the cuckoo clock does not sound for the length of time of a traditional chime clock, so the disturbance is at a minimum.

quantity surveyor

EKCS A Brief History of Rugs and Carpets

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Rugs and carpets have a rich history, only part of which is known. Ancient rugs are very rare because the earliest rugs were made of organic fibers. Organic fibers disintegrate speedily over time, thus preservation over thousands of years is extremely rare. What we do know is that the art of weaving is very old and dates back thousands of years.

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Rugs and carpets have a rich history, only part of which is known. Ancient rugs are very rare because the earliest rugs were made of organic fibers. Organic fibers disintegrate speedily over time, thus preservation over thousands of years is extremely rare. What we do know is that the art of weaving is very old and dates back thousands of years.

Weaving began with rough, simple mats and baskets made of grasses, reeds, leaves, and other natural materials. The first true rugs were probably rough cured skins used as floor coverings in the homes of early hunters. With tough, flexible backing and generally soft material (called pile ), these rugs served to keep the home more warm and insulated.

There is evidence for weaving and the existence of rugs in ancient Mesopotamia and Turkey as far back as 7000 and 8000 B.C.E., and in Egypt (wool and cotton) as early as the third millennium B.C.E. Mongolia and China were also main players in the textile industry, and nomadic herders and Chinese weavers were among the first to develop and weave wool rugs.

Weaving developed in many other parts of the world in addition to Europe, including parts of the Americas as far back as 5500 B.C.E. Weavers began to use natural colors and gradually transitioned to using vegetable, flower, and insect materials.

Silk development in China, the ornate, intricate embroidery and designs of Turkey and Mongolia, and the development of more sophisticated looms and weaving techniques throughout the world lifted rug-making from necessity to art form.

Italian merchants first brought oriental rugs to Europe, where they were used as wall hangings and coverings. By 1600, France had developed a dominant weaver s guild, and England wasn t far behind. The 1700 s marked England s emergence into the weaving industry, and by about 1830, a good portion of the wool produced in England was used for carpets.

Various machines were created to aid the process of weaving, and looms have become so sophisticated today that they run off of computer algorithms. Rugs were not widely available in the US and Europe until the onset of mass production and the invention of industrial grade machines.

The first steam-powered loom appeared in 1787, and by 1876, the invention of the Axminster loom, a machine that permitted unlimited use of color and design, boosted the production of carpets. The advent of synthetic fibers and tufted carpet (carpet manufactured by the insertion of tufts of yarn through a carpet-backing fabric) made mass production and purchase of carpets easier, faster, and less expensive.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Cleaning A Child’s Bedroom – 15 Minutes A Day

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Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don’t worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and get started. Continue clearing clutter each day until you find the tops of the dressers and the floor. By the end of the week, you will be amazed at the progress! When you are ready start the weekly plan.

During the first few weeks, you may want to assist (or at least supervise). Start by making sure that everything i…

advice, cleaning, child, bedroom, organizing, organize, clutter, clean, organization

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Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don’t worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and get started. Continue clearing clutter each day until you find the tops of the dressers and the floor. By the end of the week, you will be amazed at the progress! When you are ready start the weekly plan.

During the first few weeks, you may want to assist (or at least supervise). Start by making sure that everything in the room has a home. Don’t worry about perfect organization, just get the surfaces cleared off.

Supplies Needed
Trash bag
Laundry basket
Donate bucket – get rid of the items that they no longer love!
Assorted baskets or buckets for smaller items
Labels – labels make organizing easier

Every Day
Make the bed – have your child do this before the daily task

Clear all surfaces (dressers, table, nightstands, etc.)

Dust all surfaces – this should be easy since they are all cleared off.

Clear the floor (just the visible parts for today)

Sweep or vacuum

Pick a spot – you or your child can pick one spot for the day. Make a list of all the problem spots in the room and slowly check them off.
– Under the bed
– Behind the dresser
– One dresser drawer
– One shelf
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________

Change sheets and bring all laundry to laundry room

Free Day – you can also use this as a make up day

Each week, make a mental note of the items that end up scattered about. Use baskets, boxes, shelves or create your own solution to keep these items together. You may need to try several different solutions before you find one that works. If something seems to be working… leave it alone!

Each day, encourage your child to perform the scheduled tasks. Give them a time limit and use a timer (15 minutes should be enough time). Don’t be too picky, just try to guide them. They will soon figure out that if they clear their dresser on Monday and throw everything on the floor, that on Wednesday they will have to pick that stuff up AGAIN when they clear the floor.

Remember… it only takes 15 minutes per day to keep your child’s bedroom neat and clean.

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Building Better Citizens

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dren are never too young to learn how to be good citizens.

Building Better Citizens

Article Body:
Children are never too young to learn how to be good citizens. “Explain to your children that they are citizens of many communities-their town, the country and the world,” says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation’s leading provider of early childhood care and education. “Most important,” says Bergen, “is for parents to model good citizenship.”

Bergen suggests parents explain to their children that being good citizens means caring about others. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. She offers these tips:

Start by encouraging citizenship at the local level. Encourage your children to help elderly neighbors-without payment. At school, they can organize a recycling drive to benefit a local charity. Instill the habit of volunteerism by helping at a library or animal shelter.

Children can learn to appreciate their heritage. For example, parents can explain why Americans celebrate the Fourth of July and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.

To drive home the concept that we are all citizens of the world, teach respect for the environment and for other cultures. As a family, join a cleanup project on Earth Day or contribute time and money to assist victims of natural disasters worldwide.

With a little effort, children will grow up to take seriously their citizenship in the many communities in which they live.

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STCS Shopping Tips For Rustic Log Beds

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The primary goal of this article is to provide insightful information to help you make a calculated and wise decision regarding which beds would work best for your rustic-themed bedroom’s requirements and needs. After all it’s the furniture that sets the tone and dynamics of a beautiful room, and rustic log beds are one such attribute.

rustic log beds, rustic furnishings, furniture, home decor

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The primary goal of this article is to provide insightful information to help you make a calculated and wise decision regarding which beds would work best for your rustic-themed bedroom’s requirements and needs. After all it’s the furniture that sets the tone and dynamics of a beautiful room, and rustic log beds are one such attribute.

When considering rustic log beds it should be stressed that price is not always the determining factor between quality and mediocrity. Due to the nature of and materials used in the making of rustic furniture, you can often find beautiful pieces at bargain prices. While it’s true that you often “get what you pay for,” rustic furniture allows for more exceptions to that rule so shop around!

Another handy tip for the price conscious is: buy used! Rustic furniture is often more study than their contemporary counterparts, so when treated properly a rustic piece can easily last generations.

Before moving on I do want to quickly mention that commitment to quality should never come second to anything in the log furniture industry. While it’s great to save a dollar here or there, if you spend the time and money to select the right piece at the start it can serve you well throughout the rest of your life. Rustic log beds are no exception.

While purchasing a rustic log bed you should look for innovativeness in their designs to match your individual tastes. One misconception among many people is that all rustic log furniture looks the same; this misconception couldn’t be further from the truth!

Rustic log beds are crafted from a variety of woods such as cedar, lodgepole pine, Douglas fir logs, etc. Each wood possesses a distinctive appearance, grain and atmosphere, so just the materials alone present a diverse realm of possibilities for your bedroom. In today s growing market for designer and cool rustic log beds, the styles these beds are offered in also differ significantly, ranging from classic log bed designs to wild custom log bed designs.

There are obvious reasons as to why these rustic log beds are becoming more and more popular among people and individuals. A good deal of us desires a home that radiates warmth with a natural elegance. We want a home evocative of prior times; one that brings forth the charm of days past, but still keeps with the style of the modern day. Rustic log beds merge the past with the present perfectly, lending warmth without looking entirely out of place in a modern setting.

Rustic cedar and pine beds can be ordered in natural unfinished wood or can be completely finished with colored stain to match most any interior design. Hence it can be said that with a keen understanding of quality and design, coupled with knowledge of the fair prices of log furniture, rustic log beds can accommodate nearly any individual’s home to give it the perfect look and feel of the past and the present all collaged into one room!

Copyright Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

quantity surveyor

EKCS A Brief History Of Leather Couches

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Leather couches are a trend of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, and serves both comfort and style.

The leather couch in general is an article of furniture providing the space for two or three people and has armrests and sometimes accompanying pillows. Commonly flanked by two end tables and fronted by a coffee table, the couch is the central part of the room in which it is placed, usually the living room or den. Leather couches are typically made from cu…

leather couch

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Leather couches are a trend of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, and serves both comfort and style.

The leather couch in general is an article of furniture providing the space for two or three people and has armrests and sometimes accompanying pillows. Commonly flanked by two end tables and fronted by a coffee table, the couch is the central part of the room in which it is placed, usually the living room or den. Leather couches are typically made from cushions sewn over with sheets of leather or suede, a tougher, courser form of leather.

Many different types of couches exist: divan, chaise lounge, canape , sofa-bed, and the two-person loveseat. These are distinguished by style as well as purpose, but all are for comfort and style, just like the leather couch.

History of the Leather Couch

Originally the throne of an Arabian ruler during the Age of Antiquity, the couch was essentially found in only the homes of elitists. Leather couches, per se, didn t exist at that time, but the style and comfort that leather couches would serve as a status symbol was considered at that time as well. The wealthier men in Ancient Roman society used to lounge back on the couches while the women rested in regular chairs.

It wasn t until the Age of Industrialization in the late nineteenth century that couches were introduced into lower- and middle-class homes. The comfort with which the couch had so long been associated was no longer exclusive to the upper-class. As a matter of fact, a leather couch would be expected in every household; without it, the home would seem empty, incomplete, bland, and even lacking in comfort.

In modern times, the couch is central in family life, such as at TV time and social gatherings or parties. The leather couch itself actually turned into a trend during the 1960s through a preference to leather and leather products, such as clothes, and became the in thing. It was as if one wasn t with it unless a leather couch was in that person s house. With the funky furniture styles of the 1970s, such as beanbags and lava lamps, leather couches were almost a necessity. Nowadays, leather couches are common and even popular, both because of style and comfort, not to mention the image one gains by having one.

Leather couches have become an ongoing trend that every home or office naturally acquires. Most doctors offices have leather couches now. Society and the fashion world have become obsessed with the look and feel of leather, and almost to the point of neuroticism. They look cool, they feel great, they make one seem sharp and chic, and they re easy to clean. Leather couches, like all things leather, are here to stay!

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Cleaning “Green”

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Toxicity. Do we really know what this means? Can you even say it ten times really fast? What ever it is we know it has become a way of life.

It is a fact that we are exposed daily to an incredible array of toxins in our normal lives. They are “toxins” and each one has a certain degree of toxicity to it. Toxicity can be determined in a variety of ways.

With an interest in a sparkling house you need to know a little bit about it to protect yourself, your family and anyone…

house cleaning tips, house cleaning, cleaning tips

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Toxicity. Do we really know what this means? Can you even say it ten times really fast? What ever it is we know it has become a way of life.

It is a fact that we are exposed daily to an incredible array of toxins in our normal lives. They are “toxins” and each one has a certain degree of toxicity to it. Toxicity can be determined in a variety of ways.

With an interest in a sparkling house you need to know a little bit about it to protect yourself, your family and anyone else whose house you clean.

The next question then becomes how can you respond and what can you do?

Well, you can do a lot as a dedicated house cleaner. First, limit your exposure. Read labels carefully. Use nontoxic cleaning products. Avoid using indoor pesticides.

Secondly, limit the exposure of the people around you. Happily for you and your house there are plenty of effective, earth-safe cleaners that you can buy or make. Borax mixed with lemon juice will take out toilet-bowl stains. White vinegar is useful for disinfecting bathrooms and kitchens. Bon Ami, a borax-based powder cleanser sold in supermarkets and hardware stores for more than 50 years, safely cleans pots, pans, sinks, oven interiors along with other corroded surfaces.

Using these alternatives will reduce the toxic load in your house and beyond. Using environmentally friendly cleaners will also safeguard your health and that of the community. It reduces air, water and ground pollution in the big picture.

So why isn’t everyone doing it? The reality is, few people actually check labels. Start now. Take time to read the lable. Distinguish yourself as a “green cleaner.” You can start a trend. You can actually become a product toxicity home specialist.

The first thing to know is that not all “green” products are created equal. Again, read. Catch the ones that have been prettied up with essential oils. Check labels for irritating chemicals such as chlorine, ammonia and artificial fragrances and dyes.

Many people who “think green” are just now applying their philosophy to the dirt at hand. “Eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products are the next frontier of environmentalism,” says Marci Zaroff, former publisher of Macrocosm and CEO of Under the Canopy, an organic-fabric clothing company. “It’s an inexpensive, easy and effective way to protect our planet and commitment to life.”

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STCS Shopping Tips For Furniture For The Children’s Room

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Shopping for children’s furniture can be the most joyous of experiences or the most frustrating of experiences. The first time you venture into a children’s furniture store you are likely filled with excitement and joy as you first child approaches.

childrens furniture

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The options appear endless and you probably have gift certificates from a baby shower to use. As you fast forward to your second or third child the wonder of shopping for children’s furniture has likely worn off a bit and the realistic aspects of shopping for children’s furniture begins to creep in. In either event, the ideas that you should keep in mind are fairly simple. Keeping to them as the children age may be a bit of a different thing, but the principles remain the same.

Check for safety

One would think that checking to make sure that children’s furniture is safe would go without saying. One would also imagine that manufacturers would make sure that the furniture is safe as a matter of course. Unfortunately, neither is true. Shoppers tend to be more interested in how a piece of furniture will look in their home then how safe it is. Also unfortunate is that manufacturers cater to this interest. It is up to you, the shopper, to make sure your child will be safe. With this in mind consider these safety areas; spaces where a head can get lodged between to surfaces – this is most important between the mattress and rail or wall, Sharp corners, exposed bolts, uncapped tubing, uneven chair legs, lead paint, ill-attaching shelving, to heavy pictures and spaces where hands/legs/feet or clothing can be stuck or caught.

Think longer term

Durability of children’s furniture has quite a bit to do with practicality and cost effectiveness. As you troll down the furniture isles, shop with the idea that you may be having more then one child or more to come. You may have had financial help, and a somewhat smaller selection of furniture needs when you were dealing with an infant, but now you need to think a bit longer term and how much these children are actually going to costs. This is why the word hand-me-down came into existence. Bunk beds are a prime idea to think about in this instance. If you find the right set, they can be used as singles or doubles. Desk sets are another item to consider when thinking long term. In either instance, try to stay somewhat gender neutral for longer term purchases so both sexes can be equally disappointed.

Color choices

As you shop, consider the color of the pieces you are looking at. Will they go with a variety of wall colors and paper patterns? The wall color will change as the child ages and finds their own taste. Reality dictates that this will happen quite a few times during the younger middle ages. The furniture that you pick out should be able to keep pace with a variety of odd colors and patterns.

First, middle and last child

As much as you would like to buy furniture for the first child and have it last through the last child it is readily apparent that this will not happen. Furniture does break and wear out. So is the life cycle of children’s furniture. As the children age, however, your tactics and choices begin to change as well. If you are buying for the last child, you may want to consider that you are also buying for yourself, unless you buy to well and the child takes the piece with them when they leave the house. From this perspective, you have two routs to choose from when you are buying furniture for the latter children in your life: buy it with the intention of giving it away or throwing it out or buying it as a quality piece that will end up in another location for your use when the child is gone.

Child’s input

As much as you would like to be in total control of the children’s furniture buying process, at some point the child will speak up for their own tastes. This is a good sign in the child’s development but slightly annoying, to be sure, in the middle of a furniture store. Let the child have their say on a few “important” items that they simply “can’t live without.”Do, however, exercise you veto power if you feel you need to.


However much you would like to avoid the concept, technology furniture is a reality of life in today’s world. A good solid piece of furniture that addresses today’s technology is a good investment and will stay with the child through a good portion of their young life. There are, however, two very important considerations to think about; do you want to buy a piece that will last forever like a good old fashioned, well made couch or do you buy knowing that nobody knows where technology will lead us in the reasonably near future? A tough call to be sure. Consider, however, just a good solid table, at adult height, that could be used for finger painting, home work with paper and table top technology.

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title:Brief History of Speed Reading
author:Dr Jay Polmar
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Speed Reading methods began with Evelyn Wood who invented it, while she was fishing, or rather feeding bait to the fish via hook. She was bored when they weren’t biting the hook, and she read. And accidentally she discovered that when put down the fishing rod, and held her hand a certain way, she could read faster. Evelyn was a teacher, and developed several speedreading methods. She coined the term speed reading.
As time went on, organizations called Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics were springing up all over the US, and throughout many of the English-speaking countries. Major corporations sent their executives to learn this new dynamic speed reading method which provided a valuable educational tool. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. President John F. Kennedy, and President Jimmy Carter had all White House staff members trained with the Evelyn Wood method. For about 25 hours students would study speedreading and practice the pacing, and scanning techniques of speed reading until proficient.
Then, after the death of John Kennedy and the death of Evelyn Wood, the organization slowly disappeared and students searched everywhere for classes to learn speed reading. From 1965 to 1981 speed reading courses had reached a lull with few teachers and no PR or advertising.
In 1979, after completing three months of travel in Latin America, Jay Polmar returned to Southern Texas and began his graduate degree ending in 1981 in Philosophy of Psychology, using a specialization in Education, and Hypnotherapy. Writing a paper on the Fine Tuning of the Human Instrument (the Human Body) and techniques of educational success, he developed courses to accelerate the learning process. This included methods of programming the brain and mind for success.
Dr Jay Polmar completed his studies for his doctorate and began teaching classes in accelerated learning, speed reading, and did private therapy in the reduction of psychologically developed disease using methods of therapies with several hundred patients in Texas and New Mexico. In 1980 his first class of Dynamic Speed Reading was given to series of volunteers in Texas and New Mexico. This course was abbreviated from the Evelyn Wood 25 hour version, down to a 7 hour intensive. He was asked to teach these methods in New Mexico, in Colleges, and New Mexico’s State Universities and in a New Mexico prison.
In 1985, the Dr Polmar was invited to teach these metods in Nevada and Hawaii, time and time again. Dr Polmar maintained a functional schedule of teaching through 1993. Although injured in 1991, he returned to teach only in 1992-1993. In 1994 he had multiple surgeries, although he requested the alternative of acupuncture for the injury, the State of Florida, which then forced treatment methods on injured people, pressured Jay to have surgeries. After catching Staph infections in septic hospitals, and requiring more than two dozens surgeries, many which were not successful, Dr. Polmar would never be able to teach classes.
Then he put his abilities of teaching online, addressing students worldwide of his easy to learn speed reading methods and speedreading courses that have bettered education for thousands.