quantity surveyor

EKCS A Brief History Of The Linens You Use Everyday

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Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and …


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Derived from Linum, the Latin word for the Flax plant, and the Greek Linon, Linen is a fabric associated with woven textiles known for domestic materials used for bed, bathing, and d cor, such as towels, sheets, pillow cases, and tablecloths. Past references to linen, though, included lightweight undergarments like chemises, waist shirts, and lingerie.

Modern linen is composed of natural fibers (Cotton, silk, modals, and sometimes flax) and synthetic fibers (polyester and rayon), although at one time the fabric was made solely of fibers from the flax plant (linum usitatisimum), cotton, or hemp. In some cases, linen was made of a combination of flax fiber, cotton, and hemp. Now three thousand years old, Flax is one of the oldest fibers around and used in small amounts, so combinations continue to be the tradition.

Bulk linen yarn is measured in the lea (symbol: NeL), which equals out to three hundred yards per pound. This specific length (or indirect grist system, as which it is already known) is the count of length units per unit mass. The measurement of lea is calculated as thus: the length in the number of leas X 300. For example, forty lea handkerchiefs X 300 = 40X300= 12,000 yards per pound.

Linen was also used to make what were typically non-fabric items. During the Middle Ages, books (Liber Linteus is the only book surviving made of this fabric), shields, and gambeson were all made (either in whole in part) from linen, the last two due to their strength. Nowadays, billiard cues are wrapped in Irish linen because of the absorbent quality of the fabric. This works well with sweaty hands. Quality paper, too, is made of this fiber, which explains why paper currency is 25% linen and 75% Cotton. Because of its flax consistency, top-grade linen is firm and smooth.

For items composed of better-made material, it s a good bet that the flax fiber is a part of that intricate combination. Because of flax s extensive age, Linen is undoubtedly one of the oldest fabrics in the world. It s understandable why such a fabric is still in use today.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Should You Change Your D cor When You Remodel Your Kitchen

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Have you recently decided to replace your kitchen cabinets, retile your kitchen floor, or even change the light fixtures inside your kitchen? If so, who will be remodeling your kitchen?

kitchen, change, remodeling, d cor, kitchen remodeling, new, change kitchen, remodeling project, new kitchen, changing, project, home, theme, kitchen remodeling project, online, wallpaper, discounts, doing, curtains, purchase,

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Have you recently decided to replace your kitchen cabinets, retile your kitchen floor, or even change the light fixtures inside your kitchen? If so, who will be remodeling your kitchen?

Each year, a large number of homeowners put a fairly large amount of money into kitchen remodeling projects. Many of those homeowners are looking to not only change the appearance of their kitchen, but also change the feel of it. If you would like to do the same, you may want to add new home d cor to your list of kitchen remodeling projects. You will find that are there are number of benefits to doing so.

Perhaps, the most obvious reason why you should change the d cor in your kitchen, while in the mist of a kitchen remodeling project is because, well, why not? If you are remodeling your kitchen, there is a good chance that you are spending quite a bit of money to do so. If you are planning on remodeling the majority of your kitchen, changing it so that everything is different, why would you not want to? While you are at it, you mine as well change your kitchen theme, particularly to a theme that would match your newly reconstructed kitchen.

As previously mentioned, there are a number of benefits to changing the d cor in your kitchen. Perhaps, the greatest benefit of doing so would be that you would get what you wanted, a new kitchen. Although you may be able to change around your kitchen by changing your flooring, replacing a few cabinets, and even changing your kitchen countertops, your kitchen may not seem any different if you still have the same kitchen theme.

If you are looking for the ultimate way to get a brand new kitchen, without having to buy a new home, you may also want to change your kitchen paint or wallpaper, the curtains, as well as your kitchen towels and potholders. While you are at it, it may even be a good idea to purchase new kitchen appliances. The best way to get a new, kitchen is to get rid of any sign of the old one.

Although you may want to change your kitchen d cor, you may be unable to. As previously mentioned, it is quite expensive to remodel your kitchen. If you are remodeling your kitchen on a budget, you may feel that it is virtually impossible to purchase new kitchen d cor items. While it may be, it doesn t necessarily have to be. Depending on where you shop, you should be able to get great deals on trendy kitchen curtains, paint, wallpaper, and even kitchen towels.

You should check out any of your local home improvement stores to see if they are offering any discounts on the d cor items that you need. If discounts are not being offered, you may want to think about shopping online. Online, you can find thousands of retailers that may be offering what you need at a relatively affordable price.

If you have just started planning out your kitchen remodeling project or even if you just begun it, you have time to decide whether or not you would like to change your kitchen d cor. In fact, it may be best to wait until your kitchen remodeling project has finished. There is always a change that a completed remodeling project would be more than enough to make you happy.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Cleaning Glass Shower Doors

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Shower Doors are a fantastic bathroom accent. Glass adds class and elegance to any bathroom, especially when it is sparkling clean. There are recommended ways to clean glass shower doors that will maintain sparkle and shine.

cleaning, showerdoorexperts, shower door experts, showerdoor, showers, bathroom, bath, maryland, virginia, washington dc, installation, custom

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Shower Doors are a fantastic bathroom accent. Glass adds class and elegance to any bathroom, especially when it is sparkling clean. There are recommended ways to clean glass shower doors that will maintain sparkle and shine.

The number one recommended product for cleaning shower doors is Comet Bathroom Cleaner. Comet has developed a spray on liquid that is non-abrasive. This is especially important for glass, vinyl, and metal components of a shower door. It is a spray on liquid that is easy to apply and wipe off.

When using comet bathroom cleaner it is important to give the product time to work. Soap scum is a heavy buildup that comes from the talc in bar soap. Let the product set in and then scrub with a non-abrasive cloth or sponge. By switching to a liquid soap, soap scum build up can be greatly reduced.

Another important cleaning technique for shower doors is to squeegee after showering. It removes excess moisture from the shower and avoids water spots that can be difficult and almost impossible to remove. A plastic squeegee is best because metal could damage a shower.

A shower door should be cleaned weekly to maintain optimum cleanliness and shine. Frequent cleanings and use of the squeegee will reduce the need for heavy cleaning and scrubbing.

In order to keep your shower door looking as good as new, take important cleaning measures from the beginning. Only use the recommended cleaning products, and follow the instruction. A squeegee is a shower door s best friend, and should be included in any bathroom cleaning kit. Protect a beautiful bathroom accent and keep it clean.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Calculus: The Science of Fluxions

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I go over a brief overview of the origins and main objectives of Calculus as a math science

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The science of fluxions was Sir Isaac Newton’s terminology for the new field of science known today as calculus. Newton and German mathematician Leibnitz appear to have discovered the principles of calculus in about the same time; but Leibnitz published his work first. For years, there was friction between the two countries, England and Germany regarding which country was to take credit for the discovery of calculus. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In the final analysis, it appears that both men arrived at their findings at about the same time and independently of each other. Both men appear to have learned from Egyptian, Indian and ancient Greece sources.

The name calculus is derived from the Latin or Roman term meaning pebbles which were a type of counting stone. The term fluxion was Sir Isaac Newton’s term for the science of calculus. His book “Method of Fluxions was published in posthumously in 1736, although it was completed much earlier in 1671. Whether Leibnitz’s or Newton’s authorship of the science is accepted as being primary, the fact remains that the subject of calculus is the most powerful mathematical invention of modern times.

There are two major types of calculus, known as Infinitesimal Calculus and that part of the total which is called Differential Calculus. Both types are built on a foundation on analytic geometry and are related by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. In simple terms, the theorem states that the sum of infinitesimal changes over time or some other quantity will add up to the net change.

To use a living plant as an example, as it grows, you can see the difference in size, or the increase over a period of several days and you could measure the growth, using conventional means. However, if you were to measure the difference in size after only ten seconds, it would be much more difficult to determine. If you then were to attempt to determine not the amount of growth over the time period, but the rate of growth over those seconds, you would not be able to do that using algebraic terms.

The science of calculus allows you to determine the rate of change for infinitesimally small amounts. There are a number of functions which impact the rate of change for the above example of a growing plant; things such as amount of sunlight, water, the temperature and others. However, if all other things remain equal, the variable for the rate of growth is time. By using calculus these variables can be determined. Most of the work in calculus is done by graphing formulas in order to determine the slope of the rate of change.

Calculus can be used in any field of science where a mathematical model can be designed and an optimal solution is desired. This includes physical sciences, computer sciences, business, medicine, engineering, economics and statistics. Although in the past, calculus has been considered too complicated to study as an individual subject without the benefit of a teacher’s direction, internet courses are readily available and can be studied as a self-paced course of study.

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EKCS A Brief History of Swimming Pools

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An informative article that explore the history and origins of the swimming pool.

swimming pool, pools, swimming

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Swimming is, by far, one of the most popular pastimes in the world. It is also one of the oldest. As an organized activity, swimming dates back to around 2500 BC. Swimming was immensely popular in ancient Egypt, and there are a number of relics from the period which depict the act of swimming in vivid and awe-inspiring detail. In ancient Greece and Rome, swimming was taught to boys as part of their elementary school curriculum. Furthermore, the first known public swimming pools were built in Rome.

Under the direction of a wealthy Roman lord named Gaius Maecenas, the first heated swimming pool was also built for public use. Plato, himself, once declared that anyone who could not swim lacked a proper education. Who dares to argue with him? Aside from the Greeks and Romans, many other ancient cultures have left evidence of their love for swimming; among them the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. There is also evidence of competitive swimming in Japan over 2000 years ago.

In the 1830’s, swimming became extremely popular in England with the establishment of various swim clubs. At the time, the breaststroke was the most oft used technique. In 1885, Captain Matthew Webb became the first man to swim across the English Channel and the breaststroke was his technique of choice. Two of the most popular swim clubs from the time were The Otter Swimming Club and The Leander Swimming Club.

In 1896, the first of the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Naturally, competitive swimming played a significant role. The swimming event was held in the Aegean Sea, in the bay of Zea. The gold medalist for the swimming event was a fellow named Alfred Hoyos Guttman. Of the event, he said that his greatest struggle “was against the towering twelve-foot waves and the terribly cold water.” Swimming continues to play a prominent role in the Olympic Games.

Swimming continues to be the sport of choice for many of today’s athletes. Most cities have public swimming facilities, where you can swim for competitively or merely for fun. In fact, a number of public swimming areas also offer lessons for a very reasonable price. If you are a keen swimmer, you might even consider installing a pool in your backyard. With summer just around the corner, it would be a good time to start planning.

cleaning a patio wicklow

STCS Should You Buy Todder Size Furniture

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Your baby has grown into a full-fledged toddler and is ready for a big girl or big boy bed. Have you seen the latest toddler furniture?

furniture, home decorations

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Your baby has grown into a full-fledged toddler and is ready for a big girl or big boy bed. Have you seen the latest toddler furniture? It s cute! But you really don t have to spend a lot to make your toddler comfortable in his or her bedroom.

Your first decision will be whether to buy a toddler bed. The toddler bed is a piece of furniture sized just right for babies who are too big for their crib. Most use the mattress from the crib, however, so they are not actually that much bigger in size. Toddler beds just get the child accustomed to sleeping without rails all around and is low enough that if the child rolls out, he won t get hurt.

Has your child grown quickly? If so, you might think about skipping the toddler bed as furniture and buy a twin size bed instead. You can purchase rails made of cloth and plastic that do a fine job of keeping the child in the bed and allowing him more room for movement. If you are looking to save money, this is one way to do it. By buying a twin bed you ve eliminated the often expensive toddler size furniture that will only have to be upgraded later.

Should you buy a toddler size dresser? Again, the toddler furniture is precious, but do you expect your two or three year old to always put away his socks, underwear or t-shirts? The purchase of toddler size furniture is less about function and more about how absolutely adorable it is. Unless you just have money to blow, invest in furniture that will last the child (or someone else in the family later if it doesn t match his room any more) for a lifetime. If you buy a six drawer dresser now you can still insist your toddler help put his things away by putting items like socks, shirts and under clothes in the lower drawers. Since the furniture will be heavier, help open and close the drawers for him to avoid smashing his little fingers.

When considering furniture for a toddler s room remember to keep special needs in mind. Some children have allergic reactions to compressed woods, or the glues used to hold them together. If you have just bought new furniture that seems to have a loud smell and your child develops allergy symptoms, let your doctor know. It may help pin down the allergy culprit without undergoing a lot of tests.

Use the money you save by not buying toddler furniture to change the d cor in your child s room often. A toddler who likes Big Bird one day may be crazy over princesses or Thomas the Tank Engine another day. Use standard colors that match the furniture you ve selected and you can change themes of the room as often as your child changes favorites. Your toddler s room can still be cute and as unique as his ever changing personality even if you don t sink a lot of money into toddler sized furniture.

cleaning a patio wexford

STCS Cleaning Carpet Stains – Harmless And Simple!

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For the best cleaning a patio wexford company, call Southeast Contractors.

Did you know that quite a few of the common household cleaning agents you would normally reach for to clean a carpet stain will actually damage your carpet forever?

Did you know that clear liquid detergents are better for carpet stain removing than opaque ones?

How about this: When blotting to clean a carpet stain, should you work outward or inward?

Check out the tips for cleaning carpet stains below. You’ll be surprised how enlightening they are, and how much sense …

cleaning carpet stain

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Did you know that quite a few of the common household cleaning agents you would normally reach for to clean a carpet stain will actually damage your carpet forever?

Did you know that clear liquid detergents are better for carpet stain removing than opaque ones?

How about this: When blotting to clean a carpet stain, should you work outward or inward?

Check out the tips for cleaning carpet stains below. You’ll be surprised how enlightening they are, and how much sense they make.


1) Keep the right carpet stain cleaning supplies handy in a place all their own.
Collect the following items:

A clear, see-through liquid detergent (non-transparent liquid detergents can leave a residue that attracts yet more dirt).

At least one spot remover that cuts grease, such as Energine.

Ammonia, mixed one tablespoon to one cup of water (not to be used on wool).

Non-oily polish remover.

One part white vinegar mixed with one part water.

Club soda.

White paper towels or cloths.

2) The correct way to clean carpet stains is to first collect as much of the offending spill as possible, then blot inward (blotting outward can make the stain bigger). After that, use one of the items you have gathered together specifically for cleaning carpet stains. A lot of other common cleaning products contain chemicals that can damage the rug. Rinse well with the least amount of water necessary, and then pack the stained area with white paper towels or white cloths. Weigh the area down and leave it for 24 hours.

3) You can help extend the life of your carpets by using the following preventative tips:

Use a good carpet pad. Put “walk-off matting” at all entryways, and keep them clean. Set up a system for cleaning carpets of dirt and stains regularly, and stick to it!

And remember, when it comes to cleaning carpet stains, it’s like being a paramedic the carpet you save may be your own!

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EKCS A Brief History of Sewing Machines

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For the best quantity surveyor company, call EK Consultants.

Initially, sewing machines were manufactured for garment factory production lines, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. It was French tailor Barthelemy Thimonnier who invented the first functioning sewing machine in 1830 for use in his garment factory.

Sewing Machines, Industrial Sewing Machines, Embroidery Sewing Machines, Antique Sewing Machines

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Initially, sewing machines were manufactured for garment factory production lines, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. It was French tailor Barthelemy Thimonnier who invented the first functioning sewing machine in 1830 for use in his garment factory.

This original machine used only one thread and a hooked needle for a chain stitch. His factory was burnt down and he was nearly killed by an angry mob of French tailors who were afraid his machines would leave them unemployed. A few years later in America, Walter Hunt shared the same fears, and abandoned the work to patent his own version of a straight-seam sewing machine. The fears were unfounded, as industrial sewing machines created multiple job opportunities worldwide.

Modern garment factories incorporate the same mass production techniques as other industries, with each workstation completing one part of the overall job. Industrial sewing machines are generally designed to perform one specific sewing function such as embroidery. Machines with different functions are operated to complete clothing items in a production line. Marketing to individuals didn’t begin until 1889, allowing for women to have the means to create clothing for their family without the labor-intensive hand stitching. The domestic sewing machine used in the home is manufactured to perform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation of buttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing.

Industrial sewing machines, like their domestic counterparts for the home, were created to simplify and speed up the otherwise labor-intensive hand stitching. The domestic sewing machine is manufactured to perform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation of buttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing. Sewing machines were adapted for use in industrial settings, allowing for clothing to become uniformly mass-produced. The industrial sewing machines are generally designed to perform a specific sewing function such as embroidery or applying buttonholes. Companies from all over the world manufacture industrial sewing machines with very basic features as well as higher-end computer operated models.

A variety of machines with different functions are operated to complete clothing items in a production line. A few examples would be a Bag Closer sewing machine which is used for sewing a single thread chain-stitch, a high-speed plain sewer is used for stitching seems and double needle machines are used for adding top stitching details to items like jeans.

Walking foot machines are invaluable for quilting and sewing coats, as it keeps the fabric moving along without bunching and making for a smoother and faster production. Overlock serger sewing machines, which are also available in smaller versions for the home, create the whipped V stitch along the edge of a seam of T-shirts and other stretchable fabrics.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Calculus Help

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I go over a brief story of
the origins of calculus

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The very definition of the word calculus is derived from a mineral build-up and means “hard”. The Mathematical term of calculus describes a field that is a theoretical offshoot of algebra that attempts to define the way in which events will change over time. Calculus is used to determine the slope of a variable, or chosen identity, and how its rate of change may change over time. The calculations usually produce a curve or graphical presentation rather than a discreet sum and the information is read from points in the curve, which reflect the rates of change. There are relatively simply calculus theorems that will allow the calculation of how often the phone will ring over the next month, or a how a population of deer will grow in the upcoming years.

However, calculus is meant to be a theoretical tool that describes hypothetical situations thereby imparting clarity upon the unknown. Many would be happy to let the unknown remain that way, but if calculus is on your agenda, you may need calculus help in the near future, and you can figure on this without a formula.

The field of modern calculus was largely worked out by Leibnitz, a German Mathematician who lived in the 1600’s. He was a genius who conquered Latin and began study of the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Greek language and many other fields of learning by the time he was twelve. Shortly thereafter, he began the study of Law, but more relevant was his travel to Paris later in his life. It is here that he met the famous mathematician Huygens who routed the genius of Leibnitz toward the study of mathematics in general and to geometry in particular. It was he that developed the theories of Integrated and Differential Calculus, which remained largely unused until the complexity of the twentieth century brought these disciplines to the forefront. Differential calculus was then used in determining the rates of velocity, mass and was useful in the trajectory of rockets. Fourier calculations are based upon integral calculus. Integral calculus was used to determine the rate at which the door on the space shuttle can close.

Although calculus was developed by Leibnitz and furthered by other great mathematicians who followed him, it is thought that some elements of the science existed as early as the time of the ancient Greeks. It is thought that at this time, Exodius developed the Method of Exhaustion that contains rudiments of modern calculus. When you find that the Methods of Exhaustion are directly applying to yourself, it is time to seek help with Calculus.

The Mathematics study lab at your school, if there is one, will be happy to set you up with a tutor. If this is not possible, ask your teacher if he or she can recommend a tutor or approach someone who seems to get “A’s” on their work and ask for help. Remember that calculus is a discipline that builds upon itself. Therefore, each stage must be clear in your mind or the subsequent steps will be out of reach. Try to get calculus help early in the game and stay with each topic as it is introduced.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Buying Peace of Mind

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With high-en
d technology and the latest “gotta-have-it” gadgets, life is becoming more complicated by the day.

Buying Peace of Mind

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With high-end technology and the latest “gotta-have-it” gadgets, life is becoming more complicated by the day.

Consider a typical college student’s list of necessities: computer, printer, USB drive, assorted hardware, flat-screen TV, video game console, MP3 player, digital camera and cell phone. So what happens when one of these items breaks down, your college student is hundreds of miles away, and you don’t know who to call for repairs?

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. For many parents, an extended service plan is the answer. Anyone who has ever purchased a big-ticket item has been asked the question of whether or not they want to protect their investment with an extended service plan. And for high-tech school supplies, this protection is worth considering.

While products should be able to take their share of bumps and bruises, having a service plan ensures that consumers will get their money’s worth by not having to pay out-of-pocket costs to repair or replace an expensive item should it become damaged or defective. And many parents find that investing in a plan, particularly when the product is high-tech and will be used by a student, saves them time, frustration and cost down the road.

“For parents whose kids are in or heading off to college, service plans offer peace of mind that all of the high-priced ‘school supplies’ they just bought are protected,” said Danny Hourigan, president of the Service Plan Division of NEW, a third-party administrator of extended service plans. “And if something goes wrong with their purchase, all it takes is one toll-free phone call and a customer service agent will troubleshoot their problem or arrange to get it repaired or replaced.”

Service plans typically cover 100 percent of the parts and labor costs or full replacement for failed products. In addition, most offer convenient 24-hour toll-free customer assistance, product support and troubleshooting; a nationwide network of repair technicians that provide on-site, carry-in or depot service; coverage against accidental damage from handling; and a no-lemon guarantee.